HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-7-1, Page 33
d I
A oorreepondent, who, without any known
organic) or functional ttouble, is greatly in-
commoded by superfluous fat, -he 'wrongly
Calle it Ask -eequeete an article on the
Ihe condition it known as oorphlence, or
obesity, It oonsiete in a tendency to the
formation and deposit of fat. A certain
amount of this deposit is normal, It is an
element of beauty, rounding out the form.
It lemons the effect of sudden ohaugee of
temperature, It le a reserve of nutrbnent,
to be drawn upon in emergenoles, thus
playing the musoles and other times,
Some persons inherit a tendenoy to it
Borne moos are more liable to it t an °there,
Women are more so than men, B ith sexes
are more inclined to it after the age of forty.
There are individual (mem of extreme obe-
sity. A boy at the age of three weighed one
hundred and twenty tour pounds ; a girl,
one hundred and eighty-two at twelve, A
woman, who was thin and delicate at eigh-
teen, died at fortyeehe with some eight
inehee of fat cumin .4 h
er body. The famous
Daniel Lambert' , minimum weight waa
seven hundred a el thirty-nine pounds.
, Mu& t le largest part of the body in these
vermin was pure fat. ,
In all oases of obesity, there is a deficiency
of oxygen in the blood, either abeolutely, or
relatively to the amount of food. E relies of
food tenchto produce it, and vet some are
oorpulent on a epare diet, Lack of exerolee
favors it, by lessening the oxidet'on of the
times. It is aloe produced by diseases
which diminish the number of the red
blood oorpuiveles. Itis the latter that ab-
sorb oxygen from the inspired air and con-
vey it to the tissues.
According to Qualm very oorpulent peo-
ple have large hearts and emelt lungs. This
may help to explain the deficiency of oxygen.
It has aim quite recently been proved that
women have fewer, by many millione, ()Fred
blood oorpueoles than men. This, too, may
be one reason for their greater tendenoy to
As the mueoles beoome infiltrated with
'at, they are weakened. Heim oorpulent
arsons are apt to be indispoeed to motive
exerolem For the mine reason, the heart is'
rendered feeble and is easily disturbed, Tine
defioienoy of oxygen tends to the formation
of ado acrid, and hence to th'reduction of
gout, The very corpulent a specially liable
to vedette forms of oong ion, and acute
climates are apt to have an unfavorable
In treating the corpulent, regard must be
had to the feat that their heart is weak.
The main relianoe for reducing the obesity
la on diet and exercise. The latter increases
the power of the blood to take up oxygen.
The more oxygen one can reedy°, the better,
if kept well within the person's strength
and the capacity of a weakened heart. The
diet should oentahe but little fatty or starchy
feed, and much animal food -lean meats,
fish, bat not the richer kinds, also fresh
fruits, vegetablee, and bread with only a
moderato allowance of butter. Alkaline
water is believed to be helpful.
How to Disinfect. -
To disinfect a; eiek-room, burn three
pounde of sulphuMigeovery thousand enable
feet of air. Place an iron kettle on some
brioks in the room, put the sulphur in the
ettle then add some live coals from a coal
fire. Or pour on a little alcohol, and light
with a bit of burning paper dropped into it,
Shut the room up tight, and allow the Bun
phur fumes to remain in the room over
night; afterward air the room three or four
--days with doors and windows wide open.
To disinfect solid or liquid matter. a solu.
tion of copperas or green vitriol, two
pounds dissolved in a gallon of hot water,
le an effieient agent:\The solution should
be applied to decomposing matter which
needs disinfeetion,destrey any of-
fensive odor and stopetig- putrefactive pro-
cess, Sulphate of zhno, a pound to the gal-
lon of water, is Mter for diainfeoting
clothing, as it does not stain or injure the
Heat is a good disinfeotant. Clothing
auhj acted to a temperature of 240° in an
even for two or three hears will Le Mein -
footed. This is the time of the year when
It is important to give attention to matters
of this sort, and whoever has floc already
made a tour of his premises with a view to
a thorough cleaning up and disinfection,
should at once give attention to this im-
portant matter.
Stranze Weapons.
