HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-7-1, Page 1H, DICKSON, Barrister, Soil.
• ci tor of Supreme Court,Notiy
Conireyetzeer,rileMraif313i°46r. 411^ M011oY t 0
Ogeceie zaenson'e Bloelz,Exetee,
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.,1
ExETErt, • • ONT.
Office a aenwell's Bleelz (Ball's old enlace)
1Publiehers and Proprietors
CARTWRIGHT, L. D. H., • - • -
11 111/
Has epenee dont el eoemit over
O'NEIL'S BANE, Where he will be.
prepaied to extract teethwithout
pain. All operations performed with ease and.
skill. Goldfillings aepociaiity, Offiee hours
9 a, miate $ p rn. CRAItaS MODE1lA111,
' Extracte Teeth without pain,
by giving Vitalized Air, or by
rising the Aim Local Anassthe-
tie On ti ''` gums; makes Gold
Pilings , ed all other dental
Asuccessfulinedleine tested over
810 years in thousand e of cages.
Promptly eines NEMVOUS ,PkY)s-
tratiOn,TY eaknessofBrain,Spi-
Atm. nal Cord, and GenoraiiveOrgans
of either sez,,ErniaqioAsand all, illseaused by India.
oretion oroyee.exertien:Six packages is guaran.
teed to ()frac:it a 0(101111ga All otherxnedieinesfail.
One package $1. six packages $e byniail. Sold
y druggist. Wrtcaw .Pampldet. AddreSS 1„
ECUIERA CREBSICAL 00,1puTitoiT, mica,
Wishes to annouece to the inhabitants of — Teachers desiring to attend the Provincial
Mr. A. MeD. Allan of Goderich tl e well Teachers' Association may obtain certificates
, , i -
Exeter and vieinitY, that he has °Polled out
varicose venue applying to Robert W. Doan, 216 Carlton
known fruit export, is laid up at home with eatiti!dg them to travel at reduced. retee by
Mi. Sohn Rinn, of Tuckersinitli weighed street, Toronto.
, 0 0 yroolaerantir:xltwtithothteurrncoly, tIliect seyaltestwaot rielIoeuletabren 2tacti ILI ssittol meillain., ethlyiwi,aswiiicii
1 400 lbs. of the Hon. Ashley Carr Glyn, and a dim
Mr. J. RW Keeler, of Miteheli, who, some ter of the late Admiral Danoombe. "
St°re N°Yth 01 Saillwel ptirinom° isageod NneiltEthdelliisaoureilaistsorgrolulleat utd0oh. ason,1111110- East Middlesex has 'been he bed with
It ts said that the, local Grit member for
$, and opened out iv business again. wet cloth, around his head ever elm:1611e hea
Malcolm McIutyre of Nairn owns au applee of the nominetion of Richard Tooloy Esq
nottE, AND TneitE. Mr. W. F. Scott, bother of F. S. and P
•aa Ste 2is
Soott, of Brussels, has purchased a Leif in
Now Condeneed telest in a Livermore, Cale, newepaper,
CcolOnial OaKllibitiOft NOltefe,
Tete 'Emprese Eugenie, aceonmaniedeby
II. R. the Princese Louise end the
t'AnINI)nalite4ocifi4Loox.2.nece„tpioanidglitlieltfretcliizeten:47visilat i
The hiet of the exhibits has now eome to
hand from Canada, in the etearnship Dane.
ara, the Furness Line, which arrived in
doek on b'riday lest, the lith lust.
An important addition has beeee made to
the space at the clisposah of the Canadiaa
Exemitive Commissioner. This compriees
three rooms belonging to the Seience anct
Art Deparement adjoining the \West Areade.
Exhibite eet.riages will eccalpy one room,
samples of the products of Canadian brew-
eries another, and the third will contain
• niirlcheellelloniemOurliteixolilliboifts. London have issued a
• lerge number of invitations to the ball at
Guildhall on Friday, the 25th inst., 'The
company will be a most distinguished one,
comprising the Executive Commissioners
and leading Colonial venture.
'The Lord Mayor's dinner- to leadieg
colonists now in. London, "to meet If. R.
r- ji Prince o2f9t\III:ales," takes place on
gie- The reception of Mrs, Bee:ton, wife of the
Agent for the Province of British Columbia,
"to meet the Marquis of Lome and. the
a Canadian representatives at the Colonial
rd and Indian Exhibitioe," takes place 'from
nine to twelve ou Saturday, July 3rd.
