HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-8-5, Page 1, DI S 0-1,1 , A 1101 tif Sapro ru.) eaeteteetneee, eee-mtess'ionse,"sa,'. "seen. onee,sel, • artton. 1.)1.I '43 111,!l: tiJsti0o11,01N',:`, T1 , 111 '.1); TIT''!"1 41;144)10, f;1111149t,;,,W,QX 011100 ono 1l. 1;.1(1.;% "ld 7 11A .11 fli1.1tr.i.. WEE R P `JAY:." amdiug theii,;r1pi:pyri• • r 01F .4E T `.11) 1.141 (3 0 41 4,11111114,'A 114 , t et; telt•Ii.t eel..., tat LENT' ATI, '7' teat' • A.T.T Wit,I T , 1). T (/ ItTArl Has opened el,. nta 1 O'NWL'S DAHL, wilIlO 1to w • rOP1100(.1 10 Loi t.t7,111, wit Pahl. A.11. 01) 0141 t0(1'101m Wil 1 oto skih, Gala (Minas specindly, 04'100 ;) 0, ha; (10 p en, (1113Ile 11:1,111 ;it= .1;„ 1 T Ka N 8 1V[AkN ,TIST.i. 1.1 )„.^,3 10 x tro ets Toe th without pain, by giving Vitall,ieql /Air, or by uhmg the Now JoO,1i A er,eit).114"' WC 011 t1).0 gum:, ; makes (101d Filings and all other dental work LlInboSt 1)n0(hiblo. Et -mita lihstrkirS 111, B1E0011, .11 1131 sido lreite-Street, 11 xpter, (Mt. , 1)1•..D• o oOMOOlut lli,prosidence Exeter. T W. BROWNIN(* M. 1)., M. P. IA ,GradnateVietoriairriversity,Offlee a dIresidence,DeMiuionLa, boratots , Exeter T1R, J. A, ROLLINS, 11. C. P. S o. Ince, Mail St.Exeter,Ont, Resideu .e.e house re contly occupied hY • McPhillips, Hscl, DES. HYN'DMAN AND 110,0PER, Di . Heileman , Coroner for the County ,of Herron, ettc., Dr,Hoop et, 'Licentiate or the Hoyal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh; L io outlet eln Midwifery, Eclinbur gh(Scot laud) Rost.gra.cluate Student of the T1ntversity of 'Vienna (Auatria)„and of the 11,,t oorfleld Eye Hospital, Loudon (England) itte., &e. Spool attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear And 'Threat. Office, Main -street, Exeter. DV., WOODRUFF, Permanently located in No. 185 Queen's Avenue, London, a few doors east a Post 0f1toe. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, had sight, and the pros- ervathin a vidat tifseases of the Ear, im- paired hearing, and disthargee from the ear; diseases of the Throat, chronic, inflammation being a frequent cause or deafness ; diseases of the Nose, catarrh being a oommou cause of linpai -ad hearing. AUCTIONEERS. Ts-TENRY EILl3ER, Licensed Inc- tioneer for Hay, Stephen, and McGilli- rraY:Townehips. Saes conducted at moderate :ates. OffIce—At Post-oillue,Crediton, Ont. TOHN GILL, .A.uotioneer for the El Tow/sallies, of Stephen, Hay and 17shorne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this °Mee. VETERINARY-. TENNENT & TBN.NENT, Veterie Graduates of the Ontario Veterinar nary Surgeons+ college, "l'oroir. oiled an ofilee tment • o f all Animals, ma P.seter. Calls to, have op forth(' trea Domestic M.,,instreet from a attended ;11.4 • bane') promntly dicine for Horses CattleAe always on hand) MONEY TO LOAN. ONEY TO LOAN ON REALES ILL. tate forthelituron & ErieLoan ,?•• Say. ingsSociety. Low rates ofintoresi. Apply to Sohn Spackraan,Exeter. 11/fONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6-ls -11.1L percent.secording, toberms. Private Funds. Apply t o 5, '85', B . V.IILLIOT , August1 Solialter, Exetei , 1/[ON. • TO LOAN AT 6 AND 64 pe 425,000 Private Funds, Best Loaning Co,,' )anies represented. L.33 DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE . WA T E RL 0 0 MUTUAL FiRE INSURANCE CO . Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO; ONT. %ALE stock This conaT.anv has been aver Bighteen FOSTA in successful operation in Western On- Dye -stuffs and package RBAT C,11.41 Ripreto AsnocesSl'uln1lObileisetestcdove THIJE,Si);‘,,, — • 111 .0ialp3U W) ONT, so brthollen4dts et case .1 10flQ)418/IVS, V4;4'4).P44$11 t7C4ti41E., freak/44SO ofBrain+ sP of oithersex, 01e4ort,orover-exertion. Six packages is g uarto icea to cirect 10 00170 when otherraedieinesfai Ono pe0101 U0 $1, SEX packages $5, bymaih liol Dydrtiggists% 1,17rfte -"or PrtIzt„ '74,,f.3t A s reEfIlvENA GI113111CIAL Co, 1,10.11t°110? 311624 r side, by -J. 1'. 1 tra w Mug, Exeter, an (. ail druggists, n r (117.,irt..-Te;1 tont operea itt m 0. Over ;.:',(000 par; 0Q 01 10(10 boch in 01t;cunin11e0 ; 170 students 110(01.10 last 3 oar eproson 'B (cg ritish Col - '4.• I 111111,0(0,rdaolt01;0, All/I14444'1111, Nen- Vc.a,1(, !Oa tart° and. Q. it el ice 117 (1/J-110)1MBal1 tPar !roil ton tl,Mtrtivti, E:7.0416/11g. Matriculation, 'Mende, Vino Arts, Commercial S °ter oe, o lle- gteto and tVatioliorst CoEnes, ,Oall Term begins 030110, 0110,18,86, Vor annual eatalcietme, eten, v,a(ilT.Eit net% A. DY On, 11. A.., Pres. 111 f Wesle Co ege; EIA11111.tirEQN (.)ANAliA • The first, of 11h) Ladies' 0 °lieges. Has grad', 'anted over 300 in the full eours0. nee educat- ed over 2,000, run. faculties in Litoratarot. • Langinages, C.E91.10e, (111a 4.rr t, The Largest Col'. logog m Dominion. open Sept. 1, 1886: Address tho Principal, 12 A_ BURNS, L.L. --MAY BE (1.001), 100 J "iaM 6.,nzaaa's LANGTRY AND PARISIAN BANGS Poo exeells tiny eVer before shown in Exetor• If you wish to got any Hair Goods eall on Ike 0-2.4/411g, 440 tb(4 Central Barber Shop, whore 1(03 manufaetures Hair Work so natural that You Would Ncet Know It from tho Original Hair. Stich as the Langtry and Parisian Halloo, Saratoga Waves, and the ,Gounine Waterware Switches, Toopies, Curls Us a )..ul Wigs. Refer() going elsewhere, give him a call01 hlo, TENSORIAL. PAULORS, ONE .3:1000 NORTE OP TEE ORNTRAL HOTEL, New Pump Factory JOIIN SWALLOW Would respectfully infOrm the inhabitants 'of.the surrounding townships that lie has op. ened a Isliew Pump Ve.etory In SOUTHOOTT'S OLD STAND, MAIN -ST., EXETER,, ore. eose-orerce. Where he will keep. ca*I, hand all kinds of Pumps, which he will.sell at moderate prices REPAIRING- A\ SPECIALTY. Wells and Cisterncontracted for at reason- able prices, and work executed with despateh. SATISFACTION- 8,11 1.11ANTEED. JOHN SWALLOW. ' l3„ LAT711.-.4.1\TOE'S Spectacles & Eye -glasses Dr. Browning has the Sole Agency In Exeter, for the above lenses. They are the only ones recommended by the President and Vice -President's of the Medical Associations mil Canada and, all tho' leading oculists of the age. They he.vo a world-wide reputation for giving that aid to Nisiou which all, other, lenses fail to give, Beware' of imitations, as they are in the market. B. Laurance's S ee taoles and Eye -glasses are marked B.L., with- out which Tame aro genU108,-0010pbbblos 000 stamped Pebbles. Do not be deceived by any pees stamped Pebble -glass --or by any surd'. unity in name.—DR. BRO Senn AGENT POP. EXETER, CENTRAL DRUC STORE of all kinds of tario,itudeontinues to insure againstloss or • damage by Fire ,Buildings,Merchitmli sa,Man- lifactories,and o the r descriptions of] Insur- able property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash SySMEE. During the past ton years this Company has 'sailed 57,096 Policiesl covering property bo the amount or $40,872,028 aucl p aid in loss - o s a lone S709,752,00 AssetS, S17(3,100.00, consisting of Cash GovernmentDeuosit, an Vie unties- ess ed Premium No tes on han d and in force. 