HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-04-15, Page 36a�a
r+ T„—• Apr....
W ark
1iI dem o ut the
off fib! e ter
t1�y Itq ` or repcenter
xltivara, af'the clump is'beat discarded, for
nett b the it seldom . produces healthy
Failure to divider Planta
est ' these plants am regelarllt will result in .greater
l#oitlats. 'hey are out- • susceptibility to rusts and mildew
in the perennial and . diseases.I for -same reason,
ower ::>k rders in summer and dividing cannot be carried out, a
they are also brilliant enough to good temporary measure is to
orna ea
example o
Plants when used IavisitlY.. BY Although summer phlox need
them lrregglar drifts, en aVeo must ' eacrelse to ,event it
vide a bedding dlsPlav of their n tate shoot to actor ' a betie�r
e teat planting in P. ,e
the. �.. �- lar .,bgtviree:n, .tit ate si
*nr undo t the ,dant LeaVOV
_ � soot, ti) fifteen
natttute a good shoots on each plant for a good
fe ctivenesss oil these show of bloom.
choeiingateWklads:andplant cop.ous supplies of water, care
more magujficent display can be from getting -oi 'the Ise was .. !y
acldevedr litany cultivars under borne Sardene ` de Str their
teat were Inr.full bloom from mid- plants her thea 'use' of overhead
July until tats August, followed irrigation Haat encourages Land
by a few late -flowering, trusses spreads the. disfiguring mildew
• until the end ot Serge -Mho*: ,and teat spotdlseaaes.
Sumner perennial .phlox are A aUCCelagaasuccession of bloom may be
quite i o.meatible, with other bad by removing the main truss
+hers and many. refreshing as it fades. Then the side shoots
combinations may be obtained, will Produce flowerbeads, With
example, white coltivars many smaller florets to a truss.
with lavender and purple Do not allow seed's 'to farm since
Japene se noises red or purpler they will drop they are direly to
colours with bright •snapdragons produce plants, which, if inad-
or dayllies; tall blue veronicas vertenely left,, will give rise to the
with white phlox and bright red ° objectionable magenta hues of
astilbes ars some of the most the original wildlirig.
et`fective arrangements, Although many of the older
The brightly colored cultivars cultivars are still indispensable
are quite " Lowy when, flanked in the garden, those introduced in
with a background of white the past decade are more
mugwort (Artemisia lactiflora) vigorous and to some extent more
and a foreground, of the double disease resistant.
dropwood t Filipendula The following cultiv:ars•,
hesapetala. "Fiore; Plena"). This arranged according - to their
gives a good contrast of bloom average height, were rated as
and later covers up the basal excellent at Ottawa.
foliage of the phlox which is not The best of the dwarf types.
too becoming by'Iate-September. those under 21 inches high. were:
Soft blue spiky annual salvias
Marlborough, a very compact
(Salvia farinacea cvs.) blend cultivar with dark green leaves
nicely with the deeper pinks and and deep rose -pink flowers with a
reddish tones as do the perennial darkereye; Gnome, grew only 18
Icicle veronica and Summer inches tall, had purple -red
Snow pbysostegia• flowers with a deeper eye;'
Purple or magenta phlox Stirling, a fine compact cultivar
cultivars create the greatest with Large trusses of deep rosey-
problems when used in the red; and Vintage Wine. a glowing
border. for their colors are not wine -red with a much darker
always harmonious with other , center.
flowers. Silver -foliaged ar- Medium-sized cultivars from'21
temnisia and nepetas with a lacy inches to 30 inches . were in the
veil of perennial baby's breath majority, and many splendid
(Gypsophila paniculata.) will help fines were under test. Here are
alleviate the basic color conflicts. those that receive over 75 points
The cultivation of this splendid when scored and were excellent
perennial is quite simple. It needs on all counts:
a good, deep. rich soil and must Barnwell, a targe flowering
be allowed plenty of air cir- deep pink with a dark eye;
A Eiqee yew eatkhee
service waw available with the
Ford Compact .Loader
The compact Loader will dig 1 foot and It"
trenches,. plus ill other standardsizees. 1t can
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custom excavates needs,
Skid...Steer Luder & Swell hakes
BAYFIELD 563-2806
eye; 'larabo fats ”
•flow;ared ° cicae0,c0,
ma�z lenea8
vigorous Oran
vibrant, rim abler 'f'in'
reddish-putrple or ms eye
Mies Poplln, almost ,para inl�
Withcrimson ere; . �, 'eaterale, a,
very rge; :Vat* pink' cul var`
with a purple eye;. San Antonia.�s
dark bleed,* atar-shaped,.O
petalled cultivars Spatret, a;deele,.
crimson -red, and itr Syru -
Jeune, ranted atter the late apt,.
0- • eukne, has been
r toonsit*„047- i superior
cultivars: in recentyears, -
In 'e group of -taller -growing
phlox oyer 30! Inches, the
follo`wiilrg cultivars all . rated
higher then 75 points;
Annie -Laurie, deep salmon.
pink; "Brigadier, very ,bright
-orange-gyred`=with u deep crimson
eye; Dodo Hanbury Forbes, a
very larger pure pink cultivar
with a reddish center; Fairy's
Petticoat, pale mulberry -purple
with deeper center; Firefly,
peach pink;�--aiety. striking
cherry -red, Bused orange.
Graf Zeppelin,. white with a
carmine eye; Hampton Court. a
bright carmine with especially
Summer Phlox ate flellg",lifful plants far the August
good. rich foliage color; crimsenwi darker eye; Lord
tfarewood, bright red -purple;: Lambo a red cultivar with a
Iceberg, the only good pure white white z e in the middle of the
under test; July. Glow, the Rowe , surrounding a reddish -
highest rated cultivar of all pu e eye; Olive Symons -Jeune.
because of its very long period of ep pink with a dark center;
bloom and its large, brilliant. Tenor, an outstanding .,red
deep rose flowers; 1,46 variety; and Windsor. rosy -pink
Schlageter. brilliant . scariet- with a purple center.
And how we can get you roiing.
If you're thinking of trading your car, we should
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