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The Exeter Times, 1886-6-24, Page 8
INSURANCE, 1.N3a$T ELLIOT, AGENT FOR '1,Hzi Wz9`l'] 1 N' ASSURANCE COlkf• 1" ANY, of Toronto :able for the Pzh1:NIX rssT,7BANcE, cane PdiV i', of Lona°u, England, the LOYAL CANADIAN, of Monti ea5, and the 13ztIPISII BMPII F Trll`la ASSUR4N0E COlaz- PANY,ofl,pudon, England, established leo, sect 'a A.. li,lovor X5,900,000; claims and bonuses Fait , over $10,000°000, • LOCAL If.E'1}WS.---Ire shall be 1 ppe, to'ree ceive at call times, from any part of thls County, diems of local NOUS, SUM rzs ac. cidents,or any interesting incident what ever, from any of our subscribers or read- ers generally fvr he pu pose of publics atfon.. • It? later THURSDAY, JUNE 24th °:1886.. ° TEN CENTS per line for flrstinsertton, and u • NUB CENTS per line tor each subsequent in rortion will be charged fo notices ap pearin( this column, LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Without exception, the best and cheapest lines in Boots and Shoes we• have as yet seen, can now be had. at C. Hearth's, Chill dress Carriages, Express Wagons, Boys' Bicycles of all sizes, Men'sHand-made Boots; oleo harness, trunks, valises of every deeceip- tion ttonstantly on hand. Call and see them. Butter and Egos taken in exchange for goods. C. EsenETT. Just Received a large supply of Pare Paris Green at C. Lntz's Central Drug 'tore.A quautiy of brink for sale. Apply to T. Dearing, Exeter. Still They Go. Messrs. Jno. Linton and Robt. McLean, of Ueborue, left this week for the Colonial) Ex- hibition. They purchased their tiokets from Mr. Geo. Kemp, by Anchor line, and will sail via the City of Rome. This is said to be one of the finest routes, as an opportunity is given of viewing the ancient city. For Manitoba. Messrs. W. H. Verity & Son leave received from Manitoba an order for two car loads of their celebrated plows, to be shipped in a very short time, and the employeesare wor7c- ing over time to get the order filled by the time desired- The Verity plow has become very popular throughout Canada, and it has gained this popularity on its merits ; it has no equal. In Manitoba the farmers will use no other. Sidewalks. Pedestrians ale anxiously looking forwar to the time when the promised new side walks will be completed, or at least com menced If new ones are not to be laid dow we would respectfully suggest that ,the loos boards in the old ones be tightened and th erojeoting nails driven in. It le very aggra wating to a person when walking along to strike their foot against a spike with sue force as to send them up in the air about foot and a half ; and then, too it is ve damaging to the sole -leather. We wonld lik to see the new walks put down beforeethe is pi Sanuary. , Nearly an Accident. One day last week, while the employees of the casting department of W. I3. Verity & Son's agricultural works, were engaged at their work, one of the boys put a damp piece of iron into the sntelting.kettle, which caus- ed the liquid fire to fly all over the room, and it is almost miraculous that the work- men escaped serious injury. As it was some of them got their clothes burned. and others their feet and limbs. d n e e h a ry e The Re -union Picnic. The annual xe-union picnic of the R. C. Church, McGillivray, (known as Rev. Father Kelly's picnic) will be held in Mr. Timothy Lyneh's grove, tails north of Limerick, on 'Tuesday, July 6th. Previous picnics held :under the same auspices have proven that -this is an excellent place to have an outing. Mut on this occasion the programme will be more extended, which, combined with sev- eral special features; willmake the affair even A'eore attractive than ever. The price of ad- mission is 25 cents and for 25 centsextra you will have a chance to win a valuable prize, tree Miry Muck. A few days since, while our -celebrated angler, Mr. Will. Carling, was in search of the speckled beauties, on the Essery reserve, he met with rather an uncomfortable mis- hap. In attempting to cross a mud -hole by walking on a wet log, his feet slipped, causing .a headforemost precipitation into a nasty bog. In a few minutes he realized his posi- tion, and efforts made for a relax, which was effected