HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-6-17, Page 8OA ti�bTss BAli013 001 PAN`r. ofToronta : also for the1'IIQ11iIX k'11i1+1 INS.IJItals10140O1 :4fi),,otlienclou, Englazrd, the BO'XAL'CANADIAN, of Montreal, sed the ��tt3BIT1$III MI t ..X4ASS.UIiANO 0 COAT* I'$ T, of `l ouden. Euglaud,; establisho.d 147, Assets over $0,090,000 ; claims and bonuses staid, over `310,060,000, Z,0CAL ZSTETV5.—WWre shall be happy to re- ceive at ail tines', front, any part of the Onu y, iteuts of local news, Such 4s ac - r interesting i cidertts,ar any kr egesta J incident 3oltat ever, front any, of our sul.iserUrers or read- er8 peuerally for the purpose• of pubtio- abort, fttt fleeter ► faze . THURBDAY, JUNE 17th 1886. TEN OENTS porliuetor firstinaertion, ani! POUR CENTS per line tor each subsequent.iu lertion will be charged f0 uotioes appearrni this column, LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Without exeeptnon, the best and cheapest linos in Boots and Shoos we have as yet seen, pan now be had at 0. Eaerett's, Chil- dress Carriages, Express Wagons, Boys' Bicycles of all sizes, Men'sHand-made Boots; also harness, trunks, valises of every descrip- tion constantly on hand. Call and see thorn. Butter and Eggs taken in exehango for goods. C. EkoRETT. --- Toronto Industrial Pair. We have received a copy of the prize list for the next Industrial Fair, to be held at To- ronto from the 6th to the 18th September. The book is very tastily gotten up, and con- tains outs of different breeds of animals for which prizes are offered, and also views of the City of Toronto and its public buildings. Any of our readers desiring a copy can ob- tain the same by dropping a card to Mr. Hill, the Secretary, at Toronto. Twelfth July Celebration The 196th anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne will bo celebrated in Exeter in a right royal manner. Preparations are being per. fected, which will ensure a red-letter day for the town. Lodges from the counties of Huron and Middlesex and the:city of London will be present, as well as at least six brass bands. The procession will form at one o'clock and will march from the old market square, on Huron -street, by way of Main -street, to Pick- ard's grove, where speech -making will be en- gaged in by yery prominent gentlemen. For further particulars, see posters. Band of Rope. A meeting of this society was held in tte basement of the Main -street Methodist Church on Friday evening last. Besides the programme by the members of the Band, short and interesting addresses were given by,Rev. Mr. Down and Rev. Mr. Saunby. The election of officers also took place, for the current year, and the following persons were elected: President, R. Seldon ; Vice -Pres., E. Scarlett ; Secretary, Chas. Verity ; Musi- cal Director, H. Follick, Entertainments of this kind are productive of much good, and the meetings should be held regularly eyery month. Puilmaat & Co.'s World of Wonders. Our readers will bear witness that it is not our custom to over praise public entertain- ments, but when we see a really good one, we `deem it only just to say so. We can and do, therefore, pronounce the Pullman &'Co. Combination which exhibited here yesterday the best of its kind that we have ever attend- ed. It was managed with courtesy and honesty, each feature advertised was present- ed and a veryliberal equivalent nt returned for the price of admission. Human Leopard Family and the Electric Lady are certainly among the rarest of living phenomena; the trained horses, dogs and goats wonderful, and the erenio performances the best of their kind. How the management can afford to give so much for so tittle money is a prob- lem—and all who try to solve it will find it a pleasant one.. -London Advertiser. South Buron.L. O. L. The sem-annual meeting of the South Heron County Orange Lodge was held in the Orange Hall, Clinton, on Wednesday and was fairly weeI attended by delegates from all parts of the county. Bro. John Sorlett, .r W. C. M., presided. Arrangments