HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-10-30, Page 8ac
fay tai
been utt,
the bumper
�iF R ode on
nee has
n the gena for
ertafor Sat.ni tt, .July
3; a Gomel Sing has been
offered by Ann Chapman to
held - in Clan -.Gregor
Square, Sun, afternoon, July
4; The Ministers in the
• Village are planning an
Ecumenical Service for Sun.,
July 4 (no time has been set
as yet), and the Bayfield
Historical Society has offered
t+o, set a h storieal display
the Old Town Hall to be
+ n for the four days of the
p?rnae t
Bur c iat ente,
Carel Fi.ei
charge Of;
etc., l
Or aniPst •
nister: arilstid a , F)o ,r
Odtlieif..sone in erg* a of
activities involving the
marinas, Don Hart and Ed
Beck; in chargelg
'aa display of fishing gear,
antique ardeles'dealing with
• the fishing industry etc. Kay
Many ideas were put forth
_ at the meetingand. hopefully
an the near fa ure.these will
be finalized, coordinated and
advertised. A name las not
been chosen as yet for the
Celebration, so your ideas are
welcome,' but one thing was
repeatedly stressed at the
Bayfield personal
Gavin Wo+olklver, Saginaw,
Mich. visited his great-aunt,
Mrs. G. L. Knight and other
relatives in the Village during
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Coleman and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Fisher and
baby alt el Walkerton and Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Coleman and
family of Zurich visited.
Sunday with their mother,
Mr. anad°Mrs. Harry Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. Paa&Graharn,
Barbara and Nancy returned
to their home in the Village
during the weekennd after
spending the past two weeks
in Lauderdale-BrThe-Sea,
Florida= While there, they
spent a day at Disney World,
t gland° and reported a most
enjoyable holiday with ' good
weather all during their stay.
Miss Winnie Armstrong,
London was with her family,
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Arm-
strong. James and Julia from
Friday until Monday. Visiting
Sunday with the Arrnslag's.
were her bit -other -in-law and
sister, Mr. an rs. .:
Collier of Kimaoka.
The Bayfield Ever Young
Senior Citizens are rerahided
Meir refi►r t meeting on
tburasday evening, Oct. 30 at
7:30 p.m. in . the Municipal
Mrs. Eric W. Earl spent
last week in London with her
daughter, Mrs. B. A. Quigg
and grandchildren. Kirn and
Mr. and Mrs.Glen Smith,
Paris visited on Saturday
with his mother, Mrs. 1.. B.
Mrs. Milton Pollock and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank
McClincheycalled on Mrs.
Pollock's sister, Mrs. Bertha
Turner on Friday evening to
celebrate her birthday with
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sturgeon
attended the wedding of Mr.
Rick Westlake of Bayfiefd
' and 'London to Mlss . Judy
Neeb in Kitchener Friday
evening at St. Peters
tt�¢ Cbu Ind
reception whieti followed a
the Tasmanian Club.
or. ne
in Clan Gr..n
re. they Will Inst
es into a huge cruor
! . o [owing will `"'be n
and Benediction.
Arrangements are also being
made to entertain the young
people after the parade and
possibly a dance later in the
Community, Centre for the
The next Centennial
meeting will be on Wed-
nesday, November 19 at 8
part. in the Municipal
Building when progress
reports are expected. For.
those who where contacted'
and unable to attend the first
meeting, please try to come
out. on Nov, It We need your
participation, interest and
ideas to make this a great
Paleroro and baby son of Milton
were their guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruss
and Chuck, and Mr. andfMrs.
J Qrrs, Wynn* (mei Mr Mon
l,Pru—ss All a Loddonwere at
the Pruss cottage for the
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Ludlow, Mississagua, Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Mason,
` sit Mich, and. Mr. Glen
"riiitat41 ., Were' ' the
guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Lynn for the
Mr. and Mrs: Hugh Pollock,
London, Mr. Ernie Pollock,
Varna and Mr. and Mrs, Ken
Pollock,- Jim and Jane of
Hensall were Sunday guests
of Mrs. Milton Pollock,
Goshen Line.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Scot-
chmer, Molly and Jody, St.
