HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-03-25, Page 20AktdOPITAikt1 FINANtlikk CONSULTANTS LTD. We specialize in arranging and buying First & &Mend M ortge►ges, Any amount, Eoac 309 New Hamburg Kitchener 14624110 1-743-5361 NEW 3 bedroom custbrn built brick home, exci stent 1st mor- tgage. central to sthools. Phone 482.7901 or evenings. 482-7304. --43,14,15 Real Estate 62 Albert Street Phone: 482-9371 MASON BAILEY - BROKER 'MANAGER Just listed: Fully equipped restaurant in Clinton. ideally li cited. Reduced price. make an offer on this 2 storey. 9 room home in Clinton. 4 bedrooms. large corner lot. Reasonably. priced. 1 % storey home in toondesboro. 7 rooms. 3 bedrooms. 1% baths, oil heating. Across from school. Colonial -style. 2 storey brick home in Clinton. 8 rooms. 5 bedrooms..2 full baths, gas heating. carpeted. 8 room firn ily-t pe home with 4 bedroom'n gept.lication. nice treed lot. In Clinton. 2% storey brick home in Clinton, 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 1% baths. carpeted living and dining room. Shop at back. Cottage on Maitland River. 1 floor frame. 5 rooms. 3 bedrooms. tool shed. lots of trees. furniture included. 2 storey brick duplex in Blyth. 2 self-contained apartments. 5 rooms upstairs. 6 rooms down- stairs. propane furnace I/4 acre lot. 2 storey rick home in Blyth. 8 MOMS, . ' • ti qg and dining room, ni • lir _ tlilr fill or Pitt -Time E.mplsyment neg. a opera t s $1 focdr..F builIn o riCklattta. WaVes supp metlted by ,Bartending Hours. Early summer �,.` errilOa .nt with ,oppor unity for year round work.. Good incarne for right parson. (may suit retired couple.) Apply in writing to: DRAINER NO, 6 x C CrCLINTON NEWS -RECORD BOX 39, CLINTON EVERVIT Lauckner !BILE REALTOR Permanent home 3 bedroom, living room 28 x It fireplace-. diningroom kitchen are%treed lot. close to lake - electric heat 10 percent open mortgage. Ideal all year round retirement home 2 bedrooms, utility roorif. large living room with fireplace, dining kitchen area. 4 pc. balth - electric heat, community well. landscaped lot. wall to wall carpeting. I acre near Seaforth. with 1 floor brick home. 6 rooms. 3 bedrooms. oil heating. small barn on the property. FOOD FOR THOUGHT No one is a failure in this world who lightens a burden for someone else. S. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED to buy. private. three bedroom home in or .around Clinton. Reply to Drawer 7. Clinton News Record. Clinton. Ont. -13ar 6. AC'COMMOD'ATION TO RENT 0001110 t ARAM FLOWERS 1lAYLD 5654813 &ACCOMMODATIOI1j0 RENT MOBILE Home $120 a month plus utilities: South of Clinton. No base. Phone London 679-9083. -13 HOLIDAY Home vacancies,. retired men or women. Names can be listed. Mrs. C. Van Damme 482-3685. -Min 7. WANTED TO RENT ONE bedroom t; apartment available March I. 1976: suitable for elderly couple or single respectable female. utilities included. share clean bathroom, recreational facilities available: to V ansa stra Phone 482-9425. --7tfn HOUSE or apartment. in Clinton or vicinity. . Phone collect to Stratford 273-3817.