HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-03-04, Page 17xn FOR TAK 1Nti CLASSIFIED ADS 1Z O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER '.ARTICLES FOR SALE LEADING Pool Manufacturer has 1975 above ground redwood type pools available. Willing to sacrifice at half price. Call collect any time I-416-667-1302. --5tfn SWIMMING Pool Clearance, disposing of 1975 trade-ins. various sizes and shapes available in aluminum and wood construction. some with manufacturer's warantees still in effect. will sell at fraction of original selling price. Call collect any time 1-416-667-1302. --5tfn GARDEN • SEEDS GALORE! Bulk, package, also volume ,prices. Begonia Bulks. Top size. House Plant and seed starting specialties. Durst Farm and Garden Centre. H.and N. Baker. Props, 22 Isaav St. Clinton, Open daily 8 a.m. to6 p.m. -8tfn SEEN a' picture in the News- ecord you would like -to have Get a permanent print. either 4' x 5". 5" x 7" or S" x 10". Order at 482-9502.-Stfnc 18' SUNSET trailer 1975, ex- cellent condition. fridge. stove. furnace and toilet. Will accept tent trailer or smaller trailer as trade. Phone 529-7203 after 6 p.m. -8.9.10 APPLES - Spy. King. Delicious. McIntosh. Phone 482-3214 or 482- 9141 McClymont Orchards. 1 mile south of Varna.--44tfn. APPLES. Macs. Spies. Red and Yellow Delicious $2.50 a bushel and up. Fresh cider. onions and honey. Potatoes No. 1 56.75 for 75 lbs. No. 2 54.50 for 75 lbs. Free delivery around town. Phone 524 8037. Art Bell's Fruit farm. --9tfn.ar. POTATOES for sale. 3 miles west of Hensall. hwy. 84. Phone 236- 4038. -9-16 30 GALLONS water tank. please contact Mrs. H. Pathick. 27 Edmonton Rd.. Vanastra, phone 482-9735. -10 SAP buckets, spites and lids. Phone 482-3214, Ivan McCiymont. Varna. -10.11x r.+41M'.M�'4 ^►.41-41.'41.+MO"'\..44•Mr. HOME DECORATING? BORROW- FROM - OUR COMPLETE HOME DECORATION AND HOME IMPROVEMENT USRARY-FREE See us before you decorate Over 4.000 photos. BALI. & MUTCH LTD. HOME •FURNISHINGS Phone 4524606 CKnton. 1 1 1 1 11 Good Buys AT Groves & Sat TV & Appliances CLINTON 482.9414 ofikSWit 3EAJTY TYlffw"rb13, WASHER 5100 FRIG IRE, CIx HES OR E R ;T+10 FRiGIDAIRE PORTABLE DISHWASHER °s175 RCA STEREO SOLID STATE 5100 'Boor FriZritis� dation USED ELECTRIC RANGES 540 • 575. NEARLY NEW WRINGER WASHER 57S HOOVER TWIN -TUB WASHER 530 PHILIPS SOLID-STATE CONSOLE STEREO LARTICLES FOR SALE WESTINGHOUSE Refrigerator: stove: • Beatty washer -spin - dryer-twintub: telephone table,: 13&W TV. Phone 482-7260. -10 22" - B & W CONSOLE TV good condition 550. Phone ,482-3667.. -10 RAINBOW class Sloop IDaysailor -- Racer). 2214' x 6'. Carefully restored. New Lucas sales. Spinaker Gear. Many extras. including: anchor. mooring lines. wheel mounted cradle, boom tent. etc. Phone 482- 3185 evenings or weekends. $2.900.00 -10 COPPER BOILER. sump pump: double size bedroom suite: rolla- way bed :.,double bed; chester- field and chair. wicker rocker: kitchen suite: 1 sofa bed; pressure cooker canner sett brand new) . Phone 482-3396. --=10 APPLES - Top quality Spys. Ida Red. excellent for eating, cooking and freezing. Bring containers. 53.00 per bushel and up. Ross Middleton Refrigerated Storage. 1 mile east of Bayfield, north of river. Phone 482-9136. Mon - Fri before 4 p.m. otherwise open. -10.11.12 GOOD leather single harness, ideal for jogging. 