HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-7-8, Page 3F.LIIVER t&� C
Oougoateti Btaiuo.'
Our article ie suggested by one In the
Lancet on. "The Wear and Tear of London.
Ike," and: we shall appropriate same of its
I3rain-work, even le its highelet forms,
involvem purely physical arts ae truly 40
does that of the mueaioe or the stomach.
Excessive thought means cerebral hyper•
Minim as inevitably as memos in the nee of a
gaetric stimulant weans active oongeotion
in the mucous membrano of the demote;
and just tie habitual excessive use too irate
ting food and drink may inducepaasiv
congestion in the intervals, or as the sequel
of active oongestion of the gastric organ, so
may too perstotout and exoeseive brainwork
tend to the production of a chronic engorge
meet of the vessels of the euoepbalon" (the
brain), " with whatever that physioial foot
involves or entails." A perfect similarity
of law governs the development of disorders
of brain and body.
Now, as come have inherited a weak mus-
oular system, and others a feeble digoation,
eo still otU;e perhaps in same, respects
brlllient, h' a a.congenital inability for
considerable or prolonged brain - work, r d w rk and
are almost sae to be injured by a, oontlnuod
The times domend in this country, even
mare than in Vegland, that brain workers
should have a large reserve of energy, ani a
capacity for producing forge almost indef-
initely, to meet the demands of exceptional
In our country many enter the profeeeione
who are naturally equal to routine work,
but are wholly unequal to the strains of own.
petition and to the multiplied and varied
demands which so oharaoterieo cur times.
They constantly and parfcuely strike the
limite of their congenital capacity. It le
eq.atly se in mercantile life. Not a few,
who are equal to a email business find eut
that they wore net equal to a large one
only after both phyeioal and financial fail.
nre. It is only lees ao in many other forme
of business. Thousands attempt more than
they are renal togekhe continual preeaure of -
which remits in nervone exhaustion,
Somewhat akin to these are teaohere In
our common schools. The early stages of
every profession and business make peculiar
demands on the nervous force. And yet
thousands enter the teaohing prefeeeion ,who
do not intend to remain in it. They stay
just long enough to be overworked, and to
be injured -in many caeca for life.
So, also, our politioal system constantly
brings forward new men who mutt fit
themeelves for new and difficult duties at
an immense ooet to the brain. The present
physical condition of some of our public
men ie simply a prominent illustration of
this fact.
One lifiau'e lifsnee Taken rival it-A,lltelfer
that It tildes Many BJofe.
,Slime the lad}ling neer San Auttapto, Tex
of Utilted Staten Mouthed Goeling by the
Pitta Gang of deoperadoee last year iaok
teems to havebeeu against theme outlaws,
Old Grandma Drowns was with theg .art
on the train at the time that Gosling was
murdered, and in the melee the* followed
she received a fatal wound. U to hat
time mho had oxeroiaed a wonderful influence
over the gang, adjusting their quarrels and
• generally making peaoe among them, Oae
o of the Pittees was Wee killed at the same
r time, and Yeager, a member of the murder.
Duo band, has since been sent to prison for
a long term. As the eurviving outlawe
have been quarrelling of late it surprised no
one a few earl ago, when the Sootte, father
and son, Dame to town and gave informs.
tion where one of tb.e. Brannon/ Coad be
found. Om)ere went in eearoh of the
desperado, found him at work in the field,
and killed him as he was resisting arrest.
This brought Cal Brannon, a brother, tp
the front thirsting for revenge, and he, in
the oouree of an interview with the pelves,
told them where they could find the body
of Frank Harris, a time who dioappeareci
two years ego, and at the same time con•
veyed the information that the Sootte had
murdered him.
It had been known for meveral year that
the outlaws hada retreat somewhere In the
neighborhood of the Helotee settlement,
ee n
v rel miles north of San Antonio but
Brannon Dame in tits exact location
was a matter of coujocturi. He gave the
offices explicit directions, and, by follow-
ing them olamely, the oftioers came upon a
small oiroular opening which answered to
Erannon's description of the entrance to
what ie now called Robbers' Cave, As it
was pitoh dark in the hole, a Moan with
slighted candle in his hand was sent down,
and he speedily announced that he had
dome upon a human skeleton. After much
diffroulty the bones were conveyed to the
eurfaoe, where they were ,recognized as
those of Harris. Although little time was
spent in examining the 'Dave, it was seen
that its dimeneione were large, the entrance
alone being small. This goes down for per -
hops twenty feet, like a well, and then the
cave widens out in all directions. It was at
the bottom of the well that Harris's re-
maine were found, j net as they had been
thrown there two yeare before.
