HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-6-24, Page 5rt areemWAY, I'he righteous dead shall bo in overlast- 4ng rowemboranee." Wm. A. Wilson, the subject of this entice, war a licensed exhorter in the Methodist Church. His seal for God was shown by the interest he took in lits neighbors' spiritual welfare; be would never allow ein to go noroprov• ed. From the roligiona etandpoml of ;iftM,e persons, he would be looked up. Oq ae unnecessarily firm, which would give his attitude towards others the appearance of mitten. He was of those stern olase.meeting Meth- odists of the John Wesley type 'tf "Np Surrender." He was not afraid taoritioise his own minister's sou:done, 01 any other minister's.He was f> !raising, ebo'uting, Yaponding Chriet- ian. A411ough nota man of ten talents what he had was constantly �' om io ed in the and ooui�oientto»ly p y actio, service of his Master, He walked through the valley and staadow. oft death, fearing no evil. His afflic- tion was of short duration; he said to die would lie gain. He wept for his friends out 9f Christ.. Hemade it a rule for many years to try to find out the religious standing of all he con- versed with. Hie manly voice will be missed on Grand Bend Circuit. The last non. diet came and found hits ready and, on the 10th day of June, 1886, in the presence'of his wife and friends, he calmly fell asleep in the arms of Jeans, in his @3rd year. His r'emaine were laid away In the Parkhill come - tory. Rev. Joseph Deacon, preached a timely, imitable and hearty.cheering sermon not soon to be forgotten: DIED. Cox.—At the British Exchange Hotel Goder- ioh, Sunday, June 13th, 1886, Capt. Wil - Liam Cox, aged 71 years and 11 months. 17ooax.—In Blanchard, on the 13th inst., Mr. John Moore, aged 71 years and E months. Metter.—In Tnokoremith, on Thursday, June 10th, Isabella Grasstok, wife of Robt. MoVety, aged 46 years. tOAsa.—at Rodgerville, on the 15th inst., Charlotte, daughter of Mr. Joseph Case, aged 25ryears, 10 months and 5 days. Interesting Items. Tim million dollars, the balance of the eanadian Pacific loan will be paid into the Dominion treasury on the first of July. Seott's 'Emulsion of Pure. Cod Liver 051, with Hypophosphttes. Is more reliable as an agent in the cure of consumption, Chronio Coughs and Emacia- tion, than any remedy known to medical •soienoe. It is so prepared that tho potency of these awe roost • valuable specifics is largely increased:: 1't is also very palatable. l3hiloh'siCetarrh Remedy. A positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, and Canker Mouth. Sold at Dr. Browning's Drug Store. The through train on the C.P.R.to British Columbia will not leavo Montresd until Mon- day next,28th inst. Dr. Carson's. Catarrh Cure is no longer as experiment.. No eure, no pay is the tenon on which it is sold. Money refunded if not satisfactory. Ask your druggist about it, then buy it and take no other. For lame back, side or ohest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 Dents. Sold at Dr. ,Browning's rug Store. Severalpe stealing rides on a Kansas City road train were crushed to death in a wreck of the train at Memphis, Tenn. A GROWING EVIL. Scrofula, or king's evil, as an enlargement of the glands of the neck is termed, may be called a growing evil in more than ono sense. Mrs. Henry Dobbs, of Berridale, was cured of enlarged glands of the neck and sore throat by the internal and external use of 13agyard's Yellow Oil. Shiloh's Cure will ;immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronebitis Sold by J. W. Browning. A C. P. R. train near Pontypool carried a man several hundred rods comparatively un - •hurt on a cow catcher. DECLARED INCURABLE. E. C. McGovern, of Syracuse,N. Y., who is a well-known resident of that place, was declared incurable by his physician, the disease being a complication of kidney and liver complaint. In two days he found relief in Burdock Blood Bitters, and in one month be etitirely recovered. 