after many minutes labor: When 3m reached the shore, it is said, his compan- ions would not have known which end was which, had be not stood upon his feet. He says he would rather risk a canoe than try to walk a log again.. ,,Coming to Exeter. We are informed that Miss Mollie Forde land Company, of St. Marys, will play the ,aperatta of Patience" here, on the evening of'Dominion Day. If this be the case Rur people will have an opportunity of witnessing a play. an equal to which has never been given here. Wherever Miss Forde and Com- a:any have rendered this highly interesting .and instructixe play, the audience prevail upon their returning ; and they have played it, tet least, three times in the same town. The Company which assists her are well trained, and the press speak very highly of thele, We bespeak for Miss Ford a fall house. eriefeBits, We were shown a strawberry tho other day in inches 1 ' tivhich measured 4� clrenmferenoe. —Fall wheat for the most part, has headed out —Haying has been,commenced in earn- est, and the crop is reported moderately heavy.• -The change in the ,time for.cvening mail from South, is very Jsatisfaotory to our citizens ; it is opened for distribution a few lirrtntoe after six o'clock.—Early cherries a*a ripe, and the small boy 1s jubilant over tjpe fact, --.Chis is the picnic season—when the man with a pair of white pants sits down it a raspberry pie.—We have had several fine a ;hewers of late, and vegetation is rapidly pinking tip again, Ira. Page and visa Hayes, of St. 1>� r s , Itvho have been visiting Mrs. Jno. Hayes, of place, for some w4eks, returned home on " 'elris last.* da fan yat Sunday nightht a heavythunder stone as - sed over this place. There was no damage -clone and the rain which fell has done &•groat de,of good. cls s the straw. During the peat few warm • days', Indy-aro, which was retarded by the cold : weather,yhas rapidly ripetsach, and now the ,delicious fruit can be had in abundance. The Nem ?Carsetaage.. On.Saturday evening, the tenders for t, o>,ealm of a parsonage in "connection wit Jan ee-St Cllaureh,sworo opened, The corn mit041E1,0 eirtirde, after refully A &tract fordgring briokglwork t Mesne, Holman & Evans, and oarpent work to lllossrs. hose & Taylor. Tile build a is goingto be n a good one, and d ivh cons ploted, will cost ithe neighborhood ©d x500, hon upon which it is to bo oreot s situated,.times-St., one sgnare ens of "ghuxah, Work hill be commenced a once, and the building pushed forwatid rapidly as possible. Bo Careful What You Sign„ Wo are informed that sevorall young men are travelling through the country at present, oifera to give away a now kind of peach - tree that they 'mut to introduce. They pre, sent au order for the fanner to sign, which they state, ie simply to show the house for which they are travelling, where they have placed. the goods. This transaction and ar- rangement may be perfectly',: fair and legiti- mate, but it. will do no harm for farmers to be on their kuard, If the parties want to give away peach trees they can easily do so without requiring the farmer to eign'a blank order for it. Farniere, be careful what you sign; particularly with strangers. Annual Tea, On Wednesday evonirg last the congrega- tion of. Cavan Presbyterian Church here held their annual tea and strawberry festival. Refreshments were served to a large number in the basement, after which thet people as- sembled in the body of the church where a programme, consisting of short, interesting and appropriate addresses by Rev. Mr. Ross, of Nova Scotia, and Rev. Mr. Saunby, Exe- ter readings, recitations, 'music, etc., was listenedeto with unusual interest and atten- tion. The choir of the church 'rendered sev- eral,seleetious in a manner which reflected credit alike on themselves and their compe- tent and painstaking leader, Mr. John Ross. The proceeds of the affair after all ,expenses were paid amounted to 050. . A,ddrees and l'aesentation,: ha On Monday evening last, previous ° to her, h cloparturo for London, Mrs. G. W. ,d;, ]i T, - Dlolcsou, wleo )las ,taught ilio Bible•alass o- the Alain-btroet 11lethodist Church during tlty: o last three years, was waited Upon by the er members of her class 