were made for celebrating the coming 12th of J uly in Exeter, and Bro. E. Floody, Co. Bocy,, was instructed to make suitable rail- way arrangements, and to obtain as low fares as possible on that day. Bros. Scarlett, Dagg and Floody gave short reports of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge lately held•, in Toronto and also the dedication of the .new Orange Hall. In the alternoon Bro. W. H. Murney, Past Co. Treasurer, was presented with a beautiful Bible accompanied by a complimentary address, in recognition of his valuable service in the past. The address was very appropriate indeed and was signed by J. Scarlett, E. Floody, Thos. Cooper, S. Dagg and J. Torrance. Bro. Murney replied in very feelliig terms. Resolutions were passed thanking the mem- bers of Parliament of both shades of polities who supported the Government during the Itiel discussion and approving of the action of the British House of Commons iu reject- ing the Home Rule Bill. • �� Cano Race. On Saturday evening, as per arrangement, the canoe race between Mr. George hemp and Mr. Samuel Hersey took place on the course on the pond here. Long before the rfliced time forthe race to begin the west bank was crowded with spectators to see the exhi- bition, xhibition, there being all the sports in town present. Time was called and a start made, Hereey;getting the bettor of his opponent, being in clear water, while Kemp had to start in a bed of weeds, which somewhat hin- dered him, as great precaution is necessary In paddling a canoe through, weeds. Hersey kept the lead until the finish, beating his opponent about two lengths. Kemp at times g ained a little,but as his craft was difficult, to master, he wonld soon lose again, There was much excitement; among the spectators, and < we hearthat eon iderable mons ellen - _ t5 ore hands. It is the opinion ©f some that if Kemp had had clear water a pto start in he would hays won the race, but probably ; Her- say did not do hit best, We hear that the inner of the race is about to issue a shad - lenge to competeagainstohani fon Cat. pete ago '$eward. No doubt the public will wait with tensiderablo-lnterett and anxiety for this race, Messrs. Roberta oft Clark on 'Tuesday opened thein` grocery' in the north store in Zuftedli's Bleck, The stock islarge and, fresh, in chi ding eyerythingIrithis line sWhile hi glass ware and Crocker the "oris fay would do ere, dit to a'z cit ettab1Lhdeht. Roth these ;gertllenrcn are too Well known to requite any leceinmendafion at our hands.• .16 cxatfne fig .10':kilow.r, prevetfes fair. Robb Id'oward sxilh leave in a'tow daylti for lhlglaod, Just Reeelved a:largesupply of l fro Taxis Green at O, Lutz's. Ventral" Prug Store. A quautiy of buck for sale. ,Apply to ', Poring. Hader,, Pure Perna Green et Scallott s drug store, Sore death to potato bugs. The Until Gran {tune the south ia the QV ening arrives fifteen. Intuntes Miter thaThit,' Imo done, owing tea change in the time table, On Tuesday morning the mercury rose to Abirthe shade. Pretty war farthi s north- ern ont-ern country. Division Court was held here on Monday, presided over by Ilia Honor Judge Doyle. Particulars elsewhere. We are glnd to bo able to state that Dr,. Hooper has sufficiently recovered to be able. to venture down town. May be soon be able to resume his practice. The Signal last week published a descrip- tion of Goderich, showing in a creditable light the advantages that town possesses as a summer resort. The editors must have taxed their mental powers considerably. Pullman & Co's. show will exhibit in Exe- ter on Wednesday, June 23rd. Prices aro popular, and the press speaks well of the performances, The Court for the final revision of the Dominion Voters' Lists was held, here by Judge Elliot on Saturday last, • There were only a few Conservatives added. The final. lists will be out in a week or so. Mr. John Vail, Huron's champion roller skater, was defeated at Harriston last week by Mr. Feathers in a five -mile contest for the championship