HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-04-01, Page 17t. I97PAE:17' 1 FOR TAK 1N . CLASSIFIED ADS 2 Q'cLOCK SHARP TUESDAY *DS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER ARTICLES FOR SALE LES - Spy, King, Delicious ee Delivery in Clinton. Phone :214 or 482-9141 McClYmont `girds. 1 mile south of Varna. tfn 'TNG Pool Manufacturer s 1975 above ground redwood. pools available. Willing to tterifice at half price. Call elect any time 1-416=667-1302. Un 4 ARDEN. SEEDS GALORE, t1k, package. also volume lees. Begonia Bulks, Top size. **se Plant and seed starting cialties. Preferred, pet foods plies and grooming aids. t Farm and Garden Centre. ,: and N. Baker, Props. 22 Isaac Clinton. Open daily 8 a.m. to 6 m.--Stfn MM LNG Pool Clearance. Sposing of 1975 trade-ins. arious sizes and shapes ailable in aluminum and wood nstruction. some with nufacturer's warantees still in net, will sell at fraction of :iginai selling price. Call collect y time 1-416-667-1302. -5tfn EN a picture. m the News- ecord you would like to have' et a permanent print. either 4" S";•5" x 7" or 8" x 10" Order at 2-9502.-5tfnc VER BEEN WORN: Floor- gth spring formal, yellow yester pinafore style. youth - Size 11. 520.00 OOR-LENGTH FORMAL, rred bodice, long sleeves. wn voile flocked with white. ze 7-8. Suitable for first prom. . WHITE EYELET halter- y'ie floor -length formal. Worn ce. Size 11. $17. Phone 524-6637 :er 6 p.rn.-13tfnc DEMOLITION at Building 47 V ono sty a Wooden Lockers and doors to be torn out first. Materials can be bought on site, 5 days a Week. PHONE 39S-5390' !.ARTICLES FOR SALE POTATOES for sale. 3 miles west of Henson, hwy. 84. Phone 236- 4038. -9-16 APPLES, Top quality Spys. Ida Red excellent for eating cooping, freezing. Bring containers. $3 per bushel and up. Ross Middleton's refrigerated storage. 1 mile east of Bayfield north of river. Open every day. -13-17 CHILD'S bicycle with training wheels, for appr. 2 to 4 years of age, good condition. Phone 482- 3720. -14 - FIREWOOD for sale - apple and maple. Phone 4824504.-14 LIKE GREEN in SPRING? Coax your lawns to dress in their finest! Feed now for long lasting beauty. Free use of spreader with fertilizer purchase at our place. Durst Farm and Garden Centre, Hand N. Baker. Props.. 22 lsaac St. Clinton. Open daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. 14,15ar DRESSED yearling Leghorn hens for sale. Contact Mrs. Wm. Norman. 482-3241. -14 FURNITURE - antique and modern. Fridge. stove. beds. dining and kitchen tables. rugs. chain saw. 63 Rattenbury St. E. Clinton. -14 A- FOR SALE GRASS SEED and mineral - Otto Pick and Son Seeds Ltd. Straight seeds or.forage mixtures. pickseed corn, chain harrows. Embutox, Tropotox plus, Her- bageum livestock minerals. Phone 482-7898. Richard ,Lobb. sales rep.. Clinton .-23t fn PIONEER Chain Saws. All models in stock. Cord -Pince parts and service. Sprockets. Bars and Saw Chain for all saws- Chain o.il $2.35 per gallon. Call Robert Glen, 482-9292 Clinton. -11-14x DRIVEWAY Sealer and foun- _..dation coating equipment seven months old. comprising 9 h.p. Briggs and Stratton reduction gear motor' with(' electric start. . 600 ib. pressure Viking pump, 200 ft. heavy duty hose. spray gun aid 150 gallon tank. Consider selling separately. Call 482-9734. -14.15x COME and see our Spring selection of bicycles parts and accessories. We have bicycles from 16" to 26" standards. also 3 speeds. 