The Exeter Times, 1886-7-8, Page 1LEGAL. LDioKso, 13arriSter 80i1- • citor of Supreme Court, NO tary Public.; Conveyaneer, DommisSiotfc-V, &e. Aloney illoolf,Exoter, m 4oi.PADI)FIN , Barriste' r So1icitor7 Conveyancer Eto r:XETBF, - ONT. (nee 'tan/well's Block (Ball'soffice.) DENTAL . OAHTWRIGF1T, L. P. S., Je 71013 Opened dental roonie over ON1111L'S BANK, whore he will he , Innis prepared to ex billet teeth without Pain. AU o p et at cons i,oforrnocIsvi,h e a se anCt skill. Goldfillings a speciality. Office hours 0 a. nd to 5 p n. OEUROOS tioDERATE. Tuwa KINSMAN, DE NTIST.L.D.8 '• tttsete teeth without pain, bY. giving Vitalized Alt, or by , usain the Nev Local Amesthe- tie. ar the gums ; mates Gold fit?" Fill gs ancl all other dental \V'x the best, possible, llooms Upstairs in SAS6 :MD'S EI.00TI, EaSt Side of Main -Street, EXeteq,, Ont. , ' • - - MEDICAL LUTZ , M . D. , • Officeat hisresidenee Exeter. 431-ZOWNIN M. D, , M. ei •-r.s,GritduateVietorialIniversity.00ace audlresidenee,ComipionLthorator v,Exe ter A.,110IJLINS, M. O. P. S -A-, O.' Office, Idairt St,Exeter,Ont. Resiclen e bensere (tenth, oecilined by P. McPhillips, nRS.HYNDMAN AND HOOPER, ;Bymbantas, Coroner for the County of Hugo, &e., Dr: Hoop cr, Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh ; Lie etltiate in Miciw Ger , Edinbur eh (Scotland) PeStsgradnate Stuffing, of the University of Vienna,(Anntria) and of the 6f oorfleld Eya G aspic al, Loudon (England) &e., sm. Special I attention to Diseases of the Eye. Ear and , •••,, VOL. xm., NO, 46, PORT'AN T NOTICE S "HEW TO THE LINE, 4ET THE '0 FIIPS FALL WHERETHEY 1V1AY." EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING JUI4Y 8 1886. THE OREAT ENGLISH PRESCRIPTION Asuccessfulreedleinetestedover 90 years in thousands of casee.' Promptly mires `Nervous Pros. tration,TVeaknessof Brain,Spt. eat Cord, and GencrcaiveOrgans of either sex, Ernissionsand all illacausedbyindis. cretionorovexsexertion. Slx packagesis guaran-s teed to effect a curewhen all other medicines fail. One package $1, sir packages $5, by/nail. Sold bydrnggists. Write for Pamphlet. Address, 331efuseA CREBIRIAL CO., DETROIT, IYII0/1. (4) 40 a MIS 0 2% On Sunday last the members a the sonic frateraity, of Exeter put viciaity, met at the Lodge rooin here, • fortnecl into pro- cession anl marched. to Christ Church, (English), where eas exeellent SO131104 was preached them by the incumbent of the church, Rev, S. 1`. Robinson. Ther6"was a good congregatioa preaent, and • after illamOiiio Sermon. Wishes to anuoupee to the Inhabitants of Exeter and vicanity,tbat he has opened out o(11. anti Sifloo Sho 66 . 0 ian theiek 0,er :::Iwa ehl; eStore s North of Samwel j all kinds 0:ordered work.PrePar°d to make SAI,ALL THE LADIES WHO SEE Ike. 3 DEAMTVCI'S . LANGTRY AND PARISIAN BANGS. Without a doubt their are the most becoming styles ever intro au ed; Ladies, for som e thing in very fine style, ,sueih as the Langtry and Parisian Bangs, Saratoga Wave, Switches, Puffs, Curls, or Wigs, can on Ike. J. Dearing, at CENTRAL BARBER' SHOP, EXETER. Where he will supply an. yosw wants in the HatisLine, New Pump Factory t hroat. Office, Main -street, Exeter. TIR. WOODRUFF, Permanently located in No. 185 Qifeen'll Avenue, London, a, f ow doors east a Poet Offiee. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, bad eight, an d the pros, ervation of vision: (Hammes of the Ear, im- paired hearing, and dischargeti ftom the eat; diseases of the Throat, chronic inilammation being a frequent eallso of deafness ; diseases of the Nose, catarrh being a common csanie impel -ea hearing. ------ -- _ AUCTIONEERS. i able Prices, and work executed with cleisepaastT T-TENRY EILBER, Lioeused Auo- . SATISFACTION' Gil ARANTEED. . /Tay:Townships: Sales conducted at moderate fatee. Office -At Post-oftlee,Orediton, Ont. eleY, 2 tePhen, and McGilli- JOHN SWALLOW.