HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-10-30, Page 21: * R pftal enc b µBrew i the +may Pi ntion attend this year bV over delegates. They represe Ontario's public hospitals� government -operated hospitals and nursing homes as well other heplth care institutions and associations across Cada and the United States. at body elected the ► lowing SUP:Wo *s °uneii for 107546. resident Judy )Carter, tars • Karen aAltrer, Debbie '+sal rt. "tudent's Council will ', ` l ing--up--ne for �.�tjh� the students at it t C ��.i. . Pictures Pictures were taken of the pupil at Hullett Central on O$ lez 9, 1978. Both in- dytduai and class pictures were taken. Then it was the teachers' turn. The photographer was -from National School Services in ondon and he will return on November 12 to take the pictures of the, other -kin- dergarten class as well as any others that were missed. The pictures will 'be given ...et your house? Ws time to can your Welcome Wagon hostess. She will bring congratu- lations and gifts for the family and the NEW ,BABY! vet100e Pre ,- travelle4 t e try bus. new • This il,, we welcomed a new secretary, Mrs. Lobb, to ourschool. She went to high school in London where she learned secretarial skills. For the Past two years, she has been studying English and History at the University Of Western. Bntario where she is ail -enrolled-- -as..-..- _ -part student. Her hobbies are doin crafts, wing and cooking. We hope- she enjoys bein part of thestaff' atHullett. West1► Fair In September, the grade six •- class and the power learning class went on a field trip to the western fair in London. Mr. Riley, Mrs. Ongarato, Mrs. Bemoan, Mr. Talbot and Mr. MacLennan were the teachers who accompanied the students. Both classes had to answer questions regarding the animals at the fair. When their research was complete, they had time for one or two rides. Many ► Chores citizens tillttInd tills.it a bit easio walking t on the towns sidewalks: In the future as the.pubilc works e department embarks on a sidewalk rebulding scheme. During the last week, sidewalk en Nary Street has been g torn up and replaced. (News -Record photo) Power line safety At the first of the month, Constable Wray was a guest speaker at our school. He carne from the Ontario Provincial Police Station in Goderich. The friendly constable showed us a films on power tine safety and had a little demonstration which showed us the power line safety rules that we should remember. Constable Wray talked to the kindergarten classes about other aspects of safety. Making soup One Friday. children from grade two brought in some Vegetables including potatoes, carrots and tomatoes. The class then washed and cut the vegetables and Miss Walsh led the class to the school's kitchen and they watched the soup cook. After it was done, they ate it for lunch. Some disliked it, while others thought it was very tasty. Prenatal classes are ex- pending, in number, this year. The fall program, which started September 30 has about 20 registered persons in the class, not all of them pregnant and not all of them, women. Nearly one third of the class are Hien. Marlene Robertson, a Huron County Health Nurse is running the fall classes. The classes include discussions on changes in the body during pregnancy, tabour and delivery, breast feeding and bottle feeding and the new born infant. There are also films, demonstrations (how to bathe a baby) and exercises. The program is held every Tuesday night from 7:30 to 9:30 pan. in the Health Unit across from the Clinton Public Hospital. Winter sometime in Spring classes April or May. The course last eight weeks. �v et, °iGuroiflo, the u to nary u -4 in + cel a artm nt+i +pltai Adcrlinistratlon, e of UYgiene, at the University of Toronto. first appointment was Adr;tiinistrative Resident at -St. Hospital, Montreal, ere he later became Assistant Administrator. From 1990.82. he was the Admiinistrator 0f Kitimat General Hospital, Kitimat, B.C., and from 1962.68, he was Administrator of Cornwall General Hospital. He, was appointed to --his present position on May 1. 1968. Mr. Robertson is a member of the American College of Hospital Administrators. He is Immediate Past -President of the Board of Management of the Waterloo County Victorian Order of Nurses and Vice - President of the Waterloo County Health Council. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of O.H.A. since 1967 and has served on many committees, including the Executive Committee, the Finance Committee, the Pension Committee and the Education Committee. The new president is married and has seven children. Mrs. John Mulholland Mrs. John (Maud) Mulholland, of 79 Huron Street in Clinton, died October 21. 