The murder of Harris was the result of a
quarrel between him and Jim Pitts, growing
cut of the admiration of both for a girl be;
longing to the Scott family. Jim was the
leader of the desperadoes, and he could not
brook the idea that Harris should be his ri•
val in anything. Harrle, on the other hand,
was regarded by the girl with much favor,
and he swore that he would marry her, and
that no one else should. The Sootte favor-
ed Pitts, and on several moutons they had
trouble with Harris on account of his per-
elatenay in woetug the girl. At length, in
1884, as Brannon now confesses, Pitts ar-
rested Harris on some tf!vdal obarge, and
turned him over to the Sootte, one ef whom
was a constable, notwithstanding his con-
nection with the gang. The Scotts set eut
one evening with their prisoner, for the
purpose, ae was ruppoeed, of bringing him
to this pity, but he was never afterward
teen alive. He was killed the flame night,
and hie body was concealed In the mord
cave from whioh it has just been drawn,
Soon after the tragedy Pitts married Miss
Scott, and they lived happily together until
ho was killed in the Goeling affray. The
Sootte are now under arrest for murder, and
there is not much doubt that they will
have other crimes to answer for before they
again sea the onteide of the jail.
Since the discovery of Robbers' Cave In-
terest in the place has become very great,
and several exploring parties are making,
preparations to investigate It closely. It is
believed to contain the remains of a good
many people who have disappeared very
myeterionely in the last few years. The
entrance is not mere than a hundred feet
from the house in whioh the Sootte have
lived for some time, and old residents in
that vicinity predict that it will be found to
be a regular private graveyard.
Nervous Cough.
One mcy have a hard, dry and violent
cough, and yet the lungs, bronchial tubed
and larnyx be in a perfectly normal condi.
Saye Flint, "In moot of the oases of this
kind which I have seen, the cough has had
a peculiar barking tone, and the pitch has
been low, showing that the glottis was dilat-
ed at the instant of coughing. In some
oaths, h waver, the tone le shrill, and the
quality ofehesointh cronpal, showing spasm
of the glottis. In a case recently under ob-
servation, the cough consisted of a single,
short, hoarse bark, often repeated several
times a minute. It is semetimee in par-
oxysms, having a resemblance to those of
whooping cough. The peculiar mound of
the cough, together with Its frequent re-
anrreaae, and sometimes Its violence, ren.
dere its distressing to those whose Sym•
parhies are excited, and annoying to
It le mostly confined to femelea ef hysteri-
cal tendo 'fee. It may be induoed by in-
voluntary ritetion. A school for girls was
once bro relay it. The slightest changes
of temperature excite it, aa do also pene-
trating adore. It is constantly attended by
eneezingand snuffling.
Shadewald, who has recently given it
epeeist attention, found It could be produo-
ed by gently touching a certain point with-
in the nostrils. This point is the termina-
tion of'ene of the filaments of the trigemin•
al (or trifacial) nerve, and it ie to its Irrita•
tion that Shadewald regards this Dough ae
dne. Hence he calls It the trigeminal
It bears a striking resemblance to nervous
asthma, and the latter da now thought to be
the most pronounced form ef trigeminal
cough with its seat within the nostrils.
Ramifications of the trigeminal go to the
pharynx (the back part of the month), and
also to a portion of the ear, and hence this
cough may sometimes be dne to trigeminal
irritation of the nerve within the nostrils.
Of oourso no treatment direoted to the
throat or lungs will be of any avail, and
its persistence against all ordinary remedies
may cause the gravest fears. But the pe-
culiar barking tone of the dough and a cer-
tain nervous character of the patient may
suggest its real nature,
The medical attendant should at once sus-
pect its trigeminal origin, if he fails to find
any organio explanation of it. All treat-
ment snould be direoted to the unseal nerve,
and the main object should be to lessen Ito
undue excitability.