„ .. .11---L. tioneer for Joinv SWALLOW Wou.d respectfully inform the inhabitants of the surrounding townships that he has op- ened a N est Pump Factory in J. SOUTHOOTT'S OLD STAND, MAIN -ST., EXETER, OPP. POST-OPPIOE. Where be will keep on hand all kinds of Pumps, which he will sell at moderate prices REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Wells and Cisterns' contracted for at • TOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the eazrwnships.of Stephen, Hay and. Usborne and the Village of Exeter. • All. sales promptly st bend ed , satisfaction -guaranteed. sates. arranged ea this office. VETERINARY. TENNENT & TENNENT, Veteri- nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toron- to, have op _ °nett an office orthe tree. tment ol a[1 Domestic Animals; on M.instreet .Exetor. Calls from a die tance promptly attended to:- Medicine for Horses Cattle,&c always on hand: ...,sessses MONEY TO LOAN., . ONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ES tate fortheneron&ErieLoan Sax- ngsSootety. Low rates ofinteresi. Apply io Tobn Spaokmen,Exoter 1VIONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6i. -L-Y-1- Percent.ac ording toterm B. Private ;.., Fithds, Annlyto --, 33 , V.ELLIOT , August15, '85 ' "' Solicitor, Exetei , MOpNeErelentTO LOAN AT 6 AND 64- 625.000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies,represented. • L. DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE. 1 -IE WX1.12ERLO 0 MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE . Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - • WATERLOO, ONT. this'coinsa,ny has been over Eighteen years in successful ()aeration in Western On - tittle ,andsontinues TO insure against .oss or damage Vire,Buildings,Mereho.ntlise,Man- nfactori es,and otherdescriptions ofilinsur- able pooperty. Intending insurers have the eptien of insuring on the Premium Note or Gash. System . Inning the past ten years this Compauy has issued 57,090 Policies. covering property to the amount of a-10,872,038 ; andpaid inloss- es 0.10320 S700,752,00 AssetS, S176,100.00, consisting of Cash n is nk,"Government Dep osit, an cl the una so - o used Premium Notes on hand and in force. J, W WATMEX11 D. Preside/ t. 0. l'Axuon, Secretary. J. B. linoires,Insneeter. CHAS. SNELL agentfor aixeter and vicinity. TILE ktron flail OF CANADA. The Royal' Alan, Passenger and .0 night Route between Canada, and Great Britain and direct route between the West and all tenets on the Lower St. Lawrence and Bide des Cha - lour, atso New Brunswick, Nova Scotia' , P. E. Island' Cape Breton, Newfot 1t1 and, iermuda, and Jamaica. Now and elegant Pullman Buffet,Slee.ping and Day Cars run on through Express trains, Passengersfor Great Britian Or Inc'Conti- n cnb by leaving Toronto at 8,80 ft. 311. Thorli- day will join outward mita steamer :it Hali- fax a, Saturday. • • Superior Elevator Warehouse and Doak ex- eounnoclation at Halifax for shipment of grain and general merchandise. YOLLTE of exp °Tien c e have proven cie IN TE11- COLONIAL in donnection with stet/int/hip lines to and from London, Liverpool 1/11/1 Glasgow to ax, to betho Quickest. freight rbutic between eaclacla and Great Britaii. rnforrnation as to Passenger and Preight rates tan be bad on applioation to , .11,0R ana.` M „ .svc stern Freight &Passenger Agent 03 P'ossin Ilouse Block, 'York Si, Toronto. 0. POTTINGER, Chid Superintendent. ltalwa3, 0 to N.11.. Nov 10,1035. Sand 10 cents postage and we will send you free a royal, valuable sample box of goods ,that pia you 10 the way of making more money at once, than anything oleo in Ames:ice. Both:sexes of all ages, eat live at hones and Work in spare thne,. or all the time.. Caiiital notrequirtid. We will start you, /millet/se ay sui o for those 'who start it onee, Straeox Co ,Portland Maine! 