Catharines and Mr. Calvin
Scotchxner, London visited
with their father, Mr. A. F.
Scotchmer for the weekend.
Best wise to Mrs. Lula
'Smith w is recuperating if
'her home following surgertin-
Clinton Public Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F.
Sturgeon, Jeff' and Ruine.
Orangeville, Mr. Bud
Sturgeon and his fiance, Miss
Barbara Davidson, London,
were weekend guests -of them
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
B. Sturgeon and. brother
Andrew. Mr. and Mrs. Gary
Potter and Merry, R.R. 3,
Clinton joined her family for
Mr. Robert Lynn and friend
Etobicoke were at the Lynn
residence on River... Terrace
for the weekend. Mrs. Lynn
Mr. Norman F. Cooper,
Mrtunt Clemens, Mich. was at
his residence on Clan Gregor
Square for the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Young
and family , Goderich, Mrs.
Mary Boyce and children and
Mr. Ken Boyce and family
visited . Sunday with their
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Boyce, Goshen Line. F a
Mi. and Mrs. Albert Craig
visited with friends in (til City
:fo`r'e "vireo�end� __.._..�w. ....�_w ,..�.
A very waren, welcome to
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Van
Patter and year-old
daughter, Melanie, who have
come from Hamilton to make
their home in Hayfield, The
Van Patters purchased the
Bonthron home on the north
side of the Bayfield River,
and moved here two weeks
'ago. Mr. Van Patter is a Real
Estate Agent with 3. Kern ,.
Hamilton. The family chose
Bayfield because of the
scenery, climate and its x
quaint and refined at-
mosphere.. We sincerely hope
they .enjoy their residence in
the Village.
The new senior citizens' apa.rtmen+ts in 'Infield are nearin ..+rant lesion as workmenwork
overtime to get them ready. No date, however, has been se; for occupation. (News -Record
Scouts, Cubs boid registration
Scouter John Siertsema the Village is sponsored . funds. You are most welcome
related many of the aspects of jointly by Hayfield Lions Club to attend
Scouting and Cubbtng to and the Ladies Auxiliary The parents of these young
the parents - who attended (mothers of Cubs, Scouts and people involved in the
registration night, Thursday Brownies), who pay for all movement feel very fortunate
evening *n the Old Town Hall- the leaders' uniforms. tran- to have leaders for such
He was assisted by Tom Mill sportationto all leaders large, active
rg groups in the
and Jeff Maymap whit are conventions, fees for courses, Village. There are several
helping out with scouts and supply or pay a babysitter if giris in the area of Girl Guide
by Mrs. Carol Fisher, needed and supply the tun- agee. To revive the Guides,
assistant Cub Leader. ches for all activities and they .are desperately in
Scouter Siertsema also functions, search of a leader. One
outlined the • uses of the $5 "Dere are :approximately 60 person has volunteered her
registration fee. He said that Brownies, Cubs and Scouts services . as an assistant
$1 goes 10 the National this year to support the L.A. leauder; so if
,Council; 11 cents for isyou or anyone
County and in- in need -of members. The reading this appeal is willing
liability annual dues are $.1 per to lead the Guides, please call
surance; . for promotion mother .and if you are unable any member of the executive,
and servicing at the District to attend these meetings, May Anne Yates, Joann
and Group level; 62 cents to your dues would be most Bullen or Linda Talbot. The
develop, promote and operate . welcome. The L.A. has L.A. Plan to hold their next
training courses and 85cents planned a Tupperware Party meeting on Dec. 3 at the home
of Linda Talbot. See you at
the Tupperware party and at
the next meeting!
for administration costs, for November 10 at 8:15 in the
operation and upkeep of the basement of the United
Provincial Headquarters. Church to help raise needed
He said many of the varied
activites in the Scouting
.progrmxt{t�aatn;t1.et t ice ta
.11 f
the boys and that they are Sincere synpathy to the
. planning to become Involved family of the late Mrs.
