The Exeter Times, 1886-7-8, Page 41 N,ET a:l;l , liU tl Iz ala s ad every �.hura tw morn ti ,#rt 1• p y 1 i #� TIMES STEAM PIIITIN+ HOUSE 1ff0A- txoot l>,e.#i•�'1,� gProSitQ .FlttO B Jeweler " Stare,ela:etex,Q :,by'Johe,WhitectiSoil l'ro- prtetora. nA11rla. on 1refnllxrai$fi t`itatinsertOn, pe? ,)tile, 34 saute, Oneli subsequent insertion, per line,,...:scents. o insure :insertion, a,dvertisenienta shoald be. sent inuotlaterthan, Wednesday zuoruiu; Ourdoat PRINTING DEPARTMENT'is one of the largest and best equipped in the 0 panty of Rureu, AU work entrusted, to us •tviil reoaiv our prompt attention Tait pp.,ptla nl* Ont' ontA001 ora I1114: weelt writing for 8rd plass certificates and live for high school entrahcei ) op o pupil wrote on th.o. 4Pnirt. oleos e ain ivatien 1444 week. The.kresbyterian pit?nlo QuJ.st. was 4 great 04110014, 4 large crowd was )present. The gross receipt a,ntounted oover 1d7, go ell_ e t addresses es were, delivered by Revs, Bafl, Grana,, o, lay, Burns sad liawiltou, Rev, Mr, Burne, of Toronto, agent for I uox Toronto, B College, preached in the k'reebyterian Church last Sunday, Decisions iegrtrclic News.. papers. ++,, Usborne, Any person whetakesa pa ere egularlyfrom a e direr) ed zlii a thepast-et-Bee,wh t?1 r ire tz s name or another's, or whether; lie has subscribed or not zatrosponsible forpayi oot- 2 if aperstan ardars lits paper discontinued ne must pay all al rears or the publisher may continue to send it until the payment is made, and then eoUout the whole amount, whether i bo aper is taken from the office or not. a p7[u aunts tar subsol iptiorls, the suit ms,y be instituted in the place where the paper is pub• fished, although the subsaribor may reside hundreds of miles away. 4 The courts have decided that refusing to *eke newspapers or peziodioals from the post - office, or removing and leaving then uuaalled for is prima faeie evidence of intentional fraud �'k1e = refer irises. THUeRDAY, JULY 8th 1886. IMIT0rt.1r, NOT/1:S. THI; placing of au export duty on loge continues to vex the lumber.meu, they threaten not to bay any more timber in this countty. We have not much timber to epare, and when they want it they will have to purobaae whether they like' doing so or nob ; the two dollars per thousand tax will not prevent them from doming in the best and cheapest marmot. THE Dominion Government is said to !lave decided upou a policy for the relief of the shareholders in the col- onization companies. It is under• stood the settlement will be carried out on the basis of award of laud. at the rate of $2 per acre to those coin- panies which have not fulfilled the conditions of the G-overureut respect- ing the placing of farmers on their respective limits. Companies which expended mousy in selling their lauds and which took steps to promote im- migration, will be more liberally dealt with. They will have refunded in land at tbe rate of $2 per acre the amount of cash they sunk in various enterprises. Due allowance will also be made for expenses incurred in other improvements. ROUND THE COUNTRY. Daslisv ooa. Justus Treumner, who, it was mentioned last week as being in a critical state, has passed away to join the ever iucreasiug mejority beyond the great river. He was highly resile 3ted by all with whom he was acquainted. PERSONAL—;lir. Wm. Kroft and family, of this place, left for Dakota on Tuesday.—Mr. B. A, Bean, teacher of Platteville school is spending his vacation heie.—Dr. Seigler, of Berlin, is visiting Mr. Noah Fried of Dash- wood.