HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-7-29, Page 5ERE AND THERE. Nerve Condensed A few days since, a wild cat of largop portions, was seen running at .large in •Intosh's buob,11anaherd. The Wanderers, of Clititon, �,Itefoat :,the Woodstock cricketers of Friday by , runs. Score—Clinton 08; Woaidatock, Mr. 1'. McPhillips, of London, has sol his farm, lot 20, concession 3, Township o eStephon, consisting of 100 acres, to Mr -,James Oke, of Exeter, for G;la�'4, It is not generally known dust there i „-r,§uch a, thing in print as `'The tune the ,,old cow died on." We have seem it an ',heard it sung. It is in the keys beef flat Mr. Charles Stewart, of West. L•larafraxa, had a valuable horse killed by lightning last ."Saturday morning. The animal was ilk the pasture field at the time, During the half -yeas ending ',June 30th, .18$ i , there were registered with Mr. W. :Williams, town clerk, St, Marys•, $3 births," 2l marriages and 21 deaths. Mrs W. El ot, B. A. of the .Mitchell High .'School, ha left for Great Britain, where be t intends ape ding his holidays, visiting the !principal eiti s in England and Scotland. The Rev. R. Y. Thompson,+ill. A., B. D. .of Hensall, in the Presbytery of Huron,. has ,been, appointed lecturer in Knox College for two sessions, and has signified his acceptance. .of the appointment. The fly bas kept free of thea turnips this . year. Generally speaking the plants are growing; rapidly and looking strong and :healthy,. The recent rains hawvvastly bene. ::fitted the root c rop. Mr. 3, C. Noble„ late 'of 'Parkhill, and ;brother of W. C. Noble, Deputy; Registrar of East Middlesex, has been.promoted to the LHamilton branch of Canadi Bank of Com- merce. He was formerly of .Galt., There was a little rumpus at the last meet- ' :ing of the St, Mary's council. One member told another to sit down, when • the other retorted "I won't sit down, and ,you ain't pian enough to make me." There: were no blows. .A. rather interesting case is to be ventilated :in.theDivision Court at Kincardine. A hotel keeper in that town who subscribed a certain sum towards the firemen's tourue,ment ob- joct d to paythesubscribed, h ,1 a h amount aand the matter is to bo settled in court. At the Vancouver.oity are Mr.'T•r 0. Allen, .a former school teacher iu Parkhidll lost about $3,500. He writes a graphic account of the fire to a friend, in which he says he saved a ,considerable portion of his wardrobe—a linen •cellar and a pair of old slippere=icom the .flames The bountiful supply of small :fruit this .sea has no son recede form r precedent all years. py Y .Strawberries commanded a fair price whilst raspberries and cherries, are selling at very low figures, raspberries selling as low as 4cts :a: quart. The supply this year has equalled the deodand. At Stratforda few days since a strange lady ,got: orf the east -bound • train, took baby car- riage from the baggage car, in which she placed a child, and proceeded up town. On some pretext she persuaded a little -girl whom sheet on Grange street, to wheel.the baby over to Mr. Wm. Donaldson's house, and there it remains. By ail amendpient made at the hast ses- siou,of tri rovincial Legislature, power is given to municipal councils to pass art by-law penmitting parties erecting wire fences along the highway to take in six feet of the road allowance. Phis is,something not generally knorun,and is recommended to the,eonsider- Atiou of the neighboring township' ,councils. There is a universal complaine in regard to the•dafficulty of the questions at the late High' School entrance examinations, and ananews- papera:eomplain that the language in which many. of them are couched are more adapted to ,the.comprehension of a dean than a:ehild. They advocate a reform in the matter, and Mr Boss, the. would-be erudite Minister of Educatia ight profitably attend to ,what o B Y they eap,,maa all is tins. On Monday last a citizen of Clinton ,was subject to,an experience that has not :been. realized ,there before... He land been .out into Goderich,township, and was on his way homeward:at,about 9 p.. m,; when about a a mile from ,town, he was stopped by two persons, strangers to him, who waisted tq know whereliewas going. After tellingthem, they leraaancled,money from, him, but natio.: ated that he had none, and made:an effort to move on. Instantly they grabbed hint, -and, onewent through hispockets,but\ ay found. nothing of value. It so happened that ho' did have about ,x430 ,in one of.. his poeicets; and he withdrew his hand from the pocket,: he worked the amount up' his sleeve. When; his assailants found nothing, they allowed' him to go. The ;gentleman 'is at a loss to! know whether the ithing'was done tor a lark' or was a regular attempt to' rob by two foot! pads; at any rate he has no desire to repeat; his experience. ro- Mo, ed :40 1 ijinteresti sig •RE ACTED WISELY aru.