in the Centennial in the Margaret (Robert) Scot -
Village in July 1976. Mr. charier who passed away at
Siertsema said their aim is to her home on Sunday morning,
help boys to develop Oct: 26. She was in her 92nd
character as resouceful and year. Predeceased by her
responsiblemembers of the . -husband; she is survived by
community by . providing three stepdaughters, Mrs.
opportunities and guidance Don (Dorothy) MacKenzie,
for their mental, physical and RR t Bayfield; legs. Bert
spiritual development, The- (Florence) Dunn, Bayfield
it principles are: - that man and Miss Mabel Scotchmer,
must to the•bestqfhis ability, Toronto; and one stepson,
love and respect God - respect Harold Scotchmer of Winn -
and act in accordance with nipeg, Man.
therhuman dignity and rights She was predeceased bye
of individuals - recognize the one stepson, Lloyd Scotchmer
obligation on. himself to and cine stepdattighter, Mrs.
develop.bis..potently.:.��_-...;�.... _wani carr stli a� .,_,-.._
The Scourting movement in The funeral service was t
held at the Ball.. Funeral
Home , Clinton on Tuesday
Oct. 28 with Rev. James
Reddoch of St. Andrews
United Church, Bayfield in
charge. interment was in the
Bayfield Cemetery.
t3 goderich
When to
.� .. P S L1A-RE- ..- --
f, rp
renewal a b .in
'build a shoppi g
igb a r of 8 jest outmpenlsiidermit,
+ odertch.
Be ry + u .told the
ignal Tues+ evening
in al :telephGerone interview that
representatives of Rockledge
Properties Ltd, will be
meeting Wednesday.
November 5 with Goderich
Township Council concerning
renewal of the permit now
expiring after one year.
Gary Davidson, Huron
County Planning Director,
will be at the meeting which
has been scheduled to discuss
the township's secondary
Reeve Gann said council
will at that time review the
entire matter of the proposed
shopping mall in Goderich
persona s
Mrs. Margaret Garrett
'spent ,the weekend in Port
Huron. Mich, with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker
returned home on Monday
after a trip to Nashville,
Tennessee. While there they
attended a, performance at
the Grand Old Opry and
toured the City to see the
homes of all the Opry Stars
and other points of interest.
r9n ,.. v}ye.KNk
Townshi , and added the
council was ttsf ad wi
bid for renewal orate perm
members cuald extend..:
without further delay
Preliminary work, had. been
completed at the Rockledge
site with sewers installed l
"A mall in Goderteb
Township is `not a dead
issue," Reeve Ginn said. .As
far as I'm concerned, the
proposal bas never been
dropped. -
444 club meets
We hac(our October meeting
at he home of Karen Talbot.
We had to bring and show
food label from a convenient
yeast product. We discussed
the goodness of bread; a food
guide for health; sweet dough
for rolls and buns and sour
dough bread.
We all shaped baking rolls.
We would like to, thank Mrs:.,
Talbot for having us at her
home. Our next meeting will
be at the home ,of Joanne
Sturgeon on Wednesday
October 29. - by Karen Erb
-Doctor. how long do I
"I'll put it this way: I
wouldret buy a 30 -day supply of
Itir Pr
TopOuaiity Men's Wear
now at Rock -Bottom Prices
during this special Fail Sale
A special grouping of 60 suits: sites 31
• to 46. Sh s. Regular. and .Tads. In-
cluding 23 sums in the Executive Body
for the more mature man.
70 only, Specially blended together to
be a smart. casual suit. Sites 3$ to 46 in
this group. S Shorts :ulars, and
&ic utuitias'tillaa' its he owwertied ..
ler P.H.C.. bit by November le, I $, tindty geliWOHltiTinVe-00414t talt* phone 40160I
5riet ,Sate .at
fil�fllol pants. r shades,
Sites 16 to 36.
With waren pile lining.
it only. In dark'e'r
shades, nosily sites 34
and 34.1
dr11►l.AR S3C.liS