HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-12-04, Page 22i Y. '" , '14 • JIM 4- t • ,„‘„Pi- 04. wtk J4 luc,lt , . (ittsi wili beitlikitml,liAt at the twxt meeting. to 'i'wo 4ftce i woltr: 41,4419443 4i 4 gmt, .t* xiti, . , I , y ot , 0 1.ngf44444*.arnaldel trii VLIItIOtt Lkibluo lieepitat C reartastity 4CL , t Oh Manor an ' n ortiimptioniet, QM can teRVIN ablaut andntattitytuaca 444 without tUrnIng the a a• handy home MAL cart enjoy the two VI es of Tastoes Wu Peace without over the book. eatI help yow son o boloQtbackoy tt trooxing to death by sido at tour o'clock in the Ming, As any modern pablic library an tell you1 Its all '0 a the information ex. WWI that today makes the lick of a switch. the push of at tton and the plugging in a a jack as much a part of library work in the twentieth century as stveching papyrus may have been many years ago. At the headquarters of the Midwestern Regional Library System. Kitchener, for example, more than $20,000 is spent annually on 16 mm films that, are previewed. purchased and distributed to participating libraries in the Region ef Waterloo, and in Perth. Huron and Wellington Counties. Established in 1968 to coordinate public library services in this area. Mid- western selects the films from patalogues provided by the National Film Board, International Telefilm Enterprises. the British Broadcasting Corporation, Educational Media Inc.. and many other national and international outlets. • "We work with a com- mittee of staff from several libraries to select an average of three MI -length 16 mm films - or film series - a month." said Peter Kienivz. • Midwestern's coordinator of audio-visual services. Recent acquisitions, for sample, include the films; jflow to Say 'Noto a Rapist and Survive": the "Howie Meeker Hockey Series" ; "Birth Control; Five Effective Methods"; and a wide range of other titles. Several libraries such as Stratford Public Library and the Huron County Library System offer popular courses to patrons on the proper care and handling of films, equipment maintenance, film cleaning and loading and other techniques. Emphatically, however, Midwestern isn't interested in putting the book business out of business. "Books will always be the pivot of any library service," • said Peter Kienitz, "or certainly in the foreseeable • future, But libraries need to keep pace with all aspects of gathering and providing infermation - and films are One Way of doing this." Similarly, about 100 fiction • and non-fiction works have been handled by Midwestern' that have nothing to do with print or bindin They're tbLapro4ti4 'Talking small audio cassettes ter those with viStlai Or physical bandiceps who cannot read regular CIF taige print beaks. Professionally read. the 'Talking Books" can be played on standard cassette recorders with a listening time et four to nine hours depending upon the length et the book. • Midwestern introduced Talking Books into pahlie •libraries in early September 197S, although Kitchener Public Library already had its own comprehensive collection. "We began with about 70 titles,- said Peter Kienitz. but •demand has been so great that we've placed a standing order with CNIB to buy every now book they produce," In fact Midwestern is also looking for other outlets to keep pace with demand. Some tapes, for example. are being purchased from The Cassette Book Shop. Elmira. As WOI. Midwestern recently purchased duplicating equipment that will be used to reproduce copies of the more popular works on demand. Talking Books are distributed to libraries, with Midwestern acting as a clearing house for repairs, interlibrary transportation of tapes and new acquisitions. Each costing about $12. Talking Books are available free in most libraries on provision of a doctor's cer- tificate stating that a borrower is unable to read regular works for whatever reason; borrowing time is anywhere up to three months, Midwestern has also pur- chased several playback units for the books which are •also distributed to libraries. Reference work - or lnternAatiett Serviies a* it Is, manually celled in Ways library parlance - also benefits from audiovisual material, Today there are ever ZOO special video OKKIS available to patrons in weterloo and Kitchener public libretto* that cin he 00104 en playback quits in study carrels tor reference work, - Purchased by Midwestern from the Ontario Bducational Communications Authority, the video tapes cover many subjects -• travelogues. home repair. Indian legends and folklore. and the education et handicapped children as well as several tapes In the German language which are of particular relevance for this area. Designed to give patroas, another information dimension to use . when needed. the program was introduced on a trial basis last summer and, if suc- cessful, will expand to other libraries. Midwestern again is responsible for watching out for available material, purchasing it whore necessary, monitoring tape da mage cleaning and replacement, Video tape programming doesn't stop there, however, Midwestern recently acquired the excellent "Youth in Trouble" series from the Public Television • Library, Was.hington, D.C., that it is making available to libraries on a trial basis to show to local patrons. The series is also being promoted through schools. churches, daycare centres, hospitals, service organizations and mental health clinics. "Series like this can be very valuable as part of a library's way of initiating rather than providing in- formation," • said Peter tel NO it it gees well welleoesider etIxer series on ditterent topics, Th4- nod to enceurage tibmies to make use et video tart otitOpment tor in,howie program, premetien end ether work. IS also part et Wildwestern's mentlate, A now videe.. canter% as well as the pleybaek unitti. have teen purchased a part et Midwestern's deter mination to help libraries make their (MI video tope programs and beeetne itt musingly familiar with this aspect ot Audio -Visual work, Libraries ca,n use video' tape to film OblititietV4 story hours. or Elbow the in. fermation servietudivilden at wilrk, or devise programs that help patrons use the card catalogues, for example," said Peter K lenitz, "These could be stored by libraries and used constantly not lust onee or twice only to be discarded. "They could help libraries promote themselves and would be a natural extenitioO of •their preseat Information function . - Already Midwestern has arranged a video workshop (Or libraries in late November conducted by Paul Avon, OECA, and recently coot.- dinated a National Film Board -sponsored seminar on the use of animation in films. • Midwestern also looks to the future, New equipment and audio-visual techniques are studied and information passed on to libraries. Film and video tape catalogues are and revised con- stantly. Expansion of existing programs is planned, • "Midwestern's job is to help all. public libtaries, no matter; • what their size, provide' a high standard of service to patrons, and audio- visual services are one aspect of that • work," said Peter Kienitz. W4 edatziOtottt Wan* t Utivotakt$k Unitod Stat 'Nitait chttlif Q? . vigtqlca* bo,tp tlartn ctitiot iyitavo tkt 001,410#14 who*, ftychillottl"ta‘ixt thta dovotoR trot* habits which wilt bo w ttb ittta for tht rest et bis HU. wont* tibaktitt,b4zt obi% to took to, lot000no fog alifttfttaago, "Tho Matt ot a child car* tavilitylii„ ;an -144vItto (hatalisiatanico tbEO%46,b the triunowork, ot eXperitIRCit geared tow arci child developtuent and growth - within the facility. la this way. the 'teacher' does not replace the parents MIP CiQ,414 the Child core facility replace thio LIQMO • awl merely tiopploraont itto reit) of the parents and the home e4. vironMent wiles) goal is te raise the Child to oniottonal. Persetsals bfla visit 34 1 Mtss Kathy Winding at ondon vitited avor the *Rant SMlt wiij (rim Motiwain. ven, en4 ,laciii,CroAtort %Wan. P44 Kitt and, 'Wt. at. Hum Wile Kincardine vitited at tha sante home whoa they hold abirthdo party for Lynn Steven and • est lust reettived bar IIA jui with a ntejer itt lnglItt iIr trt University (twig% ()Mario; Wirt, Carter it eseutty etnpliert4 as Itbvartalk at thwart Centennial Scheel* arucefield, At Count; Cel-eer yQU ilett s, tnawrnbtu sok tretercycies, Nttntatit ottc „ pit ant 91 Yams,* et pa*" We T. CARMEL. 137,4456 Qoitmteityt 14 .m. Sunftylkloepan. Ki BUCKETS COFFEE Pitt • STEAM IRONS. ELECTRIC CAN OPENER • TWO SLICE TOASTER POUR SLICE TOASTER Sedan -like comfort fot two, the bold wedqe line of the groat international spot ts-tacer s, °vet head -cam power — key ingredients of this IN eaktht otioh machine by the ,Torts cu specialist. CLOTH NG GIFTS MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS $3.97 EA, SNOWMOBILE BOOTS 17.27.0$ 15.97 • MING GOWNS • TEENS' 140.'8.50 EA. TOE SOCKS 12.77 PR ‘Fil FOR HIARtlir AS :A RT oT I S EINFANTS TO TEENS STAINLESS STEEL 24 PIECE SET FLATWEAR '14.97 & 15.97 NUT CRACKER SETS '4.97 5ONEilViASALICERS 3 PIECE SET TEA SETS • 16.97 •ROYAL ALBERT BEAKERS 12.97 TEA TOWELS 57C-11.17 WASH CLOTHS HAND Si BATH TOWELS • RANKETS $6.97-90.97 QUILTED DOUBLE SIZE BEDSPREAD 95.97 SAYULLE • 4 OZ. ALL ,„ KNITTING YARN *Mil Checking Year -lift List? Marino it in and let us help you check it alt .„ at tees price- tags to make you metre, • Special Savings for Christmas, 15% OFF ALL LAMPS 25% OFF SPACE SAVERS. CHESTERFIELDS. BEDROOM SUITES. BOX SPRINGS Earl Borscht Our Sowing Machine Eagerwill be at aur store from 3 p.m. FRIDAY. DEC. $ and ail day SATURDAY. DEC. 4 for Demonstrations a Repairs. Como in and ask lar a demonstration on any ot our brands such as Bernina. Omega-. Universal. Domestic. Mom. Brother machines, and others, We do accept trade ins. We have a large selection of good used trade ins hilly " reconditioned and guaranteed. lodeptaiest Skipper to Ileited (*.operative of Omni* ',Wooled% pop. Tweets • Shp Your Livestock with Rey Ststithater MorilieV stool. Coy From st.ckyard CALL BAYFIELD54x4 10 Akeedikti 1, **Pt SerVite The ell.oew triesepOlt.7... Test drive it today at • Ike Sten titet Saves Yes More" on MEWS—GOTS—LAOIES—OtRLS IASY WEAR YARD 0000$ URNiTURE—MATTRESSES— AINT—SEW1NO MACHINES4.SMALL NANcES LAMPS • Mtinditv • Friday - * swam kturtty11 Om, •i ts.ra, CIOSed Sunda* SOltAti t,lf (lift 1 Con t.1 V ti t