13. LAT.71111.1NTOZ'S Spectacles & Eye -glasses Dr. Browning llas the Sole Agency In Exeter, for the above lenees. TheY' are the only ones recommended by the President and Vice -President's ot tho ;Sled/cal. Associations of Canada, and all the leading oculists of the oge 0:be y ha ve wOrldtyvide •reptitatio n Ant gising that . aid. to vision which all other lenses fail to give, Beware of imitations, as they are in the market. B. Laurance's Spec- tacles and Eye -glasses are marked B.I4f, with- out which none are genuine,-anclnebbles are stamped Pebbles. Do not be deceived by any goods stamped Pebble -glass -or by any laxity in nanse.-DR. BIM WNING, Senn Aonscr non Eznetn. OEN TRAL DRuc ST Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended Q. GEO.,MA.NSON) Late Manager C. Eacrett'e Boot a,nd Shoe Establishment, May 14th 84. MR. WM. LYN.L4 is prepared o.do CUSTOM TAILORING At Kirkton. SUITS, PANTS OR COATS made in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction guaranteed in every !aspect. CUTTING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT LOW RATES. LadiesJaclrets a Specia,lty Give him a trial and be conviucecl that still give satitfaetion'. WILLIAM LYNE: Butter Eggs "WANTED. es Has opened out in Currelley (I Co's. Oi.d Stand: EXETER NO:RTH Complete stock of Groceries:' 16 lbs. Sugar; $1 Tea, 25; 50 and 75 cts-Good Quality. Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices. A nicely assorted stock of 1-1 A R. tf IAT A. 11 -E. FORKS, SCYTHES, BINDING GLOVES, (Cheap.) Best Machine Oil 60e per Gal. J. HE A. full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on ) hand. Winan's Condition, Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. recip- OF carefully prepared at tile Central Dri Ls' Store Exeter C. LITITZ. COOL COOL Eureka Salt! ICE, ICE, 10E BEST BUTTER SALT MANUFACTURED. the usaal mormag prayers, the rev, gent leman camaieneed, ta/ting for his text Ateee VII chapter, and 7, 8 ancl 9 Verses "Dina he showed me' and, behold, the Lord etopa 4pon a wall Made by a. plumb line, with. a plunibline in Iris hand, An the Lord awl, unto me, • Ames, what 'sees thou ? , And I said, 'A plinubline. The said the Lord, Behold', I Will set a plumb line mathe midst of my people IMO.; T -will not again pass by them any, more, -And the high places of Isaac shall be desolate, the Satietuaries of Israel shall bd144INIINte and I win xiee • against the house, Of, Jere' beam with a :sword." The apeaker. 'showed. that in order to understand. any Matter, it was neceaeary bo go down to the very Loan; dation. mi we find any institution eithea wholly huintip or both human, and divine of value,' if Wre4race, to its; head we will see that its werth cornea from being„ .faithful to, O committed ,taust., The clulach was given an instatioe of this.. every age the church had her witnesses, who freely' gave their, lives. for the truth of their tritet. The Charter of the Church was tho worclorjesue Christ, when lie founded it a living Charter; 'Without which it possessed no knee. ,We'lk0TS BOAC' to get false ideas'of things whiclitave stood the test of itgeg There is no sanctifying power in time alone. Time touches things that creation brings forth. It whitens the 'bending head of the. aged saint of God "'standing on the borders• of Paradise, and bows the shoulders of the sinner, with his hardened heart aaa his rain' ed soul. Lord Byron called it. the healer, and its rewartifor hio metaphor is a flood 0 light for his. splendid talents, but a cloud of infamy .for his wasted. life. It hallows Moses, the Mao of God, and paints in the same story the bold character of Pharaoh the presumptoup heathen. The chtmett. claiins.nething from time but proof of adith- ority Said heave* &admit. The subject