Clinton News-Record, 1976-01-01, Page 9NEWS -RE
AY,,IANDARY 1.11/1114Affit
rs. WIlIjatj Whetstone -,i
Wdliarn Rodger, -• Warren,
dth David, Vtckie, NeiI and Sheila
RR1 Au ,; Mr.andMrs,
eith r, Robbiet Lisa,
cott and Shawn of RR 2
Mr*. AUan Reed Auburn; Mr- and Mrs Clare.
HensaII, Mr Fred Seers, Rodger and Kathy of
G�derich, Mr, and Mr*. goderich and 'Mr, and Mrs.
Donald Stewart and Patti �R Williain ffelesic. Patti- and
Teeswater, Ronald Stewart, Paul and Mr. Susil
of -London, anMes, of Owen Weerasoorlya of. Goderich.
Sound* Mr, and - Mr.'Gary_ Rodger was a
Raymond Wright of Wingham patient inuniversity hospital,
and Mr. and 'Mrs, Jim Oke. London where he underwent
Gary, Cathy and Vickie of surgery recently. He is 0*-
,Ooderieh, pected home on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mr. and Mrs. James-Towe
Cartwright, David, 'Derrick spent the holiday in London
and Lorie spent *Christmas with their family, Mr. and
Day, with her father, Mr. Mrs. 3.11. Towe and family
William Ringer and Miss and Mr. and Mrs. Al Plant
Carol Rueger, RR 2 Clint** and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Christmas Day and holiday
Jarditt and Mrs. Elva guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Straughan spent Christmas Thomas Haggitt and Mr.,
season with Mrs. Bonnie Stephen Haggitt -were Mr.
Armour and Miss Julie at and Mrs. Clifford Brown and
Waterloo. Philip of Goderich, Miss
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Shelley -Haggitt, Zurich, Mr.
Livermore and family of and <Mrs. Kenneth Haggitt
Fordwich and Mr. and Mrs. Greg and Richard ' of
Ed Haines of Niagara Falls, Bramalea.
spent Boxing Day with Mr. Mr.. Eldo Hildebrand of
and Mrs. Donald Haines, Whiteorse; Yukon and Miss
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Joanna Kooy of Red Deer,
Anderson, Miss Nancy Alberta ' spent the holiday'
Anderson and Mr. -William with Mr. and Mrs. John
Anderson of London and Mrs. Hildebrand and family:
Albert McFarlane spent Mr. T.D. Anderson of North
Christmas Day with Mr. and Bay and Ms. Loraine
Mrs. Worthy Fowler and Anderson of Toronto and Mrs.
family at Goderich. Worthy Fowler visited on
Mr. and Mrs. Maitland
Allen. and Mr. William J.
.Craig were guests on
Christmas Day with Mr. and
Mrs. William S. Craig and Sunday school room was
family atClinton. filled to capacity for the
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Craig annual Christmas concert.
spent the < holiday in Oshawa Ron Hallam, the superin-
with her sister, Miss Jean tendent was chairman for the
Hamilton. • program. A film, A Stranger
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mdnnis for Christmas was followed
and family of London spent by a sing -song and a welcome
Christmas Day with her recitation by Dennis
sister, Mrs. Gordon Powell, Schneider. The nursery class
Mr. Powell and family. with Mrs. _ Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. George Archambault and Mrs.
Walker of Belgrave and Mr. Wayne Minim sang - two
William A. Humphrey of St. songs. The pre-primary class
Helens visited last Saturday with Mrs. James Schneider
with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Gerald McDowell
Johnston and Miss Laura gave a ntlinber and the
Phillips. Primary class gave a play,
Mrs. Harry Arthur visited Christmas is a miracle.
last Saturday with her Janice Daer accompanied
parents Mr. and Mrs. Elmer them for their song on the
"piano. Theitinlot.