1, W Witt,tmw11 Preside!, t. 101. ‘‘r. Secretnity. ,r. Etrouns,.Ensoeotor. OtrAs. SNELL Agent for Exeter and vidni t 0, T' r Inmis Inioroonoalalliallwa OF CANADA, :rho Royal 11'011, Passangt, and .rettratt Itoute between Canada and GI +At and - treat route botive en the \Vast 10114 p II vo'inis 01.1 LOW01, St. Levorence and Bah, de,,1 Chet- ] our, ttlso Now B swieic Nova Seal 9, , L.I. P. B. Ua,pe iiroton, Newthun land, la, Bermuda, ancll Jamia.taca. and elegant Puilmett 11111100 Sleeping., Cars run on through 1,,;xpross trains. • Pas,s1,-ep,orsfOr Great Britian or the Conti- ent by`l,av'ing Toronto 100 11.0 tin i(0, ',chins - day wilI');11). outward, mail steamer .at Hali- 1nx ni• 01)turday, Superior 1111+vator Warehouse nncl .Dock ac- commodahon'tt Halifax for shipment of grain and general niolehandise. Years of experience have proved tho INTER - COLONIAL in counection with steamship lines tc) and front Loudon. Liverpool and Glasgow to I_Lilifetx, fe be the quielenst freight route 'botween. Cadeedit eiMcl Great Britain, Information as to Passenger and Ereight rates can be had on apPlication to HOB MDT 13. MOODTE, Western Freight &,Passongor Agent OS P,,ossin Efouso Block, York St, Toronto. L, POTTINGEB, Ohio/ Superintendent. Hallway 0 to )\15;NoV 13,1885. Semi 10 cents postn,ge iid we win send you ,ar ree a royal, valuable sample box cV goods that will lin t, 7013 1» the way or making 11101•0 tc)Itoti at oneo, than anything also in America, 700101,0,oxert ot an ages can live at home tind work in 9E10 6;1110, 01' on /110 4, 11114) 011))1/41 )1 ()tr.:141mi) 1111 ; NViit Sidirt Trnraosio 3 ety area for theao who start at once; ST1XSeN , Pori land elratue* Dyes, constantly on hand. Win an's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- st and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared. at the Central Drug Store 3etet C. 1.1 11. T A C I -E ! —0 -Lk S n st7 u) TEAS ! TEAS TEAS! TRY MY JAPAN TEAS NATURAL LEAP, MAY PICKING, Feat Arrival over the Canaria Pacific road from japan, direct. PURE, swutyr, DELICIOUS, only 50 cts. I give (1lbs, 'Bright Sugar for 25cts, with every Pound of Tea at 50 cents, SUGAR'S I SUGARS ! SUGARS! Bright, 1611)8 ; Coffee, ; Granulated, 13 ; von' $1.00, easn, AND SE14, EANT.TLA TV,T) SUGAR FOR PRI1SEUVTNG 14 LTIS. P011 81.00, ("Asir. LEMONS, MINEIAA.L WATERS, TO- BACCOS, CIGARS, &o. • ALE R AXL.E:: BEST INTHE,WOUT.,„D GR EASE . . far Getthekierkuine. Sold EverYwhertv- ., A D'VERTISEES by add r e s sin g GEO. P I/ OW' al 14,144 qo, 10 Spruce -St., New York, can, learn the ex..iet cost of any proposed line of AD'VERTISING 110 American Newspapers l•--100-pageparap1olet,10c Co 411 414400 a 11 Wishes to announce to the inhabitants oil Exeter and. vicinity, that he has opened out Bot - mid 00 sha, • StOrC North of Samwel Pickardte; where he is prepared to make all kinds oeorderect walk. Sewed work a speciali.ty.._ Repairitik pronctptly attpuded. to. GEO. MA.1T SON Late Manager C. Eacrett's Boot and Shoe Establishment. May 144 h 84. . 500 TUBS Matter Wanted EXETER N ORTEI, Our Stock is Well Assorted FOR THE SEASON'S TRADE. LON. PRICES STILL MAINTAINED GROCERIES!! to lbs. sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbs. white.sugar, $1. We ,ean't be undersold in Teas, from 20c. 113. , Bootsh Shoes (All Styles) glow Prices. A. nicely assorted stock of 1-1 ARDWAR E. FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all sizes, O (Oheap.) Best Machine 0i17.60e per Gal. COAL OIL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Ira'• A ince Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.75. 