of the Province. He was about half a lap behind. He'll catch hint yet. During a thunder storm on Wednesday of last week several trees and telegraph poles in this vicinity were struck by lightning.' We had several heavy showers, which did much good. An excursion passed through here this morning to Goderich from Parkhill and in- termediate stations. Very few from Exeter availed themselves of the opportunity of vis- iting, one of the finest pleasure resorts in Canada, Mr. Emmel, an American buyer, shipped from this station on Monday a fine lot of draught horses. The average price paid was 8150. They were purchased in this neigh- borhood Sunday next, 20th inst., will be the fif- tieth anniversary of Her Majesty's ascension to the throne of England. Services are usu- ally held in commemoration of the event. Since writing our change of advertise- ment we have secured a big drive in White Victoria Lawns -17 pieces to :arrive Friday evening ; yard wide, from 10o• up. RA\TON Baos. The firemen went to Stratford this morn: ing to participate in the tournament, we expect them to leave a good impression, as well as to bring home a goodly portion of the prize money. The young Mr. Hankin, who was so seri- ously injured about the face, by a kick from a horse a few mouths ago, is now almost bet- ter, and able to be around. He is, however, the loser of nearly all his upper teeth. Messrs. Wm. Snell and John Matheson, of Exeter, have lost a valuable imported stal- lion, from being poisoned. There have been. four horses poisoned in the district in which he travelled, Mr. W. Long, who had the care of the animal, has returned home. All mail matter intended for the old coun- try must be posted at the Exeter office not later than 8 o'clock Tuesday morning, as the train leaves Toronto Wednesday a. m., and mail boat leaves Quebec Thursday instead of Saturday, as formerly. Arrangements haye been made by the citizens' committee of Goderich to hold a grand athletic tournament and series of Cale- donian games on the spacious and conveni- ent lacrosse grounds, on Thursday, July let. Already entries have been received f rem a large number of the mostcelebrated athletes. Mr. Campbell, who has been in the law office of Mr. B. V. Elliot, in this place, for some tima past, left yesterday for Toronto, to write for his final examination as a barris- ter. We wish him success in his exam., and treat that wherever he may pitch his tent success and good fortune may attend him. The potato bug varmints are something like Canada thistles—they have come tostay; and never suffer by winter -killing or any other disorder. They are already swarming on potato tope, and give promise of affording an extensive field for the operation of Paris Green before many weeks aro pasta They have got cheek enough to stand everything but that or some kindred preparation. H. J. Beamish, who, it will be remember- ed, was imprisoned in the penitentiary at Kingston along with his father and brother for the murder of Manes in 1884, has been released from prison in answer to a numer- ously signed petition gotten np by Mayor Horton, of Goderich. The prisoner had a great many years yet to serve, but as he is very low with consumption, his liberation was songt and obtained. Smokers may be pleased to know that an antidote has been discovered which will en- able thein to enjoy their pipes or cigars with- out fear of being poisoned by nicotine. It appears that the watercress destroys the toxic principle of tobacco,preserving at the, same time its aroma. It is sufficient to wet the tobacco with the juice of the watercress which will completely depriye the tobacco of its deleterious principles. jt is currently rumored that Dr. Cowan s about to erect a spacious livery stable at the rotir of his office, on James -street. We are told also that it is the intentionto have this mammoth structure lighted by electricity, and to have telephonic connection with all principal commercial centres, What -a boon it is to the place to have such an enterpris- ing citizen living amongst us. We cannot, however, vouch for the credulity of the statement. Mrs. Dr. Rear and Miss Green are in town canvassing for a work which every person should have, entitled "Kings of Capital and Knights of Labor," written by John. 