HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-03-04, Page 10..r "x"^77:. 34,wn}>rt} n uA;:~u, ep;,.: w«.L�. .rt a;n tfi ne 1 ,G.:r . 4 Ar. x nye e -, thinEr, Y.}ir"5,-7,77' F'yi'�;kTy x'TF{yid-7iee4,i'T,,(n,1, 7-1-17 ,.w 77-VEl.7 71 . r D#, T R DAY, MA1 , 4, 197` l' team ore: lvlichele Flowers, n11 Cunningham, Mary Anne Cumming, Dei Slade,. Janet McKinley, Marlene Dale. Joanne Gibson. Lori tiesselwood. Joan Hun.,.kjng.. Nelly Van Wunderen, Susan Tyndall and Pat Anstett. A slncet a thanks goes to Mr. Hodgins from all the girls for coaching , our 75.76 senior girls volley ball team. He did an excellent job. 9s goingdonhi11 nior in is' volleyball n came ta, an end fast at the HUM -Perth tour Ont held in Stratford. The 0Ir4 place rearth after a bard fought day. The team defeated every team par- ticipating artici.pating once except for St. Mary's, who beat Clinton twice. The girls had an excelleit season as they placed first, in Huron with a perfect season of no losses. Members of tht is u... By Golda Sewers • You- glide Over a fluffy cloud of f reshiy. fallen Snow with the winter sun shining brightly.. You are in the quiet calmness of the wilderness in the company of friends and family or just by yourself. The sport of cross-country skiing sounds tike a perfect description of an enjoyable morning or afternoon. Yet it almost died away because of the tremendous increase in downhill skiing. The Norwegians and Swedish were skiing as long as 5,000 years ago and because of their love for the sport brought it to North America. The sport has survived because of these people and many others who enjoy the exercise. This aerobatic exercise takes a lot of work and endurance, so they must be in good physical condition and maintain this condition throughout - the season. Because of the extra effort that should be put into this sport, many people scorn it right away without looking into it, yet cross-country skiing is not as hard as it appears 10 be. In . fact, it is even similar to walking, yet is even easier because you.re sliding on the skis: Others with some knowledge of downhill skiing and the equipment needed don't understand how anyone could possibly enjoy skiing several 'miles on an outing ET'lT� �" C—T� T.. ' 1m l ^^s.^e. T17�I :>rr,., :1 .Pdad'^rJ T`Cr7o I Et, N� across country. The myth that cross- country ski equipment is mtich heavier than that of downhill is false! The cross country skis hire much lighter and the boots are similar to a normal winter hiking boot with the exception of having special supports for ankle protection. This sport is fun, enjoyable, competitive. recreational and rewarding: just ask any of the members of the Cross country Ski Club, 'led by Mr. ' Hoernig, at CHSS. Members of this club learn the do's and don'ts of the sport while embarking upon many memorable group outings. Make your winters worth remembering - join the Cross - Country Ski Club! Popular teacher to leave By Lorry York. CHSS was sad last week to bid farewell to one of our staff members - Mrs. Lentz. This would have marked her fourth year teaching history, Man in Society and Canadiaq Family. Mrs. Lentz and her husband (whe is described as a sharp 6' tall) are expecting their first child very soon. Mrs. Lentz lives in a far- mhouse in East Wawanosh near Belgrave. In fact, last summer was devoted to renovating this beautiful older house. She is actually a Goderich native (one point for the fearsome -foursome!) and attended school there. As a matter of fact our Languages Department Head, Mr. Smith, taught her Latin in Goderich_ (talk about one of your former students coming back to haunt you ! ) From talking to several people around the school, I have found many things Mrs. Lentz is well-known for. TwwIs'rs batik students. Today the students of CHSS will be able to witness the greatest, annual events of the year - the Student -`cher Hockey Game! This year the teachers hope to wilt with such stars as: "Wild Willie" Weber, "Killer" Ken Clynick and "Speedy" Ken Reidy. Although aW of these stars are great hockey players. they are nothing compared to the students team which boasts an exceptional team featuring several of those mighty J union C's. Best of luck to both teams, but may the students win this year's game. Grad Game On Friday March 4. at. 8 p.m. in the CHSS gym. students and residents alike can witness the annual 'grad Those astounding senior Redmen will challenge those 'old'. past grads of the last four or five years to an en- thusiastic and entertaining e -of hasketball-.