HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-12-04, Page 3Annual
We must dear out our entire present
1975 stock of sample bridal gowns,
to make mom far the new- 1976
gowns which are arriving
Regular veinal to 200.00.
$91; .00
To as kev as gimp
titre $AT.. 1P -ss
ThURS s FRL 1111 9.
• The Best in Ladies' Fashions
and Bridal Wear
80oivrAmo ST:
STRATFORD • 2734421
I a
CIOW 5* rental.,
At their NOVeMber
tneetin,„ the Kinettes en-
tertatned5 ladies from
Huronview at the Clintoti
Public School to a dessert
card party. The laxlies en-
joyed briige. crokinole, and
ettchre. During the buSiness
meeting which followed.
Mary lean, Beattie discussed
further plans for a New
Year's Eve dance.
The Kinette shopping spree
draw will be made at the next
regular meeting. Decernber
9. Tickets ire available from
Kinettes or at Corrie's Red
and White. Proceeds from
this project go to Community
'4 • •
• 1.,
spate it*(
follow ita-
itk the recreation
m vitas 401m ' West -
chairman; Hazel
Lobb and
recreatton council can -
of excellent contact
inen k\
and women whit are
actively gamed in tom.
tramity affairs, be it township
council. school board, church
parents or club members. to
make for lively and in-
formative discussions about
Otte sua discussion on
Wednesday night ,was on a
possible hiking trail to be
cazed Wu Ball's Bridge to
Forrester's Bridge. Having
learned of Colborn&s hiking
trail which has already
begun, our members thought
r ,ation council
tnvitatkn ii
Mtn*to attend.the township
banquet held year at the
Candlelight fan on December
• 6.
The next recreation
meeting will be held one week
earlier, Oa tuber IT.
Christian F
Christian farmers from
across the province will be
Bathe mg for the 1975 annual
*meeting of the Christian
Farmers Federation of
Ontario in the Acton Christian
Reformed Church on Friday,
• The theme for this year's
event will be "Religion and
Sister Thomas More. "The
•Parrones Nun", from Silver
t RoyaI AgrLculiural Winter Fair, Mr AlIan1 acorn and wbiteh
presentlyan Ontario director of the Canadian Seed GrowersAssolatiun
gdculture pheto).
Registration cards tor Provincial legislation now
motor -assisted bicycles went calls for owners of the
on sale Monday at motor previously -unregulated
vehicle offices throughout vehicles to obtain a S5
Ontario, the- government registration card by Jan. I.
announced. 1976. in order to drive on
Provincial legislation now Ontario roads.
calls for, owners of the The legislation sets out
pre v ion s Ly unregulated vehicle specifications and
vehicles to obtain a S5 safety measures and provides
registration card by Jan. I. fines for operators who fail to
1976. in order to drive on comply.
Ontarioroads. To qualify as a motor -
The legislation sets, out assisted bicycle. the vehicle
vehicle specifications and must not exceed 120 pounds,
safety measures and provides have more than 50 cubic
fines for operators who fail to centimetres (cc) engine
comply. displacement or be capable of
armers to hear nun
Lake College, Manitowoc. ' Herman' Deen, a broiler
Wisconsin will be the guest
speaker on the subject, "The
Christian Faith and
Martin Verkuyl. President
of the Federation, - will be
stepping down atter leading
this general farm
organization for Bye years.
Six men have already been
nominated to take over the
. ,
oritetutural Society makes
Christmas corsages„ swigs
The November open
meeting of the Clinton Hor-
ticulture Society at the Town
Hall was ptesided over by the
president, Mrs. Ron McCann.
A thank -you letter from the
Clinton Retail Merchants
Association was read by Mrs.
R. Allan. It was sent in ap-
preiaation of the Society's
help in beautifying the town
this year.
A nominating committee,
Mrs. Reg Cudmore and Miss
Dorothy Marquiswas
named. The first meeting of
the New Year will be- on
Wednesday, January 21,
Mrs. Ruth Den demon-
strated the making of a
qtristrnas corsage and a door
swag. Mrs. Duern. Mrs.
Florence Pullen and Mrs.
Jane Groves then circulated
among the members helping
them with their Christmas
arrangements. corsages. etc.
Busy members made many
pretty creations.
The door prize. donated by
Miss Mary Jamieson. was
won by Mrs. Charlie Cook.
grower and dairyman from
Drayton. in Wellington
County; John J anssen, an egg
producer from Watford. in
Lam bton County; Sid
Ryzebol, a hog and beef
producer from Laurel in
Dufferin County; Sid
Sikkerna. a hog producer and
dairyman from Moorefield in '
Wellington County; George
Zekveld. a hog producer from
SUaderland in Outwits
County; and Robert Zylstra.
a hog producer from
Strathroy in Middlesex
The Feder tvtte
Executive Board is ppiui"
an increase in annual
membership fees for 19-76
from the present S35.00 basic.
plus S15.00 requested. to
559.00 basic. plus S20.00 ad-
- ditional requested.
Elbert van Donkersgoed.
Executive Director of the
Federation, will also address
the meeting with a talk on
-Religion and Agriculture:
There is a Connection-.
All interested farmers and
their wives are welcome.
attaining a speed of more
than 30 miles an hour on a
level surface.
Owners, must have a
driver's permit and proof of
insurance and must wear a
helmet while operating the
Fines of between $20 and
S100 are provided for
violations. •
A government spokesman
said the province still is
looking for a light. durable
helmet for operators of
motor -assisted bicycles, but
that the regular motorcycle
helmet will become man-
datory .1 an. 1 if none is
se lee ted by then.
e y
rs of
t ktters
on their dried
Werarran_ eeMetlt was wort
eryi MacAuley. Joyce
Resets was the winner of
tbeTerrarium planted by the
Irt a short business
meeting, $25- was donated to
the attronview Auxiliary to
be used for their Christmas
Fair. and $500 was donated to
Alexander Graham Bell - IMMO-
tt,1s the telephone. transmitted
.1* NV TM"sagc ovet witei'of
the nOnillItUll Telegraph ('oin-
pan) between Branttord and
Pans. Ontario, m 1874,
f r h
e4 for a t
nt tar view,
December L4 wa,sttte
setho annuai Kin K
Christmas Skating part, .to
be held at the arena,. The
soCiot cOMmittee will look
after of this partY'• LI
was. anneunced that the
Kinettes now had tWosuits for
their annual Santa Suit
The next meeting will be
held in the form of a
Christmas party at the home
of Carol Pinch. an the evening
of December 9. Kin Wives will
be invited to this, social
• Chanel gilt rods
• Love gin sets
• Grannley seam
• Musk tor ladies
• Sunbeam Styler.Oryer
• Solaray Mist Styling Wand
for him
• MUSiC by Houbigant
• Givenchy tar gentlemen
• Hai karate gift sets
• Old Spice gin sets
• Brut by Faberge
• Gillette Hot Shave System
• Kodak Instamatic camera onto
• Philishave Triplehead
Electric Shaver
lt. ..
r 1 '
t ,
Dinette Seites
Chesterfield Svites
ed Chesterfields
Well Flatlets
Ws Cabinets
With NG mon., Down
Open TO 9 every night
Ctajtiosteti lads
3 00 t414cV
.Irrjt.$614"I, 4!34
.144 • It
rt C. •
• ,