HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-8-5, Page 8sW01470, 04, c )V >hail t,c i "t ," t{.1 et,t, frank any Itat'i it.ems. £r;!'.t!)C(t-( 1Eeu' , =.nasi ,1 c f4i°s t'rs:, r1nyiZtletc"8ttrtn r ftlrtat l<G( r0; t any e,/'outr s rtf+SCrU rS 41x, 1't',t.;, c t ria (11r tar 1)eeeesx: u)" pt01i1 e rt , Cetlz. ilti,ilren wee held tiro Ill base ' rrcnt.. 1':tla ovelt*fl'i b."1ral,'Sitlt", tllciir aa;l<., • eat Mattis chee•r a'ud tkse :1r1(1?CluiU ) wis ion rtenyin nmsival aulil latcrit^y elttal,i":iea of a. ri ni t1t1, ,ai.a ll r,"nri111 oat, end.. sin i, tu, lir tactics l 1,,' the atltll'iu . .111e sur .01 tho clistroh nave cio zntetestiat ; ,ail, 1u.theIlona,, ufa---thr4Mittalofinane auto avliiO1 its 11&j,•u the 1neeellolu, i a'fr8 a. sluCeasel:4i •o rr'f. Personal. 'hiss lfary 1Ve1s11, y iilhler,l;'enton is house spendin her 1'aieatlion, ;ale. 0, wiial't`f )s ite#till, ol1'.,nic ,c deli.?r )tu13 wt^It tlttal?' i ir, 13 n i. ol,,, to pro " 1,1;4 i' L1'xlG 4l it eyei3rt4 lay, 1, is 1, ,r;ttt"u,tt ",Vi a 1, Is 1) 0 l'}kt; iia 1x10 i tan?ta. the` tivit ,Atotlzo.liet t"i ... ,1e; tt 011aunt) pulpits ou Sabbath merieen sae Mr, ;l laill.ti .di ct,G ratlztt ,!ha'; til h.,, (ol aeries, yu tla0 hours, on Psi lay list, 4 RkK/F bN{) .MRS I ,1'9, X. 1 , l Ito ootid 11 sten z;0>lt woi'.'•(, J. L. Hetherington,; of Philadelphia anmen __en_ ; is the guest of Mrs. John White. t:1W. 3DA`i : GG•hl8'[' Litfi`...,.i 8uir8 ` I Messrs. Cornish ,:t atu1131airciltot';i; who souze weeks ago, loft for l"1ueland, returned home last week, lookirl(; 115 thou(11l tete trip had TEN for first insertion, ty116 Y'llllil,t C1^; 1Thi per ling tor eaeli euese(lueot in been favorable, .their voyage saes most 0x'1: "ertitru wilt be alrareed'tr npticOS LtppeariO4' joyabie, in this 001011tu. 00113., HAPPENINGS, English, Freueiz 'and American 'trusses, sltottldor braces, abdominal sepportors,'child- ren's trusses, suitable for all sizes and ages, Our water -pad truss is the best fitting and most comfortable truss made, at the Central drug store, C. Lalrz, Prop, S'rri&YEo.Prom Exeter, on oe about Monday last, 19th inst., a young, red colored cow, with rather long, turned -up horns. Any persons giving such. information as will lead to her recovery, will be suitably re- warded. -,L s. Fkxausos, Exeter. 'Without exception, the best and cheapest lines in Boots and Shoes we have as yet seen, can now be heel at C. Eacrett's, Chin drens Carriages, Express 'Wagons, Boys' Bicycles of all sizes, Men'sHaud-macle Boots; also harness, trunks, valises of every deserip- = tion constantly on hand. Call and see them. Butter and Egos taken in exchange for goods. Bridge Contract, Mr. H. Berney, councillor for N. W. W., opened tenders for the erection of Kidd's bridge, on 5th con., Usborne, on Saturday last. There wore several applicants, the lucky ones being George Kidd, for stonework and E. Hewitt, superstructure. Bad Odour, The residents of the Southern portion of the village, complain of a very unfragrant shell, effusing from stables, &c., in the local- ity. We are requested to state that if this pestilent odour is checked, the people in question will deem it a great favor. Arm Broken. On Friday last, while Lilly, a 13 years -old daughter of Mr, John Willis, of this place, was in a tree pinking apples, she, by some means, got her arm twisted amongst the branches, and broken just obeys the elbow. The little girl, we are glad to hear, is progres- sing nicely, although the injury] was severe. For Parkhill. Mr. W. F. May, of Granton, formerly of Exeter has