HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-6-24, Page 11:4111 14 H, DICKSON, 134frieter, Soil. ,• eitoretSupranlo Court; Notarylablfe' �cloPsta YEN floor, Oonxtnisaieuer, ke. nfOriey to Lotto. tltl1eein srartson'a Blooir,Gxotor. Mo A.DDE'N, ., Barrister Solicitor Conveyancer, Etc., EXETER, - ONT. Office Suinwell'8Bleelr (Hall's old office.) DENTAL. CARTWRIGHT, L. D. s„ Has opened dental rooms over O'NE11,4'S BANII, where he will be Pahl, prepared to extractteethwithout. bkill Golccllfillings as apeoialimtyeClwOifioe hours 0 u. in: to 5 p m. 0mead as. Monne-MTin, TERES OAaq. KINS N,DENTIST. i.D.S E tracts Teeth lyithout pain, tying it or by n6 A by ei ` the a coal Anaesthe- tic n t New L h do pn the gums; makes Gold Filings and all other dental work the best possible. Rooms Upstairs. in therwrirx's Bastes, East side of Main -Street, Exeter, Ont. r�--rte• MEDICAL ri LUTZ, M. D., • Offioeathipreeidenoe Exeter. 1"- W. BROWNING M. D., M. 0 *a P. g , Graduate V ictorf aUnivereity.Of$ce antilresidenco,DonainionLaboratoxv. Exeter DR. J. A. ROLLINS, M.C. P. S 0. 011toe,Main St,llxetor,Ont,Residen •ehousereoently occupied by P. McPhillips, Esq. D11S.HYNMANAND HOOPER, I) D. Di.Hyndman, Coroner for the County of Huron, &c., &o. Dr: Hooper, Licentiate of i the Royal.College of Surggeons, Edinburgh; Licentiate in Midwifery, Edinburgh (Scotland) i 'Post -graduate Student of the University of Vienna (Austria) and of the afoorfield Eye, Hospital, London (England) &c., &e, Special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear and Throat. Office, Main -street, Exeter. DR.. WOODRUFF, Permanently located in No. 185 Queen's Avenue, London, a few doors east of Post Office. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, bad sight, au the pres- ervation of vision : diseases of the Ear, im- paired hearing, and discharges from the oar; diseases of the Throat, chronic inflammation being a frequent cause of deafness ; diseases .of the Nose, catarrh being a common cause of impai-ed hearing. AUCTIONEERS. TTENRY EILBER, Lioensed Auo- tioneor for Hay, Stephen, and McGilli- vrayTownahipa: Sales conducted at moderate atee. OJIIco—At Post -office, Crediton, Ont. JOHN (ILL, Auctioneer for the Torahipaof Stephen, Hay and Usborne sales promptly and�the Village of Exeter. All p y attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this,offioe. V e r WARY. TENNENT fi TENNENT, Veteri- nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary y College, Toron- oned an office tment of all Annuals, on •i M.instreetExeter, Calle a*from.a life _...-••�' tunes prompt.i y attenkedto: Medicine for Horses Cattle,&c ,Y$ always on hand: to,haveop fortho trey Domestic.. MONEY TO LOAN. AONONEY TO,LOAN ON REAL ES 11'1. tate forthe Caron 44 ErieLoan A' Sav- ingsSooiety. Le eg,ofinteresi, Apply to ;ohs Spackman, tater. 'ONEY TO'LOAN AT 6 AND 64 per/entAeoording totarens. l;rivate •Ettads. Applyto B. V.ELLIOT, A;uguet15,'85" . Solicitor, Exeter, ONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 64 percent, $25,000 Private Funds.• Beat Loazing Companies represented. L.H DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, IN•SUttANCE . T13E WATERLOO =MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. EsteWishedin 1863. HEAD OFFICE •• WATE 'LOO,-ONT. This corn/ any has been over Eighteen years insucceesful operation in Western On- t ario,andsoatinnes to insure againatioss or damage by Piro ,Buildinns,Merchandise,Ilfan- ufactoifies,and all othe r:,esoriptions of finaur- able paoperty. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. During the past ten years this Company has issued 57,090 Policies, covering property to the amountof$40,872,088 ; and paid in loss- es alone $1709,719400 AssetS, S{176,140.00, consisting of Cash n Bank, GovernrnontDeposit,and the names - eased Premium Notoson handandin force. J, W WALDEN M D. Presidext. C . TAYLOR, Secretary. J,B. Hvoues,Inspector. CHAS: SNELL Agoaatfor Exeter and vicinity, IoierOF CANADA. eoloAialRaifwa� The Royal Mail, Passenger and rroight Route between Canada and Great Britain and direct route between the West and all points on the Lower St. Lawrence and Bale flea Cha - lour, also - • New Brnswa " u � lova 'Scotia, P. E. Island Cape Breton, Ne'vfou.ntliand, Bermuda, and Jamaica. New and. elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping and Day Cararun on through Express trains, Passengers for Great Britain or the Conti- nent by leaving aoronto at 8.80 ontinentbyleaving,Torontoat8.80 a. in. Thurs. day wilt,jcin outward mail steamer at Mali- fax a, in, Saturday. Superior Elevator Warehouse and Dock ac- gommodation at Halifax for shipment of grain and genoral merchaudise, Years of experionce have proved the INTER- COLONIAL in connection with steamship lines to and front London. Liverpool and, 4lasgoWto Halifax, to be tho quickest freight toltte betweeu.Oadada and (treat Britain, VOL, "HE.W TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE E 'THEY .MAY." XIII., NO. 44, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 2 1 ' , 886. IMPORTANT NOTICES , 'JUST LOgIT SAY ALL THE LADIES WHO SEE 4B x N s B..iasOLANGTRY ANDPARISIAN BAGS. _- 0o* an*** Wishes to announce to the Inhabitants of Exeter and vionity, that he has opened out Without ndoubt they are the most bow ming styles ever introduced: Ladies, very fine style such as the Langttrynd Parisian Bangs, Saratoga Waves, Switches, Puffs, Curls, or Wigs, call on Ike. J. Dearing, at CENTRAL BARBER SHOP, EXETER. Where he will supply all your wants in the Hair Line, New Pump Factory JOHN SWALLOW Would respectfully inform the inhabitants of the surrounding townships thathe has op- ened a New Pump Factory in J. SOUTHOOTT'S OLD STAND, MAIN -ST., EXETEE,`OPP. POST -OFFICE. Whore he will keep on hand all kinds of Pumps, which he will sell at moderate prices REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Wolfs and Cisterns contracted for at reason- able prices, and work executed with despatch. SATISFACTION GU &1 ANTEED. JOHN SWALLOW. HARKNES;S HAIR BALM Restores grey hair to its na- tural color, re- moves Dandruff stops the he'i from falling strata. increazc.: its' - growth, �.:•telzviiy, not soil the skin.ra. As a hair dres- ein , It has no superior. 'Guar - antcedharssele_- sssesse Prepared b,; Harkness & e.o.1 London, Ont. Sold by all Drage,. and Patent Medi Dealers. DRUGSTORE A full stook of all kinds Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on' hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter OCLIC/TZ. V in the korner Store North of Samwel & Pickard's, where he is prepared to make all kinds of ordered work. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, Late Manager O. Eaorett'a Boot and Shoe Establishment. May 141h 84. LTNE, TN! !AILOR MR. WM. LYNE .is prepared to do CUSTOM TAILORING* At Kirkton. SUITS, PANTS OR COATS made in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect. CUTTING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT LOW RATES. Ladies Jackets a Specialty Give him a trial and convinced that will give satiefaotion. WILLIAM LYNE. dQHN v►>af=� & (#'ubiti,1ceo. s.A4 .exopmetere• ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. There are several cases of whooping cough in town, Miss M.Ji.. McDonough, of Sarnia, won tho alumnus prize of $ 25' far the beat may at the. Methodist Ladies 'College Hamilton. Headquarters for Gilciist's strawberries at G. A, halYal dman s Family Grocery. A biline of o m Colored Tea Setts, new pat- terns, beautiful designs, and correct in price, for cash. For nice Crockery, &c., go to Renton Bros, We acknowledge with thanks the season pass of the Zoological and Acclimatization Society, Toronto, of which Harry Piper is Manager. The Rev, J. Hale, of Kh•kton, will afa- elate in Christ Church, Exeter, on Sunday morning next,and the Rev. G, B. Sage, 13.A., of Hellmuth Ladies' College, London, lathe evenvisiting, The Boys, whoM, upon last Sabbath even - Ir. orrison's strawberry plot, wishes they had stopped b1 the village ; however, we imagine, that they-. will not go back again. Tlie list of convictions for the quarter ending June Sth, contains 46 oases. Agreat rnany of the convictions were for drunks, The number is much less than for same quarter of other years. Our band played at the garden party held at Mr. Moir's, Hensall, under the auspices of the Rodgerville Presbyterian Church. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, there was a good attendance. Since writing our change of advertisement we have secured a big drive in White Vic- toria Lawns -17 pieces, just opened, yard wide, from 10c. up. Muslins are booming at Renton Bros, During the past few clays Mr. A. Q. Bob- ier, of this place, has shipped large consign. ments of butter to Montreal. The butter was purchased from merchants in and around Exeter, and is pronounced first-class. We direct the attention of our readers to the adv. in another column of lots and farm Iand for sale. Any person wishing to pur- chase a good building site, or excellent farm land, will find it profitable to call on Mfr. I. Carlin. A game of base ball between the teams of Hensall and Varna, was played at a picnic in the latter place on Friday last. The science displayed was very inferior, and at the 6th inning, when the game broke up, the score stoocl 26-23 in favor of Varna. There can be nothing more tantalizing n a baulky Oise ; or atleast, we ju ,go the b11 h 1t d not, Butter & Egqs one, after earnestly Wwaamtcshti.n, gthteheotdherirveryed„ w lIn WANTED. it i r�� J. Matheson' �E�i� in T as vainly endeavoring to get the annual to. ove,' Finally he tied it to a tree and let remain there all forenoon. -The Ladies' Aid of the Main -St. Metho- ist Church will give a strawberry social the Church, on Monday evening next ea to be served from 7 to 8:30 o'clock, after which addresses will be given by pastor of church, Revs. Messrs. Graham, Martin, Ross of Nova Scotia, and others. Let there be a good attendance. Admission, 15cts. • It is thought that an extension will be made to Andrew-st shortly, by the open- ing of the northern terminus through to the river. Mrs. Pinch has made application to the Council, and no doubt many of our citi- zens will be pleased to see the scheme car- ried out. Application ..11-i11 be oonsidered at next meeting. The public schools will close about 2d of July for summer vacation, and would it not bo well for parents to visit their school some- time between now and that date ? The Has opened out in Currelley & Co's. Old. Stand, EXETER NOLTH Complete stock of Groceries.. 16 lbs. Sugar; $1 Tea, 25, 50 and 75 cts—Good Quality. Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices, A nicely assorted stock of HARDWARE. FORKS, SCYTHES, BINDING 3.LOVE8, (Cheap.) Best Machine Oil 60o per Coal. 1 teachers would be pleased to find that the COAL OIL AS CHEAP AS EVER. Y thei nts and others take sufficient interest in r won to make a visit to the school, la' A reduction of 5 Per Cent, on , any time it is. convenient. On Friday last as Mr. Joseph Dauncey and wife, of Stephen, were coming to town in a buggy, and when near Shapton's corner their horse became frightened, and jumping into the ditch overturned the rig. The oc- cupants and produce were precipitated to the ground, fortunately, however, only des- troymg the produce, which constituted eggs and butter. We have received the prize list of the 41, Provincial Exhibition, to be held in the city of Guelph, from Sept. 20th to 95th. The list comprises 67 classes, is well gotten up and reflects much credit, upon the editor, Mr. Henry Wade. Persons wishing a copy can obtain one by addressing the Secy., Mr. Henry Wade, of Arts Association, Toronto. On the 16th islet-, Charlotte, the only daughter of Mr. Joseph Case, of Usborne, passed peacefully away to join the great majority, at the useful age of 25 years. She was afflicted with consumption. The funer- al, which took place on Friday following was very largely attendedby1 c relatives and friends.c Remains were interred in the Exeter Cemetery. On Sabbath last, while several small boys were playing around the stables of Mr. Thos. Bissett. horse -buyer, they, through playing with burning paper, set one of the barns on fire. The flames wore beginning to rise and become dangerous when it was discovered. The application of many pails eds, and Ready-mades. A good Snit of ALL -WOOL SERGE for $7.50. Suitings and Ovoraoats Cheap. of Our Dress Goods are marked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. A House and Lot to sell or rent. Apply to JOHN MATHESON. HAY P. 0. Exeter -butcher Shop, R. DAVIS, Butcher & General Dealer --IN ALL BINDS ..A. Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS. DAYS AND SATUBDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE CEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. COOL, C0 COOL, Eureka Salt! ICE, ICE, ICE BEST BUTTER SALT MANUFACTURED. DIZINICS DUL ; AGE'S THE IMPERIAL Mineral Water Co'y. KI I have a full stock of these Waters and Summer Prints Reduced 1n Drinks on hand. Call and try them. Price Family ��'o ; r y cue, les , r AtDulmaes Kik Trd , fon, Try , our celebrated GOD, Toar, end get 5 bre of Sugar (with ()very one pound of Tea,) Information as to Passenger and !freight , for 25 ots. rates' can bo had on application to 'BO/lora 1i.1 i'iODtiI, Western Freight &Paasengor Agent k. t. - .,, sin lienee �l001, York S croute. ,83Pe D POTIS NCIED, Chiefn erintendent. s r Ett ltva 0 to Hal:, Nov 111,1885, 1 5 ktend Idcents postage tied wo will. genii you frees reyaI,valuablo ,. sainplebo±di goods that will p} tint yyoiii no Way ofatoaktng unions' 'moil lit otttO. than anything else fn-Attioriole, ''Workes df alfa ee can 'live at 'Immo and iip'are tinge; or all the time:,, Oa{rittll nstrodalrud, We will start you, Immense Sy, y sure for those Wise• Start at once. ST11ogdN' dt Co ,Portland ilfainef LEMONS, LEMONS, LEMONS '110k/11.000srt Cigars Buy a package of ENGLIi3H DRILLl7'l)' EU NEEDLES, 250, A household Trea- sure. Every 4amoily stionid,have':ono, Our TICKETS SOLD ” ' i o THE OLD COUNTRY. We giyo a PREMIUM to earth and every- one buying our 50o, and 60o. Teas rn 6, 10 or 12 Ib, lots, and guarantee Teas. If same don't give Entire Satisfaction at price, they will be taken back and money refunded. Wo are bound to sell Cheaper than those WrTO ADVERTISE They are doing SUCH A STRAIGHT -FORWARD BUSINESS. • Never tt .dersold" Rotuoinber .i" CAPT. , _ AGE. thuaddr()ss ., . �,li1�1'' , r �`'� 4/' YY r D. �� 4w• Drew's , y o .'lit South ��•i sr Store. SIGN Tilt PIA 6, ItiliaTOX. o£ wa r ori < to v i tLl in stayingt ELS •ill tit S r 0.D conflagration. Had these buildings got good start serious damage would have re stilted. The junior Judge of the County has writ ten to the reeve, 1)r. Rollins, denouncing ou public buildings as being inadequately' suit ed for court purposes, and threatens to re move the court of the 5th division, if a suit able place is not iiriinediately built or fixe up; and also to hold Exeter responsible fo expenses thus incurred. Whet do our citi tens think of this ? We will, undoubtedly have to snake a move, and in order to ge the true feeling of the ratepayers, it publi meeting will, shortly, be called, to deternrin whether or not a new town hall shall be built, On the 26th ult., a hawker, givinghis name as Cleo. Burns, called upon Mr. John Vail, of Usborne to dispose of some dry- goods, r- goods, After considerable talk he succeed- ed in sellurg $48 worth and securing note for same. Leaving a small consignment o£ the goods, lie promised , to send remainder on Saturday following, but, `failing to do so, Mr. V. made some unpiiry anis found that several neighbors hbors hadl. been treated the same 1', way. Those who were thus.:: taken %n are mourning their lack of sensibility, in : sign- ing+ a note drawn he strangers. The agree, meat was that the money be paid at the end of two years, but as no time was specified red pedlar may its in note the 1 Makepayablepp 1 �' one month from date. Tho affair may turn out all right, brit from present itldieatrens the Aimee is meagre. , e a r d • t c e iThe nest genoral assembly of the Presby- terian Cburoh of Canada will be held at Winnipeg i June 1887 It expected, that' our base ball drib will sherthy play a game' with the Liman Irish Nino. Challenges are coming in from all Points sad eaoh will likely be attended to in their turn. Speaking of journalistic enterprise, a clergyman says