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Clinton News-Record, 1975-10-16, Page 10
1..11, l:Y�' wrMRlma�.q'",�!'.},a - (w,.V w..�tat.M w,,MN. ,rel TAKINs1 CLASSIFIED ADS 2 O!cI:CKd SHARP TUESDAY ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AF TER 12 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER ;ARTICLES FOR SALE FRESH eggs at the farm of Tom Dykstra. WI mile south of Vanestxa, Hwy.. 4 Walk in and serge yourself. Phone 482- 2147.-44tfn • SEEN a picture in the News - Record you would like to have? Get a permanent print, either 4" I[ 5", 5" x 7" or 8" x 10". Order at 482-950 .---Stihc APPLES, pick your own. low trees, no climbing. Beginning Friday Sept. 26. 1975 Tatman Sweet, Snow, Greening. etc. After Oct. 2nd Spy, Delicious. Russett. Cider apples. McIntosh and all varieties on hand picked. Picking days. Mondays. Wed- nesday. Fridays and Saturdays. Closed Sundays. Phone 482-3214 or 482-9141114cCiymont Orchards. one mile south of Varna. --3943' HOUSE Plant Helpers --special its, pots, fertilizers etc. FALL. BULBS HAVE ARRIVED. Lawn care products, preferred Pet Foods. collars, leads and grooming aids etc. Durst Farm and Garden Centre, 22 Isaac St., Clinton. Open Daily, including Wcdi esd y&a m.- '-p-tri..--•38tfnar MOBILE HOME - 10' x 52' Baron, recently redecorated. fully carpeted, complete with fur- niture, 8' x 8' porch, and 8' x 12' utility shed, in very good shape. Call 482-9281. --41x,42 WILDW000 BEDDING KEEPER Now is the time to be thinking Of your- cows before they will be confined to their stalls. 25 K.W. alternators in stock. . GERRITS BARN PLUMBING & EQUIPMENT RR 5-CLINTON 432.7296 r c r r r i r BROADLOOM - CLINTON'S CARPET CENTRE + Wall to wall install ion ar Area Carpets. + Samples shown in your home. +Free Estimages. + Guaranteed installations. We have carpet specifically designed for every room in our home. Quality you can trust From - BALL & MUTCH LTD. HOME FURNISHINGS Phone 482-9505 Clinton LARTI u f Rr SAE (.ARS,.' . Pi APPS Pick your own 11 per bushel. Hwy. S. Phone 48241» --'42 moromaisiggrowammsaatomformaistasyas 2A. ARTICUS WANTED ONE CAR 1970,Cutlass OW mobile -t • cond1t1o0 car top carrier with Cover, Mt8. Pearl McKnight 4524844, 11 Eric St. Clinton. --42X 4. REAL ESTATEf R SALE . IN MPS. centrally located close 40' schools. 3 broom bonsai 1'at< bath wall to' wall, Reply" Elox 9 Clinton News - Record. Clinton, Ont. 38,49.41 4 f.ARTKCLES FOR SALE BLACK western saddle complete with bridle and blaknet. Please phone after 6 p.m. 482-7410 anu Saturday a.m.-42 QUEEN size holywood style bed, mattress included, new;. never used. Phone 4822-3397, -42 SMALL pool table 39" x 73" as new. Phone 262-5888. -42x OIL space heater. Phone 4829412 after 6 p.m. or at weekends,. -42 1973 CITATION trailer, sleeps six. Also canopy. Excellent condition. Phone after 6 p.m. 482- 7539. -42,43 1974 and sell. -42 HONDA 450 DOHC helmet shield, low mileage, must Phone 524-2740 after 5 p.m. CHROME table and four chairs. two end tables and corner table. two lamps, two odd chesterfield chairs, one storage cupboard. Two new 14" ford rims, one Dodge Dart 14" rim and snow tire tike new. one C.C.M. 28" lady's bicycle, one bookcase headboard for a double bed, one trilight lamp. one knitting machine. one antique light fixture. Phone 482- 7025 after S p.m. -42,43 R.G.A. Automatic Dryer and R.C.A. 30" range. Both are 5 yrs. old. Used by small family. 9100. for each. Phone 482-7200. -42 WHITE annex stove, burns wood or coal. Good condition. Phone 482-7465. -42 NORTHERN Spy. Delicious, McIntosh. Courtlimd. Snows and Kings. 92.50 a bushel and ftp. Fresh apple cider, winter potatoes 94.50 for 75 lbs. Also cooking and spanish onions and a good supply of honey. Art Bell's Fruit Farms. 5243?.