HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-01-08, Page 4tint B'►."
, Kam and BAnda o?
Yid last ► y •
and Mrs. DonaldOaald
dal, David, Derrick
,., b ea e.
Co ratulations to Mr. and
t . al�lat'►d Allen On the
� im•por• t ..t
rs is n occaSioa of their tend - wed
f 'l»�heepital ding 'L. - anniversary on
a1 9 , Mie. Donald 'Christmas Day and Mr :
mr» Aller.• a b�irthdaY lest Sunday,
Haiti+ a visited Saturday Mrs.. Beth Lansing. spent.
• with their daa$ht+er Mrs
New ea�'r►:., ay at Bervie
Ronald Livesrntore . Mr.
with Mt, and Mrs. Lorne
Llyeac r►ore and family' at
E erdwich Peter and firmly and 'came •
Mrs, Frances Clark spent home Saturdayevening.
the holidaywith Mr, andMrs. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
J. McIntosh and family in
London'Day at the Imperial Motel,
Master Fcanlie Van Stratford with Mr. and Mrs.
amen was the winner d)l" flies
k h l
Johnston and Miss %aura.
Faison S.
Banff andMrsw
(Elien die)
sister of the,. ►room ant
Worthy F-oWier, brother of t
bride, were the attendants.
They resided in ^Ubu
a short time and then went to.
Detroit, returning about
years ago. to assist his father
in the hatcher shop,' ' a
business . still operates on
Turnberry Street.
They have a" family, of four:
one son, Gordon, Auburn, and
three daughters, Mrs, Gordon
(Delores) Miller, Auburn;
Mrs. Gordon CJune).Mohring,
Phillips spent New . YearsrGods ' It and Miss Carol
c of Kitchener; six
grandchildren and four great-
turkey at the. Auburn Variety JacYouMrs• Ethel
ng . .
Store. Congratulations. Farrow of Mitchell was also a Mr. Beadle has one sister
Winners at the euchre party guest.
I11:e rl.p,.�, lent�• Of �eant� old the results of the Hinton *V fall lr tect "Let's
Bake Blread�_ With the delicious samples of different countries are, left to right, Janice
Mauer of RR 4, Clinton, Wendy Tyndall of RR 4, Clinton, and Loari.Saundercoclt of Clutton.
(News-Recgrd photo)
Mrs. Earl (Ellen) Allison of
Tuckersmith opens.
Mrs. Bonnie Armour and Goderich and one brother,
Monday evening. were: . -high the Charles of Auburn. Mrs. daughter Julie spent
man Doug Cariousher, low gM Beadle has one brother, +(continued from page 2)
man. Mrs. Thomas H►ggitt; holiday with her parents r.
Jardin and
Andrews; tow lady, Mrs. Tom grandmother, Mrs. Elva Goderich and , two sisters, follow you.,.
New Year's Day guests SNOWMtlBtf.E CLUB BenjaminofWeston.
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank The fourth regular meeting :�� Mr. and Mrs.. Beadle
Raithby and Mr. John Raith- of the Auburn Snowmobile received many cards and
by were Mr. and Mrs• Reg Club was held Deceomn2 I at gifts, among the'i .na.......pole a bit `as I followed the tracks
Shultz Donald and Clifford, the Club House "in c nju tion lamp, radio and apair of:gold
RR. 3 Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. with the Christmas party for P in the road around curves,
Norman Vincent and Miss the children of the Club. decorated cups and saucers over a big steel bridge with
Mary Lou of RR 1 Lon- The minutes 'of the previous from the community. brief glimpses of a bush tined
The community wishes Mr. road
desboro. - meeting were accepted as and Mrs. Beadle many more After what seemed miles,
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis read by the secretary, ears- of happiness and
Rueger, Sherry and Julie of Charles Kerr. Bill Seers Y P we reached the second the
London visited last Saturday health. concession where the
reported on the snowmobile thoughtful clerk again
with his sister, Mrs. Donald meeting he attended in the %.rutiett IW PP
Cartwright, Mr. Cartwright Bluevale Community Hall .[ [ * stopped as he turned west to
• y d family.
