HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-03-25, Page 3r8���. rCir�ccl in In Seventeen member.; the, Wesley Willis Magic Circle met In the church parlour s lrlarch II "and jjombitted a Concerned `tilisetlts, ' project with their regular monthly meeting. ' Chairman Marg Murch conducted the.busiaess. Plass were finalized for a badness men's luncheons 'to , bold at the- church, Thursday March 2S, and the ladies voted 1p cater for • an ; agricultural dinner on April 21. = . 4. The devotiowol was' coil' ducted by Marion Ill Olson and' . Helen . Davies' who were ,responsible for the'ismeting and Mary Murch assisted. The story of a school forthe women of Rhodesia was told. n joint drug The vim have more op. portusity- lot` education and wives find it difficult to keep up, so titin is a training in both academic and practical. The ladies were asked to save good clothing for a bale to be packed in June. Home ' cabs totalled iS and hospital calls totalled Wait. Plans for the. joint Spring Tfiaakotfering at Ontario Street United Church ire completed for April 25 at After; the ' meeting,. the ladies folded ' and stapled letters to be sent out.to all by the Save the Hospital 'com- mittee. Lunch• was enjoyed when the job was done SI., J�is ,'I LeVlfrU Iwars iffami& planning The Lenten Program at St. Joseph's Church for Sunday., March 21 was on Marriage sad the Family. and Family Planning. The guest speakiks were Terry and Liz Gallivan. The program opened with evening prayer and the lighted candles represented the light of Christ: Terry told them that some of them shouldn't try to make the mystery of life fit into their plans because they say they cannot fit into'the idea. Some of them tried "the pill" because it was easy and sure. Liz said that she too tried "'the pill" but in the face of risking a five percent sterility factor in her young life. she decided to look for a better choice. • The Pope urged responsible parenthood and also warned against artificial means because of dangers of loss of respect .for life and for women. and cookies were served. Father Hardy opened the question and answer period. Some wanted to know why priests have different an- swers on the subject of birth control. Father said that after Vatican II. everything was up for grabs. Some priests took a very rigid attitude. 'others yielded to the pressures of the times and now many are starting to'find a balance. Father introduced Terry Whitlow Alsoorisls +Guaranteed-=" Granite tattering +Bey Direct and save Commissions. In. Pow 357_1911 RES. 357_1115 and Liz Gallivan and stated thekqua1ifications. Terry and Li ared with the "''chsrd .rdieirt, choice of family planning._ A choice that enables them Jo choose life by fitting into the har- mony that surrounds them. Terry summed up some of the trends. He has noticed young people are saying "I don't want a lot of chemicals in my body" and "Maybe I should handle sex instead of having it." Terry said that the USA, took two birth control pills off the market about a month ago. Liz expanded on the method they used calling it the ovulation method of family planning. Briefly. it is the natural secretion of estrogen causing a mucus sympton which appears before ovulation in all fertile women. Acutally the mucus symptom warns of ovulation. Liz• said that there are two woman from Lucan who teach this method and will have follow up visits with those whom they instruct and are trying the method. Liz said she would give Father the number where these women can be reached as soon as she has it. She urged us not to try the method without study. One question dealing with hysterectomy was answered by Liz saying that it is a major surgical procedure. Radical methods should only be used to preserve health and involves an individual moral judgement. Liz and Terry were available after the meeting for private discussion. SAINT JOSEPH'S Catholic Church James St. Clinton Phone 412 9441 LENT'76 rMARRIAGE AND THE FAMILY 8 p m Sundays • MARCH 78th Communications With God and Within the 'tamely Mr a Mrs Wm. Mero. ' Bill is principal of St. Sebastian's School. London APRIL 4th Morality and Marriage Old Fashioned? Dr Mike Prieur o1 Si. Peter's Seminary. London. f r Prieur is the author of "Married In The Lord." ALL ARE WELCOME • N. 4....