--4iartfn BOILING FOWL ready for the freezer. Phone Mrs. Ray Wise 4529821.7.42 PICK your own Spy and Delicious at Wises Orchard. 4 roiles west of .. Clinton on Bayfield Rd.. Bring ceiain irate ltret --X31.40-4 t--_...__ Brussels Sprouts Pick your -own 35c a pound. Two miles west of Kippen store on Left. DAILY PICKING: MONDAY -SUNDAY. 10 , AM. S PM 315.955 Jackets ... $18.95 Shirts ,t.=. 45.95 ' orrds... $ 15.95 FURNITURE. glass. china, clocks. bells. brass, copper. Will buy for cash ar sell by auction. Mike Cummings, Auctioneer. Phone 524-9084.- 40tfn WE ARE now handling lots or part lots of furniture and ap- pliances. If you have articles to sell privately or by • - uction contact Rathwell'S Auction Service. Phone 482-3120.--32tfn WE buy any antiqueor household items, singly, or in complete household tots: ar sell by public auction in ebur new modern suction rooms. We specialize in estates: NORM WHITING AUCTJONEERLNG AND AP- PRAISAL SERVICE 63 Main St. Exeter. Phone 235-1964.--Z9tfn T.RRTICEES FOR RENT 1974 DODGE Dart - 46,000 miles. Phone 482-9774 -42x 1973 PONTIAC Parisienne. brougham. 2 door hardtop, vinyl roof, winterized, tustproofed, safety checked, one owner driver. original mileage 23.300. May be seen at 97 Cambria N.. Goderich. Phone 524-8144.---42 1972 PLYMOUTH 'Satellite. in good condition will safety check. Phone Steve Tyndall 482-346? or 482-2381 after five, e=42,43 1973 TOYOTA Corona - 5 speed. AM -PM radio, Michelin tires, undercoated. vty good con- dition. Phone 482.3320: ---42 EAL ESTATE ceiNTON. ONT. Three bedroom one and a half storey frame. gas heat. dining molt:. one .;and a half baths. Ontario SL near schools. Four bedroom .1% storey brick. oil heat. dining room, den and utility, room. rugged throughout. Ube5rt St. 20 Iatrg cycle, tot; FORMAL RENTALS for mem and boys. Contact Herman's Men's Wear, 482-9351.--22tfn CONSTRUCTION equipment for rent. Power trowel, small mixer, pump, wheelbarrows., good plywood forms and wedges. Phone 2364954 Mon. to Fri. after 4p.m Weekends anytime--t6tfn FORMAL RENTALS - Dress up! Go formal! We have the complete Wedding Service at Campbell's Men's Wear, Main St., Clinton (Formerly Pickett and Camp- bell's Ltd.) -144n 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE 1972- DATSUN iruck top (with new door hardware); 3 tires, 6 ply. ton rims. Phone 482-9793 Reg Smith Signs corner East & High Streets, Clinton. -41,42 1967 METEOR, 2 door hardtop, 289 motor, four new tires. recently safety checked, very ' good condition. Phone 482- 3623.-42,, George Cutler representing Tow newest full line Ford Dealers in Huron €eenty • Green & Parent Ford Mercury Soles LIMITED 263 Huron Road Goderich Bus. 524-2645 Res. 482-9782 eou A- FOR SALE -QaASS,.SEED_and €mineral - Otto Pick and Son Seeds -Ltd. Straight seeds or forage mixtures. pickseed corn. chain harrows. Embutax. Tropotox plus. Her- bageum livestock minerals. Phone 482-7858, Richard Lobb. sales rep .,-Clinton.----231fn FARM HARDWARE, grain scoops. stable brooms, showels. etc. Sanitation products. Proven product for groundhog control. Livestock Feeds bag or bulk. Durst Farm and Garden Centre, 22 Isaac St. Clinton. Open daily including Wednesday 8 a.m. - 6 p.nt.----36tfar Henilil livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:40 P,11 All cisme of Livestock We min y CONSIGNMENTS ewer saes map stieersiesii ^ swam atop 410.711t I canon mails tomes C - WANTED WANTED to rent small -•barn. Phone 482.9555 before 1 p.m. -42 ®„- LIVESTOCK HAMPSHIRE and Hampshire Deroc crossbred boars, working now. purebred OSS imported sire. Also York Landrace cress Guilts. Contact Paul McNally. Wingham 357-3724. -41.42•. THREE holstein heifers, due soots. Phone 524-7096.