been engaged by the Parkhill School Board as first assistant For the past few years Mr, May has most efficiently acted as head master of Granton school, o01, and his success has been marked by the number of pupils graduated. The selection of the Board is a good one. and before many months pass, the Parkhill people will it find it out. Ito wish W. F. -success. Runaway: A spirited 'team of poises belonging to a Mr. Prayne, of Tisborne, made a vigorous at - :tempt to runaway, on Friday last. They were standing untied in front of the Central . hotel, when something startled them, and after running about two hundred yards, one of the lines became tangled in a wheel, which brought Unhorses to a very sadden • atop, pulling one of them almost under the .a:a;i'on. They were caught. I ll.e heal of the Olt (Ana' tura as 1 Tee fen wheat is turning out better t tl(.ipaten 11'r, h, Davis, eattia dealer of tine1 sbi i .ed ort i1 ii c v i p [ u tat- n es u1=' ilhdic+ k.. M cattle to Ventre;41 for English maxima'.T rry u wc o fisttonedl lay 1I1•• Davie ori hie pastor lMiss Maud White, of St. Marys, is the guest of l[rssMaggie 4:rllito,- lfiss Susie =t t rtlte ,..„1„.„laarty last crel!ill , 114, ,t1 l 'oDl{es is visiting relatives in St. Thomas.- was troubled with tole:teen l liudnese. lie eoulcl not sec that he ares pniline. emok:Q luta :arts. 1:1, Williams, wife of the train despatch - or, C. S. I ., St. Thomas, returned home, after spending a few days with Mrs, 1=f, Spackman and Mies Weokes,-ll'. 13, Kerr, of the Brussels Past, announces anther ac- quisition to Isis staff ; a 'boy this time.- la6tel;roue, 1 11t0 , who Las been attending Windsor High School, for the past six months' term, is home for Vacation. The 'West ernrrdr. An impression has got abroad throughout Western Ontario that the \Vestoru Fair of 1886 has fallen through. This erroneous statement has been circulated by "touters" for cue -horse exhibitions, with the view of injwing the prospects of Western Ontario's incomparable Fair. A delay has occurred in the arrangemeuts, cousequeatly upon the nn•• certainty of securing suitable accommodation on the old grounds. .This has now been over: the eyes of a Bialy who was sitting near 1.1 On the walk east side of Main-st,, the are several dangerous ,holes, into which person might step on dark nights, and, all probability, receive severe inuiy. v, i ro a C , }' per :A d { 4101 ( 1 Oa:\ Y b o have now v :)01s..) Mil our pl , , ' r 1" { }', tt4o < ( business . ,. r., ,..% Vti bhp l ' l.,..,.1, 1 f.3 1 .... x north Qi C of '', 1. 1.1, xa Block, and are 7 .!ready ,lo take. CAS! .1 'ul' ;all purchases o ` any class ,. w 1, l , Y of goods WO keep, and by cil'llcldy turfing over the goods to customers ,we can afford. to sell wtil very light profits or 011701A a small commission,will sat-.' ivy lis. Any ordinary ::alcnlator can COI:Mt up, that a vory little or everything passing through our Maids must ,llnoiil:lt to a fair return. We - would '; ould like to have all our old friends 0O lie and. ,vies • • i~iw seeour o stock a r 1 prices ..1 .a, t, 5, 1, ,. och lnd l.ccol e our l llcesJ 'or Uhrocori©s, Crockery. and (:glassware. 