h►s. -home He suggested I let
high lady, Mrs. Warner and Mrs. ThomasWorthy Fowler of Rft 5 Egmondville. Allan will
Jardin; novelty, W.J. Craig. Straughan. Mrs. Mary BelleRyan
Goderich and Mrs Olive
Such relief to have com-
pany. Freed of thg dread of
spending the night alone in a
car snowbound on a lonely
unknown sideroad, 1 relaxed.
an sponsored by the Wingham
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Raith- District of the Ministry of !�'��superintendent lead
and break the the road down the
by, Linda, Brian, Lyle, Eric Natural Resources. path'
and Teresa of Clinton visited It was suggested that the Hullett Township coon- second concession -east to
last Friday with his parents Club get an insurance agent cillors agreed to freeze their Egmondvilie. '
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raithby to explain • what civil laws " salaries for 1976 when they Those last miles` seemed
and Mr. John RaithbY• pertained to` the club and held their first .meeting of endless. What a welcome
New Years Day guests with what responsibilities the Club 1976 last Monday. sight to see the lights of
Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen hiid, They also' agreed to follow Egmondville - and finally
were Mr. George Timm, Miss It was also suggested that the federal - government's home to Seaforth. It was 2
Erna Bethke and Mr. George the Club have insurance to guidelines and give township a.m. when I walked into the
Ladner of Corrie. cover all club activities. employees no more than a 10 house.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk- The meeting was chaired - percent raise fur the whole A phone call to the Coombs
carmen and Miss Diane Kirk- by the president'. William year. house revealed that the
conned of London were guests Robertson. After the meeting , • In other business,. Hullett councillor got stuck
N Y s Day with Mr. •th oximately 50 per endorsed the resolution somewhere
on . ew ear . W1 appy. _
and Mrs. Louis Blake and so s present, Santa Claus presented by . Stephen home of Deputy
Miss Faye Blake and Miss came nd handed out gifts Township opposing the
Mary Anne Blake. at RR 2 and bags of candy to all the proposed nuclear generating
Brussels. children. Later a_. treasure station to be built in Huron
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Craig hunt was held for the County.
of Lucan visited last Saturday children. • Council has adopted the
with his father Mr. William J. A tasty meal of baked agreement with ,the school
Craig and Mr. and Mrs. beans, weiners, rolls, board concerning lights at the
Maitland Allen. Christmas desserts and hot Hullett Central Public School
We are sorry to report that chocolate finished the day's baseball diamond. This now
Mrs. Dorothy Grange
activities.° allows the recreation com-
received a severe cut to rnittee to put up the lights.
hand and was hospitalized for
a couple of days and has her
hand in a cast now,
Mrs. Louis Blake of RR 2
Brussels and her daughters,r.
Misses Faye and Mary Anne
Blake, both of London visited
last Saturday with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Christmas Day guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Chamney.
'Paul and Eldon were Miss
Lorraine Chamney, London,
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Chamney and Alison of
Auburn, Mr.. and Mrs. Larry
Chamney of Waterloo, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Lassaline and
family of Saltford, Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Millian and
family of RR 5 • Goderich,
Mrs. June Bolger and family
of Clinton, Mrs. Lillian
Leatherland of St. Catharines
and Miss Heather Jewell of
,Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mills
returned last Friday after
spending - the holiday season
with their daughters and their
families at Burlington and
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Idson of
Arva and Mr. and Mrs. Don
Henderson, and Kristen Jane
of Ildelton were visitors
recently with their grand-
father, Mr. William J. Craig
and uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Maitland Allen.
Miss Diane Kirkconiteii of
London spent the Week's
holiday with her parents, Mr.
• and Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell•
and all spent Christmas Day
in Goderich with Mr. and'
Mrs. Harold Kirkconnell,
Don, Ron, and Greg. _.
Miss Carol Beadle of Kit-
chener spent last week with
her, parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Beadle and - brother
Mr. Gordon Beadle.
Mr. n"nd Mrs. Fred °Smith.
WED 50 YEARS Building permits were
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beadle issued to Paul Southgate for a
celebrated their golden pig barn and A. Wammes for
wedding anniversary quietly a house, subject to Township
at their home on Turnberry by-laws and Huron County
Street, Auburn, on December Health Unit standards.
