HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-01-15, Page 6once
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It is with this, in mi>nd•t at
w+� at the Chronicle
.. i>G e
desperately search for those
worth Of such a -title each
week. This week we have as
treat for you.. In naming ,this
- week's scholastic "bright-
. light", we completely
disregard the preceding
definition, and . bring you
instead - Brent Craig, Student -
of theeek.
v clearest recollection Of
Brent is that of a Dress -Up
Day when he came as a
leprechaun. Many jokes
concerning his height - arose
from that incident, as well as
many wolf -whistles as be
walked down the hall with his
shillelagh! I now know why
people call leprechauns
"jolly" little people, for I'm
sure Brent had a bit of "Irish
tonic" tucked away in . his
green breeches! '
Who could write a feature
' about Brent without making
mention of his various
escapades in drama
productions? (I would
mention other types of
fea..R. i tell inc
He hasbeen a major fc
in drama at MSS for aslant;
ori 1. can recall, Ills roles have
°-beat to say the least.
Once he plaYed a modern
,type of Cupid who got around
on roller skates and used a.
sling -shot instead of bow
arrows, for his mattebm... ling
deeds. I hear that he iso still
doing this. minus the skates
of came.
On another occasion, Brent
played a man whose wife had
been unfaithful to him (hence
-called "fooling `around").
However, her lover was
turned to a statue due to an
overdose of plaster. One
rehearsal, in the scene where
the wife is grieving over the
lover's body, Brant decided to
put a handful of ice down the
wife''s back. The resulting
shrieks were not of grief,
rather of extreme shock. I
mention this incident because
I played the wife, -and this
article is part of my revenge!
On yet another dtcasion,
Brent played a gloomy, dull-
witted school caretaker
named Rainbow. When asked
by a new school -mistress how
many "mistresses (i.e.-
*school teachers}'' he had ,
Rainbow, outraged, retorted
Board whelp band
By Ross Haugh
The Huron County board of
education will be paying a
small portion of the expenses
incurred by the Seaforth
District High School girls
trumpet band when they
travel to Florida in Febuary.
Out of a total cost of $7.000
to send the band to Fort
Meyers, Florida, the board
agreed unanimously to pay
up to $800 of any deficit. -
Principal Bruce Shaw, in a
letter to the board, said the
girls had raised $3.000- and
will be providing another
$2,205 themselves. This left a
balance of about $800 after an
expected Wintario grant of
$1,000 is receiv?d.
Chairman Herb Turkeim
said, "We as a board should
be proud of the Seaforth girls.
This is the first high school
band from Canada invited to
participate in ^ the annual
Edison Pageant of Light.
In order to clear up certain
problems being encountered
particularly at bus loading
time on a private driveway in
front of F.E. Madill Secon-
dary School at Wingham, the
Huron board of education
approved the erection of two
double sided signs.
In addition, a resolution
was passed restricting use of
the driveway between Vic-
toria and John Street on the
school property -to vehicles
authorized by the' board or
its representative in the
person of the principal.
A seminar for principals
and vice -principals will be
held March 11 to 13 in Sanilac
County in Michigan when
schools in the Croswet
Lexington district will be
1' other business, the
Board: ,.
+ Referred _the question of
1976 mileage allowances to
the newly appointed
management committee for
discussion and • recom-
mendation to the Board at the
next regular meeting.-
+ Turned down a request
from the Town of Clinton o1
financial consideration for
costs incurred in the
provision of the town's adult
crossing guard program,,
+ Approved three ap-
plications for approval of
plans for subdivisions within
the County of Huron. They
are for J.P. Ducharme in
Bayfield; R. •Doig in the
township of Tuckersmith and
C.H. Thomas in Grey
township. Mr. Thomas, who
is vice-chairman of the
Board, declared a conflict of
interest' and did not par-
ticipate in the discussion.
Director of Education DJ.