The Connell of the Royal Colonial Inati-
thte has intimated its desire to make lead-
ing colonists, here in connection with the.
Exhibition, honorary members of the insti-
tute during their stay in this country. The
Freemasons also are mindful of their Colon-
ial brethren, and are at several of the
Lodges making arrangements to entertain
Through the Reception Committee a
limited number of tickets for the following -
places of interest have been placed at the
disposal of Colonial visitors at the Exhibi-
tion r--RoyallZbologicd1 Society's Gardens,
daily; Graphic Newspaper Printing Offices
on Thursdays during June and July;
British IYInseura on Tuesdays at 2 -p. m. ,
under the guidance of an Official; and
Westminster Abbey under the conduct a
the Dean, on June 23rd.
Among the visitors to the Canadian. sec-
tion last week was a party of four farriers,
formerly from the North of Ireland and
now settled near London, Ontario. They
[are now in England to take oat a number
of horses for a,micultural work, the Can-
adian stock not' being in their opinion at
present so heavy and. suitable for this pnr.
pose as English breeds. They report a 'very
early spring in Ontario, and a generalle for-
wee71. state of growth. Fall wheat promises
to be excellent this year, though they find
raising cattle for export more profitable.
Thee farmers had better bringout elephant,
if they imagine that the horses we have
here are not large enoweli.
Hama CoUnty Scott Act Asso-
A convention oeflettletmi°pelirance workers of
Huron County, was held in the Rattenbury
St. Methodist church, Clinton, un Friday,
June 25th. The President of the Scott Act
A.ssociation, D. D. Wilson, Esq„ of Seaforth,
took the chair at 10 a.m., and the meeting
was opened. with prayer by Mr. Bob art. Turn-
bull, of McKillop.
The Presibent, in his opening address, re-
counted same important eVents and changes
that had taken plaee since the last convention
was heldin May.
The mission of the delegation sent to in-
terview the Comity Council hael been unsue-
cessfut, that body, by a large majority hay-
rageeefasea ta„aineineralize the Ontario Gov-
ernment for the appointment. of n salaried
police magistrate. One of the chief matters.
, to come before the convention would be the *
question of how to have that lacking part of
I the Seott Aet enforcement machinery sup-
plied. In the meantime while the county re.
maimed without that officer he wouldstrongly
recommend bringing all cases of violation of
the Scott act, that could be found out, before
the ordinary rnaegistrates. Even if their de-
cisions were appealed. from. the result of leav-
ing the cases tried would be good. The ven-
tilation of a fiew such cases as that brought
before Messrs. McMillan and Gowanlook on
the 24th inat., McKillop township, when
the senior county judge, a would-be
member of parliament, and nearly all the
members of a municipal council were sub -
peened as witnesses, would open the eyes of
tho public to some facts they ought to know,
and he hoped would haye the effect of making
some of our prominent nien ashamed of their
conduct, and causethem to hesitate to 'violate
the law.
Mr. T. McGillicuddy thought a thorough
practical campaig,n. should be orgamized and
the County stumped from end to end
with the objeat of returning a County Connell
who will ask for a ealaried Police Magistrate.
The large majority obtained fer the Scott
Act 'when it was voted upon was result of a.
.vigorous campaign where the temperance
people displayed earnestnessand enthusiasm.
In hie opinion picnics and public meetings
should be held hi every part of the
county and invitations extended to opponents
of the Scott Act to be present and take place
in the discussion. Our cause would lose no-
thiug by light beiug let in upon it.
Rey- W. M. Martin. endorsed the suggestion.
He regretted the lack of prilthe interest in
the carrying out of the law which was evideut.
Eyen Ministers of the Gospel had been en-
tarely silent since the vote took place. In
order to make a success of the onforcemetit
of the law. 'We must preach it, and speak it
and work it in exactly the same way as we
worked for the carrying of the Act.
After the passiug Reveral resolutions, Mr.
Jas. Thompson moved, seeonded by Mr. T.
MoGrillioncldy "that each license inspectoi in
the couuty be requested to ascertain all the
magistrates ia each mumcipality of their
respective ridings who will take informations;
in Scott Aot oases, and that all who refuse
to aet be at one reported to the Houorahle
he Attorney -General with the request that
hey be dismissed, end that the Inspector to
uggest to the Attorney-Geueral the nanieg
of good, reliable men -to be appointed in their
teed. And that the Inspectors. be respect -
ally advised ta bring to trial all cases that
ncay arise before those naagistrates who are
willing to ect."—Carried.