000 E>' TY Butter and Eggs will be taken in. exchange for Goode. On Sunday afternoon last a'oiusgr lad ayawns while sitting on the sill of one of the win- dows of the Central Drug store, . accidentally fell through it, sb Lia O The lis' , tiio township voters' li., has bee printed and is in the hands of the clerk, :T1 list contains S00 names, and of which 355 ate qualified to act as jurors, Dr. Hooper who has been fseriousl ,y ill f some months, is still in a critical' state, a times little 'hopes being entertained of. hi The postofuc e authorities have received from Mr. Griffin, Deputy Postmaster General at Ottawa, the rules of the now parcel post between Britian and Canada, which went into effect Monday, the 2nd of August, Parcels ecu only be transmit,10 ted by the weekly Canadian steamer call 6 ing at Halifax in winter and'Rimouski in summer, It has been considered impos- er sible to establish a uniform rate, ; and t the Dominion has been roughly divided into four sections, according to their dis- s tanoe from the old country, Section A includes Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, P. Prince Edward Island and Quebec, and 1, the rate from these Provinces will be 30 cents per pound, or fraction of a pound; recovery. The youth is again in search of harvest a pier. It would be a source of, pleasure i when they invade a person's orchard, they Dome through the kindness of Hon. John would not wastea great many snore than ar Carling and the Dominion Government, and carried away. the Western Fair of 1886 will, as heretofore, continue to be the leading agricultural and industrial exhibition of the year. It com- mences on the 27th September and closes on, the 2nd of October. Write to Mr. Geo. Me- Broom, London, for a prize list. Sunday Observances, The following deliverance 01 Huron Pres- bytery is interesting : "1-Vhearas, a strong tendency is manifested in certain quarters to hold funerals and other processions for display on the Lord's Day ; and, whearas, many are interrupted in their public and private devo- tions by such processions, and the quietness of the Sacred Day is thus broken up and au element sadly out of harmony with the disci- pline of Christian training introduced into the experiences of the Day wherein. those proces- sions are held, be it reeolved that this Pres- bytery take this opportunity of expressing its with cousumpti en. The fntleral, which took disapproval of the practice of holding funerals place on Monday Was attended by numerous on the Sabbath e=eept in cases of necessity, friends and acquaintances. moreover, that ministers within the bounds In report of the 12th' of July celebration be recommended to discountenance by all a few Weeks ago, mention was not made of due means such processions and gatherhngs the Cbiselhurst L. 0. L., of wlziu!i John as are fitted to break dovvn the reverence for Britnell is master, It was au oversight, of the sacred day, which is claimed for it by the our reporter. • They occupied second place iu Holy Scripture. " 'The foregoing 'vas nnani- the pr.oeess:ou. mously adopted. - Mr. Cornish, who has recently returned from his trip across the atlantic, says that Foot Race. Sporting matters are infused With renew- the people here, who are in favor -of Home eel vigor, and ere long we hope to be able to Rule, ought to go and live in Ireland. He class some of our atheletcs with the most re- thinks their opinions would suddenly change. nowned. On Saturday evening last, as per Friday evening !est the' council held a announcement a foot race yards }vies - special meeting. Those was no important e of 75 business done; the by-law which is to be pub- to have taken place bets; ee.l W. Lyne and T. Oke, but owing to some hitch and nail- hs led asking a as of money' for the erection of a town hall was read a first and second understanding, only one. of the contestants ran to a finish. It appears that Lyne, time. After routine the board adjourned