that the public_ o should sit down upon the newspapers, Such dense ig- norance is really laughable. As if the femi- nine portion of the public hadn't been doing so for years. Lightning struck the residence of Ira Lewis, Esq., County Crown Attorney, a few days ago, There were a few friends visiting the hoose at the time and the ladies were very much frightened. There was no damage done, however. We have received from Hon. John Carl- ing, Minister of Agriculture, a handsome book on Canada. which has been prepared for the Colonial exhibition. It will be of great interest to those contemplating maldng a home in Canada, as it gives in a condensed form, a complete history of the Dominion, its products, climate, imports, exports, cost of living, wages, and other information useful to the settler or tourist ; it is also aocompa• vied with a couple of excellent maps. The book will no doubt, be of considerable service and will repay its cost. Our Legislators. Pursuant to adjournment this body held meeting on Monday evening last. His Wor- ship, the Reeve, in the ohair, and councillors Bissett and Pickard present; Johns and Hoskin being absent, the former through sickness. Tho minutes of last meeting were read and approved:' The Treasurer's halt -yearly report was read, and oa motion of W. Bissett, ser! by Jas. Pickard, was passed. It was resolved that the Reese and Treas- urer be authorized to borrow $1,000 for 5 months to meet current expenses, such as for grayelling, repairs, &c. By-law No. 10, 1886, concerning street - watering was read the first, second and third time, and on motion of W. Bissett sec. by Jas•. Pickard, was passed. It provides for the wateringsed p ot Main st. from Huron st. to 4ackman's corner, the rate to bo levied `toeing Bets. per foot, first half ,payable 15th Ang.i balance, 1st October. This rate is expected. to cover the full expense. Acting upon instructions, Mr. Jas. Creech presented his statement concerning condi- tion of water -tanks throughout village, and after reading the same, and reporting all in good condition, containing from 7i to 9 ft. ofat w or, the report on motion of Jas. Pickard, sec by W. Bissett, was adopted. Mr. PItlefa stated that a tank on .Huron st. required levelling and otherwise fixing np, as well as No. 1 on James st„ in which the supply of water is inadequate for an emergency. It was resolved to have these tanks attended to immediately. As considerable complaining had been done of late concerning the rickety state of the sidewalks, Mr. Bissett thought that some- thing ought to be done immediately, and advocated that good pine walks be made. After some discussion, it was resolved to lay the matter over until nest meeting when full board might be present. The Reeve said that he had received only one tender for street -watering, being from My. A. Bissett, and that his offer waa $2.50 per day of ton lions, This was o1Qimed very e tisfaclory. The Reeve read a eommunioation t'rnni the jonior judge of the county of Huron eon• demising the aeoommodation which Exeter afforded for holding court, and stated that if a more satisfactory hall or court room was not secured he would certainly taste the court of the 5th division to some other town, and pall upon our council for expenses incurred. The matter was debated, but on aecouut of there not being a full board, it was resolved to reserve action until neat meeting, when, in all probability, it will be decided to call a public meeting and lay the existing state of affairs before the rate -payers, The council then adjourned, to meet on Tuesday next 29th inst., at 7.30 p.m., wnen, it is hoped the fulhboard will bo present. AilsaCraig. The Reform Convention for North Mid- dlesex met on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Town Hall, to consider the question of selecting a candidate to contest the Rid- ing in the Liberal interest for the House of Commons. Iiih t re absence e of theP resid eat the chair air was occupied by Mr. 8. Hogarth, of Stephen, first vice-president. There was a very large and enthusiastic attendance of delegates. After routine business it 1*as