--- ---,-- The admission for this event will be S.50 for adults. and S.25 for students. with all proceeds to go to the Athletic Association to support student athletic activities. For an entertaining economical evening "out on the town". come to CHSS Friday night and see this year's Grad Game. - From one of her colleagues, (who shall remain nameless I got this interpretation "She fought the good fight to the end. carried tile banner high, dug the ditches in deep..." I never really thought of . teaching as a battle before, but now I see it has numerous possib Tides. Actually, the only battle Mrs. Lentz had to fight was as the sole female represen- tative in the History Department. Now that's a full-scale war! If Mrs. Lentz wasn't a feminist before her teaching days, the Depart- ment has - turned her into a militant one by now! I found that Mrs. Lentz has a peculiar affection for yellow roses, but gets sentimental over red carnations as well. This I learned from tasking to students. I also learned that she likes. wine - especially Mead. which is honey wine_ That Rome trip must have Leen pretty interesting! Ono of our students remarked that Mrs. Lentz could perfect the world's. best non-verbal system of com- munication. He was referring of course, to the subtle coughs and raised eyebrows which reveal her innermost thoughts and opinions! But when the 13's start to talk about common-law living: the coughs turn into chokes! At any rate. Mrs. Lentz is well -liked by staff and students alike. To her we sincerely wish the very best of luck in all her future plans. Letter 10 the editor Dear Editor: This letter is not really to your' but to the student who wrote the letter about our prefects. I believe that our prefects couldn't have been chosen any better. We have a few lemons, but out of 31, we can't complain. Sure there are many,,.deservi s :q4 sits who could have been chosen but the group of people who do choose the prefects dbn't know everyone. If these people had really wanted the job they could have volun- --teered� The prefect's job is not all fame and glory but is hard. continuous work. Could you imagine sacrificing your lunch period or one of your Friday nights to make sure all is going smoothly at C.H.S.S. If there are so many students who really wish to be prefects, then let them be • prefects only forget the badges; they are only for identification anyways. All of the student body should unite. not just graduating students. We should all do our part to keep our school a nice place to learn. to laugh and have fun. "Another Concerned S tude)t; +++ (Editor's note: In the future it would be greatly ap- preciated that all letters to me are signed by those people who wrote them, as all letters --_ the future will not be published. ) YOU CAN'T HIDE IT: Your Furniture, That Is `‘ 3 Furniture will not fast forever. nor will its style Like everything Piss'. time has a way of changing things Take you for instance Your clothing. hair style. attitudes Probably quits? different from S. O. 70 years ago How about the shape you're r1t Wish you were a few years younger 7 We at Bonthron's feel your furniture should be as much -a part of your image today as your clothing or hair style As distinguished and cam fortable as you -want it to be With our large selection of models and styles. all in the finest qualify and at very. very competitive prices we can help you find yourself for a long time to come Bonthron's Hensall FURNITURE. INGLiS APPLIANCES AND CARPET MERCHANTS Bonthron t Son ! td_ Main St Hensall 767 "11 YOUR FURNITURE IS you Let us help you find yourself Smile instead of raising the price of postage, why don't they just use smaller stamps? The prefects answer' back To "a Student" : confronts at dances et - With regard to your tette concerning the selection o prefects. which appeared i last week's edition of th Chronicle. we. the Prefects o C.H.S.S. would like to bring few facts to Tight. From reading your letter, 1 is clear to see that you fee you should have been prefect, and feel deprived in that you were not asked to be one. Let us explain a few things to you about the selection of prefects. You see at the beginning of the schoo year. Mr. O'Neil met with those students who had been prefects the previous year and together they discussed the "pros and cons" of each possible candidate as their name was mentioned: and by the end of this meeting some 0 names had been decided upon. These 20 people were ap- proached within the next few days, and asked if they would like to carry out the duties of a prefect for the school year. Some of these people said yes they would be prefects. while others refused. This seemed that our head prefect.. Dave Hanley. -Ryas to be faced with a, problem - not enough prefects. But no. the fact was that he was being ASKED by various members of the student body if they could be prefects. So, within a, couple of weeks. there were 31 prefects. 