'McDowell Leavitt, D. D., formerly editor of the International Redieiu, and President of the Lehigh University. This book refers to the great necessity: of the country, of the heads—labor and Capital --being brought into closer unity. It contains 800 pages, is beau- tifully illustrated, well written, and is sold at a nominal; price. The annual strawberry festival of the Cen- tralia Methodist Church will be held. On the parsonage fawn on Thursday, July 1st. Re freshments, ineludingetrawberries, ice Cream, lemonade he will be served from.1 o'clock p. after which addresses will bo delivered by Rev. Jas. Graham, of Exeter, and Rev. Dr, ityckman, of , London. 11 good brass band Will lie iu attendance, and amusements. of various kind will be provided, Alt go. Admission 25 and lir cents. According to the final draft of the station- ing Committee of the Loudon Conference. we notice that Rev, Jas. Graham, of Windsor, it to taste the pastorate of the James -street Chnreh, and ilev.. `tv,. 5, Pascoe, d frames street Church, fs to remove to the lain-st. Church. 'the Methodist ebngregatione of Exeter can congratulate themselVety upon having two of the 'ablest and moat popular Ministers' in the edriterefiee, Mr. Greheith is 'an exeellont preacher, and Mr, .Paseoers j ability is Well known to till Here, and needs 00 Comtnent bq tj✓ir Vontet,'{Uppees, ' At the Ono/ph conference which rro- rogiredlast wee. at Cloelerioll, the final draft of stations Was read, as 'follows :— es\ tlarys Dla'rnia?�, St. ax s . Ai. Phillips, B. D. ,) Richard Service, Super - animated, Qrrauton,-John C, Stephenson.. Luean—•Robeit DAVY, Ailsa Craig—Favid Rogers. Iiarltton-•-Itoheytkl Hall, Wood- liarn -Ezra A, boar, Tissourl-- Jeseph 1V, Pr ieg. (St, Marys.) Il intone—f,Ienry l;1• Hill, ;Linbro---Dixon Sharp, Tlrarnesford ,i —Alexander Scratch. Hugh J, Barr, left without a station at his own request, for the purpose of attending College. A. M. Phillips, 13, D., District Supt. J. C, Ste- venson, Financial Secy. eoa:�'IsRICII I)IsynIcp. Godoriclr, (North street) --George R. 'lurk; (Victoria street) Geo. F. Salton. . Clinton, (Rattenburry street)—Edmund S. Rupert, M, A.; (Ontario street)—William W. Sparring, Sea£orth— Jacob E. Howell, M. A. Hohnesville— John S. Fisher, Walter M. Patton, Bay- field—B. L. Hutton, Varna, -Alfred E. Smith. Hensall . ,Worth—S'Villiam Torrance, Robert H. ' Barnby. Hensall South-- Robt. Godfrey. Londesboro-John Hough. Dungannon—Wes/by F. Campbell, Aroh, MoK.ibbon; Luther 0. Rice, Supperannu- ated, permitted to reside at Hobert, Lake Co., Ind,, U. S. Auburn -John Turner, Benmiller--James Kestle. J. T. Legear, Victoria College. J. E. Howell, M. A„ District Supt. J. S. Fisher, l;inancial Secy. LONDON DISTRICT (IN PART) Melrose, S. W. Muxworthy (Furguson;) Exeter (Main street,) W. S. Pascoe, G. N. A. F. T. Dickson, Snperanuuated; Exeter, (James street,) James Graham; John H. Eynon, Superannuated; Elimville, W. H. Gane, J. E. Holmes; Centralia, Edward Kershaw; Crediton, Wm. Kennedy; Thorn - dale, J.Ogennedy,IW. Cridland; Dorchester, W. W. Edmunds; Lambeth, George H. Thompson; George Bennet, Superannuated; Westminster, R. J. Millyard; (Lambeth) J. H. Kirkland; Delaware, John Veale; Wentworth, D. Hughson, Superannuated; J. V. Smith, Fin. Secy. Division Courts. Division Court was held here last Mon- day, His Honor Judge Doyle presiding. The first case was BRAUN]) vs. LANG. ---The parties being re- lated, attempts were made by the plff, at different times to get a settlement out of court, which he was unable to do, deft.'not recognizing the debt. The case occupied all the morning and was concluded after din- ner, the deft. claiming a set-off showing a balance due to him on the whole account. Judgment, however, was given in