Clinton News-Record, 1975-12-04, Page 23w
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Cr#g had st • t's
down frtm in* PrO410An tg^
r4/ awurvitontun
itmon was elected
President Tim clubt meMbers
tatkQt 40:Qutt k4Ving vU
raiSei g0140$ kr 4 charity
argon which woutd
incudo trails Qt ttofngh
bowing snowmobiles clubs
Mrs. Tates Schneider
wagged aChristmas pat
for tho children, to, be, held at
the -Club Rous 0 December
2'1 and the Club Members
accepted this plan. Plans
Were rn(tde, to hold the next
meeting, In eonlintetion with
the Christinas:partY•
Constable John Wray of the
•Goderie.h OPP was Present at
this meeting and showed
entertaining animated film
on snowmobile safety which
had been put out by John
Deere Company. A question
and answer period followed.
• Shuffle hoard got eff to a
start lasThursday, eveiiig
with 19 children prcesent
under the guidance of Mrs.
Robert Slater, James Towe
and Frank Van Dongen, Due
to other commitments. the
grown-ups had a smaller
attendance but it is hoped
that more will attend this
Thursday evening at 8 p.m.
The children begin at s6:45
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hamilton
were guests on Sunday of his
sister, Mrs. Celia Taylor.
Mr. Wilfred Collinson
moved last week to the home
owned by Mr. Bud Chamney
on Loftus Street.
Mr ant Mrs.rAUen
O _mot
v 4 last Fida evening
wjh.Mrs. Bet1.,
Mr. at 4
reAkfmt kW. tag aturday
atter surgery in Victoria,
ti9aPitat• 100w. her Wends
wishrher aspeedy reeoverty.
The 404t for the, children's
Aid SOAktY rinetVeg 4 special
donation in memory* of the
Late Mrs. EMMA Trentater.
The Waliterburn Club, held
its monthly meeting at the
home of Mrs. Worthy Young
in Goderich. President. Mrs.
Carmen Gress opened the
meeting, She gave a
Thanksgiving reading.
The minutes were approved
by Mrs. Roy Daer and Mrs.
Ronald Gross as read by the
secretary. Mrs. Lloyd Pen
found. Roll call was an-
swered by each giving a
donation for the support of
their Korean foster child.
Mrs. Garth McClinehey gave
the financial Statement.
TIepi;eWas won by
Stw�rt Bafl. It was moved
by Mrs. Elliott Lapp,
seconded by Mrs. Thomas
Cunningham and approved
by the members that there be
no December meeting.
The January meeting will
be held at the home of Mrs.
Elliott Lapp and the lunch
will be in charge of Mrs.
Ronald Gross and Mrs.
Carmen Gross. The program
will be a miscellaneous and
baking sale.
Mrs. Thomas Cunningham
was in charge of the af-
ternoon's program. Contests
— a bingo type contest.
hashed fruit contest and one
- oust* meeting were r
by 014 fietgretaM, Mr B
oans4g4 This, Onunciat
statement wa,s.given by Mr*
Gerald IVICftwal1 14 the
absence of the tram -War.
orman-MCDowell.- •
ihe variel* 0OMMitteeS,
repOrted 44 the MR'S work.
A. now, slate of officers was
presented 1?,*. Krfa. Calm
Ande,:son., this report was
uccepled and the officers will
be installed at tho 4 -augury
Names were drawn for the
two new units for ISM It was
decided to have the Chr(st-
mas meeting on Tuesday.
December 9 with a pot -luck
dinner at la O'cluok in the
Sunday school room followed
by a Christmas program.
The, meeting adourned.
after which a dainty lunch
and cup of tea was enjoyed by
A brightly decorated
Christmas tree and Christ-
mas arrangements decorated
the Auburn Community
Memorial hall last Friday
everting for the annual
Family Night smorgasbord
sponsoieth y the -AnbOrnHorticuiturao i Society and the
Women's Instftute.
The president -of the Hor-
ticultural Society. Mrs.
Kenneth Scott. Welcomed all.
The rector of St. Mark's
Anglican church proitanced
the Grace. About 125 were
present to enjoy the pot -tuck
After the dinner new people
in the village who were guests
were introduced. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs.
Larry Young, Mr. and Mrs.
Gary de Veau and family. Mr.
and Mrs. William Whetstone
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Donald McCauley and family
stoul-star Publishing Lt4.. currentty In tba process of Installing a new press called the
)ally King that features eight units and measures E feet in height and Is approxixnatelY
(eot long, Press room personnelffeorge-and Tom Vanderburgh check the new unit that
h..tS doubla the capacity of thit press now in use Earlier this 'week the press roam crew
printed etose to lomat copies of various publications in one day. (staff photo
The singing of Christmas
carols led by Oliver Anderson
• began the program. Mrs.
Anderson showed ther4caro1e
on the screen.
A mouthorgan selection
was played by Ross Robinson
accompanied by Mrs. Donald
Haines. Douglas Glousher
gave a reading, fast.
Thinking. A piano duet was
played by Misses Doris
Naylor and Jane Arthur and
Mrs. Thomas Jardin gave a
reading. Maggie and Jiggs at
the Golden Gate.
Mrs, Scott thanked
everyone for assisting in
serving and cleaning up and
the evening was brought to a
close by, 'singing The Queen
with Mrs. Catherine Jackson
at the piano.
Iluntued bN. the
Guaranteed Seal
the t)
Prerte,..• get\
the dirt out
that the other
methodleaNe Iry
•1/4.11t.•1 her t.„ehte4. • 3tIti
het -a e,,tiNet•
, t' u',. 4,14 eitte,''
hh, It
.6cteib to eme
e Ath het ezttcst, the
,es %LP.
ssy Merry
stings? Christmas!
in the
Phone 524-7841
for further information
This Christmas treat yourself to a
litilitociaeareAkiell dishwasher
After all the gifts are opened and ail tho wrappings thrown away ..
After the beautiful Christmas dinner you cooked and that fantastic
Christmas pudding have been eaten ... After all the work and all the
pleasure. wouldn't I! be nice to put yoUr feet up and let a KitchenAid
dishwasher do all the dishes and the pots and pans for you? And
after the big day is over, wouldn't it be nide to have a. present that
will take over your dishwashing day after day after day?
• Drop in to our store antsee all the bullt-in and portable
kitchertAid models: We want you to have *Mew Christmas.
* rWattotnatit SOak CVtio tot
Pots ant, Pans
• FloMtru Forted Air
Cycle tor Spot Free
* ittdro Swoop Wins Action,
• 111(PP Sanitizing Rinse gni.
• Social energy wino
• feature routes