---42nc PUREBRED serviceable age Hampshire. Duroc and York X Landrace boars. R.O.P. tested and commercial. Several of these boars have been used on gilts. Bob Robinson. RR 4. Walton. Phone 345-2317. -42 NTON LIVESTOCK 0.EXCHANGE Auction sale Every Fri. Night at 740 p.m. Hogs, Cattle, Calves. Dairy Cows, Feeder Cattle dor information and Trucking COI Leo -Glavin-Crediton 234- 62114; Richard Lobb . Clinton 4i'2.10*; Howard Adkins • Zurich 2364129r Hogged Bros 1,atldesbere 402.9137. Tudor Wain Bayfield 324444$ 14.1* STOCKER SALE 1200 Head HENSRLL LSALES LTD. on Mondny. October 20. 1 97 5 s1t:0op.m . Consisting Of: 'stns, heifers, & calves FOR CONS1GNMtNT C ONTAC" 'i fit for 14rgreaves ($10) 412.7311 -Clinton eeri M1itir 1519) 23072/17 Exeter tlrt' (5191 224420 Ktritten NeR 4o4 Lot akotopoor Vanast storey' clition. ueb �r,ey�ef" Foix bedroom. 2 storey frame, large kitchen, dining room, carport, gas heat. Priced reasonable. Close to downtown. James Street. 13 olie)3 b fr Etan b droom, I% e , elle n- etts 5 Seaford' - 3 bedroom, I1 storey, frame, 95,090 down, vendor will take back balance of mortgage. Four bedroom 2 storey. vinyl siding, newly renovated. also has self contained rented 2 bedroom apartment. Ciose,„to downtown. King St. ' Three bedroom 11/2 storey older brick home, dining room. large tot. Garage. gas heat. Isaac Street. 3 bedroom, 1300 sq. ft., 1 storey angelstone and colourlok, built. 1973, dining and rec-rooms, 1% baths, mortgage available, Rattenbury West. Salesmen Hal Hartley 482-3693 Bordon Charter 482-9654 ;ta SW 5trNl Pflon 024371 371 MASON E XLEY. DRONER/MANAGER Country living on 5 acres north of Blyth. I% storey brick home with 6 rooms, 114 bathrooms. new oil furnace, 4'„bedrooms. Barn and drilled wen; 2 storey brick home on large corner lot in Clinton, 9 rooms. 4 bedrooms, new family room with fireplace. 11/2 storey acme ho : e In Blyth, with 8 �€ to garage, 1e/ bath . %' oorns. oil heating. Small 4 room home in Clinton, vinyl siding. one bedroom. nice treed lot. INCOME PROPERTY IN CLINTON: 2 storey aluminum sided duplex. 2 - 2 bedroom apartments, located uptown. 2- storey insul-brick home in Clinton, 9 twins. 4 bedrooms, living and dining room, full basement. oil heating. 200 acre d ' f yat Westfield, 11 storey bedrooms. complete mode Family • type home in Clinton. 2 storey aluminum sided. 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms. dining and living room, located close to school, excellent treed lot. Modestly priced home in Lon- desboro. I1/2 storey color -lock. 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, oil heating. 6 acres in Londesboro, l floor brick home with 3 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces. finished basement, electric heat. rooms. storsc�h rooms, scenic view. e in Blyth. 8 = rge lot with "FOOD FOR THOUGHT" Perfume announces a woman's arrival and delays her departure. TER S. tiAcicEWAN CLINTON OFFICE REf1I, ESTATE BROKER 44 KING ST. PHONE 482.7306CLINTON, ONT. A LOVELY HOME IN CLINTON: Comfort abounds in this four bedroom brick home. Living room with stone fireplace, finished rec. room, full basement, double garage. built in oven, counter top stove and dishwasher. All of this at a fair price. CL1teTON - A NICE PLACE LIVE Especially when you can purchase this excellent brick home, offering four bedrooms, 1 4 pc. bath, 1 2 pc. washroom. sun room. full basement, situated on a large lot with mature trees. NEW HOME PLUS 15 ACRES OF HARDWOOD BUSH: Near __HolanYitle. Although this home is not completed it is leery spacious and wrersecTeded7-Prictrite-aecardiance._w.ith .ttie .. degree of completion at the time of sale, 155 ACRE FARM: Near Clinton. 