HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-03-04, Page 12P4L1:44434N.rostNwso
It 1
flORSDAY.,14ARClic 4,
The Hospital • Action
meeting, SPOUSPE'Cii by tho
Vanastra Community
Asgtocia;ion„ which was held
en Friday, February atilt at
the Vanastra Recreation
Centre, attracted few people.
although this was anticipated.
in view of the large at-
tendance in Clinton, on
Way. February nth.
The objective of the
Community Association was
to draw any rural or local
residents who were Unable to
attend the meeting in Clinton
and 51 concerned citizens
showed up for a very lively
The chairman for the
meeting, Ben Bridges -
president of the Vanastra
Community Association,
gave the opening address in
which he drew a strong
parallel of the current
situation to that of the Second
World War. "when the enemy
came knocking at .the door
threatening the very lives of
friends and loved ones, the
general teaction was NOT of
apathy but one of instant
retaliation and continued'
pressure against the
aggressors until final
Lear 00 his apparet
WirPatilY with the Gover-
ment. stated thatthe Leader
keit merest him personally
of his support for the Hospital
The Wititeirl0 Draw came
Under criticism from the
floor, in respect of the funds it
has available- and -the - ap-
parent lack of priorities in its
distribution with the Hospital
crises as it is.
A further suggestion that
the Wintario draw be
replaced by a hospital lottery
was not greked with en-
thusiasm by the panel due to
the fact that lotteries are too
big a gamble to be per-
manently applied to financing
of health care. Th.e hospitals
could most probably be run
more efficiently and at
reduced budget levels within
the present „Ov.t structure. it
was felt 'AMC should ad-
ditional financing .he
necessary, this could be
raised quite effectively from
increased taxation on luxury
items, particularly those
items constituting health
The proposed mass
demonstration at Queen's
Capitulation. Park did not meet with Mr.
"The situation here is not Riddell's full approval, the
similar BUT identical and reason being that in the past
unless citizens set their ob: when the Premier has been
jections and observations called upon to speak to a
down in letter form and send gathering. he could not, be
them on to the Premier and heard and consequently this
other members of the lack of respect for his office
Legislature. week after week weakens the case being
after week. even if our demonstrated.
hospital is closed, it is this A suggestion . by Mayor
continuing pressure that will Symons that the minister of
compel the Government to agriculture be lobbied for
•accede or capitulate." support was greeted with
The , panel. consisting of great enthusiasm.
Mayor Don Symons. Jack It was made painfully
Riddell. Doug Coventry. Dr. obvious that the closure of
Harrett. Elgin Thompson. Clinton Hospital is a
Bill Counter. Paul Carroll, calamitous situation and
Roy Wheeler and Ben that all people must be made
Bridges. opened the aware of the fact that there
discussions withr personal are precious few beds, if any,
views and the approaches available for us within a
that they felt should be made. radius of fifty miles.
Jack Riddell, Liberal A bed pan collection of $68.
member for Huron- was donated to the Action
Middlesex. in reply to Committee who expressed
criticism, of the Liberal their appreciation of our
Goderich Twp. Ree.
The Goderich Township
Recreation committee held
their regular monthly
meeting on Wednesday
evening February 25 with five
members and one visitor
Letters from the Goderich
recreation board and the
Ontario Municipal
Recreation Association were
read and filed for future
Doug Yeo reported that 30
persons had registered for
volleyball and stated that a
leader for the younger group
is urgently needed.
Gerry Ginn said that the
sale of tickets for the
Goderich township dance at
the White Carnation is going
well. and anyone having
unsold tickets should return
them to him by March 13.
John Westbrook plans to
cintact Bill Bogey in
Colborne regarding the
possibility of a volleyball
The highlight of the eve,ning
was an interesting presen-
tation given by Heinz Hoernig
regarding the Maitland Trail
Association which proposes to
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build a trail from Goderich to
W ingham fol low ing the
Maitland River. The
Association is encouraging
hiking. cross country skiing.
snow shoeing and nature
study, as a form or
recreation. The trail will be
built mostly on private land
through the. courtesy of the
Mr. Hoernig left maps and
brochures with our com-
mittee which will be helpful in
inspiring them to continue the
trail on the Goderich
Township side of the
The election of officers for
the following year took place.
the results being: president.
