HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-10-09, Page 8O..
Asa •de e4 ctrl at the
a+cidetat e
y wife. driers» »oiling« R+ r
Oeatreicher, and the nurses who
Mere syr, 1444, YO ur thought
in"s- 4 greatly appreciated*
Edith and Irvine Tebbt t, 11*
GRRALIS - 1 would like to ea-
press sty gratitude to friends and
relatives who sent cards, flowers
and gifts. Also visited the while in
Clinton hospital and University
Hospital, London.. —41x
Pi - We latr , we smile, we
*Idi40 ane knows what we feel
V4 eioi ed you so, and even though
y+ou: are gone. Our love for you
will always Ilveoa.
R's just One year you had to go,
and even though weloved you so.
GOd took you to be with him
above. We'll never fqrget you and
our love. • in loving memory of
.John Medd who passed away one
year ago Oct. 15, 1974. Lovingly
remembered by wife Doreen and
family. —41
TALBOT Sincere thanks to alt
who remembered me with cards,
gifts and visits. while a patient in
Clinton Public Hospital and since
returning home, Special, thanks
to the doctors and nurses. All was
gratefully appreciated. Steve
Talbot. —41
SCOTT - A sincere thank you to
all who made our; 50th ' wedding
anniversary such a happy oc-
casion, to those who sent cards.
flowers and gilts. A special thank
you to Unit 3 of the U.C.W. for
their part. A special thank you to
our family who made it all
possible. Ross and Alice Scott.
NOV. 3 - NOV. 7
7:00 P.M.
NOV: 9 i:00 P.M.
Everyone Welcome!
WALKER - 1 wish to thank
relatives. friends, and the Rev.
Stephens for cards. visits, and
gifts while I was a patient in
Clinton Public Hospital. Special
thanks to Dr. Barrett and nursing
staff. Norman Walker. --4tx
GERRITS - We would like to
thank everyone, relatives.
friends and neighbours who sent
cards, flowers and brayed for us
while 1' was in the University!
Hospital. and while recovering at
home. Everyone was so kind and
thoughtful and we would like
everyone to know that it was very
much appreciated. Leidy Gerrits
and family. —41 -
WEST - I wish to thank my many
friends and customers for the
lovely cards, gifts and flowers
while I .was in St. Joseph's
Hospital. London. Connie West.
Woollen Shoppe. —41
KERR - The family of the late
Ella Kerr of Exeter formerly of
London and Bayfield wish to
express our sincere "thanks" to
all our relatives, friends, and
neighbours for the floral tributes.
donations to the Heart Fund, the
many acts of kindness shown in
the loss of a. dear wife. mother
and grandmother and daughter.
A special "Thank you" to Dr.
Gans for his care of us all, to Rev,
Snell, the pallbearers and to
everyone who helped in any way.
Sincerely Craig, Ernest. Ruth
Anne. Mother and Joe. —41
HUMMEL: I would like to thank
relatives and -friends for their
visits, cards and flowers during
my stay in the Clinton Public
Hospital and while at home.
Special thanks to Drs. Lambert
and Street and the staff on first
flopr; Rose Hummel, --41
Clinton Minor Ilockey
1975-76 season
Clinton Arena
Sat. Oct. 1 1
Sat. Oct. 1 8
Pee Wee
= Atom
born after Dec. 31, 56
born after Dec. 31, 58
born after Dec. 31, 60
born after Dec. 31, 62
born after Dec. 31, 64
s 1200
s 1 2°°
s 1 2°0
s 1 2 00
Novice born after Dec. 31, 66 s 5 00
Nota: -This saalion boys playing all-star will be.
assessed additionally the following
Juvenile S11.00
Bantam S7.00
Atom SS.UO
This all star assessment will be payable when the
coaches make their final selections of all star team -
All boys must be equipped with C.R.A. approved
helmet, teeth guard, shin guards. skaters with plastic
tip guard, stick & sweater.
"Keep your boy out of Hot Water;
Put him an ice"
Registration Porno will be available at
The Clinton Arena
The Clinton Public School
St. Joti.ph'a School
Calvin Christian School
Willett Central School Londesboro
Godsrich Township School Hohneavitin
Miran Centennial School erucafiald
the Clinton Minor Hockey Association
Team. Monaoonr & coac%s; Relsreell, time and *gory
keepers,esttd Nouse league convenors.
If you feel you can assist the association, please indicate the
Catataary in the boo below and returq to Box 91 Clinton by
Octisber 17. 1975
Midget WOO
Poe Wee $8.oO
TIM* Kasper
Pea Wee
Scorn Keeper 1A*
Mf parents Of' iigtlHotkey Pia
enktr* tar (* l cunt Minor
• AU Star
a term
House League 0
era others dIdn!tev*nwearsheerforthefgmlleelym .twe k. -a aa►�s
Liens duly last Saturday. Hese a Pcmarled by �tC Clinton of 'walkers' run dawn the Rayifetd Read Upwards Gilnten.
lobate:n n and his son were the first to finish the ceurse. (News -Record phone)
Chib wins one, forfeits other
In two Second Division League
games over the weekend. the
Clinton Soccer Club picked up
two valuable points and retained
a slim one point lead over the
German Calneadian'8'team in the
race to stay in Second Division
next season. '
Clinton travelled to St. Thomas
on Saturday and despite having
only nine players beat the
.•I£ickers" 2-1.