—A. pbienologist has been here the past week examining the bumps of our people. Lucan. Mrs. Jane Wright, of Luean has had warrents issued from London for the arrest of James Howie and John Neil ou a charge of attempted house breaking. Mrs. Wright says that a couple of nights since two men at- tempted to force their way into her )rouse by prying open a window. They were partly in before she arrived on the scene with an axe, and threatened to use it ou them. They told her if she interferred they would shoot her. Nothing daunted,. however, she pro- ceeded to fiouriab liar axe, and they got frightened and fled. She then cent for, a constable, who followed and arrested both men. She further etates that the next day (July 1) the Reeve of Liman liberated the men from the look -up. Kirkton. (lleeoived too late for last issue,) Piano—The picnic .held in Ellering. tan's grove, Lumley, on the 25th ult., was a perfect success. l,he forenoon Was gloomy and showery; but in the afternoon the clouds cleared away and the sun shone brightly. , About two o'clock the crowd upon the grounds was immense and increased rapidly until about four o'clock, Baskets overflowing with good things einem - ponied each group that came upon the scene, and the quality of the eat- ables reflects credit upon the fair sex of the locality. The Exeter baud was present, and rendered choice selections of music at euitable times throughout the whole afternoon, and added much to the enjoyment of the spectators ; and Exeter should be proud at being capable of furnishing so much musical talent. Games of foot -ball and of base -ball were played, and did much to enliven the proceed- ings. Messrs. Jas. Ferguson and H. Brown, had tents elected, and sup- plied refreshments of endless varieties. It is scarcely necessary to Guy that all were exceedingly well pleased with the day's sport, for they gave signifi- cant proof of their satisfaction by the tardiness with which they left the grounds. As the people left, for their respective homer:, they cast a Iinger•- ing took behind, and seemed to wish that the day could be prolonged for at least a few more hours. )fay Lutnley still continue to keep up its reputation as the place for successful picnics Anderson. Mr. John Stevens has built an addition to his barn. Dominion Day was spent by the most of the people here, at the straw• berry festival at Kirkton. Harvesting has been begun by some farmers and mostly all have finished haying. Hay is not as good a crop as last year, but wheat is fairly good. &Ir. William Highot, of the town. line, is at present suffering from a severe attack of congestion of the lungs. We hope soon to be able to report his recovery. Rev. Mr. Hall. preached his intro- ductery eertnon in Anderson Church last Sabbath morning, to a large con- gregation, who listened attentively. The Rev. gentleman left a good im- pression on his hearers, and it is con- fidently anticipated that his labors will be crowned with success on this circuit. Mr. John M. Robinson, of Bloom- ing Hill Farm, has just completed one of the finest foundations under his barn that can he found in this township. !1r. R., will now have ample stabling for all his stock, of which he has a lot, and first class, too. The mason who did the worlr, was Mr. John Anderson, who knows how to do a job in a substantial and workmanlike style. Eliinvltte. The strawberry festival in connec tion with the Elimville S. S. was a decided success, 1tev. J. W. Holmes, preached his first sermons on the Usborne oircuie last Sunday. 11Ir. James Snell, of the front road, has purohaeed. the Liddicott farm, lot 15, cou. 7, and has commenced work thereon. Interesting sermons were preached on June 27th, in the morning by Rev. W. H. Butt, of St. Johns, in the eveu- ic b Rev: C. I+'letchei g y In the 1\Ir. P. O'Brien has just erected a afternoon a public review of the school frame stable on his new lot in the was conduoled by the supt., after which Rev. W. II. Butt addressed the village. school. On the following Thureday4 Farmers are busy tit the hay. a very successful festival was hold. Thoughough the crop is light it is being Addressee were delivered by Revs. D. stored away in excellent order. The Methodist S, S. strawberry festival, .held on Dominion Day, was most successful, $132.00 beiug real. ized. Mr. Nathan Doupe took a run up to Lucknow on the let, and won three second prizes at the Caledonian games. Not so bad for a non-profes• sional ? The Battle of the Boyne is to be celebratedin Kirkton in a right loyal manner. Seven oe eight lodges will follewe take part in the celebretion. A. host , 1�. 