HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-12-11, Page 33—
tttc$1k,._ Weeds,
Winter hos come tQ
et, le t the soW
and cokt this weel
Wtth the
a O, 49(04, wet CtUU
and ths mi
had a boautUl.
• been ogreatsOvmgonfu
Hope springs eternal wit
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PPO „':,tiassboaits SCaffleeM OV ...
OW a ' "I, ta WOO)*
the human, breast
recalling: ether years wit= row cess. it is 4
titielve had warra weather inaataril* what seed* CAPPe
December* Lucy horn for the, birds sew, Thomorst are convonied by ;turner°
hove- had th
mere. this Year. As she 104 Bettlap,SAlta '41 , -grapo vines sparroWs
out , the Windows She secs and'ehi*echetztios.,They, fan Sllige WOW.. The eitickastees.
_Teo pinkrogos, waving In the spread the, syringe, or orange with a pair of woodpecker*.
breeze. It reminds her of . biassom. have been teedingen the suet
seeing pinik yeses in bloom on One must !leave something WO ever since the snow
the tenth of December\ when for the birds and what more came.
* t resting sight than a flock Wender of vron‘ersf What
Luey and Jean accompanied covering a shrub. cracking tow has been fogad
On Christmas day,„ IOU. of Red
heir father up the river. He the seed pods while others growing on the west s'
carried , his gun and was teed on the seeds which drop "Th,e But." If se.
Looking for game (a few hares txt the snow.. squirrels must hove done
were to be found up there in A small flock of Evening Lucy a service in )?lanting
liketty u ey.
MeCkure„ Sam
, jevdtt. Ferne
Mary MeClOre and
•son presented a
wets of School
those days).- Grosbeaks was about the However, it wilt have to bekit 'The
The river had been frozen village two weeks ago. Quite moved closer to the torso oltil
over but was running againearly in the fall Lucy saw Engle shrub for the blossoms imi sowitliesbord pot luck
Lucy and Jean had great fun some young female's at the tobe pollinated. Andthenwake .rkft;'-i.w,--- *1413 enjoyed bY. ever
breaking the shell ice bet- green syringe seed pods, and gets the nuts'? Probably the tw e, a foltowia
0PRestte tktke hogs bael' They. 2,,ii i , ) 41,, . . a , 4 ..,40, .4, i.04.D, *, . . all ChM WM.
ween the stones at the edge, also picking something out of squirrels! ealleter,
* - , arm III
hadon itio'sVeatet cobilsXt 4"-
lashtvi gilt that will
Step in Fashion this Christmas with a
Long Party Dress from Schaefer's. We
have.a collection of the senores most,
beautiful dresses for you to wear with
charm and grace.
had to unbutton their
Mrs.Elia Jewitt and Don of
That year there was a at uron's night schools
1.1 Seetertlk, Miss Pat Witten ot
bountiful crop of fruit, but
Mien. Mr. Ottid Mrs. Ken
Lucy examined the little close Presscator. Diane and Nancy
apple tree on the lawn, she Night school classes at the Huron in Clinton is exactly were supper guests on
noted the buds swollen and five secondary schools under 300, This is the largest it has Tuesday evening November
green just as if they were the jurisdiction of the Huron been since CFB Clinton Sth with' Mr. and Mrs. Jim
the Montmorency cherry. in a are proving to be very Mania* JcN
ready to burst. The buds on County Board of Education closed down.
Response has been good for
popularagain this year.
sheltered place, were the reopening of night school
More than 1.400_ residents of
showing up in buitches. The
the county are taking ad- classes at Seaforth District
Japonica, at the front fence, High School after an absence
had two blossoms at the same vantage 01 the opportunity to
gain knowledge in a wide of some 20 years. During the
time, as an apple was found current classes, 93 students
varieV of subjects.
polyanthus, six inches in South Huron District High
The largest number is at are enrolled. Night School
principal Stephen Hook ex-
on the ground. Pale yellow
height, were blooming in the School in Exeter where 450 peels this number will rise for
border in front of the roses. the January sessions.
The forsythia. now that the are registered for 32 classes
, .
leaves had fallen off. sported held MondayTuesday
Wednesday and Thursday. Two field trips for students
a few yellow blossoms. Night schooly.rincipal E.C. in Huron County board of
The wind had blown over Beard at F. Madill in education schools were ap-
the tall white lilacs in the
west hedge. The heads on this
Wingham reports an proved at Decembees
enrolment of 248 students, the regular m"ting'
and other lilacs were about ta largest in its evening school
burst open. programming history.
Mrs. Bell . who lived next P
Courses are held Tuesday and
door, reported that her tulip Wednesday nights.
bulbs had sprouted through At Goderich District
the grounds. Collegiate; 344 are enrolled.
All this unseasonable
The largest class is driver
growth et tree buds, does not
education with 65 students
augur well for a good crop of .
Blidminton is next in line with
at Central
bloom and fruit next year, 4:. registered.
especially if it is an icy winter Enrolment
which particularly affects the
peach buds.
It is a year since Lucy has
beervout around the garden at
this late date. She was sur -
pried to see the. long, male.
three -pronged blossoms on
the filbert shrub. It has been
there for about 20 years.
There were two planted. but
the female must have died as
only or two nuts have been
discovered on little trees.
which hove since died.
Between the molesand
troughts, small shrubs seem
to have a difficult time to
survive at "The Hut".
Despite all the fine
'Weather; there is pier of
tidying up te do in the g
The. Chinese lanterns ‘h
have crowded everything else
letepsideet Skiwir
Veiled Co.opitativo
of Ostitic
. Livestock Dept.
Ship Your Livestock
Itsv Stetcher
Day ,komVarna $*kva
CALL BAY ittEtt)04.2
By lhaea,m, MoodaY
Po Prompt Service
tite Chariot 'en Picku4
Nothing is used MOM Mt any
woman. Every time it‘e uses 0
she will be reminded et your
$ Rod VOSS
Stood Donor
11111011 colors MST INDOOR
SWIM11111111 POOt
et Wit,
JANUAlltif $ TO *MKS It 11114
Wieners' ~tat woollies...ow OM Voinnis
° 11101‘01016
• Slaters
• Shirt Jackets
• Vests
• Shirts
• Sweaters
• Skirls
• Pants
Yee% SwifOrnift• teen
Adult Swill/Mill instruct***
Saha *ivies Oats*
Royal. Ole WWI ittattliark
SY think*
Always a Christmas 'favorite.
• Dusters • Housecoats
• Pegrrair Sets
• *mama • NYkin
e Quitted
A gilt she will love.
Choose from WO elout say
cater er style. &sweater is
always a welcome sift
sure silt hit.
" q c‘LIO
0 01 t 0 0 0
'tCh 0 '10
1* tstnCte It h.
Ortlerata %taxi, It e.ta. OA 14 SI.
°PIM It tilt * Wea,
NO *THEN IN SIAM titaitty
0111004111610 $* �1$
ICI* CM. ke *Id *101,4
et the Ill*ClitM14$0
Mkt thriStrott complete
a tkeveti Ns yar.
• thoHl 4.410.itt tlYian
• litWrotiS NVIon
Sten loom
tWE0.. SAT.—
*mu to ism.
111 p.m.
uU WEAR Ittilelni