Mr. T, ?dcGillicuddy moved, secouded by
Ir. A. Goeenlock, and the meeting unani-
mously decided "That a mooting to further
the interests a the Scott Act cause be held
in every Municipality end that the Executive
Committee be desired to urge upon the
rench Associations, the clergy, and the
mrichee of the 1V. C' T. the importance
of liolaing such meetings, fincl essist, if neces-
sary, in the manageineat of saeh ,eatheriegs."
'It was agreed that the next eenvention
should be held in Seatorth early in Septem-
ber. The benediction was pronounced by,
Rev. A. MeLeau, and the eouvention closed.
sliccessful saseien.
During the absence, tor seven weeks, of the '
ev, IL A. Thomas, of Ailsa Craig, final his
arish hie people kindly turned out in con-
ideration of ill hearth), and planted liis gar.
en with all necessary vegetables, and
lsb kept it hoed. end Weeded until his return.
or this and many other acts of kindness to
ieir elergyie an the peeple of Trinity Church
esei've the gratitude of the renipieet an 1 the
lumendation of the ?ohne.
Boit ait
work Glob est possible. Rooms in tha Uoriier
Ijeetairs 7.11 SAMWELL'S Bnoon, East side of
• 'UM -Street, Exeter, Ont.
LUTZ, M„ D.,
• Ofliceathisresidence liixoter
. T BitoWNING M. D., M. 0
. rtinua re vie teri tainivers ity.0cdce
andfresidenoe,DemxionTeiboratox v, Exeter
0, OfIlee, Main St.Exeter,Ont. Itesicten
.Teo tieuserecently occupied by P,
ID eg,
Dr. liyndemn, erener for the 'Obunty
of 'Hu. roe, ece., &c. Drilloop er, ,Licentiat,e of
•, the Royal College of Surgeone, Edinburgh;
?,e,ntiate Midwifery,Edinbueele(Seetlaud)
eegradnetee Student of the University of
(Austile) aeol of the fie oorfleld Bye ,
al, London (England) &roe,. ote. SPeoial 1
ion to Diseases of tho Bye, Ear and-
. Oleo°, Main -et r eat atm..
Permanently located in No. 185
Queen's: Avenue, I.ondon, a few, doors
east of Post Office. Special attention given to
diseases of the Lye, bad sight, an Ol the pres-
ervation of vision diseases of the May,
Peered hearing, and discharges from the ear;
• diseases of the Tereat, chronic inflammation
being feequent cause of deatnitss ; diseases
of the Nose, catarrh being a common cause of
impai-ecl heaving.
.TENRY EILBER, Licensed Auc-
tioneer for Hay, S tophen , and escOint-
eey:Townships. Sales conducted at moderate
eine. Gefiee—At Post -office, Crediton, Ont,
OHN GILL, Auctioneer for the
Townships of Stephen, Fleey and Usborne
the Village of Baceter. An sales promntly
t e , an d sat isfaation guar tal teed. Sales
letn gee' at this office.
trENNENT '(36 TENNENT, Vete?"' LATTztAx,T0E,B
co lege, Toron-
cued an office
• talent o f all
Animals, on •
Exeter. Calls
Pickard% where he ig prepared to make
eleikiuds oe ordered work.
SAY ALL THE LADIES WHO SEE Sewed work a speciality.
;ke. j. DE AmarTas Be,aning proinptly attended to.
Without a doubt they are the most beceming
in very fine style, such as the Lan t •
etYlee ewe intioduced. Ladies, for something Late Manager 0, Eacrett's Boot and Shoe
aaisio.0 Hangs, Saratoga, Way es; witches,
Puffs, Curls, or Wigs, call ou Ike. 3. Deariuge at
Where ho will supply all your wants in the
Hair Line, '
New Pump Factory
Wouid respectfully inform the inhabitants
of the snrrounding townships that be ha a op-
ened a N ew Pump Factory in
Whare he will keep on home. en uncle a
Pumps, which he will sell at moderate prices
'Wells and Cisterns contracted for at reason-.
0,ble prices, and work execetecl with despatch.
, nary Surgeons, Or duate&ri the Ordeal°
teetzave op
-feetkie tree,
einstre et
ant a die tance prompt: y
ttanded to:- Modicine.fer Florses Cattle,ito
ways on band:
tate for th e Huron &Erie [mart .1- Say.
ngsSocisty. Lew ratesofinteresi. Applyto
lohu Spackman,Exoter.
ViONEY To LOANir 6 AND 64:
percentetecordine-geTmeMs• Private
as . Apply to
Solicitor, Exetei
tigust15, '85 •
per cent, 525,000 Private Funds. Best
Loaning Companies represented.
•Barrister. Exeter,
Spectacles & Eye -glasses
Dr. Browning has the Sole AgeucT in
Exeter, for the above lenses. They, aro the
only ones recommended by the President and
Vice-president's of the medical. Associations
of Canada, and all the leveling oculists of, the.
age. Teieyhave a world-wide reputation for
giving that aid to vision 'which all other
lenses fail to give. Beware of imitations, as
they ciao au the market. B. Lauraneoes Spec-
tacles and Eye -glasses are marked B.L., with-
out which none are genuhie,--and pebbles are
stamped Pebbles. Do not be deceived by any
goods stamped Pebble-glass—or by any
iarity in name.—DB, BROWNING, Boras Aeltue
Establishment -
May 14111 84.
RE 1111112
MR, WM. LYNE is prepared do
At Kirkton.
tree which. Ifs in full bloom, also two trees as his •
opponent. ,
belonging to Mr. John Rook is in full bloom, Schools are out and there will be no more
we ere not ,aware whether it is their intention books no more studying, until September
,to bear fruit this season or not, next. The boys and girls have been penned
' Mr. W. Robinson, of the Heron road, burPigilultssouhon:an110,wiuter and spring and 11 is
ing her 28th year, and she is as lively and
west, near Clinton, has a mare that is turn- time they bad a run in 'the open air and
active as a good neatly younger. She has It will interest the farmers of that section
raised 23 colts, mud mins prodtletive, of country to know that at the meeting of
Less two years since. agricultural implement manufacturers recen
A horse belonging to Mr, John Bailey, of lY held in St. Marys, it was (leaded that the
the lencl eon., of Hullett, got drowned in a Prioe of self -binders should roulette uncluing.
peculiar way one day last week. It slipped ea for the present.
down in. a small pond of water that was only Those whe are interested in the elephant,
a couple of feet deep, and being linable to get Barnum's jumbo, killed at St. Phonies, may
on its feet again, remained there until it wee be rleasea to know that air Sara Smith,
drowned. •butoher, of London, has the remains of a
Last Friday., Bliss Aggle Govenlook, of great part of ie reduced to nil, over 50 lba. in
McKidop, Was driYhig a spirited hone to weight, besides numerous coins, pebbles, etc.,
Seaforth, and while in town by some means taken from the animal. S'am thinks he has
the horse became frightened and ran away. a bonanza, and has already receivea offers
The young lady was thrown from the buggy tor it from New York parties.
and received slight injuries. The buggy was 1 well known citizen over 80 vearsof age
made a complete wreck. .
Seyeral farms in Huron that have been
entered in competition for the Ontario sweep.
stakes gold medal prize. were examined last
week by Thos. Shaw, of Hamilton. Huron
farnas will averaete high with others through-
mado in the Latest Styles, aucl Satisfaction lout the Province.
guaranteed in every respeet. A libel suit ha e been entered against the
Stratford Beacon at the instance of a female
book agent, the complaint being, that this
CUTTING DONE ON THE SIT ORTF,ST Journal published some unkindlyth e
NOTICE AND AT LOW RATES. about the individual v.,hen commenting woo Flently object to a lane of it hiniselfa—Goder-
has been served with a writ at the iestance
of Arr. M. C. Cameron, M. P., the virtuous
represeutative of 'West 'Huron. The facto-
genarian called the AI. P. a swindler, and,
the latter feels aggrieved, and now demands
$1000 to sootu his sensitive honor. The
tern is one which should be hendled envo-
i:ally, but most people are azkei if this style
of talk is goal enough for the M. P. to use
iu Parliament and ou the stump against his
ppleticel opponents, why should he so vie -
Ladies Jackets a Specialty
Give hire a teial and be convinced that
. will give eatisfaetion.
