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Clinton News-Record, 1976-04-01, Page 5
.eta tofo: ym a Audrey Kemp, vice - p esident of Beta Sigma Phi, hosted a Spring Rushing !arty at the Qrange Hall on Tuesday March 6. An in- ternational theme was carried out throughotttthe evening. Several gannes`were played having to do with travel and foreign places and a skit was presented' which helped to explain to the new girls what Sorority was all about. The evening ended with a delicious smorgasbord of foreign dishes. On March 23, the olub held a meeting atthe home of Michele Hanse1n in Goderich. Fourteen members were present and three visitors. After repeating the opening ritual together, Marie Middleton read the minutes of the previous meeting. Marj Dobson passed There is nothing By Seamus Doherty 1 � , lengthy article' on. a" "very .serious subject appep.red in th nton News. - Record. Duei LLie ten h + the original 'copy: editing had to be done. The subject matter" was family planning, and the seminar and talk took place during the Lenten program at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church on Sunday March 21. There were many misleading sections in the article, due mainly to the factors which came into play between the time of the seminar and the publication of the article. I don't intend to go into a long, point for point analysis of the article or lay the blame for all of the errors at any one around the new c from international. Gayle Wise gave tl treasurer's report, Audrey Kemp welcomed the visitor$. to th,e club and Ways and means reported that an auction would be held at the n- t- •� ,..9 g4_ reminding each r to bring two or: three items to sell. The social committee gave the balance in their account from the dance. Marj reported that a new executive had been elected for the Exemplar Chapter. 'A thank - you card was read by Marj from Sharon and Anjannette Carter. • An- interesting, cultural programme was presented by Michele Hansen and Linda Meade -en woman speaks" Wowed by a deliciouslunch served by Michele. The 'Huron, Unit of the nadian CaerSoCi+ty held tt regular quarterly meeting n the Clinton P4 h11c SChoul lib the president, Mr. C.A. Archibald presiding., Volunteers from four of the five branches of the Unit were inattendance and gave ' reports. Highlights of the recent Campaign Conference, which was held in Toronto, were given by Mrs. Alice ' McConnell of Seaforth. The theme for this year's Con- fereace directed to the Volunteer is "You are rhaking the difference". Ross McDaniel, unit campaign chairman, reported on the progress of the Unit Campaign plans to date and announced that Tuesday, April 6th would be, 'the " kick-off date for this year's Campaign. b - John McKay. president of up for -grabs person's doorstep, but before any quotes -are made from the . articlewhich appeared, , 1 r `eo- -snake. €moi guit es tcgiObit the same from the fr'tor F ether Joseph Hardy. For instance, the Pope was not in attendance as the ar- ticle inferred. but rather it was a quote from the lope's Encyclical "Ij.urnanae Vitae" which was referred to in the article. One final thing I must make perfectly clear, because it is of major importance. During the question period which took place after the service fn the church a question was asked of Father Hardy; he was very seriously misquoted in his answer. The question was. "Why do different priests give us different answers when asked about contraceptives in family planning?" Father was threefold. He said, "After (continued froth page 3) Vatican Council 11 a lot of people thought everything applied for a Wintario grant was up for grabs," he went on for half and the balance to be to say, "Priests like everyone raised by donations. The else at that time suffered grant does bother me whit as from a great deal of con - it is the second W intario grant fusion," and he continued, the Village has applied for "so they trjed to answer this just recently. am concerned very . del tate. question c - with some urgent repairs cording to the dictates of their necessary on:our Arena. As individual conscience and we were told our present their interpretation of library has eight more, years Vatican 11's intention." on its lease. To conclude. I would point I do hope that in Council's out very emphatically that decision that they will not the Catholic Church does not neglect other things to gain a teach through the views and bigger and better library. I interpretations of the in - feel with neglect we could dividual priest, but rather 1 dam: -what we have and 1 do that the whole church speaks hi k the are both necessary with authority and its views assets to our Villatge. are absolute. Carolyn S Il, This is true of this matter Bay fie . as in any other moral issue. We get letters Hardy's answer Over 250 Monurnents on -Sole WITH A VARIETY OF COLORS. STYLES AND SHAPES TO CHOOSE FROM -.