411(..1, presented with a - w2,11»til!ed purse, asconipaniocf' by ae1 ofaddress,' whish the appended as a copy, in ;recognt-. f tion of her valuable services b teaobitlg and explaining to them in an able and interest - t fug way, the Word of Clod. There was much t feeling of regret ou both sides at the savant- s tion. A feeling of frientlship and attachment oharactorized the evenings proceedings, the address was read by Master Chats, Verity, Dear ill•ra. Pichson, Runaway. The mustangs are notorious in this vicin- ity for either kicking or running away occa- sionally, and some of them are quite expert at both. On Friday evening the people on Main -street were favored with an opportunity of seeing the rate of speed with which theta Texicans can travel, About Y.30 o'clock one of them came.galloping down street, with 'a pair of shaf£sytnd one wheel of an old cart attached, having left driver in the ditch em- bracing the detached wheel. The pony freed itself from all incumbrance when opposite Dignan's blacksmith shop and ran to Elim- ville, where it had been purchased: The driver sustained no injury to his..person, brit his feelings were somewhat hurt.. • Fast Driving. The practice of fast driving on our streets is becoming intolerable, and efforts should be made by our police to prevent it from being indulged in. We believe the law allows a rate of speed of about seven miles an hour, but it frequently occurs that rigs are driven at twice that rate on Alain -street. Complaint after complaint has been made, but without ayail, and even kindly suggestions by our constable have been laughed at. We hope 1 'that the detestable and dangerous practice will be. stopped before an accident occurs. There are back streets, where there is less travel and a race source—the proper place— where e the speeding P g o f these fast Animals could be done without endangering the lives of the puplic. This furious drivipg on Main - street should be put an end to. Street -Watering. The long -looked for and anxiously expected watering cart made its first appearance on Main-st,eet on Saturday last, It was tested and found, to work satisfactory. The con - bract for watering Main -street from Huron - street to Spaokman's corner has been let to Mr. Albert>Bissett at 02.50 per day for every day the streets require to be sprinkled, The tank holds 55 cwt. of water, which with the weight of the wagon addel, will make a load of about three tons to be drawn up the steep hill at the river. Merchants and °there along the portion of the mistreat watered will be taxed 8e. per foot frontage, which will ae cording to estimation, corer cost of the sea- son. This rate of taxation is two cents per. foot lower than the last year's assessment. Our Firemen. . On Thursday last the firemen, accompan- ied by the band, went to Stratford and took part in the grand tournament, which passed off successfully in that city. The fire bri- gade, we are sorry to say, suffered defeat in the 500 yard bosp-reel race, tak5aag only fifth place (among fifteen competing companies. Sarnia tpok first money. The Exeter fire. men lost tfme indoing the uncoupling, which they had not practiced, not knowing that the conditions required such to bedone; some of the men who practised for the race were also unable to attend, which helps to aeconnt for the company's defeat. It was about eight o'clock when it came our men's turn to run; but they made as good time as any as far as the running part was concerned. The news of their defeatl when received could hardly be credited by our citizens. Personal. Mr. Fred. Dawn, of London, spent a few days in town this week.. Mr. D. Johns was laid by last, week with a alight attack of lumbago. Messrs:Pickard Piokmrd an d Verity such daughters sailed 'on Saturday, from New York, for Lon- don, England. Rev.