'A, good suit of ready-made clothing for $6. • Ord.ored suits got up hi Good Style. Our Dress Goods are !narked down to the Lowest Notch, COTTON -20 YARDS re17, ONE DOLLAR. , A House and Lot, (OF%) a "farm for Sale. Apply to IOEIN MATHESON. HAY P. O. Exetez ..Butof,ler Shop. tt. r 9'ltche --IN A s , ueral Dealer ..0141 or— m: 2923 „11, rr 8 Customers supplica TUESDAYS, THIERS- DAYS ANE SATIYBDAYS at their reeidence ORDEBS LE111T AT THE SHOT” WILL RE OEIVE PROISIPT ATTENTION. )). KI liar 'ON. St/// Takes the Lead! IN A COMPLETE STOCK OF GENERAL GOODS vv e s ell Cheap ,For Cash OR ON TIME TO GOOD TIME. GROC ERIES, DRY -GOODS, :HARDWARE, CROCKERY, TINWA RE, (1 InVELERY, BOOTS & SHOES", ETC., ETC. LADIES, ATTENTION Sugar, Ctired Hems, :Breakfast -Ba'co "3E8-1' T'" 81JOAR8 (Celebrated Crosee, :Brend), Bologna. . / CAPE KEMP, to, Dag Gi.to0y,:Diiow's Block South Stir-, 5, 1880. THE eyouArrn. „y 0 (VD, tiOrr4/1i.:10 1001,11 Pa,rkb..1:07 0(01; 0010001'113y aout 17 0'C10131 11 1=.11 belonging to Mr. doial,1 Elliot, abottlt`a /tall 01(100(0)11 of thiS 101011 was discoVersd to he on lire. -No assi80400.0 'tats tut (1 t • ' balm or conteuts,,wIttclt consisted of abou t SO lono of and 1110 wu1a'.0(90 destioy Tio Imilcling was insured Tor 8iO, no hfl. 11(1111)0111 0(0 contents ;. the total loss will foot up to shout 61,000,- 'rho hay WAS 00(20. ed by 111-, John Shoults. I -lay. LI0irrNiNo.—The barn, of Noah A.rne. strong, 3711 con. nay, was struok by light- ning end burned, on Sunday 240h, ult., at' p, in.. reaper and some six tone, of hay, -wee° also consumed. Partially .ineured.' Mr. Armeteettaawas at his farm. '• near Kindardine when the fire occurred, although Ile comehome c411 MondaYi• .and naseed ,tho Prontises, 31e was not mecle. ;known of the fact until Tuesday followinge. Centralia. Several citizens,wha, haave been visiting; at various places clueing the past month, have returned Rime.. CATTLE Tnanzta--Jankes Elliot, cattle: grazier, shipped last week, a car load of' the best cattle evee fed ha the township._ , Fans& Some. —"Wm. Hooper, Councillon„ O 13idclulph, havingnnade his "little pile, sold his farm, taJohl Caldwell for$'7,500a We miderstand that he intends going, across the borders.inta Uncle Sam's do, mains. Elinaville. t The fall wheat and barley harvest is I, about over. The yield will be fair, Mr. Richard!, John's lost a valuable, gliree oldeelt- last'week by consump- tion. O Mr, Thomas, HeAvood's horses rant away with 0114a.r90,,per one day last week and smashed' itainto fragments. Mn Geo. Slearnon has sold his foam s. lot con '7' to 111.1‘. •Thornas Heywood., for the sum of $3,,200. Mr. John Hind has. erected a new frame 11 01111 wtottmlt E1,;!! Da$11 wood, Ve noticed ilt yettr last 10,ule the tta- eottot of an Exeter M03(01181, gettimi lost . ut Ens We van. assostre yolt was not intoxicated, for the /4110.-100 of , the hotel bore, would tiot sell anythit"c - 17 1)0 could. possibly get our of IL Bnilw8.---Mr. )3c:utter cat 0(1(01(1 of oats last week. ; he is the first on the list tbie splitter and 11Ixe qiing th • subject of the day. --Many of or farmers. have coMpleted their wheat. and ' loo.71,y harvest ; they report, built a fair crop.-- nmeons have juet own plated the Miele •svork of Mrs. Ball's fine brichresidenee. .