HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-01-08, Page 2, ea** pluliatonto . mr. And Mrs. Eugeno to ourselves a! "the Hutt McAdam, Ifir. or,* County' . In- that vapacitys„ the impending Our gene closing of the - Goderich his wife. 3. ana Psychiatric 104/Stat CCM, Howard ' Aitken _ terns wall. Some .of us are. daughters,; Deb. and Sus directly affected - patient- travelled to, Florida 0 wise. or staft-wiSe. However,. Boxing Pay for a two wee the hospital's primary fun- holiday at the AkuTiki inn:in etion is the treatment of its Daytona Beach, While there, Pitients - and with this in they visited with Mr. and: mind, each and everyone can. Mrs. Oick,itkey., ' tieiilby writing,* letter to Mr., r, + + + , ' • Frank Miller, MPP, Queen's Mrs. Bea Johns and Park, Torontoasking that ,daughter, Laurie of the .decision 'tO close the Whitehorse, YulconTerritorY, G 0 der i chPsychiatric spent.the Christmas season Hospital " be'. reconsidered. with her patrents. Mr. and PLEASE, DO IT NOW! Mrs. Elmer Frey, Huron + + + Street. Ianuary 6 - Little Christ - Mr. and Ilfirs. Percy Brown you will - it marks the ending . and sons, Rob •and'Rck, liable of the festive season. Some traditionalists wait until this returned after a week's 12th day after Christmas to Caribbean cruise. The night - of the fancY dreskball. Mary take down the tree, but more and Perc-won first prize - and and more. seem to give the guess what they were poor old greenery the heave: wearing - their Clinton , ho as soon as New Year's day Centennial costumes. is over. alas - Epiphany - it what + + + Mrs. Frank Eingland ,stalled the 194 slate ot of- nicers for the Hospital Auxiliary at their annual meetirw held last Monday. • They are: past president. Mrs. W. Harrell; president, • Mrs- Ted Davies; vice pWident, Mys P. Coventry; secretary, Mrs. It. Olde; corresponding s7tary, rs. Cochran and ttertsurer, Mrs. D. Ball The following. committee, chairmen wmalso installed: A buying, miss. F. Schoenhals; social, Mrs. O. Johnston; tray favours. :Mrs.. E. Willson; cart staffing, Mrs. B. Willson; cart stocking,. Mrs. ; press and OubliCitYp ring torten, Mrs. ° A. Mcfkfurrt4; magaiines. Mr*. U. Hilt/trig; teleVision,MTLM., Corrie; and bridge blitz, Mrs. W. Harrett, The annual report also: Wed an impressive, number of items given to the hospital by the Women's Auxiliary. - They include bursaries. $0.5; new furniture for the waiting room $1,511; taming of photographs of former hospital personnel. $1-56.45; a paceniaker, 5914.25; ,a microscope? 51,539.50; and a taPe*reCorder. . and books. $500.73 for ,the nurses' librarY and teaching purposes: The following is a list ot activitiCs by. which the, Auxiliary raised the money 7 necessary tor, these ex- penditures; penny sale, 1,424.35; vanishing parties, 564.514 membership. and donations 522. During the regular meeting following the annul meeting, it was announced that a _bridge blitz, sconverted by Mrs. W. Harrett, would replace the vanishing parties .fpr this year. • A silver cup Was ereSerlted to thr New Year Baby. Dianne Elizabeth Ross of Brucefield. The new cart. which was an contains.gift items as well As the. usual' things for sale to patients. Visitors to the hospital may purchase gift items .such as boxes Of chOcolatiti. I and 'knitted wear. Staff volunteered • woas who vita4tate the cart are ni at the hoPital. The Auxiliary w ,Preeiate knitted h;,Iiy et from anyone who - won l donate them. These would be put on the cantor sale as items. +++ Watching the PUC truck Mr. Ken Stephenson of taking down the lamp start- Princess Street, Clinton. won THE BASE FACTORY OUTLET the Store That Saves Y ou Mort? Mrs. Martina nos of RR 2, Seaford% holds her twins which she had in the Clinton Public Hospital last Sunday night, January 4, 1$74. No, names have been chosen for them vet, but the boy weighed 7 lbs. and the girl, 5 lbs. (News - Record photo) .• Tucliersmith meeting n bad omen Bard decorations last Monday 4203 in the Clinton Junior "C" opens gave one the feeling that Share -the -Wealth draw last Yuletide is over -" but then later the same day, after the $50 --consolation prize. By Wilraa Oke a township sideroad in the Sunday and Jack Spearin won picking up notices in the mail Seller of the most tickets was Tuckersmith Council, direction of Seaforth. As the to collect Spring and Summer members will be hopirotheir car ahead disappeared in a catalogues - the message was Mrs. Don Ka first council meeting in the swirl of snow panic set in. The Scott Kay, 9, son of Mr. and quite clear. + + + y. new year Tuesday night is not big truck. which was sup - Just ask editor Jim Fit-• an omen of what lies ahead posed to be following, was not zgerald, he has already The Huronic Rebekahs held for council in 1976. • behind. Keep going! ' - - received several 1976 seed their first meeting of 1976 on Those who had to travel to Keep going! There wasn't catalogues - they're at the top Monday evening, January 5. the meeting at Huron Cen- . anything else to do on that of his best seller list and he Unknawn sisters of the past tennial School south of unknown sideroad. After has already read them year were revealed and many 4Brucefield over County Road what seemed an eternity. red through cover to cover - sisters were surprised to 3 from Egmondville to lights shone ahead-athe lead twice. learn who their benefactors Brucefield found the ground ' car was waiting at the turn + ++ had been. The draw followed drift was filling in the road at onto the concession road. ,There have been various for unknown sisters for 1976. 