HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-02-26, Page 2, V 44, 19%, 11 LUL inted dont you? Just th� atne - way, , our ilk for granted until we come :it Illness Warraflt medical attention, .andnd hospitalization we 'ilaVe always, clintoll, been able 44 take our doctors and our pital for granted. No more! However,oWevert while the door is still a few - inches ajar - let's o something consUlictive. Top level discussions are in gond hands and being ably looked alter. But Wk. and rs. Clinton can help by sending letters (preferably original ones) to Premier Davis. Mr, Miller, Mr. • • Riddell, Dr. Smith, Mr. Lewis, Mi. McKinley and it wouldn't hurt to write.a letter to the editors Of some. of the leading newspapers around Toronto and Ottawa - that's where our problem has to become known. We know that , we have our backs to the wall - only- too well - but most • Ontario citizens living outside Lone hundred mile radius of Clinton only know what statistics. the Ministry of - Health is expounding, namely, that it is saving the taxpayers' money - at the medical and economic fo feiture of Clinton and ne other similarly aff ted • communities. 'So, please write, list of addresses is at the oat of this • column - or ne spaper ad- dresses can obtained by phoning this office. ONE MORE THOUGHT - nothing iS gained by using foul an,d abusive language, either in correspondence or discussion. Straightforward dignity will do far more to hance our cause. This past week we received • an interesting new release from East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina. Dr. Nancy Ken- nington Mayberry, associate professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures at East Carolina University has been notified that she and her husband. Dr. Robert J. Mayberry, will receive a -tontract to write 'a book for the Twayne Publishing Co. They will collaborate On a ' book -length study of the 19th century Spanish poet and dramatist Martinez de la Rosa. Both Mayberrys are specialists in Spanish literature. Nancy Mayberry, nee T Kennin ton is the grand-- aughter of Mrs. George F Bayley of Clinton, and the B niece of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Dutot, Raglan St. and Mr. and P Mrs. Robert Morgan, Mary 0 St. Dr. Mayberry attended Clinton Public School and was a student of Donalda Adams, who recently retired from teaching. + + + A contingent of Progressive Conservatives, including the voting delegates for this district, attended the leadership convention held in Ottawa last weekend. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Murphy. Dr. and Mrs. Ken Wood, Mr. Bert Glidden and the late Mr. Tom Deeves. The community was saddened at the sudden death of Tommy Deeves while in Ottawa. The group above including Mr. Dick Atkey. who was covering the convention as a free lance reporter for this paper, breakfasted as guests re Ho ft, It-0.1:)0rt McKltileY, sderai member fOr Mir riding, FolioWing breakra there was tour • Or t Parliament BUilding$ befo returning to conventio headquarters in the Ottaw Civic Centre. Winner of the Clint Legion Bingo last Thursda February 19. was at Kenn of Setifortb with 050. • Don't forget the Pancak Breakfast at St. Joseph' Parish Hall thiscomin Sunday, February 29 at noon proceeds for the Guatemala ' Relief Fund. + + + The Golden Radar Clu held their pot luck supper an Valentine Party (fun night) i the Council Chamber February 18th at 6:15 p.m. In the absence of th President Mrs. Leon Lockhart, the members an visitors were welcomed b the 1st Vice Pres. 'Vat Webster. After singing Grace, all enjoyed Smorgasbord supper. Specia than to the committee in cha ge. Mr. and Mrs. Wiltse . and Mrs. Connell, Mrs yrtle Busby and Mrs. Alice Lawson. With Nary Grigg as chair lady, assisted by Florence Routzon, a program fallowed consisting of piano, mot organs, violin, whistling, readings, and vocal solos, e Prizes for various , events were given throughout , the evening. ll There is, an AStar Tor for Senior Citizens'to "Scott Family Musical -Revue". direct from New York ll , presented in Centennial Ha, London on April lst. Tickets are available at $5.00 each. If interested, get in touch with L the President Mrs. . Lockhart. The committee in char for our next meeting on March 3rd at 7:30 p.m. is M and Mrs. Chas. Cunningham. n Mrs. Rose McAdam, ad Mrs. Melinda Nivins. All Senior Citizens are welcome. +++ Here is a list of addresses for your letters: Pretnier of Ontario. Hon. W. G. Davis, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Oni; Stephen Lewis, M.L.A St" hq n a s g n b n s e a d t u • • Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ont.; Dr. Stuart Smith. M.L.A.. Parliament Buildings, oronto, Ont.; -Minister-- of -Health: Nom rank Miller. Parliament uildings, Toronto, Ont.: Robert McKinley, M.P., arliament Buildings. ttawa, Ont.; Jack Riddell. M.L.A.. Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ont. • Separate bd... The young people belong to the youth club at St. Mary's Church. Three of the four French teachers in the system outlined to the trustees at the board meeting how French is being taught to the students in the 19 schools under board jurisdiction. Presenting the program were Kathleen McMillan. Rita Lauwaert and Gaeton Blanchette. Only the grade and grade 8 pupils are given the oral French program used within the system. The lessons are for a 20 minute neriod. five days a week McK1LLOP MUTUALFiRE INSURANCE COMPANY 40, Iti7t HEAD OF F ICE Seatorth. Ontario Mrs Martyret Sharp. Sec Treas Phone 577 0400 It Only Costs A Little To Be Safe Fire, txtenied Cioverage, Wind- • stens, theft, Prsperty Damage, Etc. Directors and Adiusters • Lavern Godkin. RR 1, Walton. Ont Phone 527 1871 ,Robt. Archibald. RR 4. Sealorth 527 1817 Ken Carnethan. RR 4. SeAforth • SO 1545 ROSS Leonhardt. RR I. Bornholm 345 2234 John McEwing. RR i. *Myth 523 4340 Stanley Mcllwain. RR 7., CA:Wench 524 7051 Doroald McKercher. RR I. Dublin S27 1837 Wm. Pepper, Brucefield 487 7534 J.N Trewaryta, Box eivl. Clinton 432 7543 Agents: James Keys. RR 1 Seolorth It J Etue, Sealorth Wm. Leilier. Lendelbere Steve J. Murray. RR S. Seaforth 40441.140011rilligp 1 • area over yowl whose wouldealth psitaibecitooeospa!dized ith' the hospital has WO artitiOtai legs. said he alker cliotoo, who 4100'1 be alive today if it ' osol tor the proximity of the o.vitaL Huron County board of education director John Cochrane said the lives of 3,000 pupils in the area are threatened with the *sing of Clinton's emergency . Clinton said that community, facilities. Rev. John Oestreicher of -support was as important to patient recovery as good health care, and with patients • having to be hospitalized far from home. the patients' morale will be badly weakened. Many of those present were moved to tears by a song written and ' composee by Barb Hodgins of Vanastra on the closing of the hospital. The song decried the closing of the hospital and cited the death of a resident during a snowstorm because Clinton was closed and they couldn't reach Goderich hospital. Helen ORIIStra of Clinton Ilp.e0 up With some other ChriSflatt YOUnliPOOPle to register for the Winter Cap, held In 'Clinton last weekend. The Clinton Christian Reformed Church sponsored tbeevent which included a youth 'service with Rev. Broekhuizen of Grand Rapids, Michigan as the spiritual leader. Two hundred and twenty youths riOnisiiiithem Ontario registered. (News -Record photo) Jaek's Jottings from Queen's Park • payments are included, as BY JACK RIDDgLL Ontario's Guaranteed Annual Income Sysfern - the GAINS Programme was introduced to benefit residents over 65 years of age and people who are •blind or disabled. The benefits for senior citizens are ad- ministered by the •Guaran- ' teed Income and Tax Credit Branch of the Ministry of Revenue, while the blind and disabled are taken care of by the Ministry of Community and Social Services.. To qualify for assistance' ander the GAINS prtigramme, people must have lived five consecutive years in Canada, with the last full year in Ontario, im- mediately prior to applying for benefit. Alternatively, one must have lived in Ontario for one full year immediately prior to applying for GAINS and have been residents in Canada for periods totalling 20 years since reaching age 18, or have lived in Ontario for periods that add up to 20 years since reaching age 18. Items considered income are earnings from em- ployment, net income from a profession or business, in- cortie from superannuation, retirement pensions, annuity payments and other sources, including pensions from any other countries, which are taxable in Canada. Bank, bond. mortgage and other interest are included, as are net dividends and net taxable capital gains. unemployment insurance benefits, net rents from property and income from family allowance. Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement (continued from page 1 Because of tile spring break in March. the Meetings of the hoard will be held on March 8 and March '29. The meeting was adjourned at I I : 20 pf.m. when the board went into committee-of-the- whole.The board will hold a special meeting in the first week in March well as payments from the Canada Pension Plan or Quebec Pension Plan. If total income from all sources is . below the guaranteed minimum which is reviewed periedically, a cheque is sent each month from the Ontario Government to qualified recipients to make up the difference. At the present time the monthly minimum for senior citizens is $265 for a single person - $530 for a married couple who both qualify. The current minimum for the blind, and disabled is$250. People over 65 years of age who receive OAS -GIS payments from the federal goverhinent, need not apply for the Ontario GAINS Programme. Their eligibility will be determined automatically. Those who do not meet the residency requirements for-tife Old Age Security Pension. but appear 16 satisfy GAINS requirements, should request an application form for GAINS by writing, visiting or telephoning the Ministry of Revenue at Queen's Park in Toronto (M7A 2133). You may call the Ministry free of charge. Dial "0- and ask the operator for ZENITH 8-2000. If you are blind or disabled and are now receiving assistance under Ontario's Family Benefit Programme, you will receive your benefits cheque each month, -autermaticallyr--Yotr-do---not- have to apply for it. If you do not receive Family Benefits, you may qualify for the special benefits programme. Applications must be made through the District Office of the Ministry of Commiani qty and Social Services. Dependents of special benefits recipients will receive additional assistance, based on the size of the family and the ages of the children. This programme does not apply to the totally unem- ployable, who have been transferred to Family Benefits from General Welfare Assistance. Those who qualify for the special benefits programme. Family Benefits or the federal Guaranteed Income Supplement are entitled to receive approved drugs on prescription, free of charge. A card should be mailed to you automatically, but if you qualify for this assistance and have ndt received the drug benefit dard, please contact theMinistry - either Revenue or Community and Social Services. Ontario doctors, dentists and pharmacists haa list of drugs approved by the Ministry of Health' which may be dispensed free of. charge under the Drug Benefits. progra m m Men's WORK OCKS Bulky wool &acrylic White heel & toe NOW 8° pre_priced at 1.50 ONLY tit LITTLE AD FOR BIG RESULTS it;impleiSspOisSdinit to Beech° West,Flnto Friday,. March 1976 9:00 am. to MOO noon Birth or baiSismal certificate rgoired. Theo's. hisfig 0011 on an 1/2 Prim Site. Hmry pod We, on tor Speck! auks of * SPORT COATS *- C—ORDINATES • AU—WEATHER COATS * JACKETS * SWEATERS * PARKAS * SWEATERS * SHIRTS * PANTS, ETC. TON'48'.24737' 1011111111111011131131111311113.1111/11111$111110111111111111 STATIONERY SPECIAL Recipe album. photo album. address book. stapler staples ea. ...0••••••••••••••••••=m MODEL KIT SPECIAL 111E88 ea. See our wide assortment of car. boat & plane kits regularly priced 01 2252.80 • WALLETS In 5 Styles Billfold, French Credit Card. Mini Clutch and Cheqr wallets Sewn edges in heavy vinyl with matching inside IX1NG-8 • Utility box with cover • Deluxe dishpan • 12 qt pail • Waste bask et • Ash tro, ALBERT STREET, CLINTO GROCERY FEATURES GOLDEN YELLOW • LARGE CLOVER FARM Country Market Feature Value CANADA FIRST GRADE. CREAMERY FEATURE BUYS FROM THURS. FEB. 26 TO SUNDAY. FEB. 29 STORE HOURS: Monday to Thursday 4 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday 11 am —5 p.m. the Fendranti Advertisement on the Wednesday London Free Press for more money saving specials. CUP.A.SOUP JOHNSON 12"s 4 COLORS • J -CLOTHS Anaxwet.t. HOUSE 6 02. INSTANT COFFEE 128 02. FABRIC SOFTENER FLEECY 21311/NvACIt_Art TtlileNsE S 185 02. CAKE MIXES CARNIVAL CHOICE TOMATOES BOHNIEIsm TINS DOG FOOD CANADA GRADE "A" WHOLE FRYING CHICKS 71 r 3 LB. AVERAGE LB 611 ENc BREAST • LEG • OR MIXED CHICKEN QUARTERS 01 87c MAPLE LEAF - 602. PKG. ?VARIETIES LUNCHEON MEATS 2/87c MAPLE LEAF SMOKED PICNICS' tia $1.09 MAPLE LEAF TRAY PACKED ALL BiEi SAUSAGE 1 PKG $1.09 CANADA PACKERS RANCH STYLE SLICED SIDE 11AC011eo I LB VAC 9.67 MAPLE LEAF REGULAR WIENERS, LB 85c BY THE L.B. BOLOGNA 18 49c 18 OZ TIN Country Market Feature Value BAGGED HOMO OR.2 PER CENT 7711 MILK TrG.s, an. FOR With st.e0 Moat Purchase PROD.:At:SA. FLORIDA WHITE 48's PROD. CANADA FANCY RED DELICIOUS APPLES 6/49c PROD. USA CAN NO i LARGE SPANISH TYPE 01110152149 PROD(5.A. CELLO . RADISHES - 6 OZ. PKG, 2/25c VALLEY FARM 2 LB. PKG. •„... ,..,„