HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-04-01, Page 20V.W MARTY Robbie Cofin!r liaiC Show at the Clinton f i fuityan. tre, `S at. June + .- $ p -m. SPoasored by UM Central Agricultural Society. Tickets available from any Director "or at $roves El e+ Tinton.--13- CONCERT presented by the Woodstock Choralaires, Sunday April 4, 1976 at 2:30 p.m. First "Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Tickets - Adults $2.50, Children 12 and under $1. available from members or at the door. --13.14 BAYFIELD Lioness Club Musical Evening, featuring the Harbouraires of Goderich • in. the Bayfield Community Centre,, Monday, April 5, 8:00 p.m. Admission Si. per person.—+ -13,I4 LOOK 1.111 AT THE RUMMAGE SALE Sat. April 3 ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HALL Rattenbury St. E. Clinton Doors open 1 p.m. "Good Articles in Good Condition" I a t t . .din e S. Il Blyth Centre for the Arts pin STRAITJACKET A musical comedy produced by London's Centre Stage Blyth Memorial 'Hall • April 6 and'7 8p.m. Adults S3.00 Children S2.40 Tickets at: News -Record. Clinton; Huron Expositor. Scaforth: Coach Muse. Goderich: Waxworks Boutique. Wingham or reserved'by calling 523-9646. joHNSTON (Oil' b) of 1furonview, and formerly of Day.field, *111 be celebrating his. 95th birthday on Sunday, April 4, 1976, from 2.4 p.m. - Relatives, friends and neighbours are cordially invited. - 4 FASHION show"";f Jewellery and scarves - dessert and coffee - Holmesville Public School - April 1. 1976 at 8:15 p.m. Admission $1. Tickets available at door. Door prizes. Bake table. Spon- sored ponsored by SS No. 4 Community Club.—'14x SEMI ANNUAL Bargain basement sale, good used clothing for tots to teens. Children's treasures - good used books, toys, etc. Wesley Willis United Church - April 9. 1976 -at 7 :00 p.m. -14, 15 HURON Central Agricultural Society DANCE, Friday April 9, 1976, Clinton Community Centre. Music by "Roger Quick and the Rainbows". Tickets 88 couple. Lunch pr3ovRded. Tickets available from any director of Clinton Fair Board or at the door.-14ar OBEDIENCE classes open to all dogs over 6 months of age. Classes begin April 20th, 8 p.m. Bayfield Arena. For further information call Bayfield, 565-2109.-14,15,16 THE HURON County Health Unit invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes, being held in the Clinton High School com mencing Thursday, April 15, 1976, from 7:30 = 9:30 p.m. Would anyone who is in- terested please pre -register - by re -register+ by calling 1-800-265-4485 toll free or the Health Unit office at 482-3416. Both husbands and wives are invited to at- tend and participate in the discussions." -14, 15ar NEW BINGO - Clinton Legion Hall. 8:30 p.m. April 1, 1976. Admission $1; fifteen regular games. $10 each. Three share -the -wealth games. One , jackpot for $200 in 54 calls. Consolation. One call and $10 added weekly if not won.-2tf n Hanover Holiday Tours 1) Washington Cherry Blossom Festival • 5 days. departs April 7 - includes reserved seats for Festival Parade guided tours o) Washington and Gettysburg 2) Ftoriga Senior Citizens Special • 15 days; departs April 21. 3) Arizona -Nevada -California - IS days; departs April 10 - fly to Phoenix. Motorcoach to Grand Canybn, Las Vegas, San Diego, Hollywood. • fly home from San Francisco 4) Bicentennial special at Wheeling, West Virginia - The Myron Fioren Show with, stars of the Lawrence Welk TV Show on Friday evening • a superspectacular "Jam- boree USA" headlined by Merle Haggard on Saturday evening. - plus much nun*. - Don't miss this special weekend of activities -- it's happening only once in 1914 In Wheeling! - tour departs April 29 • return May 2. For information contact 3M-3210 (local) KINCAR NE rillv9 S re 1131 Queen S t. Kincardine. Ontario 3964477 COACH HOUSE trivst sink* 59 itamiiton Street, fetich. Ontario. 524*fi35e Bayfield Lionettes DANCE Saturday, Apr. 10 9:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. at the IIA YIELD - COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by "Sound System '70" 56 'per couple Lunch included. VamuniTarprinermerrierr home style cooking! VICKI'S COUNTRY STEAK HOUSE HIGHWAY NO.. 4 NORTH OF CLINTON AT BASE LINE Sveday Special APRIL 4 ROAST BEEF Dinner inttudes soup or juice, mashed potatoes. baby carrots. roil, 'salad. cholce of dessert. tea or coffee. se00 • Home-made Specials Every Day • Breakfast Served. • TAKE.OUT ORDERS NOW AVAILABLE OPEN: 7 a.m. • 10 p.m. SEVEN DAYS A WEEK THE HURON County -Health Unit invites you to attend the Adult Health Guidance. t Unitoffice, Centre, Health Shipley St., Clinton on Thursday, April 8, 1976 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. for: health surveillance. foot care. anaemia screening, urine testing, blood pressure. hearing tests. Volunteer Drivers are available.