HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-03-25, Page 21c^ ...r .. neva-•,.~kms"+�....�,.Y`p +-�e a.e .1 W. w.� 11 SERVICES A• L SERVICES AVAILAILE • lst-4nd MORTGAGE FUNDS for debt, consolidation', 'new per- m hhasee Or retinanc,ing, No hidden charges or bonuses. We apt c lathe • in the hard to get mortgages, Call Collect anytime 1485.1.900 HANNAH FIN.ANCIAL ER 'ICES, - -20tf+ 50.JEN CARPENTRY For Siding - Reinovationa Additions - Cepinets Vanillas • DrywiN Stuecaehd Ceiling* Block end Stone Work sal BOB LANGENDOEN q.R. 2 - Centon Phone .5248029 17tfn 12. AUCTION SALE Clearing FARM SALE Farm Sold FRIDAY, APRIL 2 1 P.M. IMPLEMENTS • FEED SOME FURNITURE & AN- TIQUES FOR HAROLD N. FINLAY, Lot 22. North. Boundary of Hay Twp. 2 mile north of Zurich to tap end of pavement, turn left. 3rd farm on left. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES - Chest etc drawers; several old odd kitchen chairs; old' chesterfield; Oblong drop leaf table; Westinghouse electric washer; antique iron grain cooking pot; Coleman range built-in oven; dry sink; wash stand; Coleman lantern; odd dishes; sealers; large iron kettle; 2 coal oil lamps; and Other articles and antiques. IMPLEMENTS - Model A Int. tractor; 2 furrow ace bottom plough scufiler; Int. 414 Diesel tractor with 1501 bucket, power steering, good shape; Int. At 3 furrow 3 pt. plough. New idea tractor spreader No. 12 on rutlber; little Giant 42 elevator; *$ HP motor; A cwt. lb- feed mixer Goodison; int No. 45 baler with threshing' kit; Int, 16 run double disc fert. drill on rubber; Case 28 plate double disc; Triple K 11 it. cultivator & levellers; 24 x 40 Bell Thresher with elevator; cutter & pipes; AC 4 bar bean rake; int. 4 bar siderake 10'; wagon & flat rack. 16 ft.; Bissell 10' packers; 6 section harrows; 3 section harrows; iet. 7 trail mower; dump rake; hay fodder; antique turnip sower; 2 root pulpers; Gehl Hammer mill, fanning mill; Viking 600 lb. cream separator; Smalley forage blower, 40 ft- of pipe; MH No. S . binder; set of sleighs; gravel box; corn cutting box; harness; milk cans; Surge milker motor pump & piping; Reel power mower; etectric, fly sprayer; Itit. 10 it PTO swather; 20' x 15' - 4" grain augers; heat lamps; Geo. White snow blower; J.F. PTO 3 pt. fer- tilizer spreader; . Resit 3 pt. power pulley with 90 HP Gear with 10" x 12" pulley; buzz saw; Turnco gravity box; swifter to fit Int. M or H Tractor. no feet; tot. 9 ft. stiff tooth cultivator; 2 walking ploughs; wagon box; anvil; ort roller; 28' S" grain auger; 6 Bates Int. baler twine; Grain Aerator; 125 it endless belt; steel bunting pole; sling ropes; lumber wagon; tractor chains 14.9 x 28; Green 12'-3 pt. post hole digger; Jackall jack; broad axe; extension Mower pipet; 4 cwt. salt; 2000 lb. platform scale; hydraulic lacks; bag cart; sausage grinder; many articles too ;'numerous to mention. iFEED • 3500 bales 1st cutting hay; 1600 bu. oats. r.. TRUCK - 1974 GMC 1 ton truck, dual ' wheels. stock racks. selling with certificate. For Information Phone 236- 4314 Terms Cash - not responsible fbr accidents sale day. Auctioneers Toni Robson ' - Hugh Filson Denfield 666.1967 !LEA CarPOI olid Upholstery Cleaning Far Free, Estimates IglA4 412.2571 tfn RAYVIEW CAPENTRY No Job too• small .lust give us a call JOHN BJERG BAYFIELD PHONE 565-2738 tin CLOCKS REPAIRED All types: • Grandfather • Antique • French. Etc. • Specialist an Chime GQacks Will pick up and deliver. 1.T. HOLLINSHEAD Residence 482-3759 Hemp Stryker SIDING INSTALLATIONS Kaiser Aluminum Westroc Vinyl Siding, Soffit and Fascia. Eavestroughing. Shutters. Quality workmanship. reasonable prices. 20 year guarantee. Throw away that paint brush! Cal! us . 4$2.7428 tin 1 imosompftrorsimormooli CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates -- Tuesday and Thursday TUESDAY -Beef and Pork FRIDAY --Belt Only PICK- UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Msrnsr's Abattoir 23T-3314 Dashwood wita `, J HURON PINES -Constriction Ssrtdc, Centre" 482-7001- CUNTON Electrical Wiring Pole LIne Construction General Contracting - Excavating Back Hoe and Dozer Services - Trencher Service up to 14- - Boring Service - Sand. Gravel: Topsoil 211n 13.