—Mr. McCallum, of Exeter, has just finished painting the White liouse. B. A. Bean, is on. a tour through Mielti- gaze, for the benefit of his health; Ito in- tends visiting friends, in, Saginaw, • Gland Rapids, jaokeon, . Detroit, ana eeverar other places. —Mr. john. Pried, of Lon- . don, was home on 0 visit last week.—Ilte flex mill is in. good rrinuiree order • the mill-wrigh,t work was done bY Thone, of this place, who is also busy repairing, steam. thresriers, having, foitr Laid ergoine repairs (tt present.--Blr. tFinn, is gating famous fer good work; he turns out a great deal of work.—The saw - ere not operated' regularly this dry weather for fear of lire.---Kellerillan Bros., have sold their &liver to Mr. Ben, MoKenzie.—Our millers are taking their 'vacation.---Laree guantities of hark pass ,through here bawls:a fen. Exeter.—Miss 'Simon, is visiting friends in Alreira; some ane will miss Iter.--Mes.. Each and eon 'were home on a few. weeks visit.—Mr, A. Reynolds, our tailor,, has sold out to Ms assistant, Mr. John. Paget, and gone Kirlston. Stanley - Mr. W. Stewart was -for years a tenant on one of Mr. Waldeonis farms, London roa.d, Stanley, Huront CottIlty, 4/31(1 ply 'removed to Dakota lasespring, having the most cheering prospects ahead of him. ,His wife was about 46- years of age, and was loved asa- neighbor and friend. She had any number. of acquaintances here who will regret very deeply to learn of the la.mentable death of herself and daughter, , and there are no bounds to the sympathy that will be expressed for Mr. Stewed. front to his, house, which adds to the When death results from natural causes a,ppeaeance of the . 01 18 sad enough, but when it is the re- Strathroy. . about twelve.' =las from tins town, Jas G, Strathroy Aug. 3„--Teeterclay, at Napier, Sutherlanclaaged abwh oet 17 ,years, ile try- ing to adjeat. a belt, in his brother's mill was drawn in and thrown ,around several tiMes, striking Ids head against a staircase at each revolution, reesiving injuries from which he died in Mame hour afterwards. He wits a lever ancbintelligent young man. being well known iniOolleeiate Institute circles here. A coneention of delegates from tho West Riding of Middlesex assembled at Mount Brydgesthis afternoon, o,vel.7 fair attenclanee being the result. The object was tete select- ion of as eandidate tto contest the riding against Hon G. W. Boss at the next election for the Local Legislature. Quite a rutnber, of candtdates were proposed. but all retired c in favor of Robert Brown, ex -Reeve of Met- calf, elect then received unanimous nomina- tion amidst much enthusiasm. Mr. Brown i11 an energetic and patriotic speech accept- ed the nomination and pledged himself to use all fair and honorable means tocarry the riding. sult of accident it 'becomes ' muchMore lamentable. -A. letter was received from 'Vivian,' Dale, under date of the 21s0 ult., which conveys the, sac/ intelligdnce that .Mrs. W. Stewart and her daug,Iter ,Lu, aged about five years, were sot terribly burned that they have died from heir, in- juries. It seem shat the leatle . erl '01011 tempted to startthekitchen fire, but as -it did nob burn very -well, Mrs. Stewart took the coal oil can and was pouring. oil on the flames, when. the oil caught fire, exploding the burning oil on both mother and daughter, setting their clothes on fire. As there was no one else around the house time, at the me, no assistance' could be render- ed them. until they were both tereibly burned, their clothing being reduce to ashes. As soon: as their condition was 'liscovered, a doctor was called in, but nothing whatever oould be- clone to save 'them, and both died after seven hours' terrible suffering; the daughter dying about five minutes before her mother, who was not awareof the death of her child:. The son, who wrote the particulars of this sad affair to a, friend here states that his father is nearly heart -broken, and the neighbors have been exceedingly kind, doing everything possible to ameliorate his circumstances. Zurich. -- Bams.