The Exeter Times, 1886-7-29, Page 3TliEE .C) System and Saving, A lady writes ` ahout eyateutl and ming When a wemangets Married Aho knaves she has a hoiYre to keep an&hae no bnsinese ;tb get marr e d Waled the x eat e tb beep hote e, and having &tempted the ppoeitico of house keeper, if not fit for it, she should proceed at once and cheerfully to fit herself.. You would despies, youreolf, if tossed lute a greet sea, you made no struggle for a beat, a buoy, or the where. Sa, when non find yourself almost avorwheleeed with worrlee and oars, and the steak'fe burning, the bab fallen out ofbed, and your'husband.gladden iy wants a button sewn on—hold the babe with one arm, lift the steak with the other; and-'telljebn to briuge you a audio' and thread. •Say .no more, ,There are timeie when silence le not only golden bat dia. monde, and this is one of them, Thoughts are ghosts when unspoken, and troop harm - leerily about, but once spoken they are living, sentient:beings ; therefore do not speak of a trouble or an yanoe, union speaking of it can remedy c, Very likely alleluia will in twenty -foto oars lay the ghoet, but once give it a voio and It may live forever. Next to silo ea is order. If that is Heav- en's first law it is twofold, the housekeeper and cook's, "A place far everything and everything in its plane" Wright well be tram. ed and enliatituted for .' Home; Sweet Home," over our doors. To misplace a kitchen Perk or spoon may burn to a cruder the most oarefally proper- ed dish, The convenient bolder Lost from its nail may burn the cake or rain the pie, aid Lonnie the000k, A cook table, hill of drawer,, where floury spices, rollingpins, and oaks'-onttore are kept, with bake -pans hanging over it, will cavo you miles of trav- el and hours of time. A small shelf n ear the stave, kept for an extra pepper and salt dish, haejeaved me fifty miles' travel, I think ' in ten years. Only for one day count how many times you go from cook table to stave, eeasoning various diehee, and you will see what this means. Before putting, stroke in your kitchen stand by the stove or range as the objective point, draw a straight line from that to every, object which is often used there, and place it as near as possible. Keep kettles and gridirene so near that you need but to tarn to reaoh them, and always, if possible, wash them as soon as used, because they wash easier and it savea time, In finding places for kitchen utensils study every time to plane them where it will take the fewest steps to reaoh them. The walk, walk, walk, step, step, step, all day of some housekeepers remind us of the treadmill work of a horse onia wheel. The poor, dejected animal looks always down, and counts the some rounds hopeless- ly interminably. There is no use of it, If brains de not save dupe In housekeeping, then brains ehonld go to the wall and machine work Dome in. If a sane woman will go twine er thrice a day down oellar and bring up five er ten potatoes at a time, instead of a peck, and wash them at once, then my talk Is not for her, for I cannot simplify housekeeping. A japanned server is the keystone ef the kitchen arch, and a dumb waiter between the cellar end the pantry or kitchen is ene of the supper ptitars; a ventilator over the stove is another. In the sitting room the greatest aid to simplify housekeeping le a work -table with folding -leaves and the sides full of small drawers, so that when the housekeeper site down to sew she can pat her hand at once, and without arising, en crochet and knitting needlea, tapes and darning cotton, and every passible need. I reiterate. Pat all the artlolee of every day use at the point where they oan be reached with feweat stepe. Once a year weed out the foolish knicknacks of beads and oardbo, d; and the like, which seem to acoumulatd_, a frogs of Egypt, over night, and drop `fro our ceilings, camber ear wane, load our shelves, and require hours of dusting. They