Marl of the weapons of strange shape
and character to be found in India deserve
epeolal notice on account of their appropri-
ateness to the district in which they have
originated, their tietorical taasooiations, or
their individual peculiarity of shape and
quality. The kukri, the national weapon
of Nepal,, IS about 19 inches in total length,
with ar unguarded hilt, It's blade, gener-
ally of bright steel, le tuourved, heavy, and
widening toward the point. It has more
the qualities of a good bill hook than any-
thing else, and this, indeed, was its origi-
nal funotion, for the Gorkha required it not
only for fighting purposes, but also to olear
his way through the jungles of the Teral.
In hie praotieed hands the kukri is the
handiest of tools and the . moat formidable
of weapons -how foltnidable those who
have been in aotion with the Gorkha bat-
tallions in our !service oan well testify.
Like the kukri of the Gorkha, the big knife
of the Coorff mountaineer derived its shape
from the daily necessities of life in dense
jungles. The tremendous monsoon rains
whioh break on the mountains of the went
coast of India develop an extraordinary
iuxurient vegetation in the district, and the
inhabitants found the constant want of an
implement to ops 'their way through the
thick underevii and clumps of bamboo.
The Coorg knifee ayda katti, is about
the same length as Oise knkri also with blade
inourved, but still ,wider and heavier. One
of its most remarkable oharaoteilatice is
that it has no °heath, but it is carried, slung
naked, across the him., through a sift in a
metal belt. The belt is called a todunga,
and is made generally in either braes or sil-
ver, of a olid plate behind, fastening in
front with massive and handsome chains.
A spike projects to the rear from the cen-
tre of this plate at the back. This spike
has no apparent definite use, but it was re-
marked at the imperial assemblage at Delhi
that the Coorg chiefs who were there in
the costume and wearing the arms of their
native country were not inoommoded by
any crowd pressing on them from behind.
The managing editor looked at the appli.
cant sadly, for he was an earnest young
man. "I am sorry," be said at last, "but
there le really no edam vacant that would
pay you any malary," "0," said the appli-
nant hopefully, "I don't expect* salary,
ani, willing to work on shears." And• then
the manager knew he had turned away the
letiding American humorist,
if3d. man who lost five hundred donate on a o eon
horse -race says he had turf luck. He his a Spin
tough way of spelling it free
Cork irittnien.
The diet of the Irishmen in this part of
the oountry is, of couree, potatoes and
milk. As he himself pate it, he has pone -
toes 2). Once a week, In the event of a
blight, snob as the kiirstorleal oue, the re -
suit in certain parte of Ireland could scarce.
ly be less disastrous than at any former
period. If 0116 may judge by the physique
its oonsurners, the diet :squirm no mem-
mendation of the medical faulty, for a more
stalwart race it would be difficult to find.
In this corner ofthe oountry, en long " pre-
served," we should expect to find the
natural Iriehman and we certainly found
him. The native Trieh is alined universally
epoken, but at the came time the mai erity
of the younger generation speak Eaglish
with a brogue of the Met exquisite flavor.
Here, also we have the Irishmen in the
typical attire to which caricaturists have
acoustomed tie. To the visitor froin the
other island it is a ludierous picture to gee
him in tail hat, blue tailed ociat and isnee.
breeoleee at work be his wretched plot, like
a philosopher oat for a little recreation. It
isnot ee much the style of his garmente,
however, that dukes their ploturesquenes ;
it Is their positively miraculous raggedness
We feel that thie raggedness has quite
leaded the stage of disreputability, and has
actually became ornamentation. But it A small boy was detected hy a dingy
le above all the hat that fixes the attention, Jai num In one of his cherry tree. The
We have often cloddy inapeeted It, and farreer made the boy come down, and
our wonder never ceased how, in the talked very eerieuely to him abont the
course of a single life, any hat, however eInfulness of stealing. The boy answered
weather-beaten and however brutally indignantly "Now, you ilia count them
ueecl, could Attila that preadamite look, cherries over again and eee it there is one
It is the great oharm of travel in Ireland of them missing before you insinuate that I
that one min become acquainted with its took any,
people in BO short a time and on suoh easy Several years ago Louie Renneberg was
tames, The Irishman is the most approaoh- found dead in his bed at Monengaleela
able of human beinge, and as the very Irish- City, and buried. Bat he wasn't dead
man the stranger wishes to know is in most after all, for he turned up the other day
ewes his own lord and master, intercourse at his old employer's and asked for work,
is thus made doubly easy, If in the course He says that he revived after being- buried
of a solitary walk you should &etre the and dug out of the grave ; but it is thought
solace of a little conversation t ou have that be was resurrected by medioal stn.