Cochrane said all school -s
serving these three areas had
present enrolments well
below the effective capacities
and school sites would -not be
+ Approved a borrowing
bylaw in the amount of eight
million dollars to meet
necessary current ex-
penditbres until current
revenue is received.
+ Learned that Brian
Haley, a grade 12 student at
Seaforth District High -School,
was the winner of a trip for
two to Meidco in a recent
London Artiery contest.
+ Were told by Superin-
tendent Jim Coulter that a
metric workshop for trustees
would be held at the board
offices in Clinton on March 17
beginning at 10 a.m.
I' am a bachelor, madam 11
every sone Of 'the. 'were
at, without: 'question,• was
on_ of the greatest lines ever
deli ered at CHSS.
Bret also takes part in
assemblies. • I ' believe it was
lest year' hat he was 'Santa's.
little brother, Irving, in the
Christmas assn rn L1 , e was
clad in the traditional red suit
.several sizes' too large, with
his beard hangingilownhanging to his
knees. In truth, at Ot glance
it looked as if Santa had
undergone harsh treatment
at Vic 'Danny's. This year,
Brent was in the assembly
which delivered the message
"Do It". I hardly need ex-
plain further as to:how he got
this message across!
When considering what
Brent is best known for, my
list spanned several pages. At
length, I decided on the
following items. He is known
for the "social affairs"
regularly convened at his
house (i.e.-parties). He is
known (infamously) for his
card -playing finesse.
Including in his repertoire
are Fish, Crazy Eights, and
Old Maid. I also hear that he
is quite . well-known for his
exquisite singing 'voice.
However,. there is one
problem. Whenever he tries
to sound like Isaac Hayes
singing. "Shaft", . he sounds
like Kate Smith singing ; "God
• Bless Ame ricap"- • •
Brent takes a lot of'teasin_
about his height .(or hick ul
it). However. he bas conn-
si+dered' various solutions
suet' AS growing;. a very tall
Afro or leaving his elevator
shoes parked onfloor-
Yet one cannot denythis
Person's unique charm. He
has his , very own cookie
deliverer, who, rata or =OW*
sleet or highWater. faithfully
delivers his cookies every day
to the lounge. Brent must
have "savoir faire" or
"Macho" or whatever.
There . is one thing about
Brent which makes him
unique among Grade 13's;
that being his entrances into
the lounge. With a great
sweep -of the arms, he flings
back the door, letting it crash
against the wall and -enters,
striding along with the air of
assurance and dignity of a
Rock Hudson or a Paul
Newman. He's just one of
these people who must make
grand entrances.
Whatever his entrance
methods, we will all regret
his exit from CHSS, when he
will pursue a career as
Clinton's own Ted Baxter or
the 194 lb. champion wrestler
of the world. And so, to Brent
goes the infamous "Student of
the Week" title.
Congratulations, Brent! (or
Ayse Unsal of Vanastra is presented with a certifiCiite of
appreciation from Unicef, by Ryan Brown, organizer for
Unicef in Huron County. Ayse,•.a grade eight student at
Clinton Pulilic School, was the top sales person in Huron
County -for Unicef. She collected $71.18. (News -Record
The Separate Shoppe
Looking fair a.car feet• your family? Whetheri-rt
be a second car kw your -stir ordavgitlir or for
your prir»ary transportation. This miter well
be the best 0 Cougar available _in CInadda.
This locally ewnad car has f ast1.5.$e miles
and has beta refurbished from end to end.
Equipped with 1-e. automatic, power
• *twine, power brakes;ia#l./ wire
w ..
1andao top. part hole windiews, etc. Ab.
solidify must be seen. Lit. No. BEX2SS
Not cheap. but like arnythirig that's good, not
expensive either.
Here.s our student of the week, Brent Craig doing a rare
thing, homework when aur camera caught him unawares
recently. (Chronicle photo)
We're getting better
By Marian Doucette
Another school term and
another year has started, and
along with it the newspaper
club of CHSS have some
hopefully, `fires, new ideas
for the "Chronicle". The staff
hope tipint:o :0 newArtigle.s
and features to make our
paper more intcresting.