92 bales hayl no rain). Western stock saddle. bridle and breast strapryalso small amount of straw (loose). All items for cash sales. Phone 565-5250. Bayfield, Ont. -10 CREAM Leather lazy boy chair. Phone 482-7977. -10x 2A. ARTICLES WANTED -FURNITURE, 'gl4ass. china. clocks. bells. brass. copper. Will buy for cash,or sell bv.auctinn. Make Cummings. Auctioneer. Phone 524.9064.-30t fn WE ARE now handling lots or part lots of furniture and ap- pliances. 11 you have articles to sell ornately or by auction contact Rathwell's Auction Sers ice Phone 4S2-3120.-32tfn WFBUY .any antique or household items. sandy. or in complete household lots: or sell by public auction in our new modern' auction rooms We specialize in estates NORM WHITING AUCTIONEERING ANI) APPRAISAL SERVICE 63 Main St Exeter Phone 235- 1964 -291 fn 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT FORMAI. REN ALS for mer .and boys Contact Hermans Men's Wear. 482-9351 -22t fn ( ()NS 1 R L'( l ION eraopment for rent Power trowel. small mixer. pump. wheelbarrows. gond plyword farms and wedges Phone 236 4954 Mon to Fri after 4p m Weekends .inyt ime -I6tfn ! Ob.AIAL KE.N I Al_S Dress up' Gr. formal' We hase the complete W'•-ddtng St -.r% ice at Campbell s Man Wear. Main St ( Formerly Prckertt .and Camp - 1,01 )l4tfn POWER TOOLS FULL LINE FOR -RENT PLUS CHAIN SAWS (ELECTRIC & GAS; REASONABLE RATES iNOUIRE AT Clinton Homme Hardware 24 ALBERT 5T 482.7023 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE TRUCK '74 Ford. i ton. 8 ft box. 23.000 miles. rack included. Reasonable price A Bakker Panne 527-0889 -10 19.74 DATSUN 6210. 4 door tape deck. coags. new tires. plus snow tires on rims good condition Will certify Phone 432.7432 after 5 30 p. m -10 A...,.. ".t -Y CARS. TRUCKS FCR SALE 3. (ARS. TRUCKS FOR SALE 1970 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE, ;-door hardtop, good condition. 5800. or best offer, as is. Phone 482-9084 at noon or after 6 p.m. -10 �•V CATCH r, :THE DATSUNSPIRIT 4. REAL-ESTATE FOR SALE 4, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Geroldis Datsun Ltd. SALES SERVICE LEASING OPEN 8 A.M. - 9,P.M. • Ph. 52? -1010 SEAFORTH 31. PET STOCK QUARTER HORSE. yearling filly. good show prospects. Phone 482-7238. -10,11 ONE Siamese kitten, female, 6 whs. old. Phone 482-9742. -10 POODLE grooming by ap- pointment - Glenreid Kennels. Kippen. Phone 262-5052. -10 George Cutler representing Your newest full line Ford Dealers in Huron County Green & Pa tit Ford Mercury-: es LIMITED': 263 Huron Road Goderich ..B us. 524-2665 Res. 482-9782 eon 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES for sale in Vanast.ra. Phone 482-3809. -I0tf n A- FOR SALE 3.000 LARGE BALES of first -cut alfalfa hay no rain. 900 large bales of second -cut alfalfa hay. 1.000 large bales of straw . Phone 262-5988. -10 ONE 21 foot tool bar amhydrous ammonia applicator with 9 teeth and harrow type sealer at- tachment : in new condition. Phone 262-5988. -10 SEED Grain. Hay and Pasture Mixtures -- Orders now being taken. -- See us also for spring fencing supplies. farm hardware. health aids. and complete line of Purina livestock feeds. Durst Farm & Garden Centre. H. and N Baker. Props.. 22 Isaac St . Clinton. Open daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.