•Mr. Saunby, who supplied for Rev. Mr. Dickson, during the past few months,, P will leave for College shortly: He , has won) d many friends here. t sl 'Rev. Mr. Gracey, of,ananosyue, formerly pastor of Thames Road (Usborne) Presby- terian church, is visiting friends in, town end vicinity. Mr. E. Liddicott, of Elimville,, drove from LondontoOshawa in two days last week. Ninety miles were made the second day with - but injuringhis ° s horse. e We, the members and jrionds of'yopr bible class, are assembled here thin evening,glad_ of the opportunity of again gatheriu'g around one'whose ;presence, during She past three years, has always been to us; au inspiration and a joy. We are glad because it gives us an opportunity of expreseing our high appre- ciation of your earnest and loving efforts to do us good ; we say loving .efforts, because we are assured all has ;been dono fey you, not. from a sense of 'duty, but from a deep and tender ohristian sympathy and a burning de- sire that the young people of our e phureh should grow•up strong, and pure and good: In listening to you withprofet and delight from Sabbath to Sabbath, you have unfold and explained the truth of God,, so that ev the simplest of us could understand, we h realized to some extent, at Yeast, how mu of patient,'prayerful study and earnest search into the records of the past every 1 son has cost you. We would therefore pla upon rgoord our deyout and, „hearty thank giving to our Heavenly Father for granti us the priceless privilege of sitj!ing at the fq III CLOSEST ��., E]{QUFRY We have now cited out our lace Of• business ttrallt in the north store of l� anson.s Bloch and are ready• to take .CASH forall•purchases of''a ny Glass •11. yt of good& we keep; and by quickly turning over. tll'e,IST• goods -to 1 �r Vl�l" s' to cnstomoi• e� can a�'ord to sal with very , light pr ission Will sat- 9 • � Isfus.rodts ; or even a small comm yAny ordinary calculator can count up, - that a verylittle' , e thin a ing' thrdn h ��% t� orvery g p ss 5 g our hands must amount ' to a fair ram ul • , e- , � W would. like to have all, our ' old friends ' co ' e and_ v see our stook and receive our prices for G' oceries,. .LSI�� Crockery k , ckely and (�'la,sswaxe. ,. as, Butter and Eggs will be taken in. excharigeafor Goods: ed » ve Your Respectfully, 0 en ave ROBERTS CT xe- °. S & CLARK. Os- 67 ' 00 r- s- • • IITAREET REPORTS. �:Vioveolto-Front,.- ng a 4. T(Correctedat5o'clookpan.Wednesday. PROPERTY 'LIST. w06otoo;70 0RENT.— tH -. o50 to 0 56 The Exeter Hotel to • rent near the Exeter Railroad Station, ppiy ' of one,"who, both in idtellect and spirit, its Spring wheat..: so truly learned in the oracles of. God. DUr- Barley ing the years you have been,�teachin les re O (novae pp y to 1. Od,IiLING, 13 , Oloveu Sped b7 00 to 7 25 y, Timoth! 1 75 to 2 00 ligion has bacon:le more of a living realit and we have found the lord Jesus to ba a. Peas personal Saviour from sin, To us the gat of life are opening and the ;great rosponsi lities which the future hides from our vie are drawing daily ,nearer ; but inspired b your life and words, we are determined ov to bo loyal to the truth as it is in Jesps, a to do something to lift humanity near Heaven. We cannot adequately repay y for all you have done for us, such a thing ]e:. impossible; only in the bright world aboye is a full compensation given to the Christian for consecrated toil. We pray you, howeyer, to accept this purse as:a More tangible ex- pression of our love ;and esteem, which we accompany with•a prayer to the God of all grace that the declining years of you And your beloved partner in life may be crowned with an abidingbenediction of Heavenly joy and peace. G5d's providences very often seem stern in foi"cing us to say farewell to those whom we have learned to love, yet the blessed knowledge is ours, that "Behind a frowning providence Hehides a smiling face." And we know also, "All things work together for' good to them that love God." So while sorrowing that soon we shall see your face no more in the flesh, we part, rejoicing in the blissful assurance of the same loving caro of the Divine band which has been over ns fu the past, which will open up our way before us, and lead nd'in paths of righteousness un- til we all meet with crowns of everlasting joy in the "zest that remainetli to the people of God," 0 5o to 0.se =!ARM FOR SALE. -50. ACRES, es Eggs ,, - 0 10 to 0 0 the Si, -lot 8, con 7, Township of Usborne, bi- Butttrr - - ' County of Huron, 5 miles. from Exeter; 45 is8res. 11 t o 0 11 cleared, balance timber: gooft brink house and w Flourpe4ll;bl ,� 00'10 5 66 frame barn on tho tt prom ees,•a1so a bearing Pofritoea per ba .,. , 40 to 0 4.0 orchard of choice fruit trees and two never- .., 40 to 0 60 faihn wells of water. The soilis of excellent, an Apples, per bag g DrledArplospr b -_ 0 0 to 0 00 quality and in good condition. Apply to Guo, Geese per lb, ... ... ... 