$ E RVICESAVAILAIRE FO YOUR car's spring lune -up . remember IN, Peck Bette* Supply Sales and'Servi cel 54 King St. Clinton(next to the Pest Of - flee). We carry a . complete selection of automotive parts and accessories, including starters. alternators. shock absorbers, brake shoes. - 'T2ar It MODEL L1NG• .renovations, &t000fing and flnor laying. expertly thine: A'1'1. odd lobs around the home. Kitchen cupt;itards a' `lri'cialt.y. Phone 4.82-7676., Ken Mc•Nairn.-2tfn AIRLESS SPRAY PAINTING Brand name paints used. Commercial residential and industrial FOR FREE ESTIMATES Phone: D. FRAYER 452.7983 TAX PREPARATION SER VICE Personal Business - Farm. Your Home, or our Office.. E xperienced, confidential, service at reasonable rates. PHONE 482.7514 .tin TRI -TOWN BOOKKEEPING SER VICE Income Tax Returns - Business - Farm - Individual ' LAWRENCE BEANE Brucefield Phone 482-9260 PEGGY CUNNINGHAM, 229 .lames Sr; Clinton Phone 482-7988 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EDITH PEARL McINTYRE, DECEASED All persons having claims against the Estate of Edith Pearl McIntyre. last of the Town of Canton, in the County of Huron. who died on or about the lath day of December. 1975. are hereby notified to send to the un- dersigned on or ,before the 22nd day of April. 197. full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry. Ontario., this 19th day of March. 1976. KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY & MATTHEWS, Barristers andSolicitors, Box 131, PORT PERRY. Ontario. LOB INO Solicitors for the above Estate. -13.14.15 Huron Pines EIectrc RESIDENTt/4t-IWDU57RIAL-FAR M WIRING SPECIALIST Phone 482.-7901 collect Huron Pines Construction Ltd. • SEPTIC SYSTEM SPECIALIST. • CLASS i & 6 SYSTEMS • LICENSED CONTRACTOR • AGENT FOR AGUAROEIC SYSTEMS Phone 4$2-7901 collect. G.E. WALTER CONSTRUCTION LTD. BUILDING AND HOME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALISTS PROF ESSiONAL Repairs, Alterations, Home Decorating. Electrical Wiring.' At reasonable prices Froc Estimates ,given PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE PHONE 482. 92x18 tfn- SERVICES AILAI 4 PIANO tuning had 'repairs.. ?bone Pulsiter Music. 527- 0053..-36t COUNTY FURNITURE RE.F1N1:SN1SCr Upholstery, & Repairs for - FREE ESTIMATES Phone. BRUCE 'CLARK 482 3629 L, RR 5 Clintoo / Across from, Cdnscrva:tion Pari. 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF HARRY CONSTANT SCHELLEN- BERGER ALL persons having claims against the . Estate of Harry Constant •Schellenberger, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County `of Huron, Retired Clerk, deceased. who died on the 29th day of February, 1976. are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their elaims to Ole undersigned on or before the 15th day of April, 1976, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth this 15th day of March. 1976; McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix. 13.14,15 IN THE ESTATE OF ROBERT RALPH DAVIDSON. late of the Village of Londesboro in the County of Huron, Retired Miner. deceased. ." ALL persons having claims against' the Estate of the above- named who died on the 3rd day of February. 1976, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 12th day of April. 1976, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the un-" dersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton. Ontario, this 12th day of March, 1976. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton. Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix 12.13,14 15. PUBLIC NOTICE PERSONAL E INVITE engaged couples to Visit the Arbor Gift Simi) i ,op ;1 Clinton. Receive a free gift and telt your friends aboiitour shower and Bridal. Registry Service. No charge. no obligation.--4tfn 20. TO GIVE MOAT TO A good home, male puppy 5 months old,. good with childrrn. Phone 482-7372. -13 TO GIVE away -to a farm tamtly, who would take our pet family -- we are moving. One gentle four- year-old ouryear-old male part Collie dog and his friends. two male cats. We'd like them to stay together. Phone 482-9267. -13x 21. BIRTHS CONLEY - Doug and Nancy Conley, RR 2, Brussels thank God for the arrival of their son. Shawn Douglas, on March 21. 