1975 in the Clinton Public Hospital. She was 93. Borg, Rebecca Maud, to George and Mary Cantelon in February, 1882, she was raised in Goderich Township. She was married to the late John Fletcher Mulholland, in Goderich township, in 1904. They resided in the Holmesville, and Clinton areas. She was Past Noble Grand of the Huronic Rebekah Lodge 306 and member of the Wesley Willis United Church. Surviving Mrs. Mulholland are her children, Mrs. Russell (Muriel) Beyers, Clinton and Howard G . Mulholland, Crystal Beach Ontario. Also surviving are 11 grand- children and 16 great- grandchildren. The funeral was held October 24, 1975 at the Beattie Funeral Home in Clinton, with Rev. J. Oestreicher officiating. Interment was at the Clinton cemetery. Pallbearers were grand- children: Ronald and Gerald Mulholland. Wilfred Jervis, James Brown, Bill Bryden and Jack Bryden. LOCAL HOSPITAL PEOPLE TO SEPAK AT OHA cONVEit TfON Local hospital people were among those who attended this year's OHA convention this week at Toronto's Four Seasons -Sheraton Hotel. Chaplain Kenneth Beal of Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital addressed the Chaplains' meeting on the subject of "The Role of the Chaplain in Human Organ Donations" on Monday. On Tuesday Dr. Martin esnick, a psychologist from e same hospital spoke on the topic "Behavioural Aspects of Obesity", at the meeting for dietitians. Mrs. Mary Power of St. Joseph's Hospital, Guelph, SUNDAY, NovemaeR 2, 197s 9:45 ,*.m. SWOOP Scher 0:09 OM. Worship Servicer arid Hurry 1140 , unlor Omoregatiert Confirmation CCAs SERMON:° "HE LIVES WHERE YOU LIVE" Everyone a Wel+ ome UNITIO CNUI(H THE C$u$CN THAT CARES H SERVING Ps i uE MINISTER JOHN 3 OESTREICHER. 0*. R R E -ORGANIST MISE CATHA INE POTTY CHOIR DIRECTOR MRS WM HEARN SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1975 SERMON; "THE OPEN DOOR" 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Service DONALD A. ROBERTSON HH.LMESVIELE UNITED CHURCH 1 p.m. Worship Service and Sunday School SERMON: "THE OPEN DOOR" CHRISTIAN REFORMER CHURCH. Clinton Prencetea Stsewt +Guaranteed Granite Lettering +Buy Dina and Saver oomt'Risssidns. Rte. PHONE 3574910 REQ. 3514015 Services: 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. (On 3rd Sunday. 930 a m Dutch Service at 11 00 • m The Church of the Beck to God Hon,, *rico! Sunday 4 30 pen .CHLO EVERYONE WELCOME RAI IELD APTIST CHURCH "EVERYONE OF US SHALL GIVE AN ACCOUNT OF HIMSELF TO GOD" .— *061 14 12 PASTOR: BRIAN HARRISON 10:00 a.tn_ SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 ens MORNING WORSHIP T .Ts tit. EVENING WORSHIP WEDNESDAY • pm. PRAYER MEETING EVERYONE WELCOME ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1975 23rd Sunday after Trinity 11:30 a.m. MATINS Nature is generous. When we reach the sitting -around stage of life,- she provides us with more cushions. INSURANCE 1.. tONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST CUNTON—MON. ONLY 20 ISAAC ST. 4824010 SEAFORTM BALANCE OF WEEK GOVENLOCK ST. 527-1240 K.W. COtQUHOUN INSURANCE 8 REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 432-9747 Res. 482-71184 MAL HARTLEY FELLOWSHIP KIM CHAPEL 162 MAPLE 5T (1 street crust of Community Centre, 9.45 a en —WORSHIP SERVICE 11:00 a.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL end FAMILY 61111.E HOUR 8 p.m. Gospel Service Tues. 6 co p m -PRAYER and BOLE StuOY For information Phone 482.937) JOHN WISE GENERAL INSURANCE_ GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS Clinton rr Office: 4 4$2964 Raw 432-7265 BOX 1033 212 JAMES ST. REtIN R. TENCH . B.A. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT TEL. 4824952 CUNTON ONTARI0 NORM WHnNG LICENSED AUCTIONEER 1 APPRAISER Prompt. Court null. EffiCiant ANY TYPE. ANY SIZE. ANYWHERE We Ors complete rata Novice PROFIT 'BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 220-19EXETER BRYAN LAVIS,ItSURANCE CALVARY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 166 Victoria SI/001 Pastor Leone May 324-1823 9 45 • m Sunday Sehooi 11 00 a m eforninp ytrear hip r 00 pm Preys, Service and Evangelistic Service r 00 p m Wednesday Prayer Service 8 00 p.m Friday. Young Peoples ALL WEVCOME AtUMIRUM PRODUCTS For AIr-Mttater Aluminum Doors and Windows end AWNINGS and RAILINGS *JERVIS SIRES R.L a;eervl*-GI Albert ClIntow442-9390 ST ANDREW'S PRfS$YTERIA$ CHURCH REV EDWIN G NELSON CHARLES MERRILL ORGANIST SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1975 10:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 10:00 a.m. Worship Service St. Andrews welcomes visiting missionaries. All Welcome Your test chance to gal that new FAI.I. COAT you have been wanting .... while the selection is stilt good at the Pump* and Injectors Repaired For Ail Popular Makes Huron Fuer injection Equipment ealtifild Rd., Clinton -482 -TM CNA*TE11110 ACC•)UNTANTS 39 VI/as* Street Gtech., Ontario Office — 524.2011 P.O. Ilrxx 307 OPEN WEDNESDAY tPEN FRIDAY NIGH Charternd Accountants 208 Main St., &star ARTHUR W. READ Ru*tdent Partner BUS. 2354120 RES. 3394075' PASTOR: JACK CHRISTIAAtgs SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1975 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Classes for all ages 1i:00 a.rn. Morning Worship All Visitors are Welcome COME BRING A FRIEND SAINT JOSEPH'S. Catholic Church James St. Clinton Phan* 4#2.9443 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1975 Father Tony Sond*rip visiting pastor. Regular Mass --- Sunday 11 amt. CONFESSIONS - Ssturdayr 715 a.m. AIL WELCOME