Galvanism is warmly reoommended,
Cauterization le often effectual, and eo, for
a time, is a slight bleeding of the parts,
The copious secretion to whioh iodide of
potassium, administered internally, gives
rise is helpful, by washing out the irritating
particles, In lighter oases, this and the
inhaling of vapor are often euffioient.
There is more real happiness in
ine simplicity than in all the show and
I1 Y.,,
ou can put on, for the latter only
tkkm our real being.
Mrs, Catherine Gable, of Gabiesvllle,
Pa., who celebrated the 101st anniversary
of her birthday last December, died a few
days ago. She was a widow for sixbyfive
An exchange tells about a man who
went off in a fit of abstraction. We sup-
poae he must have been a bank cashier or
a boodle alderman.
Tommy Perry, Ga., 14, was ploughing
near Bottaferd, agad wko a lightning struck
hie head, passed down hie arms through the
plough handles, and along the plough to the
mule, killing both the boy and the animal.
A pet blank squirrel owned in Savannah,
Go„ was left at home while its miatreaa
went awsty for a visit, Ae soon ate the little
fellow minced her he hunted all over the
house, and, not finding her, showed unmis-
takable grief: Ho refused to eat day after
,day until it was se evident that he wan
starving himself to death that his miatroes
was sent for. When the oamo the squirrel
was frantic with joy, and then it tried to eat,
but it had fatted too long it could zot
eteallow and the next day died lying on the
karma of its mietroaa,
Guarded Millionaires.
The private service for the protection of
the Vanderbilt/, Asters and Gould was or•
ganized three yeare ago, and is entirely sep-
arate for each family, though the men who
defend the Vanderbllte and Asters are
provided by the same establishment and
practically work together. Regular patrol
duty Is done night and day, and twenty
deteotivee are exclusively employed for the
purpose. There are four Astor residences
and five belonging to the Vanderbilts, all in
or olose to Fifth avenue, between Twenty
third and Fifty-second streets. The spies
are on duty eight hours each per day, and
the beats aro so arranged that the nine
houses cannot be appreaohed unseen by
by one or more of the:guardemen, Wm. H.
Vanderbilt was the originator of this system,
and he was inoited to it by the large num-
ber of oranky letters he received. He pro-
fessed to have no fear of rational evil -doers,
but was apprehensive that maniacs might
attack him er some member of hia family.
Since his death the mails have been laden
with all sorts of appeals, demands and
throats directed to his sons.
Jay Gouid's oelf•proteotion le more aeoret
and characteristic, He does not Intrust it
to a detective agency, but hires his own
bodyguard. Fur yeare he hue alwayo been
accompanied by a stalwart young fellow,
But that is a safeguard against Wall street
enemies, Cranks who might out up papers
in or around his home aro under the view
of spies whose quarters are in a room of the
Windsor Hotel morose the way, This is ad-
to patrol duty done by a separate
stet of men. The employes of the million-
aire familieb, whoa/ names are poor people's
eynonyma for wealth, are kept informed
as to every new demonatration by a orank,
and they are alert to descry and drive off the
monomaniacs who attempt any exploits.
Daring the Western strikes Jay Gould has
made the trips between hia home and offeoe
in a cab,instead of elevatedears as formerly,
and it was observed that a ring at hie bell
brings a sauntering watchman to the foot of
the steps about as quickly ae it does the
servant to the top. One of the defenses in
Gould's ogee is against those who would
write antagonistic sentiments with chalk on
hie sidewalk and steps. Men and bays are
frequently saught at it and compelled to
desist. A specimen of that glass of revolu-
tieniate seemed to be a poet, and a wild one,
j edging by the description of him, His
'chalk teas bright rod, and he rapidly wrote:
Tho rich may shirk,
The poor muet we, k.
Before he was collared ; and then, ao though 7
determined that at leastthe terminal rhymes fat
of his verse should, be emblazoned, he added
at what would have been the end of 'the mo
third lino, Neer," and right underneath had
tnefghbor," The rest remake unknown, the
Very properly the pitcher of a buds ball the
olub is generally the?growler,
A 7l'.errifde COO l a ked Out Ay a lloy.