8 Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents, Sold by J. W. Browning. This country is waiting, the ontoome of the ftghery difficulty with baited breath. A O A. 'R D. To all who are suffering from the errors and lndiseretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, lose of Manhood, &e, I will send a reoeipethat willcure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mise ,etonary in South America, Send a self -ad. 'dressed envelop to Env, JOSEPH T. INMAN Station .D. New Yof-k Oit Are you made miserable by indigestion;. Constipation, dizziness, loss .of .appetite, .yet - low skin,? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive Cita Sold at Dr; Browning's drug litore. The Methodists of British Columbia want to be formed into a separate Conference. A FAIR PROPOSITION'. 'there could be no offer more fair than that of this oprietors of Hagyard's Yellow Oil, who u long offered to refund every Ott expended for that remedy, if it fails to 'give satisfaction on fair trial. QUININE AND CHILLS.'Quinine is the popular remedy fOr chill Wes, but it does not always euro. Esquire Pelton. 'of Grass Lake. Michigan, took in all '6(30 'grains of quinine for chronic chills and ma. filarial fever. After that and various other semediea'had failed, five' bottles of Burdock lood,Bittere cured him. ADVERTISER. 'can learn the e'kaot cost of 'any proposed line of :advertising in Ame i'can a 6rs addre in P P by g Geo. P. Rowell & toe, NCwspeiier Advertising rattreetl, 10 Spruce St., NeW Yde)t. 'Sdria 1OOts. for !OO -Page 'leeunlihld.`. i e old saying that "doad mon toll no tales" dons not hold, good in the ease of the lamented laugh Conway. For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you leave a printed inleranteo on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure HIGH PRAISE. Mrs, John Noolands, writing from the Methodist Parsonage, Adelaide, Out,. saysl «I have used Hagyard'a Pectoal Balsam in our family for years. For heavy colds, sere throats and distressing coughs no other medicine so soon relieves." The directors of the Toronto Industrial Exhibition Association have decided to ask his Excellency the Governor-General to for. malty open this year's exhibition. Richard Fuller, Church St, Toronto, on the recommendation of the City Treasurer, who had experienced the benefit of (files' Liniment and Pills in being cured of rheums, tism, procnrod a supply. no suffered from Rheumatic' Gout, commenced with soreness of the muscles of the knee -joint, afterwards pain and swelling of the instep and ankles, and. lameness of the muscles of the right foot. Was unable to walk, gidnoys were also affected, Doctor Giles' Liniment Iodide Ammonia gave immediate relief. Sold by C. Lutz, Central Drag Store. Why Will you cough when Shiloh's (lire. will give immediate relief ? Price 100., dOe, and 51. Sold by 3, W. Browning. A COMPLICATED CASE;, Barry Ricardo, of Meaford, Out, testifiee ,that lie suffered from rheumatic goat and eltronie trouble, of the stoniaeh and livers, which Burdock Blood. l3itters offeetually cured, after all other tried remedies had refile ,, The Rev. Goo. 1I. Thayer, of Bon bon Ind„ says : "Both myself and wife owe our lives to Shiloh,s Consumption Cure. Sold by 3, W. Browning. ADVICE TO MoruEBe.—Aro you disturbed at night and broken. of your rest by a 81W; child suffering and Drying with pain of Cutting Tooth? If 30'scud at ouoe and got a bottle of Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is iuoulculablo, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers ; there is no mistake about it, it euros Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and'13owels, curds Wind Collo, softens the Gunas,reduoeeinflammation ,: and gives torso and energy to the whole system. Mrs. Wiuelow's So "bint� Syrup" for clxildren teething tspleasats» toe taste and is the prescription of ono of the oldest and beet female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for ale by all druggists through- out the world. Pfio o twenty-five cent s a bet. tie, 13e euro and ask for "Mae, WINsr,ow'e SooTnlua Suter "and take no other kind. ILLI w. k• it ..,. Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. I have Just received a Car Load of Now Stylish Furniture and I am AT CC.oST For the next SIXTY DAY S. It will be to your advantage to call on me before going elsewhere. REMEMBER THE PLACE, ONE DOOR NORTH OF MOLSONS BANK, WILLIAM DREW. FOA SPRIG A11 !fl!I C. SOUTHCOTT & SON Have recently received a choice assortment of worsteds, Sootoh and Canadian Tweeds in Plaid FOR SUITING-.. ALSO A. VERY FINE SSORTM i'NT OF PantingStripesin &Checks. Work made up in the LATEST STYLES and a Sure Fit Guaranteed. GIVE USA CALL. C. $017T/SCOTT & BON, Tho Exeter Clothiers.. IMPORTANT TO OWNERS OF STOCK.. GILES' Liniment Iodide Ammonia Removes 441CnsightlyBunelres, Cures Lame mess in Cattle, Spinal Meningitis, Found- er, Weak Limbs, Sprung Kees, Spay - in, Ringbone, Quitter, Windgalls. No stable should be without it. 13aiiroad Mining and Exp roes Companies all use Giles Linimeut,andin the great raping stables o Belmont and Lorillard it has aohieyed wond dere, On trial will convince. Write DR: GILES, Box 3488,N. Y. P. O., who will, without charge, give advice on all diseases and also on the management of cattle. Sold by all druggists at 50e, and 51,00 bottle and. in quarts at $2,50, in which thorn is great saving. The Liniment in white *wrappers is for family use ; that in yellow for cattle. GILES' IODIDE AMMONIA HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, Used by all tno leading horsemen on Jorom Park, Fleetwood, Beach, Sheepshead i3ay and Bull's Head. Never dissapolnt, are Tonic, Al- terative and Diuretic, Destroy Worms', Cure Indigestion, Colic, Bete, Sore Throat, Catarrh, Founder, Pink -eye and Rheumatism. The dose 1s small and the power is great. The Powders are Gearful-toed and Purchasers Failing to Obtain a Cure Money Refunded. Sold by all druggists at 25 eta, per box. 0. LUTZ, Agent, EXETER, ONT. z ,h S ti ll TION1 I have a positive remedy for the Wove disease ; by its user thousands of oases of the worst kind and of long standing taro been cured. Indeed, so strong 1s my- faith In list ealeacy, that I wt11 send TWO BOTTLES i REE, together With n PAMIA BILE TREATISE on this disease to any sufferer. Glee express 111111.P. 0. address, Dlt. T. A. SL000M, Brands offico, 37 'Yonge 9i., Tomato ANNOUNCE ARRIVAL OF —Lew Dress Goods- Albatros Cloths, All Wool Ottomans, All Wool Nun's Cloth, Prints, Sateens, Cotton Crapes, Ginghams, Embroideries, Oriental Laces, Valencine Laces, Torchon Laces, Dentine Laces, TWEEDS. Scoteh Tweeds, Scotch Pantings, English Worsteds, Irish Serges, • Canada Tweeds, Collonades, WALL - PAPERS, New Groceries, New Field and Garden Seeds, Call and inspect for yourself, you will not be importuned to buy. Samweii Pickard's 0. h'C S. G1 LEY UNDERTAKERS AND - Furniture Manu faourers —A FULL STOOK 0]? Furniture, Coffins, Caskets, And everything in the above line, to meet ijnmodiate. wants. We have one of the very best Hearses: in the County, And Funerals furnished `and ooudnoted at extremely low /sloes, 41 ANN' ST,, ]IEWYOR,H,. How Lost, Bow Restored We have reeeutivPublished a new editfo>4 of Dl'i.dTM-VIDAW:iLL'S 0,b'LE1312ATI,D E8, SAY' en the radiealand Permanent euro (with- out rnedicine)ofNervous Debillty,Montalen physical capacity,impodimonts to Marriage, etc„resulting from excesses. Price, ill sealed envelope ,only d conte,ortwo. positive Stamps. The celebrated antborofthis admirable es sayolearly demonstrates, from thirty year/ sucoessfelpraetico, that alarming consequen- ces wayberadioaily cured without Ganga crone use of internal medicines or'the use of the knife; Point out a mode of cure at once simple certain and effectual, by means of whicheyerysufferer, no