Clinton News-Record, 1976-03-25, Page 11ihniMd aelk .,
Rev. McDonald continued
series fit sermons ons far Last .
Sunday morning with the
errs ' of "Jesus Cans*
lite: He -spoke to a
ceriiregatioss on the
bject of "Unity One
and". The- hymns and
hogs gave, the -Mission
that we are owe world
Christ, ich tker it be. in
rhea, .Hong Kong or
The children's story was on
book of Mark. 1* Good
s by a man earned Mark.
choir saps an anthem.
the direction of Mrs.
Gordon Shobbrook and
rry Lear greeted the
negation on behalf of the
ion. David Armstrong,
eith Howatt, • Darrell
hobbrook and Dennis
°thergill were the ushers.
Junior Congre:gatio,n
rs were Helen
ry Peel and. Madelyn
It was nice to see so many
young men and women of our
teenage community out to
'Confirmation classes are
being held every Tuesday at
the church with 1! young
people attending. Mr.
McDonald is conducting the
- Confirmation and reception
mill be held on Sunday. May
Matt p.m.
C«nanittee.1 SW/wards
The Committee of Stewards
met on Tuesday evening at
the church with near full
attendance of -members.
Among the many items of
business brought before
'thhem, they decided to look
into installing new exterior
lights at the front of the
They are also looking into
painting and placing new
floor covering on both
washrooms in the church.
Much credit goes to the
Committee of Stewards for
the way they are handling
their business. not only in
-keeping up the repairs in the
church and the redecorating
and other projects they have
completed. but also for the
many volunteer hours they
have given in keeping our
church in the condition that
the community can be proud
Young People
Despite the loss of hydro.
the young people of Lon-
desboro enjoyed an active
evening of basketball in the
school gym on Saturday
night. Following the
recreation night, they went
over to Mr. McDonald's .for
lunch and fellowship
Cheerio Club deviates !S!
the Cheerio Club met at the
home of Ena Howatt on
Thursday. March 18. The
meeting opened with Ena
Howatt as acting president.
She gave the meditation and
prayer. The secretary -
treasurer, Jessie Jones read
the minutes of the last
meeting and the treasurer's
Correspondence was a card
of' thanks,* front Alice
Divisional It was moved to
donate SIG bathe MMythEaster
Seal Fund, and donations
amounting to *50 were
received for the concerned
citizens committee to aid the
hospital in Clinton.
All present signed Get Well
cards for Tri Duller and Ida
Dthc non.
The• draw donated by
Myrtle Fairservice was won
by Jessie Jona.
Group three will be in
charge of the April meeting to
be held at the home of Jessie
Jones. Alice Davidson had the
Cheerio - , 4crapbook on
Roll call was answered with
a current event by nine
members. and visitors. Addie
Hunking, Nona Pipe, Hattie
Wood and Elsie Shaddick.
The program "was reading
by Nona Pipe. Mary Robinson
and Ena Howatt.
Contests were also field.
and lunch was served by Ena
Howatt. Mary Robinson and
Tri Duizer.
Dow Suchranan 'Wall' again
elected as president of time
.Huron District Council; Mrs.
Phyllis Cox. Holmesviile,
vice president; Mrs. Jessie
Tebbutt, secretary; and John
Conley. • Brussels. as,
treasurer. The officers were'
installed by Mrs. PhyUIs
Harriston. District Deputy. of
Sorry to report Danny Lear
was -admitted to the Clinton
Hospital on Saturday night
and to emergency at Victoria
Hospital in London on Sunday
with,infection in his leg.
Also Miss Dorothy Little
had surgery on Tuesday.
March 23. in It. Joseph's
Hospital. Port Charlotte.
Florida. We wish them both a
speedy recovery.
Visitors on Sunday with
Mrs. Jessie Jones were Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Moore of
Egmondville and Mrs. Laura
Mrs. Ross Milison, Sheryl
and Patricia. Woodstock.
visited on Sunday with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Shobbrook. -
Attending the 50th Wedding
Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
Russell McDonald in Blyth on
Saturday night from here
were Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Shobbrook. Mrs. Joe Shad -
dick and Mrs. Ena Howatt.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Radford. London, spent the
week with her parents. 'Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McEwing
returned home from spending
a two-week vacation in
Mrs. Bruce Kelly and Cathy
of Thunder Bay returned
home on Sunday from
spending the past week with
her parents; Mr. and Mrs.
'John Riley.
Londesboro UCW members
attending the Huron -Perth
Presbyterial in Brucefield on
Wednesday, March 17. were
Mrs. Alice Davidson. Mrs.
Ena Howatt, Mrs. L.
Hunking. Mrs. L. Pipe and
Mrs. B. Shobbrook.
Charlene Knox of Goderich
is spending this week with her
• cousin. -Diana Shobbrook.
Rev. McDonald visited with
his mother in Listowel
hospital on Sunday afternoon.
He also visited with his two
aunts. Mrs. Andrew Bremner
and Mrs. Irvine Hewitt, who
both are patients in the
Listowel Hospital as well.
Visitors on the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. . Allen
Shaddick were her mother.
Mrs. Waikom of Mitchell Ritz
Villa nursing home, and Mr.
and Mrs. Jeff Shaddick,
Crekiweie party
There is no generation gap Londesboro. This was
proven on Friday evening
when an excellent turnout of
all ages enjoyed an. old-
fashioned Crokinole party at
the United Church.