1976. at Clinton Public Hospital. -13nc GRIGG - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grigg, Kitchener. wish to an- nounce the arrival of their chosen daughter, Natalie Anne. A sister for Morgen and a granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grigg. -13x 23. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Benny Bjerg are pleased to announce the engagement of their - eldest daughter Jette to Mr. James Button. third son of Mrs. Marie Button. Wedding, to take place in Blyth United Church at 7:00 p.m. Friday. April 23, 1976. -13 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Carter, RR 2. Seaforth are pleased to an - noun a the forthcoming• marriage of their daughter. Florence Elaine. to Mr. Donald Frederick $hropshall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred S1 ropshall. Clinton. Ontario. The wedding will take place on May 1, 1976 at 3:00 o'clock at Northside United Church, Seaforth. Ontario. -131c IS. PUBLIC NOTICE O.H.R.P. Ontario Home Renewnl'Program Residents owning their own homes and having an in - con* of 512,500 or less are eligible to apply. 1f in- terested or would like more information please con- tact: Mei Graham, Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Stanley RR 1, Brucefield Phone 482-9908 Township of Stanley •- and -- Township of Tuckersmith SENIOR CITIZEN APARTMENTS - IF YOU ARE SIXTY YEARS OF AGE OR OYER - IF YOUR PRESENT ACCOMMODATION IS INADEQUATE - IF YOUR INCOME IS MODEST This is of Interest to You. The Ontario Ministry of Housing has been asked by your municipal council to determine the need for new senior citizen housing in this area. If there is a need, rent -geared -to - income accommodation will be developed by the Ontario Housing Corporation at the request of your municipal council. Questionnaires are being distributed to senior citizens as part of a survey to determine the interest in this type of housing. . ONLY BY COMPLETING A QUESTIONNAIRE CAN YOU KELP TO DETERMINE WHETHER THERE IS A DEMAND FOR RENT, GEARED-- TO --INCOME AC- COMMODATION FOR SENIOR CITIZENS. ' 11 you are 60 years of age or more and have not received a questionnaire, you may obtain a form and further in- formation at: THE CLERK'S OFFICE TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY BRUCEPIELD, ONTARIO NOM 1 J0 or THE CLERK'S OFFICE TOWNSIP OF TUCKERSMITH SEAFOIivTit ONT, 25, IN MEMORIAM LAWS - In loving memory at a dear brother, Grant, who passed away one year ago, March 21st, 1975i. ' No one knows the grief we share, When we all meet . and you're not there. Life goes on we ' know that's true But not the same since we lost you You meantso much to all of us Much .more than words can say. Tile years may dawn and pass away But thoughts of you are here to stay. Always loved and sadly missed by Brenda. Kris. Katlic Kenny and Trudy. -13x LAWS - In loving memory of "a dear son. Grant. You were taken from us without good bye March 21st The best Son this world could hold . With a cherry sriiile and a heart ofold, To those who knew Grant all will know . How much we lost a year ago. What we would say if we could say Hello Grant ie, the same old way To hear your laugh, to see your smile. To sit with you and to chat awhile. So you who have a son. Cherish him with care For you will never know the heartache Until you see his empty chair. You are always__on our minds, no matter what we do Ali ehe time within our hearts. there are wonderful thoughts of you. We miss you soi'.i Loving memory Mom and Dad. -13 LAWS - In loving memory of a brother, Grant, who passed away one year ago. March 21st, 1975. Your end came sad and sudden No time to say good bye, You were gone before we knew it. Only God knows the reason why. One golden heart stops beating. Two loving hands at rest. God broke our hearts to prove 10 US He only takes the best. Sadly missed and never forgotten. Gevenny and Frank. -13x STURGEON • In loving memory of a dear father and grandpa. Willard (Byrd) Sturgeon, who passed from this life four years ago March 23. 