-13 TWO or three bedroom house or apartment in Clinton area. Please reply to P.O. Box 1093. Clinton, Ont. or phone 482-3757 after 5 p.m. -13-16 8. HELP WANTED CAREER opportunity. Mate or female. Train at above average income monthly with 50 year old highly respected all Canadian life insurance company. Please send to Drawer 4, c -o Clinton News - Record. Box 39, Clinton, Ontario. -10-13 W ANTED : A mature housekeeper to live in with an elderly couple in Bayfield. No heavy work. Call 482-9214 or 565- 2623. -13 PERSON to cut 8" trees and smaller. must supply own saw. Approximately 150 trees. Cali 482-3354. -13 PERSON to learn fish filleting. Apply to McLeod Fisheries. Bayfield. Ont. Phone 565-2470. -13 , WANTED Mate or female cook and cook's helper. Full or part- time - Waiters and waitresses full or part-time. Bus boys and bus girls. APPLY IN PERSON Bavarian Tavern Bayfield 565-2843 13. SERVICES AVAILAIL. BYERS UPHOLSTERY- We will rebuild. re-cover or re -style your old furniture. Top quality fabrics and workmanship. Call 482-7939. 71 Princess St. W.. Clinton.-tfn WAYSIDE INTERIORS. STRATFORD. Custnm reupholsterting. top quality fatbrt and worksmanshlp Call collect for, estimate Stratford 273-0880.-35t fn 12. AUCTION SALE AUCTION CALENDAR Auctioneers & Appraisers Clinton. Monkton 482-7898 347-2465 SATURDAY, MARCH 27 50 head purebred Jersey cattle. tractors. farm machinery. etc. 4 miles east of Blyth for Arthur F. Heard. SATURDAY, APRIL 3 Tractors. farm machinery. feed. some household effects, 2 mi. north. 3 mi.. east of Bly;h for Casey Van Amersfoort. SATURDAY, APRIL 10 Lakeview Sales. SATURDAY, APRIL 24 Cattle feed, tractors. farm machinery and some household effects. 3 mi. west of Walton for Walter Sburtreed. Feed, tractors, farm machinery and sgMe hoes*h13ld effeOis to be bald for Mr. c asey Van Arnersfoort et, Lot 12. Con- cesslon 7, Morris`Towltship. 2 miles notth and 3 miles east of Blyth, CHUM PLUMBING MATING & T M AK 9. WANTED (dftera1) KNAPPS will buy outright, complet, household. estates, or single pieces of furniture. Best price paid or will sell by auction. Do not hesitateto call us. Our aim is to please. 67 Main Street, Seaforth, phone 527-1336.-t.fn 11. TENDERS • GASOLINE TENDER Plainly marked sealed ten- ders will be received up to 12 o'clock noon Friday April 2, 1976 for the supply of gasoline for all the school buses owned by the Huron County Board of Education. The successful bidder to' supply and install all necessary tanks and pumps. Tender forms may be obtained at the board office. R.L. Cunningham Transportation Mgr. HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 103 Albert St. Clinton, Ont. NOM 110 PINE LAKE CAMP requires senior secondary school or university students for ' summer camp work. Written applications from those with special skills. qualifications and -or experience in swimming music. leadership. crafts. cooking cleaning o clerking will be app Please send resume of above to: R.M. Elliott. RR 3. Clinton. Ont. 110. Also include age. name of .previous employers if any. -13ar WOULD you like to earn extra money working at home ad- dressing envelopes. For details rush 50 cents and stamped self- addressed envelope to Anne Turner Box 1193. Hagersville. Ontario, NOA IHO. -13.14 SALE OF USED SCHOOL BUSES Plainly marked sealed ten- ders will be received by R.B. Dunlop Superintendent of Business Affairs for the purchase of 8 used school buses. Vehicles will be sold uncertified, as is. where is, without licence plates • and may be inspected by con- tacting the undersigned. Tender closing effective 12 o'clock noon, Fri. April 2,1976. Tender forrns are available at the board office. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R.L. Cunningham Transportation Mgr. HURt3N COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 103 Albert St.. Clinton, Ont. NOM ILO PER WEEK iw PART TIME II you can spare 4 evenings a week and Saturday. you can make at toast in a week in the sales field. You choose your pay - salary or commission. Must be neat and have a' car. Far Interview call: 524.2941 (LEARING AUCTION SALE of Registered Jersey herd, feed. tractors. machinery and some household effects for Mr. Arthur F. Heard at Lot 6. Concession 14, Hullett township. 