1- of upsa tet s have been secure , ea e M. Kennedy, W. (berme and W. S. Pascoe. Singing by the school and Rev. Mr. Stacey, of London. Pro. fessor Brown was unable to attend on account of illness. The proceeds amounted to about $70. On Saturday evening last a base ball match was played here between a poked nine from Kirkton, Wood- burn, Anderson, Lucian, &e., and the home club, resulting in a victory f the former. The score stood as The colArt: for the cal revitfien of She Usborne' Voters" lists for Domit,iott election wa�a� held ail the teewnsleij t' hall t rlla 1 Rt a, o S e .5t ill s.4 0 -- l�� h Q etdering the taped hair weather and the busy spawn, (little a, number turned out.�to look after the interests of their s t` e of � a parties, e r e 1 s, $ e- l? p4 eslti s the r gular officials' of the Ot tint, Messrs. H A, L. White'end W. C. Moserip bar. more, of St. Marys, were present to support the olaime of the Conserva- tives and Reformers, respectively. A. great litany appeals for amendments and additions to the list were hoard and. disposed of ill a very sattsfactory manner, 15 Conservatives and 5 Re- formers added, 10 Ooueervatives and 15 Reformers struck off. Altogether, as well as known, by the final revision, the first additions, and those made at preliminary revision, the Conserva- tives have made a gain of about 80 votes in the township. This result cannot be attributed to the politica bias of the. Revising Officer as the Op- ponents throughoutthe country gen- erally say, but to the well known fact that the Conseryative element largely ptedomivates among the corn• ing voters. Usborne Council. The Council met at the township hall pursuant to adjournment, on 3rd lust. All the members present. Min- utes of. previous meeting read and confirmed. The committee appointed at last meeting of council to examine the road allowance between lots 5 and 6, con. 5 and 6, reported the advisabil- ity of having said road alloy once sur yeyed before taking any further action with reference to expending moneythereon. Moved by R. Gardiner, seconded by J. Shier, that the report of the com- mittee meutioued above be adopted, and that the clerk be and is hereby instructed to notify Mr. Campbell the township Engineer, to make the sur- vey of said road allawance, and also to continue said survey eastward be tween lots 5 and 6, con. 7. The aforesaid survey to be made before the lst day of August next. --Carried. Moved by J. Shier, seconded by R. Gardiner, that after hearing the re- port of the committee appoiuted to examine Kydd's bridge, that the abut- ments and wings be repaired, it new superstructure built, and that the reeve, deputy -reeve and Jas. Halls, be appointed a committee to let coutract and superintend the carrying out of same. —Carried. Moved l;y J. Shier, seconded by H. Horney, that, whereas the coutrac- tors for the printing of the municipal- ity, owing to information from the Co. Judge relative to a cheuge in the form of the voters' lists, said change iucur- ring considerable extra expense, de- cline to be bound by their tender nn leers a consideration for the extra work be allowed ; be it therefore resolved that they be allowed the sum of $6 for said extra work.—Carried. Moved by J. Shier, seeouded by R. Gardiner, that the clerk be and is hereby instructed to correspond with the Managers of the Strathroy and Waterloo Poor Houses, to ascertain the charge for the keep of indigents sent from other municipalities.