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The Exeter Times, 1886-6-17, Page 7
1 4 � � : . I ., , . I � � : , - - !,� . , � �, � ,: � , , � % � I � � �� . " . , , I .�, 1� I 1f r _ aAmeA of the different kinds 01 appter grew' A MANGE WR90 t, �e had heard nP noise ficin }neat rokeg Atha ^1-� xz" am' goat tom�ta hue bafo` esti )pinnas. 0,, NADIA%f AABO DATo 1�8@'►, am fa i f might, flanks and beams Bora broken azuD THE H W Ed,ara»Q�i o b worn , Berg bad, If men: irtco ---* To , a be innla :,IQ ft, ,ii ting of 1�i1+Y the I'lrlraCa Inida'R cyaute� shattered f n e ettange u's �'r and roaQ of wA i> y t_ "o It by beiu 'tet , little weak an' a1 0>si. r m e S g a Pyne reed ++ ':v knocked pbout'a bit la 'm Lluxo.' had xiie some thaowY abp2lc it. What do ]f „ ._ leap al ar of y 1 � oil 119V9wri 111.0 .. 188u, we scoured two, hundred p 1 I've o k, he �' v f o sh it am not a wise polroyto hotter at ,,,.•-. ' in at°An of three and, four earn, i rOwth, said Charles Miller, a white hegded Old think , 41'ollr air, T beli11 eve that the follow Hlnfit' �° tt -t a ,9uada s per 1 g raged ilea_ d nod heavily qn a crutch, was' A p#rate, and ,that he was vror>� swage. em from de pulpit d y w y, p Toax acre suis zaoNTrtueL, tharq we planted is well prop , rx u Sank Tor, who lea y To, mead chino, or broken earths , ,, ax alt , P do.wu to ua whoa o whale repo under him. e vo hlok solution of um arabic in y ar, lathe rows whore they aro to stand and to ++sad I've seen scans khiags tin land ;nail this craft was a light one, and the Now woa tali a ry t g until xo ctnartaa, (No, 23), grow lis the orchard., without an afaer water and stir into it plaster of Paris y sea which wero:tao deep for mY grappling• t , e me res a loutia . The rows were laid. out 36 Ilona, I went out to Australia in the oixtwa enough to OpmPletel9 hale itlad to iiv ollt ho miztare becomes of the opnsisteroy of Jad o ChewpO, After rising from has sea r I tasted the vineyards, I mad x n p g on batter theory I shall g I rakes g p axils a d T lasted trees in. fent apart, botwesn the news, and the trees eroaari, Apply with a brush totheb with an effort which broke a suspender gardens And eroh .. n r am a' foremast hand on A British" ship, I it, I q pp is to ether. In $ p shipped for the voyage, but bad food and ledges of the ware an ale g le uare in two, offered the following ro• them of all kinds of fruit," Thin we believe --the moods"' stocks—were lasted 18 Poet __ ' three days the artlole eaunot •be broken in solution : to be a true account of an '°.Arbor Day" 'apart in the rows, warm treatment so diegcestod me that when � Bab �Il>7. ,. ' Y whiteness of the co so- a die Llme•Slln. Clubs m Cho came lace. The w_ _ Atesolved pat y noarly three thousand years age in the Holy In a former Planting, thirty years ago, of an arrived t Melbor the took h`of the l3aye p y k t doubly valuable ree in her attem 't to throw land, in and around Jerusalem, an rsoorded an orchard b the wi lter, he planted: thq and flea that amattar the bulk o£ the crow 0a the 17th of Msy booming cannon and moat makes, os i d y , pathiLaa Bid G as _ p r est h ooh: y fe of a xeshun n at o i^^ Solomon, We longs from the to treoe 30 fent a art aviary way ; thoeo hoes was ahead of me, After making two or flaueiting banners aanonnaed to the popxe, Chilling the otomaroh with load drink ofI de yoke pp _ A p by Klug p hroo onset voyages I brought up at Sydney Some- ars before de nobility of do ole world, e ° the apt our loso0as ,o# the fataxos hour spread aoross the rows, lana of Madrid that a baby boy was born In only another way of taking cold o_ nig...... ty Inge f p the p coo of �6 and engaged for trading voyage to the the since,: ".the cable hurried the ne'tra ' *+ our hand for five '" Brudder ahewso, do Yon rffar dat rose, and we can never know too much of We coneidor the present distance e pSpanish body has said Hold q ora a the el a of sad 1S feet, between Nnrtb•west, sitar asndalwood, eP#sea, and minutes a basin of roe water, and thea luehun i asked the Pres#dent, aft good dorso in times of old and l y fleet between the rows lkes f that I ship ad on a email ander the reale to C1uba, whore the s In tell me what ` you think of , pouring that moment of silence, other yeare. the trees in the rows better than the former the 1 . a p guns again roared out Choir greetings tf, mile y so much +: Yea eah," Wham a beautiful picture l A lesson for all one of 30 by 30 Time will tell i schooner called the Sparrow, the master of future king of Spain, .A committee ley 1 shilling l#gold into your stomach, , ar hand. The loo 'r Whar' ens Greece '!" en0ratlona of men.l Behold the great King, •ghost 240 seedlingstooks planted out In which was an Englishman named Davidson. priests nail nobles paid Choir respoots :to Cha mord r is said than your „ ", g baso. of American D na0 duh• oastla astdo for a day hip Moya► robes, and the spring of 1885, ere in prmo condition There were seven r di all told, and had infant sovereign am. the royal palace, The Pitcher is said to be tyle u g no doubt the improper use of ++ Whar' am