HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-01-29, Page 3•
les for this
eomn"mui it
the Other u1Ub
pays to
for onu
Heart Mont
e litlton 'Valentin 9
� tiUltxttK' ►l sty are hOMIMbf
Q, ace ruits . tberC
Of its
(tour alerive.
tor.,+.0t year, for the the Order of the ante r
,+C+i i tenYiiai,r ;the mejnbers+ ; .starting . early F'e '+
tinder their, yvery .*etive, and.. headed by fors.. Marj
esidcnt Ms. Marian Carter: - . N ,
ann. took on extra + ± + . ,',
sects. •-•. . One rof —the motorist's ,
alis Year, in honour of th, :h ;rrors must be RattenburY
.anadian - Legion's 50th ' East ,beteel 8. �o 9,
So tet a on i l:.
iatti�+ersary,. the � .. � �•
United hundreds and. huitw- ..G.t'al t ;d lh
,ddreds of golden: tulip bulbs all si
over town, Whl ch w li bloom coat
as: a "carpetof. olden glot,y" ranted s�
a to
sc:. ' .hese* can
The other organization both' be negotiated with
which should not have abeam careful 9 But WsHissed either is the Wolxie�n's= "tint t%og 111141* "when .there
lintOn ares groups. of two or three-
uxiliary to the ClintOn
Hospital '►other v 'ap kin *least in one,
:.ou, of very dedicated' year- direction,.:ot,t° bah sides of the
rw rounduts and as the driver. is
workers. One of � its road,threading_his � way'
t ►eialties is the anneal busy
Penny Sale held every Sep- through this obstacle course -
tember - an enjoyable and a small bun e. of winter
remunerative project
wrapped' humanity : comes
And this makes an ex- tumbling off the top of one of
cetlent leadinto the following the snow banks and lands not
information which came to at your feet _ but worse at
our desk this. week. First of your tires. To add to a direc
all just reamer nber- four words quote from Peter Truenlan of
Feb. 25o card party BLITZ. Global News - "That's not
This year instead of its news but its horrifying reality
°'Vanishing card parties the, some Mornings".
Hospital W.A. are staging.A A , ,
One- day card party blitz. A The following quotation
light lunch, bridge, euchre or was picked out before we
500 - and prizes all for a' noticed the nextt rise in the,
modest $I. Vitrice of gasoline - so perhaps
Anyone can be a hostess for . in a way it will „soon be no
one of these parties - and longer applicable - there may
Should you so wish. you are not be even any miserably
requested . to please contact rich folks Left around.
any --oaf the- following three . However here's the quote
ladies - . Mrs. Helen Davies from , the Augusta (Kansas)
482-7092, Mrs. Kay Hanly 482- Gazette:
9662 or Mrs. Rita Ryan 482- "They say it is better to be
9494. poor' and happy than rich and
+ + miserable. But couldn't
In extolling the virtues of something be worked out
the two foregoing such as being moderately
organizations - let's hasten to rich and just moody?"
Morning Prayer was held
on Sunday morning at 11:15
a.m. with Rev: Wm. Bennett
in charge. The theme of the
Rector's sermon was St -
Paul, the man for all ages.
Len Milts assisted by reading
the lesson.
The annual Vestry meeting
of St. James Anglican Church
was held Sunday after a
bountiful pot luck lunch. Rev.
Bennett opened the meeting
in prayer. and read a letter
from Bishop Ragg on the 53rd
weekend tq be held in June.
Mabel Middleton read the
minutes of the last meeting.
Rev. Bennett gave a vote of
thanks to Mabel Middleton
for the fine job in the past and
for staying on as -. his
John Deeves thanked the
congregation for their sup-
port in the past year. He also
thanked Don Middleton for
his help as the People's
Warden. John Deeves will
stay on as Rector's Warden
and Lay Delegate for another
year. All officers will hold the
same positions as last year.
Rev. Bennett thanked the
church people for inviting
him to come as the Rector of
St. James Church, and the
meeting was adjourned by
John Deeves. Rev. Bennett
closed in prayer.
Next Sunday at 11:15 a -m.
Holy Communion will be
Social notes
We were sorry that we had
to cancel the shower for Joan
(Miller) Riley last Saturday.
The roads were not at their
best with all the snow. Sorry.
J oan.
Mr. and Mrs. August
DeGroof and family attended
the reception for Mr. and
Mrs. Clinton Wilson at the
Legion in Clinton.
