HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-12-11, Page 151 1044,by 0 ents* Mrs. „ woo 1 04 • ptir ,Usa old tin tete ri the chria.tiust 'efrVfkoli t1i, in ;with.thengtivities. vs. * Rolston, of rich, arranged a Family Ttt V , ill4exitR; welcth • ' '1; ; ber watp oft, nem*r a44 zttititatth t CeP41:1:14:44Wilntfe Prqt*R"' V' Pac r: th wa.A, aritp?triNt by the kitchen .staif and ervttt by the W4llitIrbiArn. volunteers oF Auburn, Af-t Pit el)ky ter tan 10A4404 wikx the ettkng o SnoittNlnyk, Sep, timberZOtor the COMM)! itn In oterringh.„ Lig% Wright and wayne Atithhtttt, 04 is the daughtee or Mrs. *ter Wright,. Kippea and the lateFratilt Wright. WAYne i the WA of M. and M. $ahn A. Tebbutt. R.R. Clinton. The bride given in marriage by her brother ItITteStloaed. lovely in a 14, formal gown of pale ivory intertoek jeratty, fashioned with long sleeves and a MI skirt swept into a train. The botliee wet covered With fin0 Rik tuekirw4 mohair hat etsa, ivory sltlide COMRICtteAt the britier's ceattkl0„.. Stte carried a hougget et green cymbidiunwrchids, and ivy. Blearier Wright. Toronte. was -her sister's enly at- tendant. She wore a gbld sleeveless. linen gown and earried geld cymbidtiam orchide and ivy. Miettael %UMW Seaforth attended the groom and the ushers were Gary Tebbutt, brother of the groom and ,Gordon Wright. brother of the bride. The couple are now residing in Gederich. .We ey Willis gets ready f�ciristmas At Wesley -Willis United Church during Advent. the theme for worship is periencing the Christ of Christmas. The worship as well as the church decorations centre around this theme.. The Christmas tree in the church this year is decorated with Chrismon ornaments, AU the designs of the Chrisrnon ornaments are symbols for Christ which have been passed down through The centuries of Christian History. All Chrismon ornaments are made in white, and gold to symbolize the purity and majesty of the Son of God, An interpretation of each ornament is included within the Sunday bulletin. The candles in the Advent wreath are being lit by children in grade 4. • The first Sunday in Advent. practical suggestions were -gtve-n- to help families ex- perience the Christ of • • Christmas. During this service 18 new members were 'received by tetter of transfer into the fellowship of the church. The second Sunday of Advent marked White Gift and the service of Hoty Communion focusing on the spirit of sharing. A number of the elders and the senior choir assisted in the service with Beecher Menzies and the minister conducting the worship. The primary. junior and senior choirs minister each Sunday throughout the Advent Season. The third Sunday in Advent the Church Band will assist the choirs in worship.. Opportunity for infant baptism will be given Christmas Sunday. The minister. the Rev. John S. Oestreieher. says there is a growing enthusiasm and-, excitement about the real. spirit -of Christmas at Wesley - Willis. %Ida:1y, Dec. 21 GUEST SPEAKER 'Rev. Mk/Windy ORIENTAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY SPECIAL. MUSIC McMillen Family ti00 p.m. Huron Men's Chapel AUBURN EVIL PREVAILS WHENGOOD hies oo NOTHING 11 4 on unit of WW picks uew uffjr The afternoon Unit of WesierWillis United Church %men met in the home et the president. Mrs. Cliff Stewart, erMecernber II with 24 members, present. Mrs,. Stewart welcomed all presentand gave a Lawn. killowed by 4 prtwer. Mrs. C. Nelson presented the program and gave the meditation. Mrs. F. ngland. read the - Christmas teSson. followed by prayer. A skit called "Bethlehem Again was put on b Mrs. N. Holland, Mrs. G. Rathwell and