do yoke 1' joining with him, people in the good work of for root•graftiog in May,1886; and ontbena were loaded with a trading cargo. We had date of the christening was appointed, and life, There to] We axon, hose, hat shovelo nails, Biro It has hurried man a man and woman into ++Dunne." � mak[ng gardens, planting trees, decorating to celebrate our Arbor .day of 1SS6 lathe trinkets whiskey, shoes, muskets the Popo of Rome ocnsented to sat as god - e y " What has we got to do wid de nobility and beautifying the land; and then pro• xo rt grafted with grata selected from choice clothes y, ' father to the child.' But all the splendor the grave. as rooard• powder and shot, clothing, and alrri0at which acoom snits the advent of the prince Ta those, ,lo have dyspepsia or are con- of do ole world Y" claiming to all people and lands, winter apples, 'the graft's are doing well, p p b 11 means. tr the +' I—I duntto, ed is Holy Writ : -" I made me gardens and with a very few exoeptioue. We had me everything aloe you can tBir,k ai, We had cannot hide the daagera and difficulties sttpated I, old say y A y baby milk sed root nurel It has ++ Whar' d[d you Rlt dot resolnehun? orohardn and I planted frees In them of all oared last Fall a few hundred small coed- taro ar,unoa mounted lea deck, with a enp- silk woad or• mi w q y " i 1 of small arms and the captain, made no which mast be Overcome before these 11 w have triad it, Its botanloal +` I dashed it off„eah, hinds of fruits Therefore, Arbor Day, n hng stooks which we root•grafted during ply , P hands may wield the scepter, The bey's cared a „ sa dash yerseif down name Is Asaloptae Cornet#. Dr, Gunn says Well, now, y , this and every land is inlet a following in the th” winter for planting out this spring, secret of Cleo f oh that• we might have use father, King Alfonso X[I:, died November he root to a cart of whiskey, on our cheer, an' down let as beAb no mo footsteps and adopting the lessons as laid Daring last Autumn ground wan prepared for thorn. You aaa, at were to round Cape 2S, ISSS, and the queen bas a#neo acted ale two feat oft q y11 but I have found it beat to a tee. One of you fur six weeks ! When ifs.. club has dawn by the wisest and greatest of mea—By for plead ,g out 160 trees, and an this York, which I oalnulate la the north point regent for 'her little daughter, Mernodes, . butIwill oto that burning , teatlon ale riot frew sympathtzln' Bid de Untted `estates, ging Solomon, prepared ground we have made the experl- of Australia, and there boar up tar Borneo, the hefr•apparent to the throne, The birth swallow p soon as swallowed, assails, Mexico, Cuba an' South America Canada awes much to two men. The late went this spring of planting out the bast of While ha waters in that direction area of this prince sets Aside the rights of hill v man little feet to care wa may reach out furder,, Until dat time James Little, formerly of 0 dedonfa, In the one root grafts in the position and rows in art of the Indian0oean, you hear of the five-year old sister. Mothers who have y count of Haldimand, where the writer firat p , , ' The Carlisto play an important part In for I have found I think, the apody and comes your resolusiaun will lie under the y which we intend Cham to grow in the Java Sea the Banda Sea the Arafura Sea beet way to mend ink, t e Take the table." met with him In, 1816, His particular study orchard. The bttlnuco of the root•grafts bt- and several ethers, and there are enough the recent history of Spain, and as they are I crochet hook and mitton•atiton in the heels LATER ON, or "hobby," during a long lifetime was the, lug planted in a nursery, to replace any that atratte, islands, and channels to turn the liable to make further trouble before the knees b narrowing each round after gibe Ssorotary annouaeed a comtr unlaa- preservation of ' our forests, and no one in mag fail of those laced In their ermaaent head of the average captain. The Venture, ouu kin becomes of age, their position ', Ad can by out the cid part, Good on from Dr, E hriain Sweat, of Qaeteo, Gmada, from long experience, was so well pgaition, After a pear or two there will be 218 I understood it, belonged to parties in shoo d be well understood, The faotlan starting, d tion l? fitted to write on the subject, And the dant to select from the nursery to afford Sydney, thou h T'th#nk the Captain hada 1 sa now. announcing that ba had a were remedy for P y g , arose nearly fifty yearn ago, Ferdinand VII, A de000tion of lemon is said to be an the cholera, 'and heat in Daae the club $an, H, G. July has devoted much time of an extensive planting, small financial iaterept, was king' of Spain, and having no acne he antidote te, malaria, m Cat aP a lemony peel would forward him that he would sand 0n and study to forestry and the planting or The young boys of Canada will learn from 1 ape had the m xture of good and bad abollehed in 1830 the law of 1713; which ea- 1 and all, ince thin slices; u tt into throe three barrels of it by feat freight. renewing of our forests, and, we believe, It the foregoleg what an