30. • Council has also instructed
Mrs. Beadle was the former the road superintendent to
Iona Fowler, daughter of the apply for the balance of the
late Mr. and Mrs. John road subsidy for 1975, to the
Fowler of Colborne Township ministry of transportation
and Mr. Beadle is the son of and communications.
the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles The next Hullett Township
Beadle of Auburn. They were council meeting will be held
married at the Methodist February 2, 1976.
1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Mon. • Sat.
Squire Gifts
• .Highway 21 mouth,
was at the
Reeve Ervin
Si.11ery. Glad I wasn't.
following him.
What a night! Well, I
Learned one thing. Road
Superintendent Allan
Nicholson does keep the
.,township roads in better
condition than the county
keeps its road, at least county
we get lett
Dear Editor,
I would like to report that
there has been very good
response with people writing
in complaining about poor
picture quality on Cable TV.
However, the more letters
we get, the better our chances
are of getting better pictures.
So don't delay, write today.
we° need your tetters before
January 12.
The Consumer Alert
road 3. Like the provincial
highway snow plows, they
patrol the -„ roads
REGULARLY when the sun
is shining. ;But let the goads be
filled with, snow and there is
never a plow in sight.
Thanks, guys, for helping
me home.
• Smile
Man with wife approaches a
"What's her name here says I
don't pay enough attention to
r Invitation. Gat, Birthday & Oc-
casional cards
40% ,OFF
+ Purses. Belts, Hats — 40% OFF
+ Belvedere Gift wrap paper, 8
30% OFF
+ Writing Paper ---- 40% OFF
+ Christmas decorations. cards 8
------- 40% OFF
+ All Candles —__ NOM 30010 OFF
t Aprons, Placemats. Serviettes.
Chefs Hats 1 5% - 14 ®% OFF
+ Wine Goblets, Sherbet Glasses
aand Ashtrays (Matching), eh AOL Iv OFF
Don't forget that our Jan. Sale of
F t E LOC R E ST , towels, shower
curtains. bathmats. sheets and
pillowcases can save you up to .25
Committee, drawer 16, c -o
Clinton News -Record. Box 39.
Clinton is working for you.
Won't you help? Send along a
couple of dollars to help pay
Yours truly..
A.C. Coornbes
Consumer Alert Committee.
... a great place to buy your used cart
ON•T FR00E7 Ou QV/4447yvSEb ,
263, HURON RD. GODEM! 524-2665
*N\`\ovN flo4
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Co-op heating oil is a top qualitybproduct that is scientifically tested with guaran-
. teed quality to meet your °satisfaction. The product is controlled to meet the
requirements of your -particular area and will flow freely wherever you are living
ail winter long, - aAU.
TIByusing the Automatic Degree Day Del-
ivery i System to bring you your fuel, the, o-
DEL1VE " Y operative takes the guess work out of en
your nexi delivery should be.
This method uses a simple calculation made
daily and based on the high and low temp- -
eratures of any day.. Other factors that we
cohsider are size of -house, size of tank and
the location and temperature of the town or
village where the records for the system are
kept andused.
This method assures you, the customer, of
a continuity of supply of your home heating
oil. You don't have to phone for your oil.
Your furnace should be cleaned and condit-
coned annually to keep it running at to,-' -
Icle d to ensure safety and full economy.tft
This is essential to its long life - and your -
F URNACES Vour Co-op has the exact model of furnace
to match the heating job you need done.
Every Co-op modern furnace has to meet our
high standards. They • can be purchased on
very easy terms to suit your needs.
Air that contains a proper amount of moist- .
HU ItIt IFIERS ure gives a greater feeling of warmth than
dry air. It also extends the life of your furn-
iture by not Letting it 'dry out.'
'Shocks' from broadloom and body contact
are an indication of insufficient humidity.
Your Co -Op will advise you about the latest
iii humidifiers.
E ERG lf, for any reason, you experience trouble,
• assistance is only a phone call away, day or
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& sox SPRINGS' . � SALE