are a delusion and a snare, and a caricature on true art at best. A Ohat About Oatmeal. No one oan live long In a Sootoh corm munity without noticing the healthful leek of the children, whose food omelets largely of oatmeal, compared with those fed on fine grains, or even groate,. which are the same, only without the husks, This chaff er husk however. whioh Is left in the meal, contains some pointe that act as a stimulant on the mate of the bowels to keep them active with out medicine and render this food of great benefit to the dyspeptic. There is no mei thod of cooking eatmeal equal to the making of porridge, and when properly prepared it is generally a favorite dish 'for breakfast. " What makes your oatmeal porridge BO good?' is a frequent question in our house from etrangera, and they think the meal must be ef superior quality. But to prepare It properly the water must be boiling, noes - entry salt added, and the oatmeal then stirr- ed in slowly sifting it through the fingers. The pr000es not to be hurried 1f lumps would be avoided, When it begins to boil up well stop stirring and close the pot tightly. Set at the back of the stove while you cook the rest of the breakfast: Lift the porrid ge without any more stirring, as it is this that breaks the grain and makes it waxy. The Scotch do not stir with a spean, but with a smooth flattened stick called a "apurtle," that any one uan make word- ing to their own idea. This gives more even- ness to the mixing, and if cooked in this way the porridge will be sweet, wholegrain- ed, and wholesome. The Biggest Cannon England Ever Had. The steamship Elder has arrived at Wool- wich from Elewick with the first of the g 11 _ n ung ordered of Sir William Arm - `n r stye k the British Goverment. I o t is to bo pained at the butts 'belew the Royal Arsenal, and after some experiments have been made to test velocity and other quall- tleo, it will probably be taken to Shoebury. nose for the customary range trials, The gun cannot be landed for a few days, and cannot at present be seeni being burled in the ship's hold under 150 tons of projectiles, and even after it is on shore will net be im- mediately taken to the butts, as it will be neceinary firet to teat the canal bridge and ascertain if h is strong enough to bear it, A great carriage or sleigh of iron has been built in the Royal oarriage Department to hold the weapon while being fired, and Wei which weighs about 90 tone, will bo weight- ed with 110 tone moreand weed over the i bridge before the gun s ventured upon it. The gun carriage, which is ottoman in comparleon with anything of the kind, hail been named "The Juggernaut," The Victor's Crown Should adorn the brow 'of the inventor' of the great corn cure, Putnamai Painless Corn Extractor. It works quickly, never makes a sero spot, and is just the thing you want. See that you get Putnam's Painless °brit Ex - trader, the sure, safe and painless cure for ornti,' t (1P9P 1(IG$T MY BON." Con i tC1u v e lks Interesting u eroatin Adventure ti A d aro wlth,,a Truatlurg roorson., Far,obvjppo roietibno,the kespere of jails and px'ised "Maker it a point, eat/press td eu rens ail particulars 'of eaoaperl Ne , far as, Hee in Ebelr power, and as escaping prisoners seldom boast of their deeds, the public remain in Ignorance of much that le deeply interest• Ing regarding oonviote and those employed to guard them. The esoapa of Charles. Clark, alias Charles Ssteteen,,alige Hed.Charley, and alias sever- al other titles, 'Item the Ohio, £hate prison some" years ego, was a fair ample of the genius and desperation of a profereienal crook who hod been, " settled " for seven er eight, years° for robbery,,'' Frem the, mo • went- Clark; entered the prison' he began making mental notes' for future nee. The number of doors, the looation of the guards, the defences of various windows, the lay of the aewere, the' thfoknese of the walla— 'every point wae