John Westbrook; vice
president. Hazel McCreath:
secretary. Joe Fritzley and
press secretary. Audrey
The crafts group will finish
their sessions on crocheting
on Monday. March 2.
On Monday. March 8. they
shall be making fake fur
flowers and a session on quilt
making will begin on the 15th.
A bus trip is also being
planned for early April.
tt: eafmot iv emithasjzed
enough the importance of,
writing letters to the
Government, protesting the
Closure of our hospital, This
Mktg, be done on a continuous
basis in° order that the
Government can see that the
citizens am- not about to let
this matter slowly die. Form
letters and addresses are
available from Mrs. Pat
Bridges at 482-7910.
Please make every effort to
do your share - your life may
depend on it.
Mailboxes relocated.
The Vanastra Community
Association regrets the in-
convenience caused by the
relocation of the mailboxes
formerly situated on the
empty site near Conestoga
The present owner of the
property, through its agent. a
resident of Vanastra, advised
that the location of these
boxes were an inconvenience
to him and requested their
relocation. There is some
doubt as to whether they were
in fact on property other than
that of Townships, and as
soon as the site has been
resurveyed these mailboxes
will be returned to Township
property at the same location
and properly cemented into a
permanent location.
1 awn King waves goodbye to her Brownie friends in the irst Vanastra Brim nie Pack as
Ate files up to the 1st Vanastra Giri Guide Company. The Beownie fly -up took pia. 1.1st
Ihursday. february 26, at the Vanastra Christian Reformed Church. News -Re.
photn )
Goderich Twp. adjusts
The road c rem,in Goderich
Township , recei% ed... salary
adjustments at-tiw-F ,•bruary
meeting of Godetich
Township Council held
February 16
The road superintendent
will be paid $12,500 per an-
num plus an allow once of 15
cents pet- mile for use tifhhis
personal truck when .on
township hum.
Bean producers sell 362,100 ewt.
The. Ontario Bean
Producers Marketing Board
manager Charles Broadwell
announced last week that the
board sold 362.100 hun-
dredweight bags of beans to
domestic and foreign
markets last week at prices of
$•25.50 and $24.50,
Mr. Broadwell said the
price of beans bad, been
fluctuating at various levels
over the past few months but
beans hadn't been selling.
The board decided to lower
the price in order to move
some of the 1975 bean crop.
"I'm sure the individual
bean producers were looking
for a higher peke." said Mr.
Broadwell, "so I'm not sure
whether the satp, is.gn0411„Ows
or not
He said the price was above
the average received by the
bean producers last year but
lower than the $35.00 per
Centralia College
plans open house
Centralia College of
Agricultural technology will
be presenting an open house
entitled "Activities '76- next
Thursday. March 11.
A "Fashion Carnival** will
be held from 10:30 to 11 a.m.
in room two. Middlesex Hall
From 10:30 to 2 p.m.. there
will be a live surgery
demonstartion in the Lecture
Hall of the A.H.T. Building
Nutrition Counselling will
be held in room 25 of the
Middlesex Hall from 1030 to
11 :30 a.m.. and , a square
dance demonstration will be
held from 11 to 1 p m in
Huron Hall.
A program of displays will
be open from 10 a m. to 12
noon and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
.... 000001111011000011000.
"*111110 011
"MOO 009 111
1090 0
*MO 0 0
* .
. •11: . :1
1973 FORD LTD.
4 door hardtop. V B. automatic. power
steering. power brakes, radio. electric rear
defogger. beautiful dark gold with matching
interior. CM* had been in storage for some
time. Extraordinary opportunity to own a like
new car. lac. FKC 4IS
Hamilton *mato Godorkilt
0 4000000110
1111 0001110000
111 0•41111000
000 00111.111118111111
,01 00* 1111111160011
,doinolo sompooime
per -ted tt receh
percent of the
now tleen ,rd
Mr 144 -ad
percent had two
the crop !Lid hes.