<so -weak dean hardly mope, all run down with'•aiChronic Summer Complaint," said one gentleman. to another on our street the other day. Now, take my adyiee, ' replied his friend; "''go to your druggist and get a bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of wild Straw- berry. I Itiavolnevor known it to fail is any kind of summer Complaints. d Holloway.'s Ointment and Pills.—Disea f of the Rowels.—A. remedy, whioh Inas be , tested and proved in a thousaud differ° MVO, capable+of oradidatiug poisonous talu a fronuleers•and healing them up, merits trial of its•oapaeit,y for extricating the inter d a1 oorruptiotill from the, bowels. On rubbii Holloway's Ointment repeatedly on tbo abd men; a rash&ppoars, and as it thiokena t alvine irritably aubaides. Acting as a deriv- ative, this ointment draws to the surface, releases the tender intestines' from all acid matters, andprevcnts inflammation, dysen. tory, piles, for which blistering was the old fashioned,+ though successful treatment, now from its painfulness fallen into disuse, the discovery ofttbis Diotnient having proclaim- ed a remedy possesing equally derivative, yet perfectly painless powers, "Facts are stubborn things," and snfferera from • chills • and fever find their complaint a very stubborn.faet, until they commence the ase of Ayer'•s Ague cure. That medicine eradicates theipoison from the system, and cares even the worst oases. SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold 'hyena on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. Scld by J. W. Browning. Mrs. Lewis, wife of the Bishop of Ontario, was striokenneith paralysis Sunday, and fears ate entertained for her recovery. Marvelous. One doseeof Dr, Chase's Liver Cure will euro Siek Headache, Dizziness, and Roar sto- mach. 1 to.2 bottles are warranted to cure Liver Complaint, Indigestion and Biliousness Sold by C. Lutz, Sole Agent. For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle o Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure, SHILOH'StVITALIZI R is what you need. for Constipation., Loss of Appetite, Dizzi,; ness, and all syinptomsof Dyspepsia. Pride;, 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by J. W. Browning, The Canadian schooner Elgin has been sold for debt in'Chinago, Dr. Carson's Catarrh Cure, is no longer an experiment.. No cure, no pay is the terms on which it. is sold. • Money refunded if not satisfactory. Ask your druggist about, it, then buy..it and•take no other. CATARRH CURED, health and Sweet' breath secured, byShiloh's Catarrh Remedy.t Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector filbe. Sold'. by J. W. Browning. A RidDICAL CHANGE The best eradicator of foul humors of the' Blood is Bordoek Blood Bitters. A few bot- tles produce a radical change for the better in health and beauty. It removes the blood' tint of Scrofula, that terrible disease so' common in this,couutry. At Berlin, Ferdinand Remy's mill for the manufacture of rolled iron, has sraspended' operations_ Wages'$300,000 in arrears. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer' never fails in restoring gray hair to its youth - frill color, lustre, end vitality. Dr. A. A. Hayes,' State Assayer of Massachusetts, indorses it, and all who.ta7 dt testify to its many virtues. THAT HACKING COUGH can be so, quickly cured by Shik h's Cure. We guar-' antee it. Sold by J. W. Browning. The Paris Figaro says China has entrusted French engineers with the construetion'of, of railroads in the Empire. A CARD. To all who are eaffering from the errors and Radiseretions of ,youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of Manhood, &c, I will send a reoeipe that wilierreyou, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy. was discovered by .a mis- sionary