—Oar- Tied. lefeved byeR. Gardiner, seconded by J. Shier, that this Council grata to Wm. Earl the sum of $5 to expend for the benefits .of Tnos. Bennet,., an iodigeut.—Carried. Moved by J. biller, seconded by H. Horney, that Hire. Johns receive $5 for relief.—Carried. A. Carmichael was given $5 for re lief. Tae Council adjourned to Meet 1st Saturday of September, at 11 a. m, NEWS NOTES. Of an Interesting Character. Last week 279 emigrants entered the Northwest as follows :—Monday 2, Tuesday 31, Wednesday no train, Thursday 131, Friday 15, Saturday 19, Sunday 63. Of these 230 were teen, 60 women and 80 children. They were men with some means, who have had" enough of the UNited States. Nearly a thoneand itnlni grants left Moutreel yestetdey after- noon for Winnipeg, and will arrive here on Tuesday morning. --Free Pvess. Almon every person has Some form cf se:o• Was poison latent in his veins. When this poison developer in scrofulas sores. ulcers, or er:tptions, Alieumatistn, or organic diseases, tbe sufferiugis terrible. Hence the gratitude' �j n r�,,1''{� of those who discover that Ayer's Sasparilla UNDERTAKER, will eradicate this evil. e Maio eyes ere always In sympathy with ills ,the )spiry, ,.nt l Ilol l an: eXeellellt intro o its condition, '\Mien the eyes beeoul) weak, anti, the kis indatned,'ilnd sore, It is an ovidouoe that the sysbettl has Weenie disordered by Scrofula, Xat' which Ayer's Sarsaparilta is the best known remedy, Serofula, whielt produced a, painful irl- d:ruturation ill nt}° eyes, caused, Isle nick angering for a umber of yeas, By the advice of a physieiau.I eouuneneed tai*ins Ayer's Sarsaparilla, After using this )muteins :.r short thee I was eourpidely Gored. Xy eyes are now in a I)Jenclid condition, and 1 ani ne wolf and stroll^' as evor.— Mrs. Willianx Gage, Concord,` T. II. 1+'or a number of years 1 wes troubled with a hunger in urn eyes,, and Wyss unable to obtain any relief until '1 conruicnaod using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine has sheeted a complete cure, and 1 belleve it to be the best of blood puriliere. — C. E. Upton, Nashua, N. I1.. From childhood, and until within a few lrionths, 1 )cava been afflicted with Weak and Sore Eyes. I have used for these complaints, with beneficial results, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and consider it a great blood purifier. —Mrs. C. Phillips, Glover, Vt. I suffered for a year with inflanmia- tion iu my left eye. Three ulcers formed on the ball, depriving me of sight, and causing great pain. After trying many other remedies, to no purpose, I was finally induced to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, By Taking three bottles of this medicine, have been entirely curet). My sight has been re- stored, and there is no sign of inflamma- tion, sore, or ulcer in my eye,—Kendal T. Bowen, Sugar Tree Ridge, Ohio. My daughter, ten years old, was afflicted with Scrofulous Sore Eyes. Duriva the last: two years she never saw light ori any kind. Physicians of the highest standing exerted their skill, but with no permanent success. On the recommendation of a friend 1 purchased a bode of Ayer's Sar- saparilla, which my daughter commenced taking. Before she had used tlie third bottle her sight was restored, and she can now look steadily at a brilliant light with- out pain. Her cure is complete.—W. E. Sutherland, Evangelist, Shelby City, hy. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, )lass. Sold by all Druggists. Price $1; six bottles, $5. NATURNATURE'S PERFECT HEALTH E'S FOR Is impossible if the Di - CURE is impaired th CONSTIPATION, e Liver inactive, or the Bowels Constipated. Tarrant's 'Effervescent � Wee a ' veiled l� s '" Forty-one more iooes 'White muslius Twelve 111ure ieoes Gin Martis P Ginghams, One lot Ladies' Sunshades, 'One lo:Ioo Shirts and Bustles, One lot White and Colored Laces, din Flushes, Old Gold, Scarce Shades is , o 1, Bronze and Gold Brown. Those who have the Gash will find it pays to GO O .i. ., Sp Remnant Dress Goods and Prints,Ginghan'ts,&c., aE Clearing Prices ; Great value in All -wool Tweeds from 36 cts. up ; a splendid White Shirt for 60 cts. ; White Vests to order ; Suits to order: ; A big line of Light Ties for Summer Wear, correct in Styles and Low in prices ; Latest Stand-up and Turn -down Collars, Cotton' Socks, Undercloth- ing, &c., &c„ AT RANTON BROTHERS' PRESERVING SUGARS, FRUIT JARS, TEAS AND COFFEES ALL NEW AND FRESH at RANTON BROS. I ']3utter anti Eggs taken in exchange. Since writing the above advertisement We have secured a big drive ill White Victoria Lawns --17 pieces to arrive Friday evening ; yal•cl wide, for 10e. up. ❑y EST Seltzer Aperient. To be Will euro Constipation, Sick Headache and Dys- pepsia. It regulates the bowels a.nd enables t. those of feeble digestion fi' to enjoy their food. It reduces Fever, Cools the Sick -Headache ((��pe� {{��QQ Blood. is invaluable in SiC11-11eadac11Y!Diseaseaanet as a ustry AND esteemed Aperient for DYSPEPSIA. Children. Economical. Reliable, )))scant, It should be found in every household. Sold by tlrtcigists everywhere. Manufactured only by TARRANT & CO., New York. 1. N THE HIGfl COURT O)! JUS - TlCL•', CHANGERY DIVISION. In the matter of the North Half of LOT NUMBER FOUR in the NINTH CON- CESSION of the TOWNSHIP OF US - BORNE, in the COUNTY OF .HURON. Notice is hereby gi"•on t'rttt William Taylor, of the 'township of Usborne, in the County of Huron, yeomati,ltas made an application to the Chancery Division of the High -'ourt of Justice, for a certificate o f title to the above mentioned property under the "Act for Quiet- ing Titles to Real, Estate iv. Ontario" and has produced evidence whereby Ito appears to be the owner thereof in fee simple, free from all incumbraucea. Wherefore any otker person! having or uretondin; to bare any title so or t interest in the s.,ad land or any part thareof, is requirocl, on. or before SATURDAY, the P51115LY.FIRSTDAY ofJULY,(now next en- suing to file a statement of his or her claim verified by affid:tvitin my office, in the Court House, in the Town of O oder_ch, in the C ounty of Huron. and to servo a copy on the said William Taylor or ou Lewis B. Dicksot:, his solicitor, at his office in the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron ; and in default every such claim will be barred and the title of the said William Taylor become absolute and in-. defensible at Law and in Equity, subject only to the reservations mentioned in the 17th Section of tri e said Act, therein mentioned and numbered one, two. three acrd four. Dated this 1751: day of.June, A.D., 1880. ft. tIALCOMS01�, Referee & Master at tlodorich. MACKINAC. The Moet Delightful SUMMER TOUR Palace Steamers. cow Hates Four Tripe per Week Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Every Week Day Between DETROIT AND . CLEVELAND Write for our "Picturesque Mackinac," illustrated. Contains Pull Particulars. Mailed 7:'ree. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nev. Co. C. D. W t-IITCOMB, GEN. PASO. AGT., DETROIT. .MICH. 301 -IN ER V7 , ••••- AGE N T S WANTED.--Stendy Etnployment to good men; None' need. e Previous oxllorienco not essential Wo pay either salary or eon-antssion. 