Mr It-natiwe
the sales last ;A.
many ex-
t About 50
1,4- 5 crop has
according to
-11 Twenty
n sold before
1! said after
,ekthe hoard
hits set the ,
10 6,14 ,
for doro.t.,
the pre,,nt
in Mit h1.2.10
!. 3 00 , I; •
:•It *1).
l'4111s r fl
•u1 1.-n1 price at
pot arrd $30.50
n,anager said
to producers
quoted at
410 for prime
said Mr.
‘1/44 11 to.l. be
playing !n,' rn,,e ket trona now
on rhtl- • r turn price
from Miebigan right now
Broad,,,,, el; said
Michigan buyer., :Acre buying
from "hand In mouth and in
some easi r taking the
beans 'right off 'he shelves. -
He said t h huv.,•t. were doing
e‘erything possihle to "break
the price
Mr liWald'A al -4) an-
nounced that the hoard has
hired the l.t onto firm of
Hickling Johnston to do a
complete s!udy of bear.
marketing and the possibility
••one desk selling '• He
would not disclose the cost of
the study
The two operators hired by
the township will be paid $5.25
-per hour for a 45 hour week
with no fringe b'eneftt
-Overtime may be ac
cumulated' and taken off as
additional holidays at the
discretion of the road,.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Webster and Mr. and Mr,
Lloyd Heard have returneo
from a very enjoyable cruise
on the 1,250 -passenger GI -$.44,,
ship Britanis. They flew 1.0
San Juan, Puerto Rico and
took the boat from there to St
Thomas in the Virgin Islands.
Martinique, St. Vincent.
Caracas, Ven.. and Curacao
returning to San Juan. The
food on the boat was ex
rept ionally good. and h
weather was lovely.
At the United Chute),
Sunday, there wet
nouncements concerning rl, •
World Day of Prayer -.yr\
at Goshen on Friday. and --th•
annual Pancake Supper •
Tuesday. March!).
Mr. Charles Presh.'i
Naicam, Sask, visited
his sister-in-law, and
husband. Mr. and Mrs Lh.
Heard and family. and
other relatives in Hayti,
and Clinton during the
two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill M. A-
mr. and Mrs. Doug Mt
and family. Mrs. M. Morrison
and Mr. and Mrs P.O:
Morrison and baby were
Ilderton on Sunday for -1,
baptism of Stephen Nlorr
baby son of Mr. and .N1,.
Murray Morrison Bill
Eleanor also visited
London with Mr. and \I.
Gary McAsh. Mich..
Heather and baby Robert
siip4.-4 intend. ()% ert 'me.
cr. cannot he carried
flt..1 the current calendar
\ building permit was
appro.. ed for F DeJong to
ore,•1 .1 ,M mill Council also
w ith the plans of John
1 " tor the de‘ elopment of a
de ni 411 area adjacent to
th Vi A subdivision
and severaynce requests
received from Gerald
\ !heti Scjilhe. James
Keith Connolly These
4141c44 „wonwill he dealt with
.4 ‘',-T questionnaires
tt.v to impose drainage
on two owners was
t hird and final reading
n Season . request for a
sf`t up and operatea
0, home park was again
t -r4.41 The clerk was in
ted In explain - t. the
• :ht. that the area must
441 urban before a
home park could he
h. shed
planning di,
id -0)41 w as pr os4•0:
uss details 01 th,
():an 11 .irranfz.ed
••• I. the fhi-st ti,11-,!4;
; • for (io44e:4,
,414 Apt 11 .It p FT
11, .%
..0414.l!t ti
na‘e been mad,.
ne year Mrs
Doug Yen. 1 1-;
and G G. Ginn fot
Nirs F Pow oH
,th000k for three
Hugh 1 obb and Diana
hutitZ, •1
4)1 e n, .101)
pit na '1/4100
and d
• 4!. ;•
1; Ploughman .
