HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-12-24, Page 3>.leu<,JNI)J !NAy(flJWinvp . plwJ^KMiy;Ui J y anpciln itltaa� f SEIk q�klk+:Ir}b'iK'Mr!�'IF' owl I and �iy o ld `wt Mit , title nth and that t#ie iticlutp irta of .Two's. uF bit eaf work fir's't event et�:in to., the meatal, to us tudar . The -w`lt of taQ a rrehth +tttut°t+tt C Id withThe leader.es,,. opened the stc a, y readtl a ra, hyllis 1 ?ndat.l's group ToCrSStit. 'Iwo: Wilts* fvuu; 4.t'cwp w_ith`severut hri: serl+ectionson the piano, Elaine -Townsend pPres Clinton Wome G's t%tst;It#,t,I held their* annual Christm is pot lock dinner in -the Avictilture Board Reims, tm Thursday,. D cetaber tS. Following the. d'i'nner, Mrs. Elliott opened the meeting with az poem. "What is ..Christmas." Mrs, Uric t then introdue e;d F attherardy, who gave the Christmas. message. Since, e the thane of the Women's tns,t,ititte is "Home and Country," he spike on how important home ig at this time of yez�r, We get snowed in with things we have to do. tt isn't just the birthday of a great man. We are cam- -mentorating Christ; who is with us not just days but is still with us, this we must 10 remember first while preparing for the Christmas season. J us being together as families is very important to many people. and very sad when . children and grand- children forget the im- portzance of getting in touch. Mrs. Et lert. thanked Fath.ec Hardy for am aspiring message. The meeting then continued with the business, with Mrs, Ltatkin giving the minutes and treasurer s report. Instead of an exchange of gifts. a dollar donation was given to the Wouen's institute for expenses and donations Home and Country magazines were distributed and members subscribed to the Federated News 'M%°s. Groves, program convenor. introduced Mrs. Dora Heard who whistled ."Away to a manger- and Jingle Belts." Mr. and Mrs. Cecil F, iliott demonstrated the new couple's dancing of waalta and two stpes, a s called by a caller to the tunes of "Silver Bells", ..Tulips., and "Tips of My F urgers.' An hour , of 13in99 was- en- joyed by all, and the meeting adjourned with wishes for Christmas and the New Year. form,aiu I.ntR WilLa TAytur' and prt ente4 tte� hristmascnrsa w. Marlene- For eh it business of themeetingry tt the sec marl And tre'asltt' r.S reports being given and approved. Thank -you cards and 4tirie p+e#ndeitci; were read. New business was discussed and alt repert givenn on the bate, Thirty-two kft +t . , a Qisoktotav, Eye Everyone Welcome As+rls r at';It 4 th qui o_ dtteu`% is Tie Onnu 31 mleetitl4 of th# tigrtCra.L UCW Witt be .ttnu r The busing* pcartton closed with u pry l and Harriet Tyndall toaducted „Christt as Caro. and Sift Song„ . The contest was followed by Lunch. served b Betty Stanley's gaup. Brumfield United Ci ,ut zh will be celebrating the I00th Anniversary at their Church nest year with various ac- tiv Ries, beginning March 7. March o will be, called Pioneer Sundaty. Harrold Wright, a former, minister of the church will preach. assisted by Padre Stuart, also a former num—ster. Former neer choir members will provide the music. This service marks the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of the congregation. May 30 is Youth Anniversary Sunday. Mrs. Doug Willis of Ayr it it l present a puppet story ser- mon. Bride and Groom Sunday will be hared On Jutyi°'Couples whose names appear in the church records as having been married thio . rriitl reaffirm tft Stevens- �K�. l , the The tooth Annivet• tat'y service will • tae held October '.;N. Rea. Dr. Graham Tipple. minister of Calvary Church -of London and termer President of Conference, wtfl be the Anniversary speaker, assisted by Padre Stuart. a . former minister of the churn. In the evening, a Dialogue Service will be presented by the Woodstock Cheiralaaires, On November 28. the Congregational Celebration of the. opening of the first church 00 the *hare will be held. The spec gee will be Dr. John McIntosh of Toronto, formerly from this com- munity. On the Social Events calandaar win be Robbie Burns Night, held January , .:3 , a Visitors' Day, June -1: Strati �bierry and Ham Supper: 'J,utae '3 and a Reef Barbecue. October 20, +tttsli*t'CR atiSfi tC+r E1tt * Cli$44$14, r , CAt VW. Ctwtit O1A4;Cs'O;A tom, SUNDAY. pecemaeR 244, 1915 Seamans Q.reetins to alt i : 04 A.,riL Maniac. ,AtenboA Service l t -00 a,-liR:. UMW! School and Winery SERMON. "SOME HINTS FOR Me EttRtsIM. s eve SERVICE at Ontario