in South America. Send a self -ad, dressed envelope to Rnv. 7osrrat T. Inman Station D, New $arils, Cit Desire ntederic' Leblond, the enabaent French advoeate.and statesman, is:dead, Have you Sick Headache, bad taste in your mouth in the morning ? Do .you suffer from Dyspepsia,Indigestion or Biliousness 2 If so Dr. Carson's Bitters will cure you. Try dt. i Your Druggist will scfuud money if not eat- isfactory. UNKNOWN There is no remedy known to iuedi,cal science that can excel Dr. Fowler's Extrnet of Wild Strawberry as a cure for Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea., Dysentery, orany'form of Summer Complant ,Meting children or :adults. ,The Standaisl.says the Emperors of Russid, Germany and Austria will inset at.,Gastein on August 8. Sere Eyes The .eyes are always In sympathy with Ache bgdy, and atrord an ozcecllent index of its ,con iition. • When the eyes beeoMe weak,-apa the lids inflamed and sore, It is an evidence that the system has become disordered by Serefitla,for,whieh Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is the Joest kngwu remedy. e,a Serotui , which produced': palpful ln- nt 11um , :tion in my eyes, caused rpe. much 1 stiff fmiug for a number of is yeaaa. y the �ldviee'ot a physician 1 eomtnenecdalcing a A.yei'rs Sarsaparilla, After using'this n- ,uteclieipe a short time I was. compleely Cured "o - lie Sly eyes are now in a splendid condition, and era as well and strong as ever.— Dirs. William Gage, Concord, N. n. 'For a number of years I was troubled With a humor in my eyes, and was unable to obtain any relief until I commenced' 'Wing AYer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine has effected a complete cure, and I believe it to be the best of blood purifiers. -- 'C. E. Upton, Nashua, N. Ii. Fred. Whistler was:caught in a log jam ore Lemoine River Wednesday of last week and drowned. AN INVISIBLE FOE the poisonous gertas.of, disease ate lurking in the air we breathe :and in tho water we drink. The system should be kept carefully purified and all the organs toned to proper ,action. This can beat be :done by the reg- ulating, purifying, and tonic powers of Iiurdoek Blood Bitters. "Name the most dangerous straits, said the teacher. "Whiskey staaigets," replied the student promptly. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by J. W. !Browning. Lord:Heatings' bay colt Melton won the Lieeoatershire cup 'Wednesday, THE BEST YET There is no preparation before the ,people to -day that commands their confidence more, or meets with a better sale than does Dr. ,ier's Extract of Wild Strawberry—the. llible remedy for all forms of Summer Com laints.. d, CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bion chitin immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure Sold by .1. W. Browninv. w ! The English ea'icicot team beat tho Atstra-t� Mans Wednesday. A. BAD BREAKDOWN C It a common tiding now -a -day to hear,n, one complain of feeling all broken down with t a faint, weary, restless languor, with strength and appetite nearly gone, and no well defined s cause. This is general debility, which Dirtied; blood titters promptly relieves, t and most invariably eures. S Carl Von Piloty, the celebrated German painter is dead. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint 7 Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to euro you. For sale by J. W Browning. Hon, Themes White. Minister of the In- terior, will leave British Columbia for home early next week. Rev, Guy S. Frazey, of Jersey City attri- butes the recovery of his wire from an attack of Peritonitis to Giles' Liniment Iodide Ammonia. Sold by C. Lutz, Central Drug Store, The Toronto Boat Club scored a victory iih,Wednesday of last week at Albany. As well expect life without air, as health without pure blood. Cleanse the blood with yor'a SareaparilIa. :From childhood, and until within a feW tmonths, I have been afflicted with. Weak and Sore Eyes. I have used 'tor these •complaints, with beneficial results, Ayer' !Sarsaparilla, and consider it a great "blood ;purifier. -Mrs. C. Phillips, Glo�ver•,VVt. I suffered for a year with `infiamma-. lion in my left eye. Three ulcers formed •on the ball, depriving Ane of -sight, and 'causing great pain. After t�r yying many other remedies, to no purpose,ci'was finally iinduced to use Ayer's Sarsapal+llla,•aud, Taking aking ithroe bottles of this medicine, have' been entirely cured. My sight has boon re- stored, and there is no sign.of-Wdenima-. 