4. on and •I0(4 nth,•
.ng F.,611
Before it does --
Prices include ail Processing
The World Pay of Prayer
will he held n fkosall at $t.
Paul's Anglican Church at
2:30 p.m. on Friday. March -5,
Paul Van Esbroeck, who
lives one mile south of
Hensel!, is to be
congratulated on winning the
pghtic speaking -contest
sponsored by the Independent
Order of OddfelloWs. Huron
district last week. This won
him a trip to the United
Nations in New York this
The -United Church Service
was conducted in Hensel! by
Rev. Don Beck with Mrs.
John Turkhelm, organist and
'choir director. The sermon
was on the topic, •*How do you
keep your enthusiasm? There
4.11." three steps, get up, look
up and link up. in the
Christian Life."
Unit 4 will meet on Thur-
sday. March 4. Holy Com-
munion will be observed next
Sunday when new members
V, ill be welcomed and
members of the Session
Livestock sales
Supply consisted mainly of
heifers and steers, prices
steady. Fat cattle:
heifers 1344401 sales to,
$4; steers $41.24431 sales,
to143.25; yeartinghelferS
Pigs; wjelnlingS ,;
chunks $54.468.50; sows $21°,,
$225.50"; boars $34.25 per cwt.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Schwalm, Mrs. Daisy
Ivey and Mrs. Elizabeth'
Vollaod during the past week
were Mrs. Vera Johnston and
son jack of Brucefield; Mrs.
Irede Finlayson and Mr. Rich
Finlayson of Staffa; Star
Jesney and Jo -Anne Jarvis of -
Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Taylor of Varna; Mrs.
Margaret Thorndyke of
Clinton, (Zone Commander of
the Area Legion) and 'Mrs.
Genevieve Windover, Mrs.
Bona Clark and Mrs. Pam
Scotchmer. Wayne and,
Thomas of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Payne of London visited
with Mrs. John Alexander
and family on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Berdan
of Union visited,with Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Payne on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Devlin
of Exeter visited with Mr. and
Mrs. John Skea on Sunday.
by Mrs. H. F. Berry
The 100F Brucefield Lodge
held - a successful euchre
party on Friday. The prize
winners were: ladies' high,
Mrs. Margaret Thorndike:
ladies' low, Mrs. Anna.
Haney. ladies' lone hands.
Mrs. Lorne Wilson: men's
h tgh. Mac Wilson: men's lo -w,
Mr W. Haney; men's lone
hands. Greg McGregor. The -
lucky draw was won by
William Rogerson and Ed
ind k iu.
Mr and Mrs. Elliott Layton
sind Mr and Mrs. D. Rathwell
It on vacation in Texas.
Wt. are sorry to report that
Prenda Broadfoot is a patient
111 Seaforth Hospital.
Mr Mac Wilson visited
ith Mrs L. White. Mac and
family in Lucknow on Sun-
. day. ,
Mr. and Mrs. R: R eik.
Goderich, Mrs. Bev Hill and
Mr. and Mrs. David Mustard.
Varna were guests of Mr. and
Mustard on
Mr. Aldie Mustard and Mr.
Wilfred Chuter. Varna left on
Monday, for a holiday in
Plan to attend Pioneer
Sunday Centennial at
Brucefield United Church's
100th anniversary on Sunday.
March 7. at 11:30 a.m. Wear
your centennial dress.
The., old village choir will
provide music. and a social
hour in the church hall will
Come and bring a friend.
Former members and friends
have been invited.
Home of the
pashwood Sa
to 12 AND 1 6 P M
Suncoait Mali
Our Sterile ear studs farm a Straight cane. These
fashionable safety shoulder starter studs are made of Gold
over surgical grade stainless steel. Clinically proven and
tested with instructions on care of ears. All minors Must be
accompanied by a parent or guardian.
sio 00 includes everythinc;