till upon reaching the starting point, finding call of reeve. that his rival was some yards in the rear, it is said tliatthe Bev l ,DeWitt Talmage writes most efnsiesermous on railway trains. o from section B, consisting of Ontario, the rate -}gill be 33 cents; from section C in- cluding Manitoba and the Northwest Ter ritories, 40 cents,; and from section D, composed simply of British Columbia, :46 cents. No parcel may be more than three pounds in weight. The postage is to be prepaid in ordinary stamps. Outside every package the sender Must fix a form, supplied by the postmaster, giving de- scription, net weight, 'gross weight, and value of contents, the signature and ad- dress of the sender. This information is for the British customs authorities. On Tuesday, while Mr. Hicks was weighing a poroer at the market, it suddenly dropped dead,, eanse not positively known. Ho was delivering it to Mr. Mill who was shiping hogs. A most teiritic racket occurrocl at a very late hour Saturday night, infrcnt of tho Commercial hotel, in which several of our young menlparticipated. Beyond a black eye or two no one was seriously injured, Tho amount of business done at the Exeter post office for six months ending 30th June, was in excess t, any previous s.s.. mouths term, there being $21,219 takenin for postage sac. Monthly, the business iu E Teter office is increasing. • John TI. Britnacembe sou of the prop- rietor of the iilausion l'Iouse of this ,place passed away on Saturday at the sgo of 20 years- Deceased had been ill for some time A'wront innessas,on. s Mr, Harry }Tense, of Exeter Englaud in p hk.letter 1 .i=s I.se'ret Post and which ep- . sed in ta 1 sesnakes a , lat. week kf-,.. . ... •tv o '.aeons :'';t k+. .1S bleb can be account- c . -or by 3.7 b. aa; nais:,zformed. He ase sis ?? Please c1 gave Exeter its namz. a •!318 ,., an v :or. . I. Carling, althongle a 'Yo,'.cs1 : man, christened Exet,:-. w. a:2' of . err, cast -if not.; the 01 e.'. t_ a :Tile le:ter', 'LOweve:•, was ''a 0t, 3.!:6111" citizens. topped up to start again, after having,step- en over the mark, which, according to roles neatas a start,' This was noticed by Oke, ho continued to a finish, thus claiming the =. e id stakes. They wore awarded hint. te.'cly for s. t.sictotic ato the onlookers, they vcrc induecd to start aga e, and when the _5 yards had bean 1101, Lyne was de - .red winner, by sever,"yards, beating lee quite easily. Several other races are -1 the t =pis, eahicb sin neve may turn >t ..ore ua'tisfactniy than the one on Sat- .d..o.y wort. O.lt:?; to r.= 'Jur 1 3 " 0.1“3, i ' s r"cvivc 1, ."' nt 11 2101 1 1 r.ctiv':irk eve: A n, e , ,,,eti. for to -'rat, ('.Chu •edgy), t T. iy rl x;.:titer boys gild Mitchell cit 'o' take tLccee on the agricultural grounds. tl This pt e41:, s s to be an exciting contest, and 11•pors yrs mho can appreciate a good gargle f ball, aro cordially invited to be present. 3i' order to fl fray current expenses,an ad- 'sion fee of 10 cents will be charged, aeries free. "rrditable Pn,,n We are pleased to notice that the name of our young friend Mr. Isaac Carling, who has been attending the Collegiate Institute at St. Thomas for the past few years, appears 5th amongst the seccessful candidates at tho re- cent matriculation examination for Toronto ul 'University. He passed very creditably in pr til A all Sa ad gu ho ail n rden Isar ty. L. -et evening, the Ladies' Aid of the Caven brews a nt'mber of special attraetione. The, sea aieelan Church Y ve a • wnsociety offers nearly 102,000 lh pl•izcs, -:lea_- y , ;,,a lawn + social at st' re;aiclence of Mr. l l00, 5nmttel which. hibition to rake place 'Monde 3 and-.anosday Oct. 1th and Otis, Send to tile' sect'. for a lien, , i couple of teacher's wholormotlybclongecl. We should never think of. doubting the asser- tion Some of his sentences have evidently gone through several collisions and have only been resealed in a maimed condition. Rev. Mr. Satmby, who supplied in the mall st Meth; church, for liev. Mr. Dickson for several months of. his pastorial', jtel'm, was 1n toavn5Taesday bidding his many friends adieu t preparatory to leaving for Japan. He goes to this foreign land nza a missionary,' Ile wish hiul success. .he prize list for the cite" lien sand 'Os- borne agi. society will be issued this ,'cel;. Dailies'the usual 's.ogranio n, the list em. was, Largely attended, and proved a good success. The evening was all that could be wished for, and eve'ything else heirs(' in Harmony; the visitors spent a most enjoy- to Exeter, have received merited `promotion, abbe time, The spacious grounds band,Mr. .Matthew Parkinson, first'assistant of 1 Parkhill High School, has been appointed to some residence were brilliantly illuminated, to a position in Stiathro - UoIIa'iittc. Insti- tute, with Chinese lanterns and hiinpe, ancl, ill° 1j g Lute, at a salary of 113750. '1Tr. W. F. May, many people ho were pronicndins about, principal Grantee ,public Sclaoal, ,s,urcoeds some enjoying social chat and ,amusements, while others listened to the sweet music lIr. Parkinson, in Parkhill, at a salary of given by one excellent town band, present-' 1x650' ed a scene seldom witnessed at an entertain - to would call the attention of the police meat of this'sort. Refreshments were' to the annoyingly large crowds that 'cougre'- gate on the street corners,' to listen to the b .m.:.:r.a.r.+• ,,. MARKET REPORTS. (0 orreotod a t 5 o'clock p.m. Wednesday. Pa1lWIleit 1 Spring Wheat,•, ••- Barley ,,, Oats Clover Seel Timothy ' Peas Corn Eggs Butter Fiourperbbl. ,• Potatoos,per bag Apples ,per bag DriedApplespr b Geoee per lb. Turkey per lb Ducks pe r pr Chickens per pr - Eio s erl00 g ,drossedp Beef Hidesronhg, ., " dressed . Sheepskins each Calfskin s Wool per lb ,.. Hay per ton Onions nerbush Woodper cord 070 to 073 050to070 .•050to055 0 2710 0 28 .., 7 00 10 7 25 ,,. 1 75.to 2 00 • 050to050 0-58to000 0 10 t'o,0 10 11to0)1 00tg553 to 0 40 40 40 10 0 50 004to000 006to006 0 06: to 08 040to060 , 025to040 ;. 0 50 to 6,25 500to600 500to600 Yours ]:respectfully, RTS & CLQ' 1'1'4V '' Y. 1 14.L1 L.I.1' _ zs. ryR-t 0 .RENT.—The Exeter ' 110111 to .1 relit near tris Exeter' Railroad Station, Apply to I. ()AIMING, '"t'ARMFOIR SALE. -50 ACRES,: 1- - the 6i1 lot8 eon Township ka 7, loaatiship o$IIsboriie; County eft -wren, smiles from Exeter; 45 acres Cleareci,balance timber: g,00,1 prick house and frame barn on the premises, also a bearing orchard of choice fruit trees and two never- failangwells of water. The soil is ° of excellent quality and in good condition. Apply to Gno. lsansates,Proprietor, 1blimyine P, O. ARM FOR SALE. -90 nares, in _K the Township of Stephen, Con. 4, lot 6 80 acres in a good state of cultivation ; 10 acres bush. The soil is of the best quality, (not heavy clay,) There aro an the premises a' gond brick house,large frame barn, a good sized bearing orchard -mostly winter fruit, --spring water, and two good wolfs. The farm is well fenced, and oyerytbing is convenient; itis a most de- sirable home. Will be sold cheap and on rea- sonable terms, Apply on the premises or to FRANCES Evers, Centralia P:O, TARM FOR SALE.