1 hope that you will realize that it would have been very easy for you to attempt to become a prefect. If you weren't approached by someone, all you had to do was to ask Dave Hanley if you too couldn't become a prefect. Now. you might say. "but I am rather shy a-nd 1 wouldn't 'feel right.'asking`rather thah "being asked." Well, the fact I's. if you were too shy to ask. you would undoubtedly be too shy to carry out the duties of a prefect to such a degree as to be forceful and effective. Next. you go on to say that you feel that more teacher involvement should be executed in the selection of prefects. We seriously question this. Who should know Netter than the head prefect. ( along with Mr. O'Neil. Mr. G Smith. Mr. Whitely and Mr. Homouth) tun% his fellow students will react to certain situations which a prefect usually • ✓ cetera? f Teachers only tend to know n their students' academic e - habits and not their social f habits which are what makes a a person a good prefect. Perhaps you feel that only t those students who obtain 80 1 percent or over. should be a prefects. Now don't take this wrong. but generally speaking. these people are not ones to get out and socialize much. let alone attend school dances and various other school func- tions. This does not necessarily, mean that they would; 'not he good prefects: but. maybe a little less than average student, who does socialize more. is better qualified to be a prefect. For this reason it is felt that the selection of the prefects should be left up to the Head Prefect and Mr. O'Neil. both of who tend to know more about the person as a whole, rather than whether or not he - she attends classes regularly and whether or not they obtain a 40 percent or an 80 percent. Well, at this point. having - read three paragraphs of your letter, we felt you had embarrassed yourself as much as ptossible: However, we foundthat you continued -on to discredit yourself even further You feel that the prefects should be chosen from the graduating year only. We are not exactly sure whether you mean only year 5 Students or year 4 students so, we will assume you mean only year 5 students. This assumption is taken primarily because to assume that you mean only grade twelve students is as entirely inconceivable, as is having only grade thirteen students. There' has to be a head prefect, right? This person is chosen by Mr. O'Neil with the assistance of the previous year's head prefect. and after consultation with the Prin- cipaf-ltd-vice- n incipal.-f'rom the group of first year prefects: This person must have the experience which he -she could only obtain from being a prefect while in grade twelve. ' As in any situation where a leader is required, the head prefect must have experience in order to run the group properly: just ask this year's head prefect how easy it is to BE head prefect • in closing. we would like to add that many of the prefects this year do not like the duties that they have been asked to perform such, as Cafeteria duty and hall patrol. However. they• have shown sufficient responsibility to the school and pride in how it appears to others. So, when asked by a prefect .to help out in keeping the cafeteria an attractive place to eat. please bear with us as we don't 114,0 giving orders either. 1 hop that with this letter we hay straightened out a few of you,. doubts concerning tit; prefects, and if you haj, signed your "letter to tit Editor" last week we carpi have approached you pe sonally. - Dave Hani on behalf o CHSS Prefec WE NOW HAVE GARDEN TOOLS * GARDEN SEED SPRINKLING SYSTEMS LAWN FERTILIZERS * SPREADERS ROLLERS * WHEEL BARROWS ROTARY TILLERS FOR SALE OR FOR RENT WATCH FOR OUR Super Value 88c Sole STARTING WEDNESDAY, APR. 10 DETl41h.S IN NEXT WEEKS PAPER Your Choice Clinton Home Hardware 74 ALBERT STREET 482 1023 Clearout of Fcmous Maker POWDER BLUE MINT GREEN ROSE MOST SIZE S IN ALL COLOURS a 70 Reg. s20.00 10 548.00 3;o otic