—Mrs..Will and Henry.Dryinutla, O are visiting friends hi this, vicinity.—The Hay Branch „Agricultural Society, aide(1 by a nember of our citizens, are making pre- parations for a grand -hand competion,which is to take place on the second day of So- ciety's chow. One Inunlved dollars is al- ready subscribed as pill.) money. Further particulars to fallow. --A number of the farmers in this vicinity have finished. har- vesting,. The flax -pelting seaeon is just about ever. ---School ,-emittenceo week after next. AottuoLNT,-,--A vety }mil and :etal o,cci- dtnt happened. t Mr. (las. Tuff, of Stanley. He had10090to lkylield on tut errand, and 00 Itts return, he was in the act or getting into It'. buggy, after (1,-ising no gate, when, the ,e made 10 50141,1011 11314004 throwing p.ntly out of the tit?, his head m sun way, getting betv,Iten thc wheel an the shaft. His (Icath must have been al- most 00110111,'111011l1.1, 0011'. Taff was well kuTwn through this secti..n. of the county, and was highly respected. Relatives and friends have our deepest sympathy in their sad bereavement. Ett-, mtn.8. A Wr'Hu---Ltist week seems to have been a week of deaths in this vicin- ity. Mrs. Gasho and Mrs. Henry Otwein, of the 14th con., were had away in the cohl, eold grave.' Mrs. Otwein died from a shock of paralysis, whfch slie received about five weeks .ago, and suffered acute pain until death's cold hand laid her beyond. all mortal pain and sorrow, The bereaved family have our heartfelt sympathy. Messrs. Jacob, Joseph, Isaac and David Surerus, also a number of relatives, returned, hm afrom atat'- tending- tendinthe funeral af their sister, Mrs. Win. Rowel, who died Bleuford T'p, County of Oxford, on Seturday last. Mrs. Rowel loaves and respectable circle of friends to mourn her death. • Winghain. The people Wingham are at present exercised over an elopement story. For some time past Mr. Smallhorn has been (w station ent of the Grand Trunk in that town. He recently left on 00 trip to the old country with the expectation of benefitting hie health, which was feeble. Amongst the residents of the village has been Al- fred Williams, formerly of Luckneus, who was agenti for an organ company, and he apparently succeded ingratiaLig himself strongly into the favor of Hrs. SmaIlhorn. who is a very comely matron. Indeed it is dicited by it conductor of the G. T.- R. , that on one oacemon he observed Small- " horn hi the smokin(3 car of his train; and A MteiN AOT.