bat to take your seat oa one of the turf dents'who, finding him alive, paid him to
walls that form the fences in these parts of quit town and keep quiet.
the country. If you are a meeker and pro-
duoe your pipe, yea will present an ad-
ditional inducement. Before you are well
seated you will be sainted with "A fine
day, sir God be praised 1" and a oarelees
figure will be seen approaching with spade
and pickax over his shoulder. Sharing
year tobacco with him it will remain with
youreelf to oonolude the interview. Before
ten minutes have pamed you will have had
the outlines af his family history, and his
views en things in general, not even ex-
cepting hie priest. At the end of as many
hours' conversation as you please, he will
speed you on your way with a fervent
"God preserve you long I" and part with
you as if you had been his lifelong friend.
vAnumo Tomo.
Mr. NoodY le 08ln/0299,000 to' start a
training eohool at Chicago fur evangelising
work'among the ,Msee.
A PlOkkril (Kiiih,) hale braided and
made eneugh' etraw hate: recently to pay
the minister for his eervices on her vt,eding
A lot of little boys in Adama, Oregon,
played, at lytiohleg the ether idaYi and
Charlie Springier sired to be th'e views.
He was ewloging gracefully from, the limb
of a tree and quite biaok in the face when
a neighbor discovered him and .otat him
tieA8 nelliWoretlItirneosnwaiteh blitianitkeed ofifahtbheeekCeedtoo the
!wet ts °or! ahgee efisseh abniciteci roirlvdee tjelAce rat hientiojeteir.
and then , the frightened geese hurry to
ebere, dragging the fish after them,
There are " emart " men outside of,
Yankeelancl, A deeply scientific , German
not long ago invented a new food for °Atte,
whioh he advertised as strength 'toed, and
which soon had a large rode, It bas re-
cently been einelyzacl and was found to
consist of 88 per oent. of vegeteble ivory
tunings and 12 per cent. of oommen salt.
"This a compensating world 1" eel's the
optimist, and the following aneodote illus.
tratea the fact. Bernal Osborne, for many
years the humorist of the House of Com
M01311, was noted, when a young man, for
his eauoy tongue and his propensity for ridi.
ouling hie friends, One of them, a Mr.
S nenley, was a massive but elowly-speaking
man, who at last loet'hie temper, and said
to Osborne's banter,-
" I'll tell you what it is, Oeborne, The
Almighty has been very equal in the dis-
tribution ef Hie gifts. He has given you a
tongue, and He has given me a leg. New
the next time you nee the tongue, I'll use
the leg."
Osborne was an effixer of the 21st Regi-
ment. One day, when his colonel, his wife,
end the officers wereelpnohing at Lord C --tit
beautiful place, it fell to 0.1bornse lot to
carve a Open pie. He had a grudge against
the colonel, whose name was Pigeon. Turn-
ing to Mrs, Pigeon, and offering to helping
her, he impudently said.-
" Do you like Pigeon ? I don't."
The audacious subaltern shortly after
found it convenient to exohange into an-
other zegtment. Loter in life,he entered the
House of Gammon; became Ito "free lance,"
the terror of all and the trusted of none.
He failed, because Englishmen thought that
a man of so much humor, and with suoh a
saucy tongue, could not be a good legislator.
" 0 S --," said he one day, to an inti-
mate friend, " if you only knew how much
my j ekes cost me 1"
They ooat him his re-election to Parlia-
ment, and Illustrated the compensating na-
ture of the world. Mr. Rolfe, who became
Lord Chancellor eramworth, was in court
ane day when the leader of the circuit was
keeping his audience in a roar of laughter,
"How glad lam," said Mr, Rolfe, "that
I am not aa °lever as that 1"
He Didn't Know the Ihfferenoe.