41/4 miles east of Blyth on county road 25 and V4 mile south, on SATURDAY, March 27th at 10:00 a.m. REGISTERED JERSEY HERD: consists of 5 cows fresh Jan; 4 cows fresh Feb.; 3 cows due sale time; 5 cows due April; 18 cows milking.and in various stages of pregnancy; 5 heifers bred recently; 5 open heifers; 4 heiferSlO months old; 7 young heifer calves. Herd istested for brucellosis and will be checked for pregnancy by veterinarian prior to sale date. Pedigrees to be read day of sale. "Note": this herd is not a milk testing program. but have used top rated Jersey sires such as: LindaleMerit. Beauty Doris Master, Barbra's Etta Jester, Kingshurst Fashion, Lindaie Echo Flash and have been well cared for. DAIRY EQUIPMENT: Jamesway 400 gallon stainless steel bulk milk cooler. Surge 8 unit milker pump with vacuum line for 50 cows; 4 - Surge milker units for Jerseys; hot water heater; stainless steel double sinks. SWINE: 10 Yorkshire sows, bred 4 to 6 weeks at sale time; 1 - 3 way cross bred boar. FEED: Approx. 1,000 bales of mixed hay; approx. 700 bales of secondcut hay; quantity of baled straw; approx. 35 ton of mixed grain; approx. 15 feet of corn silage in 16 ft. silo; approx. 20 ft. of corn cob meal in 12 ft. silo. TRACTORS: White 1370 4 wheel drive diesel tractor with heat houser external hydraulics. 1135 hours; Case 530 gas tractor with 3 PT Hitch. external hydraulics; New Idea manure loader. 1311 original hours; Ford Jubilee tractor; IHC W 6 gas tractor; Manure loader to fit a Ford tractor. Hydro Generator: Orton PTO driver -623 ' a 'generator nearly new. mounted on trailer. HAYING EQUIPMENT: Kasten self unloading forage box mounted on 10 ton Martin wagon; New Holland 404 hay conditioner; New Holland 270 hay baler; Cockshutt 4 bar side rakelrlDearborn' 3 PT Hitch haymower; Maygrath 32 ft. hay and drain elevator with as HP electric motor and PTO drive; 20 ft. tube hay elevator and motor; 2 - flat racks and wagons. TILLAGE EQUIPMENT: International 12 ft. wheel disc.; J.F. Heavy duty 16 ft. 3 PT Hitch wing cultivator used for two years; Oliver 9 ft. trail disc. 11 ft. trail cultivator; Turnto 12 ft. crow foot land packer; IHC 16 run drill on rubber with grass seeder in good condition, six sections of diamond harrows; Massey 4 furrow mounted plow; Ford 3 furrow mounted plow; IHC 3 furrow ace bottom trail prow; gravity bin on wagon; 2 grain aerators; John Deere No. 34 single beater PTO manure spreader; New Idea 201 PTO manure spreader; Dunham Lehr 6 ft., scraper blade; hydraulic cylinder and hoses; mineral feeder; Letz grinder; 20 ft. 4" grain auger; bench grinder and motor; quantity of snow fence and corn crib wire; 3 -,colony houses; 8 - bags of Hyland ,,mixed seed grain; 3 - bags of "seed corn plus an offering of mise. items too numerous to mention. HOUSEHOLD: extension table; piano; piano bench; 5 wooden chairs; buffet; wardrobe; dressers; wooden beds; odd table; treadle sewing machine; phis other items, fruit sealers, etc. "SALE ORDER": 10:00 a.m., household, small items, machinery. tractors, feed, hogs, dairy, equipment, and cattle sell at 1:30.m. Lunch booth by Perth Huron Jersey Club. TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE FARM IS SOLD RICHARD LOBBR.G. GETHKE AUCTIONEERS BORNHOLM PROPRIETOR: Mr. Arthur F. Heard (519) 523-9216 Owner or Auctioneers not responsible for accidents day of sale. Township of Mullett GRAVEL TENDERS Tenders wanted for the Supplying, crushing and delivering approx. 