old Canadian boy, luck to be looked for on the voyage, and oladed f4males from the throne. `.Chap his 11 ld all, I of water, and boil it down to Dna Whalebone Hawker moved that the was through or by him that Arbor Day has now approsehing his three scare years and finally gee dad the cape. When we had infant daughter Isabella sun mothseeded him g become an established thlog or fixed Ineti• ten, has done to celebrate the Canadian Ar been, dye headed to the northwest we (1553) instead of hie younger brother Don 6taesfaL StraIu the liquid through linen, money be forwarded at once, sad Way- m pool, and drink he wnolo amount when down Babes, Samuel Shia and Bider Tecta to%ion in Lower Canada, bar dap of 1SS6; and if they desire and have ojpohe a Frenchman, who gave ns a tip. He Carlos. The Carliate—pa�rtleane of the 3at- coating, arose a the meet S motion. Brother We have notnotieed�ay special or Partin- a taste to deoura,e.thuir Parma and beautify had comedown from the Spicas, and on ter prince -dented the right of the king to _ Gardner waved them down and paid : alar accounts of ticedng done this year on th,• land, they have a true and faibbful ae- two or three ocomoions had been dogged by alter the succession, and resisted the rule of '+ Do money will not be aent—net jlat ylt. Arbor Day. Doubtless there has been, here count of what he has done, and should any to aiiiaal native crafts, which had hesitated last Isabella seven yea of arms. The civil wax Choice Recipes. In case de cholera loan' come along die and there, over the land Boma work done to or there viRit, ten years hence, the Ruine of h att leu him on account g his size. T3° lasted savors years, ending In the defeat of 11 a French Buttered Steak—Take a piece of summer we'd be S50 out. In case de celebrate the day, There has been some La S•.11e's Canadian .Home, two miles above had four cannon and a big cred to broad- w, and on the Carlisto (IS39). Don Carlos—aheX71 i -h, round steak throe, quarters of an inch thick, cholera does come, an' we hold out fur planting, or rather a sticking in of trees on the Lahine Rapids, they may recall this aside©a° chap who evidently had been inters ed to lay 18alle V. hip friends called him—died in exsio, e - Trim It neatly and beat it with the outlet awhile, de doctor will probably Prow In an the squares and other public places !a the homely at tleie, him p ocan His el alms n the throne have OE bat ; sprinkle it with pepper, dip it in oil, extra bar'1 to alone de trade. Three city of Montreal. Tais shown that the The foundation of an orchard has been keep hiseyesleen day ,,ad ,light and oa1I. Carlos. to bile grandson, the In Spain DOE- and broil it over a clear fire. Turn It after bar'l might possibly pull din club frew, but citizens approve of and juin the good work ; laid by planting 350 reotgrafta this year P y p yg Carlos. Thea prince appeared in Spa1n ins. It has baso on the fire a minute or two, and It won't do no harm to hey an extra Dna en even the aunool boys dna girls are most an, after his own £sehien, Besides this there ed out his good- In a way to plainly show 1573, when the country was !a confusions, , i keep turning ft often till done. Eight or hand.° thuslaetio to plant hoar trete, were planted of small finite, p111ms, °berries, that be expected he had hoard the last of and undertook to win Cho throne by forces,„ ten minutes will do It. Sprinkle with salt NOT AT PRESENT, It must, however, be painted an, t0 our grapes, strawberrlea, &a,, a good quantity, to ns, While his news had no effect on our The opposing faction proclaimed Alfonso 11 , and serve with a piens of maitre d'hotel city amateur planters, that digging a deep which there will be Added every year and hype Lo mak© apfight if attacked. t at it and things in son of the deposed Queen Isabella, as the •• batter placed over or under It sad fried The Rev. Penstock arose to a question of narrow holo and snaking a tendon ng a tree replaced any that may fail, Never despair,lawful monarch, and in a vigorous oarops,igQ• . 11 i One of the local papers had re- in it, somewhat afar the fashion of planting bays, if any or all fall, plant again, just " As we bare up we passed between the drove the rebels from the land (1876). 7!igov Potatoes rour4. it, privilege. of the northern provinces remalxt Charlotte Russe—Linea lain mold with furred to him ae " saddle•oolored noon who a cedar cwt,' is not the way a young true make it a point to learn from the experience Timor Lant and the Area Islands and made P wanted to be Alderman from the Third P more die Sell, That sea la dotted with faithful to the cause of the pretender, and Savoy bimoutta, oarefnlly ons to fit exactly ; Ward," The insult applied to he entire should be planted. Oar country friends or teachings of the peat year lessons Per the the Banda Soa. and then navigation Bee with people know how to handle and to plant a young fattire, his appearance at any time would be the brush over the inside (very lightly) with club, If ho was a aeon Chop were all We ask the boys, the farmers' eons of Islands and reefs, and