Some, years,eince a cixovor arrled C arlee
Smidget a G"er a.aA,,,waarrtnr4ereii n New
13retiewick, and, for many t."eke 1 o$ e
YV the,.ae
eromiaed,to forever rotaein.a mystery,; , The
body was not` found .entit a week after tho
murder, as it wee concealed in some bushes
by the roadelda. Only one ' blew :had. bee:
struck . a n
pd `that ,pad arnshed hie. ,skull,
Cho affair occurred on a highway tngoh tra-
velled, and, ae nearly as could be figu
down) u,:.a.b4>;t 3 ,o olook in the after>lo>In-
'ihe,drover had left his lame horse at a
farmhouse and started out to: look at some,
cattie on a farm two miles away. Several
preemie who ,were driving recognized and
pawed him,, bat no one taw him nearer than
within half a mile of the spot whore he met
hie death,
It was two days before any aearoh *as be.
gun and a weak, as stated, before the,body
was found, Meanwhile there had.been a
heavy rain, and any
Gilbert *bowed up. Be had forced a (pone
rt with hie employer in order to have an
ex zees to "quit work, end' when he ap-
p coached the field be was on hie way out
of the neighborhood. He mad° a. very
uautioue approach, and as soon se ',be an
tered the thicket he went directly to the
stump, and removed the artioloa, When he
had done this he opened the wallet and
began countin the.mone
g y, and he was en
gaged at this Yvhen, the constable arrested
biro. Gilbert was e0 overcome that for a
moment he could not speak. On the way
red to the county jail he wale the following
Oa the day of the murder I came here
after the hem. The animal was eo frisky
that I could not oatoh him. I called to the
drover, who was passing on the highway,
aqd he oame over and aeeleted me to make
the capture. We were down there by the
bathes, I leading the horse and he about to
return to the highway, when a anake rap,
before us. The drover pioked up the club
which was found In hie grasp and I picked.
up a stone from the grace. He passed on
ahead to the edge of the bushes, and was
bent over in the aot of striking the snake
with hie weapon
Fad been removed. It
everybody that the drov he
road and his body liftedto
the heehea. Ae he was 80
pounds, it was reasonabl ve
that it tock two men to er
the fence. ,'The dead ma d
of wat'oh and money.. Til n-
siderably disarranged, ht
hand he tightly. olutohed e
alta of abroom handle"a e
len h
gt ,
was bellowed b
er was killed in t
over the fenoein
a man weighing l
a to further belie
lift the body over
u had been ,ebbe
lila wet con-
siderably in his right
a stick aboutth
about half th
d rho theory that
In the affair, and
were tramp
there, butnon
couldbe locate
of the, Murder o
ender. which th
one side of a fief
and used as a pas-
ture, to a mea name
away and was
pumps. He had to
them on the read
,der, as was after-
wards drIvere-aman
a stranger to
me on acoounto
ams.. g`hde hors
iature to rest,
the week Gdlber
ee how rho anima
f the murder.
mnruer from
but little he
were working o
were engaged i
dy hadbeen lifts
oa th0,theory
in the road
that the killin
taco, although
In this naso
the bashes.
this was the feat
s weighing four
eyed to have
e blow was afresh
he atone had
If be was
wee, how cam
f There were
on, nor would
short oat to hi
the bey suddenly
the pnmpmaker'
t rho time. Could
over into the lot
away hie cine
horse was remov
day of the
hie ldmeneas, end
who went after
mal, and the boy
d had trouble in
had gond into
If thio
ae the murderer.
farmer, and he
further -that ia,
osntry to verify
rested here until
trip lasting fear
came hie shadow.