- The sub 1 scriber offers for sale the north half, of lot 30, con. 13, township of East Wawhnosh, County of Ruroh, containing 100 acres ; well fenced ; a good stream of water from a never - failing Boring ; nice young orchard of choice i fruit trees; a frame bank be rnaud log house ; 30 acres cleared -and seeded' down. balance bush, Price };4,000, two-thirds cash. Possession given any time. Apply to 1): Stewart, rattle- i luyer, Wingbam„or to J. Matheson, Hay P.0 , i1,AR11I FOR GALE. -Tile subsorib- er offers for sale 50 acres of laud, more or loss, being the North Half of Lot A., in the '” 3th concession, Usborne. There are on the land a frame house, frame barn, and horse stable, 1 also a small orchard and goon water. The property ispretty well fenced` and soil of good luality;,situatec 8 miles from Exeter,7 miles rom.Granton , and 0miles from Lucan. Pos- 3esSiOn .given after harvest , Terms :..;t pur-- 1 ^base money cash ; oalauco to suit purchaser, Sinily to JOHN COIRNISH..Elimville MPLOYMENT—LOCA IbO R zt'aveun2 tltiutc sr loll pmforr Also SALARY permonth. All EXPENSES ndvaneod... WAGES rem t] old. D v ry MIL U, dc Co.atOO.Qo. r mDGhlncinn7►ti. Moved toFront TDEAR1\`Gcivouldrespectfully intimate to: the flublic at large that bo has moved frons hi,s old location, and henceforthhis • r NIONTR,RA. 0 A, , TEA STORE S Will lbelooatodin GF:O 10EIuP'S OLD STAND. (cue door North of Drew's 13look,).where he will be found, as of old, with a large and well as- - sorted stook of entirely new goods, consisting of Ready-made Clothing, Tweed, Shirtings, English' Corded and English Moleskins, Cotton- ades Bro Wn Duc]i,Cashmees, Dress Goods, all des"eriiptiGns> Corsets, Ladies' Hose,;`'Mus, tins, Lawns, Arid everything usually 'moths a well -stocked General Store, I am makinSnecitl Rates.,' to cls so . out my bring c Summer Goods To make room for now Pall,: and Winter )-ooe s, which are arriving daily. S carry a rine and well -assorted stook of Choice FAMILY GROCERIES, • hicll I am offering -at Rock Bottom Rates zAt , TEAS, TEAS ISI make this line a SPECIAL"TY,1 AztnrPaorioor TAEEsoxs Exenorrwr for Goons. I would thank lay old; customers: for: their patronage, and hope by strictly honest dealing and fair rices t n Omerit continuance a r uauco of your custom and win many now patrons. ,all and examine goods and prises. :4 i T. DLA RI VG: RUNG'S o 60010700700 - 0 50 to C 57 050to070 L11!!! 016to017P■rin Sumrer o ®ds "FOR CK SEALED TENDERS will be receiv- ed by the undersign od, cp tilt 4 o'clock on Sat- urday., 7th day of August. for the painting of exterior of No. 5 School, 'Osborne. The trus- tees request that two ;coats of paint bo put on, Specifications can be seen at this office," Tenders to be addressed to JOHN HEYWOOD, Secy Treas. Exeter P, 0, Lots, Lots;. Lotse roa BALM. 500 Villa, Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. Situation good ; fronting good wide streets also a number of abundance, and everything totalled, those exult cannot but feel amply repaid for eir visit, and also, conlnmencl the :Ladies' id, for their unbounded efforts in snaking erythieg comfortable and entertaining to ,even to the most scrupulous of persons. id it is needless to Say that Mr. 5r :Mrs, mwell did everything in their power to d to the pleasure and enjoyment of the ests, and were amply assorred that their spitality Was appreciated, The proceeds toss to a good stun, T• n ltidvaluable 14 1 { 1 a a t. a do ;i 1. I ,lcv1 Icdoly g Sunday fright by being shot with a catapult. '.Tito depredation was