-10tfnar PIONEER SEED CORN VARIETIES AVAILABLE 3990(3W) 2600 H.U. 80 DAYS 3977(3W) 2650 H.U. 82 DAYS 39751SC) 2700 H.U. 85 DAYS 3965(3W) 2750 H.U. 87 DAYS 3960(SC) 2800 H.U. 90 DAYS Also other varieties available JACK MAYHEW RR 3 CLINTON PHONE 482 3176 Your representative for oderich Township and Clinton Area. tfn NOTICE Clinton Livestock Exchange WILL CONTINUE TO HAVE SALES EVERY 111. AFTERNOON 1:30 ALL YEAR ROUND FOR INFORMATION'' OR CONSIGNMENTS CALL LEO GLAVIN 234-6284 HOGS. CATTLE. CALVES. DAIRY COWS & FEEDER CATTLE FIRST cut mixed hay. Phone 482- 3344 after 6 p.m. -10x WOODS - Oat Grinder. 3 h.p motor. Phone 482-3396. -10 FORD Model 8-N, •tractor, _ Will trade with cash for Iter model. slightly larger tractor. Phone 482- 9129.-9x GRASS SEED and mineral • Otto Pick and Son Seeds Ltd. Straight seeds or forage mixtures. pickseed corn. chain harrows. Embutox. 'Tropotox plus. Her- bageum livestock minerals. Phone 482-7898. Richard Lobb, sales rep.. Clinton .-23t fn "Performance Proven" SEED CORN Still available in early maturing varieties for shelling or combining. Also later varieties for silage. M.W. DURST Ph. 48 2.7309 CLINTON C - WANTED BEAN combines - pull type or self propelled in fair condition Phone 542.2706Collect-10.11x Heasail livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY - AT 1.4 P.M All cls;sss 01 Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS vitt., Hargreaves Cense & y nolle, matt ts,i.' roes MVOS tomer JACK H. GERRiTS CONSTRUCTION LTD. Now is the time to change the took of your kitchen. bath or bedrooms Also plan now for all your farm building needs for the comrniq year. For immediate service and reasonable rates call 482 77"00 FtEAL.."0"1-A-te' CASH CROP LAND Situated in the well known cash crop area north east of Godertch. 2900 heat unit zone. 99 acres: Very early choice loamy sod. all level and tillable. Excellent drainage. Only 589.000. ' AO acre °iarcel: 100 acres level and tillable. tiled every 3 rod. Plus 80 acres seeded to permanent patture, natural water supply. all new fencing. Full price 5139,000. Keith Fitzsimmons Broker 176 Diagonal Rd., Wingham 519 357-1117 PERM Luckner ML$ REALTOR Permanent home 3 bedroom, living room 28 x, 12. fireplace diningroom kitchen areaxtreed lot close to lake - electric heat 10 percent open mortgage. 1.• rr Ideal all year round retirement home 2 bedrooms. utility room, large living room with fireplace. dining kitchen area. 4 pc. bath - electric heat. community well. landscaped lot. wall to wall carpeting. Please cllle ADAM FLOWERS BAYFIELD- 5654813 ni`-INTEE Clinton Office.. Phone 4823821 CLARKE ZINN 524-8620 PETER DAMSMA 482-9849 HAROLD WORKMAN 482-7658 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY, Main St. building for sale containing a restaurant and income from 1 store and 3 Apartments, in Seaforth. HENSALL HOME 2 bedroom mobile home, with added living room. good sized lot with trees, for 516,500.00 CLINTON HOMES One floor bungalow in nice area close to schools for 532,000.00 Duplex. 2 bedroom units, 2 furnaces. full basement on Kirk St. , 4 bedroom. 2 storey brick home with full basement, -garage. hot water heat, modern kitchen. 2 baths. on Orange St. Less than one year old bungalow on large lot, brick veneer, 3 bedrooms. finished rec. room. 2 baths. We offer a duplex in good condition. 1-3 bedroom apt. and 1-2 bedroom api. with possibly an extra lot. 3 bedroom brick bungalow with carport in nice area of Town. 3 bedroom bungalow in scenic area on Townsnend St., Carpets, full basement. 3 .bedroom. 