favor of the plff., with costs.. J. J Campbell (B. V. Elliot's office) for plff. ; R. H. Collins (M. McFadden's office) for deft. DietsoN VS HUDSON ,—This was an ac- tion by L, H. Dickson against Jos. Hudson, of Hensall, to recover money on an order given by A. E. Adams to the plff, on the deft. This order ,was not dated, and, as Adams denied having signed it, judgment was given for deft. The plff. got judgment for the amount of a note sued on atthe same time. The plff. appeared in person; J. F. Cryer (W. W,;Fitzgeraid's office) for deft. COLLINS VS. SwxNERTON & MATHESON,— This was an action to recover the amount of a promissory notegiven by clefts. for a horse which was used by them as machine agents. The note was given to D. Braund, who sold it to one Robert Gibson, and when it became clue the deft Matheson paid it. Matheson subsequently and after the note was due transferred it to:the plff. without considera- tion so thatIsuing the plff. ,was suns as trustee. Judgment was given for the plff., who ap- eared in person J. J. Campbell for deft. Swenerton. RAI/LEY vs. BROWNING.—On the applica- tion of the deft. this case was adjourned till next court. J. J. "Campbell for plff. ; L. H. Dickson for deft. ' There was, only one judgment debtor ex- amined and court concluded about 6 o'clock. CREDITON COURT. At the Division Court held at Crediton on Tuesday, the interpleader suit of Rau vs. Deichert, 3'Irs. Reichert claunant, was tried, and occupied the court the greater part of the morning. Judgment was reserved. J. J. Campbell appeared for the .claimant and R. H. Collins for the execution creditor: RICHARD vs, SHARRO'W.—This case was adjourned till next court. J. J. Campbell for plff. ; R. H. Collins for deft. Crec1t i. The revision of the Stephen Domi- nion voters' 1'►yt took plane here on Tueadey. when about 30 Reformers were struck off and 80 Conservatives Added. The court', wee 000upied' all mornmR. Masers. John Elliot and.. Henry Eilber attended on behalf of the Conservatives, while 1)r. Na - smith looked after the interests of the Reformers. Have you Sick Headache, bad taste in your mouth in the morning 5 Do yon snffer from Dyspepsia, Indigestion or Biliousness? If so Dr. Carson's Bitters will cure you. Try it. Your Druggist will refnncl money if not sat- isf actory. MARRIED. DUNc:tN—MOLEAN,—In Ilsborno, on the 9th inst., at the residence of 11r. John Camer- on, sr., by the Rev. Cohn Fletcher, 1GIr. David Duncan, to Miss Flora McLean, both of Usborne. DIED. NV/arum—In Centralia, on the 13th inst., Andrew Walker, aged 77 years, CONSUMPTION ,CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, hay. inn; had placed in his hands by an East Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for thespeedy ancl. permanent etre of'. Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh,;• Asthma. and all throat and:lung aftoetions, also a poet tive a ndtradie al; cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative, poWers •iii thonsandis of eases, has. felt it Ins duty toMelte it knoWb to his suffering fol lows. Actuated by t his motive and a desire to relieve human suffering I will send free of charge, to all thine desire,it, this recipe,>iii pp tlorman French or :English, With full directons for preparing and using. 'Sent by hien by addressing with et1mpp, • naming this. taper, W. A.Nox'ss 140 Power's Bltck,10r71Mster ■ A ■■ Ir r �� ERICA t#EfST.ZPf'.[ii#lg �VUft'%� It■ � a ciet the Mien nlrie+ Sold E°ieeywhefa,y D'VEIt01 E 4 n I It, b t9drostln .CiEO.P,ii, Jt lrip7 3*C0. 