we had plenty tti de signal for a serious uprising.' Since the the whit® of an egg and not it on lee. Beat Doone. If he was eaddle•coloreel there tree . tP kee clear of them `4 s sighted a few death of King Alfonso, there have boon a hal} a int of rich Dream with one ounce ' Canada, to gather a good quantity of nuts, p P P dissolved in Buf- were fifty other members is the same fix, The roots are generally planted too deep this coming Aatmm�, of the nut -bearing trees sail, bat got no alarm until well Into Banda rumors of a union of the two claims to the of ' isinglass (previously He proposed a suit for damages and in b our amataars, far below their original waters. Than, one afternoon, we made out fiaient water sat to cover it.) Sweeten to g y of Canada, path as the Walnut, Hickory, o in throne by the marriage of the princess I+4er- j the name of the club, positions and, again, the trees selected aro Oak, Butternut, 8co., atld make a plot in a strange -looking craft m the north of ae seder with the non a Dap Carlos. ' taste and flavor with two liquor glasses of +, What fur," blandly asked the Presi- too large for planting. Select young trees the corner of the garden or farm and have which had evIdea, come out from some Toe birth of a male heir pate this arrAnge- noyeau and the juice of half u lemon. Pour dent and plant them as near the surface As they those ante planted. Plant them thickly, not port or bay along the chain of islands be- meat out of the question. for the prince out - this into the mold and cover It wlsh a slice f l Fur slander, eatii In de fust place. formerly grew. Go look at our forest trees; deep ; )ust cover them, and' in the following twaei nes and the New lth neaher comet, ranks hip Pieter In the succession, of rCIt to pro-, y of sposge-eake out exactly the size, Ice it I'ze not a saddle cul!'d coon, an' de next I the roots in moat oases will be found running autumn, or spring of 1888, by which time Though she had the wind with her she was bable that the queen -mother Christina wile and turn it out very narefutly. loan' want to be Alderman." on the surface or alightly below, in no burr to chat in, The there w aaa the stalks would by a foot high i morn, 9 continue as regent until her son becomes of eoted her from the first and there wasn't1. Domestic Fruit Cake—Ono pint of dried "Brndder Penstock, de man who starts The trees thus planted daring the past have them transplanted and placed In a man of as wiz° did not give his promise to age, or until A revolution makes a new tarn apples; soak over night in cold water, then out in life ealkerlatfn' to frow a stone throe or four years in the clt�of Montreal, nursery, in rows from 3 to 4 feet apart be• o down with the schooner rather than let of affairs, shop tti�aa small se raldna. Put to this ebary time anybody yells at him has s hard notably on nitentionlon gwas good but the uare, have been a tween the rows, and plant the young stalks B about 6 to S inches apart In the rows. By her fall into the bands of the pirate. Sties one and f cupfuls of molasses and job on hand. Nebber you mind your nom- failure, this means they would, Ina couple of yearn name dawn an a diagonal course to cut as The Ciid Doctor's Story- stew until all the molaseee is absorbed by plexus. you can't tarn bleaker, an' I'm labour bad. They were ,sok downo wind n wind afterwaxde, have any number of young trees off, and at sundown, when the Cap:aln went Cho apples. 7,e this add one pound of As fay you called bleach oust o $Il right. could snake them quite Theyfirm, looked v ry prat to select from to plant out is position to quit aloft with his glass to look at her, she was " I have a little story to tell you, boys," +, chopped raisins, one cupful of brown saga , , their fancies, se near that he could make out enough to the old doctor said to the young people the one cupful of butter, one cupful of pear You kin git then by callin white folks ty for a couple of weeis but wg b.3on pore lesfleeps Trees, groves and forests, have received bring Ulm down wlLh a fans as white an a other evening. '• One day—el, long hot day mile, two beaten eggs, one teaspoonfal of 'possum. If you doan' want to be Alder- downtn ho cold clays forcing their droots, ib. It had been, too—% met my father on the � soda, two of all kinds, or to taste, Mix man nobody will Won you to. Tndeed, art#pular attAntion and study of the sacred new flying j search of good soil. A young tree is a very oeterm is every age, and have graced the , .. package models spicebly stiff. Add the fruit last, gelled you hasn't lend chance in a thous! of If they grew at all, to grow upwards In poet's lines, notably, ,a sweet einger of Ia• said a15twe gathered around him. The fill• he ilea to win you would take tis packs iia In flour, Bake a long time, glLtfn der 1 " Pd like a watt of de club on de gneehnn tender thing, therefore, handle it tenderly, rat? 1 Who has not read of the •• Goodly low means mischief, Whila he has no can. the village for me, Jfea, of a suit fur damages," said Penntocp:. plant it carefully, better to plant a