A short story contest, along
with a crossword puzzle
contest are planned for . the
future. We also encourage the
public to write letters to the
editor to let us know your
opinions and views.
A "Question of the Week"
column has also been
suggested, where we would
publish students' replies to a
question. Ali of these things
have beers suggested to boost
student participation in their
Future opinions ' will be
published dealing with such
controversial issues as
whether or not we should
•have a school queen; should
we have a school king; and
prefects - do they really do
their jobs?
All in all, our plans are to
make our school paper a
better one and to do that, we
need your participation and
also to know your opinions.
Take a step in the right
direction. Take a few.
waw, a e r.T.+.1.
Beautify your
Get out on the street.
Take a walk.
wins aslwag.1:441.,
Friday, January 23
• „
ADMISSION: S2.2S with Student Card
S2.50 without"
uy who fail
all the time.,
1 have been very nee 'to
him as he is ver nice. He
asked me if I wo+ ld out
with him, but I used an ex-
cuse not to. He doesn't know
that I hove,boyfriend. t
really should telthim this, but
I don't want to hurt his
feelings. °
Harried* Hopeless
Dear Harried & flopgiess:
The best.way to get this boy
off your back and oast bunt bis
feelings is to tell him, ydu
have a boyfriend. You could
also say your boyfriend gets
very jealous - if you talk to
other boys. This should do the
job without making up stories
and hurting his feelings.
.Dear Annie:
I've been going with a
wonderful guy for almost six
months. Everything is great
except for one thing.
About once a week in the
middle of the night he comes
to my bedroom window. ands
starts to sing to me. This isn't
'realty the problem. The
problem is he has a rotten
voice and it causes me
agonizing pain to listen to
How can I get him to stop
without hurting his feelings.
"Broken Eardrum"
some way #.
Serio ly tbo j
way tea. got :hien
him bluntly or
is to joke about it sac
what he did` w ..
his mother,gave hit
singing lessons.
Dear Annie,
I, really' like this- guy
I'ut going out with.
There's just• one thin
bothers me and that
never closes his eyes when
kisses me. What does
mean? Are my kisses so.
boring that he thinks bell fait
asleep if he closes his eyes?
Please help.
Dear "Desperate" :
This is a tough one, but Ir
would guess that your
boyfriend has been either
busy kissing and watching TV
or kissing and driving a car
and has =trained himself to
keep his eyes open. •
It could also be that he is
afraid he will fall asleep, but
it would be more likely that it
was from him being overtired
and not because your kisses
are boring.
Letter to the editor
Dear Editor, --
Although I enjoy reading
the Central Huron Chronicle,
I have one complaint. Every
week .I read the column
"Student of the Week" and
wonder if that coveted award
will be given to anyone but a
grade twelve student. •
This year in grade thirteen
we boast having the Student's
Council President, head
Prefect, editor of the year-
earbook, many first-string
basketball players and many
of those number one Senior
Redmen football players,
etc., etc., in our midst. With
all of these fine active, senior
students in • our school, I
• would think that atleast one
grade thirteen. vroold have
been chosen "Student of?the
Week" by now.
Please try to rectify the -
One Peeved Student.
(Editor's note: The matter
has been rectified this week.)
When in charge, ponder;
when in trouble, delegate;
when in doubt, Mumble.
The bridal show of the year. All
the new gowns for ' the bride.
attendants and mothers. If you
are planning a wedding this year
you will not want to miss this
Date: 'Monday, Feb. 9, 1976
TING: 6 p.m.
Place: Monique Fashions.
As admittance is by invitation
only. please call as soon as
possible to reserve a personal
invitation for you and one
80 Ontario Street, Stratford
Specially Selected Groups
• of this Season's top Sellers in: