HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-7-1, Page 41111, I i+E X1.1 E it 'I`T 11:E 4,
Published every Thursday tuornillg,at the
Main -street, nearly opposite Pitton's Jeltrolory
Store, Exetor,Ont.,byJohn White d Sort, Pro-
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THUSRDAY, JULY ist 1886.
7H.1+. TAB L11:8 I.URNIW.
During past mouths the Reform
papers and speakers have kept up a
Moutinualllaraugue oouoeruing;theTory
land grabbers, and while endeevoriug
to their utmost, to 'make the inuooent
public believe that those who had any
thing, whatever, to'do with purchase
•of colonization lands were committing
A public robery they contended that
their party, as whole, were sternly op-
posed .to the Goverument's oeurea,
aud regarded the granting of lands to
private speculators as oontrary to
Reform principles. Indeed, one would
• imagine they were entirely free from
the alleged offence which they charge
against the government aud support-
ers. Butreceut developments show
that this is not the case ; they baye
pLunged.deaper iuto the scandal than
even the Government supporters are
said to have gone. The two men who
have ,made the greatest fuss about the
North-west landp are Sir Richard.
Cartwright and L. C. Cameron, the
ever l(?;) faultless members for Huron.
On July 14th, 1882, the following let.
ter was forwarded to the Department
of the. interior
"Dear Sir, -We beg to enclose 'yea a list
of some lauds purchased by .us through a
Mr. Gray from Sir Richard Cartwright and
from Mr. Cameron, the payments for which
have been fully made to the Government.
We ahouldlook upon it as a very great
favor it you would very kindly give instruc-
tions for the issue of these patents with as
little, delay as possible."
The, letter zeas signed by BoYLii, CAMPBELL
& Co., of Winnipeg. The modest list of
lands is as follows.:
Section 17, s w tp. 5, • range 5 160
Section 15, n I tp. 4, range 10 320
Section 21, s w I tp..5, range 10 160
Section 17, s tp 3,: range 12 320
Section 31, s tp. 3, range 12 320
Section 25, n tp. 1, range 18 " 320
Section 7, n . tp. 2, range 13.. 640
Section 25, n w and swatp. 5, range 6 460
;Section 7, n w f tp.-15, range 12160
Section 4, n w - tp. 4, range 7 ..640
Section 19, n w ,l tp. 5, range 7 640
Section 21, n w tp. 5, range 7 640
Section. 7, n 'i tp. 4, range 12..... -320
Section 15, e *tp. 4, range 12 • 320
Section 19, w* tp. 4, range 13.., .......320
Section 17, w ?f tp. 4 range 13 320
Section 21, w tp. 5, range 12 640
Section 27, w tp. 5, range 12 640
Section 5, w,l tp. 5, range 13 640
Section 13, w tp. 5, range 13 640
Section 9, w tp. 5, range 14 640
Section 13, s tp: 4, range 13 :320
Section 19, s tp. 1, range 8 640
Section 5, n e tp. 3, range 13 160
Section 5, s itp. 3, range 13 820
-Section 5, s 3 tp, 1, range 12 640
Section 3, s } tp. 1, range It 320
Section .5, s tp. 6, rang% 14640
Section 7, s tp. 1, range 12 320
Section 25, s tp. 1, range 9 640
Seeton 9, s ; tp. 6, range 9 640
This makes a total of 18,200 acres,
and twenty of the patents were order-
ed to be made out in the name of Al.
(3. Cameron, while one whole section
was purchased in bis wife's :name.
These are by no means all the land
deals in which Mr. Cameron and Sir
_Richard Cartwright were jointlyinter-
ested; they took a treat deal more
land at the ordinary proe and obarg-
ed the actual settler a much advanced.
figure for it. Besides these persons,`
there are over fifty other Reform poli-
ticians, who, directly or indirectly,
have an interest in some onoIA •,ermore of
the North west lad Coropanies, and
are receiving large profits from the
lands, They secure land grants from
the Government, and colonize them.
or remcve timber. The course of the
Reformers in this matter has been
highlyhypoaritisal, and if the oaloniz•
ation company echeme is a robbery,
as the Opposition leaders contend it
is, than those members of the party
who have engaged in it, are, knowing-
ly and wilfully, forthe purpose of pri-
vate gain, participating in spoliation
in order to put;;tnoney in their own
pockets. Tbere
is no robbery o p
f pub -
lie property about it, for whatever
lands are secured are acquired upon
teems open toeverybody. Both Con-
servatives and Reformers bought or
leased ou the terms fixed by the Gov-
ernment. No favors were shown to
anybody.' Those whopaid the price
and endeavoured to utilize the, up to
that womerrt, waste territory, aid a
good thing for the country, and cnm •
witted nu greater crime than does the
person who pays for, rota irt awarded
sex o' tier if'`:;..'e' priritee 11 deer(
seem rather iucousistont, though, tIu t
Sir Richard Cartwright. aud M. C.
Cameron, whose specttlatioes are
l fe slb1o, if is,supported
Jas, n f Perth, and others;
should execrate -men whose guilt is
not one.tenth so deuounpeable as thier
ower. And if the Government is to
be oondeuuied for the alleged whole
sale robbery, witle what susceptibility
pan men who have themselves taken
au active parr in the plunder they so
firmly denounce, be trusted to pon•
duct public affairs ? This is one of
the many revelations whieh go to
prove how vary insincere the Reform
politicians are in raising their cries of
corruption against the Goverumeut,
THE Prince E ward Leland elections
were held yesterday, and the British
Columbia elections are to be on the
7th of July. The issues are purely
JUDGING by the preparatlous bein
made in the North-West for the rece
tion of the Premier, Sir John w
have during his visit one continuo
ovation, Hie oppoueuts say he
unpopular in the West, but if 'so th
North-West people have a very or-
iginal way of - expressing disapproba-
(2f art Intoresting Cltaravtor,
`1u 1
'he lwrt?daeria1. Parliaaneot was {,ro-
1 "
Patrick James Whalen, it tottoriofl
Feaiat, is dead.
The -+ ugitslt sparrow hasoroaeea
the continent and appeared fn fn
force in California
1Fifty-one persons in all were bills
in the late election riots in Chili, an
Day And Night.
paring an Beate attae1 of Bronchitis, a
c a 4. fielding
o bel ss
in� �thq
throat, anditn
cxitausting, t;lry, 1iac1d14 cough, allliet
the sufferer, Sleep is bau(slled, and groat
prostration follows,; `,yule disease is also
1l attended With Iioarseuess, ausl •sonlotinles
T,oss of I else, It is liable to become
chronle, involve the ltulgs, and terminate
to fatally. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 'Words
d spceciy relief and euro in eases of Bron-
hitis. It controls the disposition to
dough, and induces refreshing sieep
it havo been a praeticing physician for
twenty-four years, and, for the past
g twelve, have -suffered from annual attacks
of Bronchitis. After exhausting all the
usual remedies
Without Relief,
1 tiled Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It helped
me iiuntedititciy, and effected a speedy
cure. G.Stoveull,M.D,,Carrollton, Min.
u 11yer's Cheiry 1ectorul is decidedly the
e best icntedy, within my knowledge, for
chronic Bronchitis, and.1,31 lung diseases,
--M. A.Rust, M. D., South Paris, Itte..
't was attacked, last winter, with a severe
a Cold, which, from exposure, grew worse
mrd finally settled on my Lungs, By
e might sweats I was reduced almost to a
skeleton. My Cough was incessant, and I
3requently spit blood, My physician told
ins to give up business or 1 would not
live a month. After taking various reme-
dies without relief, 1 was finally
Cured By Using
two bottles of ,Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I
am now in perfect health, and able to
resume business, after having been pro-
nounced incurable with Consumption.--
S, I'. Henderson, Saulsburgh, Penn.
For years I was in a decline. I had
Weak lungs, and suffered from Bronchitis
• and Catarrh. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral re-
stored me to health, an I have been for a
longtime comparatively vigorous, In
ease of a sudden cold I always resort to
the Pectoral, and find speedy relief.-
Edward E, Curtis, Rutland, Vt.
Two yyears ago T suffered from a severe
Bronchitis. The ph sician attending Inc
became fearful that the disease would ter-
minate • in Pneumonia. After trying vari-
ous medicines, without benefit, he finally
loaelievd a oucontinued
this medicine a short time, and was cured.
-e-Ernest Colton, Logansport, Ind.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Moee.
Sold by all Druggists. Price $i; six bottles, $5.
the hospitals are filled' with wouuded
Two hundred aria six persons war
killed and over live htendt•od injure
on railroads. a New Jersey (loris
Mr. John Bright's, frankoouilein
kation of the Hoole Rule scheme. o
Gladstone has produced a pro.
found impression ie Great Britain,
The new time table Utile Uattadia
Pacific railway, lutrodueiug tit
twenty-four hours' system, will gt
into effect ou Saturday.
Reports from all parte, of Manitob
and the North-west Territories giv
assurance of abundant crops and
g harvest two weeks earlier than usual.
The number of Canadians making
ill a trip to the Old Country this year is.
s unprecedented, all the outgoing
is I steamships being filled with paasea-
Tire British board of trade return
for May showed a coutinued inoreas
,in the amount of the English export
to Canada. ,,The total was £382,069.
against £370,141, for May, 1885, Im-
ports from Canada showed a consider-
able increase, having risen from
£115,443 the figure for May last year,
to £237,409. Still the Reformers say
that Canada is, day by day loosin
ground in this respect.
lizl, BLARE, is now favorable to
manhood suffrage, and will he en
deavor to educate the party to the
same opinion, so that it may be
announced as part of their platform ?
He ought to have made this known
long ago and set" an example to but
Mitchell followers, who endeavored to
reject a number of German votes, not
long sinoe, because of their nation -
allay, we suppose. They were 'per-
fectly qualified to vote, and will be
allowed the privilege.
IT is well established that suicide
is moro frequent among men than
women. The Insurance Chronicle given
statistics of 6,283 oases investigated'
in connection with the insurance
business in the last four years. From
these it appears that 1,315 of The
suicides were unmarried men, and.
471 unmarried women ; 2,053 were
husbands and 598 were wives; 288
were widowers and 128 were widows.
Various inferences maybe drawn from
these figures. It may be that men
are more subjected to the bodily and
mental strains which lead lo suicide,
or that women bear such sufferings
more bravely or that they are more
dieposed to shrink from the act than
the other :sex.
IT is carious how catching a bad
example is. First the Rielites began
to denounce the Canadian volunteers.
Then the Oetario Reform politician',
led, by Pacaud, dropped into line.
After this came columns of vicious
slanders upon the military in the
leading Reform organ. And now the
Port Hope Guide -the "it-hes•oome-
to-a-pretty-pass-indeed" paper -ex-
presses a .patriotic wish that it could
blot from the pages of history, to use
its own words, "the looting -that is,
stealing -done, according to the so -
counts of the half-breeds, by some of
the troops sent up, who seemed to
think it their privilege to rob these
unfortunate women, wives of those in
the rifle pits of Batoohe, of their geode
and ohattele, and fire their dwellings
to complete the acts of vandalism
they designed to perpetrate." It is
rather hard that our young men who
went to the North-west on a patriotic
mission should return to find them-
selves described as thieves. ]3nt then,
of course, the Ontario Reform tioli-
ticians have a compact with the Riel-
itea, and it matters not whose char-
acter is blasted 80 that political capi-
tal may be made.
• eleotien for the Local Legislature
• teaiust Mr. D. McKenzie the Reform
Lord Harlington addressed a meet
ing of over five thousand persons a.
li•lasgow on Friday. His vigorous
deuounoiatiou of Mr. Gladstone's
Home Rule policy excited the greatest
enthusiasm. Mr. Parnell held a
meeting at Plymouth ou Saturday.
lie was given a courteous reception,
and his views on the Irish questiou
were listened to with respetful atten-
At an enthusiastic convention of
.Liberal Conservatives of East Middle,
sex held in London on Saturday, Mr.
B, Fooley, exM. P. P. was unani-
mously nominated to contest the
Bom 1 the hsf
amens rhinoceros, , acres
in its cage in Central Park, Nein York,
an Saturday evening of inflammation
of the lungs.
Nothing excited more amusement
during the debate on the Oleomargiile
bill than the efforts of some members
to pronounce the word aright, says an
Ottawa letter. At, first most of these
who spoke pronounced the word as if
the 'g' were given the sound of 'j,'but
one or two who are authority generally
on the question of orthography gave
the 'g' a hard sound, and the Example
wasfollowed f,il.,
l we
d by nearly all who had
the floor later on in the debate. M.
C. Cameron made most deaperate ef-
forts to get the word right tvhen he
he was speaking '0•le•o•mar•mar•ger.
ine,' he managed to ejaculate after a
struggle in which the last syllable watt
emphasized more thou the others and
the Pause fairly roared. The reading.
clerk was one of those who reformed
their pronunciation of the word after
the debate began. He now gives the
`g'a Imre sound, and the adherents of
the sft'g' a'e dwindling out of notice,
The Pic-nio under the auspices o
the R. C. Church congregation
French settlement, held in Mr. Algia.
Dennonie's grove, formerly known as
Bowman's grove, last Thursday., 24
hist., was a grand success. Rev.
Father Beaty, incumbent, promised a
grand treat and lie kept hie word,
although there was not as large a
crowd as the year previous, everybody
enjoyed themselves just as well if not
better. The Exeter band enlightened
the proceedings with their lively airs
which they played every half hour;
the band was also taken out Jur a sail
aud played several 'choice elections
while out on the water. T. three
greed prizes, 1st, gold or bile ' `watch,
2nd, eight day clock and Sr 'lady's
easy chair, was won by Mea re, 11[o-
Carter, Rou, and Father KeLdy,got
the L. E. 0. The question is now,
who is to sit in it ? (We presume his
housekeeper.) We must say the
drawing for the lucky members was
done iu a very fair manner and speaks
well for the good management of
d,,ather Kealy. The voting for who
was th e most popular lady on the
ground was won by Mise Josephine}
Rou, heropponent being Mise Wild.
ItUr. Geo. Moir, of Exeter, canvas-'
sed for .Miss Rou, and Mr. Buchanan,
of Zurich, for Mies Wild. The prize
was a beautiful five storey cake. Josie
got it; she promised us a piece, but
she must have forgotton it. Mr.
Samuel Gidley, leader of the baud,
noted as judge. The tables Ise, e,
spread with the best of everything,
both of eatables and drinkables, and l
does great credit to the ladies of
Father Kealy's congregation. Father
Kealy closed the proceedings of the
day with a few chosen remarks in
which he said it did his heart good to
meets different nationalities of differ-
eut Creeds as Christians on our equal
footing, aud after thauking the visitors
for their kind patronage, the band
theu played the National Anthem.
The hand made the town lively on
their way home, aud were entertained
to a free lunch on bologne sauage
(of Which they are very fond) by our
jolly landlord, Mr. H. L. Diene, of the
PXOKARD.-In ' Exeter North, on Saturday
26th ult., the wile of Mr: Joseph Pickard,
of a daughter.
ekonno.-Iii. Hay, on the 23rd inst., the wife
of Jas. Gould, of a son.
Pnotrns'oor-Dloxsox.-Un Wednesday Juue,
23rd, by the Rev. Dr. Ure, at the residence
of the bride's father, Wm. Proudfoot,
barrister -in-law, to Marion F. Dickson, all
of Goderich.
HODGINs.-I5AAO.-In Exeter on the 28th
ult., at the residence of Enoch Fetlock, by.
the Rev. W. S. Pascoe, Exeter, Mr. A. R.
Hodgins, of Biddulpb, to Miss Ellen, third
daughter of the late Thomas Isaac, of the
Township of Hay.
CAntri aLL.-In luckorsmith, on the 218t
Inst„ Isabella Walker, wife of Mr. David
Campbell, aged 77 years and 5 months.
tioonisti,-At St. Mary's Sunday, 27th inet.,
in the 24th year of his ago, "George Good-
NOTICE is hereby given, cautioning any per.
chasing• or negotiating a note made by
John Veal, in favor of one George -Burns, the
same having been obtained under false and
iradulent representations, and will be cen.teat-
ed, the full Vann) for the Ramo not having been
recerved, as agreed upon.
NATU R E!$ PERFECTHEALTHCURE FOR Is impossible iftbe Di-
gestion Is impaired,
the Liver inactive,
or the Bowels
Tarrant's Effervescent
willSeltzer cure CoApustlparienttion,
ZERSick Headache and Dys-
pepsia,. pepsin. It regulates the
9/.t o bowels and enables
�'% those of feeble digestion
F.R1%t4� to enjoy their food. It
reduces Fever, Cools the
�f (� ftj� DIood, is invaluable in
Sick.HeadaCiie `Pi1es'and Inilanimuatory
,Diseases. and is a justly
AND Children. Economical,
esteemed Aperient for
YS PEPSI l' 6i Sellable, Elegant. it
• should be found in every
household. Sold by druggists' everywhere.
Manufactured only by TARRANT & CO., New
In 42te .matter of the North Half of. LOT
Notice is hereby given that William Taylor,
of the Township of Usborne, in the County of
Huron, yeoman has made 'an application to
the Chancery Division of the High ::ourt of
Justice, for a certificate of title to the above
mentioned property under the "Act for Quiet-
ing Titles to Real Estate In Ontario" and has {
produoeo evidence whereby lie appears to be
the owner thereof in fee simple, free from all
incumbrances. Wherefore any other person
having or pretendan to have any title to or
interest in the said land or any part thereof,
is required, on or before SATURDAY, the
TRW : Y -FIRST DAY of JULY, now next en.
suing to file a statement of his or her claim
verified by affidavit in my office, in the court
House, in the Town of Goder?ch, in the County
of Huron, and to serve a copy on the said
`YilltamTaylor,or on.: Lewis H. Dicksot:, his
solicitor, at his office iu the Village of Exeter,
in the County of'Huron ; and in default every
sueiiclaim 'will be barred and the title of the
said William Taylor become absolute and in-
defeasible at Law and in Equity, subject only
to the reservations mentioned in the 17th
Section of Ili e said Act, therein mentioned and
numbered one, tyro .three aud four.