008 to 0 00 SLEAhrov, Proprietor, E1imville P.O. er Turkey pe lb -. • 0 06 to 0 08 ou Dueka per r ..- •, 0 40 to 0 80 ABII FOR SALE. -90 acres Chickens per pr , 0 25 to 0 40 F , in fzogs,drgesedper100 5 6D to 6 25 theTownshipgoo at of Stephen, Con, 4, loth;. Beef _. S 00 to 00 80 sores inn good state,cf cultivation; 10 soros Hidesrouhg, ••• - 5 00 to 6 00 bush. The soil is ofthebest quality (not brick " dressed 6 00 to 7 p0 Clay.) There are on the premises a gond brick vy Sheepskins each :. 0 50 to C 57 house, large frame baba a good sized bearing Calfskins ••- D 50 to 0 70 orchard -mostly =skate! fruit, -spring water. Wool per ib 0 16 to 0 17 and,iwo good wells. The farm is welt fenced, Haypertou 00 to 8'00 and evergthing is convenient ; it is a most de- ilnioneuerbueh 0 00 to 0'!5 sizable home. will be sold cheap and on rea- Woodper cord 2 50 to 3 0o sonybtp terms, Aentt'a on' the premises or to �,®rnADicns Insets, Centralia P, Signed on behalf,. of the 13ib1e Class 0 Main-st. Methodist Church. • MIse. M. V. Wxairit„ Menne C. F. Valuate. Exeter, June 21st,'. 886. The recipient, in a few appropriate words TILE &BRICKS For Sale. , The undersigned has for sale a; quantity of Tile of all sires, also Brick, at hie yard, e> CONCESSION 5, LOT 11, STEPHEN. • • GEO. MOT Z,Proprietor. Lots. ®V�L+ FOR SALE. 500 Village Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. , Situation good ; fronting good wide streets ; also a number of HOUSES, &FARM LAND FOR SALE. ' Parties desiring Lane or Houses. would -do well to con- sult the undersigned, 0 Terms to suit purchaser. I: CABLING, acknowledged the gift,and expressed her plea- sure to know that they parted with such a friendly and loving feeling existhig between them. She hoped to again have the oppor- tunity of meeting them' here, and was glad oto know that the most of the members of the class were on the road which leads to life eternal beyond the skies, where$ separa- tions are. unknown. After thanking the young people for the tangible expression of their kindly feelings toward her, she bade them all adieu, hoping that in the eternal abode they would meet never more ;to part. The young folks went home feeling that they had said good-bye to a teacher who had al .waye manifested Dee deepest interest in their spiritual welfare. e ' breveties Additional localaeves on 1st page. The Exeter Teacher§' Reading Circle will d their next meeting on Saturday, July Srd,.at'2 o'clock. p. ria. Pure dark colored Paria Green at. Central Drug Store. Light colored Paris Green is 0 cheaper, weaker and inferior article, -C: Lurz. The Ontario Statutes for 1886 hays been receiyed. They are nieely prepared aril. printed. Nearly every village and corner in the eountay is to have atgarden, party or sceiable of some kind on Dominion, day. We may expect an advance in the price of atrawbera ries, after that date. A±:this-season the vegetable, gardens are -in a healthy condition, ancithe paws which roam our streets are too well aware of the fact several] gardens 'have been, raided latolp. Some cattle will actually walk up a steep -- ladder and, talmble over on the, other side of the fence. On Friday evening' a reception will be given the new pastor of the Main•street Methodist Church, Rev- W. S. Pascoe, and family., It will beheld d. in the basement sf the church, and all are invited, in order tliet the pastor may reteiee a hearty welcome, grid feel en- couraged, to enter upon his work. Paris Gareen. The pure green is a sure death to the potato bug family --not injurioub to the grbwth of the plant.. The impure green es generally an adulteration of the urs green oath arsenic and is very liable to estroy the growth of the plant. Pure green Could be entirely dissolved by liquor am monia. Pure green sold at Scarlett's drug store, Exeter. A meeting of the Dominion Draught Horse Breeders Society and others.iaterosted in the breeding of'dranght horses will