matter what his con- dltionnray be, may cure himself eh3aply, px1 vatelyand radically, I 'Ihi lecture should be in the hands a! ev- ery youth and every man in the land, Address THE CUPERWELL MEDICAL COMPANY r Eaxriw nix O1 ALL,Tap.DIFFERENT Soc,1nrzao I 4'4;14 °I2P” 130* 450 RENOWNED REMEDIES. THE PILLS Purify tho Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and aro invaluable in the Complaints inoidental to Females of all ages. For children and the aged they are priceless THE OINTMENT x. 4744 ;ss Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It famous for Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS OF THE CHEST IT 1148 NO EQUAL. For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds,Glandular Swellings, and all skin dist a. it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it auto like a charm. The Pills and Ointment are sold at Taotuas HOLLOWLY'S Establishment, 78 NEW OXFORD -STREET late (583., OXFORD -STREET), LONDON ; also by nearly every respectable Vendoriof Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at ls. 1id„ 2s. 9d 48.6d., 118., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 94. size contains three times the quantity of the is lid, size ; the 4s.;6d. size six ; the lls, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the 338 size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be had in any Ianguage S' Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 03 Oxford Street, London, they aro spurious. Exeter :Post Office Visase Table. MAILS Birkton, Woodham Winchelsea andElimviile .., _, _, ,,, Soutb,east and weal, including London, Hamilton, Toronto Montreal, e1anitoba,United States, English and foreign mails ... ._ South, east west &c .-, ,,, ,. North and east, including Goderioh, Wingham; Sinoardine and all points north, Strattoid, Toronto, Montreal, and Eastern States... ... ... North east, &a ,,, ,-, ,,, .00 Saropta Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays ..., 1B211ICE OL081d, .00p. m. 10 00 Wm 10.15a.m. 8.15 a. m 6.45 p.m. 415 p. m 10.16 a.m 8.15 a. n 5. .m.3,11 5.30 p.m 11,00a.ni. 10.00a. M. 00oain 1000 am ONEY ORDERS Issued and paid on and from any Money Order Moe in theDominion of O anad a, -Great Britain and Ireland,British India,Newfoundland, Italy, Australia, New South Wales, Tasmania, Nes Zelaad, France an Algeria, the German Empire, Sweden,Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Belgium the Nethrlands, Switzerland, Austria-Hungary, Roumania, United States, Jamaica and Bar bados. POST OFFICE SAVINGSBA NE. Deposits will be received at this office from S1 to 5300. Depositors obtaining the Poe maser -General's sp eeial permission Dan deposit 51000. Deposits on Savings Bank account ceivedfrom 0 a.m. to 4 p. m. Interest at 4 per cent per annum will be allowed on all deposit'' Office hours fi om 7.30 a. m. to 7 p, Lettersintended for registration must be posted 16 minutes before the closing of saoh mall N It, itis partieularyrequested that the e of matter will kindly add the names • the Counties to the addrosaes. D JOHNS, Postmaetellt SC • JDTJI OF CON VIC'T'IONS- Returned by Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Huron, for the quarter ending June 8th, A. D., 1886, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 76, Section 1. Name of Prosecutor. Name of Defendant. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 John Scobie Daniel McDonald 1. CC Constable Yule Pi ti CC tr ,1 10 Constable McVay Constable Yule rt 11 A. 0. Pattison 18 00 11 'f'1 It `it tt 1i 1r r1 Constable Paisley 19 Henry',5'tewart 20 John 15Veitcott 21 Henry:Cork 22 James Creoch 28 24 25 rc tt '26 Walter Mcbgttgfill 27 28 Alen, Cdvan 29 it 't1 38 '" it 31 Jain j�t Mitchell '32 A,FLasleni 33 Nihil. 