Dated this 17th day of Juno, A,D., 1886.
Referee & Master
at tloderich.
The Moet Delightful
Belau* Steamers. Low Rates
Your Trips per Week, Between
And Every '(deck Day Between
'Write for our
Picturesque Mackinac," illustrated.
G0n»zin 1arty nlcre. Maned Free.
cmunl3 c
Dcfruit & Cleveland Steam Nay, Co.
G. 7. vi itr%..or/i't3, Gro, Pans. Aar..
o f -r. MICH.
JOIN 153nA'WN,
Walnut & Rosewood Caskets
ALSO Corrixs or EVERY 'DEsanipTlcH.
A Complete Stook of Robes .& Trimmings
Always on hand.
My Stock of Furniture is un-
Opened this Week:
Forty-one more piece;;' White Inuslins
Twelve more pieces Gira halos,
One lot Ladies' Sunshades,
One lot Hoop Skirts and Bustles,
One lot White and Colored Laces,
Scarce Shades in Bushes, Olcl Gold, Bronze and
Gold Brown.
Those who have the Cash will find it pays to
Remnant. Dress Goods and Prints, Ginghams, erc., at Clearing
Prices ; Great value in All -wool Tweeds from 35 cts.
up ; a splendid White Shirt for 60 ots, ; White
Vests to order ; Suits to order ; A big line of
Light Ties for Summer Wear, correct in
Styles and Low in prices ; Latest
Stand-up and Turn -down Callars,
Cotton Socks, UnderclothL
ing, &c,, cc„
itgrBritter and Eggs taken in exchange.
Since writing the above advertisement we have secured a big drive in White Vieth
Lawns--17 pieces to arrive Friday evening ; yard wide, for 10c. up.
To be Sold at Rock Bottom Pzkioes, -
Wholesale and Retail:
Car Load of Cut and Wrought Nails and Spikes ; car load of
German window Glass, Star, Diamond Star, Double Thick ;
Car load of Binder Twine now on hand, Flax, Mixed & Pure
Manilla, cheap for cash ; Car load Water ;Lime, Calcine
Plaster, Hair, Fire Brick and Clay ; Five carloads of Iron
and Steel, two and four barb, Buckthorn and Ribbon Wires;
25 car loads Blacksmiths', Chestnut, Stone and Soft Coals.
(Order Binder Twine and Fall supply Coal early.)
HARVEST TOOLS.-Spades,ne l
Forks, Rakes, 'Mowers, Reapers, Binders, Scythes
Hy Ropes, 1
DERS' HARDWARE. MortiseRim,all and ead Looks, Hines,
Sash weights, a full line. g Hand Saws,
IN CARRIAGE GOODS. -Patent Wheels, Conboy Tops, Bent Stuff, Trimmings and
Dash Leathers, Muslin, Drills, Ducks, Oi1.Cloth, Buckram, Springs;axles, Cireles, Scc.
IN PAINTS. -Elephant and James' Lead, Raw and Boiled English Oils, Ready-made
Paints, Tubes, Colors, Transfers, Dro Black, Oak Varnish and Syyellac.
IN MILL Si7PPLIES,-Asbestus, Jutes and Hein Packings `Leather and Rubber
Beltings, Rubber Hose. Files, Gauge Glasses, Pipe and Fittings, Angle and Globe Valves.
Above goods, having been bought at manufacturer's prices, will be sold cheap.
scAut Tiros
GreaB Clearing S
4It, Y ETT e ROSs
As we are going to enlarge our premises to accommodate our rapidly increasing busi-
ness, we will offer AT COST the following lines
Scythes, Scythe Snaths,
Steel Barley Forks, cn
Steel Hay Forks,
Manure Forks Boys' Forks,
s o11:
Hoes, Shovels of all kinds,
Spades, 2 &'4 Barbed wire,
Buckthorn Fencing,
Plain wire,
Tarred a
Ed Felt Paper,
Plain Felt Paper.
-Pure Manilla Binder Twine.
Also a full stock of General Building Hardware, consisting
of Nails,Locks Hinges, Glass,'and
( t Putty, White Lead, Raw
Boiler] Oil [English,] T ripen.tine, c c., &e.,. Stoves and Tin-
ware, a full stock at our usually low prices, Agents for the
Montross Metallic-
Shingle Roofing -.alight, durable and
Cheap roofing, suitable for dwellings and.
outbuildings 11d1Lgs whsle ,there is a sarterpitch or over. E ve Troughing
a Specialty.
Call and see that we ar'e advertising facts and NO SHAM