HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-12-24, Page 13• e•••••', f pan ••••••••••f•frf .•••-a ,11f 4,1 if f ute.• f•fe, 4,,,,,&••••-, • • • ,fiva••••••,,••
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ChfiAttnas, 1974, CMOS, 112, 444 WWI*.
th0wan.itpeAce QM earth, gOos$
41114111‘44 gtutttie4teSiregot Much Otitha
werld*, ingludiM our own strife4orrt
OA* uncertain Callac% StilM MVO,
trom we .rhesthr tern loveThIS
WOrigkiticPKtAt more trom• the flights ot
Henry Kissimar and the manoeuvres
ot Pierretrude4Whon trOrn the ttljght4
and Singing ot angel
Whit then are we to make
ChriStrnas this year?. asks the United
• Church.
ro many it is but a pleasant legend,
that takes tkes t tOr a day or two trom the
*WV druCktery, ot trying to make ends
meet a chance to forget' hOW
Powerless -many ot us have become. To
othOS., who treasure the celebration at
human e,xperienc0.. Christmas is a
bonus en extr occasion, even an
extra reason tor celebration.
taut Christmasm as Christians un -
110 derstand it. is neither an idle legend
nor a happy plus. It is a challenge to -
our human existence. It i an uplifting
• 0 our human existence. It calls tor
celebration, not because we needa
party but because Christmas in reality
. upsets the lite we have designed and
changes the reason tor celebrating.
Unlike most. ot th* mystic relittiOna
th4t are tkawrginck toglowtMhmcof
diSithksiCkh, christra4 faith provea
that Qoct do eS aCts human histQrW in
next WIWY4 and, Call$ on a
cornin4atit, to,t044 his actio% .
A -s redliAlk, we know that the home ot
a triend or relative -L bricks and
mortar, wood aro* nails1* ls--4 func.
tional place, ornamented and ottn
tined with cOmfort, but still a
tont place that has no rim" teeti
But alt .that is changed and takes on
meaning. when we realize that a loved
one or an eid trend Lives there, The
$lient wati speak a language of tove.
Something like that happens to
human history when we remember
that Jesus Christ lived here. The
COSMOS consists ot matter and iner9Y.
as always. People and communities
continue to act with mixed motives.
Possibly peace amorig nations is a tittle
more likely because ot Christ, but we
cannot be certain of that. Yet when we
remember that Christ lived herethe
walls and ramparts of the world speak
a ditterent language.
We can say and believe then that we
are about to enter "the year of our
Lord 1976."
Things are too golden,
• There is something ten -11)1y Wrong
around our house this year, as Christmas
looms. I have a disturbing feeling that a
catastrophy is in the offing.
What bothers me is that everything is
gain too welt. Two weeks in advance, the
turkey was ordered, special. fresh -killed,
not one of those frozen, eviscerated. straw -
tasting. morgue -like. pallid blobs we
usually pick up at the last minute.
Christmas cards were dispatched on time
(after those rotten posties ended their
strike just a little too soon).
Christmas.gifts were actually bought and
wrapped almost a week in advance. instead
of that mad lurch through the stores on
Christmas Eve, snatching up broken toys.
soiled sweaters and other junk a drunken
lumberjack wouldn't buy, and bundling it
into last second wrappings that were too
We even knew two weeks in advance who
was going to be here for Christmas. Many a
time and oft, our kids have come popping in
from hundreds of miles away as late as
Christmas morning. without warning.
This year, it's just Pokey and his mom
and dad, the old Battle Axe, and yours
truly. Grandad is going to sit this one out at
home. alone, Son Hugh won't be here. He'll
be dining on roast Hama in the highlands of
Paraguay, if he's not in jail.
We even have a plum pudding all ready.
You see what I mean? 9 is not only all
'wrong for the Smileys. 9 is virtually
frightening. It has never happened before.
It's got to be the calm before the storm.
Something eerie is going to happen. -Even
my wife is becoming convinced we're going
to get it in the groin. or some other
vulnerable spot.
What has convinced me that the roof is
going to fall in. the final piece of evidence.
is the Christmas tree.
Not only was it purchased two weeks in
advance; but it's a beauty, a blue Spruce
about 10 feet high, that even looks like a
Christmas tree. You know, alias, branches
all aroundinstead of just one side.
This is ridiculous on all counts, My usual
tree is bought the day before Christmas. It
is one of the last four trees on a lot that held
300. It is covered with snow arid ice. It is
either eight feet tall and one foot wide, or it
is hump -backed, or it is one half of a pair of
Christmas tree Siamese Twins, totally
devoid of anything on the side you're not
looking at.
