HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-10-30, Page 31 ries: in
t9�74, at flit:
to different
mpete in
t?ntpetition, f 'er,
interest is, promoting
la Of bilk In Huron
wa ehnwed..a very
film on the
tng ofcheddar, cheese,
mos Fes%
Mrs. h. 'w "yndaji gave a
report f the •i !1strie Bally
held* ? ei ave on O cit her 6.
She MentiOned the good
display of quilts and the Jo-
teresting history pertaining.
to patterns. Mrs.' C. Elliott
reported for the afternoon
session. . Mrs. W. Scott, was
guest speaker and gave the
bring a grand;oor as►e,
guest . and a Past p.dtare, oS'
Mrs, P. Cummings then
took charge of the penny sale
draw at the end of the
Mrs. 11« Adams and her
group served hutch and a
social half hour followed.
the l sstrike a...nd, so e e en
,p�s� tlair o
protest signs to - express their dlssatisfaetion with the
postal workers, s sign on. the + piton Post Office
summed up their feelings. (News -Ric+ photo)
situation. ...r.a.... k 'the Food
Prices Review Board showed
that if a family of four knew
what to choose from. the 14,000
food items in supermarkets,
they could save up to $900 a
year from their food
The sial meeting:, of
olmesville Va King
'easties was held at the
home of Mrs. Betties on
October 27.
We opened the , meeting
with the saying of the pledge
and eight members answered
the roll call, 'The supper dish
you made using bread as a
much ingredient."
The minutes were read by
Ann Klornps and we
discussed our skit entitled
Fancy breads from other
lands were discussed. Also We
third in the sheet on "do you
remember the iasis . of
ea", a discussed what
we. have to exhibit on
Achievement Day.
miry Jean ant Ann made
cheisea buns, Christine.
Debbie and Brenda made a
Swedish: tea ring. Bev.,
Sherry and Audrey made
Hungarian Bubble Ring.
gacb member sampled the
baked breads and found them
The meeting closed with the
singing of the grace and the
repeating of the motto. -
Chrstine Burgess
An Octobeer 5 joint fall
thzk offering with Ontario
Street United Church UCW
was held et ' Wesley -Willis
Church. This was well at-
tended, and after the worship
service, guest speakers
Audrey and Dave Temp gave
an illustrated talk on life in
the Arctic.
On October 7, the Fail
Regional Rally of UCW was
*held at the Wesley -Willis
Church. A delicious dinner
was served, celebrating the
50th anniversary of the
United Church.
After a worship service and
sing -song, and a short
business meeting guest
speakers Rev. Lucker and his
wife gave a most interesting
talk on their life work in
On October 17, the Morning
Glories held a most suc-
cessful Bargain Basement
Sale of used clothing for tots
and teens.
Alt UCW ladies are now
busily prejtaring for the
annual morning market to be
held at Wesley°Willis Church
November 1 from 10 aan. to 2
,Commurdty Association -
The first 1975-76 directors
meeting of the Vanastra.
Community Associatiblt was
held an Monday October 20th..
It was agareed,;x �e
Association would supper
both the Brownies and Girl
Guide Troup in Vanastrai. An
initial donation of $100 for
each group was approved.
In the near future, a survey
of the ' community is to be
carried out by the
association. The needs of
Vanastra with respect to
banking, postal service,
library, police protection and
other services will be on the
New +chef
This week I wish to in-
traduce a new gentleman to
Vanastra and area;
Bill Acker has accepted the
contract for food catering at
the Vanastra Centre. On
Monday, October 20th Bill
was open for business. His
services now include meals
for the Day Care Centre,
snack bar '9:30 a.m. to 10:30
p.m. Monday to Friday) light
lunches and take-out service
from 12 noon each day,
banquets, weddings and
social events.
Bill is,a qualified chef with
27 years experience. His
previous positions have been
with the University of
Western ttaria, as wellas
with the Canadian Military in
Koreas Cyprus, West Indies,
Canada and Europe.
Bili and his wife live in
Lendon. They have two
ildgen.and . one grandchild.