her supposed elopement with a bank clerk iel• Sfon
some 3nonths ago. Verdict, $1 fee plie, The following gentlemen having passed. a
During a thuncler storm one day last successful examiaation before the Bishops'
week C. A. Seott, butcher, of Winghani, had Examining Chaplains, Rev. Canons Richard -
five calves killed by lightning on bis farm in son and Hill, were presented to his Lord-
Flullett tciwnship, between Blyth audLondes- ship for Ordination in St. George's Church,
bore. The animals had gathered under a London West, at the hear of II a.ra., Sunday
tree for pi ()Motion during the storm, when in the following order: —For,Deacons--Mr. G.
the tree wes strut( by the electrio current W. Cox, Huron College, Mr. A. W. Dewdney,
and the five iyere instantly killed, Wycliffe; Mr J. C. Robinson, Wycliffe; Mr.
U It e r The Stratford Times in reviewing the J. Gander, .
Wycliffe For Priests-eBey.
q s 1 freeleveisibpeoloicmaseen, wofintsrauj)ei-Itl.ifiire a'n•I'dheninaenixt 7x.eliteord. g.ti;esy,.1(5k1.3fi.eil3dri;daReeniv.taiS: FE 2211.ulre l'.
• j moth bustle that strikes stratford in the A. K. Griffin, Manatone Rev. O. Edge -
I shape of a hook agent will met with Inmate. low, Dresden; Rev. R. D Freeman, Eastwood.
WANTED i alleled success Everybody is anxiously A. Telegram was received at Alin Craig a
( waiting for lre fun." few day ago from Belfast, Ireland, announo-
a t 12, e s 13,11, One day 141 week while Messrs. James ing the death there of Mr. MoLurg of
1 and Robert Anderson, of W. Wawauesh,
Has opened out in twine engaged 'eteetting eat cedar from the.
- bush, a treee , sleeking jaineren the -re -La
Uurrelley & Co's. Old. Stand,
and shoulde , enel knocking him to the
ground ; it w,s at Arat thought that lie was
EXETER NOBTH killed, but hit. injuries, though painful, were
far less merlons than at first supposed. No
Complete stock Of Groceries. !bones were broken, encl. he.is rukcRy recover.
16 lbs. Sugar; $1 Tea, 25,, 50 ing
One evenieg last week as AleSStga Glenn
and lorar ane, of Stanley, were driviing
home from Cliuton, they mot ,with an awl -
dent that might have been more serious.
Part, ot the harness giving way, the buggy
ran cin the horse's heela, whieli tried to run
aWa aud niece deli t • i
and 75 cts—Good Quality.
Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices.
A nicely assorted stock of
I-1 IR ID TV' A. 11
• (Cheap.) Beet Machine Oil 60r, per Gal. The Parkhill Review scys:—Beports of the
COAL OIL AS CHEAP AS EVER.' crops in this vicinity, are on the whole very
y,. e n know ng the cceu-
pants out; beyond severe spraius, neither of
them wore very seriously hurt
A reduction ef 5 Per Cent. on Emmulaing" Pall wheat, though, there are
Ta' WATERLOO MUTUAL weeds and Ready-mades. A good Snit of
Established in ISGS.
This compmv has been over Eighteen
years in successful operation in Western On-
to. io,ancleentinues to insure againetless or
a rikag e Piro gs,Mer en an di s e M an-
ufactor e s And all other descriptions of 'insur-
able pooperty. Intending insurers have the
option of insuring on the Premium Note or
,Cash System.
. During the past ten years this Company
has issued 57,090 Policies. covering property
to the amount cri 540,872,088 ; and paid inloss-
ekssetS, $176,1.00.00, consisting of Cash
GovernmentDeposit, an the nuass-
oused Premium Notes on han cl. an d in force, 3,
W WALDEN D. Presiclei t. . Taernon,
Beeretney, 3,8. Hmenes,Inseecter. •CHAS.
SNELL Agentfor Exeter and vicinity -
1nie Royal Mail, Pessenger and eaeight
Route between Canada and Groat Biitain and
direct route between the West and all points
on the Lower SI. LaW•rene0,azul Baia dos Cho,.
leur, a (so ,
Now Brunswick, Nova Scotia,
P. 141and Cape Breton,
Newfound Land,
and Jane aic
New and elegent Pullman Buffet "Sleepin,g
and Day Cars run on through Exprees trains,
Passengers for Great Britain or the Conti -
lent by leaving Toronto a18,10 a. In. Thum
day evill join outward, ineel steamer at Hali-
fax a, 10. Saturday,
Superior Elevator Watelieuse and Dock ac-
oommodation at Halifax for sbipmetat of grain
lied general merchandise.