1,7 storey home on Whitehead St. 2 storey brick home, 3 bedrooms, family room. attached garage, on large lot on Rattenbury St.W. 3 bedroom. 2 storey brick home with extra Brick house for income on Rattenbury St. W. COUNTRY PROPERTY An ideal bonding site. water readily available, near Varna. 3 bedroom brick home with- fireplace. Oil Furnace on 1 acre near Bayfield. 3 bedroom home on Highway 21. near Bayfield. . Modern home, carpets, rec. room. carport and sun deck on large lot near Brucefield. 2 bedroom, 1 floor home near Bayfield wdh'large lot. Near Lake Huron 3 bedroom new home, large lot. South of Bayfield. FARMS 164 Acres cash crop dr dairy farm in Clinton area with good buildings. 316 acre dairy farm. 2 houses. 300 acres workable, pipeline milIking parlour. 240 acres. 170 workable, Dairy barn, targe brick house, in Godertch Twp. with or without stock and equipment. 750 acre beef and hog farm near Blyth. 700 acre cash crop farm with good buildings at Auburn. 300 acre beef and hog farm, 275 workable. systematically drained good buitdings. many extras. Hwy. location. near Arkona Dairy farm, 160 acres. good buildings. pipeline milking. Beef or cash crop farm. 156 acres approx 145 workable. 180 acre Dairy farm with pipe line. stable cleaner. good house. near Clinton. A- FOR SALE A- FOR SALE Put punch into your corn program with these high performance hybrids R221 R144 • R173 ?750 CHU d. 2875 CHU 7 n4 : 2700 CHUB Pride has an impressive line of best-selling single. double and three-way crosses They're ideal for combining, picking or silage production For the best quality Certified No 1- -Seed choose Pride and for the best service. Cell your local dealer now - CHARLES BRAND PP .a l 4N70N 482.9275 RAY WISE 482.987! UE HARD CORS ? F N 482-9016 522.500 2 bedroom brick home in a country location just off Highway 8. Located on i acre lot with low taxes. This house has no basement but will sell quickly Act now to avoid disappointment Just listed. NAIRN DRIVE GODERICH ' New Listing. 3 bedroom ranch style bungalow with attached garage. 2 pc. and 4 pc baths Large rec room Lot size 115' x 1S2'. Priced at 547.500 assume the existing 10' . percent' mor tgage. This is an excellent home in V.L.A. subdivision Taxes 5300. CLINTON 3 bedroom electrically heated home with carport Exceptional 1 year old brick ranch style. Front entrance enhanced with ornamental railing Dining room, plush carpeting i n ng room and main floor Spacious rec room with fireplace Make an appointment to see this: sharp home today List price 544 900 FEED MILL Village of Varna Profitable established business with good local trade Complete with seed cleaning plant located prosperous farming area SEAFORTH AREA Remodelled house on 3 acres for sale subtect to severance ap proval. 2 or 3 bedrooms large living room. modern bathroom pleasant location with shade trees. Shed or garage which could be converted to pony barn 1 mile from Walton h15 :300 3 bedroom remodelled home with carpeted living room and den Fenced yard Paved drive Utility shed and attached garage 529,500. 100 year old brick mansion in a good area Spacious living room with fireplace 3 bathrooms Needs some exterior work acre lot 540.000 VANASTRA HOMES' 7 and 3 bedroom homes irons 518,000. COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS Several buildings tor sale or lease. suitable terms to suit your business and your budget Ask us for details FIBERGLASS DOME SS diameter dome suitable, for enclosing a swimming pool for storage on the farm adaptation to business building or a cottage Formerly used as radar dome now will be sold to highest biddy -r DON HOLST Branch Office 5 Toronto Blvd Vanastra Clinton Call John Duddy 482-3652 John Thompson 577 0738 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CLINTON - Two storey frame duplex. 