5 speeds and t0" speeds, including the new 1976 Olympic 10 speed. Sulky parts ifi stock. For further information contact Don' s Bicycle Repairs. 305 Ontario Street. Clinton. Phone 482-9941. We service what we sell FIRST. -1 '.0. -- APPLE- APPLE a ► d POTATO SALE: 52.50 bus .1. potatoes 53.50 bag. Fresh cid'r 51. gal. Bring your own containers at these prices. , Phtae 5244037 Art Bell's Fruit F CHOICE lean beef by the side ready for freezer. government inspected. fermer's prices. Frank Falconett. Phone 482-9128. -14.I5ar AND GARDEN TILLERS Pull range of both in stock - or immediate or spring Delivery 1- don't dabble. 1 specialize! Repair service, priority ALWAYS given to owners of Units purchased here. Orme to Bayfield for a deal. it's worth it! Steve Argyle. Outdoor Egvipment Bayfield 565 2800 (Just off 71 across from the park .1 2A. ARTICLES WANTED - HIC Super M tractor with wide front end. good engine, good rubber: Phone 262-6609. -14 QUANTITY of good quality baled barley straw. Alec Ostrom. Phone 482-7287 or 482-9185. -14.15 FOR SALE - Quantity of choice baled hay. Phone 529- 746i.-1 ltf PIONEER SEED CORN VARIETIES AVAILABLE '3990(3W) 2600 N.U. 80 DAYS 3977(3W) 2650 H.U. 82 DAYS 3975(SC) 2700 H.U. 85 DAYS. 396S(3W) 2750 H.U. 87 DAYS 3960(SC) 2800 H.U. 90 DAYS Also other varieties available JACK MAYHEW RR 3 - CLINTON PHONE 482-3176 Your' representative for oderich Township and linton Area. tin NOTICE Clinton Livestock Exchange WILL CONTINUE TO HAVE SALES EVERY FRi. AFTERNOON 1:30 ALL YEAR ROUND FOR INFORMATION OR CONSIGNMENTS CALL LEO GLAVIN 234-6284 HOGS. CATTLE. CALVES. DAIRY COWS & FEEDER CATTLE A- FOR SALE FORD 10' wheel disc, 15 run McDeering seed drill;, 5 section diamond harrow. Phone 482-9987. -14x SEED Grain, Hay and Pasture Mixtures -- Orders now being taken. -- See us also for spring fencing supplies, farm hardware. health aids, and complete Irne of Purina livestock feeds. Durst Farm & Garden Centre. H and N. Baker. Props.. 22 Isaac St Clinton.. 'Open daily 8 a.rn. to 6 p.m. -I 1tfnar F - FOR RENT GRASS, water. shade. and stable for 2 quiet horses. Phone 527-1748. -14 75 ACRES for crop. all ploughed. 343 miles north of Auburn. Phone Jack Lockhart 526-7588. -14x D - LIVESTOCK HAMPSHIRE boars, registered and R.O.P. tested. ready for service. Contact Paul McNally. Wingham. Ont. Phone 357-3724. -14.15 REGISTERED half Arab Mare and yearling 14 Arab colt. Mare - English Western broke. 5800.00. Colt - excellent show potential, 5400.00 Phone 529-7701 after 7 p.m.. -14 - PUREBRED. serviceable age, llampshire boars. also X -bred boars. ROP tested and com- mercial. Bob Robinson. RR 4. Walton. Phone 345-2317. -13.14 Neasali Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1 ,t0 P.M A11 classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS rnio. tiaq.w.oa 4it2-751 i Dimon earn Mute. ,r16.3717 tamer and z21420111 Rieman 1,ARTICLES FOR SALE 4 PC. QUEEN SIZE bedroom suite. Phone 482.7129- -'-1411n - 2A. ARTICLES WANTED WE ARE niiw handling lots ur part lots of furniture sand ap phances If you hare mitt les to sell privately or by aut tem contact Rathweil's Auction Service Phone 482 3120 -32tfn WE, BUY any antique or household items. ..engly. or in complete household Tots. or sell by public auction in our new modern auction rooms. We specialize in estates. NORM WHITING AUCTIONEER ING AND APPRAISAL SERVICE 63 Main St. Exeter.. Phone 235- 1964.,--29t fn TIMBER W ANTED Ec lit. payt=llnt far standing timber Wallas of all Imirkinds. Write Robert Eagleson. *8.9* CRAIG. ONT. or phone 2324450 Mora a a.01. or bet- ween 4:30 and 6 p,m. tfeow. 