'tion, sore, or ulcer in my,eye,--Kendal 'T. Bowen, Sugar Tree Ridge,+Ohio. My daughter, ten years eld,'was afflicted With Scrofulous Sore Eyes, During the last two years she never saw light of any kind. Physicians of the highest standing f exerted their skill, but with no permanent' success. On the recommendation of a friend I purchased a bottle of Ayer's•Sar- saparilla, which mydaughter commenced taking. Before se had used the third bottle her sight was restored, and she can now look steadily at a brilliant light with- out ut pain. Her cure is complete. •-•'W'. E. Sutherland, Evangelist, Shelby'City, xy. I r t Ayer's Sarsapar lla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer &. oe Lowell, Mass. >gold by all Druggists, Price $1;. six bottles, $5.' Bevil YounGuard. %Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and:.eurely develope into Catarrh when you cantbo cured for 25 cents. A few appliaa- tions,will cure incipient ,Catarrh. One to two:boxes will cure ordinary Catarrh. Ono to diye boxes will cure 'chronic.'•Catarrh. Saldtby all ,dealers at 25e. per box. Try Dr. Gla ses Catarrh Cure—take no other—it will cure you. C. Lutz. sole agent for Exeter (CONSUMPTION CURED: An ald,physioian, retired from practice, hay. ink •hadiplacedin his hands by an East Indian uiassienatty the formula of a simple vegetable remedydor the speedy and permanent cure of Consti m cation, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and and throat and lung affections, also a posi- tive andtradical cure for Nervous,Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after among tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases has felt duty make his u to a roil known wu to his suffering follows. Actuatedby this motive and a des zeeto relieve human suffering w.,i send free of,charge,to all who desire t. this recipe, in Genman,French or Engl. *, with full directions for; preparing and using. Sent by mail by a�dd'maseingwith stam t, naming this paper, W. A, Nori s,140 Power's Bloc? ,114echaster, N. Y, A movement Sias been inaugurated for the establishment of a large cotton market:. at Bremen. ' t Anvior To D2oTIMMS.—Aro you disturbed at light and broken of your: rest by a sick ,child suffering and crying with pain of'Cutting Teeth? If so soud a.t once and got a bottle of Mis.tiViuslo s Sa t h'ldr+au w o h5. S lu " for C i v g Y p Teething. Its value is incalculable' It atoll eliovo the pour little sufferer immediately. Depend upon iL, mothers; there is no mistake a bout,it. It euros Dysentery and lliarrbcaa,l regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind olio, soften a the Gum s,re9ticeslnilamination,' net gives tone and energy to the whole system.' Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup" for children eething;i,s pleasant to the taste and is the reseription of ono of the oldest and best emalophysicians and nurses in the United tatoe, and is forsale by all druggists through- ut the world. Price twenty-five Cents ft, hot. ie. Be Sure and ask for "Mae, Wrlsnow's ooxarna Svntr "and take ne other kind, REE AN' 'WORM PoWtWD38fV. Aro pleasant tot ke. t'ou`r, in thole' own purgative. Is n n';d effectual 4*o7cr of wer41.0 is i,••uidxeu or Ad0lta E TiiEV VC WEALTH, 40„s -1-a, U -': II., ,.!,,;•;,ed avenues of the Yovvels, Ki.'. la+"s i ,rid :Liver. carrying t :,cadua!Iy,cu:,oatay. akeaing the system, • 1:npurtiie.s an.! foal humors of the :sec ,es ; at the mute "dyne Correcting Aei.'.'?. ;y cf' tho E :Jana: i, curing Bin - Dr'. a Headaches, Dix- 'Constipation, 1 of ' Y r., Dropsy', Dim- ofVj,.5_7:_ jtIl;-t.?.:li, Salt Rheum, • •. •tel a y" '' ,"„`^ r C., .Fluttering of r ' n r'rs--rrgu and General • t ; all 11 r ,•many other simi- f n, :1 un< •:' "• 'lte'hntrpv influence: • -uJ uiD nC r r� !'T_TTERS. , 1 2-t..1a _ size $1. For sale by all dealers. S 1 cP CO., 5'iropsitzfors. Ria'e t* Si SA.LT! , _ a i Have for sale TEN HUND1,L17i3 (;'CNS of SALT, suitable forAgaioniteral noir Domestic 'I purposes, *hick they ,afer • AT $2.50 PER TON A. can respectfully so— licited.. Apply to `I'.13. CARL Secretary. Hoer Lostr, flow Restored Wohave ramie/de unhitched a new,edition of