Mrs. C. Nelson. The offering was, received with prayer by Mrs. Nelson. and Mrs. C. Stewart gave a humorous reading and all joined in singing Christmas carols. The minutes were read and approved and the treasurer's reftert gtven Mrs. -Stewart thanked the unit for catering to the 50th Anniversary of Mt - and Mrs. Stewart. There were 31 home and 15 hospital calls made during the last month. Program sheets for the coming year were given out and Mrs. P. Livermore reported for flowers and - cards. Mrs. N. Holland reported for the social committee and Mrs. L Ball reported that a. church bale had•been packed recently. The nominating report was_ g.iVert by Mrs, N. Holland and the Wtowing were eleetedlor 1976:: preSidetit. Mrs, 6: Rath:welt first vice. Mrs. N. Holland: treasurer, Mrs. L Balt 'recording -seeretary.' Mrs. C. Nelsoa; visite Mrs. F. Cummings; cards, Mrs. F. Reid; flowers. Mrs, P. , Livermore; social, Mrs. F. FingLand; program Mrs, C. Stewart and Mrs. McGregor; supply. Mrs. L Ball: birthday box, Miss E sther iamieson; phone committee. Mrs. F. Reid. Mrs. G. Cornish and Mrs. C.. Holland. The pianist is Mrs. P. Liverrnore. c. Ust. T , „,Servicer fOr three 'COnittAlliViRill* WIIt Wit Orkal4XIdlW eVeltillgt Dee. 214,t, Mr. al74 Mrs. rte Luther kuutroetilhigs-otthoSelv4tion, Arno, tRAI Swat Huron RIAlgtat.,EXCZen. QtteignIkW4.1$ Nursing Nom end the tthomitter Rest Home recently, singing carols, and treatingthe patients. The staff of the flank cit Montreal hold their annual Christmas Party at, -.11 the Pineridge Chalet recently. Queensway UlghUg Church service reeentIy was conducted by Rev. Glenn w ritht. Louse Mitchell at the piano. Mr. and. Mrs. Jirn McQuade, .Seaforth. visited, Llan Matthews; Bealelee Munn visited Isobel 8rintnetk , Rolla Prover and Bernice Lavery; Marg and Bill Ingram. Toronto visited Mrs. Mrs. John Rader. Mrs. Ray Rader, Vic and Lilly Dimwit visited Mrs. Kraft: Edna Cs:A(1w ell. Exeter, visited Mrs. Satarus also Roy and egentk er wit* • ,uty ot the SV11Qn. ACrny 1.nAten, entertititiet the resittentotLr the owning!. The REFORMUD, -Church, of Exeter visite4 ftetty arancl. Anne, Toon, Nungy, Oren4.FLLen TOW1Strite Irehft 1,1unn. Diann04 NtleYtIL, WYn144 at DYkstrn. Teena, Brandt Terlallft ititYnit* Jni Ameronga, ellenga, Jerry Van Steeg and Wilma The Kitten% Club brought Plants to the four patients. presented by Sharon tator kf,1M1110 _ ctiOMM**140040 filosofo Wont tt1otk.isow Roo* W:11 IERMOIC. "TlinHRLISThA5 MW • 5immi*Ichwislow itAwitO Even Waticoms ?:30, .4vsstow 4sougs - West** WtUts Usti** Chunli. SERVICEir Qs.t. 244 1.• amt. WEStit-WfUtSIAInft 4:1010tt 4,710414Cls, NAT CAM* littiv-i144 '44 r MilipSTkit iCtr441.5 01-4,T0414it* OA ei 4,040141 4445 CAIMANAtli PQM* ciaotis OIRACTOR 41145 WM RIFA/M40 SUNDAY, oectmagR zt.. 194 IMikk NM 4 Qs a.m. Morelos Worship Service Oo .in- Sunday.. School and Nursery Sacrament of trilatlittasillsat 1 Mom by the Primary. Junior. Senior ChotrA .7.30 p.m, Candlelight service ; SERMON:. WHAt IS CHRISTMAS ALL ABOUT?" ROAMESVItti 1 p.m. worship Service and Sundae School - SERMON: -WHAT is CHRLSTMAS Att. ABOUT?" Sacrament of infant baptism Receptien gi rhernber T " ikt !MIMED wish their relatives. friends. and neighbors all a MERIT CHRISTMAS end - plospaous NEW TIME, r• 3 • REFORMED CHURCH. Masi , :43 Pfincillee Street • 4,1440.1•••••• WLghrn MORIlIfi IS +Guaranteed Granite +Cemetery ' Uttering +Buy Direct and UV, Commissions. ROL PHONE 357-1910 RES. 357.1015 Candlelight Service at Wesley Willis GOARt0 STREET CONGREGATION SUNDAY, DEC 21: 7:30 P.M. Combined Choirs from both United Churches Everyone Welcome .......;7--.444414144=1W41 