In the ladies waiting -room of the central
depot the ether day were a newly -married
couple from Charlotte. They had been
visiting in the city two or three days, and
were.then ready to go home. They sat side
by side, of course, his arm around her waist
and her head on hie shoulder. A long -
waisted stranger from the east, having sore
eyes and a big heart, walked in, saw them Victory At Last.
thus seated, and in about a minute he asked
of the hueband Consumption, the greatest mune of the
age, the destroyer of thousands of our
"Has that woman got the toothache?'• brightest and best, is conquered. It le no
The husband looked up in surprise but longer incurable. Dr, Pierce's "Golden
made no answer. After, two or three min- Medical Discovery" is a certain remedy for
uteri the long -waisted man again remarked:
if If that woman has got the toothache, this terrible disease If taken in time, All
I've got a bottle of peppermint in my sat- scrofulous disemea-oonsumption is a &motet-
ohel here." Ions affection of the lunge---oan be cured by
it. Its effects in diseases of the throat and
The bride -oiled her big white eyes around lungs are little less than nniraculone, All
and the hueband looked somewhat ember- druggists have it.
resoled. The man from down east unlocked
his satchel, fumbled among hie shirts and A California farmer sent $5 to a man
collars; and brought up four ounces of pep. in the East in exchange for rix gourd seeds
permint essence. He uncorked it tonohed warranted to produce gourds of the cepa-
the contents o the bettle against his big, oity of 60 gallons. After waiting long for
red tongue, and handing it forward toward the seeds to epreut, he investigated end
the husband feelingly laud found that they were artietioally carved
"Just have her sop some on a rag and out of basswood,
rub her geoms with it. We've used It in
our family for—" Sawing The Lawyers.
The bride's eyes threw out sparks fie she "Tho find thing we do, let's kill all the
lifted her head from lb loving position, and, lawyers," This is rather a bloodthirsty
striking at the bottle she snarled out proposition, which we modify by offering
" Tuthaohe, you fule If yon don't know to care this worthy class of people, Most
the difference between true love and tuth- of them suffer (in common with nearly all
ache, you d better piok grass with the others of sedentary habits), from the iniur-
gei e 1' bus effects of dyspepsia, indigeetion, piles,
'iJeroosh 1" gasped the -elan, and he eva- loss of appetite, and other aliments caused
porated like a tender steak before a boarder, by a constipated habit of the body. Dr.
Piero 3'S "Pleasant Purgative Pellets"
eradioate all thete dieorders in promptly re-
moving the mum thereof, and indium a rare
degree of comfort and health.
Black swab Norfolk jaikete aro trimmed
with garnet galloon.
The citizens of Greenville, Mioh,, are
talking about the remarkable fate of Mrs.
Lyons. Eight years ago Abraham Van
Horn bought a farm off her. He doubted
the olearnem of the title, and she was in-
dignant and mid " If I am trying- to
cheat ycu I hope God will strike reindead."
The trade was made, and Vain tIcorn re-
mained on the faruntil remotly, when
:mother man laid claim to it, Baying that
he had a clear title. Van Horn at onoe
went to Mrs. Lyons and demanded that
she secure him from oas. She heard him
make his request, attempted to speak, and
fell deaa, The neighbors say that her
prayer has been answered.
For stuffing purpoees pine shavings are
now largely used, there being at Peeth, in
Hungary, an extensive factory devoted ex -
elusively to the production of such shavings,
and them, by the aid of maohinery, are re-
duced to such a degree of fineness that the
product closely resembles tow. Shavings of
this kind are superior, it is amerted, to
every other substitute fonhorse hair in oon
neotion with upheisterhig mummies, alike as
regards elantioity, softness, and durability ;
for bedding they are recommended on ace
count of the resin contained in the wood be-
ing an effectual preventive of vermin, the
utility of the material in this line, especially
for holpital and barrack purpesee,lhaving
been satisfactorily tested by the German
Government, After having been used aa
etuffing for some five or six years, the shay.
Inge oan be renovated by being exposed to
the sun or a heightened temperature.
Getting Into Into Bed Without Awakening
On a certain occasion Ferguson was wend
ing his uncertain way homeward, sorel
troubled in his mind over the curtain linter
be knew was in store for him, and oaetin
about for some means of evading it. Sad
denly a bright idea was evolved from hi
befuddled brain. He would slip quietl
into the house and get into bed withon
awakening hie wife. Accordingly h
carefully undressed to the lower hall, Mel
gently upstairs ard crept into bed, with hi
face turned toward the outside. He men
tally congratulated himself up m hie moms
thus far and went to sleep. When he awok
in the morning he dared not look at his wife
and after lying Mill for a few minutes, an
net hearing any noise from her, he conclude
she was still asleep. He then determine
to arise very quietly, carry his olothea int
the hall, dress there, and go down town to
loudness without waiting for breakfast. He
was sucumseful in this, and meeting the ool•
ored servantgirl downstairs, he said:
" E'lza, you can tell your mistress I ex-
pect to be very busy to -day, and therefore I
didn't stop to eat breakfast this morning."