D'R,.OTJir'itL+'RW..tL'S G>..I..EP,ItA11+Z•',D ES- SAY onthe radicaland permaneait curd (with- out inedicimojofNervous Debiiity,Meritalmid physical capacity i.rcpedinients to :tract Edge, ere., r•esuitirag irom,eirsresses. Price, in seeded enatelope,only 6centsia,rtwe postape etainppa. The celebrated isolators fthis admirable es say clearly clenotaaatutatee, from ..thirtviyenrs ucceesfulpraatieo., tit aitalarmiug eonSageron. cesmay beradieald1y cored without the dang- erous use of internal] medicines or the nee of he knife ; Polatent a mode of cure at once imple certain and edoedua1, by mneairtt of whiehoverysuifaxer„iso uluttor whathis con 'Mon may be,may cone himself eb.uuply,•ini ate tv and < radically., adicaiam, "Cil€ lectureshould haiathe hands cif,ow - ryyouthendeverg' ama,n.lo at land. Address IIE CULP'ERWEEL MEDIC,, COMPANY, 41 ANN Sir.NEWYEi.1f.i Beret Office Box 450 1 ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of, advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., IMPORTANT TQ OWNERS OF STOCK,. ilfRADE MARK Liniment Iodide Ammonia tletnoves all Unsightly Bunches, Cures Lame ness in Cattle, Spinal Meningitis, Found. or, Weak Limbs, Sprung Knees, Spav- in, Ringbone, Quitter, Windgalls. No stable should be without it. Railroad Mining and Express Companies all use Giles Liniment,and in the great racing stables e. BelmontandLorcllard it bas achieved ;vend dere, One trial will convince, Write DR. GILIIS, Box 3483, N. Y, P. 0., who will, without charge, give adviee 0 all diseases and also en the management of cattle. Sold by MI druggists at 50c. and $1,00 bottle and in quarts at $2.,r0,in which there is great saving. Tho Liniment in white wrappers is for family use ; that in yellow for cattle. GILES' IODIDE AMMONIA HORSE AND, CATTLE POWDERS,' Us ea by all tee heading hr,rsemen en aerate Park, Fleetwood, Boaeh, Sheepshoad }'lay ata Bull's Read. Nevar mese noin1,are Tonic Al .Is an infallible remedy forbad'Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ui.lers. terative and n Diuretic, Destroy Warner Cure famous fot Gout and Rheumatism. ' 'Indigestion, Colic, Bots, Sore Throat Catarrh, Founder,Pinkeye said Rhouniaticin. The dose is small and the power is great. The von DISORDERS 01 THE CHEST 1T Urs NO 1C2UA1. Powders are Guaranteed and Purchasers'' Failing to Obtain m Cure Money Refunded. Sold by all druggists et 25 cis. per boo. For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Ooughs, Colds, glandular Swellings!, and all skin C. LU�z,Agant. EXETER, ONT. it has no rival ;Wand for contracted and stiff joints it actslike a °harm. QUEEN CITY OIL WOBIC ..fid Z (DIM; At Toronto.t'Every Barrel Guaranteed, This Oil was$used on ell machinery amino the Exhibition. It bas been awarded SIX GOLD MEDALS during the last three years. t See that you get Peerless. It is only made by, $42iE EL E,OCr: .$ ` o., TQRO Ty FOB SALE 13Y JAS. P,ICKARD. RENOWNED REMEDIES. THE PILLS purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER STOMACH KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health DebilitatedConstitutions,and are . invaluable i a ha Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. Fchildren and the rued theyre priceless g Ka THE OINTMENT Sold at C. LUTZ'S, Agent, Exeter. ELETIME `ED-' r. D CHASES ®RNDELJO ( LIVER CURE FOR LIVER AND KIDNEY DISEASES ” When ars intelligent ntan wants to put.. chase, he buys from, parties whose standing in their several callings is a .yfatarantee for the eqqualitUof their wares. This sterling motto as doubly true in regard. to _patent medicines, buy only tose made by pracical professional men. Dr. CHASE is too wcliandfavorably known by Itis receipt hooks to requireany recommenda- tioaa. Dn. CIIASx s Liver Cde has a receipt book wrapped around every bottle which is worth its wdigbt in gold. DR. Cause's Liver Cure:' is :guaranteed to giro all diseases arising from a 'torpid or inae!ive liver such as Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Itallgestiom, Biliousness, Jaundice, Head- sidle., Liver Spots, Sallow Complexion, etc.. TLiE-KIDNEYS THE KIDNEYS D. Caxslt'S Liver Cure'is a, certain cure for all derangements of the kil neys,such as pain in the back pain in lower portion of the abdomen, constant desire to pass urine, red and white sediments, shooting pains in passage, Bright's disease and all urinary troubles, etc. Try it, take no other, itnvill cure you. Sold iby.all,dealors at $1.00 poribottle. 