HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-03-11, Page 8noe McAdam*
played two,
• and Chas
ive eac
WO, Mary
Ladies' low. Edith Pick.
men's high. Ed. Johns; men
low, Roy Connell.
Lucky draws were won,
Mary Dale and Milton WOO
and a delicious hinCh wa
served by ci.A committee in
Strikers, 175; the Lucky Aces,
170; the King Pins, 1591/2 and
the Super Strikers, 152'/i.
Brenda Dupee bowled the
girls' high single of 206 and
the high double of 347, while
Erin Phillips bowled the high
average of 153.
Greg Skinner bowled the
high single of 256; the high
double of 424, and the high
average 01 211.
In the Saturday YBC
League, Coops Clan are still in
top spot with 228 points. The
Pin Boy Delights have 2091/2:
The Automatic Strikes, 2081/2;
The Crown Kings, 194; Lynn's
Boys, 1891/2; The Strikes and
Spares, 1801/2'; The Gutter
Balls, 173 and The Hitters,
Lynn Armstrong bowled
the girl's high singte of 202,
the high double of 344, and the
high average of 158. Gary
Bolger bowled the high single
of 254, the high double of 458
and the high average of 213.
The Ci Wen Radar Club, not
ncil chamber on
In the ainenCe
ident. Mrs. Leona
k art; Wet. Webster
opened the meeting with
The minutes of theprevious
meeting were read and ap-
proved and the roll call was
answered by 39 members.
Treasurer's report was given
the beginning of capacity would
ryv the Ontario double to something
nergyB.Lward submitted to a kilOWatt afterNtWO
rOvincial minister of of stabHydro's margin o
le 00Sts. The
energy a report on Ontario called ,
poreliability in generating
Hydro's bulk wer rates for
19715-, The— Board wants capacitY exttesSive. TIN°
Ontario Hydro to reconsider Years ait had urged that
their habitual growth ethic, Hydro reduce its reserves p , ..118 inttt
because this "traditional and depend More On Other proposed expansion progris
utilities' reserves and now would generate a reserve
reiterates this statement. capacity of 39 percent 1n
The Board considers fiydro and a reserve capacity of ,41)
should develop a pattern of percent by 1981. The Ontario
wholesale rates "to minirrilze Energy Hoard has stated that
wasteful uses of energy." It the "reservnMarginS at leaSt
should also ensure that to 1981, happen to he
customers who create the unusually high", and have
need for additional recommended that Ontario
generating capacity should Hydro take "Immediate steps
pay their full share of the to reduce its generating
costs. At present. Hydro has reserve margin."
one rate for demand - the A select committee of the
peak rate at which the Legislature has been
customer draws power - and studying Hydro's proposed
one for energy - the volume of rate increases, which would
power drawn over the year. have actually doubled prices
Adjustments are made to to the consumer in the next
reflect the needs of individual three years. These increases
wholesale customers. The cannot be regarded as the
Board considers that Hydro inevitable result of rising
should set a range of costs or inflation, and are, for
wholesale rates and stop the most part. necessary to
apparently giving some finance Hydro's expansion
customers special treatment. program, the magnitude Of
The Energy Board has net which is incompatible with
recommended another Task recent studies in the United
Force Hydro inquiry, nor has States which indicate that
it recommended an projections of future
examination of future elec- demands can be very sub-
tricity needs for the Province, stantially reduced by a
as this responsibility has been sensible program of con -
given to the Royal Coin- servation, without affecting
ion on Electric Power our standard of living.
eduction is, foi
eterrals. 1-lowever, this
'IIlickn onlyrep*esefltS,
approach to power system
Omitting is no longer ap-
p riate in North America.'
is report is actually the
second of two plats of the
Board's submission to the
province on Hyd.ro's request
for rate increases this year.
The first part* released last .
fall, said that Hydro needed a
27 percent increase in rates
this year to maintain its
position. However, this
proposed increase was
subsequently cut to 22 per-
In the second report, the
Energy Board discusses in
some depth Hydro's
procedures and policies,
drawing attention to the fact
that although developn3ent
plans have been reduced.
future service to customers
has not been jeopardized in
any way. Further cuts and
deferments have been an-
nounced since the Energy
Board prepared this report,
however. afthough possible
effects on future customer
service have not been
North Americ.an electric
utilities have in the past Planning. The Board does While domestic consumers
assumed that all electrical recommend a series of public will be seriously affected by
demands must be met. and hearings by itself and any Hydro's excessive rate in -
generous reserves main- appropriate inquiries by creases, the inflationary
tained, in order to prevent other agencies, which will effects will undoubtedly
possible interruption of examine, among other seriously damage the
service. To date they have matters, the efficiency and economy of the entire
been able to raise capital productivity of the Province. Production costs
easily and pass on all their organization, the validity of will be forced upwards for all
costs, while lower unit costs medium-term system ex- Ontario manufacturers, and
for larger projects. have Pansion plans in terms of severe demands will be
favoured building over- real is t ca I ly requ r ed placed on capital markets.
capacity. However, the reserves and economic in- with the resultant escalation
economic situation has vestment choices the of interest rates. The com-
changed; galloping inflation. financial policy in general petitive position of our
high interest rates. rising fuel and pricing policy in par- manufacturing industries
costs and the need to switch to ticular; the economic and which are specifically geared
costly nuclear generation social role Ontario Hydro to the export" market will be
have all be contributing does and should play in the forced to cut back operations,
factors to this change. Province and the en- which would further increase
The Energy Board states vironmental impact and unemployment in the
categorically that Hydro's social costs of Ontario Hydro. Province.
plan to spend more than $14 Recently. Ontario Hydro
billion on capital develop- announced that it intends to
ment frorn 1975 to 1980 is too trim some $5 billion from its
much for Ontario consumers ten-year expansion
to accept. During that period Programme, which will in -
the cost of new generating volve cancellation of large
Holy Communion was
observed at St. James
Anglican Church. Middleton
on Sunday with Rev. Wm.
Bennett in charge.
Notes on a Penitential.
Service. We used it on Sunday
because of the storm con-
dition on Wednesday. This
service was brought into
being when the 1959 BCP
came into use.
It replaces the old Com-
mination Service of 1549,
which many disliked. It has
the finest "Exhortation" of
Anglican History. It has been
used or paraphrased in other
parts of the Anglican Com-
. Lent is a time when, as a
community of' God's people,
we strive to turn back to the
pledge made in Baptism to
live a Christian life and to
reassess what the Christian
Life requires of us in 1976.
On Friday, March 12, a
special session of Synod will
be held at 10a.m. at St. Paul's
Bill Horner's
Cathedral London.
Registration is from 910 10
a.m. in Cronyn Hall. Please
let John Deeves know your
feeling on the hiring of
another Bishop to assist
Bishop Ragg.
we all extend our sympathy
to the Wise family on the loss
of their mother.
Lois Wise and myself would
Like to thank everyone for the
phone calls, re our trip to the
ice capades Thursday. See
you all at Murphy 's by.6 p.m.
Nice to hear that Gary
Kilgour is home from
hospital. _bring a tatting shuttle, and
Congratulations to Laurie thread a craft for the
Porter and Douglas Swan on display, something for the
their marriage Friday March Yard sale, and a grand.:
5. A large crowd was at the mother. Mrs. Grant MacLean
White Carnation helping the will give the motto.
young couple celebrate. •
By Rena Caldwell
Kippen was situated at the
northern edge of the ice storm
of Tuesday, March 2. Power
was restored Friday March 5
at approximately 9 a.m.,
after two days .
Mr. and Mrs. Art Wheeler.
John and Heather of Clarkson
visited with friends in the
area over the weekend.
The cultural activities
meeting of Kippen East WI
will be held March 19 at 8:30
p.m. in the Legion
• Hensall.
The roll call will be, "Pick a
topic from the Paper that
made you mad and talk about
it," Mrs. Campbell Eyre will
give current events and Mrs.
S. Pepper will be in charge of
1VIemb'ers are'<asked to
Coated with four inches of ice, this tiffdro 0016 fiends
under the weight of the residue of the crippling ice storm
that battered parts of Southern Ontario, including the
southern tip of Huron County. This pole was one of the
few stillstanding last week between Hensall and Exeter,
a distance of six miles. (News.Record photo)
by Hilda M. Payne
" No Power
As of now. Monday March
8, your •correspondent is like
many others and still without
hydro or telephone and asks
your co-operation in passing
on the news.
There was no sale at the
Hensall Sales Barn last week
due to the ice storm.
Unit 4 meeting of the UCW
was cancelled last Thursday,
due to the weather conditions.
Congratulations are in
order to Shelly Middleton for
winning a Gold Medal in the
figure skating competitibri.
The ACW of St. James
Church will meet on March 18
at the home of Vera Miller,
Tourist Tavern
and Restaurant
• miles north of Grand Bendon Highway 21
,Re.Opeiing March 12
A silo plate
for tho family
to dine
Social notes _
Holy Communion was
administered by the Rev. Don
Beck at the United Church
service an Sunday when Mr.
and Mrs. William Rogerson
were welcomed into mem-
bership. The sermon was the
first of a series an "What is a
Virtue? Wisdom."