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT FORMAI. RENTALS for mer and bons. Contact Herman'. Men'. Wear. 482.9351.-22tfn CONSTRUCTION equipment for rent' Power trifwet. small mixer. pump. wheelbarrows, good p ' ward form. and wedges. Phone .36.4954 Mon to Fn. after 4p m Weekends any! ►me -l6tfn 1 a►t.i.IAI. 1ALS Dress up' f++t ntal' %'e-ha%r the complete W. -tiding Ser%toe :at Campbell. Men . Weal . hl.ain St . (-lttitnn 1 t+t'MCI l� Ite kett ,and C.ant.p- t,� II 1 td t-14tfn POWFULLER LINE TOOLS FOR RENT Now including: impact wrench, Belt Sander, Shop vacuum cleaner, hammer Drills 0%1' bit), Chain saws. Rug Shampooer. REASONABLE RATES INOUIRE AT Clinton Home Hardware 4 ALBERT ST. 482-7023 tin 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE CATCH THE DATSUN SPIRIT FURNITURE. glass, china. clocks. bells. brass. copper. Will buy for cash or sell by auction. Mike Cunintings. Auctionler Phone 524-9064.-30tfn Gerald's Datsun Ltd SALES SERVICE LEASING OPEN 8A.M. -9P.M. Ph. 527-1010 SEAFORTH • r"e 3. CAIS. TRUCKS FOR SALE '68 C1�HEVY van 108 six cylinder itandard As is Ph m1 524.7067. ---13.14 1965 VOLkSWAGEN as Is. best offer Phone 523-4375. -12.13.14 1973 PONTIAC BROUGI-I. 2 door. excellent condition. rally wheels. Michelin tires. Phone 523-4314. -13.14 1971 VALIANT Duster. slant six. automatic, white walls. excellent condition. Will safety check. Phone 482-9502 before. 5 p.m. or 482-3890 after 5 p. m.-13nc 1974 FORD !{ ton pick up. rust proofed, 27.000 miles. Phone 345- 2048. -14 1974 CHEV 14 ton pick up with fiberglass Topper in excellent condition. V-8 automatic. power steering. power brakes with only 18.000 miles Contact Charles Ducharme at 236-4160. -14.15x 72 FORD Maverick. 6 cylinder automatic with 33.000 miles in excellent condition Phone 432- 7350. -14 ' 1972 CUSTOM 1 2 ton pick up. very good condition. will safety check. R.J. Semple 482-7456. -14 1966 CHEV 1,3 ton pick up. good running condition. '8100. Phone 482-7233. -14x 71 FORD 1.2 ton standard V-8 and 69 Cougar. V-8 power brakes. power steering As is. reasonable Phone 482 7815. -14,15 • LI 1974 VOLVO 142 GL. automatic. air conditioned. AM -FM Stereo radio. Radial tires. approx. 26.000 miles. 54395. Apply at Lee's 482- 9711. -14ar 1971 VOLKSWAGEN Super Beetle, good condition. Phone 482-9806. -14.15 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NEW 3 bedroom custom built brick home. excellent lst mor- tgage. central to schools. Phone 482-7901 or evenings. 482-7304. -13,14,15 1111111111111111111.11111111111 ONLY $22,000 Owner is moving and must sell this cozy three bedroom home. New wiring. full basement. low down payment will carry cheaper than rent. For more details. call John Sandor, 1-432 7171; Residence 1-686-0212 or write to FAIL TOTH REAS ESTATE M.L.S. Realtor 598 Pall Mail Street London, Ontario N51 229 will co-operate with other agents 4, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES for sale in Vanastrht. Phone 4824809. --lain RANCH style home. 6 rooms. 