HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-04-01, Page 19• • ';•,e wt. is `• . • t+•i Big Results! wins vie imerve w•i1�61 12. AECT10N SALE CLEARING A.ctI.a Sale Oil' Aasligoes, iMus.h.ld Et- isds awl Took ler Mrs. EMM Barker cad ether c•n- •i anneals. at Ike Mdise nowas. Hwy.' 21. erne mile li.ua .1 Dederick se - Sot., April 3 . 111:30 A.M. Ilitwyi, eek diodes sweet ex- /Msios table with rimed pedestal base and leer leaves; waist*' et•Aet; two chime erbinatsr.IIIIIIiiiitery kitchen deck; oak secretary desk: .air gwtm•ie; hitches" ablest; 'Misheard; • Victsrian dmoser; wicker settee' with tiro Imateitieg chairs: pine Masi; taw pin. 'blaming bases; leer .ak dieing mem Chairs; .six Bsalw..d chairs; odd chairs; Depute Moyle deep -leaf table; swhaI labels: bake liible; grahmoph.rne;' widow ,fora stacks; eiseelW. ; age. oak office desk: two office choirs: crests of drawers; "modern 4 piece bedroom suite; bunk heist- wooden kitchen • table; two treads; stools; -rugs; two wicker theirs. coffee tabls and two mid tables; fireplace tools: Nag iron; electric nowise thhackiee; electric stove; wringer washirn. 'madden; ,bible lamps; small kitchot cook sieve; to ati paws: 12 place -setting of English dishes; te pieces of Blue Willow dishes; Depressiern e st pressed glass; bed - lame siedric fee• ;; weed miltsjtumbles; hoed toots; Meg•s. nails. scr.W- IMlls; .x$e.sien cords; Iris; ~adder; wheelbarrow; oi.dric C.py.ate duplicalsr; etG etc. • Terms - Cash - Mak. & Marie Cuwuniegs - auctioneers Gsdericlt S24-1014 'OAST IHIttS 40MS Tote 13, SERVICES AVAILA$IE DURACLEAN' Carpet C•11101•1010r1 For Free Estimates PIl..s 452-7571 elm FOR YOUR car's spriag tune-up remember J.W. Peck Battery Supply Sales sad fervice, S41Cl St. Cliatos(next Up the Post Of- tice). We cam a complete selection of automotive parts and aactssories. including starters. alternators. shock absorbers. brake shoes. -12ar `', It EMODELLiNG. renovations, roofing and floor laying. expertly done. MI odd jobi; around the home. Kitchett\„cupboards a %peciaity. Phone 462.7676. Ken McNairn.--.11fn LEARN TO SCUBA DIVE • CONTACT Mike Fleeeten LONDON. ONTARIO. EVENING (S1f) 01•1401 OR VANASTRA COMMUNITY CENTRE TYPING Typing done on IBM Correcting "Selectric" Typewriter. Good Selection of Type Styles FAST SERVICE REASONABLE RATES CLINTON COMMERCIAL PRINTERS LIMITED 56 Albert Street !,182-3444 BACKHOE SERVICE Septic ruk sYstNs SID BRUINSMA .524-8668 Huron Pines Electric RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-FAIIM WIRING SPECIALIST Phone 482-7901 collect Huron Pines Construction Ltd. • SEPTIC SYSTEM SPECIALIST • CLASS 1 1 6 SYSTEMS • LICENSED CONTRACTOR • AGENT FOR AQUAROIIC SYSTEMS Phone 482-7901 collect G.E. WALTER CONSTRUCTION LTD. BUILDING AND D NOME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALISTS PROFESSIONAL! 'Repairs. Alterations. Home Decorating. Electrical Wiring. At reasonable prices Free Estimates given PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE PHONE 48 2-9211 tfn. !x•IP•tali.• •s• • N • 13. SERVICES AVAIL/ME 13. SERVICES AVARAILE ,PIANO tuning and repairs. Phone Pulsifer Music. 527- 0139,-4Mfn CENTER PUNNING i EtECTNK DILA Pmrndrra MrM!i1siM!is vArpa.nso Oadss 40Wag it. 4611•111Mt a1eMm • • CLOCKS REPAIRED Ali hypes: • GrawMa*sr R_Antique • French. Etc. • Specialist ON Chaim. Clocks Will pictr-atp and deliver. J.T. NOU EA, Residence 4S2 -37S9 • AIRLESS MAY PAINTING Bra ad ranee•' paints used. Commercial residential and industrial FOR FREE ESTIMATES Phenix: D. FRAYER 4112_7lS2 TAX PREPARATION - SERVICE Personal - Business - Farm. Your Home. •r our Office. Experienced. confide.tial. service at reasosab s rates. PEON 482-7584 -tfa ti upR:�c:lrF�+' FILE ESTIMATES Otiose: BRUCE CLARK . 