be held in the Connell Chamber of the pity of Strat. ford, on Tuesday, y, July 13th 1886, eom menc• ingg at 10.80 o'clock. The m etI e a will g bo open to all horsemen and breeders for the dissuasion of such steps as will•`conduoe to the breeding and improv-ing of Clydesdale, Shire, and Canadian draught horses, and the registration of slid' animals as have two full crosses. Any further information furnished on application to the Secretary. A. Mel). ALLAN JAs, Mtionnni, President. en . Secretary Geduld'. Jnne21, 18fili: oh Mr. R. T, White, foreman, in this office. left Tuesday for Toronto, where he will spend his vacation. .We do not know that he .has any sterner intention. Rev. Mr, t*rahain will preach his introduc- tory sermon in the James -street Methodist Church next Sabbath morning.` He ie a gentleman elf marked ability and original thought. e, A2iss Graham, daughter of the ROT. James GT' am, of this plate, and a graduate of the Wesleyan Female Collegolt Hamilton, won ;the #10 prize for the best written essay by a member of the Literary Society. On. Sunday,, evening last the liev. W. 5. Pascoe bade the dmes.street congregation a good-bye as their pastor, but said he hoped to have the pleasure of pzoaoliing to them a onto a month if the customary monthly exchange of ul ats tivoro continued. al oxo g � P Robt D. Roes and wife of Volfville ^^�� Rev. & , ova Scotia, are 'at present thio guests of Messrs, J. & 1), Ross, brothers, of this place. On Sabbath Iptt, he preached in the Presby teriarni,,Church in the morning, and Main -St Church in the evening.Both sermons were i'i • � (Chum interesting and instructive. Tj CONSUMPTION CURED, An old physician, retired from practice, hay. in had placed g s p n•hie hands by an East Indian miselo r ria the formula o f a si y mplo vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent euro of OohsatnppSion, Bronchitis, Catarrhs Astbsila rid all thton t.and lung affoations, also apoei• eve and rads al a cure for ! Ner cud' D V obis ate tt d Y 1 Norvaus Complaints, atter having tested its wonderful eu t ra ivo powers in thousands of oases, has felttt'his duty to make it 'known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by t hie motive and a desire to relieve human sufferfbg I will send froo of eharge, to all who desire it, 'this recipe, In Goiirnan,l4rench or English, with full directions for pre Bring and using. Sent by mil byyaddra,ssirig with Stamp, namingg-the r, W, A; Nims, 149 Power's B�lock,.Ilecheater, e ExETHa. NEW GOOKS Fine Raw Sugar, • BIk., Green d Japan Teas . 25 Cents 17p. We offer no premiums to deco h W 11 FARM FOR SALE.— The s b• scriber offers for sato ;the north half of lot 90, con. 13, Pojvnehip of East Wawunosh, C8unty of Huron, containing 100 acres ; well I fenced; a good stream of water from a nover-,1 failing spring ; nice youz)g orchard of choice fruit trees; a frame bank brrn and lo;; house • 90 acres cleared and seeded down balance bush. Price 54,000, two-thirds cash, Possession given any time. Apglyto D: Stewart, cattle - buyer, Wingbam, or to J.41atheson, Hay P. O FARM FOR'SALE.—The subscrib• er offers for sake 10 acres of land, more or less, being the North Half of Lot A., in the 8th concession,Usborne. There aro on the land a frame house, frame bars, and horse stable, also a small orchard and gone water. The property is pretty welt fenced and soil of good quality; situated 8 :milesthom Exeter, 7 miles from Granton, and 9 miles from Lucan, Pos. session given after harvest'.`' Tereus : M1 pur- chase money cash; balance tcl suit purchaser. Apply to JOHN CORNISH, Ehmville• -lVIP�jV+ LOCAL OR?»r LbY�IiEN I�btuto wEleL. proferraL A1wSALARYperiuonti6 AIIEXPENSES advanced. WAGES promptly paid, SL� AN & tro, x00 Ge r o 58. Cincinnati? �j 7 s: nw i. o. Pa 't1DEARING would respectfully intimate,Ito the publipat large that he has moved from his old location, and henceforth. his as MONTREAL TEA 'STORE • Will ibelooatodin GE0 REafP'S OLD STAND, (one door North of Drew's Block,) there ho will *be found, as of old, with a large and well as- sprted stook of entirely new goods, oonaisttng of Ready-made Clothing, Tweed,, Shirtings, English.Corded and English Mole4skinSa Cotton-.. ades,Brown Duck,Gashmeresa Dress Goods, all descriptions„ Corsets, Ladies' y oss, Mus- lins, Lawns, And overytning usually keptiu a well -stocked General Store, I am making Soecitl Rates .to close. out my ; Spring cd Summer Goods To make room for now Fall and Winter c' Gooes, which are arriving daily. I earrya fine and well-agsoited stock of Choice FAMILY GROCERIES, 'Which I am offering at Rock tottom Rates TE4 , T, AS�,�-• AS i� I make this linea SPECIALTY, ,m ' FA1usiPnoDUca Tt rm iN EXCHANGE for Goons. , • I would thank my olcl customers for their patronage, andhopo by strictly honest dealing and f i fair urian to merit 6. 