Mr. and -Mrs. J. Connally
are back from their trip to the
Our sympathy to Vera
Miller and her families in the
loss of her uncle, Mr. Harry
Mrs. Thel. Maclntyre and
John Adams of London have
been visiting with the Con-
Clinton's new spacious, pollee'
occupancy and will be titled
` idles ,the space of the old ,poli
By Jack Riddeli,1iPP
station ,is. nearly ready for
next month. ;Located .t
Proof jail cell and an interrogation room, as well as' a
han;ng MOM and adequate storage space for the police. It
was renovated by Cale Doucette. (News -Record photo)'
to; repember- tat, .und' misrepresented their income,
the terms, of the legislation, tl is affe#tin 'their eligibility
obviously there ; was some. people have :no reason ford for ant for of government -
concern, int a statement
anxiety if the.y do not actually supported housing ac -
which appeared in the press have a written lease* because cgmmod .tjo .
which allegedly I made a tenancy ag etnent, giving " Seven do ►s' of grace must ,
f or swing * -right of a he 'allowed to tenants to-'
regarding `this closing o tc^i
in ..fl'uron -. tenant to acct py a dwelling, enable them to make amends,
h 't is
eneral oSpt a
g does Etot necessarily have to
County. Suffice tto4:sny, � that I be in�writing, to'bie considered
do not endorse the Health
Ministers practice of closing valid under the law. It may.
hospitals to cut government also be verbal or implied. .40
expenditures. as I firmly If a landlord wishes to give
believe that health, care is a a tenant notice of termination
'c right of Ontario of a tenancy agreement, he `
least $ must 'give the tenant 50 days
citizens, nd not just a
notice in writing, and he must --give the seven days grace. He
giving an opportunity 'IA..,..for •
instance, pay the overdue
t or repair the damage. If
this is done, then the. record is
wiped clean. However, if a
similar situation occurs again
within six months, then the
landlord is not called upon to
With the support of hun- also give -cause. Such notice.
=dreds of concerned Huron has to be in,writing}.and the
County citizens, I employed -landlord must, under the law,
all the energy, persuasion clearly indicate the detailed
and authority available to me reasons for his wish to ter -
to get the minister of health to urinate the tenancy.
reconsider his decision to In the case of proposed
Close the -Goderich termination' prior to the
Psychiatric Hospital. I am expiry of its original terms,
prepared to put the same there are only five reasons
effort into retaining our which will be considered
general hospitals in Huron justifiable cause - or may be considered:
and Middlesex counties, One the minister decide on (1)ne reason would, of
meat of
a similar fate,for them. course, be non -pay
From inform„ etn, which I
*ye been abl ' : ascertain
simply gives 14 days' notice
and can then apply for a writ
of possession.
Where the expiry date of
theoriginal lease is the oc-
casion for , the landlord
wishing to give notice to the
tenant, then all the foregoing
reasons w+ Auld be given
consideration as, justification.
Another case in these cir-
cunstancesrwliuld be if the
landlord needed the ac-
commodation for his own use,
as well as persistent lateness
S k
rent; in. paym_.
(2) Another would be if a case of �ptlb�,
from the Health inrstry, our tenant has caused wilful ceasing to meet the necessary
general hospitals in the damage to the property of the qualifications for such ac -
Huron -Middlesex riding will landlord; u
continue to operate, and the (3) So-called "undue 11 at condominium
worst we can expect, is a few nuisance” would be con- arrangeent has fallen
bed closures in hospitals sidered cause - - that is through, this would be given
throughout the area. I look something reasonble interferes enapplies where there consideration, and the
forward to your support in
our endevours to keep then
hospitals open.
The Rent Review
legislation about which I
reported to you some two
weeks ago is to be ad-
ministered in conjunction
with the, companion
legislation - the recent
Amendments to the Landlord
and Tenant Act, which were
also passed during the first
session of the 30th Ontario
Legislature. These Amen-
dments provide for security
of tenure.
One most important thing
By Bertha MacGregor
'ltev`, W .D Jarvis con- speaking on the subject
'ducted the service in Carmel "Let's Gossip" and the choir
Presbyterian on Sunday and , sang an anthem.
gave a most informative Sunday Feb. 1st will be
Sermon on "Our Budget'.'„the H�tisall s and service
Ch Selhurst
Weather "permitting.joining for
annual congregational, congregations j
Meeting will be held on worship. l'he event will
°Friday January 30th at 7:30 feature special Music and Mr.
pita_ BQb Elliott. of
linton and •
int Lake Cawill be guest
µ 1 Personals speaker.
Mrs. Dave 'Kyle. who has The Installation of Officers
been a patient in South Huron of Chiselhurst U.C.W. was
Hospital for the past several announced: past president
Weeks, was. able to reiritrn to Earle; Coleman; president,
'her home last week. Dorothy Parker; first vice -
Mr. and Mrs. Don Dalton of president, :Mary Brintnell ;
Seafortli mere recent visitors second vice president. Phyllis
With the latter's parents. Mr. parsons; treasurer. Dorothy
Od Mrs. Harold Parke Ralph h Brintnell: , asst treasurer,
fir, and Mrs. P Marg Cole; secretary and
olland. Gwen and Michael press. Loretta Riley; ass't
Clinton were recent sec. and press. Pearl Taylor.
sliors with Mr. end Mrs.