Street Church r 30 l .tri.. The Goder,ich Salvation Army visited the Home on Sunday afternoon with members of the band playing in each of the setting rooms assisted by a group of young people singing carols. The residents were presented with gifts of „fruit by members of the corps LWhieh was greatly appreciated. Mrs. Finkbeint>.r led the Sunday evening song service sponsored by the Christian Women' 'S Club of South Huron, Three new residents were welcomed to the Home at Mondays program • Mrs. Broughton of Auburn. Ray Henderson, Seaforth and George Feaagan, Goderich. The Gook*rich Township Women 's tastitute volunteers assisted with the afternoon's activities With music' provided by Mrs recency Cos, Mrs. Maitland triter and Norman Speir. Seventy Grade ! - . • 3 - studenis from the Clinton Public School entertained on Tuesday afternoon with their Cpart of the annual School hristmas Concert. 'The Program was directed by five teachers Miss Johnston. Mrs. Andrews.: Mrs. Jones, Mrs, .tewett, Mrs. Allen and the t'"riiae ip4at, Mr. Taylor Doug McKellar was- emcee for the afternoon and in- troduced n- troduced songs by the Primary* and Junior Choirs: two prays,. Frosty the Snowman and A Plot to Kidnap Santa Claus, and u Christtiaaas Me-S.srtge. Mrs., Buchanan expressed the appreciation of .the residents, A grout) el ytoun. peepte .'"! he C�alVWO,ttes' sang carols through the Horne en Tuesday evening and resented gifts to some of the residents who don't hove itnmediaate relatives, Thirty Grade f students of the Robertson Public" School, Goderieh presented a Christmas concert on Wed- nesday afternoon, David Kemp directed the program and accompanied . the students for the singing of several Christmas Carols. The poetry part of the program included all of the students with each one taking . to part of the verses. Mrs. Doak, who is a great grandmother of a pupil at l obei'tson School. thanked all those taking part on behalf of the residents. Hot*$SVILUU LIMO CKUICB t ,, , Worship StiNice and Sun It Set10$0 MON: "SOME HINTS FOR 1f24" Litt g tOiM€D CHO`IC . Cita zla i +r+C t► St'*.i Sat'vites, 10,40 a,m, and 2.30 p.m. ton 3ites Sw+Aas % 30 • m Mitch Somme •i i iClOt tR m 1 tie Ctiy+t0% ria or *a i0 Gats ttau. lIt*C• S%$ d*it i 30 p nh CNi:Q Cit*R+ 0141, ritEt.CQM I IAUUIELD IO US, CN EN tltgll�fEft Of US SHAM Gt'VA AN ACCOUNT 4r ionsto 'to Goo. - to It PASTOR: RR1AN HARRISON. to -M • rn SU AY mat. tt tia * m MORIA G *Q*,S$MR, 304 Pm EVENING NOW. ' DNESDArs 1 p m PAWN MISTING EVERYONE WELCOME ST PAWS ASUMAN CHURCH SUNDAY. DECEMBER 24. ISIS II :30 A.m. MATINS ' C!HR$STMAS EVE Carols and HWY Communion t o,m. CHRISTMAS DAY - t130 AXIL tory f tun awtkut eztat.azada We're hoping this will be o warm. happy holiday filled with tots of cheer! Our gratitude for your kind support. TRA-VELON Phone • 95131 CARL COX—LORNE LOVE---DENNIS Ft E*SC#IALIER wAYNX NARR'iN~AN ttttOWSIOP Vett CHAPEL 1R? NAPit ST ti west w** at Cc twoonity Centre; tt AS • m WO*S#tti SERV,Ct tt Oa • m-St11$04W SCIII001. s4%rl **tt NOUN i p m Gospel Service N•• 100 p m •cwt 010t,t STUDY rfab mtoimm twtin Otioos 443 cos CALVARY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH %ii V•croe.• Sheat •e*tS. tootle t!eit> 2S 4 43 • m Sw'det Scnmor “1:1041m Wor�rty. *MVO* 00 O rR •*seat .S1br*+co !e* tverggimtibt $.11100 00 A m WMr•it•s *MTV PbSMwcy► i 013 D m ii4*i ,wawa PlenOtts *u Mrts;Cd.ME ST A'lo*tw ,S PRtst'f Ttrt4M CHURCH Acv mem D mEtSQN Clean*: lrRti mi.j: onare4$t SUNDAY. DECEMBER 24, 191$ CHRISTMAS SERVICE 10:00 a.m, Sunday School tor alt *cies 10:00 at.rti. worship Senuee SPECIAL mulct "THE MtMILLAN FAMILY** At t, WEtco . is tits spirit of Ckriststlas Peter S. Msrfwee end staff is plowed to satiety soosee's + rsstiegs to ill ow slisstsls, Cods end fleshless associates. As we live tad work together say the spirit of goodwill shod. fte$T *APT'S, CNu4Cti cusvolo SPEAKER; JACK CHRtSTtAANS SUNDAY. DECEMBER 2*. t97S 10 00 *In Sunday School 'Classes lour all ages tl oe a.tti. Merntnq warship Everyone Weh orae Here's wishing yours nteirrm nittiash ontxd Christmas. And to you, warm thanks for your confidence and trust! It has been a pleasure to erv'e you. CLINTON OFF1Cet 86 KING Jlt;Ani lhtlr Leah Kuehl Baytitid SAS•$423 + ricer 4041N wr3N Residertte: 410.130a SAINT JOSePN'S C*thattt Mirth .tames St Chilton / tie 44),1+41 SUNDAY. DECEMBER 2*. t*7S WED, OEC. 24. 1073 Chrt3tmat Mass t p.m. THURS. S. DEC, 2S. 1,75 Okosimas curls 11A,m. ALL. WELCE