attached to
ind, He talked
was not genuine it was so well counterfeited
as to droeive everybody, He arrived home
ont aFriday night. On Saturday he waebaey
at the pump factory. Bright and early on
Sunday morning the boy was at the pasture
hidden in ouch a position that he could take
in the whole field. He had an idea that
Gilbert would visit the place, and that he
.would learn something new in the aaee,
though he had"no solid foundation for this
At 3 o'clock in the afternoon Gilbert ap-
peared, He had not entered the field from
the highway, but had made a detour across
a piece of woodo. Near the centre of the
lot was half an acre of briar patch, with
several dead logs and old stumps interspers-
ed. The driver walked and acted like one
who desired to escape observation, and made
straight for thele patch. He was bidden
from eight `for about a quarter of an hour,
and then he left the field by the route he
had come. Robert was satisfied that he had
secured a further clue, but he did not in-
veatigate until Monday morning, after the
manh d
ad elven awn
wit h
h Ie Toa
d. Ha
crossed ane recrossed the patch half a dozen
times, looking for he know not w'iat, but
at length he began to closely examine the
stumps and logs, In a hollow stump he
found a ball of weeds and grass, and under-
neath this ball, wrapped in paper, was the
evidenue to convict the murderer of the
drover, There was his watch and pocket-
book, the latter containing over $400 in
money and many papers,
There was no doubt in the bey's mind
that Gilbert had entered the copse to tee if
the hidden artialeo were all right. There
was evddenoe stffioientte warrant the man's
arrest, but the boy was determined to wait.
He knew what clues tho others were work-
ing en, and he was afraid of being ridiculed,
even when he had such positive proofs As
Gilbert had not removed the articles, it was
probable that he would` oome again, and
The detectives accepts at
two men were engaged f it
wan natural tq suppsee theys.
Arrests were made here ande
of the gnepeoted peitlead
anywhere near the soene n
that day, The bushae e
body was found frin8edd
about ten acres. in extents-
ture, This field belongs d
Claire, who lived a mile a
manufacturer of well pu o
or three teams out selling ,
and at the time of the aiur-
wards recalled, one of t
named Gilbert, who was the
neighborhood -was at he f
one of hia horses being 1 e
was turned into the old p and
two or three times during t
went up to the field to s 1
was doing. It was finallyt
he was there on the day o
A boy 13 years old namedSmith
took a deep interest in thethe
outset, While he said was
constantly thinking andHe
knew that the deteotivee n
the theory that two men n
the crime, because the be d
over the fence. This was that
the murder had been committed
The boy took the ground g
had been done in the pas he
was careful to eay nothing the
body had been dragged intoHe
carefully inspected the groundfound
satisfaotory evidence that ,
He also discovered a stop or
five pounds, which he bell been
the weaponwith whioh th
Four or five rode away,
he found the spot where t been
unrooted from the ground. right,
and he firmly believed hee
the drover in the pasture no
cattle in there for inspects he
leave the road to make a s
After days of cogitating
remembered that one of e
horses was in the pasture s
that fact have drawn the d ?
Without in the least giving
thaboy ascertained that the '-
ed from the pasture on the murder
entirely reoovered from
that Gilbert was the one
him. It way a spirited ani
reasoned that Gilbert had
catching him, and the drover
the lot to render aeeietanoe
ing was oorreot, Gilbert w
Robert was the sen of a poor
oonld work the oaso no
he could net find out Gilbert's
nor follow him about the o
kb suspicion. The case
the, driver returned after a
weeks. The boy at once be
Net a breath of euapiodon
bert except in the boy's m
freely of the murder, and i
Or a second vAidt. The driver had started
ff to be gone three Weeks, but he was back
n ten days pleading illness. He returned
1St at dark one evening, and half an hour
or the boy had taken his oaee to a eon-
ble and given him all the pointe. They
on came to the conclusion that Gilbert
returned with the intention of securing
money and leaving the country, and at
light next morning they were hidden in
t was 5 o'clock In the afternoon before
As God is my jedge- I flung at the snake,
but the rook twisted in my hand and struck
him in the back of the head, He fell with-
out a groan, and in a minute or two I knew
that he was dead, It was an accident, pure
and ample, and would have been accepted
ae such had I at onoe given the alarm. I
did intend to, but it struck me that if 1
took Lia money and ',meted the body the
crime would be laid to trainee. I drew the
the bathes, secreted the watch
and money in the stump, and came here to-
day to secure the plunder and leave the
That the killing was accidental a great
many people firmly believed, as Gilbert's
past record was traced, and it could net be
Lound that he had ever been arrested for
any offanoe against the law, Others held
that the killing was premediated, and it
was likely that the lawyer engaged by Gil-
bert to defend him warned him that hie
life would be .perllled. He had been m
jail lees than a fortnight when he commit.