moved by, Dr.' Browning, of Exeter, seconded by Mr. John Love, of West Williams, that the con- vention proceed to the Selection of a• candi- date. , Ita w s moved in amendment by W. MIe- Diarmid, of -Liman, seconded by John Pubileatiou5 Received. Fn,t LESLIE'S PoI'riliAzr Monlair Eon ura. "Camping out" is an attractive sub, jot in this weather, whether you try the experiment yourself or visit more heroic friends who tell you that it revives paradise. W. P. Stephens's article in the r•oauLFii tionenLx, with its breezy pieturo3, certainly tempts one to try it. Lisat, the great pianist and composer, is so widely known that this eiketell of him comes in very aptly as au introduction to the article by 1)r. Piero on "Modern Music Schools," full of notes of the past and suggestions for the present. "9. Trirkish Dinner on the Nile," is a pleeett t traveller's sketch In "Olden Wells" W. E. Mg0aun discourseth like and olden essayist on the eharms of pure water, though he oen- euros poets for preferring wine and ale. ". Tour Through Normanny," is one of t110 home like bits of travel just suited to the season. Ricanrte, a South Americanhero, finds a fitting niche, "Higher Eduoatien In four a very interesting account of ur institutions in the State, shows that it ranks high indeed in its Univer 's1t $ 'fe Y lr, Ernest Ingersoll takes as to the fiosdwaters ot the James," and the charming series of pictures tempts one to their cool and breezy realities, "Weighing Machines," by Abbott, will give much curious Information to moat readers. The stories in the July number of FAANu LESLIE'S POITLI.it MoNTEILY are like the articles—bright, breezy, jest suited to reading in the sultry days. HERE AND TIIERE. News Condensed Goderich township bas appealed against the equalization by the county council. The Blanshard council has appointed G. D. La rrie, Esq., treasurer of the township in place of the late Mr. A. M. Driver. The electric light is getting cheaper. Galt has contracted for 25 are lights, of 2,000 candle power, from dusk to day -light, for 27o. per light. Mr. John Richardson, of Dorchester, will wrestle a catch -as -catch -cart match with J. D. McColl fur $100 a side at the Caledonian games in St. Thomas on the 28111 inst. Tho St. Mary's firemen have decided to postpone the date for holding their tourna- ment from Dominion Day to the 26th of August. Rev. Mr. Davey, of Lncan, left Thursday, for a two-month holiday across the big water. We understand that the Rev. Mr. Magaky also intends taking the same trip after the Synod. The Lambton County Council have decided to appoint a County Police Magistrate, re- commending Mr. M. 8. Campbell, of Wat- ford, for the position, in the Scott Act trials at Forest on Wed- nesday, M. L. Ryan and W. C. Dillon were convicted and fined $50 each. They have appealed. The case against T. Ross was dismissed. Mr. James M. Henderson, of Adelaide has a short horn Durham purchased urn am B ull,. one year old, from the herd of J. Morgan ,L Sons, Kerwood, for $100 This famous young animal is called "Gladstone," Two head of young cattle belonging to' John McCullough, of Blanshard, ate the leaves and blossoms of a balsam poplar tree recoutly and died from paralysis and nerve poisoning. p r g. The death is announced at Goderich of Capt. Wm. Cox, late proprietor of the British Exchange Hotel there, in his 72nd year. He was deservedly respected wherever known. The following are the new train regula- tions over Lncan division of the G, T. R., main line :—Going west : No. 6 marl, at o'clock p.m.; No. 2 mail, 4.11 a. m.; No. 4 xpress, 5.10 p. m.; No. 14 mixed, 9,14 p.m.; special, 9 a. m. Going east : No. 3 mail, .37 p. m.; No. 9, 7.25 a. m.; No. 13, 745 p.m, Another of the older residents of Blau - hard has passed away in the person of Mr. ohn Moore, of the base line. Mr. Jona. Moore with his family came to Blanchard' over thirty years ago and has resided there ever Ann: lto RAs a quiet and indnstrioea Meth and a gated neighbor. He has been in declining health for some time past, and glit Sunday breathed his last, i5ome jaetleee of the eo9uty of Hnroli oleic