.Bial IS also a 32nd degree
When you're at the
Vanastra Centre for a swim,
bingo or dance try Bill's
delicious food. The selection
from the snack bar includes,
submarines, pizza, ham-
burgers. hot dogs, fish and
For banquets and. weddings
Bili will arrange hot or cold
dinners served in the manner
you choose. Welcome to
Vanastra Bill.
New improvements around
Vanastra include: grass has
been planted on theballeld
the Shillelagh is trimmed in
a bright coat of orange paint;
and new surfacing of some
streets'fs underway.
Watch for the Vanastra
goblins Friday evening.
While they collect their treats
they sometimes forget to
watch for cars. The Day Care
children are planning a
Hallowe'en Party Friday.
The October meeti kof the
Goderich and District Pro
Life Group was held an
Wednesday evening, October
15 in the Queen Elizabeth
School, Goderich. CO -
Chairman, Mrs. Connie
Osborn welcomed everyone.
Minutes of the last meeting
and correspondence rndence was read
by secretary : t Mrs. Harriet
Klazinga. Inn unfinished
business, plans were com-
pleted ,for the second pro rife
annual dinner meet.
Correspondence included
notice of the appointnnent of
Ronald Bastard as the
Minister of Justice and .a
committee to study the ap-
plicatl"onof the Abortion Law.
Of special interest was the
speech given by Mrs. Mary
Aim Lavaltee, representing
the voice sof Alberta's Native
Women Society and the
Saskatchewan Indian
Women's Association
following the presentation to
Parliament of the One Million
Name Petition last May 29.
She said; an �y�
"It is indeed over-
whelming experience for
anyone- to stand- in these
hallowed chambersrfe;i
the laws of" our -beautiful
country are made and to
watch Denn€ncracy in motion.
Itis even more overwhelming
for me because 'I am an In-
dian woman - an Indian wife
and mother. I feel as if I have
coxae home.
"At this moment I am filled
with awe and an emotion akin
to reverence plus another
emotion that is at once
exquisitely painful and joyful.
It is the same emotion which
a mother experiences when
she sees her.baby for the first
time. Her hospital room, her
own home or her tent takeson
thste.sacredniessof a cathedral.
"I have journeyed far to
'come to this place. I feel as if
1 am taking part in a Holy
crusade and that 1 am now
standingon sacred ground. I
come, not in shining armour
as the Knights of old but I
have come only with my
heart to guide by tongue to
'I hope that my words will
not only reach your ears but over this land. Itis a violation
your hearts as well. I know of allot Canada's motherhood
WI that there . are others who received their ,iCbarter
listening to these words from the bands sof the Creator
because their echoes stili Himself, who gave to women
relmuarrd within these walls T the command to look after
refer to Laurier, f acDo�aal* . each succeeding generation.
MacKenzie KingSt. ,Laurent, “Abortion on demand also
Ike Pears" and all those means that the poetntlal of
who have left these chambers': those unborn babes will be
to sit to the chambers beyond~ .
this worldput to an abrupt and cruel
s,I come from the canx- end. The abortionist might be
depriving Catnada of a
partitive isolation of my patentiaal Laurier, a Mac -
Indian reserve to represent Donald, a Churchill or a
the Indian women of Nellie McClung or a Pauline
Saskatchewan and also those 3ohnson, or even a Nobel
Indian women across Canada Prize Laureate - or a
who are unable to add their potential scientist who might
voices and their signatures to
the Petition of the One rid the world of some horrible
"We wish to add our voices
and our support to those who
are trying to protect the lives
of the unborn. We, Indian
women, most definitely do not
support the hideous cry of
Abortion On Demand. We
Indian women of Canada
belong to a culture which has
an inherent belief in the
sacredness of our maternity.
wills culture has sustained
our poples -rough countless
"'Yaks i n the struggle for
survival. The killing of the
unforn. „ is foreign and
sacrilegious to our way of life.