8 p.m. Again the -ear disappeared as comings and goings during Plans were made for the, As the sleepy-eyed press the reporter was afraid to go the holiday season. card party to be held J an. 15. reporter. •-ouncil. road over 25 in that snow rutted Messrs. ' Dan Campbell, Sister Margaret Hunt was sup-erintendent and clerk- road., Greg Holmes, Bill Irwin and winner of the draw and a treasurer trailed out of the At the intersection of Dean -Ryan spent a week's pleasinglunch was served by meeting at 1:15 a.m. Wed- County Road 3 the car was holiday in Nassau, Bahamas. the January group. • nesday morning following a waiting again. Imagine my No swimming - water tem- , + + + late- session, they were rudely relief, and surprise when perature a mere 61/degrees. A quote from the met by a swirling snowstorm.- Tuckersm ith clerk J im + + + . Springfield Union and When the reporter went McIntosh emerged from the Miss Heather McAdam has Republican: "Before you through snow -up to her knees swirling snow around his car. returned to the University of flare up at anyone's faults, getting to, her car, she knew "I thought it was you Ottawa after spending the take time_to count ten - - - -- of she was in for a rough trip following me. said the clerk holidayswith her parents, your own. ' th oing to who lives on the second home. wiLn Egmondville or Seaforth it concession. And I was sup-, was arranged that the posed to be following Coun- member of -council would lead c lor Cleave Coombs of the way withthe press in the Egmondville!! "I see Allan Nitholson's Police re ort Clinton police are in- vestigating a theftwhich took place New Year's Eve in the Elrn Haven parking lot. A tape player worth 540. two speakers worth 520 and a tape box worth $18 -belonging to Larry Heaman, RR 2, Ailsa Craig were stolen from his —.car sometime between 9 and 12:30.New Year's Eve. A window on the passenger side of the car was broken as well. An axident on January 3, at 7:-/5 p.m. cadged 5900 damage to one car and 5300 damage to another. Alex MacDonald of 40 West Street. .Goderic.h was %nor- thbound on Victoria Street as • was Ronald L. Miller of RR 2, Staffa- Mr. Miller indicated a left hand turn onto Cutter street. As *he was turning, -Mr. MacDonald, who was behind Miller, 'struck the left side of the Miller vehicle. causing 8900 damage. The chief of police .L.A. Westlake has issued a war- ning on parking: BOYS'S; GIRLS"- SIZES 2-18 • LONG SLEEVE followedy • corning " he said as he , "Tickets are being issued for any cars parked on any superintendent in his big truck- street in Clinton between the township truck taking . vralked back to speak to him. hours of 12 midnight and 8 toWnship roads "which are He returned to say "County a.m. This is in effect until better plowed than county Road looks bad. Your best bet March 31." roads". •to get home would be to follow The chief alsd-stated that In the confusion of getting me through the township , effective February 1, anyone the car cleaned of snow. and roads to the second con- found not wearing a seatbelt, getting stuck, the reporter cession and follow it into which includes the shoulder finally got going after a slow (=tinned on page 4) strap if the car has one, shall start and followed a car down be charged. ,. • Only those people who hold a certificate signed by a legally qualified medical practitioner certifying that the person is unable to wear one for medical reasons, or who is actually engaged in work which requires him to alight from - and re-enter a motor vehicle at frequent intervals and who, while engaged in such work, does not drive or travel in that vehicle at a speed exceeding 25 miles an hour, shall be exempted from this law. Anyone driving a motor vehicle in reverse is also exempt. BOYSt-SECONDS SIZES 3-6X - COTTON • LEISURE SUITS EAcHs6.97 PRINT CORDUROYS, , $137 yD ASSORTEDn. ER It WOOL CHECKS $1,57 If SPECIAL 111,• E $ 1 it 97 DOUBLE Li TWIN—QUILTED mil !II. 11 am= it iiiiimillii2111111111.1111.111111111111111111111511.11.111111 Mary's ONCE A YEAR SALE up to 40 % off All winter fabrics , in Stock Datable Knits • Wool Blends • Wiled & Plola Velvets* Polyester Satins* Cotton Prints 'Printed Terry • DON'T WAIT Nowis the time to Stop Mary's Sewing Centre Clinton WE KNOW THE VALUE OF OUR PRODUCT! STORE—WIDE DISCOUNT ON ALL 1 0% 0111 OTHER MERCHANDISE Reprints must be ordered in January Many makes and models to choose from in straight stitch, semi and fully automatic plus a variety of good used machines. ..... Jajoutry seLeSpecisil DELUXE ZIGZAG that embroiders, makes button holes. sews on buttons. darns and overcasts (no at ta-chrrients needed) for as tow as • CASE BX -TRA A$so an additional 10 percent off for reprsnts per negative- Just give us a date it picture was published. and we'll *to the rest. "Pictures" CLINTON NEWS -RECORD P"O BOX 39 CLINTON. ONTARIO • "The Shire that Sivas Yee Mere" MEN'S—BOYS—LADIES—GIRLS BABY WEAR YARD GOODS— FURNITURE—MATTRESSES— PAINT—SEWING, MACHINES -SMALL APPLIANCES, -,LAMPS Monday • Thursday 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Friday It a.m. 9 p.m* Saturday 9 a.m. • 6 p.m. Sunday Hagh w y 4 - Sot...1(th (.-A Chm(rm at V one0'0