"Law sakes, Mr. Ferguson 1" said Elms..
" minim done gone 'way yesterday morn
ing, and said she wouldn't be back till die
The Learned Societies
Through their members! have testified to the
great effetely of Putnam's Painlees Corn Ex.
tractor, It provoked no lino of demarcation,
securing alike the good will of the highest
and the most humble, sad with atriot im-
partiality, removing with equal celerity the
corms of each. Try Putnam'e Corn Ex.
A superstitious aubeoriberi who found a
spider in him papervolute to know if it le
considered, a bad amen. Nothing oi the
kind. the spider was merely looking over
the °dumb of the paper to see what mar -
Too well known to need lengthy advertise-
ments -Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy,
Every baohelor who purohasee a fifty.
dollar Beat of clothes of a particular °tette.
ing house at Hemmingsfora, Nebraska, will
be provided with a wife.
Don't use any more nauseous rurgativee suoh
as Pills, Salts, &o., when you can get in ,Dr,
CarsoMs Stomach Bitters, a medicine that
moves the DOWOle gently, cleansing all 'moue
t Was not advertising, se that it could wee from the system and rendering the Blood
its web across his store door and b3 DUX() and cool. Great ftlPflkft Medloine 60 ota,1
from disttirbiumei
ME 'Illo-old Uplr!).8 la tl'iws3stigZ irrog601.121,936!"
wholesale helms, orannracturere ; flrel pri
Central Fairs, Address M, NOILIOAlit /ifiilaW441
equal to beet imported ; all kinds of re•outting
Gait File Worke, FasneftwE Falourr Galt F.0.
8sJJ4 A0 AR, VS VILONG 4 00.,
ILairer Mortinta OS1
Woe] ttil4 Dwssk
of new patterns and designsi ianelpie, Ont.
RlinalgtitTAIIIPt with Year name, only Slots ;
SATRAnbltiliv140104.i't3, .
REPRESENTATIVE each county to eell "Pro-
erA kritr:olly138!)::rei'LiteTtl0e.'). '1,13,11triftirfrtt,r
OiroulArs. Intentional Book and Mole Hones,
Toronto, Oot.
7nn 80 Acre erarm-$501) 60 Acre Farm
--1 mile noel Dandalk-100 000 outing
plays, 15 °onto L00 000 5 tent mush); instruments
haltinioe, BUTLAND, 37 King.st. W ,Toronto.
improvements; bracket band eawe for atm*.
ng to posts; neat, cheap and durable ; eend for
circulate, JOHN DILLIES & CO., Carleton Plaoe,
Couuty, for the 0, R. Parer and Nicer. Best
thing out ; Bells at eight ; eamp,e E-Ife sent on
receipt of pries, 16o. Q 0 DAY, agent,
40 Yooge fat., Toronto, Ont.
BIBLES -large type, splendid maps, beautiful
filmlirations ;
contains 4 000 queetione and answer
on Bible Toeiee ; liberal turins. International
Bo* and Bible House, Toronto, Ont.
0 ascot Teaehere et Students Attention
67) 1) ming Ilotioays a spoke], course 01 private
leeeone, by higheet meeker% will be given School
Teaohere and 8tudente, on Shorthand, Drawing' or
Paintiog. All will can should con o. Send inn edi.
ately tor soectal circulars TRH UNION BROW.
BANDSREe ACADEME, Aroade, Toronto.
1.7,3 offered to young Wiwi and Gentlemen coning
May. Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Commercial Busineee,
English, Classical or Mathematioel courses, separate
or all together, at half the rekular tuition fee. Ad
dress Immediately, TUB Tenon° BUSINESS Common,
Toronto, Ont.