---Al)out the meanest and most cowardly act that has ever been per- petrated in this vicinity, for a long time, was served on Mr. Win. Baker, of the Blake hotel. It appears, Mr. 13akor, who is the proprietor of a threshing machine, hadmade fall preparations to thresh. for Mr. C. \Vag - net) of Wagner's Corners, on Monday ev'g last, but on examining the machine the fol- lowing morning, it 00118 fotmd that some 01080rottitt 110(1 aethally cub the driV- iny 1)01.0,11111 broken Hie steam pipes, total. ty I is,hling the machine,. Tf tlic evi 11014(1 pamon or persons were sent through the 'oylincler 01 n, throshhig machine, it , 1)3 non° t b. 1 for them. r. 1 ! • '1- lit, is aware of, subsequently notmecl As Mame of3enpying a seat in company with Mrs. Smalllitem in a passenger coach upon the same train, her head rooting upon his shoulder in it manner altogether too confidential anti 7octioaato. After the departure of ItIr. SmaIlliotm it is stated that AYilliams, who is the, father of two small ohikleen, qui( tly started eastward one day presumably uprtn a business trip. IL is also alleged that ttpon the following day Mrs. Smalihorn proceeded to a banking house and (tree - the sum of .$1,000, which, it is clamed, she had it right to do under the powers delegated to her by her husband, and also departed. She loft behind her three young girls, who are visiting at it friend of the faintly at Brantford. Williams was involved in. debt to a considerable extent, and. shortly before leaving he disposed of a team of liorses owned by him at Harris. town, Ibis also stated that in addition to this 1V1esers. Campbell & Cameron, bankers, of LucknOw, have a large claim. against him. The deserted wife, Mrs. Williams, Sat- urday, received a letter from her recreant husband, bearing no address whatever, but stating that she need, not expect hint to come back. As a result she sold oll all the household goods and left for the home of her parents near taieknow She is represented as an. exceedingly worthy wo- man. (1101'(t.; „ 1, Mr, 1111 oh. !„! ft„, /) ,o11 take eharAo Pf , Wk. oo q (.101 fog 11 11.1ahl, 11110 ) 11,'1 117).„, :1 12i 1: ,,,) E A' 00 to London, but 1007110. lug 1, tyely oi ctly lino, they returned to ..)c 11t.t...it ,n;yualittt1s. j\js 1, 183:01.1e17;yortlevd,b thoa: fly y tnrentl shortly to try the city again. 110-111(0 l0000rng f.'igl hone(' and 71'may ttliti, Lally injured the buggy, Mr. J. E. Murra,),, who attempted to stop the run- alvay, narrowly tt•scaped seriotts .120 4/ meeting oV. the 801101)1 trliSbees, 011 MOilday 0001141g, it was agreed to engdoe Mr. itt!'s Jun e,t, of Crediton, as prmolPal of 1(tiuelf' 0011011, (0 0 :401,012; 0/0 $8114 171 11)0TE V 11(111'40.1111g1 Ina last 8011001, pectItsif'IroWetn.. iell;°Ppaos-i ture eoutiuttottely for 39 years., .10 ISoae of tlio-bvtioitu 010 but froni ite convenienee to the buildinee has been used for the pelves() stated. • Mr.. Will- McNamee, itho has been. nigiolo operetor �. T. R•., here for the past two years has been promoted to the posi- tion. of day operator, at. Lucen, Mr. Me- Intyre of St. Pards, succeeds Mr. Mc- 1sTamee1 Miss Susie -McLaughlin, after a long illness, died on. Sunday last, at the egg of 23. Site was buried ort Tuesdaye ab the Presbyterian .burying -ground. She formerly Utught school in. London town- ship. 1,, , a 1:;:..itt: Efensall. Mrs. J. Sutheilandis visiting friends in Mitchell, Stratford and. Woodstock. Miss Dick, has returned home from. Thornciale. Mr. A.. Kelly, watch -maker & jeweler, and Mr. T. McPherson have returned home front a four weeks 'trip. Mr. T. Berry, has been adding to the appearance of his sale and exchange stalls by having the same nicely painted. up and putting in the. front of his i Mr. G. 1.11.00Tain, i8 this week finishing law furniture shop. The farmere in this neighborhood busily engaged harvesting, and we • pleased to report the crop e good, Mrs. A. McPherson, is at present visit- ing relatives and frierids West Wawan- osImi. vs. cLeod, wife of