18000 cu. yds. of five-eighths inch gravel and must be capable of 1000 cu. yds. or more a day, Work ;must be done to the satisfacttif) of the Road _Supt. and be delivered in the month of June 1976, Apply to the Road Supt. for contract forms. The tenders must be itt the hands of Road Supt. by Monday April 5, 1976 by 5 p.m. and accompanied by a the i e of 10 percent of enclosed bid. Lowest or any tender not netessarily accepted. The accepted tender mutt be approved by the Ministry of Transportation and fmmunications. George mart Read Superitttt Otitorie 01111110110.1.1111011. 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE ,CODAN CONSTRUCTION + Commercial and Residential Renovations. + Custom -Built Homes For free Estimates, call ERIK CHRISTENSEN 4$2-7640 ,m FEED: Approx MO bales of hay. Approx. 1000 bales of straw. TRACTORS: Nuffield 101/460 diesel tractor. Nuffield Universal 3 cylinder diesel tractor with George -.White manure loader with hydraulic bucket. John Deere 40 row crop gas tractor with 3 PTHitch. • MACHINERY: John Deere 494 A 4 row corn planter with press -wheels and insecticide applicators, Massey 13 run seed drill. Allis Chalmers 10 ft. wheel disc., Hydrien 3 PTHitch 3 furrow 16" bottom automatic reset plow; Kongskilde 1Tft. 3" cultivator with leveling harrows. Vicon 3 PTHitch fertilizer spreader. Massey Ferguson Hp. 12 bay bailer. MeSseif Ferguson 7 ft, dyna ba1anc4 `3 PTHitch haymoWer. New Holland reciprocating new style- side rake. 32- ft. George White hay and grain elevator -with undercarriage and la HP electric motor; 2 good flat racks.and:ai gons; 3.- TUrncti 180 bushel gravity bins new la Mail, Martin 6 ton wagon. Martin 8 ton wagon, Schultz PTO manure spreader with single beater. 16 ft. 4" grain auger with motor, 12 ft. chain harrow. Popec forage harvester. feed cart. wheel barrow plus many other items too numerous to mention. HOUSEHOLD- EFFECTS: Colonial chesterfield and chairs with matching coffee table and end table chest of drawers. odd tables, odd: chairs. radio, double bed. plus other items. "SALE ORDER" Furniture will be sold first. small items on wagon, feed, Machinery and tractors. "NOTE" Machinery has been kept under cover. • TERMS CASH day of sale - FARM IS SOLD RICHARD MSS AUCTIONEERS R.G. GETHKE CLINTON BORNHOLM Auctioneers or proprietor not respontibte for 'accidents day of sale. R. CARTER, LA. Tax Advisor Personal lncofne, Tax - Prepared Please Phone 482-7776 alter 6:00 p.m. tin. Need extra copies of letters, docen eats, etc.? Let the Clinton News .Retard yy 53 ALBERT ST. 482-3443 make them for you. SINGLE COPIES... 2 5c ea - 10 -2o COPIES... 2OC ea. OVER 20 COPIES...1 se ea. ATHWELL'S OUTSTANDING AUCTION SALE Of farm equipment for Merelea Farms, 2 mites south of Clintlin on highway A4 and 21/1 miles west on Wednesday, March 31 at 10:30 A.M. TRACTORS Int. 4166 Turbo 4 wheel drive. 150 hp. 1300 hrs., hydraulic draw bar PTO. 23-1-30 tires. fully equipped. 4 extra 18-4-31 tires and rims; Int. 806 4 wheel drive diesel, tork amp, high tow PTO in excellent. " condition; Int. 656 Farman. tork asap, PTO, 3 PIH, 2700 hrs.. c/w four row j468 front mount cultivator; Massey Ferguson industrial 30 diesel tractor, tork convertor transmission.. N 34 Industrial loader, 220 Backhoe. 16" and 24" buckets. 500 hrs. TRUCKS - All trucks certified. 1972 GMC 6500 tandem full air. 427 engine. 