HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-01-29, Page 7as:,•a.r
and 04 oldest of tour
hi I fat t
are a
with y 'tlte sister,
,a into x
vete. - things and sho 's
brothers. ()ace
re even, get My diary out and,
ped it out loud to them.
1 henever 1 fight back f get
arced' , for ft. Is there
lythln I can do, to stop Ihis.?
need help before f leave
"Ready fu Fly the Coop"•
Dear "Ready to Fly the
Do 1 know what it's like to
e bothered by ' . younger
sisters:. 'the best thing to do is
Leave the column in a con-
venient place where your
mother can see itor show it to
her yourself. When she sees
that you were depressed
enough to write to me, she
may put her foot down.,
Dear Annie,
How do you feel about
relationships between two.
people of different ages? I
have noticed relationships
between girls and older guys
but never girls and younger
guys. What do ' you think of
"The Older Woman'-
Dear "Older Woman".
I feel that relationships
between two people of other
ages are greater as long as
the mental, maturity etc. is
not toxo different. This goes for
older girls and younger guys
too. In this era there is
, nothing wrong with girls
Being; with younger" guys,
pr" Vid,ed that they them-
selveare happy.
++4, -
Dear Annie,
I have a problem that has
been bothering me for some,.
t ime, I have a boyfriend anal
we've been going,out far flujte.
a virile, Everyt►e weo out
everything is fine until he
tries to kiss me goodnight . I
can feel the tension building
up inside. me so I quickly say
goodnight and get out of the
car and go intothe,house,
Afterwards I. feel guilty and.
as if I'm letting: him down but
I just can't help it. To me it
seems that if he is just taking
me out for a kiss then we
might as well stay in. ,
Do you think there is
something wrong with- me?
"I issless"
Dear Kissless,
I don't think there is
anything, wrong with you but
your attitude inay be all
wrong. Your boyfriend ex-
pects a kiss goodnight to show
him that you enjoyed yourself
and appreciated ;his com-
pany. If you don't kiss hire he
will definitely feel let down. I
am really surprised that your
relationship lasted, this long.
Try hard to show him you
enjoyed yourself and you
never know, you may even
find that you like it.
Dear Readers, *
Don't forget to keep your , A.0pilo n
letters coming in. After all, if Il
you don't write them, I can't
answer them.
by Steve Roseniund
Victory has . finally been
tasted by the CHSS wrestling.
A Redmen victory over
Seaforth has put .confiednce
back in the wrestler. The
score was 47-24 for CHSS.
This 'included 24 points
awarded to our team by
default. Because of the bad
weather. the Redmen team
has missed its meet with
Exeter and a tournament in
The Redmen's match with
Exeter is now scheduled for
The - next tournament is
Friday in Goderich. The
Redmen hopes are high for
another victory, but they will
be up against a strong team.
by Robin McAdam overcame - his strong per -
The Central Huron Senior formance with a well
Redmen picked up their first balanced attack led by
league win last weel Jerald • Cantelon who had 12
defeating the Seaforth Golden points and Francis
Bears. 51-37. MacGregor who had 10.
High .scorer in the game The Redmen's next game
was Seaforth's Jim Nigh with - will be against Exeter as soon
22 points. The Redmen as the weather permits.
Dear Editor
Please cut 'out "Just Ask
Annie" as it is not fulfilling
any useful purpose. Do you
think the other readers of the
paper (the rest of the
population, not just students)
want to read this kind of
We also' wish to complain
about "student of the week"
as it never is written in first
person. We also want to see
more about the student and
not the author(ess)'s style.
We also want it to be more
factual - get to the point!
It should be an honour to be
"student of the week" not a
ridicule or a joke. "Student of
the Week" is not a literary
contest and should not be
written as if it were.
Several Students.
The silent treatment
by heather Fothergill 4B
I am, usually not given to
expressing my .opinions
openly, but today I am going
to voice my pet peeve. They
say writing is a good way to
relieve tension, and although
I am certainly no great
writer, that's what I'm going
to do.
What is my pet peeve?
Exams? No, I can handle
them. My brother? They
drive me up the wall
sometimes, but I can look
after them. My teachers?
Ha,ha, no, I guess I'd have to
say they have been pretty
good to me.
No, it is when people say to
me, "Why don't you talk
more?" Why are you so
Now, I am a rather quiet
person (at times) and don't
feel like talking, but there
have been times when I have
been rather loud (like when
the Super Series 76 was on)
There are some people who
I know who talk incessantly,
almost non-stop. My mother
is like that. She can bring up
more subjects in a minute
than any woman I know. We
tease her a lot about it.
Sometimes she embarrasses
me with the things she says.
but she's all right.
y. Marion -Doucette
It Looks like this year CRSS
has decided to strike a vote
for equality - between the
sexes. .
This year it was decided, if
our school -could elect at school
queen to reign over our
winter carnival te.stivities, we
should also be able to elect a
school king.
Last Friday, the senior
students took to the polls and
elected to compete for
Central Huron royalty. Five
male and five female coon-
terparts, all over 18 years of
age were declared the win-
ners in the primary election.
The winner in this election
,will be representing your
school in Clinton's Winter
Personally I think it is
great that this year we have
decided to elect a school king,
even though to quote one
contestant "they only think of
us as sex objects".
This is not true guys! We
would be honouring you with
the possibility of representing support those guys and don't
our school. ridicule them, for 'this is a
So come on students, contest for ability, not brawn.
f rt'n1' W ebbs
From my years of ob-
servation of the con-
versations of --people
(especially adults) I know
thereare two subjects which
are, brought into every con-
versation. As American as
apple pie. They are, the
weather acid• personal
A typical, only mildly
exaggerated version would go
like this.
"Oh, hello so and so, I
haven't seen you for years.
Isn't this dreadful snowy
weather we've been having? I
made John blow out our lane
three times yesterday. 1 coma
we should go south.
"There hasn't been this
much snow since the war.
"Well how have you been?
You look a little pale and
weak. You haven't been
At this time the other party
proceeds to give a detailed
account of how she fell down.
the stairs chasing the cat and
broke her hip and was laid up
a long time and just recently
Well, I'm sure you've all
heard conversations
something like this.
Mmm. not a bad idea.
Those are two safe subjects.
People will always talk about
them and often like to tell
someone all about how sick
they are, or how they. hate the
weather: Next time I'm stuck
for something to say, I'll
bring•one of them up.
A definite conversation
starter. Not very original liut
they'll, do if I can't think of
anything else. -
Yes, I think I will. Then
people won't say I'm quiet,
they'll say I'm boring!
Now, I:ve gotta run. It's
about time for the All Star
game and I don't want to miss
it. Happy New Year
Teacher: "With the single
stroke Of his brush, the painter
could change a smiling face to a
frowning one."
Small boy: "That's nothing,
so can my mother."
"Where did you meet your
"At a travel bureau. I was
looking for a vacation spot and
she was the last resort."
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