of. the teXta The Phimbline, suggests at once foundation and rectitude. It is well to trace its mettehig. and learn its lessons. The write Amos,,Was a Man Of lowly life and humbler He calls himself one of the shepherds of Tekeith. The Jewish Rabbis, following the bent of -national dispesition which marks their degeneration, bowing. to the rich and despising the poet, 'try to claim for Amos the position Of sheepmaater, but, though the sheep he tended may have been his own, still his employment as a gatherer of sycamore fruit shows him to be rather what we wotild call an agricultural laborer. He claims .for,kinself no higher title than that of One oftifiblierdsmaitof Tekoah. By the architeetiii441gure of the teXt he shows the uprightness Of God, the 'care andajaetice of Jehovah. The Wall is the kingdoxia of Israel, built by the rule of the plumbline, with an unchanging standard of right. God has watched it and now he measures it with , the same standard by Which He had before marked it ; but the pleasure at his work is gone, and hi its place there comes the fixed purpoae to destroy. He marked its in - qualities and SOrits yawning seams. Then omes the judgment. He destroys by the tune rule of rightwherewithonce be hail itilt it. The herdsman of Tekoah, who had uled his life by the measure of the pluMb- ne tells us something from which we may atiler this fact, by that rule -by that ight, by those heavenly beadings, by that Divine grace -be we nations, be We socie- des Or be we men ; by that which we have ieceived, by the same shall we be judged, tatified or condemned. God's plan includ- ed the greatness of Israel, but to his way they preferred that of the world, and then came the fiat that tore down her altars and levelled her:palaces, and' showed the value which God put. upon an unfelt religion and a meaningless service. They had talked and hoped and prayed for a 'Messiah, and all the time they were growing unlike Him, and in the end they received him with the Cross of death. JOIINT WHITE 8.7 BON JP/LI/Goiters ided Proirrietors antiquity coliveyed no power, of vital bra. portanee. Ia it that mea mv,y take its degrees, and write 33 after their wanes Suiely not. Surely it has an inner life, a something by which men may find the way to Jesus of Nazareth, and learn to utter with heartfelt thanks His prayer to the Great Architeet of the Uni- verse, the Grand Geometrical], who set the Stara their COLITSOS, the Masons God Our . Father which art m Heaven. IlSonri. -- . The beople of the township of Oleg Nis - d soul were thrown into a state of great ex- tcitement when it was learned Thursday ' „ morning last, that the wife of Henry Thur - bow, a well-todlo-farmer, of lot 83, eon. 6, this towinhip, has suiaidecl by liangiug her- self to a beam in the barn on her hasband's premises. It appears for upwards of two te.teaatie.s otfla see umni semi -insanity, st utuiTttye, sav ot nit iamn a sh ebs obi ne venf .0 itianda wandering on tho railway and through the woods whistling and singing, A slight im- provement in her mental condition was noticeable for the past week or so, until the day mentionad, when it was observed, that she grew more morose and fretful than usual, the cause assigaecl, being premature child- birth some two years previous. After the melancholy event -rumors were circulated that a beautiful and prepossessing young lady in. Thurlowla employ in the capacity of a servant, had been engaging the husband's attention to such au extent as ta give rise to jealousy 011 the part of the wife. But from the following letter, found on the kitchen. table on the morning mentioned above, 51 13 apparent that these suspicions are without foundation. The following is the texeof the letter : ' "At a midnight hour. "Here Heave behind me all the world, and all the joys it