3 bedrooms. L shape livingining room. attached carport Fully landscaped. fenced with front hedge. flowering shrubs deep lot. Full basement. gas heated. Quiet neighborhood. Phone 482-9267. -13x 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 EVERETT Lauckner MLS REALTOR Permanent home 3 bedroom. thing room 28 x 12. fireplace diningroom kitchen areaatreed lot close to lake - electric heat 10 percent open mortgage. Ideal all year round retirement home 2 bedrooms. utility room. large living room with fireplace. dining kitchen area. 4 pc. bath - electric heat, community well. landscaped lot. wall to wall carpeting. Please call ADAM FLOWERS eAYFIELD 585-2813 iimmomimimiNimmion BORROWFROM: OUR COMPLETE HOME DECORATION AND HOME IMPROVEMENT LIBRARY -FREE See us before you decorate Over 4.000 photos. BALL i MUTCH LTD. HOME FURNISHINGS Phone 482-9505 Clinton. YOUR COLOUR TV FULL - SERVICE CENTRE . AUTHORIZED SALES & SERVICE TO ELECTROHOME PRODUCTS Put punch into your corn program with the high performance hybrids 8221. 2875 CHU .a. -R1444 2700 CHU 4 4 R173.. 2750 CHu Pride has an impressive tine of best-selling single, double and three-way crosses. They're ideal for combining, picking or silage production. For the best quality Certified No 4 Seed choose Pride and for the best servlce. call your Iota! dealer now, NER ALBERT & RATtE'NBURY. CLINTON 412.3141 CHARLES BRANDON 482-9275 RAY WISE LEONRti LOBE l91 482---982' 482.9016 1 George Cutler representrr9 Tow newest fell line Fud Dealers' 18 I1sToN County Green & Parent Ford Mercer!" Sales LIM1TOD 263 Huron Road Godetgch Bus. $24-264S Res. 462.4762 cow PETER S. MacEWAN MEMBER OF HURON, COUNTY REAL ESTATE BOARD 38 St. David St. Goderich 524-9531 86'King St. Clinton' Phone 482-7306' Res. 482-7304 FOR ONLY 523,500.00 You can enioy Auburn's pleasant village hospitality, in this two bedroom aluminum sided home, bright living room, den. good kitchen, plus approximately 4,4 01 an acre of land. VILLAGE OF BLYTH 1% Storey tour bedroom home, large kitchen, dining room, 4 pc. bath, lot 66' x 132' plus small barn. Priced to sell now. 100 ACRE FARM iN EAST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP Near Auburn. 65 acres workable, 35 acres of good bush. Situated on said lands is a three bedroom brick bungalow only 2 years old, plus guest house. large workshop, owner will carry first mortgage. Land is rented for 1976 season. SMALL ACREAGE inctuded in this small acreage is a three bedroom frame home, bank barn. dug well on pressure.. nicely treed setting, both needing repairs yet priced for the right person. You could be the right one. GOOD BUILDING LOTS Available in Clinton, Lucknow, Goderich. IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY YOU CARE TO SELL PHONE CLINTON. Leah Kuehl. 487 7306 BAYFIELD. Jo An Sullen 565 2471 BLYTH. Stan Kay, 523.,4464 TOOBTAIN THE BEST PRICE IF BUYINGOR SELLING Clinton Office Phone 4824821 CLARKE ZINN 524-8620 PETER DAMSMA 482-9849 HAROLD WORKMAN 482-7658 CLINTON HOMES 3 bedroom home 1 yr. old on Townsend St. One floor home on Townsend St. for $32,000.00 2 - 2 bedroom apts in good condition on Kirk St. 2 storey brick home, s bedrooms on Orange St. Brick bungalow. 3 bedrooms, rec. room on Queen St. 1- 2 bedroon 1 - 3 bedroom opts, on Fulton St. - 3 bedroom brick and aluminum bungalow on High St. 3 bedroom. 1'1 storey home on Whitehead St. 2 storey. 3 bedroom brick home. with 2 bedroom brick home on the same property. COUNTRY PROPERTY AND NEARBY VILLAGES 2% acres, very scenic near Varna - 3 bedroom brick home on paved road near Bayfield 3 bedroom home on' -2 acre on Highway pear Bayfivid. 2 bedroom home on paved road near Bayfield. 