noted and etered up in hie memory. He wae cosigned to a Doll cm the ground tier. :'In`thrive days he haliestimat• od the dietance to the outside wan to a frac- tion r ac- tion of an inch, His idea was to remove one of the 'flegetoneq from the floor of hie cell and tunnel out,'and within sixty honra after being received in the prison he was at work. ' With an old chisel which he manag- ed to accrete and bring in from the ,hep, he scraped out the Dement from around the atone. ON& OF THE CORRIDOR SENTINELS passed his door every half hour during the night, and it was two weeks before Clark had the stone ready to lift out, He found a foot of concrete under the atone, and he went through that and hid the dirt in hie bed. He calculated that the sewer for that wing ran within four feet of hie cell, and he was right: He wanted to make use of it simply to carry oft the dirt from his tun- nel. Far many weeks he dug away at nicht unsuspectedby the sentinels, but ae he had to carry the dirt out in hie pookete each morning he made but clew progress. It was nine weeks before he struok the sewer, which was of brick. When he had made an opening, the sewer gas poured out in such gaantitios as to almost suffocate him. Indeed, it poured through the tunnel and filled the corridor until the prison offioiale were alarmed and began to eearah for the cause. Clark had to go down and stop up the hole, and he was made ill for a week. At the end of that time he tried it again, but the gas was worse than before, and he found himself obliged to give up the under- taking. He could easily have run the tun- nel, but there was no ether way to dispose of the dirt. He replaced the flagstone, oem- ented it with dough, and his efforts were un- suspected, Clark had been in prison about five menthe when he concocted another plan. From some local oonviote he got the name of a minister of the Gospel in the county who somewhat resembled him in general appear- ann. He also ascertained that the men was very timid and kind hearted. Pretty soon Clark was seized with an "indisponi• tion," and, while not sick enough to be sent to the heapital, be was excused from work in the shop and permitted to remain in hie cell. The prison chaplain found him an eager listener to his exhortations, and matters were soon so shaped that he was led to believe that Clark had something en his mind, When pressed to admit that such wan the oaee, THE PRISONER HESITATED just Iong enough to put the chaplain's cur- iosity en edge. Yee, he had something on his mind. It was something the Rev, Tobias Green onght to know. If he would call at the prison some day he should hear a confession whioh would clear up a great mystery and set certain things right. For three or four days Clark beat about the bush, playing the chaplain for all he was worth, and the result was that the Rev. Tobiasre n G a visited ther eon 1 with his mind made up to listen to some strange and wonderful confession. It was not Clark's day for confession. He realized that ho was a bad—b a•d man, and was quite will- ing to talk about his soul and his future, but he would tell hie story some other day —the day after to -morrow. Au appoint- ment was made for that day with the Rev. Tobias Green, and he departed feeling that he had greatly softened the heart of a des- perate man. Clark's " indisposition" in - caromed somewhat, just enough to keep him in his cell and to prevent him from being too closely watched. The chaplain came in and prayed with him, the doctor sent him a few doses of quinine, and whenever any one looked into his cell the man was lying on his bed. At 4 o'olook on the afternoon of the day designated the Rev, Tobias Green put in an appearance. it was midwinter, and the day woo se cold that the preao ler was well bundled up, having on a heavy overcoat and a fur cap and mull an The day was so dark that some of the halls were lighted. One of the hall masters conducted the