affords. This is now for me. I have suffered long, and there is nothing left me but distraction. Too long have I eatertelaed tlae thought of self-distrue- tion. I have not only beau a trouble to my family' but. to the community around. I feel that I have been at the bottom of a great many troubles. They have come right and left. 1 hope nobody will blame any of the household but me for all the trouble that farmer, the son of Mr. Richard Thurlow. of aspersions and auspicionmeferrod-ae, ., It may be stated that tile deceased was a highly educated, intelligent and respectable 1 Bethel Methedist Church. The melancholy inhuAansaigt?on..ngenehsetre this while. exceptionally good reputation, being for a number of years a prorainent member of event casts a gloom over the entire cam - daughters. the 10th con. of East Nissotni, and bears an lady, daughter of the Rev. - Harris, of the townsinp of Zom. She leaves to mourn pletely exonerate Mr. Thurlow from the foul the lamentable event three sons and two the children. Auntie's to take care of them., after them. Whoever reads this may tell the poor children. May somebody look 1 tried to make the hest of it for the sake of to disgrace. •I have borne this trouble so me. Oh, I hope God will have mercy and long thatit is impossible to bear it any longer. There is nothing but eternal tournament for save the family and friends which I am now some more. I have complained too much of Bleary being unkind. to me. It was only a cloak to cover my own sins. 1 am a guilty sinner. l deserved. not a place on earth. The husband is a wealthy and prosperous The above letter would tippet/Er TT'e'o' in - "After having a swoon, I try to write iuto the cause of the death was held Friday evening at Bethel Church, Op- position Corners, West Nissouri. As a re - salt of the inquiry the jury returned the following verdict: “That the said Ettie Thurlow did, on the 1st day of July in the yeal. 1880, with a rope fastencl around her neck to a beam in the barn, hang and sailboat° herself, being ia a state of despondency.° Signed unauimous- ly by 24 jurymen. Some dissatitfection is felt at the above verdict, as the friends of Mrs. Thurlow were not present to push her cause, li 00AL OIL AS OFIE.AP AS EVER, A reduction of 5 Per Cent. on Tweeds, and Ready-mades. A good Suit of ALL -WOOL SERGE for $7.50. Suitiugs and Overcoats Cheap. Our Dress Goods are marked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. • A House and Lot to sell or rent. Apply to JOHN MATHESON. HAY P. O. Exeter _Butcher Shop. R. DAVIS, Buteller & General Dealer -110 &LT., KENOS OP - 1V1 Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS At.ru SATURDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE CEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. .TTIE IMPERIAL MineTal Water Co'y. I have a full stock of these Waters and Driolcs on hand. Call ancl try them. Family G-roceries Try our celebrated 50c, Tees, rad get 5 lba, of Stigar (with otely one ponnd of Teta) Lor 25 cts. LEMONS, LEMONS, LEMONS 1 TObaoco arid Cigars Buy a package of ENGLISH DRILLED EYE NEEDLES, 25e. A hottsehold, Trea- ' • I I I liitve 0110. OCEAN TICKETS, SOLD TO TEIE OLD COUNTRY. Remember pm 1-z-Tilvt the iiddtcs s • a Drew'z L'iook, South 1Store., SIGN THE FLAG, D MAGES KIEKTON, Sumner Prints Reduced in Price Ar Dulmages, KirktQn, We give a PILEMIUM evil and every- one buyiug our 50c, arid 00e, Teas rn 5. 