As one listened to the
laughter and witnessed the
joy of the youngest playing
with someone the age of
grandpa and outplaying Dad.
one felt the "good old days"
still exist.
The crokinole party was
organized by the Sunday
School with Gordon Shob-
brook and his intermediate
boys in charge of the tables
and boards. Mrs. Tamblyn
and her junior girls made the
posters and did the ad-
vertising. Mrs. Jewitt and her
junior boys secured the
In the kitchen were Mrs.
Lawson. Mrs. Wright. Mrs.
Lyon and Mrs. Penfound
serving lunch.
The winner of the most 20's
was Allen Shaddick with 38.
Mrs. Tielman Westerhout
won all the games.
Lisa Duizer and Robbie
Adams were tied for low
prize. The mystery prize was
won by Mrs. Murray Adams.
The Sunday School was
pleased with the door receipts
and special donations which
will help with the purchase of
Sunday School books and
supplies. Appreciation is
expressed to all who sup-
ported them in the project.
Aimwell Unit
The March meeting of the
Aimwell Unit of Londesboro
UCW 'was held at the home of
Joan Whyte.
Joan was in charge of the
business. Roll call was an-
swered with something for St.
Patrick's day. There were 15
members present.
The minutes of the last
meeting were read and the
next meeting will be a week
early. April 12, as they are
packing Easter treats.
Committees were named
for the Ham Supper on May
26. Prices are to be adults 13
and children. school aged.
Joan turned the meeting
over to the program com-
mittee. Mary Peel. Bernice
Hunking and Betty Hulley.
This part opened with a
hymn and scripture read by
Bernice. After the prayer and
hymn. Mary read from the
study book on Tanzania.
A contest was conducted on
the study book and Betty had
a St.,Patrick' s contest:
Lunch was served by Helen
Lawson. Florence Cartwright
and Velma Preszcator.
Member Canada Deposit
Insurance Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hulley.
Mrs. - Ted Fothergill, Mrs.
Jessie Tebbutt and Rev.
McDonald attended the
district banquet and annual
meeting of the Huron District
of' the Canadian Foresters
held in the Benmiller United
Church on Thursday evening.
Storm doesn't stop Huron -Perth UCW
Ry Wilma Oke
Mrs. Leonard Strong of
Egmondville was elected
president of the Huron -Perth
Presbyterial United Church
Women at a meeting in
Brucefieid last Wednesday.
She succeeds Mrs. Roy
Galway,of Listowel.
Over 200 women.
representing 75 United
Churches in Huron and Perth
Counties, braved snow -filled
roads made more hazardous
by poor visibility and slippery
stretches to reach the
meeting. postponed from
January because of blizzard
conditions at that time.
Mrs. Mary McDonald of
Gadshill reported that the
United Church Women.
through their mission and
service committees in their
own - churches. raised over
168.000 during 1975.
Mrs. McDonald. retiring
after 10 ►ears as treasurer.
was presented with a gift.
The theme of the meeting
was "Something Beautiful for
Worship service was
conducted by Mrs. Wesley
'Roe and Mrs. Frank Golding
of Seaforth.
- Mrs. William Strong of
Egmondville and her sister,
Mrs. William Spence of St.
Marys sang several duets. -
Anna Van Dijk of
Shakespeare was the special
guest speaker. She and her
husband. Conrad spent five
months in Bangladesh bet-
ween November 1973 and
April 1974. She spoke on
conditions in Bangladesh and
said there are many ways of
helping the people there such
as supplying milk powder.
used clothing and food.
"These things are tem-
porary." she said. "The best
way for, you and me to be
helping in a more permanent.
long range way. is to buy
products grown and produced
in Bangladesh."
Mrs. Van Dijk suggested
the main items imported
from the country we could
buy were the handicrafts
made by the women from the
jute grown in the country. She
showed samples of the jute
handicrafts made by the Jute
Works. a women's co-
operative set up five years
ago to employ widow and
other destitute women such
as outcasts who had nowhere
else to turn but to begging and
to give them an honorable
occupation and a living wage.
Mrs. James Woltz,
president of the London
Conference of• the United
Church Women. presided for
the election and installation
of officers.
Officers for 1976 are: Mrs.
Strong, president; Mrs.
Franklin Zurbrigg, Listowel
and Mrs. Charles Wilkins.
Lucknow, vice presidents;
Mrs. Elmer Hayter. Varna.
recording secretary; Mrs.
Mervyn Reuber,
corresponding secretary; and
Mrs. Donald Kernick,
Goderieb. treasurer.
Huron regional presidents:
north. Mrs. William Coultes,
RR 5. Brussels; west, Mrs.
Charles Wilkins; east. Mrs.
Campbell Wey, Walton; and
south, Mrs. Howard Pym. RR
1. Centralia.
Committee chairmen are:
stewardship and finance.
Mrs. . Robert Walters. Kip -
pen; leadership development,
Mrs. Wesley Neil. -Exeter;
nominating. Mrs. Roy
Golway; archives. Mrs.
Charles Wilkins; public
relations. Mrs. George Grant.
St. Marys; church and
society. Mrs. Bryce Skinner,
Mitchell; program. Huron.
Mrs. Leslie Wlghtman. Blyth
and Mrs. Greta Nediger.
Clinton; literature. Huron,
Mrs. Graham McNee,
in Dependable Cars and Tricks are
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