Services: 10:00 a,rn, and 2:30 p.m. tOrt Same, S 30 • m Dutch Seiame et 11 00 • m) taii*Chuscis 01 traa 19ack 10 God How, wawa Sunday 4 30 pm CHLO' EVERYONE WELCOME 14,11,00 telIFIFSF 0111101 . EVERYONE OP US SHALL GIVE 474IACCOUNT or asaingt, to GOO ROM 1*13 PASTOR: BRIAN HARRISON 10 00 e m SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 00 • m MORNING %90,91•1116 3,1 hip EVENING WORSiciP 004pm FRIDAY EONESDAY 8 p m PRAYER MEETING YOUNG EVERYONE WELCOME PEOPLE'S MEETING Business ond Professional Directory OPTOMETRY 1,1 LONGSTAFF INSURANCE imemommommoommulemommimini.•••••••• OPTOMETRIST CLINTON—MON ONLY 20 ISAAC ST 432-7010 SEAFORTH BALANCE Of WEEK GOVENLOCK ST S27-1240 omummomomm••••••••••••••••*••••• RAM. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Squares GODERICH 524-7661 K.W. COLOUNOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phone* Otlice 482-9747 Res 432-7804 HAL HARTLEY Phi** 432-3693 JOHN WISE ST PAULI ANGLICAN CHURCH SUNDAY. DECEMBER 21. 197S ADVENT 4 11:30 a.m. MATINS CHRISTMAS EVE - Cro1s and Holy Communion 9 p.m. CHRISTMAS DAY 11:30 a.m. Holy Communion GENERAL INSURANCE GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS Chilton Office 482-9644 Res: 432-1235 FELLOWSHIP Met( (NAPE), 162 MAPLE Si 11 emit west of Community Cermet 945 a m WORSHIP SERVICE 11 00 a m -SUNDAY SCHOOL and FAMILY *ISLE HOUR 8 p m Gospel Serytte tuaa8 00 p m PRAYER rind VOLE STUDY 'For tatorrnation Phoiye 442 8378 0111,01111~1811•111111111/111IMPIIIIIININIIIIINVNANNIONNININIMIO iox 1033 s. 212 JAMES ST NEtEN B. TENCH . 8 A. PLASM ACCOUNTANT TEL 432-2262 CLINTON ONTARIO BRYAN tAVIS INSURANCE Genera) and ufa °Mee: to King St. 482-9310 Residents: 308 Nigh Si. 482-1747 CALVARY PENTECOSTAL CNUlkil 186 %hoot.. Sowsi 9 45 a rn Sunday School Rasta* 1.011110 No, $24-41123 II 00 sm liteinseto Vicorahto 00 pm RPayee Saka*.c• .04 Eyerigaiestic Setviee 00rn Wednesday latarit• Setyste e 00 p m Fftdiry Taking POOpies ALI. WELCOME FEATURING: Christmas Arrangement* FRESH AND ARTIFICIAL Hanging Planters FRESH AND ARTIFICIAL Christmas Corsages Poinsettias, Pot Mums, • mixiad Pots, Ascrions, Cyclamen, Green Plants Flowers wired anywher,.... CANADA. U.S., OR OVERSEAS... nease ORDER EARLY, K.C. Cooke Florist 14 Wisp St. Wolk Clinton 4824012 "Flawors for *wary occasion." NORM WHITING UCENSED AUCTIONEER APPRAISER MURMUR PRODUCTS .,Ptorript. CourteOut. Efficient fNT TYPE. ANY SIZE. ANYWHERE We glee complete sets , bet wee PRO*: SY EXPERIENCE Phan* Coitaet 236-12414 EXETER DIESEL Pump* and trii•ctor• tlepaited For Alt Popular Makes ' phoon ruai 1-4achon Eaworn en nay Nod Rd Ctinton 482.79.71 For Air -Mester Aluminum 0001/11 end Windows end AWNINGS and RAILINGS JERVIS SALES .Arate-66 Albert St Clinton AV -9320 (1/0dClEtZ cwarTfloro 39 West Strtrt Godench, Detail° altKe 524901t P 0 boa 307 liangiart, 1CeIiy, Doig ate Go. hartsred Accountants 2611 Main St.. Eitel," ARTHUR W. READ Resident Itoaftnist ' SUS. 235-0120 RES. 23$41:175 Si ANDREW S PRESSYTERIAN CHURCH PEv EOWN G 4ELS0p4 CHARLES NIERRILL ORGAtessi SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1975 • CHRISTMAS SERVICE Jo 00 am Suliday School for all ages 10 00 a m Worship Service SPECIAL MUSIC THE McMILLAN FAMILY" Goderich ALL WELCOME filtST MORN • curse** SPEAKER: JACK CIIRISTIAANS SUNDAY. DECEMBER 21. 1975 10 00 a m Sunday School °asses for ail a9es 11 oo a m. Morning Worship Everyone Welcome • SAINT JOSE441 r-Catholc Church James SI Phone 4411446 SUNDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1975 weo, OEC. 24. litiS Christmas Mass t THURS. DEC. 25. 1875 Christmas Mass 11 a.m. ALL WELCOME Clinton