-'-14ar BINGO.- April 6, 1976, Huron Fish and *Game Club 8:30 p.m. Jackpot $57 in 57 calls. Six door prizes --1 artf BINGO - at the Vanastra Centre, Monday April 5, 1976. Fifteen regular $10 games. - Three share the wealth. Jackpot $270 in 56 calls. If not won consolation 525. Door - prizes and other specials. Admission restricted to 16 years and over.-12tfnar EUCHRE Party at the Legion Hall, Clinton on April 7, 1976 at 2 p.m. Sponsored by the Golden Radar Club. Lunch is provided. ' Everyone welcome. -14x EUCHRE Party Varna Township Hall, Friday April 2, 1976 at 8:30 p.m. Sponsored by LOL1035. Ladies bring sandwiches. Everyone welcome. -14 MERVIN Lobb will be at the St. James Middleton Church. Middleton on April 8, 1976 at 8:30 p.m. to talk and show slides about her trip to Ireland. Silver collec- tion.-14,15nc HURON County Gospel Sing. Saturday April 10 at 7:45 p. m. at Central Huron Secondary School. Clinton. featuring "The Torchmen" and "The Spokesmen" and "The Clarke Sisters" . Advanced tickets $2.50, at the door 83. Ages 11- 16 $1. at door. and under 10 is free. -14 DISTRICT 8 Horticultural Societies Annual Meeting. Saturday, April 24 Egmon- dville United Church. For information concerning registration and luncheon please phone 482-9338 before April10, 1976.-14ar THE WOMEN'S Hospital Auxiliary will meet in the Board Room. Monday April 5. 1976 at 2:00 p.m.--14ar HU LLY Gully Coming Events: April 3 and 4 Kawasaki and Suzuki Open House. Come see out specials. Free coffee and doughnuts. April 3 - Skylites. April 10 - Tony Nothers.-14ar StraitiAeltets001 comedy revue corning to Bily'alh Menlorial. HO April 6 and. 7, is the story of a new friendship between Men and women. according to its authors. Kem Murch, a young London writer and poet, and Erna Van Daele, a musical composer from the same city, wanted to do something to celebrate International Women's Year last year and so the play Straitjackets was born. It goes beyond the usual Women's Lib rhetoric to show how both men andwomen are trapped in roles which they are taught from birth to play. Along the way the show provides a good deal of en- tertainmentr Ms. Murch and Ms. Van Daele first presented the play at Talbot Theatre at the University dT Western Ontario last spring and it was a big hit. drawing favourable reviews frim crit leg from comes OO: gad Teaonto. The reactit►n to play sog positive thatthe fund-grantinwas agencies were quick to provide money this year for a tour thp. J3 'weenofe Mainyrch 30 and April 9 it pwill be touring locations throughout south- -western Ontari.o, playing to school audiences in af- ternoons as well as giving nightly performances. The ''Blyth stop is the only one in this area. Tickets are now on sale for the two performances at Memorial Hall. The show features 15 songs, showcasing the music of Ms. 1,10 Daele and the lyrics sof M;..Murch+. Many in the area may recognize the work of Ms.. Ven, Daele from her summers at tie Huron Country Playhouse, Grand -Bend. There are six actors and four musicians involved in the production. All are under to " I the direction w one of the most talented people in. Canadian show business. Dean Regan, who directs this production, has made a name for himself in nearly every facet of the business: as an actor, dancers, singer, television star. writer, choreographer and director. Though only in. his mid - thirties, he has had a career that would seem impossible for many people older than he. Regular visitors to Memorial Hall will see many changes since their last visit. The building is in the process of being redecorated and has a bright new look to it, even though the job still has some smaller details to be looked after. Funds raised from this production will help complete the project and go towards the summer season being planned to open July 3. Piayhouse offers varied prograrn Plans for the Huron Country Playhouse 19-76 Season have been announced by Playhouse Director James Murphy. The 10 -week season. which marks the company's fifth year of activity previews on June 29. The official 'opening is on June 30. Following last year's format. the company will offer four comedies and four musicals in alternate weeks. Two of the season's most popular plays will hold over for two additional weeks. Opening the season will be the Pulitzer Prize winning Broadway musical. "1776". Chosen in honor of the U.S. Bicentennial, the large scale musical will be shown during the 4th of July week. It conveys both the human and the humorous side of the signing of the U.S. Declaration of Independence. The show's largest cast of