M Sangster and Brad. The Annual meeting and
Messers Jack and Al -Pot Luck supper will he held
irbett spent the weekend on Wednesday January 28th at
ice fishing trip to Lake glib p.m.
Rev. +Don Deck conducted this week with her brother-in-
St16 toeMrs. Jack Corbett visited
Cirlt'hip service in Henson law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
tilted Church on Sunday. Leslie Adams InExeter.
with e
joyment of the housing unit; to demolish the property. In
(4) Interference with the circumstances where ex -
safety of your own housing tensive "renovations are going
unit, or the well-being of to take place. or the premises
someone else - that is in- are to be converted to other
fringement 'on the lawful than rental use, justification
rights and privileges of other might be found, although in
tenants; the case of renovation, the
(5) Finally, if more people tenant should be given first
are housed in the unit than refusal on the renovated
seems reasonable - over- premises.
crowding: Twenty-eight days notice
In the case of "public must be given on monthly
housing" a further justifiable tenancy agreements, and in
cause which would be given other, circumstances sixty
consideration is if tenants are days notice is required.
found to have materially See you next week.
Goderich Rotary. Club
London Symphony Orchestra
G-odsrich- emeries
2nd CON(RT
Saturday, Feiiroary 14, 1976
GfdKicb Collegiate festitee
Guest artist PAULA MORENO
Tickets - Adults 2.50 Sr. Citizens 1.25
Family 7.00Students 1.50
Tickets Available - Goderich
Mac Campbell's, Ormandy's Mali
Clinton News Record
„lis. Kin cellae
ily nod; firs• Norman
attended the►eddn4.
t�llcicet t*s nleee .lo
-r.RF,eron Saturday.
Congratulations to Mr. and.
Mrs Roy Consittt former
residents of the Kippen area,
whore celebrating their 60th
Wedding anniversary.
Kippen East W.I.
Members of Kippen East
Women's Institute and' guests
enjoyed a tour of the Adult ..
Rehabilitation. Centre at
Dashwood on Jan. 21 when
they met for the Canadian
Industries meeting.
A. question and answer
period followed which was
very interesting and
educational .and was con-
ducted by Mr. Bob Fry.
Mrs. Robert Kinsman.
president, - opened the
businessµ part of the meeting
by reading two poems "Just
Believe" and .'Geraniums".
The roll call answered by
naming an industry operating
a,go Ment;
dustxies • ns salt.
dginond ille» SAW Mills*
Mills, choose' factories a'n
tannery. , •
A donation Was Made to the
Adelaide /foodless Fund.' the
A-C.W.W. and -nutritian
Education Fund. Members
will set up a booth at Zurich
Bean Festival and will visit
Horonview March 10.
Margaret Hoggarth and Rub
Triebner will arrange the
A euchre is planned for the
• latter part of February with
the north group in. 'charge.. No
action was taken regarding
theclosing of Goderich
Psychiatric Hospital- and .the
members will not set up an
exhibit at Exeter -Fair. Mrs.
H. Caldwell gave Courtesy,
The meeting was preceded
by a dinner with tbeTrainees
at the ,centre. Mrs. R. Bell
and Mrs. Ernie Whitehouse
were in charge of
Fireplace, Hester
sad Barbera Grill
Enjoy the classic colonial styling of this Franklin Fireplace
the year around. In the winter. lounge in the cozy warmth of
ds open fire. Close the doors on your Franklin and it beuimes
an efficient . heater radiating chill chasing warmth from
handsome. hand poured cast iron surfaces. Built in damper
control lets you maintain a low fire for hours and quickly
start it up again by opening doors. Units vent to the rear and
through the top. Add to your pleasure- by equipping your
Franklin with optional. Ember Chef Barbecue Grill.
Decorative Brass Knobs. Safety Spark Guards and Fire
Tending Tools.
1/4 Selkirk 8" Metolbestos Chimneys
�! ME t*t8f and lock Matte Pipe in stock.
Take advantage of big savings this week on
popular pre -finished panelling. A beautiful
selection of 35 different authentic -looking
simulated woodgraifs. Priced for the budget
minded decorator.
PHONE 482444 '
OPEN Mdtday to Thursday. loan. to•p.m.•
Fuhry a` a.r+ . tit $ 0.rn:: Saturday * A.m. to 4:39 p.m.
co. qp w *1' tAtAGF
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