committed by boys who ou t t to have more sense,find 31 ile less i s 11,it 0000 n ;Me good, 111r. K. will tutee pro-, f the guilty- parties. They all branches, and matrietrlatecl with high ronors in German- It is his intention, we slieye, to become a lawyer, and if good fer- tile attends him we predict that he will be honor to the profession. Ovate Conversation. • The other day two of our town fathers ere engaged g0 hail confidential conversation, legal 'one of them said "we'll choose the rlit for town_ hall,'" the ether retorted, "no; r F^ a c`t two or 1 0 ^. „ 11 s_ c n re, laces and Ica the p t<+pay" r s ante an them, Suppose they .airs€ t.. -i'i,per.o is 1 "Then wellnc;1 tauil1 satatll bJiepart}• 4z1overheardtheeoi;ti•c.r- ftsra; nig in fklor s^+. : nrovod on and can- lo nn- 1, :;?r 1 . 'enR tO, ' 1; iia '02 0111 eb1t+citllbr cO irge was open 0 (10 v1,;11'141, 11.1111( Salvation Array. It is the duty of the police to keep the walks unobstructed, instead of allowing the people to pack thein. Wo Bayo noticed ladies, who being relltetaut to urge themselves through a crowd ` of men, were compelled to walk on the road in order to pass. This is shameful. 11.-4-411-0-111 The following good story is told of the Rey. Mr.Roberts,va lIothodist e r 1e gyma0 at Bowmanville, and father of Mr. Roberts, of Exeter: -"Mr. Roberts, -like most clergymen, unfortunately --often finds it necessary to appeal to his flock o e ' cif for caws of war; and on 6 occasion = One t 1 a lad of his " v s congrega,rotl rather startled him by exclaiming: "Mr, Bob. eras, I have written yens epitaph," "Indeed" was tho reply; "prey let me hear it,' ''Acid itcalne to pass that thebeggar died also," "T3at 107 clear madam," readily rejoined the clergyman, "7ort ought in all fairness to ettrnplete tht teat: "and was carried' by the 1,ngcls into Abrnlaoin'sbosern.'" HOUSES.71 ERZ LAN FOR SALE, Parties; desiring Land or }Louses would do ell to con -1 sult`the undersigned,: Terms to S2lit biti'c%falser. I. CARLING,- EXETER, CIIOICE soon AT— LOW W0 6. Ladies' Jersey Jackets, $1.50 Men's Fine Dress Shirts, 60c. Extra Heavy Shirting,' 12zc. per yard. 6 good Lawn Handkerchiefs for 26c. 28 yds. Grey Cotton for X1.00 6 lbs. Best. Baking Soda for 25c. --SUGAR CHEAT— . We 3:EAP— We leave 010 Bankrupt Stoc1ce1cs ill Ilse Shade ever time, b. arta prices for new Y Y goods, at-- , DOldPE.Q6 CO7 S., . y rktan . HIGHEST PRICE for BUTTER c& EGGS t General Dry -Goods, Black and Colored• Cash l ` res, Ottoman Cords, Nuns' Cloth, Jersy Cloth, Ginghams Lawns, Plain and Spotted Muslirts, Prints in endless variety. ,).,,.. ") rpt .u: '`"a ,' B 9 We have now on hand a choice lot of Millinery, Black Colored Ostrich Plumes. Fine display and remark- ably low Priced. Gents about to purchase a Cr r a'a `e 7, } st ""' 6 ScSY Pc- , - :KM TWX Would do well 1,y calling and examining out large ,e suet varied stock. Su_tillgs in Worsted, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. 0 t Poutingsare'" immense." , - Simply lnllrlc,nse. In Heats ':,;`ies Scarfs,Shirts - oll Hats, Shirts„Collars, Cuffs, i a,15 Brite; s and Socks we -have a fine Display. . ' 9 We take the Ic:, ,, for' Style and. Durability.We .have just the . ,1 received the finest lot of Shoes -bosh iii Ladles and Gc...l.l , is Near -=that we cvor,o offered, at that will pricesyou. 'Give us surprisey a call. We willa1 take ae az_y ',Produce you may offer, and will give alae highest price. A call solicited p HURRAH, }1I[JRRAff F'OR THE 4 China p aa d uceriven A rua NVithEVTS111,Yz... 0 ..BA.IalfG"POWD P hirel