tingnis]ied thentselves the other day at Bay, field by a very remarkable donviotion. They convicted the accused of an assault and fined him 810, but (perhaps to make the fess qu4l safe) they ordered the complainant to pay the costs, and in default of payment of fine and wets, they directed that both defendant and complainant should go to goal! This con- viction will probably be gnashed. At the last meeting of the Biddulph town- ship council, Mr. Hiram Hodgins, resigned his position as clerk, on acconnt cf ill -health, Mr. W. D. Stanley after resigning the reeve - ship was appointed clerk for ballauce of year. It now remains for a reeve to be elected. We are, indeed, sorry, that the affable clerk of this township has been com- pelled to resign, and in the near future we hope to hear of him enjoying good health. At a recent meeting,' Mr. Stanley withdrew his resignation, and Nir. John Flannagan, elected clerk pro -tens Of the total number of schools-5,375— established in Ontario. 5,316 were opened durin the year. The day of log so Y pool $ houses has gone by, and their piano is fast being taken •by the more substantial and better equipped, though perhaps no Meg cosy,,franie and brick buildings. In 1850 there wore only 99 briok school houses iu the province now there are 1,870. Thirty-six years ago there were 1,406 log school houses; now the number has been reduced to 631. Nearly every school m the Ird i uo a is now fnrnhshedi h"' ' w t a 'CMOS' number of wall maps, the total number now in use exceeding 1 ,e 2 e J Hoard, of -East Williams, that the question 40,090. .In 1850 the total number of maps be indefinitely postponed, 1 in use in Public)Schools was but 1,614, After a full and friendl3 discussion, par- ticipated in by Messrs, Waters, Mel)iarrnid, Collins, Taylor, Nasmyth, Holt, Love and Crunnican, a vote was taken, when the amendment was carried by a ve•iy large ma- jority. The convention then adjourned, subject to the call of the Executive. -°-- �► -- -_ statement is as follows, the County's Slier„ bein Ti. 1 0 .910 g fe 11 On' idlt � Ido i 8 ElcEtdnch 3 Makes e, bad taste no allow - mouth you• 1 arxce for the is , 7 travelling 1 1 an the � d Nothing could more strikingly exemplify the remarkable educational progress of the Province. The License Commis-depor5 of the West Riding have made a formal demand on the County Clerk for the two-thirds proportion of the estimated cost of enforcing the Scott Act cluriug the House year 1885.7, TnoiE Have you mouth int setting Do yen suffer from g office expenses o, the police magistrate,in the event of one being appointed', The matter was deferred by resolutions of the ootneil at last meeting until the December session : Ingpoctor'e salary., ,,,.,.,8550 00 Eatpentes•of the Board Of Cointnie- sioners ........ . .. 50 .00 Magistrates' and Constables' costs in unsuiaoessfui prosocuticti 150 00 Witness fees 25 00 , Law costa 100 IP Oeeasional ace -- discovering ass! to ' t r S —lnb violetians ,• 15 00 Stationery, postage, and other ex. pensee . ... 15 01) D •s e i' ra Li '•i4 dl �, than o ° ' 3 P V , X t Biliousnays ? If so Dr. Carson's Bitters will mire yen. Try it. Your Druggist will refund Menet if not sat. isf aotory. Ifnllvrray't Ointmstet and li''illa,-4otiiilA for the delicaic.—'''hese to whom the dlzduge- able temperature is a protracted period of trial sliould seek the enrliett opportunity of removing all obstacles to good health. This, cooling Ointment, perseroingiy rubbed upon, tho akin, is the most reliable remedy for overcoming all diseases of the throat and chest. Quinsey, relaxed tonsils, sore throat, swollen glands, ordinary catarrh, and broil- chitin, usually prevailing at this season, may be arrested as soon` es disceverod, mid eyery' symptom banished by Holloway's simple and effective treatment. This Jr ntueit and .pills are highly commended .for the faoilfty with which' they sitecessftilly emitest$• with influenya; they allay in'ilii incredibly short time the,distressing f iveti and, teasing cough. 1381016. , r 1' Less fees received Lees ri „ e9b it 00' for Mooned $310 00 rr' fines. , $•350 00 ---4560 •