I have had trees as baniy-legged as a
coWboy. I have had huge White Pines, so
vast I had to ant a couple of saw-logsoftthe
bottom to get them into the hoUse. One year
had a trett With so tett/ branchet on it that
had to drill holes in the trunkand insert
brandies from another tree to make it look
less skeletal.
1 have bad trees se, crooked that when
they were finally raised after much sweat
and many maledictions, it was like stan-
ding in the presence of a man with two wall
eyes, one pointing west. the other east.
My wife used to leave the house when I
was putting up the tree. 9 was better that
This time, she came home after two
hours ready to help me decorate our
handsome Spruce. She gave a shriek the
moment she entered the house. She thought
it was on fire. Clouds of blue smoke were
pouring out of the living room. She heard
the sound of weeping. Her heart almost
She rushed in, fighting her way through
the blue air. In the corner, the fine, bushy
Spruce was lying on its side. There was no
sign of me.
She started to get sore. "Has he actually
had the gall to get into the Christmas spirits
Then she heard the choked sobs, mingled
with moans of pain and rage. She looked at
the tree at one end,
And there 1 was, Under it. Face scrat-
ched and bleeding. One thumb mashed flat
by the hammer. A chunk torn off the
knuckles when the screwdriver slipped. An
expression of utter despair on the tattered
That was the year nobody was coming for
the holidays until after Christmas. I finally
got off the floor, stood the beast up in the
corner. and ti* a hockey stick to it.
That was the year the tree never was
"put up". Never decorated. When my
daughter and family arrived a couple of
days after Christmas, it was still leaning
there in the corner.
-What happened to the tree. Dad?" she
queried in horrified disbelief,
it was too dry; needles were
falling off. Decided to take it down. throw it
out." Brusquely. •
"Needles? It hasn't even any branches
left !"
Oh well. this year it's going to be dif-
ferent. Usually we have two trees. one
small and one big. This year. just one.
because of Pokey. I figure that if we mount
a 24-hour guard. in shifts. we just might be
able to prevent him from trying to climb it.
And my son-in-law claims to be an artist.
So the tree is ready, and your faithful
correspondent is going to sit in a big chair.
reading the Lives of the Saints, while the
artist not only erects the tree. but decorates
All is golden, for once. And yet ... and yet.
I have this sense of unease. Things are too
golden. A lump diced is going to come out
of somewhere and gbt me right between the
And may you. too. all of you. have a
Merry. rather than a hairy. Christmas.
Honestly 1 had plannedOn something bawler for a
Christmas toittran• yet hero 4r4 WArflifig YOkt that ifyou've
(a), Weak St0,0104b or Mot AA utter confidence in your
driving ability and your tate on the open read. today's bit is
not for you.
comes along with the USUAL warnings that the Christ,
MAS and New Year's fixtalilies will be the worst ever.
mainly because oa,. mixture of the Yuletide spirit and those
- that come in a bottle.
9 comes, too, from a, group, of highway safety advoeates
who have oblectet though: in a nice way to the opinion here
recently that what we need is nut public education.. but -a
year-round progrum a strict. cold-bleodedenfOrCeMent.
"Our atm is -both." writes a spokesman. -but even the
most rigid pence contrel is worthless if we cannot. convince
the driving public that they are in charge of lethal weapons.
Without the awareness that safety depends on the attitude
of the moo:dist we simply won't stop the terrible toti of
death and destruction.
Speed, of course, is one of tilt major killers and the
committee sends me the report of an experiment conducted
at Cornell Univergity Medical College which reconstruct%
secenflbysecend. what happens to steel and glass. flesh and
blob an automobile- hits a tree at Ss mites an hour.
The total elapsed time between here and eternity is just
about seven -tenths of a second.
I run this with trepidation, since it is so grisly, but with
the hope that it may reach the right party..
1-10 second
Front bumper and chroine- work of the grill collapses;
slivers of steel penetrate the tree one and a half inches or
2- 10 second
Hood crumples as it rises, smashing into the windshield;
Spinning rear wheels leave the ground; Grill disintegrates;
Fenders come into contact with the tree. forcing rear parts
to splay out over the front doors; Heavy structural mem-
bers of the car begin to avt as a brake on the terrificforward
momentum of the car's body; The driver's body, without
the refitraillt eta Seat-heit. continues to 1110e terward at 030
vehicle's original Speett a force of 20 times gravity, his
body we. MO* pounds; His legs, ramrod straight
inap. at knee nts.
-4 +
is now oft the seat. torso upright, broken
knees pressing against the dashboard; Plastic and steel
frame of the steering wheel begin to bend under his death
grip; His head is now near the sun visor. Ills chest above the
steering colutna.