LA. township, to eau Dr. Talmage'e new book,
"Live Coals." The keenest and moat vigorous
specimen of oratory ever written; nearly 700 pages;
only $2; full particulars of this and other new books
FRES. Schuyler Smith & Co., Publishers, London, Ont
Williams' Eye Water hire proved itself a sue.
oese by all who have used it according to direotiona,
it their eyes were curable, as will be seen by the
undereigned certifloates. It cured me, 8 years blind,
ocouliet feed, 0. Fortin ; it has cured me, manila
would not try me. Alexander Wand; 6 years blind,
Chae, Amiott ; 4 years, Elle Dufour; 83 years blind
and now I see, John Lacroix. Aek your druggiet for
it Wholesale -Lyman Sone & Co., sat St. Paul St,
gives better eatiefaation or that you can make
money faster with Shan" World's Wonders." Senate
all elaesee—Ohrietiene and Infidele, Cattiolice and
FrotesMnts, old and young ; 'old agents who have
not convened lor years are going into the field with
it; 0. F. Jenkins sold 124 the first week; J. E Brace
says "The first week with " Wondere " netted me
one hundred and sixteen dollars." A good chance
for unemployed persons; outfit free to actual can.
vassere; write ter terms. BRABLRY, GARRRTSON
Co., Brantford.
' One --sole manta winters in Canada of
automatic engines from 2 to 16 h. p- automatic en.
glees for printing offline ; high speed automatic en.
Ones for eleotric lighting; automatic engines for
oheeao, butter, and sausage factories, or any other
Purpose where a light and cheap power is required.
For price list and other partioulare address as
H. wurarls,. Felt 86 Slate Roofer,
Manufacturer and dealer in Tarred Felt, Roofing
Pitch, Building papers, Carpet and Deafening Pelt,
Ready Roofing, etc.
For low Rioter address
4 Adelaide St. E,, Toronto,
:).;-J.L.J ONES -
Axle and Machine Screw Works,
Carriage and Wagon Axles. Iron and Steel Set
and Osp Serews, eta. Llet on spelloation,
I have a positive remedy for the above disease ; by It, me
thousands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing
have Won cured. Indeed, so strong Is my faith ha ita
efficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE, together
with a VAIXABLE TREATISE on thin disease to any
sufferer. Give exprese and P. eddreas.
DR. T. A. SLOCI731,
Branch Office, 37 Yonge St., Tomato
Finest brands of English Dairy Salt, in gnartee
saoke. Hirginie Eureka, Wishing -ton Brand, Worth.
ington, also the Celebrated Ashton and loading
brands of Canadian Dairy Salt. Butter Workers. &o.
'end for Price List.
JAMES PARK at SON, Toronto.
Tlae LArrErt ION Vhb STAVE 01.17Th3t STAVE
jo nter cheeee box, veneer leather ep itt ng
bookbinders, mou ding, tenoning, and other machine
knives o beet quality, manufactured by ENTRE HAT,
Galt Machine Knife Worker, Galt, Ont ; send for price
coCH s
• S
Consumers will find It to their advantage
to ask tlre trade f or our make of Filen and
Rarps, Re•CuttIng a Specialty. Send
for price list and terms.
Hamilton, Ontario.
Manufacturers of the Celebrated
nrsind Minn.
T, PEPPER & 00.o.GuelPh, Ont.
Our Duplex Axles ate all to be had at ell the
prinolpal Hardware Otero la the noniiniOn.
Productive Town, Village &Farm Property,
b. Ni rtmett ktoDONALD, Barrister.
6 Union Mock- Intent() Street -Torouto,
Hamilton Scale Factory.
The IleFitand flheoPe.
vat alley and Stock
Scales tr, the market,
' neilvered and erected,
fully girrhatreed. or.
Dormant. Hopper & Warehouse
Scales for 31111s and Elevator&
We manufacture all
styles of SCALES,
which are unequtlled for
a cc racy, durability
and elegance
of finish.
OSBORNE & CO., HaMiltonlOnt.
Send for Cantiogue.
Macnair's, 169 YONGE ST.,
TiLEvery enquiry cheerfully answered.
New Orleans Road Cart aryt
Gczt.x.m., clawfue.
Winters' Patent Road Cart,
Buggies, Carriages, Sleighs, &&
end for Catalogue.
J. WINTERS, Manager.
Galt, Ont,
Manufactured in 3 Sizes.
Mounted 4 Down Powers, 8 et 10 Romp
My Specialties.
No. 3, Thresher and Power Complete, 8300
No. 4, do do do 400
No. 5, do do do 500
No. 5, do (for steam) 375
Discount for Cash.
These =vitrifies are the fasteet and lightest run-
ning, and make a better impetration than any other
style in use. I invite correspondence from farmers
and threehermen. In writing mention what you
want. Deeoriptive circular sent on application.
Agents wanted. Mention this paper.