3 bedroom new home near lake south of Bayfield tip large pe building Pots, water available near Kinburn ?storey brick store with large lot In Kiriburn 3 'bedroom home in good condition at Kippen 3 bedroom bungalow on a large lot at Brucefield, finished rec. room sun deck. patio doors, mint condition. FARMS 97 acres without buildings in Huilett Twp. near Clinton 240 acre Dairy farm, targe brick home near Hwy 21, with or without stock and equipment 200 acre cash crop farm with good buildings near Auburn 160 acre dairy farm. with pipeline. stable cleaner. nice home. near 'Clinton 346 acre dairy farm, 2 sets of buildings, Goderich Twp. 156 acre cash crop farm with food house and barn. Goderich Twp. 160 acre dairy farrn good buildings. Goderich Twp. 161 acre cash crop farm with 2 houses. 2. barns. North of Seaforth. or lib acres with buildings subject to sale of 75 �+rres. 250 acre beef and Hog farrn near LandaSboro. 4w 522.500 2 bedroom brick home in a country location just off Highway 8. Located on i acre lot with Maw taxes, 100 ACRES 80 acres workable. some tile. Remodelled house. 580.000. Near Brussels. 100 ACRES House. barn in need of some repairs, approx. 60 acres• workable. Near Lucknow. 5599. 75 acres drainage. buildings. 100 ACRES corn land, natural 2700 heat units. No List price $51,000. BUILDING LOT No. 8 Highway - '!3 acre lot with well water available. Only one left at 56,500. CLINTON 3 bedroom electrically heated home with carport. Exceptional 1 year old brick ranch style. Front entrance enhanced with or- namental railing. Dining room. plush carpeting in living room and main floor. Spacious rec room with fireplace. Make an appointment to see this sharp home today. List price 544,900. BAYFIELD VICTORIA ST. Aluminum sided bungalow on 80' x 150' landscaped lot with reasonable taxes. 3 bedrooms. living room and dining room 538.500. BUSINESSES Restaurant, variety and gas pump on No. 8 KWW. Good profits and a busy, busy location. Good 3 bedroom house with swimming pool included at S7S.000. FEED MILL Village of Varna. Profitable established business with good local trade. Complete with seed cleaning plant, located prosperous farming area. DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY 8 acres. 29 lots. Zoned residential in Huron County Official Plan. Scenic Location, rolling land, 10 minutes from Goderich. Listed at 545,000. VANASTRA HOMES 2 and 3 bedroom homes from 518,000. OFFICER'S HOME Exteptionally good 4 bedroom on Victoria Blvd., Vanastra. Con- verted to electric heat. Large living room with brick fireplace. 2 bathrooms. Spacious tiled basement area. Outstanding value at 528,500. 15 ACRES In Goderich Township 3 mites south of Holmesville with 4 bedroom home under con- struction -- over 1,300 sq. ft. completed. Fieldstone fireplace in family room. 200 amp service. The utmost in seclusion and privacy with lots of'trees. VI mile» from paved road. Many extras,a6 well as building materials in- cluded in asking price of 177.060. OLD WORLD CHARM Is yours in this three bedroom brick home with all con- veniences. The finest of work- manship of years gone by pies a General Store very well equipped and showing good return. Buy security. Call for full information today. Marion Kennedy. Mitchell Office 348-9415 or at home 3411- 8342. -- DON HOLST Branch Office: 5 Toronto Stud.. Vaneetra. Clinton can John Duddy 462-3es; John Thompson S27.0238