• 1 Charlie Glreiistws eUtatideiite5i was an of the en- tiwsiastkeaters at tete Christian Cluirck pancake supper last Friday. (Nodus-Ricerd pho4e]' Nutrition workshop to be. held in Clinton The Home Economics Branch of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food is sponsoring a food forum entitled "More About Nutrition and • Family Meals", which will be held in the Clinton high school on Apri16. at 8:00 p.m. "We have •- gathered together many practical hints and information relating to family meals. We will be featuring do -ahead meals from the freezer, meatless dishes for vegetarians. hearty, meal ideas for winter, and family "on-the'go" menus for busy days:" says Jane Pengilley, home economist for Huron. Those who attend will receive a booklet, featuring the recipes and menus in the demonstrations. The audience will be invited to sample the dishes and ask questions. Everyone is welcome. There is no admission charge. Middleton By Blanche beeves Morning prayerwas held at St. James Church Middleton with Rev. William Bennett in charge. His sermon pointed out that we are in the Lenten season and Easter is fast ap- proaching. If we allow the faith of Easter to operate in our hearts and minds. the glow ahead of us. in this season of Lent will have an ever increasing brightness. The ACW of St. James met Thursday at the home of Vera Miller. Lois Wise. in charge of the meeting. opened with a lenten poem. Delores Dutot read the scripture and everyone joined in the singing of a hymn. The meditation was read by Lois Wise. Litany was read by Delores Dutot. and Shirley. Storey read the secretary's report and the correspon- dence. The treasurer's report was presented by Vcra Miller. and Lois Wise read a letter from Compassion and one from our foster child. The ACW have decided to send S100 to the Guatemalan Relief Fund. Lois Wise read a poem on honouring St. Patrick. . The supply report was given by Delores Dutot, and it was decided we would pack a hale 'of good clothing for the north to be ready for the May meeting at Marion Smith's. Marion Smith gave the card report and a thank -you was read from Janice Miller. Her mother. Vcra entertained the ATTENTION Newcombe Pharmacy, Clinton Dunlop Pharmacy, Goderich Iliack Pharmacy, Goderich will be CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7 t• 'ogle ploonostists t• snood ss r sitt•ti�l ssstitwlr.: • ladies with the guitar and piano. Delores had the ladies and Rev. Bennett play a game of Something Green. Vera Miller was the winner. Lois Wise thanked Vera for opening her home for the meeting. Rev. Wm. Bennett closed the meeting in prayer. A delicious lunch was served by Vera Miller and Marion Smith. Something to remember Mrs. Mervyn Lobb will be coming to St. James Church on April 8 at 8:30 p.m. to give a talk and show slides on her trip to Ireland. More on this next week. The Lindsay family held a get together and dance in the town hall Bayfield. with a good crowd in attendance for the dance. The evening ended with a bountiful lunch served. '•Goderich Township held a dance at the White Carnation Saturday evening with a large crowd in attendance. The Blue Tones providing the music. The Wheel "N" Dealers entertained the crowd with several dances. Lois and Edward Wise are in the group. • Dimbled, • • '•r-•.. -"CL J1 Tf3N HEWS-RECf 1 , MWAY, MARCH - . y 1i,110*--PAt3E trot ►►i gross • if), ! i l ion Goderuh c ou n e t t sccone cc fol a . ---W new-anid:b•w Inrappeenrfin - Huron group promoting other Lown councils•wes also awareness et ibe plrgbieals of discussed. Additional topics "amuses was hosted •by''concern included chair Miss Mary • Howell in lifts, the lowering of public Goderich last. •' Friday is. and the lack. of e►en►iag. - • curb ramps at the Goderich l mall. Mrs. Elsa Haydon, a - Bert Sootheran of Clinton member of the. Goderich was choiien vice-president. Town Council, alerted the and Ed Steegstra of Goderich • group, to start - work , tea. was .named secretory. tatively scheduled for. this Anyone • interested' in the sumtnler--on the • Square organization- should contact tsidewalks. A committee was Mr. Sootheran qt 482.7871 or formed to present a brief. _ Mr. Ste gstra at 524-2319. or concerning the 14enefits of Mains 'Else ,Townshend at pedestrian curb rainps. to tie 4112-3357.":. » - Couacik On April .5. This, The next meeting will be presentation also -outlines the held of 'Sats rday, March 27, need for ramps into .public-- at 2 p.m..,:tet 'the home ..of facilities. such as Elaine Townshend near washrooms. Bayfield. ,Seniors mark St. Pat's day The Golden Radar Senior Citizens Club met in the council chamber. March 17. The meeting opened by singing '0 Canada', ac- companied by Mrs. Rae Huether. Mrs. Lockhart welcomed the members and visitors and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- proved. Roll call was an- swered by 40 members and card of thanks was received from Mrs, Dorothy Frey. They now have 37 members in their Star membership. Plans were completed for the card party in the Legion Hall on April 7th with lunch provided and door prizes. prizes for progressive euchre. Everyone is welcome. There will be no meeting that night. The president turned the meeting to the committee in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Percy (;ihhings, Mrs. Olive Ball and Mrs. Lillian Jamieson. The programe consisted of Irish music; St. Patrick's reading by Polly Wiltse; vocal solo by John Huether; piano by Elmer Trick;' "mouth organ selections by . Wat. Webster - and Art Groves. Whistling solo Dora Heard. Solo and sing along by Mrs. Edna Baker. Mrs. Ada Webster brought greetings from "Town and Country Club" senior citizens of Lucknow. Vera Gibbings • thanked all for helping with the program. Lucky draw winners were Mrs. Ada Webster and Mr. Earn Dale. Nine tables of progressive euchre was enjoyed; ladies' high. Pearl Cummings; ladies' low. Alice Lawson; men's high, Elmer Trick, men's low, Ed. Johns. A delicious lunch was served by the committee in charge. Baptist Women .4 u ri l iary meet The Baptist Women's Auxilary met at the home of Mrs. Elaine Fabian on - Thursday. March 18. Devotions were brought by Mavis Morrison, entitled "A champions Conversion". which she followed by a poem. Another short poem was given by Hazel Clifford and then she closed this portion with prayer. Itj ms of business were then looked after - followed by a' missions report entitled ':What about a Christian Mission in China.— written by Dr. David Y.K. Wong. Since it was just the day :.iter St. Patrick's Day. Hazel gave a reading on the Legend of St. Patrick's Day. Roll Call was answered by nine members. A game was played. and then the meeting was closed in prayer by Trudy Bistra. Then on behalf of all the ladies in the WA. Mrs.4tnita Kiss presented Hazel and Trudy with a small gift and wished them both well on their trips. The Dutch Auction was then held and lunch was served. Next month, the meeting will be held on April 15 at the home of Valerie Anderson. SUNDAY, MARCH 28 Hear Guest Speaker BRIAN THOMAS and SINGING SELWOODS 8 P.M. HURON MEN'S CHAPEL Auburn THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO Wow S[hss1 sod FxtMsin Dgiriuwt SUMMER SCHOOL 