10' S ru4e-St, etv.York, can oarnthe ;oxl,ot,cost of any jtropcised 11no of AI7VIv1tTISING in dmerioan NoWspapors.. aa-1oo. pogo paniphlet,100; ILL STAND T,HE CLOSEST EN NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES 'EW STYLES, We have now opened out our place of business in the north store of Fauson's Block, and are ready to take CASH for all purchases of any class of goods' we keep, and by quickly turning over the goods to customers,we can afford to sell with very light profits ; or even a small commission will sat- isfy us. Any ordinary calculator can count up, that a verylittle or everything passin through our hands ust around to a fair re 11:n. We would like to have all our old friends' come and see our stock and receive our prices for Groceries, Crockery and Glassware. Butter and Eggs will be taken in exchange for Goods. Yours Respectfully, ROBERTS & CLARK. MARKET REPORTS. (Correctedat5o'clookp,m. Wednesday. it PROPERTY LIST. Moved to Front Pal,lWhoa r •.. ... .,, .,. 0 70 to 0 73 Spring Wueat... ... ••. ... 0 50 to 0 70 Barley .,. ,,, ,.. -- Oats .,. Clover Seed .... ... ... Timothy ,.. ,,, .,. Peas ,,. ,.. ... Corn ,,. ,,, Eggs ,., Batter -., ••• ••• Flourper•bbl .... ... ... Potsttoes,per bag ,-. Apples,per bag ,.. DriedA.pplespr b Geese per lb. Turkey per lb ... 0 06 to 0 08 Ducks per pr .,. Chickens per pr , Hogs,dressedper•100 Beef Hidesrouhg, ... ... dressed , Sheepskins each Calfekine Wool per lb •.. Hay per ton Onionsuerbush Woodper cord .,. 05010055 0 2710 0 28 700 to 725 175 so 200 050 to 050 058 to 060 010 to 010 13 to 0 14 00 t0 55'55 40 to 040 40 to 0 50 00410000 To RENT.—The Exeter Hotel 10 rent near the Exeter Railroad Station.. Apply to I. CIABLING. ARM FOR SALE. -50. ACRES, the Si lot 8, con 7, Township of Usborne, County ofBuron, 5 miles from Exeter; 45 acres cleared, balance timber: good orick house and frame barn on the premises, also a bearing orchard of choice fruit trees and two never- fail,ng wells of water. The sorbs of excellent quality and iu good condition. Au ly to GEO. 0 00 to 0 06 'SLEAnrox, Proprietor, Elimvllle P. O. 0 40 to 0 60 0 25 to 0 40 55010695 ... -500to600 • 500to600 • 600to700 • 050 toC57 050to070 036to017 OO to 8 00 050to075 200to300 PILE & BRICKS For Sale. The undersigned has for sale a quantity of Tile of all sizes, also Brick, at his yard, CONCESSION 5, LOT 11, STEPHE1 . GEO. MOTZ,Proprietor. Lots, Lots, L Ton SALE. 500 Village Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. Situation good ; fronting good wide streets ; also a number. of HOUSES, & FARM LAND FOR SALE. Parties desiring Land or Houses would do well to con- sult the undersigned, Terms t0 suit purchaser. I. CARLING, EXETER. NEW GOODS Fine Raw Sugar, Bik., GreenE' Japan Teas 25 Cents Qp. We offer no premiums to decoy purchasers. We sell goods at actual value (only.) We give more for Butter and Eggs than you can get else— where. Suits to Order A SPECIALTY. Big Drives in. Muslins Laces, Lawns, &c. At DOUPE & CO'S, KIRKTON ALLAN LINE ! ROYAL StAIL STEAMSHIPS. Summer Sailings and Arrangements via Quebec. Commencing 1i>it'h Extra SS. Ciroasian from Qluebeo'for Liverpool direct on 14111 May, to 1)0 followed by Extra " Circa seian...Thursday, 17th ,Juno Mail l'olynesian,:Thureday,•24th June Mail " Parisian Thursday, lst July. Extra, " Saimatian.::irhuteditiy, 811 July Mall ` " Sardrnian,,.yhursday, 15th July Extra Circassian,.. Thursday, 22nd Joly Mail " Polynesian Tbursday,20th,7uly. Mail " P'atiefan .... Thursclay,5th Aug. (Note)—Tho •"extra" etoaniore ch not loarry intermediate and dtoerage passengers. Ae7AOE Lttlixuj0tr, &.LONnot°• ibanxst,—Cabin ?310, $70 and "180, .ni0corcling:to aoeominodation, Servants,rn Cabin, 8;50. In terniedfate, 030.. Steerage, $18.50 Itoturn Tiok- etc, Cabin, $110,,"01:10, 0150. Interrnodiate, : to. Steorade,017. zvEnroonliiataox.�-•BySarnia. tion,(? rcasalan or extra''etoaniers.'Cabrn, '.50, and $60, according to;aceonimodation, Return'. Tickets 800 and !tile. Those stoamors go . di - root to 1'riverpool+ Through Pullman Drawing hoonr"and Sleep, tug Cars between Toronto and Qu ebee, or Pas sengers;can bobeoked by steamer to Quebec if ko desired= acting through Ube. Thousand' Islands and ltepicls of the St. Lawrence by daylfght ' Passengers andtubirbeggago aro, put aboard the Cagan Stea nbhip0-at Qitobec-free of all ea/lenge, mho cabin lank of thou°Circassf'an , Peruvian, c`+ta, v v .Iia a plank It . altered, The Saloon is how' atnidehijpiy00theke ateaniera, and the (Albite' are ad arranged as;to bo slab in the beat position to avoid the motion; :Per "1'idkots' etc,walspl3"to w r1'r SPAC1t;MAN, Agent, •lr rtet0r.,, Tj1AJ M FOR SALE. -90 acres, in 1� the Township of Stephen, Con. 4,1ot6; 80 aeras in a good state of cultivation ;10 acres bush. The soil is of the best quality (not heavy clay.) There are on the premises a good brink house, large frame ba rn, it good sized bearing orchard—mostly winter fruit.