+ + +
tO second
Car's ft -vat `1.4 inches have been completely demolished.
but the rear end is still travelling at an estimated 35 Miles
an hour; Driver's body is still travelling at 53 miles an hour's
The motor block crunches into the tree; Rear of the car, like
a bucking horse. rises high enough to serape bark off the
low branches.
+ +
5-10 second
Drivor's fear -frozen hands bend the steering column into
an almost vertical position; Force of gravity ernpales him
on the steering wheel shaft; Jagged steel punctures Lunt
and arteries: Blood spurts into his lungs.
+ + +
6-10 second
So great is the flame of impact that the driver's feet are
rtpped from his tightly -laced shoes; The brake pedal shears
off at the floor boards Chassis bends in, the middle,
sheering body bolts; Driver's head smashes into the win-
dshield; Rear of the car begins its downward fall, spinning
wheels digging into the ground.
4 +
; • 10 second
The entire. writhing body of the car is forced out of shape:
Hinges tear; Doors spring open; in one last convulsion the
seat rams forward. pinning the driver against the steel
shaft; Rlood leaps from his mouth, shock has now frozen his
heart: He is dead.
From our early fites
December 23. 1965
Mrs. Alex Haddy was the
winner of a set of carving knives,
offered in a Christmas draw by
the Lathes Auxiliary tothe Royal
Canadian Legion.
A • family dinner party at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Aiken marked the 45th wedding
anniversary,for Mr. and Mrs. T.
Herman. Theirwedding took
place in Dmember 16, 1920 in
Dunne Avenue Presbyterian
Church, Toronto,
Milieu Public School Area
Board accepted the tender of
Logan Contracting Ltd., Strat-
ford, on Thursday December 16
in the amount of $330,000 for the
construction of a Central Public
School. The school will be built in
Londesboro on the south side of
County Road 15.
A Clinton student at the
University of Western Ontario,
William, A. Cochrane. of 122 Mary
St., Clinton. has been awarded a
Huron County Scholarship.
Mr. Cochrane is a fourth year
biology student. The Huron
County Seholarships provide $100
each -to the mart and woman who
stands highest in any year of any
regular program in University.
Mrs. J. Periewho has been on
the library staff of the Huron
County Library Cooperative
Board for several years, has now
been named acting librarian. The
appointment is effective I, nuary
The Fish and Game Club
bantam hockey tern white
washed Rensall 210 in Clinton
Lions Arena last Wednesday. The
same two teams play here again
Every year the Kinsmen Club
of Clinton, assisted by other local
groups. distributes baskets of
food, clothing and toys to needy
families. The need is not so great
this yea and neither was the
request or good used clothing
nnd tos. The Rinsmen have
'p 20 baskets of food, in
eluding an 9.10 Ib. turkey, bag of
potatoes, canned goods and
eataly, which were disteibuted
yesterday afternoon. The toys
and clothing wilt be distributed
before Christmas ENV.
December 21.1350
Election to be held December
27th. Running for Mayor were:
R.Y. Hattin, G.W. Nottrunning
for Reeve were; Dr. G.S. Elliot
and H.E. Hartley.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Crich,
Tuckersmith Township. observed
their golden wedding an-
niversary December 19.
Charles Stewart. Clinton,
purchased a good Clydesdale
mare from Gilbert Dow, Exeter,
last week.'
Clinton Town Council held its
statutory meeting in the Council
Chamber Friday evening with all
members present except Md. A.
Gar -on. Mayor R.Y. Hattin
presided. Ald. H.E. Hartley, as
'chairman of the finance com-
mittee, spoke briefly and ex-
plained the. treasurer's report.
which indicated an estimated
deficit of 31,777 at Decemeer 31,
Taxes for 1950 collected to
December 14. totalled 361.83643
being 92.4 percent of the total
levy for the year. Town
Treasurer M.T. Corless reported
to Toad Council that arrears of
taxes collected amounted to
32.975.44. Total arrears of taxes
at December 14 amounted to
On the afternoon of Fridaty
December 15. another group of
young Canadians moved on to
take its place tn the Defence of
Canada with the graduation of
RO 19 from the Aircrew Radio
Officers' School. Clinton.
With the first half of the
schedule completed, as far as the
leading teams are concerned.
Clinton R.C.A.F.- now leads
Stratford by one point In The
Western Ontario Badminton
Association -8" League.