Both Clinton goals came in the
first ten minutes. Brian Kennedy
started the scoring from a
!Jarrett pass and minutes later,
Bill Canteton added number two
from a pass by Brian Jewitt
The Clinton boys were in total
command of the game at this
point • with Derwin Carter han-
dling everything confidently in
The second half found St.
Thomas more in the game, but
Carter was unbeatable even on
penalty shots when he saved one
and then again whdh the shot had
to be retaken, because Carter
moved before the ball was
The Clinton tactics were simple
from then on -- slow the game
down and retain possession of the
ball. This they did. but, onone
occasion it backfired and St.
Thomas were quick to take ad-
vantage of the slip and beat
Carter with a near point blank
shot .
Clinton clung tenaciously to
the slim one goal lead but the
going was rough when ten
minutes from full time, Don
McDaid who had played a strong
defensive game, was sent off for
defending himself against a St.
Thomas player determined to
take somebody with him after a
deliberate foul on McDaid.
The eight Clinton players
remaining somehow survived the
final few minutes to come out
ahead well de0erved winners.
Clinton 's hopes of taking two
-more points on Sunday against
London White Eagles, were
crushed when a mix-up- in ,game
Bluebirds slay Deadstock
The Clinton Bluebirds staged a
major upset last week when they
beat the Huron Deadstock team
7-3 to win the Men's Industrial
Fastball championship.
The Birds last week faced
elimination in the best of five
playoff series. losing the first two
games, but they fought back and
beat the deadstock three games
straight to win the series.
Despite temperatures that
were below zero (Celcius) Steve
MacDonald kept his arm hot and
limited the Deadstock to only
three runs.
Reliever Greg Burns of the
Birds came on in the top of the
seventh to 'cool the Deadstock .
Ace Deadstock pitcher George
McClinchey, who was credited
with bringing the Deadstockers
into the finals, couldn't keep the
Bird bats quiet.
Particularly bot at the plate.fo,
the Birds was Robert "Dori`
Miller. who had a homer and a
The diamonds are now quiet for
another year. but the,- Men's
Industrial Hockey League is
scheduled to start in several
weeks. so many of the boys will
be able to keep in shape.
Coiis open camp to ►zip; h t
The long awaited hockey
season has arrived for the Clinton
Colts. who this Thursday night.
October 9. at 9 p.m. open. their
training camp at the Clinton
The boys will be working hard
in preparation for the opening
game of the season which will be
held here in Clinton on October 23
against G oderich.
Clinton 'will be playing in the
"A" group of the Ontario Hockey
Association's Intermediate "C"
division this year and faces
teams from Goderich, Lucknow,
Paisley. Port Elgin and Hanover.
Clinton will play their home
games on Thursday and Sunday
nights this year and hope to ice a
competitive team.
The Colt management is
looking for any prospects and
should you miss the Thursday
night camp, practices will be held
Saturday and Sunday night at 7
p. m. each night.
Contact Robert Miller or Gary
Fleet for more details.
Served Sunday & Monday
October 1 2 and 1 3
Roast Turkey, with Savoury Dressing,
Creamy Mashed Potatoes. Buttered Minted
Peas, Pumpkin Pie, or your choice of pis.
Soup or Juice, tea or coffer included.
times forced Clinton to forfeit the
Hopefully. this unfortunate
incident will not cost Clinton its
positipn in Second Division, but
now it is necessary for Clinton to
win both remaining games and
not go Oh the assumption that the
German Canadians will lose
In any event, we are assured of
an exciting finish to the 1975
season with the final League
standings in doubt up to the last
Don't miss Clinton's last home
game on Sunday, October 12th
against London St. Georges.
Game time 3 p.m. at the Clinton
opptir?rr►►iSm and
the air anter the
mpressive first year
ig in the Central Junior
league last season. To
',your memory. the Clinton
finished In third place last
rear'•.irt a fietdof six.
They were the only first year
club in the division and were
eventually beaten put by the New
Hamburg 'alms, who in-
cidentally. were all -Ontario semi-
finalists last year.
The Mustangs. who have only
lost two regulars from last
season's team, are therefore
looking to an exciting and suc-
cessful sophomore year.
There has also been some
promising looking new talent at
training camp .this year starting
positions just could be hard to
secure. Coach Bill Weber is;
however. reserving comment on
his camp until some of his
players who are attending
university can appear at practice
on a more regular basis.