-- MANY NEW THIS YEAR Whether it's a • MONUMENT • MARKER • INSCRIPTION You are remembering a loved one LET T. PRYDE St SON LTD DON DENOMME 77A HAMILTON STREET GODERICH, ONTARIO 524-2373 ,524-6621 • HELP YOU DECIDE ON YOUR. •MEMOR.W. REQUIREMENTS • -4,phpto y Frank Phillips Keys—P©elnaala Lighted candelabra with yellow and white shasta daisies, and pink gladiolus decorated Goshen United Church for the March 1/2t11 evening wedding 'ceremony of Steven Arnold ..`Keys and Linda Poelman. <: . The groom. the son, of Mr. and Mrs. Arnord'KCys, RR 1, Varna and the bride. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Poelman, RR 4. Seaforth were united in a double -ring ceremony per- formed by Rev. A. Taylor. Organist Mrs. Anna Keys accompanied . Mr. Pete Postill, who sand "This is Our Day" and "The- Twelfth of Never". Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor - length gown of lace hearts and daisies over polyester satin.. The gown featured a set-in train and long full- length sleeves with wide cuffs. Her fingertip veil was held in place with a lace cluster. She carried a bouquet of yellow sweetheart roses, white daisies. and pink carnations. Matron of honour was Rita Van Dyke, Burlington, sister of the bride and bridesmaids were Joyce Workman. Kippers. friend of the bride, and Marj Keys, Varha, sister of the groom. to our Id dal Bir about home s meant They wore identical floor - length gowns of mint green, featuring empire waists with V -necks and tie backs. They also feaiifesl sheer ruffled butterfly s` Eves. The at- . tendants wore silver drops ;necklaces given as gifts by the bride. They carried bouquets of white and yellow daisies and pink carnations. The best man was Ervin Keys. of Varna and the ushers were Tom Workman of Kippen and Allan Keys of Varna. The bride's mother received guests. She wore a soft green gown with a cor- sage of yellow carnations and baby's breath. She was assisted by the groom's mother, who wore a peach gown with a corsage of white carnations z nd baby's breath. A reception followed at the Clinton Legion Hall, and for a wedding trip to the Bahamas, the bride changed into a green pant suit with a mat- ching beige, green and brown blouse. She wore a corsage of yellow carnations. The couple are residing at RR 1. Varna. Prior to her marriage. the bride was honoured at showers given by Mrs. Joyce Workman. Kippen and by Mrs. Ralph Stryker. RR 4. Seaforth. South Western District brought greetings and spoke On the possible formation of giving assistance to mastectomy patients. Mrs. Les Pitblado of Goderich gave - a ,'s-umrnation of a seminar concerning this program which .The attended recently in Toroto. The Unit desires to make this assistance available in Huron. Two educational films were shown; namely, "Check Point Number Two" and "We can Help". 'A number of volunteers plan to attend theupcoming education seminar in St. Thomas regarding the new program for elementary schools. Refreshments were served by the ladies of the Clinton branch and the next meeting will be hosted by the Goderich branch on May 17th. Coiii iii u n !cation is .subject of third Ln Iii program What's new at Huronview? Monday's program of old time music and sing -a -long consisted of Irish music in honor of Saint Patrick's Day. Mrs. Driver, Molly Cox and Norman Speir provided the music with Morgan Dalton and Nelson Lear leading the sing -a -long. The Goderich Township Women's Institute volunteers assisted with the activities and during the program four new residents were welcomed to the Hoge: Miss Ethel Hill, Mrs. *Millie Edwards, Mrs. Charlotte Fewster and Wilson Britnell. Mrs. Lyle Storey of Seaforth arranged a special Irish program for Family /tight with local talent and entertainers from Mitchell and Lucan. Marie Flynn, Norman Speir The Lenten Program, continued on Sunday night, March 28th, at St. Joseph's Church. Clinton. The guest speakers were Maureen and Bill Mero from Blessed Sacrament Church, London. Mr. Mer4 is prin- cipal of St. Sebastian School in Lond. and briefly ex- plained a relatively new program that has been in- troduced to the schools, called Family Life. The main theme of their talk was Communication - Communication between husband and wife. They ..equated this to a triangle. a three way relationship of communication between God, husband and wife. They described com- munication as a way for each member of the family to express love and honesty so that they can