Clinton News-Record, 1975-12-24, Page 23ttv ttiitet, t , tttjt, , rbt,'; ' gtO Or,pp 'PO ,PLP 4P,P,PIAPPhilr, kr tre eszoi cflctiw evety j.ant ore teirke 'corrt 41,11$ eOrt anything quya. ear .students. are excempany the vetan4tbey may weU be t t,Ts who are more interes ansalt anmat preetice that in pigs. 'Conceivably she rnight rotas all the students who are in- Om 4on on h v pigs,, ohnson1 a ort ieep The evergreen Christmas tree safe with inteltigent use, cart present a serious tiro if improperly ban- dte4 The ditterenc.e lies in tee' trees moisture content 4 CORditi over which you haVe a surprstng degree of control There are three simple steps to safe en- ,loyment of your favourite tree: Don't purchase a tree that has dried out. Trees that are too dry have brittle branches that shed needles easily. Test twigs and needles far flexibility. + Store tree outdoors. preferably under shade. until .000 totem4 , er P413toteg$, eet4r44* veteririak real4t" On SWIM* he expUirw see ei whick secOnd and thLr saict In an filtWir011tatitintat rbegliettl*MITSCh *elf- Learn Lot about swine because their surroundipg. art crActa1 to their heallt. Here the prospective vet$ learn about herd management including tAt sled „ reSiP , 44 fittgirk 4vetg W it is to be usedif it must be stored indoors, recut butt and immerse in water. Maintain water supply. + When tree Is to be erected. -recut butt diagonally. Stand tree in water and maintain water supply tor duration of trees use. . A tree handled in this manner will achieve a moisture content equal to, and in many cases greater than. its moisture content when cut. and will stay fresh. green and safe through the Christmas season. Two Important Limitations The effectiveness of butt 14_ Bringing old fashioned joys to warm your heart at christmastide. Our gratitude for your support. Jerry Cox THE RAD SHOP Byfield Rd. Clinton (attlace nt to H. Lobb & Sons) 41124393 C1IRJSTMAS REEF] Niqs As the Three Wise Men brought gMs to the Manger, so may this holiday season bring to you peace and joy, To aur customers and friends, out greet- ings, good wishes and grateful thanks. • immersion bas two important limitations: + A tree whose moisture content ttas dropped to a critical point twfore im- mersion will not recover. but will continue to dry out, even when standing in water. Cheek tree again tor flexibility 24 hours after erecting. 0 there is any sign of lessened flexibility in needles or twigsthe tree should be removed. + Even a tree with 100 percent moisture content will not withstand a complete ring of flames at its base, A quantity of highly com- bustible material. such as tissue -wrapped gifts, presents a fire hazard in itself from which the tree, and many household furnishings. will not be immune. To complete our Christmas tree fire safety program, use only lighting equipment bearing the Canadian Standards Association label of approval, and make sure every wire and socket is in proper working order. , finally, use only decorations -Ma.4(1,19!,Pq11*-`90.1.4- 141.urte 9r a p Oro d material. Use of a fire -retardant chemical spray an' your tree is no substitute for butt im- mersion. and is not recom- mended. recommeniIea ive.days spezt stiymg. The 00444 ma$ sperd Me days -visiting pig tartMe but them %tuft, the animals Wree„.- , titer were, au4 byhat they , conf, sejti the4uio. on pi nd. VdtdrkRigi4.411.4ti t rrtee,ttegt, be* Dr. kt Or. Johnson 4 , n*ther .topic reported trpnt eeting was a serious fli}tfleflt. of A. members talked about siek atitM41$ being seld through salesharns. The A -Sit.% esrsesa.Avs of Canton AppenzellAusserhoden. Eastern Switzerland, such as this one is among the most striking of the figures which clang hells and wear mag- nificent headdmses and masks tis they frolic around in large or nall groups demanding 1110111.0 from onlookers. Wearing artists headgear often resembling Mime work or depicting houses or entire lamiscapes, their name. "Silresterkkom" is an allusion to St. Nicholas. Photo courtesy Swiss National Tourist Office. HeiRsjour Newt. eattlund Schoolboy conversation': "My dad wants .me- to have everything he didn't have when he was young. . . like all A's on my report card." easiness and Professional Directory OPTOMETRY I.E. LONGSTAFf OPTOMETRIST CUNTON-MON. ONLY , 20 ISAAC ST. 4024010 SEAFORTH *MANCE OF WEEK GOVENLOCK ST. 5274240 R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The SWAIM GOLIERICH S24141141 SOX 1033 212 JAMES ST. HELEN R. TENCH . 1.11 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT TEL. 4024002 CLINTON ONTARIO NORM WHITING 1JCENSED AUCTIONEER a APPRAISER Prompt. Courteous. Efficient ANY nroe.,.Arri SIZE. ANYWHERE We give complete sate • eervIca PROFIT ev EXPERIENCE Phone Collect Milne DMA DIESEL PUMP, and INICIORM C4*pikited POT All Popular Ma)te* , Huron Suet Injection Equipment 58044 119 Cilioonw402.7071 INSURANCE 41111111111111111111111 K.W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE a REAL ESTATE Phone*: Office 4424747 Res. 44241041 HAL HARTLEY Phone 412.3IX3 JOHN WISE GENERAL INSURANCE - GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS Clinton MCC 4$2.9014 Rae: 44242N IRYAN (AVIS INSURANCE Gaul end Ute Office: 10 King St 41241310 Residence: 301I MO St 4124147 iiiIMMINIMMOMMIIMMOINEMPINIMINIIIINIMMOMMOM ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Fitt Alr4destet Akintimoi. Ooote and Windows and AWNINGS end RAILINGS JERVIS SALES RL Jeivie.da Albert St ClIntoti.41124390 Ibutit& V�/den CHAttlIttO ACCIUNTANTS 39 West Street Gado**, Onthirt0 Office - 524.2011 P.O. ticx 307 Iiatiokart, ICeity, -big atilt Ca Chart4tract Accountants 2411 Main Si.. Emmet ARTHUR W. READ Realsiant Pomo WS. 2354120 ' RES. 235.11015 , 20 LAO. Vdtaatfb S. the anima griei "W. themr some diseases said. buyer beware whoa buyiNi; 414. animal "A WO the time youeouldbe buying, someone etse's, problem," he said an family wtstt ail thew customers ettefid Oristass and a Hwy iktiv hot Amtiet. Tees A WAIM404Vtt riee. 24 I* 4 0‘1111401, Mgt li- OMR** OA* OPMS by& Mi- WOW OA* lk t* 14,4* Remember elm LSO, and-Alat Factory Outfit Si* ends Cierfe m4s 040. tom tteso clogemet, ittat,..ta, at ta,atts,,att. tat at, atta, att at,arat% ,at ,at tatao„, • Id ay peace and ley fill your heart and home this Christmas. Thank you for ° lettillg us share your warmth. Albert St. Clinton 4024321 David Beattie--Gtorge Beattie -George Campbell -Steve Wilkinson , May the magic of Christmas unfold within your heart and home • bringing special joys and remembrances. As this season of love and cheer arrives we extend warm wishes for a truly happy holiday. Sincere thanks. Noah Marguerigtha Zeeman, Mary Sutter, Pauline Marlatt 24 Albeit Clinton 482ZO ,,