preacher to Clark's cell and left him, and the good man took the convict by the hand and anx• lonely inquired after the state of his health. Not more than two minutes had elepaed before the preacher was lying on his back on the bed, WITH A GAG IN HIS MOUTH and his thoughts terribly mixed up from a rap on the head. When ha had got mat- ters straightened out he was stripped to his shirt and drawers, and his hands and feet were securely tied. Clark had prepared himself for the job, and it was done in a prompt and thorough manner. Inside of ten minutes he was dressed in the preach- er's clothing, while the latter was covered np with the blankets, Then the convict sat down with his back to the door and kept. up a mumbling conversation for 'half an hour. Daring this time, as he himself re- futed, he poured into the preaoher'e ear all the storlee he had ever Beard to the detri• mont of the i1 cloth," Ho finally ended by enraging a hymn, and when he passed outside the cell door he turned and said, in a voice meant�to be heard by the hall watchman : " Good night, my son. I truly hope that this visit has been the means of doing you good. I will come again to'niorrow, if poa- Bible," With that ho started for the hall, and the watohman passed him ' to the wioket, Thin was unlocked without question, aq also were all other obntruotfons to liberty, and be reached the street without the slightest hindrance. He had relatives in the suburb, of the city, although the foot was not known to the prison officiate, and he walked straight to the house and was taken in. The Rev. Tobias Green remained pas. sive until the hour eamo for the men to be looked up, when he was dissevered. An alarm wan at onoesent out, but Clark wee male. He remainedsecreted in the henna for about a month and was then Whipped- away, and his recapture was never effected, In relating his story he said that the five or hint minutes n0000eary for him to pose out of the prison aged him more than any two yearn of hie life. Elf4 ABLE IAQT .' 9, m id. a � In o 0 eis meld i to a ten n tN e{dF�tim� ie eltk t►aka. 4,',09wepirpeic hail been dieaovercd la Pekin that. pian ;started in the; year 911. 1. biladolpbia prove digger, have organized a brafloh of the 'Knights of ,Labor,• It is,a rose of clear greenthatthe Pgriaian florists noww4alk about,: Iao;2Kedacci World has an account of a Patient whom prematurely gray hair is re• turnjngoto lts'original color under the in, tenial:admini> tedion of phoaphorlizad cod- itvor Oil, ' Mrs, Jennie Wight, of Indianapolis, has 'brqugbt qultto reeover the vaiuo ef her sewing reaolline whioh her worthlese , bus - tie' d,earried td a liquor Naloon'and rain rd P S. MoN'ally, of Boston, aged twenty- one years, has saved between thirty-five and forty persona from drowning during four- teen yeare,F.- The Itlassaohueette Humane Society hat jelingivon:hint a .medal, The name ohapel, se a lied lerintin houses, printers',nuione,peto,, cornea• from the faotthet the first printing mese in'.Eag' land wan e;t.ld to have been, placed in the ohapalof'Westminlster Abbey, although it was net, ae a matter of histerioal' fact. " The family of the late Brigham Young re- oently oelebratod the efghty,fsurth auniver- eery'of hie birthday. Three hundred per- sons of both sexes were :present, and many members wore unable to attend. At thls rate the,aseooiation will soon be compelled to hire. a Hall in whioh to hold its reunions. An Arkansas farmer ' writes that last year when 'coons made havao in his cornfield, he. went to the drugstore to buy strychnine with which to kill them, By mistake the druggist gave him morphine, and the next morning he found his field full of sleeping 'coens, Ho advises the use of morphine in stead of etryohnine. Man is not the only animal that commits suicide.. Herrings and other fishes have sought death by rushing ashore in myriads regiment of ante, by , deliberately marching into streams ; swarms ef rate, by migrating into the facie of their deadly fees ; and even butterflies, by flying in immense clouds straight out to ilea. • Ebony oan be imitated on wood by first painting with a 1 per cent, solution of sul- phate of copper. When; perfectly dry the word is painted ever with a liquid, oonsistng of equal weights of aniline hydro chloride and opiate ef wine. The blue vitrel ante on the aniline and forme nigrosin, a black whioh can not be affected by acids or alkalioa. A lustre can be added by coating with simpl copal varnish. A Shower of Lizards, Judge Belden, Maier Smith, and Col, Sykes Dame into Laramie the other even- ing with a big story about a storm In which it rained lizsrds that they had paseed through a few evenings before en the Laramie plains. They had been over the divide to the Kellogg ranch, and on return- ing were overtaken by a furious gale, which presently brought rain, For an hour er so it poured in torrents, • and then, just at dusk, they felt something solid striking them 000aatonally. At length the Colonel, who was sitting on the back seat, reaohed down into the wagon box and pulled eat a " water dog " about six inohem long, This oonvinoed the tourists that an extraordinary storm was 1n pregrees, and to some extent prepared them for what was to follow. "Little by little," said the Judge, "the bombardment increased, until lizards and toads were thfoker'n files. We turned up our coat ottani and pulled dawn our hats but it did no good. They'd strike us in the facie, in the lap, on the back and all over, and the horses became wild with terror. We lost our way and the Major got out to look at the ground, but jumped back in the wagon again with an unearthly yell, saying it was knee deep in lizards. By this time it had stopped raining, and we came to the oonolasien, after mature reflection, that the area of the storm could' not be large, and that, if we moved straight ahead in almost any direction, we would sown be out of it. Acting on this determination we started up again, and in the course of half an hour we struck hard ground. We camped near there, and when daylight name we went back a ways and examined the lizards. There were millions of them, the great majority of them being dead ae the result of their fall ; but there were plenty of live ones, and the way they were crawling around was a caution. Some one having coked what theory they had to advance in explanation of thle strange visitation, the Major said that there was a lake on the summit of the steep mountain that was full of lizarda and he had no doubt that the wind, wbioh was very high, had sopped out that body of wate with all its contents and dumped them on the Laramie plains. He had known of a abnilar cane in Kansas once. A oyolone had followed the line of a river and scoop• ed it out so clean. for a dietanoe of nineteen miles that farmers living thirty miles from the stream found fieh, turtles and frogs in their front dooryards, and believed they hadrained dawn, Tho Colonel said he had brought a fow of the lizards trete show the folks, and would get them, but after search- ing the wagon box in vain he wan forced to apologize by saying they had probably Dome to life and crawled away, -.�s�w,-a+.4.,•r- sea*-_. Do Not be Alarmed at the raising of blood from the Iunge. It Is one of the very earliest symptoms of con- sumption, and only shows the healthy ef- forts of the system to throw off the sorofu• lous impurities of the blood od whioh have re- mitted o e multed in ulceration of the lungs, Dr, Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" le a positive remedy for conenmption at this stage. If taken ,faithfully, it will cleanse the blood, heal the ulcers in the lungs, and build up and renovate the whole sys- tem, It oan net be too deeply impressed upon the mind that application is the price to be paid for mental Regulations, and that it is a0 absurd to expeot it without