Guests on Christmas Day choral reading. Santa arrived
.with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson as all sang Jingle Bells.
to, Mr, and
lit Gordon
Larne Daer and
ee f Wooditok.
and *Mrs. Allan
all and Angie and
ehhie Wills of Sudbury
t the holiday with his
Ls Mr. and Mrs. "Ken-
- cDougall-
Mr tmd-Mrs, RoyAlison-of
oronto and Mr. i'obn
• ilton of Ottawa spent the
With Mr: and Mrs..
Mr. and Mrs. William
'Andrews, Michael and Shawn
spent Christmas with her
Parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.K.
'Addy at Lucknow.
Visitors with Mr. and Mri.
Major Youngblut over the
Christmas season were Miss
Betty Youngblut, Mr, Stewart
Youngblut and - Mr. Lynn
YoUngblut, all of Toronto, Mr.
And Mrs. Alan Rush and Mr.
and Mrs. RichardBellefeuille
and Trent of Waterloo, Mr.
and Mrs. Sheldon Warren and
Justin of London, Mrs.
arjorie Canton of, Sarnia,
r. and Mrs. Donald Smith,
Heather and Paul of Monkton
and - Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
Youngblut, Darryl, Kendra
--and Shivon trillyth and Mr.
Bruce Youngblut of RR I
- Christmas Day guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson
-Were Mr: and Mrs. Keith
Robinson.- KimandKarie of -
Newmarket, Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Beattie, Wingb,am
• and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Beattie of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Daer,
Janice, Jamie and Julie
moved last week to their
home on RR 1 Auburn.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Adams, Clinton and Mr. and
Mrs. Don Jardine of St.
Marys spent Christmas Day
with Mrs. Beth Lansing.
Mr. and Mrs. George Curts,
RR 3 Thedford, Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Richter Arkona, Mrs.
Mary Dalton and family of
Thedford and Miss Jean
Deemer of Kincardine visited
Christmas Day with Mr. and
Saturday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Oliver Anderson
and family.
Knox United Church
• .6
• ‘
- " 1, .4 $01, lb 411
0 ,
4, . * ter51* our friends, at this happy time of the
4,1: year. May the New Year hold for you
hirning in with our wishes for you,
„ • "4"
to* "' •
11' • •
all . . . GOOD TIMES . . . GOOD
From all of us at
Hardware Clinton( Home
24 Albert St*, Clinton 482,4023
Th. Winners of our ehristmo prowl
+ Vera Pviestap
+ Kathy Phillips
Otols Irwin
Each won 330 worth
of- Merchandise
W*terthe Oa.
Agriculture and, •
4 a VadetY of One
nd two°dayShort courses ort
OPICa ot interest to the
agricultural COmmnnity. TOR*
quality fostioctioi, an in
formal setting and ample
opportunity for practical
discussion 001,kta each course
a pleasant and rewarding
eXPerenee. . •
The following coarses are
being Offered- at Centralia •
College of Agricultural,
TechnOlogy,- apply now for
the coOrSe. Or courses of in-
terest to you,:
Insurance, January 6(1976 -
how much and. what type do
farrners needfor adequate •
,S0144 Herd Management,
January .14,1976 • how to raise
more pigs per sow per Year;
.discussion on solving
problems with sow breeding,
farrowing, and baby pig
mortality; the economics of
farrow to finish vs. weaner
Feeder Pig Management,
January 15, 1976 - buy
weaners or raise your own?
also discuss starting weaner
jugs and ne0i icteasin Nader
2t1161:1494:41°P- gperrtah:cttlira:'uperarri:Vtare-M1 11;
and maintenance of yen -
Motion systems Will be
discussed and
Beef Cow -Calf -
Management - January 27,
1976 - a tour to a beef cow -calf
farm plus discussion on
feedingandIeaPh71 agr problems I et) sand
redueinl calf losses.
Beef Feedlot, Management -
January 28, 1976 - after a visit
to a beef feedlot, aprogram to
discuss supplementing home
grown feeds and feed bunk
management; a market
outlook for • beef will be
• New Ideas in Soil Tillage -
February 4-5, 1976 - the latest
concepts in soil tillage
equipment and their ,use. in
good soil management
Arrangements and Estate
Planning - February 11-12,
1976 - how to use different
agreements and
arrangements in farm
ent and
°restate, .