ted suioide by hanging, thee closing the
A. Woman's Age,
A woman, it le acid, is no elder than she
Tooke. Many women, however, look double
their actual age by reason of those function-
al diaorders which wear upon the nerves and
vitality, and which, if unchecked, are liable.
to change the most robust woman to a weak,
broken-down invalid. Dr. Pierce's "Favor-
ite Presoription" will positively cure every
irregularity and weakness peoultar to the
sex, and requires but a single trial to prove
its curpaseing merit. Price reduced to one
dollar. By druggists,
Jones hag written a local item of a social
occurrence at his boarding-house for the
paper, and the next day he called around to
interview the editor about it. " Well," said
the gentleman, " your notice was a goad
one, Mr. Jenne, and we are always glad to
have our friends help us get all the news."
" That's what I thought," replied Jones,
" and so I sent it in; but there was a trifling
mistake in the print." " And what was it ?
I didn't notice," " In that part where I had
written ' as the guests were going out to
suypar,' you get it ' as the guests were going
out to suffer.'' " Um -ah -yes, I did notice
that," said the editor ; " but you see I
boarded at that house three yeare, and when
I saw That ' going out to suffer,' I thought
'going out to supper' wasn't any better, eo I
just left ft that way "
The Nineteenth Century Club is an organ.
izttten that will oenaiat of an equal number
of men and women It is hardly to be ex -
Rioted that they will agree on all eutjeots ;
but it can surprtee no one to learn that Dr.
Pierce's " Golden Medical Discovery," is
unanimously pronounced the mo at enooes,ful
remedy, extant, for pulmonary consumption,
as has been demonstrated in hundredt of
oases ; it positively arrests thfe disease and
reetoree health and etrength, if' administered
In its early stages. By druggist,.
Mies Longest-" Mamma, I think I'll ace
oept young Snoopkins. He seems to be the
beet thing I have on the hooka at present.
Mrs. L- `Why, my dear, you have plenty
of time before you." Mise L,-" Your're
mistaken, mamma; I am failing rapidly. I
know, because I have heath several people
eay lately that I am ' growing younger and
prettier every day.' I have no time to lose,"
Young or middle-aged men, offering frena
nervous debility or kindred affections,
should address with 10 gents in atampe for
large trestles. World's Dispeneery Medical
Association, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y,
Were we as eloquent aa angels, we should
please tome more by llatcnieg than by
Thera is a woman in Union Point, Ga.,
with a beautiful beard nearly a foot long.
She di well to do, and thus escapee the dime
opium, morphine, chloral, tobacco; and
kindred habits. The medicine may be given
in tea or coffee without the knowledge of
the person taking it ij so desired. Sand 6e
in stamps, for book and testimonials from
these who have been cured. Address M.
V. Lublin, 47 Wellington St. Etat, Toronto,
Ont. Cat this out for future reference.
'When writing mention this paper.
Three weeks ago a man taught hie dog,
a very finely bred, well-behaven setter, to
chew tobacco. Now the dog comes into
the house e by door, book o
d , never serapes
kis feet on the mat, never goes to church,
le careless at his meals, gets burro in his
tail, goes with a lower grade of dogs, and it
is feared that he le beginning to take an tu-
tored in politica.
Don't use any more nauseous r nrgativee such
as Pills, Salts, &o., when you can get inDr.
Carson's Stomach Bitters, a medicine that
moves rho Bow els gently cleansing all imsun
ities from the eye tam and rendering the Blood
pure and cool. Great Spring' Medicine 50 ole.
a. A' 287
m EN -THREE• -and two ladles-ae Canvassers
lr� good pay. II. E. KsSNTDT, Toronto. Ont.
wholesale houses( .uanufacturore; Bret prize
Central Faire. Address M. D. NenteenN, Menefee.
tutor, Hamilton,
equal to beet imported ; all kinds of re•outting.
Galt File Woke, Faer niuoa PARKIN, Galt P.O.
$7 80 Acro [,arm -8500 6o Acre Farm
W I UU --1 mile, from Dundalk -100 000 eating
plays, 15 conte ; 100,600 5 cent muelo; instruments
heti prise. BUTLAND, 87 Ring -at. W., Toronto.