it as it is to look for a harvest without seeds, It was an old oriental doctrine that wet men have no eoule. Moro enlightened phil• oaophy concedes that they have purer, finer, more exalted souls than men. Birt they are too often contained in feeble, auf- foring bodice, whioh hamper and retard', their full development. For all these pain - fur ailments incident to the sex, Dr. Mennen favorite Proscription" is the best apeoi• fie in the world, and is sold under a positive guarantee that it will do all that is claimed for it. Price reduced to one dollar, By druggists. Eastern young lady to 'Modern young man—" We were disappointed in not get- ting oarde to your afeter's wedding, Mr, Breezy, Were there no cards Z' " Well --er, sister didn't play any, but some of us had a littio two dollar game after the minis- ter got away. A CrRig FOR DSSNikBNNESS, opium, Morphine, ohleral, ' tobaoeo;, and kindred rid ed a Sita, h he medicine T Ice ma od be given !n: tela or • coffee without the knowledge of the person; taking it if eo desired, Send 6o in stamps, for book and teatfmonials horn t hose who have been cured. Address M V'...Lubon, 47 Wellington St, Etat, Toronto, Oat. ,Cutthis out for future referencia Wlien writing mention this paper. Pearl-gray Suede gloves are worn instead of white in the evening. 'Walking advertfeomente for Dr. Sago'e Catarrh Itgmedy are the thousands: it has cured. Don't useany more nsusoone rergatives such as Pills, Salts, &o,, when you can , get in .11r, :Carson's Stomach Linton, -a medicine that moves the Bowels gently, cleansing all imrur. ides from the system and rendering the Mood pure and oriel. Great Spring Medicine' 50 eta. #A, k, 290 9 301—EN-TRii4R -slid two ladies--ee Oanveseare &V I gond.pay. 13. E; Kunison, Toronto. Ont. UPbRI 41 FILES AND RA0PB-WARRANTED 29.1141 to beet Imported ; all, kends of re,ou Galt File Works, FOSDBRIOII PARIN, Galt P.O. tbing, AMR' ((SAE LORRIES FOR CARTERS, Central Fat,,. ale Address M. 0 faMILLIGAN SManutaa Curer, H4milton. 5700 8-01 Amr•ea ar m —ilI0 1A0e0 li*m plays, 15 cents • 100,000 5. sent -music ; Instruments half price. BUTLAND, 07 King.st. W,Toronto. REPRESENTATIVE In each county IS sen "Pro- peed and Espousal "—a book on Love, Court- ship, Matrimony and kindred themes. Write for circulars, International Book cad 13fole,. Rouse, Toronto, Ont: RAND SAW MACHINES—ALL SIZES—LATEST improvements; bracket band wawa for attach. toe to poste; neat, cheap and durable ; send fax circulars. JOHN GILLIS/ !h 00., Carleton Piano, Ont. GENTS FOR NEW PARALLEL FAMILY BIBLES—largge type, eplendtd maps, beautiful llluetratione; coutatne 4,000 questions and answers on Bible Topica; liberal terms. International Book and Bible Rouse, Toronto, Ont, A GENTS WANTED -1N EVERY TOWN AND County, dor the 0. E. Parer and slicer. • Best thing out ; eerie at eight ; sample Knife east on receipt of price, 16o. Q, D. DAY Agent, 40 Yong. 8t., Toronto, Ont. AMAN O15 A WOMAN WANTED IN EVERY township, to Bell Dr. Talmage', new book, "Live Coals." The keenest and most vigorous epeolmen of oratory ever written ; nearly 700 pages; onlMS Schuyler full Smith $ po Pf ublishere, Lonand other don, 0n* C/PECIAL NOVICE.—GRAND IND U0EMENTB 1� offered to young Ladles and Gentlemen during May. Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Commerolal Business, English, Classical or Rethematloal courses, separate or all together, at half the regular tuition fee. Ad• dress immediately, Tan Tomato Bosuns'' Octanes, Toronto. Ont. 03003, Teachers ,t Students Attention !. leeeone During gheet $masters©oist willc be given of private Teaohere and Students, on Shorthand, Drawing or Painting. Ail who oan should oome. Bend lmmedi• etely for 80001a1 airantarn THE UNION SHOUT - HANDSAW AoADSITY, Arcade, Toronto. THE POPULAR Story Paper, The Fireside Weekly, Six serial stories by the most talented authors in each issue, A number of interesting Complete Talcs of Love, Romance, and Adventure, Choice Poetry, Short Sketches, Household Recipes, Science, Wit and Humor, etc., contained in each issue of The Fireside Weekly. 