10 or 12 lb. lots, and gaarantee Teas, If same don't give Emir° Satisfaction at price, they will be taken back and money refunded, dVe arc botind to sell Cheaper then those fj0 ADVE RTISE Thoy are doing suori A STRAI.GI-IT-FORW Alt D B SINE SS. '4.N -ever Undersold" 0, W, DULIVIAGE. KIRKTON. They preferred a murderer to Him, and for them there was no Messiah more. Then history tells us the end ; how the wings of every evil bird beat heavily over the corpse of a nation that had fallewinto inoraialeath. The plumbliiv, of Amos suggests architeca ture, the mind runs on to Athena, to l Corin- thian and Ionic pillar. Athens in her simple purity and. Athens, with her life eaten away by the fritting leprosy of her favorite sin. Earthly Kingdoms measured by the rule fall short of the standard, decay and die. Still the Kingdom of Jesus Chalet stands although all about it falls. into rah' and the symbol the hated: croSs towers aloft. And this proves to us that Goa is King. The British -Empire stands to -day as • the grandest work of human minds, and if there is -any danger to it, it comes from an, Irish thorn and we see the germ of that danger planted ceaturies ago by the wrongs. and oppressions of Englishmeu,whose naines are fOrgptten, but the fruit of whose deeds remaina. It is well for Masons to try their order by the rale of the plainbline, and if the sign of impending ruin appears, to work matifully to aemove The origin of the society is oVerlaid avith it great ametart of mystery, but all the light which early his- tory throws %Don it connects it with church, building in the 13th and 14th centuries. We learn that a master presidea over the whole Work, and that every tenth man WAS a *ex. den. They beilt Cathedrals which to -day cermet be .reprodaeed. They were men wile could atanip thole owit individual getdus (10 every atone, The team " Free " Was given because they. were exempted from burdens laid upon ether Werkinea. A long list of noted mem have. been olir011da ill the' ranks of the order. They Oahe every King from Hoary VI to the Prince of Wales.. POWer mid perfect. organization they certainly have that. What lessons hat Ames for Masonry to -day 1 This for one, that "Milian organi- aations-abo -014 inttioas, Societies or lies -ate undet the care of God.. Masonry has been true to HS oltiiin for morality and religioa hefore the *arid. The. fiest they ea tablished. in the severe poi:sec-aim' seffered in the United States about half a centary ago, and the latter when the Grand Lodge of England ceased offiCial relatioa with the Llaund Orient of Franee for atheism, h conclusion, for , what IS the eider 01- iahlished Merely to prove that it is old The speaker had endeavored to ShOW that tio:1:ei40Atiptarti eleetione are OxPeetea to 0014, off Mara next, and the Doti:linen oleo- aTitne expired ; mau ditto ;" was reason a eauritry pestmaster geve for notify- ing a publieber (liecOntintle Oencling his his paper to a eertain address. The net gains for consdttatites resulting, from tile two revisions of the Listowel Do- tlo ic'ent d"aittelrs'f(1)16''0,1')710021.1,,n:ttie:ons. islistwEODInt31`4- fire. A base ball tournament was lield at Park- hill Friday. The prize was a $15 silver enp. • The Ailaa Graig Stars played the first ;Janie and beat the Poiat Edward Club by 22 to 0, 1110 *ars then played ar with the G. T. II, Club, of this oitv„ and won by 14 to 0, A trotting mare, the' prepeaty, Jones, of Clantieboye drelVed twin foala Claude - boa° a few days age, to the Hatabletonlan andstal isot zrl 0 nTg nal 1 cin 0 r sle' I ix oyn farroleialudtafilioedf, I rifoiecattaliotihntyY3 aseTli)laireingiethea twaienrstaainviasirat.