I have 5,000 acro/ for talo at from *5 to $8
an acre. Good land, with the advantages of an old.
settled' gauntry.
C. G. FOWLER, Saginaw, nick.
Py EPRESENTATIVE in each county to tell "Pro-
file posed and Espousal "-a book on Love, Court.'
ehfp, Matrimony and kindred themes. Write for
olroulare, International Book Pad Blblo Houeo,
Toronto, Ont,
Story l�apox,'i'Ire lTeirca1do We pk1 ,R"4,OPRRal
Modes by the most taloutod authors in each issue,
A num}acr'05Interesting Lo1n4,10t0 Palos of hyo
ltonanco, and AdYcnture, .Oleico Poetr Short
Sketches, household llocipes, Seleneo, Wit and
Humor, oto., contained in esoll issue of T'he
I Ires14e Weekly. 50, per copy ; or with 40 of
the uroatid+ afrablc analis of the day, F2.O4 per
year• sixinonths diad 20 pieces music, $1; thre°.
moni;hs and 10>pieecs anusic, Ole, leubscribc
now. Agents svanted,everywhere. Liberalcoan-
mission, bla,rrpte (;ogle. tree. TATE FaBESIDE
W.unro;, a8 Colborne St.,'Toronto, Canada.
, bracket band sews for A inch,
leg to poste; neat,' cheap and du able ; send for
olroutare. JOHN GULLIES ae 00„ (Carlton Place,
0ou *ey, for the 0. K. Parer nd Aloe,, Beat
thing out; sells at'sight ; simple K'tie sent on
'eaten of price, 160. q,D DeY' Agent
40 Yuuag, tit., ' pronto, Oat,
BIBLES -large type, eplendid maps, LeeuUful
illuetratfoes• contains 4 000 quoetlene and answers
on Blbie Topics.; libsral tnrme. Internationale
Gook ard Bible House, Toronto, Ont,
L'•acbers at Students Attention I
G, D,iring $oiluayo a special course of private
lessons, by highest masters, will be given School
Tesehers and Students, on Shorthand. DrawipZ or
notating. Ail who can should cog e. Semi fearedl.
etely tor aoe01al etroteare 111111 UNION SHORT-
IIAND8125 ACADOEY, Arcade, Toronto
l attired to young Ladies and Gentlemen during
May. Shortband, Bookkeeping, commercial Buenos,
English, Classical or Mtthematio.l courses, separate
or all together, at halt the regular tuition fee. Ad
dress immediately, Tna TORONTO Resumes common,
Toronto, Ont.
tawoshlp, to sell Dr. Talmage's new book,
"Live Coals " The keenest and most vlgoroue
specimen of oratory ever written ; nearly 700 pages ;
only 52 ; full particulars of this and other new books
P888. Schuyler Smith & Co„ Publishers, London, Ont
able educational advertisement/ and do not
spend your time and money for nothing. Bengough'e
Shorthand and Business Ioetltute le old and firmly
established, employlgg only teachers who are prao•
tloal and I.xperienoeelleevery department, Postttous
secured graauatee without extra charge. Write for
particulars, MOS. Esreouen President,
0. H. Baooes, Secretary.
gives better satisfaction or that you can make
money Neter with than " World's Wonders." Selleto
all classes -Christiane and Infidels, Catnolloa and
Protestants, old and young ; old agents who have
not canveeeed for years are going into the field with
it; 0, F. Jenkins cold 128 the first week ; J. E Brace
/ayes "The first week with " Wonders" netted me
one hundred and sixteen dollars." A good chance
for unemployed persons ; outfit free to actual can.
vetoers; write for terms. BaaoraY, Oaxxasesox e1
Co., Brantford.
Axle and Machine Screw Works,
Carriage and Wagon Axles, Iron and Steel Sat
and Cap Screws, eta. Liston application,
Ildt-iffh..C3 XXX MT 38 Xt.73r.
500 Engines, Boilers, Iron, Wood, and miaoellan
eons machines for, sale. ' For particulars address
H. W. PETRIE Brantford, Ont
Manufacturers of the celebrated
T. PEPPER & CO., Guelph, Ont.
Our Duplex Axles are all to be had et all the
principal Hardware Stores in the Dominion.
Hand Files.