13;iley • 4 John 8tincs tiG btu, 'Baird •'37 •t; (t 38 Constable Rogers 39 John S. Miller 40 Fainly Lingarcl' 41 JohttErwitt 42 Peter' Corbitt 43 August Mosso 44 Constable Pettypiete 45 46 H. D. W. rarnly Cr 'rt ii 'lt Nature of Charge. Date of INamc of Convicting Justice or Convicti'nJustices. Walter Dolman Richard Postlewaite John McBride Mrs. McLean Mrs. McEvar Daniel Mclnnis Catharine McDonald Thomas Hackett Wm. McSwain Thomas Hackett Robert 'Wilson George Wilson George Kitt John Cork Edward Kitt Edwin Wilson Robert 1ewmaireh Jaynes Swinbanks Charles Miller Alfred Colo Isaac Broivnlee Edward Haines Henry Bosworth Wesley Isaac William Ching John Ronnie John Raulno John Moore James Burt George Bal`ber Chas. Mitchell Joseph S'titbbs Mrs. James Hart lJ'ohiz Knars Thomas Donaghy Robert Donaghy Wm. Brown a R best 1'letclier George Allen Chas. Lingarcl Kenneth McLeod Arthur Wyatt George Denotny George Hanna Caseinore Samttei t,.Webl Assault Disturbing worship CS 1, • Vagrancy ri Drunk Vagrancy t, Drunk Vagancry Trespats n 1, Drunk and disorderly, rt •03 t1 Threatening and abusive language Assault 11 • , Breakingpeace Insult'g languageB;y-law No. 5,tp Flay Unlawf'ly havg still or worm in ios'n Assisting in illicit distilling of spirits Illicit distilling of spirits Insane and'clangerons to be at large. Malieiono injury to propert,}+...•--, Assault Maliciously shooting a dog Assault is Vagrancy Unlawfully selling liquor.. Insane Assault. Rape Insane and dangerous Drunk and disorderly 11 11 14 Abusive language I hereby certify the above to be correct and. true to the best Clerk of the ?ear e's'Off ce, Goeier ch, Jane 12ith, 1886. March April it CC IC 03 May 1, March u 66 11 i1 CC 41 March April May Amount Time when Penalty, Fine, Damage. paid or to be paid to said Justice. 25 H. Horton, Mayor of Goderich. I do do 1 do do 8 do do 15 do do. 16 do do 20 do do 23 do do 17 do do 25 do do 9 R. W. Williams, Mayorof Clinton 9 do do 9 do do 9 do do 9 9 do do 19 do 19 do 25 do do 20 do do 17 do do John MoDonell, J. P., Exeter do (10 (10 flo do do do do March. 10 r1 10 April 18 " 28 ii 28 ft 12 iiiay , 21. April 15 A Hunter c& J Shaw, J P's, l3russels do do do do A. Etnnter, J. P,, Brussels do do [throp. 100 AGovenloek,A Murchio,J.I'sWin• 2 00 a 23 do ivlo 5 00 61 22 J 1}osterc&T Gibson, J. Ps, Howiek 5 00 do do Jdo do T Gibson, 3. Foster, J Ps, Howiek R. Ross, J. Rant, J. P's, Howiek Chas. Brown, J. P., Crediton Oonnor,l1lsson,Elliott,nalgetty,Dunn DI Young & B Mcliannou, J Ds,13lyth J Dupui & Cr Buchanan, J Bs J, 'tcelancis, Mayor, Wingham 22 00 it 41 1 it 0 it 11 2' 00 5 1 00 200 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1. 00 100 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 1 00. 200 00 500 00 u • tt March 25 May 28 ii 1 June 9 Dec. 12 ii-Iay 22 22 11 31 10 00 Two weeks June 3 Ten clays Ten days Ten days Ten clays Forthwith. it To whom paid over by If not paid, why not, incl general obser- said Justices vation, if any. Treasurer Treasurer Treasurer Treasurer Not paid Treasurer Treasurer Treasurer Treasurer Treasurer Forthwith T'p Hay Trcasnrer Forthwith or distress; failing which Fineand costs and two months 1 m ots in Charge with drawn by complain- Committed to Jail to await pleas - Forthwith Treasurer Morris. 500 April 25th on account of sickness Settled out of Court by cleft. paying Forthwith Treasurer Howick Dismissed do Committed to Jail for 2 months. May 14 Forthwith ti t1 ,rowai treasurer Towi treasurer '1 own treasurer [fine. Conunitted, but released on payment of Committed Not paid Committed one month do do Not paid Committed ten days Left Town Dismissed Dismissed Withdrawn Withdrawn Withdrawn. Withdrawn Withdrawn Withdrawn Withdrawn Bound over for six months. Breach of 13y -law 1 month, also 1 month in jail. Jail ant ' fed by Iaw ure of Lieut. • "ov a nor., or until discharg- compensation, and costs $4.15 has not been committed in default damage $5, and costs. (pl(1. ,not appearing do Distnissed Sent to Jail. Committed for trial Prisoner committed. to Jail of my knowledge and belief. IRA LEWIS, Clerk of the Peace & C. C. A. County Huron.