James Sharman,
SNOW DfilIT fAvoitin
The tO1o4( Drift Making roWeler OP., Brantford, Oa
500 Engine,, Bogota, hop, Wood, and Daiwa=
emis machines for Bele. For partioulem adilreee
11, W, num. Branmord, Out,
4#.3EC1114ES121 EL40147411:311191
Buggy and Carriage Gear&
Thle gear supplies the demand of the DriVing
Ho for 1 w hanging buggies and aolnblno. with Stite
lightness, ease of motion, great strength Bad difrio
bility, Prices very moderate. Wheels tired without
Denote Plano Steel Tire, wear fully four lime; al
long se thou with ordinary the dee! Send for out
deeoriptive circular. J. IL ARMSTRONG SPIV
Co., (80.), Guelph, Cuda,
The Royal ilanufacturing Company,
6 Perth St., Guelph, Ont.
L. C. WIDEMAN & 00.,
Improved Family and Laundry Mangles
And all kinds of Laundry Appliances, liturgist.
Proof Window•Saeh Looks, Step Laddera, eto., do.
Alodel•Making, 11.11I.Wrighting and Carpentering
A ents Wanted,
When say care 1 do Mhe
not mosnerely to atop them fore
time and then have them return again. 1 menu monad
core. I have made the Mimeo of FITS, EPILEPSY or PALI,
1N0 SICKNESS & life-long study. 1 warrant my remedy
to core the worst casco. Because
others have fulled is no
reason for not now receivingeuro. Send at once for
treatise and u Free Bottle of my Infallible w
roed), Olva
Express and Post Office. 01costa you nothing for a trial,
and /will cure you. Addreas DR. II. 0, ROOT,
Branch OMco, 37 Yule St., Toronto.
Allan Line Royal Mail Steaniahips,,
Sailing during winter from Portland every Thum
day and. Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and hi
summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool,
calling at Londonderry to land matte and passenger,
for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via
Halifax and St John's, N,F., to Liverpool fortnightly
during summer inouthe. The steamers of the Glas.
gow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax,
Portland, Beaton and Philadelphia; and during sum.
mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Ghia
Sew and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadel
phia fortnightly.
For freight, passage, or other Information apply to
A. Schumacher & Co., Baltimore ; S. Cunard & Co.,
Halifax •, Shea & Co., SI. John's, N.F. '• Wm Thomp.
eon & Cio., St. John, N. B, ; Allen StCo., Chicago
Love it Alden. New York; H. Hamner, Toronto;
Album, Rae & Co., Quebeo ; Wm. Brookle, ABM&
phis; H. A. Alien, Portland, Boston, Montreal.
fAkiit. Rob. -E*
-E. 1,
• 1 •Ps.' QALLAwAy
ilO y 1 mc, ST. WEST
FoR FuLL,2
Mention This Paper,
Use on your Machinery only the Well-known
SIXCOLD MEDALS nave been awarded 10 during the last three years. Try also OW PEER
LESS AXLE GREASE for your Waggons and Horse Power,.
Menuisainred at Queen City OH Works, by -
A Revolution in:Fencing. No Barbs, No:Shade. No waste Land
This ant accurately repreeente our fence. It hoe from 15 to 25 Steel Wires woven together with Strong
Selvage Wire cables. We make it freM 24 to 64 Inches high and sell 15from 55e to 8be per rod. Ton
oan get a LIMB or Garden fence at ore -quarter to ons.tenth usual Moe, end a farm fence that will last a
life.timo, cheaper than ever before heard of. Strength, Beauty, Durability, and Economy ram.
blned. Aek your dealer for it or addrese for partioulare the
MEAL Crill:r3E1V3a carr..
MoGoll's Lardhie Machhio Oils
Try It once and you will Use. no other. - Every Barrel Guaranteed.
We are the Sole Manufacture ra of the Genuine Lardine.
Or Also Cylinder, Engine, Wool and Harness Oils. 'us
Try, Our Canadian Coal OUL "SUNLIGHT" Brand, finest in the
Awaniadl PIM P1 jssi, at lhavisedal Mit
&MAIL I °Mind Bamawly iitd
ray Iralksitekie
"Grain Saver" and "Peeriese"
" NUS " 114.146464•Ivors, for 4. O. $,14 sad 111
'rad powimes.traik
r 1, **ad II liars.%
Mal" "Paritareirstrerread altdi 11"411
NIL Seat1., Illottatti M4 Ottalosit IAA