Injuries at camp have also
thinned out the' field somewhat,
but at this time there seems to be
nothing serious and the team
should be at full strength for
Friday night's game.
The players and executive are
therefore extending to one and all
their best wishes and an in-
vit at ion to come out and enjoy
some very fine hockey. It will be
great entertainment and your
support through attendance will
be sincerely welcome.
It is also my pleasant duty to
inform the area's senior citizens
that they will be admitted to all
Mustang home games free of
So we hope to see lots of fans
Bawling seasons starts
The Bowling sewn is now
under way at. the Clinton Crown
In the Clinton -Blyth Ladies
League, The Gutter Gals and the
All Stars tied for first place with
seven -points apiece. Tootles
Fruities are next with six points;
The Happy Gang. four: Lazy
Susans, three and Ann's Angels,
In the Molson's Crown Mixed
league. The Jolly -5" had a total
of seven points: The Bromley
Bunch. Road Runners, and Dead
Beats. five apiece: The Rolling
Stones, Try Hards and Bill"s
Streakers two points apiece and
Tears IV zero points.
With the high single'ladies' and
men's scores were Elizabeth
Collins with 289 points and Bill
Dobson with 296 points: high
triple ladies and men.Pat
Thomas with 665 points and John
Meade with 733 points: and high
average ladies and men.. Pat
Thomas with 211 points and Ken
Johnston with 238points.
In the Clinton Crown YBC Teen
League. the "We've Had It's"
and the Neyatts were tied for first
place with 18 points apiece: The
Sunshine Kids. 17; Holland's
Hoppers. 15: Theidon
't giveahoot s, and the Pro Joe's
with 11 apiece. Sack's Super-
st ars. 10 and Jaw's with nine
The high single girls' and boys'
scores were rolled by, Wendy
Gibbings with 225 and Steve
Gibbings with 268: high triple
girls' and boys`, Deb Johnston,
612 points and. Keith Howatt. 701,
and high average girls' and
boys', Deb Johnston. 195 points
and Keith Howatt, 232 points.
In the Londesboro Men's
League, the Colts. Ponys and
Datsuns tied for first place with
13 points each, followed by the
Toyotas. 1 i : the Vegas. 10: and
the: Volvos, three points.
Ed Salverda had both the
high single and high triple scores
with 306 and 714 points respec-
tively. and Murray Lyon had the
high average of 218 points.
N( �•�yYM+YYM4V
Hew Schel
Friday - , 19 against Bran-
t frd
Friday - (let. 2'1- against Hanover
Friday - Oct. 31 -against L.lstowel
Friday - Nov. 7 • against Kin-
Sunday - Nov. 9 - against New
Friday - Nov. 21 - against
Sunday . - Nov. 23 - against
Friday Nov. 28 - against London
Sunday - Nov. 30 - against New
1 . 1. -
Snday ' >. *I altaw
Friday - Jars, .2 - against
Sunday - Jan. 4 - against
Sunday - Jan. 18 • .ago;
Friday - .Ian. 23 - against Listowe
Friday - Jan. 30 - against Ne, w.
Friday - Feb. 6 - against Hanover,
f all Friday night games will
commence at 8:30 p.rn, alt
Sunday night games will corn,
menceat 7:30p.mn.
�.'---• UP SAV .i—.i�`.—�a�r��r-r.�n �.���►w���
Registration: Ott. 20. 7:30 - 1:00 p.m.
1. Christmas gifts from fake fur. Mary Garnett & 1#ale
beginning Oct. 20, and every Monday from a p.m, to 10 p.m.
at Holmesville School.Setasa s membership S1.00 per person
plus cost of your own materials,
Nagger/. You will need a tissue box sire 200. wing type brush
& comb, hair spray. The fur may be obtained at Session 1.
2, Macrame. Hazel & Bert McCreath
3, lied Phentex Place Mats - Kay Harris, Helen Craig. Marg
4.. Open Session. Conte for help in any Craft area already
5. New ideas in crocheting, cry hooking, broomstick
crocheting, hairpin lace. Gerry Bornath, Marion Powell
6. Personaiizedd altering of patterns - Alice Porter & Hazel
7. Flowers & Ornaments from bread dough.
8. Quilt making tit tune permits)
Gedericll Tewflsliip and Serreendiag
Area residents wakens
1kanksgiving eeen-"'")<t-
y� .- Y .. W s W r . 9 V , i - ', YOM. a . . . .w . o ♦ u
Country Steak House
Special TMenu
Sunday and Monday,
Turkey, Roast Beef. Charbroiled Steaks. t SO
With all the trimmings, Homemade Soup or EACHJuice. Dessert included.
* We will have Hentesacule meals every day --- Specials at noon
* We also serve :reskcfast -
+" 4 • . •`mak • .g► • • •, ' �!►
Treat yourself and your friends
for your convenience our HOT BUFFET is served
Licensed under L.C. R.O.
524 771*