402•x21 R R S Clinton Across frown C•oservatien Park • HURON PINES -Construction Service Centre - 402 -70111- Ca ETON Elschical Wiring PM. Line CewMrvction Galenist Ceaetrscting - Excavating Back Nee and Doter Services . - Trencher Service up to 14" - Boring Service - Sand. Gravel, Topsoil 7fhe Immo Stryker SIDING INSTALLATIONS Karslr Aluminum Westroc Vinyl Siding. Soffit and Fascia. Eavestroughing, Shutters. Qualityworkmanship, reasonable prices- 2e year guarantee. Throw away that paint brusbt . Call us 024428 !In smosiolormonowIrlim CUSTOM KILLING ANO PROCESSING $utc%sdi g MIK--. Tuesday sad Thursday TUESDAY -111••1 and Pork FRIDAY --Soot Orly PICK- UP SERVICE AVAILABLE M+KA•t's Abattoir ►-3314 • o«Iwreed souoirowitulliimmoloulmo i Need extra copies of Letters, aiectfwoats, etc.? Let the Clinton News -Record S3 ALBERT ST. «2.1441 make them for you. SINGLE COPIES.. 25c t`a 1020 COPIES... - 20c t•. OVER 20 COPIES 1 Sc eel. • WALTER SELL Masonry Work 412-3111 1AYVIEW CARPENTRY Ne Joh too small Just give us a call JOHN_.MJER0 .BAYFIELD PHONE $1-2730 dee • Tlr_T0p ROOFING + AM tries of sidles + shag cad Asphalt Ossifies + C.msmercial and Resideatiai + Complete Nome Bestwatiests PHONE CLINTON 482-7043 BO -SEN CARPENTRY Por Meng • Rrwwetasw. Achene • Cabbn.le Vanillas - Dowell Osengs as and Stene Work ted SOS LANGENDO N R.R. 2 - Molten PMS. 17th 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the late. THOMAS WILMER DEEVES. Retired C.N.R. Employee. late of the Town of Clinton. in the County of Huron. who died on om about the 21st day of February. 1176 are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 23rd day of April. 1976. after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at the Town of Gotlerich. this 23rd day of March. 1171:• PREST & EGENER. Barristers. etc.. 33 Montreal Street. Goderich. Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate 13.14,15 IN THE ESTATE OF HARRY CONSTANT SCHELLEN- BERGER ALL persons having claims against the Estate of Harry Constant Schellenberger. late of the fawn of Clinton. in the County of Huron, Retired Clerk. deceased. who died on the 29th day of February.1171, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of April. 1976. after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth this 15th day of March. 1171. McCONNELL. STEWART i DEVEREAUX. Seaforth. Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix. 13.14.15 13. SERVICES AVARAIlE 1st-2ad MORTGAGE FUNDS for debt coesoiidation. sew pur- chases or refinasciag. No hidden charges or bonuses. We specialise in the hard CO get lmortgpRes. Cali collect anytime - 1-Ila-1lSS HANNAH FINANCIAL SERVICES. -Mtn • TRI -TOWN BOOKKEEPING NICE lemma Tax Reforms - Besiw•ss • Farm - ledividual LAWRENCE BEANE Bromfield Photo 4112-5210 PEGGY CUNNINGHAM 229 James St. Meese Pewee 402.7101 14, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EDITH PEARL McIHTYRE,PBCEASED All persons having claims ageism the Estate of EAde Pearl McIntyre. last of the Totem of CIMt+os. in the County of Hum. who died on or about the lith day of December. 1175. are 'hereby notified . to send to the can- d.�on or before the 22nd April,1971. full particulars of their claim'. Immediately atter the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto. having Daly to claims of which they thea have notice. Dated it Pat Perry. Ontario.. this 11th day of March.1971. KELLY. JERMYN. ZULY & MATTHEWS. Barristers aged Solicitors. Bou 131. PORT PERRY. Qstario. LOB 1NI Solicitor for the above Estate. 13,14,11 • _ lie PERSONAL WE INVITE engaged visit the Arbor Gift Shop Clintem. Receive a free gift tell year friends about our aad Bridal Registry Servlet. charge. ne obligation.