HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-12-04, Page 12ntrsin
reetor, 3.13.4
• ser. , '
ret1rit ,i„
Reeve BM Elston ot Merril%
TQWZtShiL termed a Famfl
Ptsmntng- and COMeptIon
Coutrot itrata pant of
Huron County as
" atlast Friday's
esson of cinnil-T
Reeve Rtston told einutclA
that $52`,400 would "go a long
way toward operating a
hospital'''. Re was referring
to recent rumors that one or
two hospitals in Huron County
would be closed by the
Ontario Ministry of Health in
the months to come.
The grant has been
awarded to the Huron County
Board of Health to operate
e family planning program
which has.been so successful
in Exeter and Clinton in
recent months.- Plans now
are to begin a clinic in
In other board of health
business, it was reported that
Huron County's appointees to
the Joint Huron -Perth
Steering committee, District
Health Council, have been
named. They are Reeve Ed.
airman of the Huron
County Board of Health; Mrs.
Carl Johnston. Bluevale,
representing the consumer
point of view; Mrs. Gwer
Pemberton. Bayfield, alst
consumer point of view; Dr%
J.R. MacGregor. Winghan
of the Huron County Medic: al
Society; Norman Haye s.
Wingham, representing tine
Huron County Hospit al
Planning Council; Warden
Anson McKinley; Huron
County Medical Officer of
Health, Dr. G.F. Mills; Bind
Mrs. Jeanne Baker. Clinton.
the nursing representative .
The first meeting of the
steering committee is
planned for early Decern her.
County council approved al
10 percent increase for the.
Supervisor of Nurses for the
Huron County Health Unit
bringing the salary to $17.100
effective November I. 1975;
and hiring Mrs. Shirley
Steepe. audio technician, as a
full-time employee effective
November 28, 197F).
County counxi1fors ap-
proved the h firing of an
assistant tree commissioner
for the south end of the
county. Sala ry will be $4.50
per hour plus) mileage at the
current rate. 17 cents to 19
cents per mi le.
,A rural planner is being
sought by t he planning board.
Effective January 1, 1976,
planners 1 n Huron County will
start at $ .15„000 and after five
. years SerViCe* reach $34.040
per 0,11=1111. Under this
schedule', the present planner
will receive $144600. effectivcr
January 1, IV% a1/414 $14,500
on his anniversary date.
August 37, 1976.
The library board has
endorsed a recommendation
by the county Librarian, Pin
Partridge, to make ap-
plication tbr a Wintario grant
for $5,400 for the
strengthening of the
Canacliana book and non -book
collection. This would be for
a simile grant, nota recurring
Co often gave approval to a
property committee request
to e ngage a staff member to
murk at Huron County
Mu seum on• the cataloguing
pre)gram. A LIP grantffor the
project was not approved this
fa II. An application wilt be
made for a Wintario grant to
(Whet the cost.
The property committee
reported 140 submissions in
Ile flag contest,, and reported
that Mrs. Gladys Stiles. a
county employee. was the
overall winner taking first,
second and third. prizes.
Fourth place winner., was
Elizabeth Delchert. R 2,
There were nine con-
• solation prize winners whose
names were not released at
the meeting.
Salaries for staff members
under the juritdiction
of the property committee
received raises and ad-
justments subject to the
approval of the Federal Anti -
Inflation Review Board. The
schedule requires that
caretakers and museum staff
members start at 59.880 and
after two years, receive a
salary of $10.296,
The executive cornmittee
reported the natneS of Huron
County scholarship, winners,:
for Ridgetown College of
Agricultural Teehrtelogy,
Clarence Hal*, RR 2 Clin-
ton; University of Guelph.
Robert 4. Fairies; Cottle;
Roberta Pullman, Bluevale;
Patricia FatterExeter;
UniversitY•of GuelPhien E.
Deichert. RR 2, rich;
Rosemary New nham.
Council approved three
grants, each worth 39000, in
1975. 1976 and 1977, for ARC
Industries at Dashwood, to
aid in repaying their $50.000
mortgage. This facility is
operated by South Huron and
District Association for the
Mentally Retarded.
A request for a grant to
Huron Country Playhouse in
the amount of 52.500 was not
New policy regarding the
appointment of county boards
and committees where people
other than elected officials
are involved, was approved.
Advertisements are to be
placed - In all county
newspapers the first week in
"Deienibor %Iiileitiriefinyotte
interested in sitting on one of
these committees. or as a
hospital board representative
if any is required, to notify
the county clerk.
Invitations are going out to
local councils, asking them to
attend a session of county
council commencing with the
January session.