2 bedroom unit. good condition. close to downtown. Cail Bob McKinley. Zurich 236- 4830. Exeter 235.0541. Tim . McFarlane. Real Estate Ltd. Broker. -tan 227 ACRES dairy farm, with 190 acres workable. Seven room house Barn with stable for 40 uri.ss. 2 silos. silo unloader, stable... cleaner Two steel graineries.. l ocate•d on east edge of Clinton. Will sell with or without stock and implements, Apply to Mr. E. Brown. 482-7013 -9.10 HURON PINES Realtor Ltd. 86 KING STREET. CLINTON Neve 3 bedroom bungalow. beautiful kitchen. carpet throughout. Electrically heated Call for an appointment today to ,ee this lovely home. PHONE 482 7901 OR 482 7304 J. KE REAL ESTATE LTD REALTOR Member of HURON COUNTY REAL ESTATE BOARD ME TROPOLITAN HAMILTON REAL ESTATE BOARD CLINTON GREATLY REDUCED immaculate tamely home, close to conveniences. large and tastefully decorated rooms. new br oadtoom and furnace. Three bedrooms and large kitchen. Extra size lot wtth many trees. Furniture and aluminum utility ..hed included. BAYFIELD Huge corner lot in heart of village. surrounds this four bedroom family home. brand new kitchen with buittins. and laundry room, low low heating and taxes plus only a stone' throw from the river and Lake Huron Move right in as owner has purchased another home. 3 good sized building lots close to village one with a small barn. STANLEY TOWNSHIP *00 acre farm with 100 yr. old stone house ready to restore. House and 10 acres can be sold separately or as complete parcel. all workable BUSY RESTAURANT with excellent income and room to expand. on Hwy. 71. Catering to year round business. Gas bar and Laundromat add to this .plended opportunity. Owner's neaten forces sale. LET KERN SELL YOUR HOME PLEASE CALL - Milt Van Patter Bayfield S65-2117 PETER S. MacEWAN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE 86 King St. Clinton .Phism 482-7306 Res. 482-7304 38 St. David St. Goderiuh 524-9531 50 BEAUTIFUL A SE TT LNG Over tookrng Lake Huron This property is 340' in depth by t 71 frontage on the Nine Mile River at Port Albert This proper ty is well treed anti clean at a park, plus a two bedroom cedar cottage with sunroom. nice brigbt living room natural pine panelling in kitchen Very secluded area. This cottage has no water or plumbing It is being sold 10 settle an estatq You will love this property. as we I as the price :2 ACRE HOBBY FARM Near Holmesvrlle F ave bedroom -frame home. bar good for small beet operation or horse ranch 5200 00 yearly THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL At Meneset Park t4orthlander 17' x 65' mobile home in ex celtent condition Three bedrooms. dining area. modern kitchencathedral ceilings. wood patio. drapes. hanging lamps and carpeting included in the purchase price. Good mortgage terms available So inspect This property today and make an offer as owner is anx,ous to sell n 4S' x60'. Taxes only iF YOU HAVE PROPERTY YOU CARE TO SELL PHONE CLINTON. Leah Kuehl, 482 7306 BA Y F I EL D, .10 An Buller* 565 7421 BLYTH. Stan Kay, 523.4164 TCOBTAIN THE BEST PRICE IF BUYING OR SELLING