1 a eg3111AUAI loo of your custom and win many new patrons. Call and examine goods and prices. T. DEARING. c�.R,r.�rrGsBLo� Spring 0&Summer Goods General Dry -Goods, Black and • -Colored Cashmeres, Ottoman ' Cords, Nuns' Cloth, Jersy Cloth, Ginghams, Lawns, Plain and Spotted Muslins, Prints Yin endless variety. We have now on hand a choice lot of Millinery., Black 'Oolore' Ostrich Plumes. Fine display and remark- • ably low Priced. Gents about to purchase a a ° - SPRING rn r rIp y pure users. e se• • goods at actual. value (only.) W We giyte more for Butter and Eggs than you can ,get else-- where, lse- where, Suits t® Order _ v A SPECIALTY. Big D•rivesoirt, Muslins; Laces, Lawns, Eco. At DOUPE. & C0'S„ KIRKT oN ALIEN,, --LINA ! ROYAL m > L STEAMSHIPS. • Summer , Sailings and Arrangements , via • Qnelleeet ° Cormnenciilg with E'xt'ra SS. " c sign from tiobec'f 03 Liv + o" Q t of direct 1 4th rP Ma t a kfolo b followed Y, by u Extra Clrcissian...Thursda June ltfail " • Polynesian, Thursday, 24th June Mail " ; Parisian. Tbureday,istJuly. Extra ' Sarmati(i,. Thui sday,' 8th July Mail' "Sardinian -Thursday, 16th Jul Extra " ° 'Cirotyts}an... Thursday, 22nd )ply Mail Polyn©eh,n..,'.JTliursday,2eth July As4f1 , Parisian ° Thursday,ethAug. (Note) -The "extra steamers do noticarry intermediate and abeerage passengers, R uses oY•-Pe1snan-Livl;nro0L & Lor`nox annus. -Cabin 500, 570 and 580, according to accommodation, Soryhnts;in Cabin, $50. In- termediate, $00. Steerage, $18„50 Return T4o?r eta, Cabin, 5110, $130, $150. Intermediate, 560, Ste ago, 587. LrvnnrooreDtnnom,-fly Sarnia+ tiara, Ciircaseinn or extra steamers, Cabin, 510 antl.$00, aocordingto;accommodation, Return Ttoltota 800 and 5110.d These so steam ors go ili- rect to iiivorpool. Through P 11 y1 inaxl Drawing▪ -Room y1and Sleep- ing Oars betrroon Toronto and Quebec, or Pae acs era can g ookacl ] s 1 tearGer tb Quebec eb ea if ea dos}rod-� assin through tt ale i riot sen Ialande a �� d and Rapids' o i rho t, p S, Lawrence by daylight. * Patlengors aridtheizbaggage aro put aboard the Ocean Steambhips-at gueboc-free 'of *all expense. 'The cabin plans ofthe Oircastian Peruvian, etc t, have been altered, The tialooh isaeow amidehtps on those steamers, and' the Cabins aro b0 arranged as to be, else in the best position! to avoid too motion, rot 'rfdkots, oto„ apply to • + • . J. Sl'ACI£i SAN, Agent; Exeter. S We e,auld do well by calling and examining our large and varied stock. S`uitings in Worsted, Scotch and Canadian ..Tweeds.„, Our Pantings are "Simply Imrnense.'m Inllats, Ties, Scfirfs, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, . Braces and Socks- we , have a fine Display. - H O MS . SIQ Mei S_° take the lead for'Siyle •and 'Durability. We have just feceived the finest lot of Shoes—both in Ladies' and Gents' Wear=tha% we 'ever offered, at .prces ithat will surprise you. Give us u a call. We will take any Produce you may offer, and 'wile give Me hi price. A call; solicited C.R.LINc, HURRAH,$U_RRAH FOR THE AIIILT GROOE*T China CupandS�ucerGiven Away: YY •� ' i h E �•� t V ERYPOU'N`b ofliAE.T N GfP 0 R Purchased at . G1 411Lt. wstranivicANS. ° r a, • of !tjuuer pant.. ;Roca, ervat Paine, disea: being of the I t Y@rare tro jin forthe atiis tteiic way:, This reayR1 a ; o,a anl00 ufactor able Opt ion ,Dash S r,uris has iss to the: es alor Asse n roan °used P W WA ,Secret, SNELI T he Route diroet en the leer, al. Nowt' New and Da Passe wont by day all fax a, Super sem/no, tad (;on Years Hues to glasgoe route b Tnfore rates ca ROB, 031 drat w}l ,money a tali sex Wail fir itbtmem pay shit! diC'o,Po