--ltfa 21. SIRENS WEBER - To Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Weber of Egemoadville on Match 11 in Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital. a sole. Michael Ryan 7 lbs. 2 ons. -14 CUDMORE • Carole. and Paul. Ottawa are pleased to announce the arrival of their chosen daughter. Margo Elisabeth. a sister for Christopher and granddaughter for Mr. aad Mrs. Harry Cudmore. Hoimesville. -14 22. DEANS ELLIOTT - At ' bis home. in Varna. on Thursday. March 25th. 1171. Harold -Edgar Elliott. Beloved husband of the former Jean Mossop. in kis 72nd year. Also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Ruth Hoard. of Stratford and Mrs. Muriel. Ferguson. of Sudbury; 2 brothers, Alvin. Leedom, and Roy of, Vanua. Rested at the Ball Funeral Home, 153 High Street. Clinton, where funeral service was held on Saturday. March 27th at 2 p.m. Interment Hayfield Cemetery. -14 SHEPHERD - At Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday March 2S. 1171. Annie Shepherd. of Clinton in her 63rd year. Beloved wife of Norman Shepherd and dear mother of Mrs. Ross (Phyllis) Hoggart. RR 4. Wingbam and Wilma of Landow. Also survived by Gee brother. Edward Reid. Losdesboro and 2 grandchildren. The late Mrs. Shepherd rested at the Ball Funeral Home. 153 High St. CUatoa, where the funeral and committal services were held on Mornday. March 21I. 1971. at 2 p.m. Istermeat in Clinton Cemetery. -14 23. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hart. Clinton are pleased to announce the eagagemeat of their eldest daughter. Debra Darlene. to Mr. Osaka Andrew Bailey. son el Mr. and Mrs. Mason Bailey. Blyth. The wedding is to take place at Wesley -Willis United Church. Saturday, May 15. 1976. -14 15. PVILIC'NOTICE iN THE ESTATE OF ROBERT RALPH DAVIDSON. late of the Viilase of Londesboro in the County of HurOn. Retired Miner. decestrd. ALL persons : having claims aliainst the Estate of the above- 'tarnediand died on the 3rd day of `- February. 1976. are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 12th day of April. 1176. after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton. Ontario. this 12th day of March. 1176. MENZIES. ROSS Clinton. Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix 12.13.14 O..H.R.P. Wails Homo Ruowol Program ResidsMs ~Mg their own homes and having an in- come ef *12.See or less are eligible to apply. If in- terested or would like more information please con- tact: , Mel Graham. Clerk -Treasurer. Township of Stanley RR .1. Brucefield Phone 402-1101 Towoshi' of Stinky and TowosMi' •f TockKsmith SENIOR CITIZEN APARTMENTS - IF YOU ARE SIXTY YEARS OF AGE OR OVER • IF YOUR PRESENT ACCOMMODATION IS INADEQUATE - iF YOUR INCOME IS MODEST This is of Interest to Yell. The Ontario Ministry of 4lsusing has been asked by your aeuekipal cwwcil to determine the need for new senior citizen heusiwg M this area. If *ere is a need. rent-geared-to- hereswe accosmmodatiin will be developed by the Ontario Reusing Corporation at the request of your municipal council. Questionnaires are being distributed to sender citizens as port M a survey N determine the interest M this type of howsONLY BY COMPLETING A QUESTIONNAIRE CAN YOU HELP TO DETERMINE WHETHER THERE IS A DEMAND FOR RENT, GEARED- TO --INCOME At- COMMODATION FOR SENIOR CITIZENS. If you are se years of age or mere and have net received a Itesestienwaire. 'you may obtain a 4.,'m and further in. formation at: THE CLERK'S OFFICE TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY BRUCEFIELD. ONTARIO NOM 1."0 or THE CLERK'S OFFICE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH SEAPORTS. ONT. Um UM A 23.. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mcs. Frei HelliaEa. RR 1, Lo.desboro are pleased So announce the forthcoming marriage . of their daughter. Patricia, to Mr. Ralph Allan DSIema. soot of Mr. and Was. Frits Dat.... RR 1. Auburn. Ontario. The wedding will mak. place on April 39. 