December 24 11115
5.5. No. 1 Stanley Township
school lists the hilldwinp names
in order of merit for their
December exams: 4th-Mariorie
MacEwan. Marion S h ip ey •
Bessie Corey, Omerine Lebeaus
Cecil Shipley; 3rd - Vera Saun-
dercock, Kari Stanbury, •Norma
Shipley; 2nd • Joe Corey. Stuart
McEwan, Clarence Lebcau 1st -
Nora Stewart, Isabel Saun•
dercock . Teacher was W.E.
Varna news • I bpps instatteo
a radio for T. Dennison this past
In Slovakie. invitations are
never sent out for weddings. but
everyone goes as a courtesy to
the bride.
DeevesStewart . At Wesley
Parsonage. on Friday, December
IS, 1925. by Rev. A.A. Holmes.
Amy Luella Stewart to Mervin
McNall-Gray • At the home of
the bride's parents, on Thursday.
December 17, 1925, By Rev. D.
Snell. Londesboro. Mildred Anne.
daughter of Mr, o nd Mrs. William
Gray to Leonard G. McNall.
T.A. Greig and R.A. Roberton
featured in a slight accident when
their car went into the ditch, but
tortunatcly no one was hurt.
W Brydone has been informed
that the Collegiate can be built
for less money than was
originally scheduled.
December 21.1114
As the end of the year draws
near. calendars for the following
years are seen , floating around
which are principally supplied by
the insurance companies through
their local agents. This year they
are as profuse and pretty as ever.
We notice a number of the
merehants have some very
handsome ones distributed to
their customers: • Davis &
Rowland. Harland Bross. W.A.
Fair and A.T. Cooper, the
druggists and other merehants
town have some very pretty ones
for distribution, P.D. Crews
supplied a very beautiful Ate of
handsome design.
The prices remain about the
same in the dairy line, butter
being quoted at I7c to 1Se per lb.
and eggs at 16c -to t7c per doten.
Poultry is selling very well.
chickens going at from 25c to 35c
(continuedon page ISA)
Aha, env
by Ken
Yp*I'Vraigg* helk
Nitikse( ta,s1 ;
Corr tt-aftglIc4ftA
44444tent ir! ti444,rnt
04.ixt 'At,
awardc Ontario
As4Oci4t1amt (194T)
°marl% Medical AsitgOlgiOlk
(1944).1e wu f
the first
to he mail* a bowmen
raemher of the %NA., le,
receVition othis silVviCitk tOt
raising fonds and his interaat
• All of this material 1 a.rn
submitting to the listed
newspapers in the hose that it
in4 Serve some VOW in
keeping these priceless, in
Nest week. 1 hope to have
an article by Jame* Y.
Listowel horn
newsman. who started with
the now defunct London
Advertiser in the early 192ifs.
and retired as Editor of the
late "Toronto Star Weekly.-
You.rs, faithfully.
Arthur Carr.
4 Palmerston
Dear Arthur:
When I read The Obser-
ver's report Qt your (x
"deviation" plan. as aprotest,
against the announced itt
tention of the Ministry of
Health's decision to close
your hospital, a flood of
memories beseiged me.
The first, of course, was of
that night when you and I
were driving back to
Palmerston, from Drayton
where a meeting had been
held to seek a solution of the
problem of finding a
physician for a currently
unserved big area. 9 was
late, but you found time to
show me, very proudly your
local hospital. and you
recounted instances when it
had been recognized as the
difference between life and
death for many of your
community's citizens.
1 can understand and ap-
preciate the emotional
rection of your community
to the government decision.
As you know. Arthur. for
nearly eight years since I
retired I have lived In a rural
area, near Flesherton, with
an excellent small hospital
six miles distant at Markdale.
True, sophisticated
procedures like organ
transplants and open heart
surgery are not provided
there, but in an area of a
score or more small com-
munities which serve a
widely scattered agrarian
population. and, espeClallYin
a nation with an aging
population. it provides a vital'
service 9 has amply
justified, to my knowledge,
its need in local health care.
Memory. however. reveals
that what is proposed now for
your hospitaland many
others, could have been
foreseen years ago. It was
(continued on page 16A)
Wattles., Naafis Vi teat);
Newspaper Marotta**
The Mateo News -Accord Is pttblialted
eats Mtge*
sI Ohttse Warta. Cam&
s tegisneed aa Komi data mail b the
since owlet the permit number tat,
The NewAteomil rpsttd to 131* the
Item News-nroot saawded in Om and
the Clisios New Eta, Waded ta 'NW
elteigialsa WU*
ilettiaer4 tlostaktIta
totattiettity okspalter
Li1..4 ones
40611Mtvss tniI. MAI tot
hale nee Ive
Editor • Jamas It. Pia
Adverthirtlt *ratter • Gary 1.. tlatst
General Manager - 1 HeNvard Aitken
Haws stall by Clark