dozen cedars "—the cedars of Lebanon and the non, he has men enough to eat us ap in ossa ting, - Now, I was a boy of twelve, not fond ,1,gB LIME -KILN CLUB, A vote was taken, and he found himself trees well than a hundred carelessly. stately oaks of Bashan 1 he,: an for ut them aboard.' boar 'from him, wa had of work, and was just out of the hayfield, entirely alone. Those Arbor D aye will have a decided and Some of these giant cedars, on the sunny getting y where I had been at work since daybreak. — permanent effeut for good and will create a slopes of Lebanon, may have been twigs, or soon he wind hat he owas rapiuld dly dying ououteall t. In I was tired, dusty and hungry. Ft was two After meeting had been opened with. taste in the lining generation for the plant- mere saplings, at the rise of one or other of too, Out fart aaoident than Samuel Shia Alderman daehne's Conviction. Ing and growing of trees, A noble taste half an hour more we were lying becalmed, mite Into town. 4 gr g the great Empires of the Eazt, and were, .. break�nga v7ndow-papa with his elbow, and worthy to be en°earaged, it Instills a aentartes afterwards, still groan in middle and ae night came down the fellow was My first imputso was to refaee, and love of oenatry. Trees planted In our young age, on the downfall thereof 1 within a mile and a half those nes. Every one harshly, }or l was vexed that ho I di ` ask and being fined "$320 and costr, Brother In August, 1584, the Now York alder• of us knew encs h about those native crafts mo after my long day's work. If I did re- Grardner arose and said: men, by a vote of twenty to two, gave away days around the home of our youth stand We have, in Canada, our own tail re $ " I presume de fatk dot Uncle William the right of building and operating a street like eentinals—beacons—that aver lied and tug cedars and our stately spreading cake, to know that this chap could be worked fuse, he wood go himself. He Basi a gentle Balla has passed from girth away am railroad lea Broadway. This was doaehas• are always }rash in the memory of the wan- Let,ns not forget these trees Incur future down to ne by means of Dare or 15weepe, patient old man. Bit something stopped known to moue' members of dim club, tilt' In secret and againat the veto of the icier. Canadian Arbor Days 1 and them Basso doubt that he would come, me; lent of God's goad angels, I think. While he was not one o£ ns, he was a mayor, The circumstances were ale anepi- They grow on and flourish and when the,1111140We got the Big gags over lea the starboard "' Of course, father, I'll take it, I said, side, p giving m scythe to one of the men, land known to all, He was on 010 0101115 that a committee of the StateLegisla• wanderer returns in after years to visit the laced the muaketo and anti heartily, g g y y1. man, but ole alga did ,not take him off, tare was appointed to review the proceed• home of his youth, the members of his fam- Why the Irish bike Green• handy, and the cook was ordered to keep a He gave me the package. . nor did rlokness hev anything to de wid Ings; Their Investigation showed that the it may all be dead or scattered (as is the hot fire in the galley and give us all the hat °` `Thank you, Jim,' he said, ' I was go.11 - his domime. $e ]fat sot around an' died be• privilege was obtained by corruption. A t cane o[ the writer) the trees alone whish he mud aim i ht old Greek leader land saved hwIes mean water poaeible. We knew that most of the [ng, myself, but somehow, I don't feels very11 knee he was too good to tib an longer, He their recommendation the Legislature an- , B y y pirates would be barefooted and we hunted strong to -day, g y g planted In early youth are !bort, blossoming in. all the arto and sciences, came over from up all the old bottles aboard, and teak all ,,He walks 'with me to the road that tarnd- war a man totally widout vloes, an' I hope nulled the charter. The right to operate am of old in springtime, bearing temptirg Asia and taught the Ba �ttans latter®, In nobber to see his like agin, the road is to be sold to the parties who Asia and the. word Kadmns mean, the the glassware frem the pantry, and broke ed off to town, and anhe le#txput kh�pn and ++ I tall you, my frieuda, de man who will pay into the city trea-inry he largest fruit in summer, or crowned in autumn with the articles on deck. The broken glass on my arm, Baying again, y their front tinged leaves, closing the year In Esst•mau, while the word k,urepe, which has no small vines an no weaknesses am a percentage of their receipts. colors, a prelude to a Coming gradually was a piled to a vast extent of would inflict savage wounds on their bare son. You've Always been a good boy to 11 Pullman which it will be well fur aiverage „ While the State authorities were thus ea- gorgeous $ P fait,' You nee we did not meat to be taken me, I hug Thi eahoel boys and girls of the present without having Bene our boat, and it was "Iharried into town and beak again, humanity to avoid, He am flat about as gaged the detectives were endeavoring to rPriag, to these lacontinents d just acroass from thop�laudpof bad as the pneaon who am all viol: rowd " locate the bribery. Their efforts resulted da who have their tastes fostered and en. Eabcea, on J the other side of the narrow understood -among n, that, sooner than When I came sat the door. I saw s othem conxa ed, Both by precept and example, straitealled EurIpas, and means in Pbce• have -hands' told on us, we'd go overboard of farmhands at the door. One of them '+ After de ale woman has cl'ared away In the arrest of fifteen aldermen of 1884 y to the sharks. Capture would mean death, spoke to me, the tears rolling dawn his de supper an, I has fed de pig we not down The other flue atepected members of the will not only grow up having a practical face. , ...