100 smart men wanted at 0(100 to caatvass for tlao Salo of Camelia G}rowit Niir,;oy Stock. The 1'otit• hilltiiusories. Largest fit Canada; over X60 acres., Don't apply unless you can furnitih fast -class references and -want to work. No room fen last' then, but can employ any num- ber of euergetie men ho want -tVorlc. Address r STONE & WELLI1,rGTON, incur nsnmx, CABINET-MAKER, DWME uy AT THE LISII]3D" Bold at nook Bottom Prices, Wholesale and Retail Car Load of Cut and Wrought Nails and Spikes ; car load of German window Glass, Star, Diamond Star, Double Thick ; Car load of Binder Twine now on hand, Flax, Mixed & Pure Manilla, cheap for cash ; Car load Water Lim.e:,. .Calcine Plaster, Hair, Fire Brick and Clay ; Five car loac?s`of Iron and Steel, two and four barb, Buckthorn and Ribbon Wires; 25 car loads Blacksmiths', Chestnut, Stone and Soft Coals. (Order Binder Twine and Fall supply Coal early.) HARVEST TOOLS.—Spades, Forks, Rakes, ;Mowers, Reapers, Binders, Scythes Hay Forks, Ropes, Pullies, Machine Oils (all kinds.) IN BUILDERS' HARDIV gRR. —Rim, Mortise'aud Dead Locks, Hinges, Hand Saws, Sash Weights, a full line. IN CARRIAGE GOODS.—Patent Wheels, Conboy Tops, Bent Stuff', Trimmings and Dash Leathers, Muslin, Drills. Ducks, Oil Cloth, Buckram, Springs, axles, Circles, &c. IN PAINTS.—Elephant and James' Lead, Raw and Boiled English Oils, IReacly-macre Paints, Tubes, Colors, Transfers, Drop Blaek, Oak Varnish and Shellac. IN MILL SUPPLIES,—Asbestus, Jntes and'Hemp Packings ; Leal er ad Rubber Beltings, Rubber Hose. Files, Gauge Glasses, Pipe and Fittings, Angle and Globe Valves. . Above goods, having been bought at manufacturer's prices, will be sold cheap. JAS. P.ICJIARD PARIS GR EN IS DEATH to THE POTATO BUG -- : TO BE SURE:— BUT PURE PARIS GREEN IS SURE DEATH TO THE BUG, AND DOES NOT INJURE THE PLANT PUREPARIS GREEN ! SOLD AT so lorivvos DRUG. STORE! EXETER. At 30' , OW Gre r, lc r'hi Sale ROSIN As we are going to enlarge our premises to accommodate our rapidly increasing busi- cess, we will offer' A.T. COST the following lines : Scythes, Scythe Snaths, Steel Barley Forks;' Steel Hay Forks i 1V.l�.nure.l opts Boys' Forks Hoes, Shovels of all kinds) Spades, 2 & 4 Barbed wire, Or b idle,P i 1 h d t it ,tail -3, 8, 0, 0, 3.14 ti,lrtnvillo- 4, 1, 3, 0, (1 .8 abler Will be provided, and a good , .fter [lie match' a running race time generally,'May be'expectecl. o c wits arranged, between the Etrltton champion, Mr., Lyons and J'amen Granton Powell,t'f the Elirnville club, in which A garden social was gigen �at tyle,~ +iztmes Powell came in ahead elleh , r ire Rev. Mr, Stetheneon, Dr. Lang was the neXt in order and in this — Toronto, Ont. time. 'i'browtn the 'ghoulde etc CAUT_O., �I ,� "Clarke's on Monday evening, ix ,. Mr. Dort o. the Kirkton athlete who atid tb'. #1..- E. Murray, paid a visit to p th'e ntlilid school one day last week. leas won so tunny prizes this season; I took part, but .Wei: Potvell of the dt+er X50 worth of prizes were l distributed among the school pupils y ,l y. t Flume slab, t*n'ia n v(lr_ toy eta ".ii► . ,A 5's',v ries- :,ii,t evei'irrg was ,,L,anr. No,reI0E is hereby given, datitiening en rot• J1'4 ohaaing. or negotiating a note tnatlo by JohnVealin favor of arts George .13arna, the flame o )raving been obtn%ued under fat sa acid rratlulent representations, nate will oo contoHE- ad, the full vattto for the 40,11113 ut.t having been veeervod, as agreed upon. .80,t:I14 VEAL Walnut & Rosewood Caskets Buckthorn Fencing,, ee I zs, Plain wire,, Tarred X t1<ric:d Felt P.ler p , Plain Telt Paper —Pure ani li a ' rti dei- Also a full stock of General Building Hardware, consisting Of Nails, Locks, ) Hinges Glass,: Putty, White Lead, w R and b .,,. f: Boiled 011[E glish j rTttrpentine, &c,,, &e,, Stoves ailyd Tin- ovate a full stock �t t ousually low prices. Agents for the � Montross MY.ietallio,rbs Shingle Itoo£ir►g—a linht durable and Cheap roofing, suitable for dwellings and outbuildings where thero'is a quarter pitch or over. Have Trouohin : tl, Specialty. A:l.so Corms or Evrnv Besottrirrlo }. A Complete Stook of Robes St Trimmings iAhva s band FUNERALS.i URNISEED AND CON-' f DUCTED AT Low PATES. k o f Furniture MyStock tat t eis u excelled. tGIVE ME A CALL. G•.1';. J' • Call and see that 'we are advertising facts and NO SHAM.