The ceremony of "ad-
mission of Elders" was held
and the choir, under the
direction of Mrs. John
Turkheim, sang the anthem
"Come Spirit, Come".
The' postponed World Day
of Prayer will be held as
previously arranged at St.
Paul's Anglican Church at
2:30 p.m. on Friday, March
12. All women of the com-
munity are welcome.
Hensall II 4-1t Club
The second meeting of the
Hensall II 4-H "Thrifty
Threaders" was held at
Hensall United Church
Tuesday evening. The roll
call "the learning stitches"
Court news
article 1 have chosen to make
and why" was answered by 11
Club Officers were elected.
they were: president, Sandra
Nixon; vice-president, Vicki
Mann; ,s secretary, Cindy
Crane; treasurer, Leslie
Cottrell; press reporter.
Donna -Jean Allan.
Assistant leader, Mrs. Bev
Moir, 'discussed the color
harmony and they learned
to make a pattern and cut out
the learning stitches article.
They also were shown how to
transfer a design to the
Leader, Mrs. Joyce Pepper
demonstrated the back stitch
which they were to finish at
A Goderich man lost his
license for three months after
he pleaded guilty to refusing
to take a breathalizer test in
Clinton provincial court held
last Wednesday, March 3.
Provincial court judge Glenn
Hayes. presided.
• Alex MacDonald, 19 of
Goderich, was also fined 8400.
Robert S. Phillips, 22,01 RR
5, Clinton was fined $103 for
ca re less driving .
Gregory J. Baer, 19. of
Goderich was fined $33 for
speeding in town.
Engoy the enchanted island attnospriere,
tun and Snail') Seas Magic at' the
AKU 1111(1 grardce
right on the Wortd's Most CemotseVesch
142 Otviintront moloi roorot, and
.41q.• ty,t pit w.th
t,,vo e,r,v iIcottrt,t,onboo
coifs, TV Two tropte.1 polS
thuir tpf‘.1.11 9/000 fa Alm
r Orly,* rt,I '010 i'ir,1 t
ar 1 140 OA., 0-0
T 1.1er% 11,4
#1.11 1. 0 I Pte.? t,
For the finte of your lite
Phone (904) 252.9611
000 0000 00000
coot 4,0
eibelre 00000000 00000 o
If .11111011 *
I '4
A t,
A ,
own hat
aronOttaa for thkatext
and Mrs. Percy Milli
Mrs. Olive Balt, and Hrs.
LiUan Jamieson.
Plans were sompleted for
the card party to be. held in
the Legion Hail on April 7th.
Wax. Webster welcomed all
members and,visitorS and the
meeting was turned over to
the committee in charge. Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Cunningham.
(continued from page 6)
• the Alley Cats, 115; the Eager
Catherine Emma Wise Beavers, 1121/2i and the Rola?'
Catherine Emrna Wise of 16 CoasWr Ying Yangs, 110.
Kirk Street. Clinton, died Nancy Roy bowled the high
Thursday, March 4, 1976 at single of 263 while Donna
liar home, She was 79. Gil3bings bowled the high
The doughtier of Adam and triple of 648 and Ftuth Makins
arah Ca'ntelon, she was born arid Nancy Roy bowled the
in Goderich Township on high average of 198.
October 12, 1896. She lived on
the Muth concession of In the Friday YBC league,
Goderich Township until her the Rolling Balls are in top
marriage to Charles C. Wise. spot with 2011/21 points. -The
The couple continued to live Gang Bangers have 191;
In Goderich Township where Hart's Headpins, 190%;
they farmed until 1952. when Ellerby's Angels. 188; the
they moved to Clinton.
Mrs. Wise was a member of
the Women's Institute and the
Ladies GUM, of St- Paul's
Anglican Church, Clinton.
Mrs, Cantelon's husband
predeceased her in 1961. •
Surviving are two sons,
Edward and Ray, both of RR
3, Clinton, Also surviving are
nine grandchildren and two
great grandchildren.
The funeral was held
Monday, March 8,1976, at the
Ball Funeral Home, Clinton,
Rev. J.S. Sharpies assisted by
Rev. W. Bennett, officiated.
Interment followed at the
Clinton Cemetery.
Pallbearers wer • Alvin
Wise, John Wise. Bob Glen,
Harold Wise, John McCowan,
and Donald Middleton, all of
Flower bearers were
Kenneth Wise, Stewart Wise
of Clinton; Dennis Kelly of
Woodstock and Bob Hodgins
of Mississauga.
NoW isItie time tO join
weight -
There is a class
near -you!
Wesley Willis
United Church
Victoria &
King Streets
Tuesday. 730 p.m.
St. Georges
Anglican Church
16 Nelson St. West
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Tuesday, 930 a.m.
lose weight
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