� nician, the Westland, So when you read anyhow, ll -d al! an' light our Go'n-cob pipes fur a smoke, board are thus accounted for : One has knowledge of tree planting but they .will of Kadmas Gaming to Europe, it Is the ,, Well, when we'd done all we could In " ` Year father 1" he said, ° He fele, lad SmOkfn sin one of de email vicoo, bat as we turned State's evidence (thereby securing rover suffer the trees so planted by them to E, sstman coming to the Westland. Over whiff an' puff I glance at do old woman an' freedom from prosecation), two cannot be languish or be destroyed, From every and over again in history we find names, the way of preparation, and when each just ase reached the house, The, last' bless de day I mar'd her, as she glances at dead, and two are dead, point of view the observance of Arbor Day In to which all sorts of fanciful derivations man thoroughly underatsod what wan ex- words he spoke were t0 you.' coil both is its practical effects and Its de- haus been given and beautiful legends sad petted of him as the attack begun, we had " I'm an old man nor , but T have Uhanned me an, I see a smile creep ober her old black The first case to come to trial was that of p nothing to do but wait. He could sweep God over and ever again is all the years face, Uncle William sebber smoked, It Henry AV. Jaehne, four times elected older- uostin influences en the future. The time down to us in the course of an hour, but, that have passed since, that those last wards seemed powerful wicked to him, but he'd man, and vice-presiaent of the board for Is not distant wben every parish or Town, tie simplest kind of words. Thus out much to our surprise, he did not appear he spoke were, "You've always been a god sot In de twilight an, groan an' grunt an 1886 The most important evidence agalnat ship in Canada will recognize the Importance also means the Veotiand, and it comes when the hour was up. The Captain's boy to mt,' " 11 worry Providence until even de dog was him was his own confession, made t° the of tree 'antis and celebrate Arbor Dy night lass had been broken by accident, No human being ever yet was sorry for disgusted. chief of the detective force, In title with enthusiasm, thereby elevating the from the Celtic word s t. and our word land ; $ $ lar meaning the West, lar, before being And we had ale means of knowing what he kindness shown to athero. Do not begrudge "leiter we gim frew pmoktn' wndtae interview 20 Oo to Bills for blebat he vote in i ver ofrecefved the taste, and causing a noble rivalry in the rig- used to denote the Pest, meant the book,11 fiddle an go ober to our darter L y ," $ in generation to beautify our country. fellow was about. ,Toe night was not over kind deeds and r witt',yorda, about the 04 to Oar worthy torefathera found this noun- secretconcerningthe religion of the Celina dark, and we counted on having him In those who gather with you bbent the same when de young folks came in play far em Broadway mearnro. Two, detectives who R $ and that foot lets us itto an Important try an unbroken forest. Their duty was mo who first came evax the Irish sea to the sight for four of fivd minutes before he could hearth, In many -families a habit of nagging, to shako dear heals a leetle. Uncle Wil- had heard this conversation from plaodeuce of level the forest, to make food-produoing Emerald Inland, It tells us that those lay , aboard, A second hour dragged arose al fee feeling oilred gibing, gradually neath. Ham sebber danced, an' de sound of a fiddle concealment corroborated the evidence of y swap, end still no sign, Then a third wept,. the coal Feeling of levo that lien deep beneath fuse nobber heard in his house, Acoordin' their chief, Jaehns's only reply was a gat farms and comfortable homes ilei us their earl men named the points of the compass to Uncle Willism, fiddlin' an' danctn' was dental of the story, The jury believed the children. The giant trees fell' before the y P and the men began C be nothoun. The Aad after ail it [s such a little way Chub acooreliag to the other directions when the mate enggested to the Captain that we pro we can go together i nex' doah bo highway robbery, but I'ze detectives and At an early hour Sunday sturdyblows of their axes, giving Place to vision the yawl and Abandon the vessel ; snows him to seep a mule free days widest