7 room brick home plus a two bedroom hemte on %acre of land.,This farm is modern in every detail, ,•, . , bu.itdings, three silos. with automatic unloaders, auto atic feeders, two steel grain bins, for fur- ther information call far an appointment. CASH CROPPING: Take a good look at this 200 acre farm, three bedroom home, and pole barn near Ripley. Open for offers. . When Buying oriSeiling contact: Leah Kuehl Office 442-7306. Residence 482-7304, Jo -An Sullen. Bayfield 565-2421 or Stan Kay, Blyth 5234464. Clinton Office Phone 4524821 CLARKE ZINN 5244620 PETER DAMSMA 482-9849 HAROLD WORKMAN 482-7458 Variety Store, with gas bar find good residence. VANASTRA HOMES 2 Bedroom home. fireplace. finished rec. room. 3Bedroom with vinyl siding, full basement. Large 4 Bedroom home with fireplace, in good location. CLINTON HOMES 3 Bedroom bungalow, finished rec. room on Queen Si. 3 °Bedroom bruck 2 storey home with fireplace on Huron St. 3 Bedroom Frame, Brick and Colour Lox. Carport, Matilda St. Lower priced 3 bedroom home on Albert St. 3 Bedroom 2 storey home. wall to wall carpet, Mary S1, 3 floor*, 2 fireplaces in this lovely large home. $ Bedroom home.in good candi"tion on William St. 2 Bedroom 2 storey home with .garage .on Huron St. 2 Bedrooms, 5 extrs tots''an King- St. OUT OF TOWN 4 Bedroom winterized cotteg+e at Hunter leach. 4liedrroom brlckhouVlandbarn on 2 acres near Holmesville. 2 Oetdro rn 110011 :on 'k'it acrer Kinburrn. fileMeh nleonlar�7atCarlow. e1 'hinge on kte acre near Styth. 2 Ce$1tl lO'4 on 11 acre on Highway near Clinton. River front* 'ge. 4 Iledraom brick horrt+eon 1 acre near -Bay teld. Mous. needing repairs on 5 ecres near Clinton. Modern homer ors 3 acres near Seaforth. Duplex, fully r►nited. on Geary St:, Seaforth. FARMS tee acre Dairy or cash -crop, geed Bolan, near S elorth. 30 acre dairy farm, 2 house*, Cbarns, near Goderich. bon near Auburn �t lld neer Clinton IN ecr'e cst'cropfltt'm. fargi 22S e�'�i fal m wlt l 2g .gpet to 10$ 1114 i` Myth. FORMER OFFICER'S HOME- VANASTRA Family sized 2 storey. 3 bedroom home pn Victoria Blvd., Vanestra. Features large bedrooms. McSter bedroom with his and her s. wale -in closets. 4 pc. bathroom upstairs. 2 pc. bath downstairs. Roomy kitchen. dining room. spacious living room with brick fireplace. Fountain in back yard controlled from house. Full basement with office. Gil F.A. heat, .cable TV. Existing 1st mortgage covers 70 percent of asking price. OTHER VANASTRA LISTINGS Quebec St, - 2 storey, 3 bedroom, aluminum siding with new ad- dition.` Edmonton St. 3 bedroom i s s storey 617,000. Winnipeg St. - 2 bedroom bungalow x17,500. MATILDA ST.--CLINTON New brick 3 bedroom electrically heated home. 1100 sq. ft. plus carport. SEAFORTH Four homes in Seaforth priced from 316,000 to 533,000. Mor- tgages arranged. BUILDING LOTS 1 acre lots with water available, 2 locations in the country. Priced at 53800 and $6500. FARM LISTINGS Dairy Farm - 240 acres with 8 cow milking parlour. extensive loose housing and large barn. Odder brick home. partially remodelled. $178,000 with terms. Cash Crop Farm • 200 acres all systematically tiled, no ditches. no hills. Good house nestled in shade trees and beautiful Lawns. 2 cattle barns, new steel shed 40' x 80'. Asking S185,000y DON IIOLST Branch ©1Hce: 5 Toronto Blvd.. Vanastra, Clinton Call John Duddy 482-3652 Rosiness Oppertoolty ON MAIN STREET. CLINTON mile -operated Laundromat. Will seta building separately will carry mortgage. CONTACT: RED GARON 442-9214 111111111.8011111.1.8011111.10100. HURON PINES REALTY LTD. 54 KING ST. CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 482-790i EVERETT Lauckner MLS REALTOR Permanent home 3 bedroom. living room 28 x 12. fireplace diningroom kitchen area,,treed lot close to lake • electric heal 10 per'it'nt aperrmertgage .. Ideal ail year round retirement home 2 bedrooms. utility room. large living room with fireplace. dining kitchen area, 1 pc. bath - electric heat. corntnunity well. landscaped tot. watt to Wail carpeting. real good lot in Bayfield Village u ith water privileges- something that is hard to find. lfuron Shores executive type home, stone fireplace. 