Consumers will find It to their advantage
to ask the trade for our make of Files and
Rasps. ate.Catttng a Specialty. Send
for price list and terms.
Hamilton, - Ontario.
Productive Town, Village & Farm Property,
n. 'uremia, KcDONALD, Barrister.
6 Eldon Itlock- Toronto Street -Toronto.
jointer cheese box, veneer leather splitting
bookbinders, moulding, tenoning, and other machine
kolvee of best quality, mannfaaturod by Pena HAT,
Galt Machine Knife Works, Oast, Ont. ; lend for price
$20 Per Day.
Has no superior 20 fent pee hour; hand or horse
power ; combined boring and rook drilling maohlne ;
grand success ; first prizes and diplomas. Send for
68 Mary St.. Hamilton, Canada.
TfiBi S
The snow Drift Baking tawder (Jo., 00801*001.'io
4+L N. �/AnPET' 'WORKS.
4I , A, AR OTI+tJIY t7f & VO►f
Wool: Ulploa . ,anr1DARAAMA,
Of new patterns and destgnel t uelph, Out.
Buggy and Carriage Gears.
This gear suppilea' the demand 01 She Driving Pub•
Jo for 1' w hangar"; buggies, and gombinee with this
lighrne,e, ease of motion, great etrength and dura-
bility Prtoee very moderate. Wheels tired with int
DOuole Flange Steel Tire, wear fully tour idmes .ae
long as those with ordieary tire steel Seed for our
deeoript've'elroular, J 1$, rsJLSISTRONG Writ
Co., (Ld.), Guelph, Camilla.
t7Racrs T
The Royal Manufacturing Company,
6 Perth St., Guelph, Out.
L. 0. WIDEMAN & 00.,
Improved Family and Laundry Mangles
And ail kinds of Laundry Appliances, Burgin.
Proof Window•Saeh Looks, Step Ladders, etc„ ala
Model -Making, Mlll•Wrlghtdng and Carpentering
A ents Wanted.
Send for Catalogue.
Macnair's 169 YONGE ST.,
1 Toronto.
l*Every enquiry cheerfully answered.
New Orleans Road Cart Co'y,
Winters' Patent Road Cart,
Buggies, Carriages, Sleighs, &e.
end for Oatelogne. r_
J. WINTERS, Manager.
Galt. Ont
Allan Line Royal Nail Steamship&
Sailing during winter from Portland every Thum
day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and Is
summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool,,
calling at Londonderry toiand mall' and peewee's=
for Sootland and Ireland; also from Baltimore,, eke
Halifax and 8t. John's, N,F., to Liverpoolfo
during Bummer months, The•eteamere of 'the GIele
gam, liner 'all during whiter to and from Halifax,
Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during eon.
men between Glaegow and Montreal weekly; Gila*
gow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Phnadet
phis fortnightly.
For freight, peseago, or other Information apply*
A. Schumacher 31 Co„ Baltimore • S. Cunard & Co..
Halifax ; bhea & Co., St. John's, N.F. ; Wm. Thorny.
son & Co.. St. John, N. B, ; Allen eeCo., Chicago;
Love & Alden. New York ; H. Bourller, Toronto"
Altana, Rae Sc Co., Quebec; Wm. Brookie, Phnadei.
phis i H. A. Allen, Portland, Boston, MontreaL
TotooN To
.n Foi�FULL
-� may'
Mention This Paper.
ligaisikCIDEETINgi70 .
Try ft once and you will use no other. - - Every Barrel Guaranteed,
We are the Sole Mannhacturers of the Genuine Lardlne.
m• Also Cylinder, Engine, Wool and Harness Oils. vs
Try Our Canadian Coal Oil, "SUNLIGHT" Brand. Finest in th*
-•atarmrurmau1 or-
fls L. D. S." ENGINES.
£waNad run MU, II ,{ et PtorlaoLl Pati,.
ilei,, delis nt al , M. sal ltestieni
"Grain Saver" and "Peerless"
"Pitts a Isoraearowers, t'or at ,1, Il,10 avid 11
"read l owes, tor 1, 0 and S llorliee.
liytltt ■e arstorn,, f. Tread sad Swain
IL dead to Idsytrated esd wawa. rd.. LMI.