continue to grow with the Lord and with each other. A question and answer period followed. This Sunday, April 4th at 8 p.m., Father Mike Prieur of St. Peter's Seminary in, London will speak on morality. Everyone is cor- dially invited to attend. Smile Old stockbrokers never die. They just go margin on. a program of old time music in the Auditorium with dance numbers . by Debbie .Flynn. Jane and Laurie Bell. The Clinton Christian Reformed volunteers assisted with activities. A twenty member men's choir from the Kirkton United Church entertained with sacred songs on Tuesday evening. There were in- strumentals by Lorne Elford. Clifford Jacques and Laverne Rodd; vocal solos by Susan Van Derspeck ; piano solos by Kim Heather; tali dances by Michelle Robi-flson and a men's quartette Hairy Hern. Ken Blackker. Norris Webb and Glenn Copeland. Mrs. Waghorn expressed the appreciation of the residents. The residents have enjoyed the treat of apples donated by and Watson Webster provided the Clinton L.O.B.A. James SAINT JOSEPH'S Catholic Church St. Clinton Phone 482 9468 LENT '76 SPECIAL SPEAKER- APRIL 4 FR.. $.PRI VES" T.D A Mass - Sat. 8 p.m. Sun. 11 a.m. EVENING PRAYER - 8 p.m. MORALITY and MARRIAGE - OLD FASHIONED Coffee and Questions in the Hall after the Service ALL ARE WELCOME SUNDAY, APRIL 4 Rev. John Teibe Y.F.C. International Plus "The Chapelites" SINGERS k 8 P.M. SHARP HURON MEN'S CHAPEL Auburn "Evil prevails when goad men do nothing" YOU ARE MAKING THE DIFFERENCE! ... CANCER .CAN BE BEATEN OUR GOALFOR YEAR CLiNTON � ANP DISTRICT alottous. Let's talk. Come in and meet these people in our Loans Department Tony Van tun Mil Hoskin Glen Brown (Brucefield & Londesborol Earl Hjlderley Marlyn Gray Jane Radley let • 4 r with a eheek-uii and a cheque Good tlu;�t=�+happen %Lit1) a Gold Medal Banker. Lees talk. The First Canadian Bank yankMontreal cunt" r� uau ms 4$247 �v CANADIAN CANCIDI $OC$E"V .CLINTON BRANCH CANVASS STARTS APRIL 4th N N Ads ,P,. ALL. SERVICES ON STANDARD TIME ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH THE FRIENDLY CHURCH MINISTER LAWRENCE S. LEWIS ILA. 6. Th. ORGANIST AND CHOIR DIRECTOR MRS. DORIS McKINLEY A. MUS. SUNDAY. APRIL 4, 1976 PASSION SUNDAY 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Family Worship and Nursery it :30 Junior Congregation SERMON: "PERSONAL CONTACT WITH CHRIST" E veryone Welcome WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CHURCH THE CHURCH THAT CARES PEOPLE SERVING GOD THROUGH SERVING PEOPLE MISTER JOHN S. OESTREICHER B.A. B.R.E. ORGANIST MISS CATHARINE POTTER CHOTMRSt.. WM,' $EARN SUNIRDIRECDAY, OR A PMR i 4y '1976 11.00 a.m. Morning Worship Service 11 :00 a.m. Sunday School and Nursery SERMON: "THE MAN WITH THE BROWN PAPER PARCEL" Music by the "Teen Tones" a group of Teenage Girls from the Goderich Area. HOLMESVILLE UNITED CHURCH 9:45 a.m. Worship Service and Sunday School SERMON: "THE MAN. WITH THE BROWN PAPER PARCEL" CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Clinton 263 Princess Street Services: 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. ra (On 3rd"Sunday 9:30a.m. Dutch Service at 11:00 a.m.) The Church of the Back to God Hour every Sunday 4:30 p.m. CHLO EVERYONE WELCOME BAYFIELO BAPTIST CHURCH EVERYONE OF US SHALL GIVE AN ACCOUNT OF HIMSELF TO GOD — ROM 14 12 PASTOR: BRIAl4 HARRISON 10:00 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP 7:30 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP 8:00 p.m. FRIDAY WEDNESDAY 8 p.m. PRAYER MEETING YOUNG EVERYONE WELCOME PEOPLE'S MEETING ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH SUNDAY, APRIL 4, 1976 10:00 A.M. MATINS FELLOWSHIP BIBLE CHAPEL 162 MAPLE ST. (1 street west of Community Centre) 9:45 a.m. WORSHIP SERV ICE i i :00 a.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL and FAMILY BIBLE HOUR 8 p.m. Gospel Service Tues. 8:00 p.m. PRAYER and BIBLE STUDY For Information Phone 482-9379 CALVARY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 166 Victoria Street Pastor Wayne Lester 9-45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7 00 p. m. Prayer Service and Evangelistic Service 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service 8:00 p.m. Friday Young Peoples ALL WELCOME ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. EDWiN G. NELSON CHARLES MERRiLL ORGANIST SUNDAY, APRiL 4, 1976 10 00 a m. Sunday School fbr all ages 10:00 a.m., Worship Service ALL WELCOME FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CLINTON SPEAKER JACK CHRISTIAANS SUNDAY, APRIL 4, 1976 10 oo a m Sunday School Classes for all ages 11 00 a .m . Morning Worship Everyone Welcome STOP BOTH DIRECTIONS FOR A SCHOOL BUS Sate driving is a family affair.