5 and 4 -transmission.iboston seats. fully equipped. 18' x 8' x 6' all steel grain box with pole hoist; 1970 Int. "92 engine. full air, air lift tag -axle, 18' Aluminum grain box fitted tarp, pole hoist; 1974-4 wheel drive as ton Jeep. automatic transmission. 401 - 4 barrow, AM -FM stereo tape deck. 2 sets 950x16x5 tires. 8,000 Ib. springs; 1971 White Freight Liner. 318 Detroit Engine, 38,000 lb. rear axle, sliding fifth wheel. new tires, Boston air -ride seats. TRUCK SCALES - Senstek 25.000 lb. single axle electronic scales with digital 1 readouttnew)i a • a t► Clinton aft. COMBINE - Massey t-erguson 750 diesel. fully equipped 23-1-26 tires. 2 ▪ speed inertia cylinder straw chopper. 2 yr old 6 row .63 corn head. 13' grain head and reel, 10' .1342 Apron picrkup. ail quick hitch attachment heads. SWATHER - Versatile hydrostatic 400 swather 15' header, hay conditioner pickup reels. 2 yrs. old. FERTILIZER SPREADER - Tote 4 ton PTO c/w stainless steel box. ROCK PICKERS - Anderson rock picker reel type c/w hyd-mak piC p bib' Turnco Harley 20' PTO rot* w+ndrirwer c. w hyd cylinders; 8'loader type land leveler PLANTERS - Int 400 6 row air planter ctw monitor dry fertilizer. Liquid fertilizer attachment for 6 row John Blue liquid fertilizer pump; J. D. series 1280 - 8 row platelets planter o w monitor dry insecticides attachments, dry fertilizer. ' cross top fill auger PLOWS 7 furrow trail plow automatic ccylinder;IMPLEMENT: .int.6furrow a Pv 16' bottoms. trip beams;Int 3 PtH 4 furrow 14" trip beams.shanks and CULTIVATORS - int 25' vibra shank c/w following harrow .2 25 extF PIH withteeth, Kent cultivator 30' with 4" tooth spacing (1 yr levelers: Int td' trate cultivator harrows and bard lift; Meiroe 26' tine l3" chain Marrowscand bar 18' tine harrows. 6 section diamond m to (new). SPRAYERS - George WGate l tandewo m sprayegal rdw' 4 piston pump O�boarns�Cai'sa fit 4166 tractor . Calsa 400 200 gal trail sprayer hypro pump 30' booms; 3 Mo -nark 2" liquid pumps with 3' hp gas motor Allied 28' T' auger; M. F S' rotary 3 PtH- mower: IMPLEMENTS AND MiSC - SO• bale etev►elor, 311 Lucknow 6' snow blower (new) ; 8' 100 hp 3 PIH btader Cockshutt 4 bar side rake. 6' 135 Pft4 blade; box; 1 la fertnd ilizer auger Fhfrontdmount r Horst 8 ton wagon Turnto9auger; 00' 6" H.D.. cultivator for 165-175 tractors: cultivator for Super C tractor; 1 1 tank: Laauger; . r , hp ,motor . 700" ' z•' cable. 2 Ritchie 4' heated bowls: 1400 gat .919 Moister tester. 14A weigh scales; Radso:nmoister ttest:Fant m: Farm ixer. Implement cattle pen and squeeze. lumber . wobd fence poit, speed lack; SMALL ENGINES - Moto ski Ms 18 snowrttobfle 19/2 2ht 4 Yamaha,asaw. electric start with 2seater caboose. 750 pioneer chain saw. 9 chain and SHOP EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS -- Alco-rnatic hose coupling accessories 50 Ib. pressure greaser; quantity of new steel; bolts; 4 tractor rpd1gn; hyd cylinders. many more items.and AUCTIONEERS COMMENTS -- This is an ttlat shouldinteres+dev�ry fern't� F am� P to maintained farm machinery the 150 Hp range. All equipment ready to work for you. so plan to attend. Early viewing any time For further information Phone Rathwells at 519-4112-3120 Terms -- Cash Fat'ttt -Said Please supply own personal cheque Lunch booth on grounds Paddle Bidding Everyone Pmust ROPRIETOisterR at officer Grunewald MereteaRobert Farms Ltd. • Rathweli's Auction Service Auctioneers -- Liquid*tOre -w Appraisers 40 miles north of London on Highway 04 MtstChi far itetls No Resarrva 412-3120