(5 amongst young oohs in. some neighborhoods In a stretch of six miles from Sarnia on the London road and 2nd line Plympton, no fewer than twelve have already died, whilo more than ordiaary difficulty has been had wiAthlr14. riasedi4Wfilasioiluag f Torenton, eng,ineer for the Canada Company, has made an in- spection of the Con.ipany's drainage works in the township of Bosanquet. These works NM been successful in draieing Lake Bur- well completely, and. id materially lowering iillitleevealitIonakbeasdernhia?I'elub paid Wingliam a visit on Wednesday and f layed a matait with the "North Stars," The Stars were too much for them, however, and they were defeated by ,13 runs. Score-Wingliana, 29; Clinton, 16. Geo. Duffield, no old London boTy,wio)itgehaneicleafoorf tbliaeseSbtaarisi.wore played at St. Marys Thursday. The first-131ansharci vs. St. Marys, resulted in favor of St. Marys, who scored 12 to Blaushard's 8. In the afternocia a large crowd turned out to see the game between the Opposition Corners vs. St. Marys. Score: -Opposition Corners 1011,'' 81. SM.a.PrY.E41.11s was made the recipient of $100 by the people of the Methodist Church, .Goderich, last week, as an expression of their high appreciation of his vallable seaviees 10 the capacity okehorister. Mr. H. is an ex- ' cellent leader and we hope he may by spared for years vet to lend his ability in that adnirf:actsitooennt.h and after the first clay of May, ou your pig styes, if, you have by an Aot passed by the Ontario Goverii. ment, all pigs must be moved outside of the corporation or kept at least 70 feet away from any house, dwelling or street. Even if they aro 70 feet away from the prohibited. places, the pen must have sloping fleOrs and must be cleaned out once every day. A canary bird belonging to Blis. Gould of St. Marys, which had attained the remarkable age 22 years, died the other day. It had • been in Mrs. Gold's possessiou for over 19 , years, "or for or five years back it was found necessary to shell all the seed that the bird used, and for at least it. year it had been, suffering from rheumatism. or some other disease incidental to old age. At the semi-annualmeeting of the Orange Lodge of North Huron, Mr. Henry. Perkins, P. O. 111. was presented with a valuable and handsome* gold Leaden cane and, a complhnentary address On account of his worth as a citizen and his loog, active and valuable services in connection with the Loyal Orange Association.' Mr Perkins is in every way worthy of the respect and esteem of his brethren and of his fellow .citizens _ gb ee stIn einea Ylal 111: Ognritsatri for t"lilelxleieslle4aLneeellogi the e work it tune out; has been purelmaed by Mr. John Saddler, for the sum of 33,000. Messrs. Hoskin Bros. will rim it until their lease expires, wheu the new purchaser will take possession of the property. Mr. Sad- dler is an industrious and most esfimable man every one who knows him is anxious that his speaulation will turn out a most proAdtambloesint vseersitonluesntaccident occurred at . barn raising in McKillop on Friday last. Anthoily, son. of Mr. Timothy Giviin, and brother-in-law of Mr. john Barns, ex -Deputy Reeve of Hibbert, was assisting at the raising, when a rafter fell from one of the top plates and struck him just behind the head across the shoulders. He was pieked up insensible, and the Parish Priest and Dr. ISIcKidd, of Seaforth, were sent for at once. He was in a very dangerous state, but is, we are glad to' learn, now in fair way towards recovery. A Liman correspondent writes in congrat- ulation of Miss Lillie Stanley, claughtr of ex -reeve, W. Stanley, who secuvea the Lans- downe medal at the competitive examine, - tion of the pupils of the Sacred. Heart Col- lege, in Loudon, which took place at that institution on Tuesday of last week. The Young lady is deserving of praise from the fact of her being in attendance at the col- lege for only one year. This is the third medal which has come to Biddulph and - Liman from the Made college. The first animal Caledonian games were held in Goderich July let, and were an un- qualified success in every particular. Fully efght thousand visitors were in town. The, field of athletics was one of the best that ever appeared. at auy exhibition in Canada. Elie features of the day were the boating of he reeords in heavy weight championship aua jumping,. In throwing the heaVy stone ,T. D. McColl reached 37 feet five inches and n throwing the ltaht shot, Robb. Harrison eclipsed all previous records by a throw of 40 feet 10 inches. Sullivan, in a hop, stop and jump, with weights, WORE 35 feet 4 in., beating the reeord by tines inches. It is the intention of the people of Goderiell to hold the Caledonian games there on the first of july each yea/. The whole country about Cliuton has been excited over tha disappearanee from his home of Ala Wm. Connoly of Gotletieh 'township. He left home Friday afternoon, and probably 100 men searched for him but he was not found until Tuesday abont 11 a. He was ound dead in -St, john's swamp, Hulicitt, bout miles from Clintou, having weeder-ci about twelve Miles from home. He was itting on a log with his haelc against a tree. eeemposition had already sot in The gentleinan was aged and his mental faculties were failing him, While regretting his death and tendering our sympathies with his re- latives thereat, it ninst he a groat relief to have their sespentie brought to a close and to havo found the, if only inseimate, re - 111011171. - To most children. the bare suggestiou of a dose of castor oil is nauseating. Milan P113' - is neeessary for the little ones, nse Ayer's Cathartic Tills. They eonabiati every essen- tial and valuable principle ot a eathartic mech. eine, 00714 being sugar -coaled, are easily taken. Scott's Einnision ot Pure. Cod Liver Oil, With IltypOplioSphites, a Nernaly for Pulmonary APction$ a ntZ Scrofulous DiscaSor. 111.1 Lasaa-a mamma physic ail 111 Now York, says am greatly pleased with pair Emulsion. Have foiled it eory service- able in above diseases, and is easily mi. inluistta ed 011 amount of its paint Lb:loans, HERE AND TH.ERE. News Condensed Mr. Trow, M. P., accompanied by Mrs. Trow and farnily, will leave in a few days for Europe. Mr. T. Coughlin AL P., of Offa, has pur- chased new piano of the Dominion Co. make. Mr. S. Renton has resiguecl as teacher in Lucan, and Mr. Edwards; of Ilclerton, has t been appoiutecl in his stbad. Mr. James. Marr, of McGillivray, is diiving noug e lovituts af timid° a oo a toar. He is the guest of his • friena Mr. Richard • i'OwcIl, 0 lant. On. It is reported that Mr, Mowrit has decided to appoint a poliee magistrate for Middlesex, notwithstanding the objection of the county eouncil. Ths Ridgotown Standard,'n spicy and well condneted conservative jonrnal has rimmed a new dress, anduow presents a vary creditable appearance. Mr. William Raftenbury, of Clinton. aged 82, the founder of that town, died Monday Afternoon, deeply regretted by all who laid the pleasure of his aeginuntanee. Jt. married man named Galilean, who elopedwith a fifteen year -Ohl girl was fol. a lowed to Wilmot 'Township, and settled by s Ps.Viaa $500. Graham is 50 years old and I D the girl comes from MeEillop, Huron Co, The Wingliam Council have made a eon- taiet with Grey, Young ,a Sperling. salt mannfacttwers of Settforth and Myth, to operate the Winglutin salt 1(011, 10 the evenb of the C. 2.11. being extended to Wingham The St. Mary's Argus is pleased, to learn that Mr. Duncan Dawaon's first venture in in shippiug cattle to the English market has, turned out highly successful. Alta A. Sink, ins had charge of the shipmeut aboat oim hundred head, and peeformed his work satisa (aetrilYSi Therlitford _Beacon Mils ha a a farmer, by tilt mime of Laverty, deliberately ran into Mr. 'Alexander Stewart, while riding a bieyele, Upon the wise being called Mr. Laverty, mitered a plea of guilty 4-a was tined 350 and costs, The magistrate in posing the file, C011011011tal very, severely upott the 00)11106,0f Mr. Laverty, arid in. timated that finumrs who acted at, times as a they owned Elor Majesty's high -ways in tha, country, should take a lesson, from tios case. '