1176 at 7:11 p.m. in the Diytk Christian Reformed Church, Blyth. Ontario. -14 Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Major. RR 3. Thoradale. Ontario ars pleased to annowce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter. Janke Marie to Wilhelm Jacob Stautternec (Bill). sea of Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Stauttemer. Clinton. Ontario. The wedding will take place oa Saturday May 1 at 4 o'clodt at Thorn's'. United Church. 'ILorndale. Ontario- -14ar 25. IN MEMORIAM BLAKE • In loving memory of a dear husband. father and grandfather. Orville Blake. who passed away one year ago April 3rd. 1175. From hospital bed to heavenly rest. God took you home to be his west. You suffered too much. your pleasures were few. You never deserved what you went through. You stood the test. and stood it well. Just what you suffered no one can tell; We were not there to see you die . To hold your hand and kiss goodbye But we'll remember our whole life through. The last words we had with you. Lovingly remembered by wife Iona and families. --14a (An 28. 01-1EAMS • HUBERT • I wish. to thank ail ' . chere who seat cards and gilts aad visited me while I stayed in Chalon Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Baker and .the curses on first floor. Cleo Lynn. -14 RATHWELL - Please accept my sincerest Weak: for all the messages as acts of kindness while I was a patient in hospital - Helen Rathwell. -14x BALL - I wish to express my sincere thanks to everyone who visited. sent cards and gilts and those who telephoned during my stay in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Baker and Dr. Flowers and all the staff for their wo.derful care. I deeply appreciate everyone's kindness. Clarence Bali -:..14 JOHNSTON - A sincere thanks to everyone for visits. gifts and cards while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Flowers and Dr. • Lambert; Nurses and Stasi of lst floor. Clara Johnston. -14x BENDER - My family and I would like to say **thank you" to Dr. Harrett. nurses and staff of semi- id floor of the Clinton Public Hospital for their special care while I was a patient there. Mrs. William Bender and family. -14x Business and Professional Directory OPTOMETRY 1.E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST CUNTON-MbN. ONLY 20 ISAAC ST. 4113-7010 SEAFORTH BALANCE OF WEEK INCLUDING SAT. A.M. GOVENLOCK ST. 527.1315 R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Squ•re. GOOEIMCN ' 534-7111 r gOX 1033 212 JAMES ST NELEN R. TENCH , I A. ethnic ACCOUNTANT TEL 412.1152 ' CLINTON ONTARIO • NORM WHITING UCENSEO AUCTiONEER Il APPRAISER Prompt Courteous. Efficient ANY TYPE. ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We give complete sale •settee PROFIT SY EXPERIENCE Pitons Co+lect 2311•1154 EXETER DIESEL Pulps and `ani«toes g•pa"►ed fpr e411 Popular Mab •• E ou' o",.r+ r screech Rd CItr,roft -m52 '971 MIKE CRANE ELECTRIC Industrial Commercial Residential FULLY LICENCED INSURANCE K.W. COLQUNOUN INSURANCE 1 REAL ESTATE Phones . O stic. 4424747 R.s. 42-71M HAL HARTLEY Phase 402.43 JOHN WISE GENERAL INSURANCE -- GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS CNMoW Onic.. 412.1544 Res: *2-716f /RYAN LAWS INSURANCE Gonaral and Lass - OMko: 10 Klieg St. 402-!!10 Pleaden<.'•: 301 Nigh St. 42.7147 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS For Au.Meelet Aluminurt Doors and Windows end AWNINGS and RAILINGS JERViS SALES R L-,ervssAS Alpert St Clinton -4112 9190 (1{ -darn „•••fSIC • •v•••. • .9 tt'I'.tt St rr. t i; .1, Leh (MN, - Cry ,e - 52.202 I P J eo. 307 langliart, Relly, Doig arid Co. Chartered Accountants 268 Mom St Erato• ARTHUR W READ ResmO•nt Panner B JS 23S-0120 RES 238 8075