1970 Please Note: The Summer School 041$14P1041$14P1'for 1971 will 1!a conducted h tae Town el Clinton, with Ex- tension Courses returning to Goderich in September. EVENING SUMMER SCHOOL • • • May 4 - Jody 20 (Tuesdays and Thursdais) Examinations (if given) Jvty 21 and 22 S:13 p.m. - 7:4S p.m. wsMess 870 (Intreditetien to Business) 7:43 p.m. - 10:13 p.m. Psychology 020 (Introduction Jo Psychology) INTERSESSION • • May IS - June 17 (Mondays through Thursdays) Examinations Of given) June 21 - 23 Social Wsrit 1301 (Contemporary Setial Worb Problems) SOS p.m. - 7:4S p.m. /AS p.m. - 10:1S p.m. Psychology 131 (HYitiitistic Psychology and its Ap. piicgfiows) DEADLINE FOR NEW STUDENTS a pplying for admission ler the first time and presenting aee documents fer confv Evening and Intermission is April 7*,, 104. Application Forms are ting foe Office of the Registrar -Admissions. U.W.O-. or at the Main Offko of Central Secondary Scheel in Clinton, or Osdorith District t I. CNlegiate Institute, South St. M Goderkh. for further *formation. or lora See er •School Hewdlreelt. apply'le flu iffier Schist and Extension Dopotiffi0 1, The titiiv+ersity M 1Mestern Ontario. Lim W • . ALL SERVICE; ON ;1`ANOARp TIME t D - ONTARIO STREIT MINTED ammo TUE FRIENDLY CHURCH MINISTER LAWRENCE S. LEWIS S.A. •. Th. 8 ORGANIST AND CHOIR C.RCC1 OR MRS.' DORIS MCKINLEY Ai MUS. • SUNDAY, MARCH 2S. 1976 t,EMIT IV • 9:43 a.m. Sway Scheel 11:00 a.m. Family Worship and Nursery 11:30 Junior Congregation - S E RMON : • "COME, DRINK AND BE SATISFIED"' Everyone Welcome WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CNUR(N t THE CHURCH THAT CARES • I PEOPLE SERVING GOD THROUGH SERVING PEOPLE MISTER JOHN S. OESTREICHER B.A. e.R.E. ORGANIST MISS CATHARINE POTTER CHOIR DIRECTOR MRS. WM. HEARN SUNDAY, MARCH 211, 1976 11 00 a.m. Morning Worship Service- – 11 .00 a m. Sunday School and Nursery SERMON: "HIS FINEST WEEK "The Day of Crucifixion" HOLMESYILLE UNITED CHURCH 1 p.m Worship Service and Sunday School SERMON: "HIS FINEST WEEK "The Day of Crucifixion" CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Clist•tl 263 Princess Street • Services: 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.rm1. (On 3rd Sunday 9:30 a.m. r Dulctrtervice at 11:00 a.m.) The Church of the Back to God Hour every. Sunday 4:30 p.m. CHLO EVERYONE WELCOME IAYFIELD IAPTIST CHURCH EVERYONE OF US SHALL GIVE AN ACCOUNT OF HIMSELF TO GOD – ROM 14 12 PASTOR: BRIAN HARRISON 10:00 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP 7:30 pin. EVENING WORSHIP 5:00 p.m. FRIDAY WEDNESDAY 8 p.m. PRAYER MEETING YOUNG EVERYONE WELCOME PEOPLE'S MEETING ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 1976 10:00 A.M. HOLY COMMUNION FELLOWSHIP BIBLE CHAPEL 162 MAPLE ST. 11 street west of Community Centre) 9 45 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE 11.00a.m SUNDAY SCHOOL and FAMILY BIBLE HOUR 8 p.m. Gospel Service Tues 8.00p m PRAYER and BIBLE STUDY For information Phone 417-9379 CALYARY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 166 victoria Street Pastor Wayne Lester 9:4S a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a; m. Morning Worship 7 00 p.m. Prayer Service and Evangelistic Service 7 00 p.m.. Wednesday Prayer Service 8 00 p.m. Friday Young Peoples ALL WELCOME ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CiNIRCH REV. EDWIN G. NELSON CHARLES MERRILL ORGANIST SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 1976 10:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 10:00 a.m. Worship Service ALL WELCOME FIRST IAPTIST CHURCH CLINTON SPEAKER: .ACK CHRISTiAANS SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 1976 10 00 a m Sunday School Clatses for all ages 11 00 a.m. Morning Worship Everyone -Welcome ��fi�tltidit't� �' AUTO GLASS IIMIT[O •r .».&.f.. -4 ' " 1 ' 1 , ,) 4 �•• • , (Alt 5242136