During the day -long
session. council heard reports
from the representatives to
the five county hospitals and
from the staff at the Ontario
Ministry of Agriculture and
Food in Clinton.
bring th
with salaries
in other countieq„,, are a,
believed to be in line ac-
cording to an interpretation
of the wage and price
guidelines, Howevercounty,
administrative personnel
mit e adjustments may
he questioned by the Anti -
Inflation Review Board, and
eeuld be denied.
The committee did
recommend, however. that
once the adjustments are
approved. the federal
&Wearies will be adopted
and strictlyfollowed.
The following salaries fax
1976 were approved: clerk
treasurer, 42;040 plus $3.410
plus 31.090. 335500; deputy -
clerk treasurer. $19.000 plus
$2.090 (no adjustment).
$31.090; medical officer of
health. $33.000 plus $3.520 (no
adjustment). $35.520; county
engineer. $28,000 plus 33.080
plus $420, $31,500; planning
• director. $19.600 plus 52.156
plus 3444, 02,200; ad-
ministrator at Huronview,
$16.400 plus $1,804 plus $1.796,
520.000; social service ad-
ministrator. 514.000 plus
$1.540 plus 3960, $16,500;
museum curator. $11.500 plus
51.265 plus 31.235. 314,000;
chief custodian, $11.500 plus
$1.265 plus $835, $13.600:
development officer, $13,500
plus $1.485 .plus. $615, $15.600;
librarian. $14.560 pLOsr $1,595
plus $905. $17,000t
Some other salary in-
creases were approved
during the session.
The library technician was
increased from $7.540 per
annum to $9.000; Branch
Supervisor 1 from $3 per hour
10 53.65; Branch Supervisor 2
• from 53.60 per hour to 34,25:
Goderich Branch supervisor
from 37.500 to 38.500:
Goderich Branch assistant
supervisor from 55,700 to
$6,700; other branch staff
from $3 per hour to $3.50; the
van driver from $3.50 per
kfziltztituirlikzerallizilizottafeziolliAtzitiger AN" 21471zalizeratintittglift
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Beatte Furniture .•
os oi
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14 ti,
Give your ome a Gift g%
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Solve your Christmas prOblem...
04k 4'
SittWikAtaP rt •
Sfl964 per gra to start
_ tour Mrs. will
receive 444,00, Present
salaries are $1„0,404 to start
with$12,404atter Nur years,
Tice food, supervisor% job
went kern $10,000 per annul
to Start «$U.960,1 after four
ts. the salary - reached
ogt. $3,440 more than at
Council voted 32-24 in a
retarded vote to increase
their own salaries by 10 per
cent. New rates will be $44 fax
full „day meetings and $37.50
for half day 'meetings.
Evening meetings, often
running into the early hears
of the following day, are paid
at the full day rate.
Reeve Derry Boyle of
Exeter asked fax a recorded
vote on the clause in the
special committee report.
Reeve Boyle questioned how
"prudent' it was to increase
their own salaries at this
-We have to start to set
some examples for our
employees and our tax-
payers," said Reeve Boyle.
'And 1 think senior gover-
nments should do the same.
"We're setting no example
at alt, retorted Deputy -
reeve Frank Cook of Clinten„
"We've just granted staff
raises of 530,000. We're only
malting fools of mu -selves if
we turn down this clause."
The lengthy report of the
special com m t tee also
contained policy governing
council's attendance at
conventions and provided
that no more than eight
councillors, including the
warden and chairMan, would
be altowed to attend a con-
vention. Members of the
particular committee in-
volved would have first
4' ' .,,,,,
t ,the couaty.'s, expense
it MAW a*weU
weriti* (lays oft
w4rk for tl*tng and
all costs pMdt
Alt other .pe
shared en*
In the Case tn term
Wawathe county would only
shaxe in the cost it: betere
going away, the employee
torroallY agrees- to return to
the county and stay in the
employ of the county for an
amount of time agreed to
ler to, his or her deearture
fiveyears suggested).
"Such an educational
approach has significant
implications fax the county,"
said Warden McKinley. "ft is
felt that a reasonable
educational policy will have
major positive returns in the'
form of staff effectiveness.
However. the budget and
time requirement must also
be considered."
All education. leave -
training and development -
will be approved by the
committee or board involved.
Employees requesting tong
term education leave should
be allowed to apply unused
vacation credits toward their
share of leave and leave
should be approved well in
advance. in all cases of
education e leave, the
relevance of the program to
the employee's position must
be clearly demonstrated.
Reeve Gerry Ginn of
Goderich Township ex
pressed his concern that the
guidelines provided no way to
control abuse,
-We might be paying more
fur education than for
working," said Reeve Ginn.
He was reminded that the
committee still has the final
say in the matter.
Reeve Allan Campbell felt
the policy should spell out the
ko OUT Of Tin MU
welcome notDa e
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Your cus
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Flowers wired anywhere....
A dazzlingly different collection at tashien ac.
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