characters includes John Adams, Tom Jefferson. Ben Franklin. and other notables from the members of the American First Continental Congress. Following "1776". Neil Simon's comedy "Star Spangled Girl" wraps up the Playhouse tribute to the U.S. Bicentennial. The season then shifts its focus to Canada and Canada's unique cultural heritage. The Playbill con- tains two works from Canada. two from England and two from France. "Irma La Douce" is the first French offering. This is the full-scale musical version which enjoyed a long run in Paris. where it originated. and then in London and New York. Consequently. the show bears only a little resem- blance to the Jack Lemmon- Shirley MacLean movie version of the same name. The premiere of a new Warren Graves comedy, "Madame Chairman". is also planned if a suitable actress can be signed for ffiii central role. Warren Graves is an Edmonton writer and author of "The Hand That Cradles the Rock". which was produced at the Playhouse during the 1973 season. The new play would be the first actual world preniiere by the New Members Required CLINTON RECREATION COMMITTEE Applications are now being received for new members to the Clinton Recreation Committee. Please write: Box 400, Clinton, Ont. by Thursday, April 1Sth, 1976. Mark envelope "Member Application" CLINTON 8 VANASTRA Rangers BOTTLE DIVE SATURDAY, APR. 3 9 P.M. Environmental Committee invites you to loin with the Girl Guide Movement's Bottle Drive. Please have bottles ready. Playhouse Company. Jeanne Beauvais will return to the Playhouse stage to repeat the role of Madame Dubonnet in the Playhouse production of "The Boyfriend". Miss Beauvais will recreate the role she played Off-Broadway at the Cherry Lane. on Broadway in the play's most recent revival. and on two national tours. The Boyfriend" a spoof on the twenties era will be directed by Peter McConnell. • John Plank. Stratford director. will stage the French farce "Waltz -of the Toreadors". By Jean Annouilh. the play deals with the affairs of a retired army officer whose memoirs bring about an important personal discovery. "Anne . of Green Gables". Canada's beloved musical will highlight the season as the ith production. Rounding out the season ,- with the British farce. "Charley's Aunt'". with James Murphy directing, The Company which also travels to the Grey -Bruce area.(last year with a five - city tour) will travel once weekly this season. the first four Sunday night per- formances will move to Meaford Town Hall. the second four performances will be shown at Owen Sound O.S.C.V.I. Performances at the Playhouse are at 8:30, Wednesday through Saturday evenings. Reserve Friday, April 23 to See "Fantasy" A show based on classic Children's stories. Combining music, drama, and dance. Produced by the Huron Country Playhouse. ' Central Huron Secondary School 7:00 P.M. Special Family Price 55.00 Advance Tickets available from Morning Glories Children S1.00 Adults 51.50 Sunday Special SUNDAY, APRIL 4 Roast Beef and Brown Gravy Yorkshire Pudding Oven Roasted, or Mashed Potatoes Buttered peas and carrots Choice of a sundae. or choice of desserts The above includes soup or juice and salad, tea or coffee. WE FEATURE DAILY SPECIALS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY Debbie's Custard Cup 2 MILES SOUTH OF CLINTON HWY. NO, 4 AT VANASTRA RD. PHONE 482-9890 ss ICIWNSEND FAMILV ate+ WOOS a Walt �iversary Petty in honour of ELMER II DOROTHY TOWNSEND at FAMILY PARADISE on Fri. Apt. 2, 1976 Dancing 9:30 - 1 Everyone Welcome NO Gifts Please Lunch Provided "Free ETON EN GAG 'ft COMING MONDAY. APRII. $ lE TO SA'M'., APRIL 10 or t4 Icarus" RETURN EN AGEMENT CLINTON RAIDERS HOCKEY DANCE SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1976 . CLINTON COMMUNITY CENTRE DISC JOCKEY S6. couple i Bayfield Centennial PANCAKE BRUNCH Sunday, April 1 1 . - 2 p.m. in the Clan 10a.m Gregor Square PANCAKES, SAUSAGE, COFFEE Adults 52.00 Children under 12 - SI., "All the pancakes you can eat" served with fresh mapte syrup, made from the- maples in the square. (Arl\ 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 ATR CONDITIONED NOW PLAYING UNTIL SAT. APR. 3 6 P.M. NITELY - 7:30and°9:30 FRI. and SAT. TH� THE OFAM�,�SHOCKER Mei Ferrer Arthur Kennedy Carla Gravina AN AMBASSAi?0R FILMS RELEASE WARNING C.rssiess canes And language -this film may offend 1. ,. props, Th. RLna SAT. and SUND. APR. 3.8 4 ONLY MATINEES 1:30 SAT. and 2 P.M. SUN. dr,,tiio • gill Every Fri. and Sat. from 9to 1 a.m. POPULAR DISCO MUSIC and DANCING ********************* NOW - EVERY TUESDAY from 6 to 8 p in. STEAK DINNER FOR TWO FOR A SPECIAL TREAT S$ 50 ONLY r venoral dining hours 6 to 8 p.m. HWY. 21 BAYFIELD 565..2843 WARN UR -FRIENDS