Dr. McLeod, of Detroit, has been. here for the past week visiting at her father's, Mr. James White, of Ray. The,Misses Murray, who have been. visiting friends in the neighborhood of Lucknow,afor the past week, returned, ah.onneon •Meraday. Mr. T. 3/furdock, is drawing- the ma-,, terial for a dwelling wifieh he, intends at once ereoting, on Queen -street, opposite. St. Paul's church. P. Stoneman, telegraph operator, of Pierre, Dakota, (formerly of this part) ottO who has been enjoying a 'few weeks. iolidays at his father's and among his. riends, left here last week to resume lls duties. The Messrs. Welsh Bros. who have he contract for the re -building of Mars hall's brick block, are pushing the work Orwarcl, and will, in the course of a few eeks, have the Block nearly, if not uite finished. Our Civic Holiday will be held on Wed- esday, the 1.1th, the day of the 1.0.0,P - • emonstration at London. Our villagers ill thus have an oppeertunity of going to' endon or pienicing at the lake shore. ,Mr. 'W. A. Waugh, of the firm of °Dollen &Waugh, handwaremerchants, as recently placed a very nice fountain n his lawn. Mr. Waugh has an eye for te beautiful, as is evidenced by his fine esidence and its surroundings. The Brickwork of the new Presbyterian hurch is nearly finished and the structure ready presents a liae massive. 111)1)01110. 1100. "When completed, it will be one of ie finest churches in, this part of the mniy. Mr. R. ro,ii'•6r.son, of this place, es the contract and is performing the ork 10 10 very creditable and satisfactory ^xner. The stone.and brickwork part the building is in the tads of Mr. W. (Mly, 20110 is a thoroughly experienced to 1 eitheient workman. A, very plea -Ant event ,ok platto iti tho ..(41r..,-terian mans‘t li,tro. .01 Wednesday timing, the 28th, in t.1.1,1 Form of a. mar- tge corthhony, the contracting paruies big Mx. Simon limthre. of this place, -1 Miss Phelicia Kerr, , autgest claugh- , of Mrs. J. Ling, of tawnshil) 07 .y. The happy couple wore accem- nied to the depot by a number of onds ana 000k th, trAiti for BuMtlo, ''witbi tiVirin°11181,1y)efur(iletatclfsalivricit'vVhingWitolit(1)2i011 less and___,....prospet.,titctv,,,,qk.*....vo municipal from 0(113 Provincial voters, cannot 'legally bo INCC1 0/1.1161' at the icipal or Provitwial elections and al - o1) the clerics cannot right,fully be led, still they mat. the eyes 1.M the hold respfin,ible. are are The intuldlo catis,:t1 ,11,7 the Mowat Gov- ortnuont in not allow i .0 t the Into changes in the Provineial hiso to extend to municipal 010(1010111 1) tiing condemned on every side. First th- right is denied 1 -the electors to vote other than in the Riding where he lives or is (1 needled. No mat- ter how much properte. trent tufty own in different parts of the Province, he can only vote once, ancl not even then unless that he is qualified to do so where ho This is certainly a great hardship; but as itis the work of Mr. Mowat, Grits, we suppose, 10111 51(3r that it is all right, But it has turned out that farmer's sOhS, wage earners, owner's 80318 and income voters can only vote at Provincial elections. This muddle is cetising a vast amount of trouble, especially to municipal clerks, and may, in the end, lead to a good deal of litigation. Where the rolls have been prepared and printed, without, separating 11)13 bliey od fl C: 10: 111)11.„141 111';41,111. :t4 ,0010n. Gi.,, 1101111 -ortle 10 '11710 111:).11,C",,,E, 111',.E', E-CE.Itr, E the foul! doed, , 1;1-4, ;Ix