5e. per copy; or, with 40 of the .most desirable songs of the day, $2100 per year; six months and 20 pieces music, $1; three months and 10 pieces music, 50c. 0ubsesibe now, Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal com- mission, Sample copies free. Trial FIRESIDE WxENi,r, 28 Colborne St., Toronto, Canada, NELSON Be CO., MILLWRIGHTS & ENGINEERS, Berlin, Ont.—sole mentifbaturers in Canada of automotia engines from 2 to 16 h, p • automatic en- gines for printing offioee ; high wed automate, en. glace for electric lighting; automatic engine(' for cheese, butter, and eauaage faotorles, or any, other purpose where a light and cheap power le required. For price Bet and other particulars address ae above. AI GENTS !—YOU CAN'T FIND A BOOK THAT .C3L. ivee bettor satisfaction or that oueke money faster with than " World's Wonders."aS lla to all classes—Christiane and Infidels, Catnolioe and Protestants, old and young ; old agents who have not canvassed for years are going into the fleld with 1t; 0. F. Jenkins eold 120 the liret week ; J. E. Brace save: "The first week with " Wonders" netted me one hundred and sixteen dollars," A good chance for unemployed persona ; outfit free to actual can. vaseers; write for terms: B0&DLsr, GARRETeoN ? Co., Brantford, MONEY TO LEND Productive Town, Village & Farm Property D. 1*IIrcuutL McDONALD, Barrister. 6 Union Block— Toronto Street —Toronto. LINTON, LAKE a CO., GALT. Azle and Machine Screw Works. Carriage and Wagon Axles, Iron and Steel Set and Cap Screws, eta, List on application, The Royal Manufacturing Company, 6 Perth St., Guelph, Ont. L. 0. WIDEMAN & 00., —HANUFACTOR8RS oF— Improved Family and Laundry Mangles And all kinds of Laundry Appliances, Burgles. Proof Window•Saeh Locke, Step Ladders, etc., etc, Model -Making, Ifill•Wrlghting and Carpentering Work. .ra'SEND FOB PRICE LIST.' A ents Wanted. C' ELECTRO'&STEREOTYPERS' . ,. ;• ' TORONTO. '- A� daiG�l & WAGcle i AX1JE& iannutaotturereof the Celebrated A I9ri,17 GUELPH IXJE ruR —IND— ZOL142 DUPLEZ T. PEPPER & CO., Guelph, Ont, Our Duplex Axles are all to be had at all the principal Hardware Stores in the Dominion. as .B. SPENCE & CO., Oonoumers will find it to their advantage to ask the trade far our make of Files and Rasps. Ile -Cutting te Specialty. Send for prloo list and berme, Hamilton, • Ontario. m Pa tm 'THERE IS NOTHING LIKE IT• g N Ii 1 y, `Mr GLYCERINE ANDOIL DR ES SI NG. A BEAM- EULWATERPROOF APATENT LEATHER. POLISH FOR BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS SOLD EVERYWHERE -- 1jenMial EN V7iS STAVE (ELITES, STAVE o nter choana box, veneer, leather epl tt n beokbinders, mould ng tenoning nndother mach no kutvee o beet quo ty, n auufaoturod by PRTsa Har, Halt Machine Knife Works, Galt, Ont, send for price Hat. WILSON'S FLY KILL THEM ,ALL.: SOLD BY DK,IJGGISTl. GUELPH CARPET WORKS. r A. AB, I STRONG & 0 ' �.Y uAxureoruttsns or Wool,Union lAn h and Damask aitlt OARPETSI Of new patterns and des1gnei Guelph, Ont,. Wesleyan Ladies' College, HAMILTON, - CANADA. JIIE FI BST OF THE 4 DIES' COLLEGES— Ras graduated ovor 200 iaalee in the mil course has educated over 2.000, Full Faculties in htorabure, languages, music and art. Tho largest college bulidlng to the Province. Will open on Sept. 1,1880. Address the Principal, A. BUENd, D,D„ LL D. Hamilton Scale Factory. The 13estand ,.heap. est May and Stock Settles In the market, oeiivered and emoted, fully guaranteed. Farmers' dairy *1 port- -= able platform Scales. Dormant. Dopper & Warehouse Stales for Mills and Elevator& We manufacture all styles of SCALES, whioh are unequalled for accuracy, durability and elegance of finish. OSBORNE & CO., HanUlton,Ont, Surprise Thresher. O Manufactured in 3 Sizes. Mounted at Down 1'owera, 8 d; 10 Norse, Illy 