Farm. Financial
.,..litaternertts February IS,
IsTS a course for young or
beginnitur -tamers on using
various' financial statements.
for • obtaining-Preit and for
farm management.
Farm Bookkeeping
Practices - February25, 1076 -
a discussion of practices •that
,will make any record system
work better. "
Selecting Dairy Cattle -
February 26, 1976. - what to
look for when buying cows or
heifers or when keeping
heifers from your own herd;
how to compare and choose
A.I. bulls.
• ronin Labour Management
- March 3, 1976 - a co re for -
<farmers. who esapitty -farm
taboui. The employer-
employee working
relationship. working con-
ditions, -time-off, com-
pensation, etc.
The cost is 44.60 per day.
Meals and IiiniWd overnight
accommodation are available
at the college.
For further information,
contact your county
agricultural extension office
of Centralia College of
Agricultural Technology for a
descriptive leaflet and ap-
plication form.
To Apply. complete and
return the application, form
Agricultural Short Course,
Centralia College, Huron
Park, Ontario. NOM 1Y0
New minister of Agriculture
at UCO's annual banquet
Bill Newman, Ontario's
newly appointed -minister of
agriculture, greeted over
1,000 people at a banquet
concluding United
operatives of Ontario's 28th
Annual Meeting at the Royal
York Hotel on December 11.
Record assets and the
merger of three local co-
operatives with UCO
-highlighted the 1974-75 year
review at the business
meeting attended by 391
elected delegates.
UCO's assets increased 16.5 -
percent to a record of $99.4
million this year due to new
building, expansions and
Modernization of old facilities
to better service the needs of
an increasing membership.
Themerger of Ancaster Co-
operative, Oldcastle Co-
operative and Wiarton
DistricvOO:operative beings
to 69 the number that have
merged in the ten years since
UCO w s
merger program a
Sales were up from $230.5
niitlion" to $258.4 million,
representing a 12.1 percent
increase over 1974. Net
savings for the year were $7.1
million before taxes and
'patronage, a decline of 16.6
percent from last year.
-This year UCO is returning
to its members $4.1 million in
the form of patronage refund,
one third in cash and two
thirds in common shares.
UCQ's • B9ard of Directors
authofized a cash redemption
of $425,000 to members
holding 1965 series common
e wish you joy and
sknity, happy heaQrts
and happy hones
all through
coming year .
Phon• 02-9511
Clinton. Ontivin
To all -our patrons and
friends. . . May your New Year
be as wonderful as you are!,
Hiltillit___EVS FEED MILL
30 raY $T., GUNTON, 482-9792
goa,on a
good year, we look forward to one
even better, shared with our friends.
Miss Margaret O'Brien _---- Secretary
Miss Joan Taylor —. Computer operator
Mrs. Colleen Chambers --Clerk-cashier
Mrs. Joyce Jenkins --__— Clerk -cashier
Mrs. Sally Rathwell Clerk -typist
Miss Frances Rehorst _--- Clerk -cashier
Miss Pat Hellinga Clerk -cashier
Mrs. Moranne Duddy --- Computer operator
Mr. Steven Tyndall_ Assistant Treasurer
Mr. Clifford Parker Loan Officer
Mr. Andrew Peterson Treasurer
Mr. Donald Jefferson _-- Loan Officer
Mr. Fred Gibson Manager
Clinton Community
Credit Union Limited
70 Ontario St.
482-3467 •
January is Sale Month at firniture World.
While many stores are -offering the time worn
Januarif astarance Sale - Furniture World offers
the'latest styles - up -to date fashions at
8 —
g r
041444 ; .0.711:
A llasotifol 3 piste livhig /mit
includes sofa, chair, ottoman.
5174 99
Nossag springConstrue-
S$00 nik atm -kiln dried hard.
0 ow' wood frames—front
° mounted ball casters
• .
Sinsesti 'MO ". 040111.4„.: