HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-12-11, Page 36i• 7 vorrs4,11.0;;.' , *. a thOrnagh sudy utA must he carr&e4 out, inde pendendef Uytho. ofthe 4044 ed . -Were a 046i9At PRNSERVEVOOMMOS Luur1$1, Mr nee the imPlMioAlt of arum ee4iot*souther 644,k,v. 1rotoat of *rich Ui VOMettla were to by the Men re*V0401011,Veli of the partieipatkg townships. "We have now oe Mit#004 Wes not make moce;,' QOM Maros of Tunbetr Towaship,plestlett "The erection of tranalltinion 01"344 MOW Proftibil fat* make Atoning opra- errkos and ineffieient." Harry Winkel of flowick Town - $p concluded, Eldon Vines of Wallace Town- shi presented statistics to su the importance of Dem% uron,„ Perth. Lanibton, Water.. We on, Middlesex and Oxford its in Ontario's agri- culture, The Peel Tewnship represents- ' Ors vOieedth 14104* *nionz "We conclude that it is morally wrong to ext hange our god food hinds for development and not preserve them ter future genera- WM% when se mock land is avail. able, without destroying our agri- culturrd land." Reeve Lorne Murray of Mary - borough Township issued a statement that came as some- what of a shock to the commis - son: theenvironmentaleffects of hydrocorridors have not yet been researehed, "These proposed Maier hydro corridor's coming was eQzflect at the meeUng by Pr. concern. It tiont of icutLurat tand and its Murk um moral and 4. agricuJtuaL tand n 'tho limited ar#MA, where it can be foundgra% tilis must net be COMMA ttOM WiCigture." D. 414Q, voiced a slit (MUM that worsted eonsent, ing ttile kola those present; That LI a decrees* tn servite re1- abycouIdsow Hydros rate of e. "we as individuals could amara (he fnconveniences of minor service interruptions." JUNIOR VIEWPWNT A Listowel Central School grade eight student added another dimension of concern at the meeting, ',Win progress eat up our foodlands with generatim stations, Irensmissiou hietways. dog tood companieet, city peoplewho viant weekend**, treats?" 44141P CIRO 44144 ("Granted, we will likely have lots to eat, but what about my chil- dren and their children?" The Huron County Beef kw provement Association was re- presented by Harry flayter of Stephen Township. "We feel that future electric power plants and transmission lines should be built on tow priority agriculturril land or on non-agriadtural land," he said. One of the issues he raised was new to the commission: farm habil ty increases due to hydro corri OR 'flW _ bydtosuit by is cut off O. corn- illVeati to the pos- sibty ef Wad% Min. ing the UabUt costs sinee "the tumor has no optica as tit the placing of the wer lines on his property. NEW,CONDITIONS &bent LTD property owners on the Kw -existing Bruce -to -5w forth tight -OE -way were repre- sentedby David Mycelium of RR t, Winghain. The liruee-lturon Powerline Negotiating Cow- mittee expressed its concerns abouttheches created by the preaeneeoftttebydrocontdors in this area. "Our every day lives, dirietly or indirectly, have changed," Mr. McCallum said, He compared the situation to "a serpent which we find rather tutiemfortable to handle." Mr. McCallum presented a list of six profits and conterns to under - 4 , • , tef, pitve oUn r the world ; ewbers sad. U* wwi 144 ; WA,* ^ 41, 4t to an tt lath settof Jan.t ANCIMA104171 The brief presented by -ttm Christian, Farmers Ferteration of Ontario w the most incinsise Antonsive-of the evening, The ve7p4g1 (loom** QuIlint4 the moor concerns ot the wow and stresselthe motion public, parti, cipatton in energy *mit* the major teens, of the tunes was,. Ontario tkoldro policies. -The Christian Farmers Federation betiaes that Ontario itoro has in the past been quito ignorant of the true value of food land. On - tutu: 1:IA7,0's format for public partieipation meetings has been tmamptable. Many of our pre- sent difficulties are to part the- restdt of inadequate public con- trol over past Ontario Hydro goats and practices." The "largest" group retire- sentedat the -meeting was led by SiI Armstrong of HR 4, Wing - ham. ite spoke for "a group ef concerned teenagers" and sug- gested that the future generating stations be placed at the actual place cif need, thereby eliminating mites of high-voltage transmission lines and conserv- ing valuableprime agricultural Land. " When asked by the meet- ing chairmanGeorge- Meltague, how many teenagers were repre-. sented by the group, Bill replied: "We represent the teenagers of Ontario." All the briefs presented had one t sessiog set the ornment tbe or4, periost The time was timit4 Olympia figuring machines are :0 to give you the most accurate results tn the shortest timo The same quality and craftmanAhil) that goes into Olympia typewriters goes into Olympia adding machines and Eteetronic Caltulators. Construction so rueottd they can go on and on vvithout servicing. And best of all, prices so low you won't find a better value anywhere. All machines displayed in our showroom where you'll feel at home. HURON BUSINESS MACHINES tt3 Ontario St. • CLINTON. ONT. ' PHONE 442 -Ma BUY NOW AND PICK UP YOUR SEED CHEMICALS AND 'FERTILIZER REQUIREMENTS IN THE SPRING. DEAN cLARKE in the preliminary Wingham Thursday Central expressed present power plan Ustowel was the youngest participant meeting of the I:trier temeniSSIOn in The grade eight student from Listowel his concern for the future effects of nierg. Cert. # 1 VERNAL ALFALFA 9 5c per Ib. Double cut RED CLOVER Cert. CLIMAX TIMOTHY THINK OF POWER TOOLS IT 'LACK & DECKER • SAWS • DRILLS * 'SANDERS • THE WORKMATE BENCH AT SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PRICES! Other Chastain GIft Svsesthes., • AMEOCKK 014111NET IflikikOWARE Vi• $ANP 1OOS "40:k" ,110, SCOTCH CRIS AS TINES LAR SELECTION HER NOW...t vu 0%. We'Vt Intl OHM tat 2$ FEATURING; Christmas Arrangements FRESH AND ARTIFICIAL Hanging Man iltrs FRESH AND ARTIFICIAL Chri t as Corsages Poiniettiase Pat Mains* Mixed Pots, Asafeas• Cyclanten. Green Plants Flowers wired anywhere.. CANADA. %S. OR °mum— fiLBASE °ROW EARLY, MU OR SAG FERTILIZES 8.32-16 6-24.24 16.16.16 AMMONIUM NITRATE 34 POTASH 61% UREA NITROGEN 46% "HYLAND" SEED CORN "HYLAND" SEED OATS "HYLAND" SEED BARLEY "ItY1.411ND" SEED MIXED GRAIN (ALL IN 45 LEL IIAGS) BEFORE. YOU BUY GIVE US A TRY. COME IN AND SEE US Al.. Florist • SI. Usti. (IW* 412402 "Okoorts to **try ociottow.