morning, May 16, returned a verdfot of cleard farms, to wheat fields and rich observer t was named from trent, or f ward, and if the idea had been backed by the crew $®1pB do MOTB Work, food or water kale the an kicked at th® judge ma making a Ionnce was gyspe ah to tb onounced aria- meadows. the West from bank or Behind, the North I think it would have been carried out, him. Theirs was not the Baty to heed the cry from left hand and the South from right g p g' °� ++ extraordinary oaoaehuas, when T suer, In which he expressed his horeor at of �„©adman spate that tree 1" all ' You nee the Baffin had upset the mate, Machinery Ia not labor saving. �Tht mea 0m the enormity of the crime which had been hand, That means that the early Colts though he was a brave man. I think the who works with a threshing maohine, hev tumbled ober the wheel bagger, run wn committed against the people. The men- shared a like foto. The duty, however, of worshipped the Dawn and the Sunrise. Captain was a bit rattled, but he had made works am hard ae his grandfather did with a sack amble da clothesthe eatlinh r gone d the resent generation Is to decorate andAnd so u his mind to save bin schooner or go down flail, bat he produces greater results. To hen I has indulged in ones- tenon ,vas the moat extreme labor In the beautify those now treeless farms, by plant - maimed fa men�m minds inethat big7tweestern With her. those who think only of the price of wages, cellar Ina p, allows Tito ri<on nine in portions of each with trees which words, mems of which would measure nix- State- giro for nine yearn and ten months." $ p be pleasant t° the eye, but will in island of the British Empire,) that, to this +' A third hour passed, then a fOnrtU, machinery is a fraud, But to the customer tentell"from tip to tip. Uncle William The result of this trial willtendto strength- not only p day, the emblem on the coat of arms of sad than we began to believe that wa had of manufaatured articles it Ie a boon. OureB Mwore. If ha straok hie foot spin lIo ooddesoe in the effiolency of the areaoe the value of the farms, for which a Ireland is a sunburst, or rising sun. beep deceived. The stranger watt a native mothers used to card batt own wool, spinelsaak an' pftahed head fast into an an pub ht °owin generation will thane no, Another curious thing fa that it is more trader, who meant uo no harm, and the and weave It, and it Is no disparagement to hen he of up as humble as a licked laws against wickednessin needed in mand any The made a solemn resolve, of than probable that the Irish preference at crowd of paeple on his decks might be our wives and aorto. Ifttthat thea do not ach p g to teach a le possession of the old home, to re- bay an' pmitodall de way into de house, titles. getting p the color green, for heir flag and thein islanders who Berle being traneferrod from Thoy can't afford to. If it were not too ex He didn't swear, but he made do fam'Iy new, or rather to planta yenng orchard o' sashes, arose from a mistake among thoao one island to Another, The Captain ale- pensive, the present race of girls and vivo111. dog hint h1e cave, an' de chill'en believe the ground where the old one stood, and in who bad lost a thorough knowledge of the knowledged that he had been too quick In ment would do this and more too, Machin- dat acyclone was to eight. a, I Manitoba, the Speaking Clod. doing leo endsavoared to find some of the old Irich language. The sun, in Irish, in his conclusions, mud so midnight came the cry it has not obviated tine neossaity of "Now on' den somebody drops in a Far awn In the great Northwest lies a old long keeping Apples of Canada ; in this palled by a word pronounced like our off watch turned in with ,many a joke on work, it Is only given it a new direot[on1. la a %me of anchor, it's a weary y p lues a Hama to Cho provinao he has partly succeeded and has aomin blob word �� green ;" and it is likely that the the way we had been fooled. I was on Good machinery is a good thing, Bat the p • y thin to la keerds, but T zs sorter lake which has g country known as the re planting after his awn fashion, w Irish fondaeas for that color arose from the watch when .daylighm came. Naturally Mau who expects ft to da his work cant be wicked g P y foald, it bel n him to do more work, Lakin' my ahanaem, dot if de R000rd#n' formed In the lied River o y young words exact likeness in sound to Choir enough, we had an eye out #or Clio trader, p much slat agin me do Lawd Manitoba. From an {eland in this t t nous t tIt o him Inmthn his Arbor Day of 1856. word' forthe 4sun, Ih the name way, when and as the gray minty lifted wo got a ser• Angel cant find m frew. Uncle William amber the stillness of night, Issues will on no ac. A difficulty presen.tedritstlf. No trees tyle talk about groonhoupem, we think they L prize, In the quarter where we had seen Slay the Exhumer• 46 will paps me " rd. He left my cabin, one sound, The 011bwap Indiana alit a land• could Be tial of the ®lexis wanted ; Plenty of are Called so because the plants are ksp him the previous night, but not mord