Yeate of experience have proved the INTER-
leJLONIAL in connection with steamship
liime to and from London, Liverpool tied
Celasgew to Halifax, to be tbe quiekest freight
t between Cadacla and Geoat Britain.
Information as to Pessonger and VI -eight
rates can be had en application to
Western Proight &Passenger Agent
oer ossin 'House Illoce,York St., Toronto,
• Chief Superintendent.
to NB!, Nov 13,1885.
Railway 0
Send le colts postage
and wo will send you
free a royal, valuable
sample bOx of goods
•that Will put you in the way of making /neve
money at einee, then anythieg (Again America.
Beth sexes of an ages can live at home and
Iverk in spare time, or all the time. Capital
ebtrequirad, We will start you. Innnense
Piie' sine fox thee° who start at once. Suazizeols
, Portialed Maine!
A full stock of all kinds of
ALL -WOOL SERGE for 67.50. Suitings and
veicoats Cheap.
Our D MSS Goods are ma, ked down to
Dye -stuffs and package the Lowest Notch.
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's A House awl Lot to sell or rent. Apply to
the best
in the mark-
et and always .
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
the Central DruP Store Exeter
rCE, ICE, 10E
Mineral Water Co'y.
have a full stock of these Waters and
Drinks on hand. Call and try thorn.
Family Groceries
Try our celebrated .50e: Tens, rnd get 5
lbs. of Sugar' (with OVery one pound of Tea,)
for 25 cts.
TObaceo and Cigars
Buy a package of ENGLISH DRILLED
EYE NEEDLF7S, 25e. A household Trea-
sure, Every Mindy shoelcl have one.
tontiagi.rsis. APT . KEMP,
Drew is Block, South Otore,
Exeter Butcher Shop.
Butcher & General Dealer
something over $1,300. It was decided to
M I III I hold the show at Seaforth on Tueeday and
[ I I Nee., Wednesday, September 28th and 29th
some fields, having a poor appearance, prom-
ise on the whole a yield above the average.
In West Middlesex, the appearance of the
majority of the wheat fields, was never bet-
ter. The hay crop, will be generally light.
Other crops are expected. to benefit largely
rom the recent rains, and promise well,
Rheubarb , or pieplant, when the stalks
alone are used and properly prepared, tams
a very wholesome artiele of foocl, but the
leaves are a dangerous poison. A fancy to
use the leaves as "greens" inetead of spinach,
ete„ seems prevalent just now, and in their
ignorance several famalies differeut parts
of the country, have been poisoned, some of
the partakers dying in. great agony. We
imagine there is no person so foolish in this
section, as to use *plant for "greens"
A, union meeting of the directors of the
South Huron au Tuckersmith Branch Ave
cultural Socieeies was held at Kippen on
Friday last. The prize list for the next fall
show was revised, and judges were appointed.
There will be offered this .year a prize list of
,, pro-
viding. none of the largo shows will conflict
Custornexs supplied TUESDAYS, THURS. -,claim a net Couservative gain over the riding
DAYS exn SATURDAYS at their residence vtethsre dates.
. G I' un Se S paling thb welt- of: 1,52 votes, as the result of the two.re.
ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE knowns sEalt limey' fa°ctu:g•ers of Sea.forth and v't"'-`5'
CEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Blyth, have mnanclo a verbal nronoeition to Added Added Struck Net
work the newly discovered Wingham salt lot Rev. 2nd Rey. off. result
West Williams 28 7 0 35
wells. It is to the effect that if the Connell
East Williams 29 8 0 37
Would hand them over tho well and pump,
give them two and one-half flares of land and
Lobo. 31Ir. AreLurg had left his home only
it few weeks age fatielvelandainetbe Inex.e that
visit10his native land might benefit' his
health, which had for some time been fail-
ing. He was accompanied by his son Jahn
and his (laughter Bella. These will now re -
tarn immediately to °amide, bringing the
body of their father wish. them for interment.
The deceased was one of the early ,settlers
in the township of Lobo, and was well-known
throughout North Middlesex as an indus-
trious, enterprising and successful farm.-
er. politics he WAS a stimuch Reformer. He
was Mete au elder in the Rresb yterean. Church
at Carlisle, and was highly esteemed for his
ninny sterling qualities. Mrs. McLarg aud
family have the heartfelt sympathy of the en-
tiie community in their painful bereavement.