'i'. EDM.&1N18010I & Co., 'SDLt.AG^a NTS FOR GANA.DA. ' ' BRADFORD PENN';!1OYAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician wbo ' has had a life long experience in • treating female diseases. Is used mccithly with perfect success by over 10;0001adies. Pleasant, safe, effectual. Ladies ask vn tr drug- , gfet for 1'eunyroyal :t`:,rers and • tabs substitute or ineloa!' post- agielor sealed particulars. sold try all druggists, $1 per box. Address THE EUREKA CHEMICAL ('0., n•:^a •rz. Mice. taar Sold in Exeter ',by J. W. Browning (Lull fall druggist's. isee. The Pills and Ointment are sold at THOUS HoLnowsx's Establishmesi1.. 78 NEW OXFORD -STREET tate 083, OXFORD -STREET), L0ND0Nz also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Methane, in Boxes and Pots, at is. 14d., 2s. 9d'' 4s. 6d., its., 22s., and 33s. each. The 25.94. size contains throe times the quantity ofithe is 10, sine; the 4s46d. size six ; the lis, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the 33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions are affixed to each Bcx and Pot, and can bo had in anylanguage Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots:and Boxes. If the address, is not 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. Ezcoter Post Office Tinto Table. xr•AIr.,s a Hirkton, WoodhamWineheiseeandElimville ... ... -.. ... Sou'tih,east and weal, inclndingLoncion, Hamilton, Toronto Montreal, idkaritoba,United States, English andforei�n malls ... ... .... . ... So 1, east west &o -" ... ... .austral c no s n:- i .4,00 p.321 10 00 aim • 1O.15a.m 8.15 a. m .., " 0.45 p.in 4.15 p, m' Sortie and east, including Goderich, Wingham, Kincardine and all points north, Stratford, Toronto, Montreal, and Eastern States... ... ... .., 10,15 a.m North east,d&e ... Saae:pte Tuesdays, Thuvsdays and Saturdays .... .,. 5.30 p.m. 11,00a.ni. ... 000am; 8.15 a. n;. 5.30 p. 10.00a. m.. 1000am ONEY ORDERS . lame dand paid on and from any Money Order Office in the Dominfon of 0anada,Great Britair andIreland ,Brit tshIndia, Newfoundland, Italy, Australia, New South Wates, Tasmania, N Zeiand, France an Algeria, the German Empire, Sweden,Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Belgium the Nathrlands,Switaerland, Austria-Hungary, Roumania, United States, Jamaica and Bar brutes. POSTOEFICE SAVINGSBA1vT. Deposits will.be received at this office from $1 to $300. Depositors obtaining the Poe maser -General's speoialpermission cru deposit $1000. Deposits on Savings Bank account eeivedfrom 0 a.m. to 4p. m. Interest at 4 pet cent per annum will be allowed on all deposit' Office hours Li rim 7.30a.m.to 7P.m • Lettersintended for registration must be posted 15 minutes before the closing of each mall N ]i.—itis particalaryrequostsd that the a of matter will kindly add the naives e. the Counties'tothe addresses. D JOHNS, Postmaster a. 8c S. IDLEY, L- DE TAKE RS.4 ,. SPB111i► --=a;1?.A--- C. SOUTHCOTT & SON 'Furniture Monufacurei'S' Have recently received a choice assortment of —A PULL ali'.JCK OF. Furniture, Collins, Cashi ts,.., AinS.•cverything in thew/hove line, oto;meet+ immediate merits.' We have one of tt' le very ;best' Hearses in the County., Andak nerals fur uislaecl',nod corrrincta.' at extremely Lew .3rtiees. Emstams or ALL, THE DsmrasE'nr SaoIa.T.,Es! Cx� Clearing Sale; O SU IVI f D GOODS These goods must be ,sots at once, regardless of price, to maize rool'Ii for our new Fall Importations. i1 Newspaper Advertising Bureau, MWiii YY Yiilb w i��iMli Ml 10 Spruce SC, New York. Send 10cts, for 100 -Page Pamphlet, worsteds, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds in Plaid FOR SUITING. ALSO A VERY FINE ASSORTMENT OF anting in Stripes &Checks. Work made up in the LATEST STYLES and a Sure Fit. Guaranteed. GIV//��T', ��ww1JS p�cA��}+pyO�hq�y,L, BON, C. IliO' °iii TOOc'i d. cr BOiV,, The Exeter Clothier., WILLIAM DREW 17urniture. Dealer and Undertake I have Just received a Cary Load of New Stylish Furnitii, and. I am S 1 '. ■ ,,.J.-.+1 ... ■ ..L I,. V X1,. ®1.. COST For the Heat SIXTY DAYS. It will be to your advantage to call on Inc before going elsewhere. I,1J'ML11iBIiiB THE PLACE, ONx DOOR NORTI3 or MOLSONS BANK WILLIAM 11,E"Oa'.