than teohed a kat He wouldn't count approxoh this island or m g + om out, hums rafted tinea could be Bad from the nnrsor• green in thorn daring winter, Yet it is far a anile away, there was a grant heap of The ion cot word In the l n Iiph or rather ,, . night kaao I bruna, ant home 1n there. Tb believe it to be the g e but. he w g les ,at'about mwenty dollarm per hundred, more probable that '+ green, hers, is the soak staff on the smooth surface of the ease Welsh, language has, after along period of 11, than took at one of m, ase of he " Manitoba, the Speaking God. , 1 t of soft son k but none of the kinds wanted, :There have Irish 'word meaning, not the color, but the but no trader, A boat was lowered, and oblivion been once more exhumed. It ie , and wife had ober o kitt e p This caricas sound #e oaaaod by the Beating 0 and autumn a les o eenliousee are built s0 as to i break out. t nes been too many eumm r Pp ,uCi; hoaaus gr two of us pulled mabeto th0spot, There Llaniairpwl3gwngyllgortrobgllgorohwyraby- hle wife had Itt de pig axe of the waves on the large, flat, thin a a am 1—wh d throughout Canada of late voaye catch the ann's rays and store them u Were s ars, planks, timbdre, cordage, #arai• Iigogsrbwilzauttvatllogogegonh. Thio ward +' 17ar am 000ashane nm l y line tilt shares. At the northern ox planta g and no export b clouds as ha poop syconatllables, y ex am oat What that i when there Is surplus a p while it is hidden y , P tune, and either Articles mixed up rn a better' of 70 letters and 22 a titan d Che suub subject I feel dat a glass of hard cid 1 the Island there Is a low duff of aced s ars of shower Inland, kinks enter ne weary tram ty o£ . demand much early ripening apple more than half the time iii y gkto sltor vyay. It might have boon compared village fu Wales, given b the Rev. J. Kiii$, „' is needed to take do kin y Ole woman, an' fins•graiado lee of a ihammtoao, whish, like) a value but late and loag•kceping apples � ,,,,,,,,•._ _ �,-.._. a house which had be blown down by a lecture I lately g by In wilhich she slips do, T wink at de o or winter and spring ' draws some older der' .the stroke of a hammer, clinks 11Iat clan. be stored and held f P g that it means :=di St. Mary's t she slips down cellar an • , he waver beating on the slioxe at The boy had been in the habit of going to a hurrfoand, ..Among the wra0kage we &%, �• , atthe mapoum, ' e I 'a sot it's wicked to steel, T r hoof of u , P nae the fallen frog• demand. old lad s residence each suo0teding foauddead boils,, though ills sharks Coon w tehaze t fu , William the foot of the cliff ca Uncle W herefore vies doaidtd to culticate none t id y ti . hbr aril. them before we bad trade a aloes Inspec• white hazel Pool, near the turning pool, s at, drink hard it o Deed, s to rub a nisei each ether and give T g Hing p y t ant Homo went g keeping a ...los. Two of saOU applta eprla and raking and ulna � on, The hull of the Craft was not thorn, the whirlpool, very near the poet by Marta - notched ns at it one night, an its w somblln the chimes of din- but late k P g Pp Tuffs year he went as usual. The old lady I 'un had lost a out a sound xe g e selected from two of the old tx000 stilly charges, But Chore wore many bottom planks, a par. Ilio, fronting the rocky inlet of (xogo. liarrifled. One of his chill church bells. This. plicnomenon ale 'war t Imre min- asked him what would be his l$ d min o asked dat.,yonng • Cyst c north standing in the old orchard, % ., um " }1e re ltd. .How le tion of the, rudder, and all ho- sails and 131ankiaee girls In mourn• cent, an do goo p n iia ours when the gales blow Crow the , 0 dOWhat are the P"g b. , e n his ha burs called i tcilir, tnixo to oultivate tele many porta ; some nosy. rwo d0ttaxa, m d *leu but one dollar iters- oordau . tam until some # y and then as the wtualp cuboids low w g as man as fifty varietios that I I glover,�ai ,y , enol In "kee c bdvo y mum on set labPz 1d lea " you will ask what had happened t but ing for V 't llotiv Parzot, In wears slice, re 1u le Orin voice art he inch to£ozo+". "W011, �,y p P , n bod amtii(ta lil li w" g balf a dozen 0110108 1; ,,+ n dal a y y rnwla whore a lentil.» 'Che I aannotaasw0xran with any satio£a0tlon, Ing for a parrot l Wiry, tt'na'. Psitivt,sao , I airs t holdin it p ,. Travelers assort that the effect Is g g ai and, ie must nsiet on our w ors rigs u., . TravO ofite,ble, It le rather It, r. or irate had been wrecked, hot rilego."' "Oli, brit tbfb oma 0ou1 repeat the1. should be bad but do Blah de pxeaoB vie b00n await- would ba mono pr cleaned n the 'aid htreelfi and The trader p Lord's Player), you knew, ' shod + , pr mon ae very impr000ive, and they ha would nndarstand, as mean odd on that the amuning to visit one of those now orchards old lady el p y. Bou ienary, oeelety, not on -Ciao roake' car by► wind ex exploslotl, y dat our small Blood an' woakneod am ds enod at night under the impression y and to hear the youtgatora thyme over the seat one the ailoo dollar to safety -valve which pr0veate txploshun, have been listening to church, bolls, - •, ,