North Middlesex Voters' Lists.
The final revision of the Voters' Lists for
North Middlesex, under the Dominien Fran-
chise Act, has been completed by :fudge
Elliot. In all the courts of revision held, by
Judge Elliot as Revising Officer in North
Middlesex, not a singlo oath was administer-
ed by him. So great was the confidence
reposed in his fairness, by both political
parties,abat any suggestion% made by him
for simplifying proceedings were at once
accepted without resort to sworn evidence to
support or rebut the affidavits put in. On
both sides applications that might be ques-
tioned were withdrawn and much hard feel-
ing thus avoided. The courtesy and teat
of the Clerk. Mr. T. A. Mayburry, meets with
the galore' approbation of those who had° to
do with the Revising Courts.
Below is a summary of the number of
mimes added at the two courts of revision in
each municipality, without any attenipt at
political classification, Which can not be
accurately obtained, as neither of the political
parties has organized sufficiently web
to arrive at a definite analyses of tue tnirty
complexion of tbe added natnes. Soule
Eureka Salt I
• ON.
Summer Prints Reduced
Ar Dulmage,'8, Kirkton,
We give a 'PREMIUM to each end every-
ond buying our 60c. and 60e, Teas rn 5, 10
or 12 lb. lots, and guarantee Toas. If same
don't give Entire Satisfaction at price, they
will be taken back and Money refunded.
are bound to sell Cheaper than thee
NV II 0 ADVERTISE They itire.'dOing SLICE A,
"Novel! Undersold"
D, VV.
Ailsa Graig 21 4 0 25
a 0
exempt them from taxes for ten years, tuey Parkhill , 45 . 4 49
erect a large block. and supply all the 8teplien 125 9 26 108
salt the C. P. R. could carry away, and at t• 81 3 • 0 • 48
current prices. Bicldulph 38 13 0 51 t
•tise 46 32 0 78 8
Although there ai e several men th
along e Leone 28 8 0 36
3rd con. of Tuclierernith, that are older than
Mr. Edward Turner, there aro net many 441 , 88 26 503 f
who have resided in the township for a longer The names en last year's lists in the Rid.
Period. With his father he came there jog were 5,235 ; there have beeu added this
53 years ago, settling on the lot where ho is yaar a net total of 503, making an aggregate
now reeidiog, Of masa vast change, rind of meg mono, 00 the new lists. 11,
improvements haye taken place during that
time, and the place that, was thus everitable SOTJTUEURON.
The final revision of the voters' lists under
howling wilderness, has been marle "Le the Deminion Franchise ACt is completed.
blossom as the, rose, and the earth to yield rile courts being hetd ni tho v ions muni.
its increase." eiprilities before His Ironer ;Judge Toms on ' 13
At alma Innen on Saturday tho young wife
of Mr, Joshua Vivian, daughter of alr. Wm.
Hodge, Fullerton, passed away to is better
land She had given birth about a week be-
fore to her aest-bern, and being of a stirring
dispositicu she got about her hease work too
soon, much against the wish of her husbaed
encb medical attendant, which brought about
sa, relapse, ending in death. The body had
scarcely boon comrAitted to mother earth
then the father-indaw of deceased, Mr, Geo,
Vivian, was summoned to Dublin to the sick-
bed of his daughter, Mrs, Ales. Ross. She
was dangerously ill, and continue(' to :42.1k
until Tuesday, when she was relieved, Of all
earthly trouble, Her complaint was ginner
to that of her sister-in-law. Li both cases
the infants Inc livihg.
the dittos' mentioned for the same. In Sea -
forth '22 additional voters were eland on the
list. Moliillop —25 names added; three cer.
fections, six struck off ancl four appeals sns-
tititied. Tuckersnalir —8even neenee added,
ten eorrected, twelve struck off and four
appeals sustained. Stanley -82 parties
added, four corrected, seven struck off and
three appeale en:stained. Hay—one name
added and • nine corrections, ' IInllett —tee)
40108 added, 10 changes, four strimk Off and
fahr appeals sustained. Baytiold—otio none
Added and no changes made. Everything
possible was dont by IIis,IInnor to make the
lists complete in every partieidar irreepoctive
of political party bia9in Which he has adrrtir-'
ably succeeded—and °or Reform friends have tI
no fault to find.