3 bedrooms. modern kitchen. Four piece- hath. nail to is all carpet. beautifutl} panelled. wonderful h-ar vieu at the take from your Using room u indou s 103 .acres is ith 13513 feet of t'akef runt . Very: suitable for trailers or development property. Permanent home close to Lake, 2 bedrooms, den. living room with fireplace, modern kitchen. dining arca. Ow room --and 1„ pc. bath. Three sundecks. attached garage and treed lot. 3 bedroom. 1t2 .torr' frame home. living room. dining room. kitchen. 3 pc bath. Situated on one acre of good gars land. Lot 7 milers north of Grand Bend on hey. 21. 811 x 250 with water rtg,ht . field village. 2 bedroom. 3 pc. path, living room with fireplace. modern kitchen. guest house. large double lot. Three "bedroom late front sum- mer cottage, below MM. [hayfield village, 3 bedrooms. living room 24' x 14' with fireplace. dining -kitchen area 12' x 24, extra Bleeping loft. 3 pc. batt., electric heat, cathtal ceiling, 2 targe sundecks. Beautiful dlandscaped lot with tots of ftees 150' x 00', modern garage 33' s 14' cement floor. iebee* call ADR FLOWER% $l Vt*I 5$44$13 GOVERNMENT GRANTS Buy your first new or old Witte and qualify for a 51500 provincial government grant. -Also qualify for a 5500 federal government grant on your first new home. New 3 bedroom brick home on Townsend Street under con- struction, This is your chance to pick your own colours. SEE US TODAY - Income Property - we have a desirable eight room duplex. p' F.H,A. heating, garage. excellent location. - Remodelled - 4 bedroom home. spacious new kitchen and cup- boards, luxurious carpet. very central. 200 acre beef and cash crop farm in Ripley area. Town Lots for Sale. Village of Bayfield, 1 acre with 4• bedrooms, split level, family a room, large living room with 1. stone fireplace. 10 percent mortgage. Try your offer. PI storey house, 3 bedrooms. 25 year.; old, down payment 3900 to a new first mortgage (don't forget the government grant of 31.500). Winthrop- village 527,500, extra large tot. 4 bedrooms. double garage, large kitchen and living room. • Building lot across from Pine Lake Cath. Well treed. 134 x 138. List price 85.000. Try your offer. If you wish to find out the value of your -property (amount of mortgaging) or the best type of financing. please call Ron Samways 482-3337. ' O.N .SA`MWAY..$.. 482 .3337 wantowastamwalimmeassemmanuommomemaramoim 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT SMA 11 2 bedroom house in country =►n pard road. furnished .,r *mfurn,.hed Tenant with refrrenre. preferred For ap- pointment calf 482-3444 days or 482 8244 't ening. -41 • SPAt'1411.5 accommodation for -. ngtr person to .hare. t Jm- tatrtriy furna•hed t,ath cafeteria lounge and recreational fat,tmtme% Ataatablc nee. et V,ana.tr,a Park. information at J i ot, nhnuse No 3. Call 482- '7644.--36t1n TWO bedroom apartment 'for 'rent. available Oct 15 Phone 482- 7618 -42 HOLIDAY HOME has vacancies for retired people Private hedrooms;. spacious sitting rooms, TV. three meals served daily in main dining room. Not a nursing home Phone Mrs. C Van Damme 4$2-3685.--42tfar d► R. MEED WANTED IMMEDiATE PLACEMENT` - openang for ambitious people if you want to work part time or full time Good income in your area. if you wish No experie necessary No telephone i terviews. For appointments c 524.2495. -42 LADY to clean one day a eek. Phone after 6 p.m. 482-74 arid Saturday a m. -42 RELIABLE person to babysit 8 month old, preferably in m home from 7.45 a.m. to 4:1 p.m. or babysitting services in exchange for room and board. Phone 482-9339 after 6 p.m. -.42.43