1972. His weary hours and days of pain His troubled nights are past, And in our aching hearts we know He has found sweet rest at last. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Milvena, Walter, Norma., Gordon ' and fam'flies.-13nc 26. CARD OF THANKS PENFOUND - Thank you all who sent cards and flowers and were so good to the family while I was in hospital. Very special thank you to the first floor staff and Dr. Newland for their wonderful care. Margeret Penfound. -13x LOCKHART - I would like to thank all who sent flowers, cards. gifts. treats and visited me while in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Baker. Dr. Watts. nurses and staff of Clinton Public Hospital. Leona Lockhart. -13 LAYTON - I would like to say "thank you" to ati who sent flowers. gifts. and visited me; also those who sent baked goods while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Emergency. second floor nurses, kitchen staff, Dr. Newland. Rev. Lewis and Rev. Oestreicher. All was very much appreciated. Dorothy Layton. -13 J \ ' 26. CARO OF THANKS CRAIG - t Wish tothank' all my Meade and relatives for flower and cards and all who visited me while 1 was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Pr. Newlands,. Dr. Flowers. nurses and staff on first floor. Many thanks to Milvena Erickson for her help at the time of my need. Helen Craig. -13 R1'VE'TI' - I wquid like to thank, my family. friends and neigh- bours who visited me, . sent flowers, cards and gifts: also very special thanks to Dr. Baker. Dr. Newland' and Dr. Lambert. and to all you wonderful nurses on first floor while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Also to those wonderful nurses on fourth floor m Victoria Hospital, special thanks to Dr. Allan. Dr. M.S. Diamond who took so good care of me. All was gratefully ap- preciated and will always be remembered. Thank you all. Mrs. Lily Rivett. -13x WALKER - I would like to thank those who setts 'flowers. cards. gifts and visited me in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Harrett and Dr. Lambert. nurses and staff of Clinton Public Hospital.Bud Walker. -13 26. CARO OF THANKS DOWSON - t would like to express my since• e thanks to my relatives. friends and neighbours who sent flowers, gilts and cards and visited me while I was a patient ...n the C:anon Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Lambert. Dr. Baker and Dr. Goddard and the nurses and staff on first floor and I would also tike. ' to thank everyone for having George over for meals and for their kindness since my return home. Mrs. Ileen Powson.-13 JOHNSTON - I wish to express my sincere thanks to every one who visited, sent cards. flowers and gifts. and to those who telephoned during my stay rn Clinton Public Hospital, Special thanks to Drs. Lambert and Newlands. Also the nurses and girls on first floor for all their wonderful care. and also my family. I deeply appreciate everyone's kindness. Mrs. Olive M. Johnston. -13 COOK - A sincere thanks to everyone for visits and flowers while I was a patient in Clanton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Streets and the nurses of 2nd floor. Mrs. Mary Cook. RR), Auburn. -13x ' VAHNOMMIYIIMAIRIVIRW1140, NOW -IN FLORIDA -1 Envoy the enc -t antetf. *stand atmosphere, turn and. South- Seas Magic at the AKU T1q ANN right on the World a Most_Fsmoua Beach DAYTONA BEACH onifiailkinvit011111M1M41044 ..�"' � A COMPLETE FLORIDA RESORT jam 132 Oceanfront rN.'e •:,;,r^s and • 1 e i,'+'es- •a' M'! t •,vat." t1a :C^, 3 ,-c0n1 : ^ ng cc C. TV ' r hejtr Sh.."eC: fir!a^P• • 3-f %s w - For the time 0t your life Phone (904) 252-9631 AKU TIKI Inn Only e0 miles from - Drsney World 'rattan In DAYTONA BEACH. a FLORIDA : say FROM OUR FEED LOT TO YOUR FREEZER Sides of Angus and Hereford Beef Heifers... 85c LB. Steers... 89t DELUXE PROCESSED WE SPECIALIZE IN CUSTOM KILLING & PROCESSING Darling's Food Market & Abbutoir MAIN ST., EXETER PHONE 285.44 20