'specialties. Price. No. 3, Thresher and Power Complete, $300 No. 4, do do do 400 No. 5, do do 00 500 No. 5; do (for steam) 373 Discount for Cash. These machines are the foatoot and i,ghteet run- ning, and make a better separation than any other style in us+. I invite correspondence from farmers and threehermeo. In writing mention what you want. Deeoriptive airoular Bent on application. Agents wanted. Mention this paper. James Sharman, STRATFORD, ONT. T Tflere Tik' NINETIES sr S f The Snow Drift SOWS'Poirder • riihlhge4, Onl, Baggy an t Carriat'e Gear',. T VORITS TI*E "DEFIANCE" This gear sup lies the demand of the Drivin ,Pubo .i , ofor w i. bringing g ba Io n buggies, gg a, and combines with. Uder tighteners, ease at motion. great strength and dura, bllity Prices very moderate.' Wheels tired without Duuole Fiange Steel The, wear, fully tour Vines as lone ae those with ordinary tire steel Seed for out' descriptive eiroalar. J B. A,ISMSTItONfi urn; Co.. (La.), Guelph, Canada. Road tart Cal ' T.a°y 43xi. xAxoraoTIES844- Winters' Patent Road Carl,., Buggies, Carriages, Sleighs, end for Catalogue. J. WINTERS, Manager. Galt. Ont. .J.L.JONES WOOD ENGRAVER 10 KING S! EAST TORONTO'. e B RANTFORD COLD WATERg(y [r �i Sp RCCF. ST NEVER FAILS. Allan Line Royal Mail Steamahipg. Sailing during winter from Portland every Thurs. day and Halifax, every Saturday to Liverpool, and is summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool,, calling at Londonderry to land malle and passenger&F tor Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, vie Halifax and St. Johne, N,F., to Liverpool fortnightly during summer monthe. The steamers: of the Mae. gow lines"call during winter to and from Halifax,.,:, Portland, Boston and Phfiadelphla ; and duringaum- mer between Glasgow, and Montreal weekly ; Glee. gow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadef phis fortnightly. For freight, passage, or other information apply 1* A. Sohumaoher it Co„ Baltimore ; S. Cunard & Co., Halifax ; bhes & Co„ St. John's N.F. ; Wm Thoenp. son & Co., St. John, N. B, ; Allen & Co., Chicago Love & Alden. New York ; H. Bourller, Toronto; Ariane, Rae & Co., Quebec; Wm. Brookle, Philadel• phla; H. A. Allen, Portland, Beaton, Montreal. Send for catalogue, TENTS, FLAGS, HAMMOCKS, AND_CAMPING GOODS. Mann' r 169 YONGE ST., ' s, Toronto. 10 Every enquiry cheerfully answered. FARMERS & THRESHERS. CAP.RTOL YLINDE Use on your Machinery only the Well-known MACHINE — r�s Ova= ELDORADO ENGINE PEERLESS OIL SIX COLD MEDALS nave bean awarded it during the last three years. Try also our PEER LESS AXLE GREASE for your Waggone and Horse Powers. Manu1aotared at Queen City 011 Works, by SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., Toronto. Hams, Breakfast Bacon., Our goods are of the Finest Quality, Fall Flavour and Sugar -cured. Silver modals awarded us for past seven years for excellence of cure. J Aso 1�.. RK 8 SON', L D. SAWYER & 00., HAMILTON, ONTI, —etaflaerlIAu Or— 'L. D. S." ENGINESI £waarried rill! 114[1L t, el Ifrerl.efai Yalu, woistsgi Tab. •files, mad Xaxt sri W "Grain Saver" and 11Peerless' SEPARATORS. "ori is Msrse-r•w= enefifir 4, i, a, e and 11 !read Towers, ter I, II sad $ ders0A. Slight 1.parsitore, liar Tread and $wNli Powers. .ilw1 Wt JEatentai ed Oaloiegaa Prise 1211 our rwrm.iregis, NEW HARRIS ASD .MAMMOTH STEEL DOZE HOT-AIR FURNACES. 43. The pleat tltective, Clean, Durable and Economical Boaters In the Market 161; lumina sad ventilatingOhurohee, Beboola, Public; Buildings, Stotes and Private Ueeldenoes. Simple In construe. thin and eaoily managed, capable of giving more haat with leen consumption of Enol then any other heating apparattle. £ ' 4bsolntelly as Tight. Eight aizea "Markle and fourai/tea'illeamntothf0' aro made and oan be not either in Brick or Portable form. Correspondence solicited. • Por Catalogues and further,nformatlon address The N & 04 GURNEY CO. (Limited), ITAIIIIITON0