However, we realize that
more and more the ways of
the majority society are
affecting our lives. It is im-
perative for us to support the
crusade for the unborn if we
Indians are going to save our
culture. We cannot isolate
ourselves nor remain neutral
on any major issue.
"Our interpretation of
Abortion on Demand means
that the floodgates of
Abortion will be .thrown wide
' open. The blood of the unborn
babies and the blood sof their
mothers will stain the hands
of our surgeons and will also
spill over to taint the ground
of our beautiful country.
"Abortion on demand is a
violation of the laws of the
Great Spirit who watches
"Many' years ago my
forefathers had a method of
listening to sounds which the
naked ear could not pick up.
They scraped a hollow into
the ground then cupped their
ears to the ground. They
heard the soundless
movements of animals and
miles away they heard the
restlessness of . the buffalo
and the distant hoofbeats of a
" omour b ml res. o
behalf of titdiai Kamen
Canada and all the women
who are here today, I ask you
cup your ear and listen well
until yqu hear the noiseless
cry of the unborn who are
asking you for life through the
Petition of the One Million."
Mrs. Connie Osborn, Mrs.
Penny Pelss and Mrs. Martha
Kuipers were elected to the
nominating committee.
The filar "ft Couldn't
Happen to Me" will be shown
at the November meeting.
Clinton II -H
The third meeting of the
Clinton II 4-11 Club was held
at the home of Bev Slade, on
Tuesday October 14. The
tneeetin was opened with the
• 441 pledge and the roil call
Was answered by seven
members, "At what meal
they eat the most bread".
We then learned how to mix
brown batter rolls and
discussed the characteristics
abetter breads.
When the rolls were baked,
Bev served them and. 'retitle
for hoick. Our meeting was
then closed.
The fourth meeting was
held at thi home of Sylivia
I~ orbs on Tuesday October
e-roftcalt was answered
*eh member showing a
label from a convenience
t product used ire the
fuer n- learned how to
e dough forrotlk and
Make cloverieafe
figure eights,
Once again we are approaching Remembrance Day in .Clinton and alt over Canada. with our
ranks diminished due to the passing of time,,but with many things for which to be thankful.
The Royal Canadian Legion's slogan this year is
Today is yours. participate
When you purchase a wreath or wear a poppy for Nov. lith you PARTICIPATE in a dream
of freedom for all, which has been so expensive in Canadian lives in the past and which our
Armed Forces of today are striving so hard to achieve for our future. _
Remember our past with pride but Thinkof aur Future with confidence and Participate.
Our annual Poppy Drive will start at 7 p.m. on November 3rd with Branch
140 in charge of both the Clinton and Vanastra areas. Please leave your
porch light on. .
Specie, Invitation to all Legion members. Legion associate members and Legion -
affiliate members to participate in this canvfess.
Candles, Cards, decorations.
door swags. arrangements,
"rnske.y Our -ower' supplies etc..
Sale fins Tbursdily Oct. Nth
until Saturday November 1st.
Open' I1t:00 e.rn.. 5:30 p.m.
10:0 S.M. • 11:39 p.m. Friday
Just arrived... our new
collection of scarves, in-
dividually created by
o Patricia Dumont. French-
Canadian' in design. in
polyester or silks. To
tOmplem.nt any outfit.
Or the woman who ap•
predates; . exceptional
isshiOn. At your fashion
iqu.. Ftorn U.
s-r-s;r,.r-r►er T,r�*T?n'I!nnrR*^e�rMk•
Cltit"e4 OR -
M unity
n- Munity effort
` public first to
o that nutrition
ad secondly, to do
some, pirsitive
s s that Combe taken to deal
PLEASE NOTE: Legion PoppyFunds are now registered for income Tax Purposes. and
receipts will be issued for all donations s2.t}s acrd over.
On Tuesday, Nov. 11 we:: hold our annual service at the Legion .Hall,
commencing at 9:30 a.m. Parade to follow service.
On behalf of all area veterans, we thank you for your previous support.
Russell Phillips Harold M. Black
President, Br. 140 Poppy Chairman