—spring water, and two good wells. The farm is, well fenced, and eyer•ythiug is convenient ; it is a most do- sirable home. Will be sold cheap and on rea- sonable terms, Apply on the premises or to FRANCES EvaNe, Centralia P,O, FARM FOR SALE.—The sub: scriber offers for sale the north half of lot 30,con. 13, Township of 'East Wawanosh, County of Huron, containing 100 acres ; well fenced ; a good stream of water from a never - failing spring; nice young orchard of choice fruit trees; aframe bank brrn and log house; 00 acres cleared and seeded down balance bush. Price $4,000, two-thirds cash, Possession given any time. Apply to D: Stewart, cattle - buyer, 1Yingbam, or to J. Matheson, Hay P, 0 FARM FOR SALE.—The subscrib- er offers for sale 50 acres of land, more or less, being the North Half of Lot A., in the 0th concession, 'Osborne. There are on the land a frame house, frame barn, and horse stable, also a small orchard and goon water. Tho property is pretty well fenced and soil of good quality; situated miles from Exeter, 7 miles Irani Granton; and 9miles from Lucan. Pos- session given after harvest. Terms: ; pur- chase money cash • balance to suit purchaser. Apply to JOHN CORNISH, Elimyille LOCA ORTmvrr IVIPLOymENT ,ka wt g prererra2 Also SALARY pormonth. An. EXPENSES, examine goods and priees. E advanced. WAGES promptly paid. SLOAN actn.a06Oss-)r¢eSt.Cincinnati.u. T. DEA:RING.. CARLING'S TDEAIRINGwould respectfully intimate to the public at large that he bas moved from his old location, and henceforth his MONTREAL TEA STORE Will ibelocatedin GEO KEMP'S OLD STAND (one doqr North of Drew's Block,)wherehe,will be found as of old, with a large and well as- sorted stook of entirely new goods, consisting of Ready-made Clothing, Tweed, Shirtings, English Corded and English Moleskins, Cotton- ades,Brown Duck,Cashmeres, Dress Goods, all descriptions, Corsets, Ladies' Hose, Mus- lins, 'Lawns, And everything usually kept iu a well -stocked Gouoral Store. I am maing Snecitl Rates to close. out my Spring d Summer Goods To make room for now Fall and Winter Goofs, which are arriving tinily. 1 carry a fine and well -assorted stock of Choice FAMILY GROCE�Ti,IES, Which I am offering at Rock ottom Pates TEAS, TEAS, TEAS S t I malcothis line a SPECIALTY,, s FAItEEPfODUCE TAXENIN EXCHANGE for Goons. I would thank my old customers for their patronage, and hope by strictly honest dealing, and fair unions to merit a we of your custom and win many new patrons. Call and FOR Spring & Sumrner Goods General Dry -Goods, Black and Colored Cashmeres, Ottoman Cords, Nuns' Cloth, Jersy Cloth, Ginghams, Lawns, Plain and Spotted Muslims, Prints in endless variety. r� ��tt�� We have now on hand a choice lot of Millinery, Black and Colored Ostrich Plumes. Fine display and remark- ably low Priced. Gents about to ,purchase a SPRING OUTFIT I Would do well by calling and examining our large and varied stock. Suitings in. Worsted, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. Our Pantings are "Simply Immense." In Hats, Ties, Scarfs, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Braces and Socks we have a fine, Display. �'�j� ��'1 c .LI 0 8 1�..,7 8 S NM We take the `lead for Style and Durability. We have -just received the finest 'lot of Shoes both in Ladies' and Gents' Wear --that we ever offered, at prices that will surprise you. Give us a call. We will take any produce you may offer, and will give the highest 5 price. A call solicited w T �. C. 'LII Ci, HURRAH, HURRAH 1VZILT OflOCL4 i-na Cup and Saucer way With BV1R'POt`ND of L'AktisTGr PdWDtli, ', tir6has�ti ,� cry,